Henry VI Part 2

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Warwicke.Alarums to the battle. Enter Warwick 2H6 V.ii.1
Clifford of Cumberland, 'tis Warwicke calles:Clifford of Cumberland, 'tis Warwick calls; 2H6 V.ii.1
And if thou dost not hide thee from the Beare,And if thou dost not hide thee from the bear, 2H6 V.ii.2
Now when the angrie Trumpet sounds alarum,Now when the angry trumpet sounds alarum,alarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.)
call to arms, call to battle, signal to begin fighting
2H6 V.ii.3
And dead mens cries do fill the emptie ayre,And dead men's cries do fill the empty air,dead (adj.)
dying, near to death
2H6 V.ii.4
Clifford I say, come forth and fight with me,Clifford, I say, come forth and fight with me. 2H6 V.ii.5
Proud Northerne Lord, Clifford of Cumberland,Proud northern lord, Clifford of Cumberland, 2H6 V.ii.6
Warwicke is hoarse with calling thee to armes.Warwick is hoarse with calling thee to arms. 2H6 V.ii.7
Enter Yorke.Enter York 2H6 V.ii.8.1
How now my Noble Lord? What all a-foot.How now, my noble lord? What, all afoot?afoot (adv.)
on foot
2H6 V.ii.8
Yor. YORK 
The deadly handed Clifford slew my Steed:The deadly-handed Clifford slew my steed;deadly-handed (adj.)

old form: deadly handed
death-dealing, murderous
2H6 V.ii.9
But match to match I haue encountred him,But match to match I have encountered him,match (n.)
opponent, rival, foe
2H6 V.ii.10
And made a prey for Carrion Kytes and CrowesAnd made a prey for carrion kites and crowscarrion (n.)
dead putrifying flesh, rotting carcass
2H6 V.ii.11
Euen of the bonnie beast he loued so well.Even of the bonny beast he loved so well.bonny (adj.)

old form: bonnie
fine, beautiful, splendid
2H6 V.ii.12
Enter Clifford.Enter Clifford 2H6 V.ii.13
Of one or both of vs the time is come.Of one or both of us the time is come. 2H6 V.ii.13
Yor. YORK 
Hold Warwick: seek thee out some other chaceHold, Warwick! Seek thee out some other chase,chase (n.)

old form: chace
prey, game, victim, quarry
2H6 V.ii.14
For I my selfe must hunt this Deere to death.For I myself must hunt this deer to death. 2H6 V.ii.15
Then nobly Yorke, 'tis for a Crown thou fightst:Then nobly, York; 'tis for a crown thou fightest. 2H6 V.ii.16
As I intend Clifford to thriue to day,As I intend, Clifford, to thrive today, 2H6 V.ii.17
It greeues my soule to leaue theee vnassail'd. It grieves my soul to leave thee unassailed. 2H6 V.ii.18
Exit War.Exit 2H6 V.ii.18
What seest thou in me Yorke? / Why dost thou pause?What seest thou in me, York? Why dost thou pause? 2H6 V.ii.19
Yorke. YORK 
With thy braue bearing should I be in loue,With thy brave bearing should I be in love,brave (adj.)

old form: braue
noble, worthy, excellent
2H6 V.ii.20
But that thou art so fast mine enemie.But that thou art so fast mine enemy.fast (adj.)
constant, firm, steadfast
2H6 V.ii.21
Nor should thy prowesse want praise & esteeme,Nor should thy prowess want praise and esteem,want (v.)
lack, need, be without
2H6 V.ii.22
But that 'tis shewne ignobly, and in Treason.But that 'tis shown ignobly and in treason. 2H6 V.ii.23
Yorke. YORK 
So let it helpe me now against thy sword,So let it help me now against thy sword, 2H6 V.ii.24
As I in iustice, and true right expresse it.As I in justice and true right express it. 2H6 V.ii.25
My soule and bodie on the action both.My soul and body on the action both!action (n.)
engagement, combat, fighting
2H6 V.ii.26
Yor. YORK 
A dreadfull lay, addresse thee instantly.A dreadful lay! Address thee instantly!lay (n.)
wager, stake, bet
2H6 V.ii.27
address (v.)

