First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
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Enter Duke, Varrius, Lords, Angelo, Esculus, Lucio, | Enter Duke, Varrius, Lords, Angelo, Escalus, Lucio, | | MM V.i.1.1 | |
Citizens at seuerall doores. | Provost, Officers, and Citizens at several doors | several (adj.) separate, different, distinct | MM V.i.1.2 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
My very worthy Cosen, fairely met, | My very worthy cousin, fairly met. | | MM V.i.1 | |
Our old, and faithfull friend, we are glad to see you. | Our old and faithful friend, we are glad to see you. | | MM V.i.2 | |
Ang. Esc. | ANGELO and ESCALUS | | | |
Happy returne be to your royall grace. | Happy return be to your royal grace. | | MM V.i.3 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Many and harty thankings to you both: | Many and hearty thankings to you both. | thanking (n.) word of thanks, expression of gratitude | MM V.i.4 | |
We haue made enquiry of you, and we heare | We have made inquiry of you, and we hear | | MM V.i.5 | |
Such goodnesse of your Iustice, that our soule | Such goodness of your justice that our soul | | MM V.i.6 | |
Cannot but yeeld you forth to publique thankes | Cannot but yield you forth to public thanks, | | MM V.i.7 | |
Forerunning more requitall. | Forerunning more requital. | requital (n.) recompense, reward, repayment | MM V.i.8.1 | |
| | forerun (v.) forecast, foreshadow, be the precursor of | | |
Ang. | ANGELO | | | |
You make my bonds still greater. | You make my bonds still greater. | bond (n.) duty, commitment, obligation | MM V.i.8.2 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Oh your desert speaks loud, & I should wrong it | O, your desert speaks loud, and I should wrong it | desert, desart (n.) deserving, due recompense, right | MM V.i.9 | |
To locke it in the wards of couert bosome | To lock it in the wards of covert bosom, | ward (n.) cell [in a prison] | MM V.i.10 | |
| | bosom (n.) heart, inner person | | |
| | covert (adj.) secret, hidden, concealed | | |
When it deserues with characters of brasse | When it deserves with characters of brass | character (n.) letter, letter-shape, graphic symbol | MM V.i.11 | |
A forted residence 'gainst the tooth of time, | A forted residence 'gainst the tooth of time | forted (adj.) fortified, reinforced, strengthened | MM V.i.12 | |
And razure of obliuion: Giue we your hand | And razure of oblivion. Give me your hand, | razure (n.) erasure, effacement, obliteration | MM V.i.13 | |
And let the Subiect see, to make them know | And let the subject see, to make them know | subject (n.) subjects, people [of a state] | MM V.i.14 | |
That outward curtesies would faine proclaime | That outward courtesies would fain proclaim | fain (adv.) gladly, willingly | MM V.i.15 | |
Fauours that keepe within: Come Escalus, | Favours that keep within. Come, Escalus, | keep (v.) lodge, live, dwell | MM V.i.16 | |
You must walke by vs, on our other hand: | You must walk by us on our other hand, | | MM V.i.17 | |
And good supporters are you. | And good supporters are you. | | MM V.i.18 | |
Enter Peter and Isabella. | Enter Friar Peter and Isabella | | MM V.i.19 | |
Peter. | FRIAR PETER | | | |
Now is your time / Speake loud, and kneele before him. | Now is your time. Speak loud and kneel before him. | | MM V.i.19 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
Iustice, O royall Duke, vaile your regard | Justice, O royal Duke! Vail your regard | regard (n.) look, glance, gaze | MM V.i.20 | |
| | vail (v.) lower, direct downwards | | |
Vpon a wrong'd (I would faine haue said a Maid) | Upon a wronged – I would fain have said, a maid. | fain (adv.) gladly, willingly | MM V.i.21 | |
Oh worthy Prince, dishonor not your eye | O worthy prince, dishonour not your eye | | MM V.i.22 | |
By throwing it on any other obiect, | By throwing it on any other object | | MM V.i.23 | |
Till you haue heard me, in my true complaint, | Till you have heard me in my true complaint | | MM V.i.24 | |
And giuen me Iustice, Iustice, Iustice, Iustice. | And given me justice, justice, justice, justice! | | MM V.i.25 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Relate your wrongs; / In what, by whom? be briefe: | Relate your wrongs. In what? By whom? Be brief. | | MM V.i.26 | |
Here is Lord Angelo shall giue you Iustice, | Here is Lord Angelo shall give you justice. | | MM V.i.27 | |
Reueale your selfe to him. | Reveal yourself to him. | | MM V.i.28.1 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
Oh worthy Duke, | O worthy Duke, | | MM V.i.28.2 | |
You bid me seeke redemption of the diuell, | You bid me seek redemption of the devil. | | MM V.i.29 | |
Heare me your selfe: for that which I must speake | Hear me yourself, for that which I must speak | | MM V.i.30 | |
Must either punish me, not being beleeu'd, | Must either punish me, not being believed, | | MM V.i.31 | |
Or wring redresse from you: / Heare me: oh heare me, heere. | Or wring redress from you. Hear me, O hear me, hear. | | MM V.i.32 | |
Ang. | ANGELO | | | |
My Lord, her wits I feare me are not firme: | My lord, her wits, I fear me, are not firm. | wits, also five wits faculties of the mind (common wit, imagination, fantasy, estimation, memory) or body (the five senses) | MM V.i.33 | |
She hath bin a suitor to me, for her Brother | She hath been a suitor to me for her brother, | | MM V.i.34 | |
Cut off by course of Iustice. | Cut off by course of justice – | course (n.) course of action, way of proceeding | MM V.i.35.1 | |
| | cut off (v.) put to death, bring to an untimely end | | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
By course of Iustice. | By course of justice! | | MM V.i.35.2 | |
Ang. | ANGELO | | | |
And she will speake most bitterly, and strange. | And she will speak most bitterly and strange. | | MM V.i.36 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
Most strange: but yet most truely wil I speake, | Most strange, but yet most truly, will I speak. | | MM V.i.37 | |
That Angelo's forsworne, is it not strange? | That Angelo's forsworn, is it not strange? | forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word | MM V.i.38 | |
That Angelo's a murtherer, is't not strange? | That Angelo's a murderer, is't not strange? | | MM V.i.39 | |
That Angelo is an adulterous thiefe, | That Angelo is an adulterous thief, | thief (n.) villain, scoundrel, rogue, wretch | MM V.i.40 | |
An hypocrite, a virgin violator, | An hypocrite, a virgin-violator, | | MM V.i.41 | |
Is it not strange? and strange? | Is it not strange, and strange? | | MM V.i.42.1 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Nay it is ten times strange? | Nay, it is ten times strange. | | MM V.i.42.2 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
It is not truer he is Angelo, | It is not truer he is Angelo | | MM V.i.43 | |
Then this is all as true, as it is strange; | Than this is all as true as it is strange. | | MM V.i.44 | |
Nay, it is ten times true, for truth is truth | Nay, it is ten times true, for truth is truth | | MM V.i.45 | |
To th' end of reckning. | To th' end of reck'ning. | | MM V.i.46.1 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Away with her: poore soule | Away with her. Poor soul, | | MM V.i.46.2 | |
She speakes this, in th' infirmity of sence. | She speaks this in th' infirmity of sense. | | MM V.i.47 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
Oh Prince, I coniure thee, as thou beleeu'st | O prince, I conjure thee, as thou believ'st | conjure (v.) ask solemnly, entreat earnestly, beseech | MM V.i.48 | |
There is another comfort, then this world, | There is another comfort than this world, | | MM V.i.49 | |
That thou neglect me not, with that opinion | That thou neglect me not with that opinion | | MM V.i.50 | |
That I am touch'd with madnesse: make not impossible | That I am touched with madness. Make not impossible | touch (v.) stain, taint, infect | MM V.i.51 | |
That which but seemes vnlike, 'tis not impossible | That which but seems unlike. 'Tis not impossible | unlike (adj.) unlikely, incredible, unbelievable | MM V.i.52 | |
But one, the wickedst caitiffe on the ground | But one, the wicked'st caitiff on the ground, | caitiff (n.) [sympathetic or contemptuous] miserable wretch, wretched creature | MM V.i.53 | |
May seeme as shie, as graue, as iust, as absolute: | May seem as shy, as grave, as just, as absolute | shy (adj.) wary, cautious, reserved | MM V.i.54 | |
| | absolute (adj.) perfect, complete, incomparable | | |
As Angelo, euen so may Angelo | As Angelo. Even so may Angelo, | | MM V.i.55 | |
In all his dressings, caracts, titles, formes, | In all his dressings, characts, titles, forms, | charact, caract (n.) insignia, badge, distinctive emblem | MM V.i.56 | |
| | form (n.) formal procedure, due process, formality | | |
| | dressing (n.) official robes, finery | | |
Be an arch-villaine: Beleeue it, royall Prince | Be an arch-villain. Believe it, royal prince. | | MM V.i.57 | |
If he be lesse, he's nothing, but he's more, | If he be less, he's nothing: but he's more, | | MM V.i.58 | |
Had I more name for badnesse. | Had I more name for badness. | | MM V.i.59.1 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
By mine honesty | By mine honesty, | honesty (n.) honour, integrity, uprightness | MM V.i.59.2 | |
If she be mad, as I beleeue no other, | If she be mad, as I believe no other, | | MM V.i.60 | |
Her madnesse hath the oddest frame of sense, | Her madness hath the oddest frame of sense, | sense (n.) common sense, natural feeling, reasonableness | MM V.i.61 | |
