All's Well That Ends Well

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Flourish. Enter King, old Lady, Lafew, the two Flourish. Enter the King, the Countess, Lafew, the two AW V.iii.1.1
French Lords, with attendants.French Lords, with attendants AW V.iii.1.2
Kin. KING 
We lost a Iewell of her, and our esteemeWe lost a jewel of her, and our esteemesteem (n.)

old form: esteeme
value, estimation, worth
AW V.iii.1
Was made much poorer by it: but your sonne,Was made much poorer by it; but your son, AW V.iii.2
As mad in folly, lack'd the sence to knowAs mad in folly, lacked the sense to know AW V.iii.3
Her estimation home.Her estimation home.estimation (n.)
value, worth, fine quality
AW V.iii.4.1
home (adv.)
fully, thoroughly, unsparingly
'Tis past my Liege,'Tis past, my liege,liege (n.)
lord, sovereign
AW V.iii.4.2
And I beseech your Maiestie to make itAnd I beseech your majesty to make itmake (v.)
consider, regard, treat [as]
AW V.iii.5
Naturall rebellion, done i'th blade of youth,Natural rebellion done i'th' blade of youth,blade (n.)
greenness, immaturity, early days
AW V.iii.6
When oyle and fire, too strong for reasons force,When oil and fire, too strong for reason's force, AW V.iii.7
Ore-beares it, and burnes on.O'erbears it and burns on. AW V.iii.8.1
Kin. KING 
My honour'd Lady,My honoured lady, AW V.iii.8.2
I haue forgiuen and forgotten all,I have forgiven and forgotten all, AW V.iii.9
Though my reuenges were high bent vpon him,Though my revenges were high bent upon himhigh (adv.)
fully, altogether
AW V.iii.10
bent (adj.)
ready for firing, tensioned for action
And watch'd the time to shoote.And watched the time to shoot.shoot (v.)

old form: shoote
send forth, throw, let fly
AW V.iii.11.1
This I must say,This I must say –  AW V.iii.11.2
But first I begge my pardon: the yong LordBut first I beg my pardon – the young lord AW V.iii.12
Did to his Maiesty, his Mother, and his Ladie,Did to his majesty, his mother, and his lady AW V.iii.13
Offence of mighty note; but to himselfeOffence of mighty note, but to himself AW V.iii.14
The greatest wrong of all. He lost a wife,The greatest wrong of all. He lost a wife AW V.iii.15
Whose beauty did astonish the surueyWhose beauty did astonish the survey AW V.iii.16
Of richest eies: whose words all eares tooke captiue,Of richest eyes, whose words all ears took captive,rich (adj.)
experienced, sophisticated, cultivated
AW V.iii.17
Whose deere perfection, hearts that scorn'd to serue,Whose dear perfection hearts that scorned to serve AW V.iii.18
Humbly call'd Mistris.Humbly called mistress. AW V.iii.19.1
Praising what is lost,Praising what is lost AW V.iii.19.2
Makes the remembrance deere. Well, call him hither,Makes the remembrance dear. Well, call him hither;remembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
AW V.iii.20
We are reconcil'd, and the first view shall killWe are reconciled, and the first view shall killkill (v.)
satisfy, allay, subdue, put an end to
AW V.iii.21
All repetition: Let him not aske our pardon,All repetition. Let him not ask our pardon;repetition (n.)
going over the past, re-opening of old wounds
AW V.iii.22
The nature of his great offence is dead,The nature of his great offence is dead, AW V.iii.23
And deeper then obliuion, we do burieAnd deeper than oblivion we do bury AW V.iii.24
Th' incensing reliques of it. Let him approachTh' incensing relics of it. Let him approachincensing (adj.)
anger-arousing, inflaming with wrath
AW V.iii.25
relic (n.)

