Love's Labour's Lost

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter the Pedant, Curate and Dull.Enter Holofernes, Nathaniel, and Dull LLL V.i.1
Satis quid sufficit.Satis quod sufficit.satis...
that is enough which suffices
LLL V.i.1
I praise God for you sir, your reasons atI praise God for you, sir. Your reasons atreason (n.)
observation, remark, point
LLL V.i.2
dinner haue beene sharpe & sententious: pleasantdinner have been sharp and sententious, pleasantsententious (adj.)
full of wise remarks, ready with acute observations, pithy
LLL V.i.3
sharp (adj.)

old form: sharpe
subtle, delicate, acute
without scurrillity, witty without affection, audaciouswithout scurrility, witty without affection, audaciousscurrility (n.)

old form: scurrillity
bawdry, indecent language
LLL V.i.4
affection (n.)
affectation, posing, artificiality
without impudency, learned without opinion, and without impudency, learned without opinion, andimpudency (n.)
impudence, effrontery, presumption
LLL V.i.5
opinion (n.)
arrogance, self-conceit, hubris
strange without heresie: I did conuerse this quondam strange without heresy. I did converse this quondamquondam (adj.)
former, erstwhile, previous
LLL V.i.6
day with a companion of the Kings, who is intituled,day with a companion of the King's, who is entitled,entitule, intitule (v.)
entitle, grace with the name of
LLL V.i.7
nominated, or called, Don Adriano de Armatho.nominated, or called Don Adriano de Armado.nominate (v.)
name, specify, designate [as]
LLL V.i.8
Noui hominum tanquam te, His humour isNovi hominem tanquam te. His humour ishumour (n.)
mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids]
LLL V.i.9

old form: Noui
I know the man as well as I know you
lofty, his discourse peremptorie: his tongue filed, hislofty, his discourse peremptory, his tongue filed, hisperemptory (adj.)

old form: peremptorie
determined, resolved, absolutely decided
LLL V.i.10
filed (adj.)
refined, smooth, polished
eye ambitious, his gate maiesticall, and his generalleye ambitious, his gait majestical, and his generalmajestical (adj.)

old form: maiesticall
grand, stately
LLL V.i.11
gait (n.)

old form: gate
manner of walking, bearing, movement
behauiour vaine, ridiculous, and thrasonicall. He is toobehaviour vain, ridiculous, and thrasonical. He is toothrasonical (adj.)

old form: thrasonicall
boastful, bragging, vainglorious
LLL V.i.12
picked, too spruce, too affected, too odde, as it were,picked, too spruce, too affected, too odd, as it were,odd (adj.)

old form: odde
eccentric, peculiar, unusual
LLL V.i.13
picked (adj.)
fastidious, neat, foppish
spruce (adj.)
over-elegant, smart
too peregrinat, as I may call it.too peregrinate, as I may call it.peregrinate (adj.)

old form: peregrinat
affectedly foreign, cosmopolitan
LLL V.i.14
A most singular and choise Epithat, A most singular and choice epithet.epithet (n.)

old form: Epithat
turn of phrase, expression
LLL V.i.15
choice (adj.)

old form: choise
appropriate, fitting, well-chosen
Draw out his Table-booke.He draws out his table-booktable-book (n.)

old form: Table-booke
notebook, memo pad, memorandum book
LLL V.i.16
He draweth out the thred of his verbositie, He draweth out the thread of his verbosity LLL V.i.16
finer then the staple of his argument. I abhor suchfiner than the staple of his argument. I abhor suchstaple (n.)
fibre, texture, material
LLL V.i.17
argument (n.)
subject, point, theme, target
phanaticall phantasims, such insociable and poynt deuisefanatical phantasimes, such insociable and point-deviceinsociable (adj.)
intolerable, impossible to associate with
LLL V.i.18
point-device, point-devise (adj.)

old form: poynt deuise
immaculate, affectedly precise, trim to the point of perfection
phantasime (n.)

old form: phantasims
one full of fancies, extravagantly behaved individual
fanatical (adj.)
extravagant, flamboyant, over-the-top
companions, such rackers of ortagriphie, as to companions, such rackers of orthography, as toorthography (n.)