| | frame (n.) framework, structure, construction | | |
Such a dependancy of thing, on thing, | Such a dependency of thing on thing, | dependency, dependancy (n.) dependence | MM V.i.62 | |
As ere I heard in madnesse. | As e'er I heard in madness. | | MM V.i.63.1 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
Oh gracious Duke | O gracious Duke, | | MM V.i.63.2 | |
Harpe not on that; nor do not banish reason | Harp not on that, nor do not banish reason | | MM V.i.64 | |
For inequality, but let your reason serue | For inequality, but let your reason serve | inequality (n.) [unclear meaning] difference of rank, social disparity; injustice, partiality | MM V.i.65 | |
To make the truth appeare, where it seemes hid, | To make the truth appear where it seems hid, | | MM V.i.66 | |
And hide the false seemes true. | And hide the false seems true. | | MM V.i.67.1 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Many that are not mad | Many that are not mad | | MM V.i.67.2 | |
Haue sure more lacke of reason: / What would you say? | Have sure more lack of reason. What would you say? | | MM V.i.68 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
I am the Sister of one Claudio, | I am the sister of one Claudio, | | MM V.i.69 | |
Condemnd vpon the Act of Fornication | Condemned upon the act of fornication | | MM V.i.70 | |
To loose his head, condemn'd by Angelo, | To lose his head, condemned by Angelo. | | MM V.i.71 | |
I, (in probation of a Sisterhood) | I, in probation of a sisterhood, | probation (n.) candidature for membership, process of becoming a novice | MM V.i.72 | |
Was sent to by my Brother; one Lucio | Was sent to by my brother. One Lucio | | MM V.i.73 | |
As then the Messenger. | As then the messenger – | | MM V.i.74.1 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
That's I, and't like your Grace: | That's I, an't like your grace. | like (v.) please, suit | MM V.i.74.2 | |
I came to her from Claudio, and desir'd her, | I came to her from Claudio, and desired her | | MM V.i.75 | |
To try her gracious fortune with Lord Angelo, | To try her gracious fortune with Lord Angelo | | MM V.i.76 | |
For her poore Brothers pardon. | For her poor brother's pardon. | | MM V.i.77.1 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
That's he indeede. | That's he indeed. | | MM V.i.77.2 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
You were not bid to speake. | You were not bid to speak. | | MM V.i.78.1 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
No, my good Lord, | No, my good lord, | | MM V.i.78.2 | |
Nor wish'd to hold my peace. | Nor wished to hold my peace. | | MM V.i.79.1 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
I wish you now then, | I wish you now, then. | | MM V.i.79.2 | |
Pray you take note of it: and when you haue | Pray you, take note of it, and when you have | | MM V.i.80 | |
A businesse for your selfe: pray heauen you then | A business for yourself, pray heaven you then | | MM V.i.81 | |
Be perfect. | Be perfect. | perfect (adj.) completely prepared, fully made ready | MM V.i.82.1 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
I warrant your honor. | I warrant your honour. | warrant (v.) assure, promise, guarantee, confirm | MM V.i.82.2 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
The warrant's for your selfe: take heede to't. | The warrant's for yourself: take heed to't. | | MM V.i.83 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
This Gentleman told somewhat of my Tale. | This gentleman told somewhat of my tale. | | MM V.i.84 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
Right. | Right. | | MM V.i.85 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
It may be right, but you are i'the wrong | It may be right, but you are i'the wrong | | MM V.i.86 | |
To speake before your time: proceed, | To speak before your time. Proceed. | | MM V.i.87.1 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
I went | I went | | MM V.i.87.2 | |
To this pernicious Caitiffe Deputie. | To this pernicious caitiff deputy – | caitiff (adj.) wretched, miserable, worthless | MM V.i.88 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
That's somewhat madly spoken. | That's somewhat madly spoken. | | MM V.i.89.1 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
Pardon it, | Pardon it, | | MM V.i.89.2 | |
The phrase is to the matter. | The phrase is to the matter. | matter, to the relevant, pertinent, apposite | MM V.i.90 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Mended againe: the matter: proceed. | Mended again. The matter. Proceed. | matter (n.) affair(s), business, real issue | MM V.i.91 | |
| | mend (v.) amend, improve, make better, put right | | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
In briefe, to set the needlesse processe by: | In brief, to set the needless process by, | | MM V.i.92 | |
How I perswaded, how I praid, and kneel'd, | How I persuaded, how I prayed, and kneeled, | | MM V.i.93 | |
How he refeld me, and how I replide | How he refelled me, and how I replied – | refel (v.) refuse, deny, reject | MM V.i.94 | |
(For this was of much length) the vild conclusion | For this was of much length – the vile conclusion | | MM V.i.95 | |
I now begin with griefe, and shame to vtter. | I now begin with grief and shame to utter. | | MM V.i.96 | |
He would not, but by gift of my chaste body | He would not, but by gift of my chaste body | | MM V.i.97 | |
To his concupiscible intemperate lust | To his concup'scible intemperate lust, | intemperate (adj.) excessive, immoderate, inordinate | MM V.i.98 | |
| | concupiscible (adj.) hotly desiring, sensual, voluptuous | | |
Release my brother; and after much debatement, | Release my brother, and after much debatement | debatement (n.) consideration, deliberation, discussion | MM V.i.99 | |
My sisterly remorse, confutes mine honour, | My sisterly remorse confutes mine honour, | remorse (n.) pity, compassion, tenderness | MM V.i.100 | |
| | confute (v.) overcome, confound, bring to nought | | |
And I did yeeld to him: But the next morne betimes, | And I did yield to him. But the next morn betimes, | morn (n.) morning, dawn | MM V.i.101 | |
| | betimes (adv.) early in the morning, at an early hour | | |
His purpose surfetting, he sends a warrant | His purpose surfeiting, he sends a warrant | surfeit (v.) feed to excess, over-indulge, glut | MM V.i.102 | |
| | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | | |
For my poore brothers head. | For my poor brother's head. | | MM V.i.103.1 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
This is most likely. | This is most likely! | | MM V.i.103.2 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
Oh that it were as like as it is true. | O, that it were as like as it is true. | like (adv.) likely, probable / probably | MM V.i.104 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
By heauen (fond wretch) yu knowst not what thou speak'st, | By heaven, fond wretch, thou know'st not what thou speak'st, | fond (adj.) foolish, stupid, mad | MM V.i.105 | |
Or else thou art suborn'd against his honor | Or else thou art suborned against his honour | suborn (v.) bribe, corrupt, persuade [someone] to commit perjury | MM V.i.106 | |
In hatefull practise: first his Integritie | In hateful practice. First, his integrity | practice (n.) trickery, treachery | MM V.i.107 | |
Stands without blemish: next it imports no reason, | Stands without blemish. Next, it imports no reason | import (v.) signify, mean, suggest | MM V.i.108 | |
That with such vehemency he should pursue | That with such vehemency he should pursue | pursue (v.) persecute, castigate, hound | MM V.i.109 | |
| | vehemency (n.) vehemence, forcefulness, fervour | | |
Faults proper to himselfe: if he had so offended | Faults proper to himself. If he had so offended, | proper (adj.) special, particular, specific | MM V.i.110 | |
He would haue waigh'd thy brother by himselfe, | He would have weighed thy brother by himself, | | MM V.i.111 | |
And not haue cut him off: some one hath set you on: | And not have cut him off. Someone hath set you on. | set on (v.) encourage, urge, incite | MM V.i.112 | |
Confesse the truth, and say by whose aduice | Confess the truth, and say by whose advice | | MM V.i.113 | |
Thou cam'st heere to complaine. | Thou cam'st here to complain. | | MM V.i.114.1 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
And is this all? | And is this all? | | MM V.i.114.2 | |
Then oh you blessed Ministers aboue | Then, O you blessed ministers above, | minister (n.) messenger, agent, servant | MM V.i.115 | |
Keepe me in patience, and with ripened time | Keep me in patience, and with ripened time | | MM V.i.116 | |
Vnfold the euill, which is heere wrapt vp | Unfold the evil which is here wrapped up | | MM V.i.117 | |
In countenance: heauen shield your Grace from woe, | In countenance. Heaven shield your grace from woe, | countenance (n.) favour, patronage, approval | MM V.i.118 | |
As I thus wrong'd, hence vnbeleeued goe. | As I thus wronged hence unbelieved go. | | MM V.i.119 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
I know you'ld faine be gone: An Officer: | I know you'd fain be gone. An officer! | fain (adv.) gladly, willingly | MM V.i.120 | |
To prison with her: Shall we thus permit | To prison with her. Shall we thus permit | | MM V.i.121 | |
A blasting and a scandalous breath to fall, | A blasting and a scandalous breath to fall | blasting (adj.) defaming, maligning, discrediting | MM V.i.122 | |
On him so neere vs? This needs must be a practise: | On him so near us? This needs must be a practice. | practice (n.) scheme, plot, stratagem, intrigue | MM V.i.123 | |