old form: reliques
memory, trace, recollection
A stranger, no offender; and informe himA stranger, no offender; and inform him AW V.iii.26
So 'tis our will he should.So 'tis our will he should. AW V.iii.27.1
I shall my Liege.I shall, my liege. AW V.iii.27.2
Exit AW V.iii.27
What sayes he to your daughter, / Haue you spoke?What says he to your daughter? Have you spoke? AW V.iii.28
All that he is, hath reference to your Highnes.All that he is hath reference to your highness.reference (n.)
case for consideration, referring for a decision
AW V.iii.29
Kin. KING 
Then shall we haue a match. I haue letters sent me,Then shall we have a match. I have letters sent mematch (n.)
bargain, contract, agreement
AW V.iii.30
that sets him high in fame.That sets him high in fame. AW V.iii.31.1
Enter Count Bertram.Enter Bertram AW V.iii.31
He lookes well on't.He looks well on't. AW V.iii.31.2
Kin. KING 
I am not a day of season,I am not a day of season,season (n.)
time of year, weather conditions
AW V.iii.32
For thou maist see a sun-shine, and a haileFor thou mayst see a sunshine and a hail AW V.iii.33
In me at once: But to the brightest beamesIn me at once. But to the brightest beams AW V.iii.34
Distracted clouds giue way, so stand thou forth,Distracted clouds give way; so stand thou forth:distracted (adj.)
divided, torn apart, rent asunder
AW V.iii.35
The time is faire againe.The time is fair again. AW V.iii.36.1
My high repented blamesMy high-repented blames,blame (n.)
fault, sin, offence
AW V.iii.36.2
high-repented (adj.)

old form: high repented
bitterly repented
Deere Soueraigne pardon to me.Dear sovereign, pardon to me. AW V.iii.37.1
All is whole,All is whole.whole (adj.)
well, good
AW V.iii.37.2
Not one word more of the consumed time,Not one word more of the consumed time.consumed (adj.)
used up, spent, passed by
AW V.iii.38
Let's take the instant by the forward top:Let's take the instant by the forward top;forward top
forelock, hair at the front of the head
AW V.iii.39
For we are old, and on our quick'st decreesFor we are old, and on our quickest decreesquick (adj.)

old form: quick'st
vigorous, quick-acting, energetic
AW V.iii.40
Th'inaudible, and noiselesse foot of timeTh' inaudible and noiseless foot of time AW V.iii.41
Steales, ere we can effect them. You rememberSteals ere we can effect them. You remember AW V.iii.42
The daughter of this Lord?The daughter of this lord? AW V.iii.43
Admiringly my Liege, at firstAdmiringly, my liege. At first AW V.iii.44
I stucke my choice vpon her, ere my heartI stuck my choice upon her, ere my heartstick (v.)

old form: stucke
place, fix, settle
AW V.iii.45
Durst make too bold a herauld of my tongue:Durst make too bold a herald of my tongue; AW V.iii.46
Where the impression of mine eye enfixing,Where, the impression of mine eye infixing,infix (v.)

old form: enfixing
implant, fasten onto
AW V.iii.47
Contempt his scornfull Perspectiue did lend me,Contempt his scornful perspective did lend me,perspective (n.)

old form: Perspectiue
picture in which perspective is altered so as to appear distorted unless seen from a particular angle
AW V.iii.48
Which warpt the line, of euerie other fauour,Which warped the line of every other favour,line (n.)
lineament, distinctive feature
AW V.iii.49
favour (n.)

old form: fauour
[facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks
warp (v.)

old form: warpt
distort, pervert, deform
Scorn'd a faire colour, or exprest it stolne,Scorned a fair colour or expressed it stolen, AW V.iii.50
Extended or contracted all proportionsExtended or contracted all proportions AW V.iii.51
To a most hideous obiect. Thence it came,To a most hideous object. Thence it came AW V.iii.52
That she whom all men prais'd, and whom my selfe,That she whom all men praised, and whom myself, AW V.iii.53
Since I haue lost, haue lou'd; was in mine eyeSince I have lost, have loved, was in mine eye AW V.iii.54
The dust that did offend it.The dust that did offend it.dust (n.)
speck of dust, particle, iota
AW V.iii.55.1
Well excus'd:Well excused. AW V.iii.55.2
That thou didst loue her, strikes some scores awayThat thou didst love her, strikes some scores awaystrike off / away (v.)
cancel [as by a pen-stroke], erase, remove
AW V.iii.56
score (n.)
reckoning, account, debt
From the great compt: but loue that comes too late,From the great compt; but love that comes too late,compt (n.)
reckoning, day of judgement
AW V.iii.57
Like a remorsefull pardon slowly carriedLike a remorseful pardon slowly carried,remorseful (adj.)