old form: ortagriphie
correct spelling
LLL V.i.19
racker (n.)
torturer, tormentor
speake dout fine, when he should say doubt; det,speak ‘dout’ sine ‘b’ when he should say ‘doubt,’ ‘det’ LLL V.i.20
when he shold pronounce debt; d e b t, not detwhen he should pronounce ‘debt’ – d, e, b, t, not d, e, LLL V.i.21
he clepeth a Calf, Caufe: halfe, haufe: neighbour t. He clepeth a calf ‘cauf’, half ‘hauf’; neighbourclepe (v.), past forms clept, yclept
[archaism] call, name, style
LLL V.i.22
vocatur nebour; neigh abreuiated ne: this isvocatur ‘nebor’, neigh abbreviated ‘ne’. This is LLL V.i.23
abhominable, which he would call abhominable itabhominable, which he would call ‘abominable.’ Itabhominable (adj.)
abominable [from the mistaken etymology ‘ab homine’]
LLL V.i.24
insinuateth me of infamie: ne inteligis domine, toinsinuateth me of insanie. Ne intelligis, domine? Toinsinuate (v.)
turn, introduce [to], instil [with]
LLL V.i.25
insanie (n.)
frenzy, madness, lunacy
do you understand, sir?
make franticke, lunaticke?make frantic, lunatic. LLL V.i.26
Laus deo, bene intelligo.Laus Deo, bone intelligo.laus...
God be praised, I understand good
LLL V.i.27
Bome boon for boon prescian, a little Bone? ‘ Bone ’ for ‘ bene ’! Priscian a littlePriscian (n.)
[pron: 'prisian] Latin grammarian, 6th-c
LLL V.i.28
scratcht, 'twil serue. scratched; 'twill serve. LLL V.i.29
Enter Armado, Mote, and Costard LLL V.i.30
Vides ne quis venit?Videsne quis venit?videsne...
do you see who is coming?
LLL V.i.30
Video, & gaudio.Video et
I see and I rejoice
LLL V.i.31
Chirra.Chirrah!chirrah (int.)

old form: Chirra
[unclear usage; perhaps attempting a greeting in Greek] sirrah
LLL V.i.32
Quari Chirra, not Sirra?Quare ‘ chirrah ’, not ‘ sirrah ’?sirrah (n.)
sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context]
LLL V.i.33
Men of peace well incountred.Men of peace, well encountered. LLL V.i.34
Most millitarie sir salutation.Most military sir, salutation. LLL V.i.35
Boy. MOTE  
(to Costard) LLL V.i.36
They haue beene at a great feast ofThey have been at a great feast of LLL V.i.36
Languages, and stolne the scraps.languages and stolen the scraps. LLL V.i.37
(to Mote) LLL V.i.38.1
O they haue liu'd long on the almes-basketO, they have lived long on the alms-basketalms-basket (n.)

old form: almes-basket
basket containing offerings to be given out for charity
LLL V.i.38
of words. I maruell thy M. hath not eatenof words. I marvel thy master hath not eaten LLL V.i.39
thee for a word, for thou art not so long by the head as thee for a word, for thou art not so long by the head as LLL V.i.40
honorificabilitudinitatibus: Thou art easier swallowedhonorificabilitudinitatibus. Thou art easier swallowed LLL V.i.41
then a flapdragon. than a flap-dragon.flap-dragon (n.)

old form: flapdragon
tiny sweetmeat, small cake
LLL V.i.42
Page. MOTE 
Peace, the peale begins.Peace! The peal begins. LLL V.i.43
Brag. ARMADO  
(to Holofernes) LLL V.i.44.1
Mounsier, are you not lettred?Monsieur, are you not lettered?lettered (adj.)

old form: lettred
learned, literate, educated
LLL V.i.44
Page. MOTE 
Yes, yes, he teaches boyes the Horne-booke: What isYes, yes! He teaches boys the horn-book. What ishornbook, horn-book (n.)

old form: Horne-booke
[teaching device] leaf of paper, protected by a piece of thin horn, showing the letters of the alphabet and other information
LLL V.i.45
Ab speld backward with the horn on his head?a, b, spelt backward with the horn on his head? LLL V.i.46
Ba, puericia with a horne added.Ba, pueritia, with a horn added. LLL V.i.47
Pag. MOTE 
Ba most seely Sheepe, with a horne: you heareBa, most silly sheep with a horn. You hear his LLL V.i.48
his learning.learning. LLL V.i.49
Quis quis, thou Consonant?Quis, quis, thou consonant?consonant (n.)
little thing, nonentity
LLL V.i.50
Pag. MOTE 
The last of the fiue Vowels if You repeat them, orThe last of the five vowels, if you repeat them; or LLL V.i.51
the fift if I.the fifth, if I. LLL V.i.52
I will repeat them: a e I.I will repeat them: a, e, i – LLL V.i.53
Pag. MOTE 
The Sheepe, the other two concludes it o u.The sheep. The other two concludes it – o, u. LLL V.i.54
Now by the salt waue of the mediteranium, aNow, by the salt wave of the Mediterraneum, aMediterraneum (n.)
Mediterranean Sea
LLL V.i.55
sweet tutch, a quicke venewe of wit, snip snap, quicksweet touch, a quick venue of wit! Snip, snap, quickwit (n.)
mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity
LLL V.i.56
touch (n.)