Who knew of your intent and comming hither? | Who knew of your intent and coming hither? | intent (n.) intention, purpose, aim | MM V.i.124 | |
Isa. | ISABELLA | | | |
One that I would were heere, Frier Lodowick. | One that I would were here, Friar Lodowick. | | MM V.i.125 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
A ghostly Father, belike: / Who knowes that Lodowicke? | A ghostly father, belike. Who knows that Lodowick? | belike (adv.) probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems | MM V.i.126 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
My Lord, I know him, 'tis a medling Fryer, | My lord, I know him, 'tis a meddling friar; | | MM V.i.127 | |
I doe not like the man: had he been Lay my Lord, | I do not like the man. Had he been lay, my lord, | | MM V.i.128 | |
For certaine words he spake against your Grace | For certain words he spake against your grace | | MM V.i.129 | |
In your retirment, I had swing'd him soundly. | In your retirement I had swinged him soundly. | swinge (v.) beat, thrash, flog | MM V.i.130 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Words against mee? this 'a good Fryer belike | Words against me? This' a good friar, belike, | belike (adv.) probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems | MM V.i.131 | |
And to set on this wretched woman here | And to set on this wretched woman here | set on (v.) encourage, urge, incite | MM V.i.132 | |
Against our Substitute: Let this Fryer be found. | Against our substitute! Let this friar be found. | substitute (n.) subordinate, deputy, underling | MM V.i.133 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
But yesternight my Lord, she and that Fryer | But yesternight, my lord, she and that friar, | yesternight (n.) last night | MM V.i.134 | |
I saw them at the prison: a sawcy Fryar, | I saw them at the prison. A saucy friar, | saucy (adj.) insolent, impudent, presumptuous, defiant | MM V.i.135 | |
A very scuruy fellow. | A very scurvy fellow. | scurvy (adj.) contemptible, despicable, wretched | MM V.i.136 | |
Peter. | FRIAR PETER | | | |
Blessed be your Royall Grace: | Blessed be your royal grace, | | MM V.i.137 | |
I haue stood by my Lord, and I haue heard | I have stood by, my lord, and I have heard | | MM V.i.138 | |
Your royall eare abus'd: first hath this woman | Your royal ear abused. First hath this woman | | MM V.i.139 | |
Most wrongfully accus'd your Substitute, | Most wrongfully accused your substitute, | substitute (n.) subordinate, deputy, underling | MM V.i.140 | |
Who is as free from touch, or soyle with her | Who is as free from touch or soil with her | | MM V.i.141 | |
As she from one vngot. | As she from one ungot. | ungot (adj.) unbegotten, unborn | MM V.i.142.1 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
We did beleeue no lesse. | We did believe no less. | | MM V.i.142.2 | |
Know you that Frier Lodowick that she speakes of? | Know you that Friar Lodowick that she speaks of? | | MM V.i.143 | |
Peter. | FRIAR PETER | | | |
I know him for a man diuine and holy, | I know him for a man divine and holy, | | MM V.i.144 | |
Not scuruy, nor a temporary medler | Not scurvy, nor a temporary meddler, | temporary (adj.) in temporal affairs, of this world's doings | MM V.i.145 | |
As he's reported by this Gentleman: | As he's reported by this gentleman, | | MM V.i.146 | |
And on my trust, a man that neuer yet | And, on my trust, a man that never yet | | MM V.i.147 | |
Did (as he vouches) mis-report your Grace. | Did – as he vouches – misreport your grace. | misreport (v.) speak badly of, slander | MM V.i.148 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
My Lord, most villanously, beleeue it. | My lord, most villainously, believe it. | | MM V.i.149 | |
Peter. | FRIAR PETER | | | |
Well: he in time may come to cleere himselfe; | Well, he in time may come to clear himself, | | MM V.i.150 | |
But at this instant he is sicke, my Lord: | But at this instant he is sick, my lord, | | MM V.i.151 | |
Of a strange Feauor: vpon his meere request | Of a strange fever. Upon his mere request, | mere (adj.) sole, personal, particular | MM V.i.152 | |
Being come to knowledge, that there was complaint | Being come to knowledge that there was complaint | | MM V.i.153 | |
Intended 'gainst Lord Angelo, came I hether | Intended 'gainst Lord Angelo, came I hither, | | MM V.i.154 | |
To speake as from his mouth, what he doth know | To speak, as from his mouth, what he doth know | | MM V.i.155 | |
Is true, and false: And what he with his oath | Is true and false, and what he with his oath | | MM V.i.156 | |
And all probation will make vp full cleare | And all probation will make up full clear, | probation (n.) proof, demonstration | MM V.i.157 | |
| | full (adv.) very, exceedingly, extremely | | |
Whensoeuer he's conuented: First for this woman, | Whensoever he's convented. First, for this woman, | convent (v.) summon, call to appear, send for | MM V.i.158 | |
To iustifie this worthy Noble man | To justify this worthy nobleman, | justify (v.) excuse, exonerate, clear | MM V.i.159 | |
So vulgarly and personally accus'd, | So vulgarly and personally accused, | vulgarly (adv.) publicly, openly, in front of the world | MM V.i.160 | |
Her shall you heare disproued to her eyes, | Her shall you hear disproved to her eyes, | | MM V.i.161 | |
Till she her selfe confesse it. | Till she herself confess it. | | MM V.i.162.1 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Good Frier, let's heare it: | Good friar, let's hear it. | | MM V.i.162.2 | |
| Isabella is led off, guarded | | MM V.i.162 | |
Enter Mariana. | Enter Mariana | | MM V.i.163 | |
Doe you not smile at this, Lord Angelo? | Do you not smile at this, Lord Angelo? | | MM V.i.163 | |
Oh heauen, the vanity of wretched fooles. | O heaven, the vanity of wretched fools! | | MM V.i.164 | |
Giue vs some seates, Come cosen Angelo, | Give us some seats. Come, cousin Angelo, | | MM V.i.165 | |
In this I'll be impartiall: be you Iudge | In this I'll be impartial. Be you judge | | MM V.i.166 | |
Of your owne Cause: Is this the Witnes Frier? | Of your own cause. Is this the witness, friar? | | MM V.i.167 | |
First, let her shew your face, and after, speake. | First, let her show her face, and after speak. | | MM V.i.168 | |
Mar. | MARIANA | | | |
Pardon my Lord, I will not shew my face | Pardon, my lord, I will not show my face | | MM V.i.169 | |
Vntill my husband bid me. | Until my husband bid me. | | MM V.i.170 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
What, are you married? | What, are you married? | | MM V.i.171 | |
Mar. | MARIANA | | | |
No my Lord. | No, my lord. | | MM V.i.172 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Are you a Maid? | Are you a maid? | | MM V.i.173 | |
Mar. | MARIANA | | | |
No my Lord. | No, my lord. | | MM V.i.174 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
A Widow then? | A widow, then? | | MM V.i.175 | |
Mar. | MARIANA | | | |
Neither, my Lord. | Neither, my lord. | | MM V.i.176 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Why you are nothing then: neither Maid, Widow, | Why, you are nothing then. Neither maid, widow, | | MM V.i.177 | |
nor Wife? | nor wife? | | MM V.i.178 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
My Lord, she may be a Puncke: for many of them, are | My lord, she may be a punk. For many of them are | punk (n.) harlot, strumpet, whore | MM V.i.179 | |
neither Maid, Widow, nor Wife. | neither maid, widow, nor wife. | | MM V.i.180 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Silence that fellow: I would he had some cause | Silence that fellow. I would he had some cause | | MM V.i.181 | |
to prattle for himselfe. | To prattle for himself. | | MM V.i.182 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
Well my Lord. | Well, my lord. | | MM V.i.183 | |
Mar. | MARIANA | | | |
My Lord, I doe confesse I nere was married, | My lord, I do confess I ne'er was married, | | MM V.i.184 | |
And I confesse besides, I am no Maid, | And I confess besides I am no maid; | | MM V.i.185 | |
I haue known my husband, yet my husband | I have known my husband, yet my husband | know (v.) have sexual knowledge of, have intercourse with | MM V.i.186 | |
Knowes not, that euer he knew me. | Knows not that ever he knew me. | | MM V.i.187 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
He was drunk then, my Lord, it can be no better. | He was drunk, then, my lord. It can be no better. | | MM V.i.188 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
For the benefit of silence, would thou wert so to. | For the benefit of silence, would thou wert so too. | | MM V.i.189 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
Well, my Lord. | Well, my lord. | | MM V.i.190 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
This is no witnesse for Lord Angelo. | This is no witness for Lord Angelo. | | MM V.i.191 | |
Mar. | MARIANA | | | |
Now I come to't, my Lord. | Now I come to't, my lord: | | MM V.i.192 | |
Shee that accuses him of Fornication, | She that accuses him of fornication | | MM V.i.193 | |
In selfe-same manner, doth accuse my husband, | In selfsame manner doth accuse my husband; | | MM V.i.194 | |
And charges him, my Lord, with such a time, | And charges him, my lord, with such a time | | MM V.i.195 | |
When I'le depose I had him in mine Armes | When, I'll depose, I had him in mine arms, | depose (v.) testify, bear witness | MM V.i.196 | |
With all th' effect of Loue. | With all th' effect of love. | | MM V.i.197 | |
Ang. | ANGELO | | | |
Charges she moe then me? | Charges she more than me? | | MM V.i.198.1 | |
