Troilus and Cressida

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Achilles, and Patroclus.Enter Achilles and Patroclus TC V.i.1
Ile heat his blood with Greekish wine to night,I'll heat his blood with Greekish wine tonight,Greekish (adj.)
Greek, Grecian
TC V.i.1.1
Which with my Cemitar Ile coole to morrow:Which with my scimitar I'll cool tomorrow.scimitar (n.)
short curved sword with a single edge, from the East
TC V.i.2
Patroclus, / let vs Feast him to the hight.Patroclus, let us feast him to the height.height (n.)

old form: hight
maximum, highest amount, utmost degree
TC V.i.3
Heere comes Thersites. Here comes Thersites. TC V.i.4.1
Enter Thersites.Enter Thersites TC V.i.4
How now, thou core of Enuy?How now, thou core of envy? TC V.i.4.2
Thou crusty batch of Nature, what's the newes?Thou crusty botch of nature, what's the news?botch (n.)

old form: batch
tumour, boil, ulcer
TC V.i.5
Why thou picture of what thou seem'st,Why, thou picture of what thou seemest, TC V.i.6
& Idoll of Ideot-worshippers, here's a Letter for thee.and idol of idiot-worshippers, here's a letter for thee. TC V.i.7
From whence, Fragment?From whence, fragment?fragment (n.)
scrap of food, left-over
TC V.i.8
Why thou full dish of Foole, from Troy.Why, thou full dish of fool, from Troy. TC V.i.9
Achilles stands aside to read his letter TC V.i.10
Who keepes the Tent now?Who keeps the tent now?keep (v.)

old form: keepes
stay within, remain inside
TC V.i.10.1
The Surgeons box, or the Patients wound.The surgeon's box, or the patient's wound. TC V.i.11
Well said aduersity, and what need theseWell said, adversity! And what need theseneed (v.)
be necessary, be needful
TC V.i.12
adversity (n.)

old form: aduersity
piece of perversity, quibbler
tricks?tricks? TC V.i.13
Prythee be silent boy, I profit not by thyPrithee, be silent, boy; I profit not by thy TC V.i.14
talke, thou art thought to be Achilles male Thou art thought to be Achilles' male varlet.varlet (n.)

old form: Varlot
manservant, page, attendant
TC V.i.15
Male Varlot you Rogue? What's that?Male varlet, you rogue? What's that? TC V.i.16
Why his masculine Whore. Now the rottenWhy, his masculine whore. Now, the rottenrotten (adj.)
unhealthy, corrupting, unwholesome
TC V.i.17
diseases of the South, guts-griping Ruptures, Catarres,diseases of the south, guts-griping ruptures, catarrhs, TC V.i.18
Loades a grauell i'th'backe, Lethargies, cold Palsies, andloads o' gravel i'th' back, lethargies, cold palsies, andpalsy (n.)
shaking fit, tremor, paralysis
TC V.i.19
lethargy (n.)
unnatural drowsiness, harmful torpor
gravel (n.)

old form: grauell
stones, deposits
the like, take and take againe, such prepostrousthe like, take and take again such preposterouspreposterous (adj.)

old form: prepostrous
contrary to the natural order, monstrous, perverted
TC V.i.20
discoueries. Q addition 'rawe eies, durtrottē liuers, whissing lungs, bladders full of impostume. Sciaticaes lime-kills ith' palme, incurable bone-ach, and the riueled fee simple of the tetter take'discoveries!imposthume (n.)
abscess, putrid swelling
TC V.i.21
tetter (n.)
scaly eruption of the skin, scurf
rivelled (adj.)
furrowed, wrinkled
limekiln (n.)
limestone-like deposit, white lump
fee-simple, fee simple (n.)
private estate [belonging to the owner and his heirs for ever]; permanent lease, full possession
discovery (n.)
disclosure, admission, revelation
bone-ache (n.), Neapolitan bone-ache
[pain in the bones from Naples] syphilis, venereal disease
bladder (n.)
cavity, vessel [of the body]
Why thou damnable box of enuy thou,Why, thou damnable box of envy, thou, TC V.i.22
what mean'st thou to curse thus?what mean'st thou to curse thus? TC V.i.23
Do I curse thee?Do I curse thee? TC V.i.24
Why no, you ruinous But, you whorsonWhy no, you ruinous butt, you whoresonwhoreson (adj.)