old form: remorsefull
conscience-stricken, guilty, full of sorrow
AW V.iii.58
To the great sender, turnes a sowre offence,To the great sender turns a sour offence, AW V.iii.59
Crying, that's good that's gone: Our rash faults,Crying ‘ That's good that's gone.’ Our rash faults AW V.iii.60
Make triuiall price of serious things we haue,Make trivial price of serious things we have, AW V.iii.61
Not knowing them, vntill we know their graue.Not knowing them until we know their grave. AW V.iii.62
Oft our displeasures to our selues vniust,Oft our displeasures, to ourselves unjust,oft (adv.)
AW V.iii.63
Destroy our friends, and after weepe their dust:Destroy our friends and after weep their dust; AW V.iii.64
Our owne loue waking, cries to see what's don,eOur own love waking cries to see what's done, AW V.iii.65
While shamefull hate sleepes out the afternoone.While shameful hate sleeps out the afternoon. AW V.iii.66
Be this sweet Helens knell, and now forget her.Be this sweet Helen's knell, and now forget her.knell (n.)
death-knell, mourning song
AW V.iii.67
Send forth your amorous token for faire Maudlin,Send forth your amorous token for fair Maudlin.token (n.)
keepsake, present, memento
AW V.iii.68
amorous (adj.)
expressing love
The maine consents are had, and heere wee'l stayThe main consents are had, and here we'll staystay (v.)
linger, tarry, delay
AW V.iii.69
To see our widdowers second marriage day:To see our widower's second marriage-day. AW V.iii.70
Which better then the first, O deere heauen blesse,Which better than the first, O dear heaven, bless! AW V.iii.71
Or, ere they meete in me, O Nature cesse.Or, ere they meet, in me, O nature, cesse!cesse (v.)
variant spelling of ‘cease’
AW V.iii.72
Come on my sonne, in whom my houses nameCome on, my son, in whom my house's name AW V.iii.73
Must be digested: giue a fauour from youMust be digested, give a favour from youfavour (n.)

old form: fauour
mark of favour, gift, token [often a love-token]
AW V.iii.74
digest, disgest (v.)
take in, incorporate, assimilate
To sparkle in the spirits of my daughter,To sparkle in the spirits of my daughter, AW V.iii.75
That she may quickly come.That she may quickly come. AW V.iii.76.1
Bertram gives Lafew a ring AW V.iii.76
By my old beard,By my old beard AW V.iii.76.2
And eu'rie haire that's on't, Helen that's deadAnd every hair that's on't, Helen that's dead AW V.iii.77
Was a sweet creature: such a ring as this,Was a sweet creature; such a ring as this, AW V.iii.78
The last that ere I tooke her leaue at Court,The last that e'er I took her leave at court,last (n.)
last time
AW V.iii.79
I saw vpon her finger.I saw upon her finger. AW V.iii.80.1
Hers it was not.Hers it was not. AW V.iii.80.2
King KING 
Now pray you let me see it. For mine eye,Now pray you let me see it; for mine eye, AW V.iii.81
While I was speaking, oft was fasten'd too't:While I was speaking, oft was fastened to't.oft (adv.)
AW V.iii.82
This Ring was mine, and when I gaue it Hellen,This ring was mine, and when I gave it Helen AW V.iii.83
I bad her if her fortunes euer stoodeI bade her, if her fortunes ever stood AW V.iii.84
Necessitied to helpe, that by this tokenNecessitied to help, that by this tokentoken (n.)
sign, evidence, mark
AW V.iii.85
necessitied (adj.)
in dire need [of], brought into necessity
I would releeue her. Had you that craft to reaue herI would relieve her. Had you that craft to reave herreave (v.), past form reft

old form: reaue
rob, deprive
AW V.iii.86
relieve (v.)

old form: releeue
aid, assist, rescue
Of what should stead her most?Of what should stead her most?stead (v.)
help, assist, benefit
AW V.iii.87.1
My gracious Soueraigne,My gracious sovereign, AW V.iii.87.2
How ere it pleases you to take it so,Howe'er it pleases you to take it so, AW V.iii.88
The ring was neuer hers.The ring was never hers. AW V.iii.89.1
Sonne, on my lifeSon, on my life, AW V.iii.89.2
I haue seene her weare it, and she reckon'd itI have seen her wear it, and she reckoned it AW V.iii.90
At her liues rate.At her life's rate.rate (n.)
worth, value, merit
AW V.iii.91.1
I am sure I saw her weare it.I am sure I saw her wear it. AW V.iii.91.2
You are deceiu'd my Lord, she neuer saw it:You are deceived, my lord, she never saw it. AW V.iii.92
In Florence was it from a casement throwne mee,In Florence was it from a casement thrown me, AW V.iii.93
Wrap'd in a paper, which contain'd the nameWrapped in a paper which contained the name AW V.iii.94
Of her that threw it: Noble she was, and thoughtOf her that threw it. Noble she was, and thought AW V.iii.95
I stood ingag'd, but when I had subscrib'dI stood ingaged; but when I had subscribedingaged (adj.)