Mar. | MARIANA | | | |
Not that I know. | Not that I know. | | MM V.i.198.2 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
No? you say your husband. | No? You say your husband? | | MM V.i.199 | |
Mar. | MARIANA | | | |
Why iust, my Lord, and that is Angelo, | Why, just, my lord, and that is Angelo, | just (adv.) quite so, correct | MM V.i.200 | |
Who thinkes he knowes, that he nere knew my body, | Who thinks he knows that he ne'er knew my body, | | MM V.i.201 | |
But knows, he thinkes, that he knowes Isabels. | But knows, he thinks, that he knows Isabel's. | | MM V.i.202 | |
Ang. | ANGELO | | | |
This is a strange abuse: Let's see thy face. | This is a strange abuse. Let's see thy face. | abuse (n.) deception, hoax, fraud | MM V.i.203 | |
Mar. | MARIANA | | | |
My husband bids me, now I will vnmaske. | My husband bids me. Now I will unmask. | | MM V.i.204 | |
| She unveils | | MM V.i.205 | |
This is that face, thou cruell Angelo | This is that face, thou cruel Angelo, | | MM V.i.205 | |
Which once thou sworst, was worth the looking on: | Which once thou swor'st was worth the looking on. | | MM V.i.206 | |
This is the hand, which with a vowd contract | This is the hand which, with a vowed contract, | | MM V.i.207 | |
Was fast belockt in thine: This is the body | Was fast belocked in thine. This is the body | fast (adv.) tightly, firmly, securely | MM V.i.208 | |
| | belock (v.) lock up, hold tight, intertwine | | |
That tooke away the match from Isabell, | That took away the match from Isabel, | match (n.) appointment, assignation, rendezvous | MM V.i.209 | |
And did supply thee at thy garden-house | And did supply thee at thy garden-house | supply (v.) satisfy, fulfil, gratify [sexually] | MM V.i.210 | |
| | garden-house (n.) small building in a garden [often used for lovers' assignations] | | |
In her Imagin'd person. | In her imagined person. | | MM V.i.211.1 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Know you this woman? | Know you this woman? | | MM V.i.211.2 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
Carnallie she saies. | Carnally, she says. | | MM V.i.212.1 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Sirha, no more. | Sirrah, no more! | | MM V.i.212.2 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
Enoug my Lord. | Enough, my lord. | | MM V.i.213 | |
Ang. | ANGELO | | | |
My Lord, I must confesse, I know this woman, | My lord, I must confess I know this woman, | | MM V.i.214 | |
And fiue yeres since there was some speech of marriage | And five years since there was some speech of marriage | | MM V.i.215 | |
Betwixt my selfe, and her: which was broke off, | Betwixt myself and her, which was broke off, | | MM V.i.216 | |
Partly for that her promis'd proportions | Partly for that her promised proportions | proportion (n.) marriage portion, dowry | MM V.i.217 | |
Came short of Composition: But in chiefe | Came short of composition, but in chief | chief, in chiefly, principally | MM V.i.218 | |
| | composition (n.) agreed settlement, expected arrangement | | |
For that her reputation was dis-valued | For that her reputation was disvalued | disvalued (adj.) discredited, disparaged, degraded | MM V.i.219 | |
In leuitie: Since which time of fiue yeres | In levity; since which time of five years | levity (n.) licentiousness, wantonness, immorality | MM V.i.220 | |
I neuer spake with her, saw her, nor heard from her | I never spake with her, saw her, nor heard from her, | | MM V.i.221 | |
Vpon my faith, and honor. | Upon my faith and honour. | | MM V.i.222.1 | |
Mar. | MARIANA | | | |
Noble Prince, | Noble prince, | | MM V.i.222.2 | |
As there comes light from heauen, and words frõ breath, | As there comes light from heaven and words from breath, | | MM V.i.223 | |
As there is sence in truth, and truth in vertue, | As there is sense in truth and truth in virtue, | | MM V.i.224 | |
I am affianced this mans wife, as strongly | I am affianced this man's wife as strongly | affiance (v.) betroth, engage, promise solemnly | MM V.i.225 | |
As words could make vp vowes: And my good Lord, | As words could make up vows, and, my good lord, | | MM V.i.226 | |
But Tuesday night last gon, in's garden house, | But Tuesday night last gone in's garden-house | | MM V.i.227 | |
He knew me as a wife. As this is true, | He knew me as a wife. As this is true, | | MM V.i.228 | |
Let me in safety raise me from my knees, | Let me in safety raise me from my knees | | MM V.i.229 | |
Or else for euer be confixed here | Or else for ever be confixed here | confix (v.) fix firmly, fasten, bind | MM V.i.230 | |
A Marble Monument. | A marble monument. | | MM V.i.231.1 | |
Ang. | ANGELO | | | |
I did but smile till now, | I did but smile till now. | | MM V.i.231.2 | |
Now, good my Lord, giue me the scope of Iustice, | Now, good my lord, give me the scope of justice. | scope (n.) opportunity, liberty, free course of action | MM V.i.232 | |
My patience here is touch'd: I doe perceiue | My patience here is touched. I do perceive | touch (v.) wound, hurt, injure | MM V.i.233 | |
These poore informall women, are no more | These poor informal women are no more | informal (adj.) demented, mentally disturbed | MM V.i.234 | |
But instruments of some more mightier member | But instruments of some more mightier member | | MM V.i.235 | |
That sets them on. Let me haue way, my Lord | That sets them on. Let me have way, my lord, | set on (v.) encourage, urge, incite | MM V.i.236 | |
| | way (n.) opportunity, scope | | |
To finde this practise out. | To find this practice out. | practice (n.) scheme, plot, stratagem, intrigue | MM V.i.237.1 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
I, with my heart, | Ay, with my heart, | | MM V.i.237.2 | |
And punish them to your height of pleasure. | And punish them to your height of pleasure. | | MM V.i.238 | |
Thou foolish Frier, and thou pernicious woman | Thou foolish friar, and thou pernicious woman, | | MM V.i.239 | |
Compact with her that's gone: thinkst thou, thy oathes, | Compact with her that's gone, think'st thou thy oaths, | compact (adj.) allied, in league, in collusion | MM V.i.240 | |
Though they would swear downe each particular Saint, | Though they would swear down each particular saint, | | MM V.i.241 | |
Were testimonies against his worth, and credit | Were testimonies against his worth and credit | | MM V.i.242 | |
That's seald in approbation? you, Lord Escalus | That's sealed in approbation? You, Lord Escalus, | approbation (n.) proof, confirmation, attestation | MM V.i.243 | |
Sit with my Cozen, lend him your kinde paines | Sit with my cousin, lend him your kind pains | | MM V.i.244 | |
To finde out this abuse, whence 'tis deriu'd. | To find out this abuse, whence 'tis derived. | abuse (n.) deception, hoax, fraud | MM V.i.245 | |
There is another Frier that set them on, | There is another friar that set them on; | | MM V.i.246 | |
Let him be sent for. | Let him be sent for. | | MM V.i.247 | |
Peter. | FRIAR PETER | | | |
Would he were here, my Lord, for he indeed | Would he were here, my lord, for he indeed | | MM V.i.248 | |
Hath set the women on to this Complaint; | Hath set the women on to this complaint. | | MM V.i.249 | |
Your Prouost knowes the place where he abides, | Your provost knows the place where he abides | provost (n.) officer in charge of the arrest, custody, and punishment of prisoners | MM V.i.250 | |
And he may fetch him. | And he may fetch him. | | MM V.i.251.1 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Goe, doe it instantly: | Go do it instantly; | | MM V.i.251.2 | |
| Exit Provost | | MM V.i.251 | |
And you, my noble and well-warranted Cosen | And you, my noble and well-warranted cousin, | well-warranted (adj.) highly approved, most justified | MM V.i.252 | |
Whom it concernes to heare this matter forth, | Whom it concerns to hear this matter forth, | | MM V.i.253 | |
Doe with your iniuries as seemes you best | Do with your injuries as seems you best, | injury (n.) insult, affront, slight | MM V.i.254 | |
In any chastisement; I for a while | In any chastisement. I for a while | chastisement (n.) punishment, retribution, correction | MM V.i.255 | |
Will leaue you; but stir not you till you haue | Will leave, but stir not you till you have well | | MM V.i.256 | |
Well determin'd vpon these Slanderers. | Determined upon these slanderers. | determine (v.) make a decision [about], reach a conclusion [about] | MM V.i.257 | |
Esc. | ESCALUS | | | |
My Lord, wee'll doe it throughly: | My lord, we'll do it throughly. | throughly (adv.) thoroughly, fully, completely | MM V.i.258 | |
Exit. | Exit Duke | | MM V.i.258 | |
Signior Lucio, did not you say you knew that Frier | Signor Lucio, did not you say you knew that Friar | | MM V.i.259 | |
Lodowick to be a dishonest person? | Lodowick to be a dishonest person? | dishonest (adj.) dishonourable, discreditable, shameful | MM V.i.260 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
Cucullus non facit Monachum, honest in nothing | Cucullus non facit monachum. Honest in nothing | cucullus... the hood does not make the monk | MM V.i.261 | |
but in his Clothes, and one that hath spoke most | but in his clothes, and one that hath spoke most | | MM V.i.262 | |
villanous speeches of the Duke. | villainous speeches of the Duke. | | MM V.i.263 | |
Esc. | ESCALUS | | | |
We shall intreat you to abide heere till he come, | We shall entreat you to abide here till he come | | MM V.i.264 | |
and inforce them against him: we shall finde this Frier a | and enforce them against him. We shall find this friar a | enforce (v.) emphasize, urge, lay stress upon | MM V.i.265 | |