old form: whorson
[abusive intensifier, serious or jocular] bastard, wretched, vile
TC V.i.25
ruinous (adj.)
ruined, decayed, ravaged
butt (n.)

old form: But
large cask, barrel
indistinguishable Curre.indistinguishable cur.indistinguishable (adj.)
shapeless, misshapen, disfigured
TC V.i.26
No? why art thou then exasperate, thou idle,No! Why art thou then exasperate, thou idleidle (adj.)
useless, barren, worthless
TC V.i.27
exasperate (adj.)
enraged, incensed, angered
immateriall skiene of Sleyd silke; thou greene Sarcenetimmaterial skein of sleave-silk, thou green sarcenetimmaterial (adj.)

old form: immateriall
flimsy, slight, of little substance
TC V.i.28
sarcenet, sarsanet (adj.)
of thin silk, light, flimsy
sleave-silk (n.)

old form: Sleyd silke
silk thread for embroidery
flap for a sore eye, thou tassell of a Prodigals purseflap for a sore eye, thou tassel of a prodigal's purse,prodigal (n.)
waster, squanderer, spendthrift
TC V.i.29
tassel (n.)

old form: tassell
ornamental fringe
thou: Ah how the poore world is pestred with suchthou? Ah, how the poor world is pestered with such TC V.i.30
water-flies, diminutiues of Nature.waterflies, diminutives of nature!diminutive (n.)

old form: diminutiues
undersized person, very small being
TC V.i.31
Out gall.Out, gall!gall (n.)
bile [reputed for its bitterness]
TC V.i.32
Finch Egge.Finch-egg! TC V.i.33
My sweet Patroclus, I am thwarted quiteMy sweet Patroclus, I am thwarted quite TC V.i.34
From my great purpose in to morrowes battell:From my great purpose in tomorrow's battle.purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
TC V.i.35
Heere is a Letter from Queene Hecuba,Here is a letter from Queen Hecuba, TC V.i.36
A token from her daughter, my faire Loue,A token from her daughter, my fair love, TC V.i.37
Both taxing me, and gaging me to keepeBoth taxing me and gaging me to keepgage (v.)
pledge, bind, commit
TC V.i.38
tax (v.)
order, tell, command
An Oath that I haue sworne. I will not breake it,An oath that I have sworn. I will not break it. TC V.i.39
Fall Greekes, faile Fame, Honor or go, or stay,Fall Greeks; fail fame; honour or go or stay; TC V.i.40
My maior vow lyes heere; this Ile obay:My major vow lies here; this I'll obey. –  TC V.i.41
Come, come Thersites, helpe to trim my Tent,Come, come, Thersites, help to trim my tent;trim (v.)
tidy up, make ready, prepare
TC V.i.42
This night in banquetting must all be spent.This night in banqueting must all be spent. –  TC V.i.43
Away Patroclus. Away, Patroclus! TC V.i.44
Exit.Exeunt Achilles and Patroclus TC V.i.44
With too much bloud, and too little Brain,With too much blood and too little brain,blood (n.)

old form: bloud
anger, temper, passion
TC V.i.45
these two may run mad: but if with too much braine, andthese two may run mad; but if with too much brain and TC V.i.46
too little blood, they do, Ile be a curer of madmen.too little blood they do, I'll be a curer of madmen. TC V.i.47
Heere's Agamemnon, an honest fellow enough, andHere's Agamemnon, an honest fellow enough, and TC V.i.48
one that loues Quailes, but he has not so much Braine asone that loves quails, but he has not so much brain asquail (n.)