old form: addresse
prepare, make ready, poise to act
They fight and York kills Clifford 2H6 V.ii.28
La fin Corrone les eumenes.La fin couronne les oeuvres. 2H6 V.ii.28
He dies 2H6 V.ii.28
Yor. YORK 
Thus Warre hath giuen thee peace, for yu art still,Thus war hath given thee peace, for thou art still.still (adj.)
silent, quiet
2H6 V.ii.29
Peace with his soule, heauen if it be thy will.Peace with his soul, heaven, if it be thy will! 2H6 V.ii.30
Exit 2H6 V.ii.30
Enter yong Clifford.Enter Young Clifford 2H6 V.ii.31.1
Shame and Confusion all is on the rout,Shame and confusion! All is on the rout;rout, on the
put to rout, in disordered flight
2H6 V.ii.31
confusion (n.)
destruction, overthrow, ruin
Feare frames disorder, and disorder woundsFear frames disorder, and disorder woundsframe (v.)
fashion, make, form, create
2H6 V.ii.32
Where it should guard. O Warre, thou sonne of hell,Where it should guard. O war, thou son of hell, 2H6 V.ii.33
Whom angry heauens do make their minister,Whom angry heavens do make their minister,minister (n.)
messenger, agent, servant
2H6 V.ii.34
Throw in the frozen bosomes of our part,Throw in the frozen bosoms of our partpart (n.)
side, camp, party
2H6 V.ii.35
Hot Coales of Vengeance. Let no Souldier flye.Hot coals of vengeance! Let no soldier fly. 2H6 V.ii.36
He that is truly dedicate to Warre,He that is truly dedicate to wardedicate (adj.)
dedicated, devoted, committed
2H6 V.ii.37
Hath no selfe-loue: nor he that loues himselfe,Hath no self-love; nor he that loves himself 2H6 V.ii.38
Hath not essentially, but by circumstanceHath not essentially, but by circumstance,circumstance (n.)
detail(s), particular(s), specifics
2H6 V.ii.39
The name of Valour. The name of valour. 2H6 V.ii.40.1
He sees his dead father 2H6 V.ii.40
O let the vile world end,O, let the vile world end, 2H6 V.ii.40.2
And the premised Flames of the Last day,And the premised flames of the last daypremised (adj.)
preordained, predestined
2H6 V.ii.41
Knit earth and heauen together.Knit earth and heaven together. 2H6 V.ii.42
Now let the generall Trumpet blow his blast,Now let the general trumpet blow his blast,general (adj.)

old form: generall
common, of everyone, public
2H6 V.ii.43
Particularities, and pettie soundsParticularities and petty soundsparticularity (n.)
personal matter, individual issue
2H6 V.ii.44
To cease. Was't thou ordain'd (deere Father)To cease! Wast thou ordained, dear father,ordain (v.)

old form: ordain'd
fate, destine, decree
2H6 V.ii.45
To loose thy youth in peace, and to atcheeueTo lose thy youth in peace, and to achievelose (v.)

old form: loose
spend, pass through, while away
2H6 V.ii.46
The Siluer Liuery of aduised Age,The silver livery of advised age,silver (adj.)

old form: Siluer
2H6 V.ii.47
livery (n.)

old form: Liuery
uniform, costume, special clothing
advised, avised (adj.)

old form: aduised
judicious, wise, prudent
And in thy Reuerence, and thy Chaire-dayes, thusAnd, in thy reverence and thy chair-days, thuschair-days (n.)

old form: Chaire-dayes
old age, days for resting in a chair
2H6 V.ii.48
reverence (n.)

old form: Reuerence
respected state, venerable condition
To die in Ruffian battell? Euen at this sight,To die in ruffian battle? Even at this sightruffian (adj.)
violent, brutal, villainous
2H6 V.ii.49
My heart is turn'd to stone: and while 'tis mine,My heart is turned to stone, and while 'tis mine 2H6 V.ii.50
It shall be stony. Yorke, not our old men spares:It shall be stony. York not our old men spares;stony (adj.)
pitiless, unfeeling, obdurate
2H6 V.ii.51
No more will I their Babes, Teares Virginall,No more will I their babes; tears virginalvirginal (adj.)

old form: Virginall
of young girls
2H6 V.ii.52
Shall be to me, euen as the Dew to Fire,Shall be to me even as the dew to fire; 2H6 V.ii.53
And Beautie, that the Tyrant oft reclaimes,And beauty, that the tyrant oft reclaims,oft (adv.)
2H6 V.ii.54
reclaim (v.)

old form: reclaimes
subdue, tame, make obedient
Shall to my flaming wrath, be Oyle and Flax:Shall to my flaming wrath be oil and flax. 2H6 V.ii.55
Henceforth, I will not haue to do with pitty.Henceforth, I will not have to do with pity: 2H6 V.ii.56
Meet I an infant of the house of Yorke,Meet I an infant of the house of York, 2H6 V.ii.57
Into as many gobbits will I cut itInto as many gobbets will I cut itgobbet (n.)

old form: gobbits
piece of raw flesh
2H6 V.ii.58
As wilde Medea yong Absirtis did.As wild Medea young Absyrtus did;Absyrtus (n.)
[pron: ab'sertus] younger brother of Medea, killed by her to aid Jason's escape with the Golden Fleece
2H6 V.ii.59
Medea (n.)
[pron: me'deea] daughter of Aeetes, King of Colchis, who assisted Jason in obtaining the Golden Fleece
wild (adj.)