old form: tutch
venue (n.)

old form: venewe
[fencing] sword-thrust, assault, thrust
& home, it reioyceth my intellect, true wit.and home! It rejoiceth my intellect. True wit!home (adv.)
into the heart of the enemy, to the target
LLL V.i.57
Page. MOTE 
Offered by a childe to an olde man: which isOffered by a child to an old man – which is LLL V.i.58
wit-old.wit-old.wit-old (adj.)
LLL V.i.59
What is the figure? What is the figure?What is the figure? What is the figure?figure (n.)
figure of speech, device, piece of rhetoric
LLL V.i.60
Page. MOTE 
Hornes.Horns. LLL V.i.61
Thou disputes like an Infant: goe whip thyThou disputes like an infant. Go, whip thy LLL V.i.62
Gigge.gig.gig (n.)

old form: Gigge
LLL V.i.63
Pag. MOTE 
Lend me your Horne to make one, and I will whipLend me your horn to make one, and I will whip LLL V.i.64
about your Infamie vnum cita a gigge of a Cuckolds horne.about your infamy manu cita. A gig of a cuckold's horn!manu...
with a ready hand
LLL V.i.65
cuckold (n.)
[mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife
And I had but one penny in the world, thouAn I had but one penny in the world, thouand, an (conj.)
if, even if
LLL V.i.66
shouldst haue it to buy Ginger bread: Hold, there is theshouldst have it to buy gingerbread. Hold, there is the LLL V.i.67
very Remuneration I had of thy Maister, thou halfpennyvery remuneration I had of thy master, thou halfpenny LLL V.i.68
purse of wit, thou Pidgeon-egge of discretion. O & thepurse of wit, thou pigeon-egg of discretion. O, an theand, an (conj.)
if, whether
LLL V.i.69
heauens were so pleased, that thou wert but my Bastard;heavens were so pleased that thou wert but my bastard, LLL V.i.70
What a ioyfull father wouldst thou make mee? Goe to,what a joyful father wouldst thou make me! Go to, LLL V.i.71
thou hast it ad dungil, at the fingers ends, as they thou hast it ad dunghill, at the fingers' ends, as they LLL V.i.72
say.say. LLL V.i.73
Oh I smell false Latine, dunghel for O, I smell false Latin! ‘ Dunghill ’ forfalse (adj.)
wrong, mistaken
LLL V.i.74
vnguem.unguem.unguem (n.)
nail; ad unguem 'to a nicety'
LLL V.i.75
Arts-man preambulat, we will bee singledArts-man, preambulate. We will be singuledpreambulate (v.)

old form: preambulat
walk forth, go in front
LLL V.i.76
singule (v.)

old form: singled
set apart, distinguish
arts-man (n.)
man of learning, scholar
from the barbarous. Do you not educate youth at thefrom the barbarous. Do you not educate youth at the LLL V.i.77
Charg-house on the top of the Mountaine?charge-house on the top of the mountain?charge-house (n.)

old form: Charg-house
school, college
LLL V.i.78
Or Mons the hill.Or mons, the hill. LLL V.i.79
At your sweet pleasure, for the Mountaine.At your sweet pleasure, for the mountain. LLL V.i.80
I doe sans question.I do, sans question. LLL V.i.81
Sir, it is the Kings most sweet pleasure andSir, it is the King's most sweet pleasure and LLL V.i.82
affection, to congratulate the Princesse at her Pauilion, inaffection to congratulate the Princess at her pavilion incongratulate (v.)
salute, pay respects to
LLL V.i.83
the posteriors of this day, which the rude multitudethe posteriors of this day, which the rude multitudeposterior (n.)
[facetious] hind part, later part
LLL V.i.84
rude (adj.)
ignorant, unlearned, uneducated
call the the afternoon. LLL V.i.85
The posterior of the day, most generous The posterior of the day, most generousgenerous (adj.)
well-bred, mannerly, noble-minded
LLL V.i.86
sir, is liable, congruent, and measurable for thesir, is liable, congruent, and measurable for themeasurable (adj.)
fitting, apt, suitable
LLL V.i.87
liable (adj.)
fitting, apt, suitable
congruent (adj.)
fitting, apt, suitable
after-noone: the word is well culd, chose, sweet, andafternoon. The word is well culled, choice, sweet, andcull (v.)