notable fellow. | notable fellow. | notable (adj.) noted, notorious, conspicuous, infamous | MM V.i.266 | |
| | fellow (n.) worthless individual, good-for-nothing | | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
As any in Vienna, on my word. | As any in Vienna, on my word. | | MM V.i.267 | |
Esc. | ESCALUS | | | |
Call that same Isabell here once againe, I would | Call that same Isabel here once again. I would | | MM V.i.268 | |
speake with her: | speak with her. | | MM V.i.269 | |
| Exit an Attendant | | MM V.i.269 | |
pray you, my Lord, giue mee leaue to question, you shall | Pray you, my lord, give me leave to question. You shall | | MM V.i.270 | |
see how Ile handle her. | see how I'll handle her. | | MM V.i.271 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
Not better then he, by her owne report. | Not better than he, by her own report. | | MM V.i.272 | |
Esc. | ESCALUS | | | |
Say you? | Say you? | | MM V.i.273 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
Marry sir, I thinke, if you handled her priuately | Marry, sir, I think, if you handled her privately, | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | MM V.i.274 | |
She would sooner confesse, perchance publikely she'll be | she would sooner confess. Perchance publicly she'll be | perchance (adv.) perhaps, maybe | MM V.i.275 | |
asham'd. | ashamed. | | MM V.i.276 | |
Enter Duke, Prouost, Isabella. | Enter Duke, as a friar, Provost, Isabella, and | | MM V.i.277.1 | |
| Officers | | MM V.i.277.2 | |
Esc. | ESCALUS | | | |
I will goe darkely to worke with her. | I will go darkly to work with her. | darkly (adv.) cunningly, subtly, secretly | MM V.i.277 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
That's the way: for women are light at midnight. | That's the way, for women are light at midnight. | light (adj.) promiscuous, licentious, immoral, wanton | MM V.i.278 | |
Esc. | ESCALUS | | | |
Come on Mistris, here's a Gentlewoman, | Come on, mistress, here's a gentlewoman | gentlewoman (n.) woman of good breeding, well-born lady | MM V.i.279 | |
Denies all that you haue said. | denies all that you have said. | | MM V.i.280 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
My Lord, here comes the rascall I spoke of, / Here, | My lord, here comes the rascal I spoke of – here | | MM V.i.281 | |
with the Prouost. | with the provost. | | MM V.i.282 | |
Esc. | ESCALUS | | | |
In very good time: speake not you to him, till we | In very good time. Speak not you to him, till we | time, in good at the right moment | MM V.i.283 | |
call vpon you. | call upon you. | | MM V.i.284 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
Mum. | Mum. | mum (adj.) silent, mute, saying nothing | MM V.i.285 | |
Esc. | ESCALUS | | | |
Come Sir, did you set these women on to | Come, sir, did you set these women on to | set on (v.) encourage, urge, incite | MM V.i.286 | |
slander Lord Angelo? they haue confes'd you did. | slander Lord Angelo? They have confessed you did. | | MM V.i.287 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
'Tis false. | 'Tis false. | false (adj.) wrong, mistaken | MM V.i.288 | |
Esc. | ESCALUS | | | |
How? Know you where you are? | How? Know you where you are? | | MM V.i.289 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Respect to your great place; and let the diuell | Respect to your great place, and let the devil | place (n.) position, post, office, rank | MM V.i.290 | |
Be sometime honour'd, for his burning throne. | Be sometime honoured for his burning throne. | sometime (adv.) sometimes, now and then | MM V.i.291 | |
Where is the Duke? 'tis he should heare me speake. | Where is the Duke? 'Tis he should hear me speak. | | MM V.i.292 | |
Esc. | ESCALUS | | | |
The Duke's in vs: and we will heare you speake, | The Duke's in us, and we will hear you speak. | | MM V.i.293 | |
Looke you speake iustly. | Look you speak justly. | | MM V.i.294 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Boldly, at least. But oh poore soules, | Boldly at least. But O, poor souls, | | MM V.i.295 | |
Come you to seeke the Lamb here of the Fox; | Come you to seek the lamb here of the fox? | | MM V.i.296 | |
Good night to your redresse: Is the Duke gone? | Good night to your redress. Is the Duke gone? | | MM V.i.297 | |
Then is your cause gone too: The Duke's vniust, | Then is your cause gone too. The Duke's unjust, | | MM V.i.298 | |
Thus to retort your manifest Appeale, | Thus to retort your manifest appeal | manifest (adj.) clear, evident, obvious | MM V.i.299 | |
| | retort (v.) refuse, deny, reject | | |
And put your triall in the villaines mouth, | And put your trial in the villain's mouth | | MM V.i.300 | |
Which here you come to accuse. | Which here you come to accuse. | | MM V.i.301 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
This is the rascall: this is he I spoke of. | This is the rascal. This is he I spoke of. | | MM V.i.302 | |
Esc. | ESCALUS | | | |
Why thou vnreuerend, and vnhallowed Fryer: | Why, thou unreverend and unhallowed friar, | unreverend (adj.) irreverent, impertinent, impudent | MM V.i.303 | |
Is't not enough thou hast suborn'd these women, | Is't not enough thou hast suborned these women | suborn (v.) bribe, corrupt, persuade [someone] to commit perjury | MM V.i.304 | |
To accuse this worthy man? but in foule mouth, | To accuse this worthy man but, in foul mouth, | | MM V.i.305 | |
And in the witnesse of his proper eare, | And in the witness of his proper ear, | proper (adj.) very, own | MM V.i.306 | |
To call him villaine; and then to glance from him, | To call him villain? And then to glance from him | glance (v.) turn, move, pass | MM V.i.307 | |
To th' Duke himselfe, to taxe him with Iniustice? | To th' Duke himself, to tax him with injustice? | | MM V.i.308 | |
Take him hence; to th' racke with him: we'll towze you | Take him hence. To th' rack with him. We'll touse you | touse (v.) tear, rip, rend | MM V.i.309 | |
Ioynt by ioynt, but we will know his purpose: | Joint by joint, but we will know his purpose. | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | MM V.i.310 | |
What? vniust? | What? Unjust? | | MM V.i.311.1 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Be not so hot: the Duke dare | Be not so hot. The Duke | hot (adj.) enthusiastic, ardent, eager, keen | MM V.i.311.2 | |
No more stretch this finger of mine, then he | Dare no more stretch this finger of mine than he | | MM V.i.312 | |
Dare racke his owne: his Subiect am I not, | Dare rack his own. His subject am I not, | rack (v.) stretch on the rack | MM V.i.313 | |
Nor here Prouinciall: My businesse in this State | Nor here provincial. My business in this state | provincial (adj.) subject to local church jurisdiction | MM V.i.314 | |
Made me a looker on here in Vienna, | Made me a looker-on here in Vienna, | | MM V.i.315 | |
Where I haue seene corruption boyle and bubble, | Where I have seen corruption boil and bubble | | MM V.i.316 | |
Till it ore-run the Stew : Lawes, for all faults, | Till it o'errun the stew. Laws for all faults, | stew (n.) cauldron, saucepan | MM V.i.317 | |
| | fault (n.) sin, offence, crime | | |
But faults so countenanc'd, that the strong Statutes | But faults so countenanced that the strong statutes | statute (n.) law, decree, regulation | MM V.i.318 | |
Stand like the forfeites in a Barbers shop, | Stand like the forfeits in a barber's shop, | forfeit (n.) [unclear meaning] list of penalties for bad behaviour | MM V.i.319 | |
As much in mocke, as marke. | As much in mock as mark. | mark (n.) notable sight, object of serious attention | MM V.i.320 | |
Esc. | ESCALUS | | | |
Slander to th' State: / Away with him to prison. | Slander to th' state. Away with him to prison. | | MM V.i.321 | |
Ang. | ANGELO | | | |
What can you vouch against him Signior Lucio? | What can you vouch against him, Signor Lucio? | | MM V.i.322 | |
Is this the man you did tell vs of? | Is this the man that you did tell us of? | | MM V.i.323 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
'Tis he, my Lord: come hither goodman bald-pate, | 'Tis he, my lord. Come hither, goodman baldpate. | goodman (adj.) [title for a person under the rank of gentleman] mister, master | MM V.i.324 | |
doe you know me? | Do you know me? | | MM V.i.325 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
I remember you Sir, by the sound of your voice, / I | I remember you, sir, by the sound of your voice. I | | MM V.i.326 | |
met you at the Prison, in the absence of the Duke. | met you at the prison in the absence of the Duke. | | MM V.i.327 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
Oh, did you so? and do you remember what you | O, did you so? And do you remember what you | | MM V.i.328 | |
said of the Duke. | said of the Duke? | | MM V.i.329 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Most notedly Sir. | Most notedly, sir. | notedly (adv.) particularly, especially, definitely | MM V.i.330 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
Do you so Sir: And was the Duke a flesh-monger, a | Do you so, sir? And was the Duke a fleshmonger, a | fleshmonger (n.) fornicator, pander, pimp | MM V.i.331 | |
foole, and a coward, as you then reported him to be? | fool, and a coward, as you then reported him to be? | | MM V.i.332 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
You must (Sir) change persons with me, ere you | You must, sir, change persons with me, ere you | | MM V.i.333 | |
make that my report: you indeede spoke so of him, and | make that my report. You, indeed, spoke so of him, and | | MM V.i.334 | |