old form: Quailes
courtesan, prostitute
TC V.i.49
eare-wax; and the goodly transformation of Iupiterear-wax; and the goodly transformation of JupiterJupiter, Jove (n.)
Roman supreme god; associated with the heavens and the weather, especially thunder and lightning; husband of Juno
TC V.i.50
there his Brother, the Bull, the primatiue Statue, andthere, his brother, the bull, the primitive statue andprimitive (adj.)

old form: primatiue
original, classical, typical
TC V.i.51
oblique memoriall of Cuckolds, a thrifty shooing-horneoblique memorial of cuckolds, a thrifty shoeing-hornoblique (adj.)
indirectly resembling
TC V.i.52
shoeing-horn (n.)

old form: shooing-horne
shoe-horn; person used as a tool, hanger-on
thrifty (adj.)
worthy, estimable; also: stingy, frugal
cuckold (n.)
[mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife
in a chaine, hanging at his Brothers legge, to what formein a chain, hanging at his brother's leg – to what form TC V.i.53
but that he is, shold wit larded with malice, and malicebut that he is should wit larded with malice, and malicewit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
TC V.i.54
lard (v.)
mix in, intermix, intermingle
forced with wit, turne him too: to an Asse were nothing;forced with wit, turn him to? To an ass were nothing;farce, force (v.)
stuff, cram
TC V.i.55
hee is both Asse and Oxe; to an Oxe were nothing, hee is bothhe is both ass and ox. To an ox were nothing; he is both TC V.i.56
Oxe and Asse: to be a Dogge, a Mule, a Cat, a Fitchew, a Toade,ox and ass. To be a dog, a mule, a cat, a fitchew, a toad,fitchew, fichew, ficho (n.)
polecat, skunk; also: prostitute
TC V.i.57
a Lizard, an Owle, a Puttocke, or a Herring without a Roe, Ia lizard, an owl, a puttock, or a herring without a roe, I puttock (n.)

old form: Puttocke
kite; greedy scavenger
TC V.i.58
would not care: but to be Menelaus, I would conspirewould not care; but to be Menelaus I would conspireconspire (v.)
practise, contrive, plot
TC V.i.59
against Destiny. Aske me not what I would be, if I wereagainst destiny. Ask me not what I would be, if I were TC V.i.60
not Thersites: for I care not to bee the lowse of a Lazar, sonot Thersites; for I care not to be the louse of a lazar solazar (n.)
leper, diseased person
TC V.i.61
care (v.)
feel concern, be anxious, trouble oneself
I were not Menelaus. Hoy-day, spirits and fires.I were not Menelaus. – Hoyday! Spirits and fires!hoyday (int.)
exclamation of contemptuous surprise, impatience
TC V.i.62
Enter Hector, Aiax, Agamemnon, Vlysses, Enter Hector, Troilus, Ajax, Agamemnon, Ulysses, TC V.i.63.1
Nestor, Diomed, with Lights.Nestor, Menelaus, and Diomedes, with lights TC V.i.63.2
We go wrong, we go wrong.We go wrong, we go wrong. TC V.i.63.1
Aiax. AJAX 
No yonder 'tis,No, yonder 'tis –  TC V.i.63.2
there where we see the light.There, where we see the lights. TC V.i.64.1
I trouble you.I trouble you. TC V.i.64.2
Aiax. AJAX 
No, not a whit.No, not a whit. TC V.i.65.1
Enter Achilles.Enter Achilles TC V.i.65
Heere comes himselfe to guide you?Here comes himself to guide you. TC V.i.65.2
Welcome braue Hector, welcome Princes all.Welcome, brave Hector; welcome, princes all.brave (adj.)

old form: braue
noble, worthy, excellent
TC V.i.66
So now faire Prince of Troy, I bid goodnight,So now, fair prince of Troy, I bid good night. TC V.i.67
Aiax commands the guard to tend on you.Ajax commands the guard to tend on you. TC V.i.68
Thanks, and goodnight to the Greeks general.Thanks, and good night to the Greeks' general. TC V.i.69
Goodnight my Lord.Good night, my lord. TC V.i.70.1
Goodnight sweet Lord Menelaus.Good night, sweet Lord Menelaus. TC V.i.70.2
Sweet draught: sweet quoth-a? sweet sinke,Sweet draught, sweet, quoth 'a! Sweet sink,draught (n.)
privy, cesspool, sewer
TC V.i.71
quoth (v.)
sink (n.)