old form: culd
select, pick out, choose
LLL V.i.88
apt I doe assure you sir, I doe assure.apt, I do assure you, sir, I do assure. LLL V.i.89
Sir, the King is a noble Gentleman, and mySir, the King is a noble gentleman, and my LLL V.i.90
familiar, I doe assure ye very good friend: for what isfamiliar, I do assure ye, very good friend. For what isfamiliar (n.)
close friend, intimate associate
LLL V.i.91
inward betweene vs, let it passe. I doe beseech theeinward between us, let it pass – I do beseech thee,inward (adj.)
secret, private, undisclosed
LLL V.i.92
remember thy curtesie. I beseech thee apparell thyremember thy courtesy; I beseech thee, apparel thyapparel (v.)

old form: apparell
cover, put a hat on
LLL V.i.93
head: and among other importunate & most serioushead. And among other importunate and most seriousimportunate (adj.)
persistent, pressing, insistent
LLL V.i.94
designes, and of great import indeed too: but let thatdesigns, and of great import indeed, too – but let thatdesign (n.)

old form: designes
undertaking, purpose, enterprise
LLL V.i.95
passe, for I must tell thee it will please his Grace (by thepass; for I must tell thee, it will please his grace, by the LLL V.i.96
world) sometime to leane vpon my poore shoulder, andworld, sometime to lean upon my poor shoulder, andsometime (adv.)
sometimes, now and then
LLL V.i.97
with his royall finger thus dallie with my excrement,with his royal finger thus dally with my excrement,excrement (n.)
outgrowth [of hair]
LLL V.i.98
dally (v.)

old form: dallie
deal lightly, play about, tease
with my mustachio: but sweet heart, let that passe. Bywith my mustachio – but, sweet heart, let that pass. Bymustachio (n.)
LLL V.i.99
the world I recount no fable, some certaine speciallthe world, I recount no fable! Some certain special LLL V.i.100
honours it pleaseth his greatnesse to impart to Armado honours it pleaseth his greatness to impart to Armado, LLL V.i.101
a Souldier, a man of trauell, that hath seene the world:a soldier, a man of travel, that hath seen the world – LLL V.i.102
but let that passe; the very all of all is: but sweetbut let that pass. The very all of all is – but, sweetall of all
sum of everything
LLL V.i.103
heart I do implore secrecie, that the King would haueheart, I do implore secrecy – that the King would have LLL V.i.104
mee present the Princesse (sweet chucke) with someme present the Princess – sweet chuck – with somechuck (n.)

old form: chucke
chicken, chick [usually as a term of endearment]
LLL V.i.105
delightfull ostentation, or show, or pageant, or anticke, or delightful ostentation, or show, or pageant, or antic, orostentation (n.)
public show, display, exhibition
LLL V.i.106
antic, antick(e), antique (n.)
bizarre dance, fantastic spectacle, grotesque entertainment
fire-worke: Now, vnderstanding that the Curate and your firework. Now, understanding that the curate and yourcurate (n.)
parish priest, parson
LLL V.i.107
sweet self are good at such eruptions, and sodainesweet self are good at such eruptions and suddeneruption (n.)
outburst of merriment, sally of wit
LLL V.i.108
breaking out of myrth (as it were) I haue acquaintedbreaking out of mirth, as it were, I have acquainted LLL V.i.109
you withall, to the end to craue your withal, to the end to crave your assistance.crave (v.)

old form: craue
beg, entreat, request
LLL V.i.110
Sir, you shall present before her the NineSir, you shall present before her the Nine LLL V.i.111
Worthies. Sir Holofernes, as concerning some entertainmentWorthies. Sir Nathaniel, as concerning some entertainment LLL V.i.112
of time, some show in the posterior of this day,of time, some show in the posterior of this day,posterior (n.)
[facetious] hind part, later part
LLL V.i.113
to bee rendred by our assistants the Kings command:to be rendered by our assistance, the King's command, LLL V.i.114
and this most gallant, illustrate and learned Gentleman,and this most gallant, illustrate, and learned gentleman,illustrate (adj.)
illustrious, resplendent, renowned
LLL V.i.115
before the Princesse: I say none so fit as to present thebefore the Princess – I say, none so fit as to present the LLL V.i.116
Nine Worthies.Nine Worthies. LLL V.i.117
Where will you finde men worthy enough toWhere will you find men worthy enough to LLL V.i.118
present them?present them? LLL V.i.119
Iosua, your selfe: my selfe, and this gallant gentleman Joshua, yourself; this gallant gentleman,Joshua (n.)
in the Bible, an Israelite leader
LLL V.i.120
Iudas Machabeus; this Swaine (because of his greatJudas Maccabaeus; this swain, because of his greatswain (n.)