old form: ingag'd
engaged [to her]; or: not promised [to anyone else]
AW V.iii.96
subscribe to (v.)

old form: subscrib'd
make acknowledgement of, admit to
To mine owne fortune, and inform'd her fully,To mine own fortune, and informed her fully AW V.iii.97
I could not answer in that course of HonourI could not answer in that course of honourcourse (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
AW V.iii.98
As she had made the ouerture, she ceastAs she had made the overture, she ceased AW V.iii.99
In heauie satisfaction, and would neuerIn heavy satisfaction, and would neversatisfaction (n.)
removal of doubt, resolved state of mind
AW V.iii.100
heavy (adj.)

old form: heauie
sorrowful, sad, gloomy
Receiue the Ring againe.Receive the ring again. AW V.iii.101.1
Platus himselfe,Plutus himself,Plutus (n.)
[pron: 'plootus] Greek god of wealth and gold; also called Pluto
AW V.iii.101.2
That knowes the tinct and multiplying med'cine,That knows the tinct and multiplying medicine,tinct (n.)
[alchemy] tincture, elixir
AW V.iii.102
medicine (n.)

old form: med'cine
drug used for purposes other than healing (especially the philosopher's elixir)
Hath not in natures mysterie more science,Hath not in nature's mystery more sciencescience (n.)
knowledge, learning
AW V.iii.103
Then I haue in this Ring. 'Twas mine, 'twas Helens,Than I have in this ring. 'Twas mine, 'twas Helen's, AW V.iii.104
Who euer gaue it you: then if you knowWhoever gave it you; then if you know AW V.iii.105
That you are well acquainted with your selfe,That you are well acquainted with yourself, AW V.iii.106
Confesse 'twas hers, and by what rough enforcementConfess 'twas hers, and by what rough enforcementenforcement (n.)
violation, overcoming
AW V.iii.107
You got it from her. She call'd the Saints to suretie,You got it from her. She called the saints to suretysurety (n.)

old form: suretie
person undertaking a legal responsibility in relation to another, guarantor
AW V.iii.108
That she would neuer put it from her finger,That she would never put it from her finger AW V.iii.109
Vnlesse she gaue it to your selfe in bed,Unless she gave it to yourself in bed, AW V.iii.110
Where you haue neuer come: or sent it vsWhere you have never come, or sent it us AW V.iii.111
Vpon her great disaster.Upon her great disaster. AW V.iii.112.1
She neuer saw it.She never saw it. AW V.iii.112.2
Kin. KING 
Thou speak'st it falsely: as I loue mine Honor,Thou speakest it falsely, as I love mine honour,falsely (adv.)
treacherously, deceitfully, dishonestly
AW V.iii.113
And mak'st connecturall feares to come into me,And makest conjectural fears to come into meconjectural (adj.)

old form: connecturall
suspicious, full of misgiving, speculative
AW V.iii.114
Which I would faine shut out, if it should proueWhich I would fain shut out. If it should provefain (adv.)

old form: faine
gladly, willingly
AW V.iii.115
That thou art so inhumane, 'twill not proue so:That thou art so inhuman – 'twill not prove so, AW V.iii.116
And yet I know not, thou didst hate her deadly,And yet I know not; thou didst hate her deadly,deadly (adv.)
extremely, implacably, to the death
AW V.iii.117
And she is dead, which nothing but to closeAnd she is dead; which nothing but to close AW V.iii.118
Her eyes my selfe, could win me to beleeue,Her eyes myself could win me to believe, AW V.iii.119
More then to see this Ring. Take him away,More than to see this ring. Take him away. AW V.iii.120
My fore-past proofes, how ere the matter fallMy forepast proofs, howe'er the matter fall,forepast, fore-past (adj.)

old form: fore-past
previously passed, already accumulated
AW V.iii.121
Shall taze my feares of little vanitie,Shall tax my fears of little vanity,tax (v.)

old form: taze
censure, blame, take to task, disparage
AW V.iii.122
Hauing vainly fear'd too little. Away with him,Having vainly feared too little. Away with him. AW V.iii.123
Wee'l sift this matter further.We'll sift this matter further. AW V.iii.124.1
If you shall proueIf you shall prove AW V.iii.124.2
This Ring was euer hers, you shall as easieThis ring was ever hers, you shall as easyeasy (adv.)