much more, much worse. | much more, much worse. | | MM V.i.335 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
Oh thou damnable fellow: did I not plucke thee by | O thou damnable fellow, did not I pluck thee by | | MM V.i.336 | |
the nose, for thy speeches? | the nose for thy speeches? | | MM V.i.337 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
I protest, I loue the Duke, as I loue my selfe. | I protest I love the Duke as I love myself. | | MM V.i.338 | |
Ang. | ANGELO | | | |
Harke how the villaine would close now, after his | Hark how the villain would close now, after his | close (v.) agree, come to terms, compromise | MM V.i.339 | |
treasonable abuses. | treasonable abuses. | | MM V.i.340 | |
Esc. | ESCALUS | | | |
Such a fellow is not to be talk'd withall: Away | Such a fellow is not to be talked withal. Away | | MM V.i.341 | |
with him to prison: Where is the Prouost? away with | with him to prison. Where is the provost? Away with | | MM V.i.342 | |
him to prison: lay bolts enough vpon him: let him | him to prison. Lay bolts enough upon him. Let him | bolt (n.) fetter, shackle, iron fastening | MM V.i.343 | |
speak no more: away with those Giglets too, and with | speak no more. Away with those giglots too, and with | giglot (n.) harlot, strumpet, wanton | MM V.i.344 | |
the other confederate companion. | the other confederate companion. | | MM V.i.345 | |
| The Provost lays hands on the Duke | | MM V.i.346 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Stay Sir, stay a while. | Stay, sir, stay awhile. | | MM V.i.346 | |
Ang. | ANGELO | | | |
What, resists he? helpe him Lucio. | What, resists he? Help him, Lucio. | | MM V.i.347 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
Come sir, come sir, come sir: foh sir, why you | Come, sir, come, sir, come, sir! Foh, sir! Why, you | | MM V.i.348 | |
bald-pated lying rascall : you must be hooded must you? | bald-pated, lying rascal, you must be hooded, must you? | | MM V.i.349 | |
show your knaues visage with a poxe to you: show | Show your knave's visage, with a pox to you. Show | knave (n.) scoundrel, rascal, rogue | MM V.i.350 | |
| | visage (n.) face, countenance | | |
| | pox (n.) venereal disease; also: plague, or any other disease displaying skin pustules | | |
your sheepe-biting face, and be hang'd an houre: Will't | your sheep-biting face, and be hanged an hour. Will't | sheep-biting (adj.) thieving, sneaking, shifty | MM V.i.351 | |
not off? | not off? | | MM V.i.352 | |
| He pulls off the friar's hood, and discovers the Duke | discover (v.) reveal, show, make known | MM V.i.353.1 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Thou art the first knaue, that ere mad'st a Duke. | Thou art the first knave that e'er mad'st a duke. | knave (n.) scoundrel, rascal, rogue | MM V.i.353 | |
First Prouost, let me bayle these gentle three: | First, provost, let me bail these gentle three – | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | MM V.i.354 | |
Sneake not away Sir, for the Fryer, and you, | (to Lucio) Sneak not away, sir, for the friar and you | | MM V.i.355 | |
Must haue a word anon: lay hold on him. | Must have a word anon. Lay hold on him. | anon (adv.) soon, shortly, presently | MM V.i.356 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
This may proue worse then hanging. | This may prove worse than hanging. | | MM V.i.357 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
| (to Escalus) | | MM V.i.358 | |
What you haue spoke, I pardon: sit you downe, | What you have spoke I pardon. Sit you down. | | MM V.i.358 | |
We'll borrow place of him; Sir, by your leaue: | We'll borrow place of him. (To Angelo) Sir, by your leave. | | MM V.i.359 | |
Ha'st thou or word, or wit, or impudence, | Hast thou or word, or wit, or impudence | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | MM V.i.360 | |
That yet can doe thee office? If thou ha'st | That yet can do thee office? If thou hast, | office (n.) service, sympathy, kindness | MM V.i.361 | |
Rely vpon it, till my tale be heard, | Rely upon it till my tale be heard, | | MM V.i.362 | |
And hold no longer out. | And hold no longer out. | | MM V.i.363.1 | |
Ang. | ANGELO | | | |
Oh, my dread Lord, | O my dread lord, | dread (adj.) revered, deeply honoured, held in awe | MM V.i.363.2 | |
I should be guiltier then my guiltinesse, | I should be guiltier than my guiltiness | | MM V.i.364 | |
To thinke I can be vndiscerneable, | To think I can be undiscernible, | undiscernible (adj.) indiscernible, undiscoverable | MM V.i.365 | |
When I perceiue your grace, like powre diuine, | When I perceive your grace, like power divine, | | MM V.i.366 | |
Hath look'd vpon my passes. Then good Prince, | Hath looked upon my passes. Then, good prince, | pass (n.) [unclear meaning] trespass; course of action; trickery | MM V.i.367 | |
No longer Session hold vpon my shame, | No longer session hold upon my shame, | session, sessions (n.) judicial assembly, trial, court | MM V.i.368 | |
But let my Triall, be mine owne Confession: | But let my trial be mine own confession. | | MM V.i.369 | |
Immediate sentence then, and sequent death, | Immediate sentence, then, and sequent death | sequent (adj.) following, ensuing, consequent | MM V.i.370 | |
Is all the grace I beg. | Is all the grace I beg. | | MM V.i.371.1 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Come hither Mariana, | Come hither, Mariana. | | MM V.i.371.2 | |
Say: was't thou ere contracted to this woman? | Say, wast thou e'er contracted to this woman? | | MM V.i.372 | |
Ang. | ANGELO | | | |
I was my Lord. | I was, my lord. | | MM V.i.373 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Goe take her hence, and marry her instantly. | Go take her hence, and marry her instantly. | | MM V.i.374 | |
Doe you the office (Fryer) which consummate, | Do you the office, friar, which consummate, | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | MM V.i.375 | |
| | consummate (v.) accomplish, complete, bring to a conclusion | | |
Returne him here againe: goe with him Prouost. | Return him here again. Go with him, provost. | | MM V.i.376 | |
Exit. | Exit Angelo, with Mariana, Friar Peter, and Provost | | MM V.i.376 | |
Esc. | ESCALUS | | | |
My Lord, I am more amaz'd at his dishonor, | My lord, I am more amazed at his dishonour | amaze (v.) appal, overwhelm, terrify | MM V.i.377 | |
Then at the strangenesse of it. | Than at the strangeness of it. | | MM V.i.378.1 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Come hither Isabell, | Come hither, Isabel. | | MM V.i.378.2 | |
Your Frier is now your Prince: As I was then | Your friar is now your prince. As I was then | | MM V.i.379 | |
Aduertysing, and holy to your businesse, | Advertising and holy to your business, | advertising (adj.) attending, attentive, mindful | MM V.i.380 | |
(Not changing heart with habit) I am still, | Not changing heart with habit, I am still | still (adv.) ever, now [as before] | MM V.i.381 | |
| | habit (n.) dress, clothing, costume | | |
Atturnied at your seruice. | Attorneyed at your service. | attorneyed (adj.) bound, acting as advocate | MM V.i.382.1 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
Oh giue me pardon | O, give me pardon, | | MM V.i.382.2 | |
That I, your vassaile, haue imploid, and pain'd | That I, your vassal, have employed and pained | | MM V.i.383 | |
Your vnknowne Soueraigntie. | Your unknown sovereignty. | | MM V.i.384.1 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
You are pardon'd Isabell: | You are pardoned, Isabel. | | MM V.i.384.2 | |
And now, deere Maide, be you as free to vs. | And now, dear maid, be you as free to us. | free (adj.) liberal, lavish, generous | MM V.i.385 | |
Your Brothers death I know sits at your heart: | Your brother's death, I know, sits at your heart, | | MM V.i.386 | |
And you may maruaile, why I obscur'd my selfe, | And you may marvel why I obscured myself, | | MM V.i.387 | |
Labouring to saue his life: and would not rather | Labouring to save his life, and would not rather | | MM V.i.388 | |
Make rash remonstrance of my hidden powre, | Make rash remonstrance of my hidden power | remonstrance (n.) revelation, display, manifestation | MM V.i.389 | |
| | rash (adj.) sudden, quickly acting, operating immediately | | |
Then let him so be lost: oh most kinde Maid, | Than let him so be lost. O most kind maid, | | MM V.i.390 | |
It was the swift celeritie of his death, | It was the swift celerity of his death, | celerity (n.) alacrity, rapidity, swiftness | MM V.i.391 | |
Which I did thinke, with slower foot came on, | Which I did think with slower foot came on, | | MM V.i.392 | |
That brain'd my purpose: but peace be with him, | That brained my purpose; but peace be with him. | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | MM V.i.393 | |
| | brain (v.) murder, dash the brains out of | | |
That life is better life past fearing death, | That life is better life past fearing death | | MM V.i.394 | |
Then that which liues to feare: make it your comfort, | Than that which lives to fear. Make it your comfort, | | MM V.i.395 | |
So happy is your Brother. | So happy is your brother. | | MM V.i.396.1 | |
Enter Angelo, Maria, Peter, Prouost. | Enter Angelo, Mariana, Friar Peter, Provost | | MM V.i.396 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
I doe my Lord. | I do, my lord. | | MM V.i.396.2 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
For this new-maried man, approaching here, | For this new-married man approaching here, | | MM V.i.397 | |
Whose salt imagination yet hath wrong'd | Whose salt imagination yet hath wronged | salt (adj.) lecherous, lascivious, lustful | MM V.i.398 | |