old form: Swaine
[contemptuous] rustic, yokel, fellow
LLL V.i.121
Judas Maccabaeus
[maka'bayus] in the Bible, leader of a Jewish revolt, 2nd-c BC
limme or ioynt) shall passe Pompey the great, the Page limb or joint, shall pass Pompey the Great; the page,pass (v.)

old form: passe
represent, impersonate, perform
LLL V.i.122
Pompey the Great (n.)
Roman politician and general, 1st-c BC
Hercules.HerculesHercules (n.)
[Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements
LLL V.i.123
Pardon sir, error: He is not quantitie enoughPardon, sir – error! He is not quantity enough LLL V.i.124
for that Worthies thumb, hee is not so big as the end offor that Worthy's thumb; he is not so big as the end of LLL V.i.125
his Club.his club. LLL V.i.126
Shall I haue audience? he shall present Shall I have audience? He shall presentaudience (n.)
hearing, attention, reception
LLL V.i.127
Hercules in minoritie: his enter and exit shall bee stranglingHercules in minority. His enter and exit shall be stranglingminority (n.)

old form: minoritie
under-age period, earlier youth, childhood
LLL V.i.128
enter (n.)
entrance, entering, arrival
a Snake; and I will haue an Apologie for thata snake; and I will have an apology for thatapology (n.)

old form: Apologie
formal justification, explanation
LLL V.i.129
purpose.purpose.purpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
LLL V.i.130
Pag. MOTE 
An excellent deuice: so if any of the audience hisse,An excellent device! So if any of the audience hiss,device (n.)

old form: deuice
plan, scheme, intention
LLL V.i.131
you may cry, Well done Hercules, now thou crushest you may cry ‘ Well done, Hercules! Now thou crushest LLL V.i.132
the Snake; that is the way to make an offence gracious,the snake!’ That is the way to make an offence gracious, LLL V.i.133
though few haue the grace to doe it.though few have the grace to do it. LLL V.i.134
For the rest of the Worthies?For the rest of the Worthies? LLL V.i.135
I will play three my selfe.I will play three myself. LLL V.i.136
Pag. MOTE 
Thrice worthy Gentleman.Thrice-worthy gentleman! LLL V.i.137
Shall I tell you a thing?Shall I tell you a thing? LLL V.i.138
We attend.We attend.attend (v.)
listen [to], pay attention [to]
LLL V.i.139
We will haue, if this fadge not, an Antique. IWe will have, if this fadge not, an antic. Ifadge (v.)
succeed, be suitable, turn out well
LLL V.i.140
antic, antick(e), antique (n.)
bizarre dance, fantastic spectacle, grotesque entertainment
beseech you follow.beseech you, follow. LLL V.i.141
Via good-man Dull, thou hast spoken noVia, goodman Dull! Thou hast spoken nogoodman (adj.)

old form: good-man
[title for a person under the rank of gentleman] mister, master
LLL V.i.142
via, fia (int.)
come / go on, hurry up
word all this while.word all this while. LLL V.i.143
Dull. DULL 
Nor vnderstood none neither sir.Nor understood none neither, sir. LLL V.i.144
Alone, we will employ thee.Allons! We will employ thee. LLL V.i.145
Dull. DULL 
Ile make one in a dance, or so: or I will play onI'll make one in a dance, or so; or I will play onmake one
join in the action, take part
LLL V.i.146
the taber to the Worthies, & let them dance thethe tabor to the Worthies, and let them dance thetabor (n.)

old form: taber
type of small drum, especially used in revelling
LLL V.i.147
hey.hay.hay (n.)

old form: hey
type of winding country dance
LLL V.i.148
Most Dull, honest Dull, to our sportMost dull, honest Dull! To our sport,sport (n.)
recreation, amusement, entertainment
LLL V.i.149
away.away! LLL V.i.150
Exit.Exeunt LLL V.i.150
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