old form: wilde
savage, fierce, cruel
In cruelty, will I seeke out my Fame.In cruelty will I seek out my fame.fame (n.)
reputation, renown, character
2H6 V.ii.60
Come thou new ruine of olde Cliffords house:Come, thou new ruin of old Clifford's house; 2H6 V.ii.61
As did Aeneas old Anchyses beare,As did Aeneas old Anchises bear,Anchises (n.)
[an'kiyseez] father of Aeneas, who saves him from blazing Troy by carrying him out of the city on his shoulders
2H6 V.ii.62
Aeneas (n.)
[pron: e'nayas] Trojan hero, son of Anchises and Aphrodite; in Roman legend, the ancestor of the Romans
So beare I thee vpon my manly shoulders:So bear I thee upon my manly shoulders; 2H6 V.ii.63
But then, Aeneas bare a liuing loade;But then Aeneas bare a living load, 2H6 V.ii.64
Nothing so heauy as these woes of mine.Nothing so heavy as these woes of mine. 2H6 V.ii.65
Exit with his father on his back 2H6 V.ii.65
Enter Richard, and Somerset to fight.Enter Richard and Somerset to fight. Somerset is 2H6 V.ii.66.1
killed 2H6 V.ii.66.2
So lye thou there:So, lie thou there; 2H6 V.ii.66
For vnderneath an Ale-house paltry signe,For underneath an alehouse' paltry sign, 2H6 V.ii.67
The Castle in S. Albons, SomersetThe Castle in Saint Albans, Somerset 2H6 V.ii.68
Hath made the Wizard famous in his death:Hath made the wizard famous in his death. 2H6 V.ii.69
Sword, hold thy temper; Heart, be wrathfull still:Sword, hold thy temper; heart, be wrathful still;temper (n.)
quality, constitution, condition
2H6 V.ii.70
still (adv.)
ever, now [as before]
hold (v.)
keep, maintain, observe
Priests pray for enemies, but Princes kill.Priests pray for enemies, but princes kill. 2H6 V.ii.71
Exit 2H6 V.ii.71
Fight. Excursions. Enter King, Queene, and others.Fight. Excursions. Enter the King, Queen, and soldiersexcursion (n.)
sortie, sally, bout of fighting
2H6 V.ii.72
Away my Lord, you are slow, for shame away.Away, my lord! You are slow. For shame, away! 2H6 V.ii.72
King. KING 
Can we outrun the Heauens? Good Margaret stay.Can we outrun the heavens? Good Margaret, stay.outrun (v.)
escape, avoid, elude
2H6 V.ii.73
heavens (n.)

old form: Heauens
powers above, will of heaven
What are you made of? You'l nor fight nor fly:What are you made of? You'll nor fight nor fly. 2H6 V.ii.74
Now is it manhood, wisedome, and defence,Now is it manhood, wisdom, and defence, 2H6 V.ii.75
To giue the enemy way, and to secure vsTo give the enemy way, and to secure ussecure (v.)
keep safe, protect, guard
2H6 V.ii.76
give way (v.)

old form: giue
yield to, succumb to, submit to
By what we can, which can no more but flye.By what we can, which can no more but fly. 2H6 V.ii.77
Alarum a farre off.Alarum afar off 2H6 V.ii.78.1
If you be tane, we then should see the bottomeIf you be ta'en, we then should see the bottombottom (n.)
lowest point, nadir
2H6 V.ii.78
Of all our Fortunes: but if we haply scape,Of all our fortunes; but if we haply 'scapescape, 'scape (v.)
escape, avoid
2H6 V.ii.79
haply (adv.)
perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck
(As well we may, if not through your neglect)As well we may if not through your neglect –  2H6 V.ii.80
We shall to London get, where you are lou'd,We shall to London get, where you are loved, 2H6 V.ii.81
And where this breach now in our Fortunes madeAnd where this breach now in our fortunes made 2H6 V.ii.82
May readily be stopt.May readily be stopped. 2H6 V.ii.83
Enter Clifford.Enter Young Clifford 2H6 V.ii.84
But that my hearts on future mischeefe set,But that my heart's on future mischief set, 2H6 V.ii.84
I would speake blasphemy ere bid you flye:I would speak blasphemy ere bid you fly; 2H6 V.ii.85
But flye you must: Vncureable discomfiteBut fly you must; uncurable discomfituncurable (adj.)

old form: Vncureable
incurable, hopeless, irretrievable
2H6 V.ii.86
discomfit (n.)

old form: discomfite
defeat, overthrow, rout
Reignes in the hearts of all our present parts.Reigns in the hearts of all our present parts.part (n.)
remnant, fragment, vestige
2H6 V.ii.87
present (adj.)
remaining, surviving, still existing
Away for your releefe, and we will liueAway, for your relief! And we will live 2H6 V.ii.88
To see their day, and them our Fortune giue.To see their day and them our fortune give.day (n.)
day of battle, contest
2H6 V.ii.89
Away my Lord, away. Away, my lord, away! 2H6 V.ii.90
ExeuntExeunt 2H6 V.ii.90
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