Your well defended honor: you must pardon | Your well-defended honour, you must pardon | | MM V.i.399 | |
For Mariana's sake: But as he adiudg'd your Brother, | For Mariana's sake, but as he adjudged your brother, | adjudge (v.) sentence, condemn | MM I.i.400 | |
Being criminall, in double violation | Being criminal, in double violation | | MM V.i.401 | |
Of sacred Chastitie, and of promise-breach, | Of sacred chastity, and of promise-breach, | | MM V.i.402 | |
Thereon dependant for your Brothers life, | Thereon dependent, for your brother's life, | | MM V.i.403 | |
The very mercy of the Law cries out | The very mercy of the law cries out | | MM V.i.404 | |
Most audible, euen from his proper tongue. | Most audible, even from his proper tongue, | proper (adj.) very, own | MM V.i.405 | |
An Angelo for Claudio, death for death: | ‘ An Angelo for Claudio, death for death!’ | | MM V.i.406 | |
Haste still paies haste, and leasure, answers leasure; | Haste still pays haste, and leisure answers leisure, | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | MM V.i.407 | |
Like doth quit like, and Measure still for Measure: | Like doth quit like, and Measure still for Measure. | quit (v.) avenge, requite, take vengeance [on] | MM V.i.408 | |
Then Angelo, thy fault's thus manifested; | Then, Angelo, thy faults thus manifested, | | MM V.i.409 | |
Which though thou would'st deny, denies thee vantage. | Which, though thou wouldst deny, denies thee vantage, | vantage (n.) advantage, benefit, advancement, profit | MM V.i.410 | |
We doe condemne thee to the very Blocke | We do condemn thee to the very block | | MM V.i.411 | |
Where Claudio stoop'd to death, and with like haste. | Where Claudio stooped to death, and with like haste. | like (adj.) same, similar, alike, equal | MM V.i.412 | |
Away with him. | Away with him. | | MM V.i.413.1 | |
Mar. | MARIANA | | | |
Oh my most gracious Lord, | O, my most gracious lord, | | MM V.i.413.2 | |
I hope you will not mocke me with a husband? | I hope you will not mock me with a husband. | | MM V.i.414 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
It is your husband mock't you with a husband, | It is your husband mocked you with a husband. | | MM V.i.415 | |
Consenting to the safe-guard of your honor, | Consenting to the safeguard of your honour | safeguard (n.) safeguarding, defence, protection | MM V.i.416 | |
I thought your marriage fit: else Imputation, | I thought your marriage fit; else imputation, | | MM V.i.417 | |
For that he knew you, might reproach your life, | For that he knew you, might reproach your life | | MM V.i.418 | |
And choake your good to come: For his Possessions, | And choke your good to come. For his possessions, | | MM V.i.419 | |
Although by confutation they are ours; | Although by confiscation they are ours, | | MM V.i.420 | |
We doe en-state, and widow you with all, | We do instate and widow you with all, | instate, enstate (v.) endow, invest, bestow | MM V.i.421 | |
To buy you a better husband. | To buy you a better husband. | | MM V.i.422.1 | |
Mar. | MARIANA | | | |
Oh my deere Lord, | O my dear lord, | | MM V.i.422.2 | |
I craue no other, nor no better man. | I crave no other, nor no better man. | crave (v.) beg, entreat, request | MM V.i.423 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Neuer craue him, we are definitiue. | Never crave him. We are definitive. | definitive (adj.) decided, final, determined | MM V.i.424 | |
Mar. | MARIANA | | | |
Gentle my Liege. | Gentle my liege! – | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | MM V.i.425.1 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
You doe but loose your labour. | You do but lose your labour. | | MM V.i.425.2 | |
Away with him to death: Now Sir, to you. | Away with him to death. (To Lucio) Now, sir, to you. | | MM V.i.426 | |
Mar. | MARIANA | | | |
Oh my good Lord, sweet Isabell, take my part, | O my good lord! Sweet Isabel, take my part, | | MM V.i.427 | |
Lend me your knees, and all my life to come, | Lend me your knees, and, all my life to come, | | MM V.i.428 | |
I'll lend you all my life to doe you seruice. | I'll lend you all my life to do you service. | | MM V.i.429 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Against all sence you doe importune her, | Against all sense you do importune her. | importune (v.) beg [for], ask persistently [for] | MM V.i.430 | |
| | sense (n.) common sense, natural feeling, reasonableness | | |
Should she kneele downe, in mercie of this fact, | Should she kneel down in mercy of this fact, | fact (n.) evil deed, wicked act, crime | MM V.i.431 | |
Her Brothers ghost, his paued bed would breake, | Her brother's ghost his paved bed would break, | paved (adj.) with a paved base, pebbled | MM V.i.432 | |
And take her hence in horror. | And take her hence in horror. | | MM V.i.433.1 | |
Mar. | MARIANA | | | |
Isabell: | Isabel, | | MM V.i.433.2 | |
Sweet Isabel, doe yet but kneele by me, | Sweet Isabel, do yet but kneel by me. | | MM V.i.434 | |
Hold vp your hands, say nothing: I'll speake all. | Hold up your hands, say nothing, I'll speak all. | | MM V.i.435 | |
They say best men are moulded out of faults, | They say best men are moulded out of faults, | | MM V.i.436 | |
And for the most, become much more the better | And, for the most, become much more the better | | MM V.i.437 | |
For being a little bad: So may my husband. | For being a little bad. So may my husband. | | MM V.i.438 | |
Oh Isabel: will you not lend a knee? | O Isabel, will you not lend a knee? | | MM V.i.439 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
He dies for Claudio's death. | He dies for Claudio's death. | | MM V.i.440.1 | |
Isab. | ISABELLA | | | |
| (kneeling) | | MM V.i.440 | |
Most bounteous Sir. | Most bounteous sir, | bounteous (adj.) open-hearted, full of warm feeling | MM V.i.440.2 | |
Looke if it please you, on this man condemn'd, | Look, if it please you, on this man condemned | | MM V.i.441 | |
As if my Brother liu'd: I partly thinke, | As if my brother lived. I partly think | | MM V.i.442 | |
A due sinceritie gouerned his deedes, | A due sincerity governed his deeds, | | MM V.i.443 | |
Till he did looke on me: Since it is so, | Till he did look on me. Since it is so, | | MM V.i.444 | |
Let him not die: my Brother had but Iustice, | Let him not die. My brother had but justice, | | MM V.i.445 | |
In that he did the thing for which he dide. | In that he did the thing for which he died. | | MM V.i.446 | |
For Angelo, | For Angelo, | | MM V.i.447 | |
his Act did not ore-take his bad intent, | His act did not o'ertake his bad intent, | intent (n.) intention, purpose, aim | MM V.i.448 | |
And must be buried but as an intent | And must be buried but as an intent | | MM V.i.449 | |
That perish'd by the way: thoughts are no subiects | That perished by the way. Thoughts are no subjects, | subject (n.) [unclear meaning] entity with a real-world existence | MM V.i.450 | |
Intents, but meerely thoughts. | Intents but merely thoughts. | merely (adv.) completely, totally, entirely | MM V.i.451.1 | |
| | merely (adv.) only, nothing more than | | |
| | intent (n.) intention, purpose, aim | | |
Mar. | MARIANA | | | |
Meerely my Lord. | Merely, my lord. | | MM V.i.451.2 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
Your suite's vnprofitable: stand vp I say: | Your suit's unprofitable. Stand up, I say. | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | MM V.i.452 | |
I haue bethought me of another fault. | I have bethought me of another fault. | fault (n.) sin, offence, crime | MM V.i.453 | |
| | bethink (v.), past form bethought remember, recollect | | |
Prouost, how came it Claudio was beheaded | Provost, how came it Claudio was beheaded | | MM V.i.454 | |
At an vnusuall howre? | At an unusual hour? | | MM V.i.455.1 | |
Pro. | PROVOST | | | |
It was commanded so. | It was commanded so. | | MM V.i.455.2 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Had you a speciall warrant for the deed? | Had you a special warrant for the deed? | | MM V.i.456 | |
Pro. | PROVOST | | | |
No my good Lord: it was by priuate message. | No, my good lord, it was by private message. | | MM V.i.457 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
For which I doe discharge you of your office, | For which I do discharge you of your office; | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | MM V.i.458 | |
Giue vp your keyes. | Give up your keys. | | MM V.i.459.1 | |
Pro. | PROVOST | | | |
Pardon me, noble Lord, | Pardon me, noble lord, | | MM V.i.459.2 | |
I thought it was a fault, but knew it not, | I thought it was a fault, but knew it not, | fault (n.) mistake, error, blunder | MM V.i.460 | |
Yet did repent me after more aduice, | Yet did repent me after more advice, | advice (n.) consideration, reflection, deliberation | MM V.i.461 | |
For testimony whereof, one in the prison | For testimony whereof, one in the prison | | MM V.i.462 | |
That should by priuate order else haue dide, | That should by private order else have died | | MM V.i.463 | |
I haue reseru'd aliue. | I have reserved alive. | | MM V.i.464.1 | |
Duk. | DUKE | | | |
What's he? | What's he? | | MM V.i.464.2 | |
Pro. | PROVOST | | | |
His name is Barnardine. | His name is Barnardine. | | MM V.i.464.3 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
I would thou hadst done so by Claudio: | I would thou hadst done so by Claudio. | | MM V.i.465 | |
Goe fetch him hither, let me looke vpon him. | Go, fetch him hither. Let me look upon him. | | MM V.i.466 | |
| Exit Provost | | MM V.i.466 | |
Esc. | ESCALUS | | | |