old form: sinke
cesspool, waste pit, sewer
sweet sure.sweet sewer! TC V.i.72
Goodnight and welcom, both at once, to thoseGood night and welcome both at once to those TC V.i.73
that go, or tarry.That go or tarry.tarry (v.)
stay, remain, linger
TC V.i.74
Goodnight.Good night. TC V.i.75
Exeunt Agamemnon and Menelaus TC V.i.75
Old Nestor tarries, and you too Diomed,Old Nestor tarries, and you too, Diomed; TC V.i.76
Keepe Hector company an houre, or two.Keep Hector company an hour or two. TC V.i.77
I cannot Lord, I haue important businesse,I cannot, lord; I have important business, TC V.i.78
The tide whereof is now, goodnight great Hector.The tide whereof is now. – Good night, great Hector.tide (n.)
season, date, time [of year]
TC V.i.79
Giue me your hand.Give me your hand. TC V.i.80.1
(aside to Troilus) TC V.i.80
Follow his Torch, he goesFollow his torch; he goes TC V.i.80.2
to Chalcas Tent, / Ile keepe you company.To Calchas' tent. I'll keep you company. TC V.i.81
(aside to Ulysses) TC V.i.82
Sweet sir, you honour me.Sweet sir, you honour me. TC V.i.82.1
And so good night.And so, good night. TC V.i.82.2
Exit Diomedes, Ulysses and Troilus following TC V.i.82
Come, come, enter my Tent. Come, come, enter my tent. TC V.i.83
Exeunt.Exeunt Achilles, Hector, Ajax, and Nestor TC V.i.83
That same Diomed's a false-hearted Rogue,That same Diomed's a false-hearted rogue, TC V.i.84
a most vniust Knaue; I will no more trust him when heea most unjust knave; I will no more trust him when heknave (n.)

old form: Knaue
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
TC V.i.85
unjust (adj.)

old form: vniust
dishonest, untrustworthy, crooked
leeres, then I will a Serpent when he hisses: he will leers than I will a serpent when he hisses. He willleer (v.)

old form: leeres
look sideways, cast a side glance, smile disarmingly
TC V.i.86
spend his mouth & promise, like Brabler thespend his mouth, and promise, like Brabbler thespend one's mouth
[hunting] bark, bay, give tongue
TC V.i.87
Hound; but when he performes, Astronomers foretell it,hound; but when he performs, astronomers foretell it,astronomer (n.)
TC V.i.88
that it is prodigious, there will come some change: thethat it is prodigious, there will come some change. Theprodigious (adj.)
ominous, portentous, promising evil
TC V.i.89
Sunne borrowes of the Moone when Diomed keepes hissun borrows of the moon when Diomed keeps his TC V.i.90
word. I will rather leaue to see Hector, then not to doggeword. I will rather leave to see Hector than not to dogdog (v.)

old form: dogge
follow closely, pursue like a dog
TC V.i.91
leave (v.)

old form: leaue
cease, stop, give up
him: they say, he keepes a Troyan Drab, and vses thehim: they say he keeps a Trojan drab, and uses theuse (v.)

old form: vses
frequent, hang out at, visit regularly
TC V.i.92
drab (n.)
harlot, slut, whore
Traitour Chalcas his Tent. Ile after---Nothing buttraitor Calchas his tent. I'll after. – Nothing but TC V.i.93
Letcherie? All incontinent Varlets. lechery! All incontinent varlets!incontinent (adj.)
unchaste, unable to restrain oneself
TC V.i.94
varlet (n.)
knave, rogue, rascal, ruffian
ExeuntExit TC V.i.94
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