I am sorry, one so learned, and so wise | I am sorry one so learned and so wise | | MM V.i.467 | |
As you, Lord Angelo, haue stil appear'd, | As you, Lord Angelo, have still appeared, | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | MM V.i.468 | |
Should slip so grosselie, both in the heat of bloud | Should slip so grossly, both in the heat of blood | slip (v.) err, sin, transgress | MM V.i.469 | |
| | grossly (adv.) stupidly, senselessly, foolishly | | |
| | blood (n.) passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual] | | |
And lacke of temper'd iudgement afterward. | And lack of tempered judgement afterward. | tempered (adj.) temperate, controlled, brought to the right quality | MM V.i.470 | |
| | afterward (adv.) afterwards | | |
Ang. | ANGELO | | | |
I am sorrie, that such sorrow I procure, | I am sorry that such sorrow I procure, | | MM V.i.471 | |
And so deepe sticks it in my penitent heart, | And so deep sticks it in my penitent heart | | MM V.i.472 | |
That I craue death more willingly then mercy, | That I crave death more willingly than mercy. | crave (v.) beg, entreat, request | MM V.i.473 | |
'Tis my deseruing, and I doe entreat it. | 'Tis my deserving, and I do entreat it. | deserving (n.) reward, recompense, desert | MM V.i.474 | |
Enter Barnardine and Prouost, Claudio, | Enter Barnardine and Provost, Claudio blindfold, | | MM V.i.475.1 | |
Iulietta. | Juliet | | MM V.i.475.2 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Which is that Barnardine? | Which is that Barnardine? | | MM V.i.475.1 | |
Pro. | PROVOST | | | |
This my Lord. | This, my lord. | | MM V.i.475.2 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
There was a Friar told me of this man. | There was a friar told me of this man. | | MM V.i.476 | |
Sirha, thou art said to haue a stubborne soule | Sirrah, thou art said to have a stubborn soul, | stubborn (adj.) resistant, hostile, antagonistic | MM V.i.477 | |
That apprehends no further then this world, | That apprehends no further than this world, | | MM V.i.478 | |
And squar'st thy life according: Thou'rt condemn'd, | And squar'st thy life according. Thou'rt condemned, | square (v.) regulate, direct, adapt | MM V.i.479 | |
| | according (adv.) accordingly | | |
But for those earthly faults, I quit them all, | But, for those earthly faults, I quit them all, | quit (v.) remit, release from | MM V.i.480 | |
And pray thee take this mercie to prouide | And pray thee take this mercy to provide | | MM V.i.481 | |
For better times to come: Frier aduise him, | For better times to come. Friar, advise him: | | MM V.i.482 | |
I leaue him to your hand. What muffeld fellow's that? | I leave him to your hand. What muffled fellow's that? | muffled (adj.) blindfolded, covered up | MM V.i.483 | |
Pro. | PROVOST | | | |
This is another prisoner that I sau'd, | This is another prisoner that I saved, | | MM V.i.484 | |
Who should haue di'd when Claudio lost his head, | Who should have died when Claudio lost his head, | | MM V.i.485 | |
As like almost to Claudio, as himselfe. | As like almost to Claudio as himself. | | MM V.i.486 | |
| He unmuffles Claudio | | MM V.i.487 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
| (to Isabella) | | MM V.i.487 | |
If he be like your brother, for his sake | If he be like your brother, for his sake | | MM V.i.487 | |
Is he pardon'd, and for your louelie sake | Is he pardoned, and, for your lovely sake, | | MM V.i.488 | |
Giue me your hand, and say you will be mine, | Give me your hand and say you will be mine. | | MM V.i.489 | |
He is my brother too: But fitter time for that: | He is my brother too. But fitter time for that. | | MM V.i.490 | |
By this Lord Angelo perceiues he's safe, | By this Lord Angelo perceives he's safe; | | MM V.i.491 | |
Methinkes I see a quickning in his eye: | Methinks I see a quickening in his eye. | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | MM V.i.492 | |
| | quickening (n.) fresh animation, reviving, return of life | | |
Well Angelo, your euill quits you well. | Well, Angelo, your evil quits you well. | quit (v.) pay back, repay, reward | MM V.i.493 | |
Looke that you loue your wife: her worth, worth yours | Look that you love your wife, her worth worth yours. | | MM V.i.494 | |
I finde an apt remission in my selfe: | I find an apt remission in myself, | remission (n.) power to pardon, inclination to forgive | MM V.i.495 | |
| | apt (adj.) fit, ready, prepared | | |
And yet heere's one in place I cannot pardon, | And yet here's one in place I cannot pardon. | place, in present, attending, at hand | MM V.i.496 | |
You sirha, that knew me for a foole, a Coward, | (To Lucio) You, sirrah, that knew me for a fool, a coward, | sirrah (n.) sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] | MM V.i.497 | |
One all of Luxurie, an asse, a mad man: | One all of luxury, an ass, a madman, | luxury (n.) lust, lechery, lasciviousness | MM V.i.498 | |
Wherein haue I so deseru'd of you | Wherein have I so deserved of you, | | MM V.i.499 | |
That you extoll me thus? | That you extol me thus? | | MM V.i.500 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
'Faith my Lord, I spoke it but according to the | 'Faith, my lord. I spoke it but according to the | | MM V.i.501 | |
trick: if you will hang me for it you may: but I had | trick. If you will hang me for it, you may. But I had | trick (n.) practice, custom, current fashion | MM V.i.502 | |
rather it would please you, I might be whipt. | rather it would please you I might be whipped. | | MM V.i.503 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Whipt first, sir, and hang'd after. | Whipped first, sir, and hanged after. | | MM V.i.504 | |
Proclaime it Prouost round about the Citie, | Proclaim it, provost, round about the city, | | MM V.i.505 | |
If any woman wrong'd by this lewd fellow | Is any woman wronged by this lewd fellow – | | MM V.i.506 | |
(As I haue heard him sweare himselfe there's one | As I have heard him swear himself there's one | | MM V.i.507 | |
whom he begot with childe) let her appeare, | Whom he begot with child – let her appear, | | MM V.i.508 | |
And he shall marry her: the nuptiall finish'd, | And he shall marry her. The nuptial finished, | | MM V.i.509 | |
Let him be whipt and hang'd. | Let him be whipped and hanged. | | MM V.i.510 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
I beseech your Highnesse doe not marry me to | I beseech your highness, do not marry me to a | | MM V.i.511 | |
a Whore: your Highnesse said euen now I made you a | whore. Your highness said even now, I made you a | | MM V.i.512 | |
Duke, good my Lord do not recompence me, in making | duke. Good my lord, do not recompense me in making | | MM V.i.513 | |
me a Cuckold. | me a cuckold. | cuckold (n.) [mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife | MM V.i.514 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Vpon mine honor thou shalt marrie her. | Upon mine honour, thou shalt marry her. | | MM V.i.515 | |
Thy slanders I forgiue, and therewithall | Thy slanders I forgive, and therewithal | | MM V.i.516 | |
Remit thy other forfeits: take him to prison, | Remit thy other forfeits. Take him to prison, | | MM V.i.517 | |
And see our pleasure herein executed. | And see our pleasure herein executed. | | MM V.i.518 | |
Luc. | LUCIO | | | |
Marrying a punke my Lord, is pressing to death, | Marrying a punk, my lord, is pressing to death, | punk (n.) harlot, strumpet, whore | MM V.i.519 | |
Whipping and hanging. | whipping, and hanging. | | MM V.i.520 | |
Duke. | DUKE | | | |
Slandering a Prince deserues it. | Slandering a prince deserves it. | | MM V.i.521 | |
| Exeunt Officers with Lucio | | MM V.i.521 | |
She Claudio that you wrong'd, looke you restore. | She, Claudio, that you wronged, look you restore. | | MM V.i.522 | |
Ioy to you Mariana, loue her Angelo: | Joy to you, Mariana. Love her, Angelo. | | MM V.i.523 | |
I haue confes'd her, and I know her vertue. | I have confessed her and I know her virtue. | | MM V.i.524 | |
Thanks good friend, Escalus, for thy much goodnesse, | Thanks, good friend Escalus, for thy much goodness. | | MM V.i.525 | |
There's more behinde that is more gratulate. | There's more behind that is more gratulate. | gratulate (adj.) gratifying, pleasing, to be rejoiced at | MM V.i.526 | |
| | behind (adv.) still to come, to follow | | |
Thanks Prouost for thy care, and secrecie, | Thanks, provost, for thy care and secrecy. | | MM V.i.527 | |
We shall imploy thee in a worthier place. | We shall employ thee in a worthier place. | place (n.) position, post, office, rank | MM V.i.528 | |
Forgiue him Angelo, that brought you home | Forgive him, Angelo, that brought you home | | MM V.i.529 | |
The head of Ragozine for Claudio's, | The head of Ragozine for Claudio's. | | MM V.i.530 | |
Th' offence pardons it selfe. Deere Isabell, | Th' offence pardons itself. Dear Isabel, | | MM V.i.531 | |
I haue a motion much imports your good, | I have a motion much imports your good, | motion (n.) proposal, proposition, suggestion, offer | MM V.i.532 | |
Whereto if you'll a willing eare incline; | Whereto if you'll a willing ear incline, | | MM V.i.533 | |
What's mine is yours, and what is yours is mine. | What's mine is yours and what is yours is mine. | | MM V.i.534 | |
So bring vs to our Pallace, where wee'll show | So, bring us to our palace, where we'll show | | MM V.i.535 | |
What's yet behinde, that meete you all should know. | What's yet behind, that's meet you all should know. | meet (adj.) fit, suitable, right, proper | MM V.i.536 | |
| | behind (adv.) still to come, to follow | | |
| Exeunt | | MM V.i.536 | |