old form: easie
AW V.iii.125
Proue that I husbanded her bed in Florence,Prove that I husbanded her bed in Florence, AW V.iii.126
Where yet she neuer was.Where yet she never was. AW V.iii.127
Exit, guarded AW V.iii.127
King. KING 
I am wrap'd in dismall thinkings.I am wrapped in dismal thinkings.thinking (n.)
thought, meditation, reflection
AW V.iii.128.1
dismal (adj.)

old form: dismall
sinister, ominous, malign
Enter a Gentleman.Enter a Gentleman (the Astringer) AW V.iii.128
Gracious Soueraigne.Gracious sovereign, AW V.iii.128.2
Whether I haue beene too blame or no, I know not,Whether I have been to blame or no, I know not: AW V.iii.129
Here's a petition from a Florentine,Here's a petition from a FlorentineFlorentine (n.)
someone from Florence, Italy
AW V.iii.130
Who hath for foure or fiue remoues come short,Who hath for four or five removes come shortremove (n.)

old form: remoues
change of residence, departure
AW V.iii.131
To tender it her selfe. I vndertooke it,To tender it herself. I undertook it,tender (v.)
offer, give, present
AW V.iii.132
Vanquish'd thereto by the faire grace and speechVanquished thereto by the fair grace and speech AW V.iii.133
Of the poore suppliant, who by this I knowOf the poor suppliant, who, by this, I know,this, by
by this time
AW V.iii.134
Is heere attending: her businesse lookes in herIs here attending. Her business looks in herattend (v.)
await, wait for, expect
AW V.iii.135
With an importing visage, and she told meWith an importing visage, and she told me,importing (adj.)
expressing significance, full of import
AW V.iii.136
visage (n.)
face, countenance
In a sweet verball breefe, it did concerneIn a sweet verbal brief, it did concernbrief (n.)

old form: breefe
summary, short account
AW V.iii.137
Your Highnesse with her selfe.Your highness with herself. AW V.iii.138
A Letter. (reading the letter) AW V.iii.139.1
Vpon his many protestations to Upon his many protestations toprotestation (n.)
solemn declaration, affirmation
AW V.iii.139
marrie mee when his wife wasdead, I blush to say it, he marry me when his wife was dead, I blush to say it, he AW V.iii.140
wonne me. Now is the Count Rossillion a Widdower, his vowes won me. Now is the Count Rossillion a widower; his vows AW V.iii.141
are forfeited to mee, and myhonors payed to him. Hee stole are forfeited to me and my honour's paid to him. He stole AW V.iii.142
from Florence, taking noleaue, and I follow him to his from Florence, taking no leave, and I follow him to his AW V.iii.143
Countrey for Iustice Grant it me, O King, in you it best country for justice. Grant it me, O King! In you it best AW V.iii.144
lies, otherwise a seducer flourishes and a poore Maid is lies; otherwise a seducer flourishes, and a poor maid is AW V.iii.145
vndone.undone.undone (adj.)

old form: vndone
ruined, destroyed, brought down
AW V.iii.146
Diana Capilet.Diana Capilet. AW V.iii.147
I will buy me a sonne in Law in a faire, and toule forI will buy me a son-in-law in a fair, and toll fortoll (v.)

old form: toule
enter for sale in the toll-book [tax register] of a market
AW V.iii.148
this. Ile none of him.this. I'll none of him. AW V.iii.149
Kin. KING 
The heauens haue thought well on thee Lafew,The heavens have thought well on thee, Lafew, AW V.iii.150
To bring forth this discou'rie, seeke these sutors:To bring forth this discovery. Seek these suitors.suitor (n.)

old form: sutors
petitioner, supplicant, entreater
AW V.iii.151
Go speedily, and bring againe the Count.Go speedily, and bring again the Count. AW V.iii.152
Exeunt some attendants AW V.iii.152
I am a-feard the life of Hellen (Ladie)I am afeard the life of Helen, lady,afeard (adj.)

old form: a-feard
afraid, frightened, scared
AW V.iii.153
Was fowly snatcht.Was foully snatched. AW V.iii.154.1
Now iustice on the doers.Now justice on the doers! AW V.iii.154.2
Enter Bertram.Enter Bertram, guarded AW V.iii.155
King. KING 
I wonder sir, sir, wiues are monsters to you,I wonder, sir, since wives are monsters to you, AW V.iii.155
And that you flye them as you sweare them Lordship,And that you fly them as you swear them lordship,lordship (n.)
function of being a lord
AW V.iii.156
Yet you desire to marry.Yet you desire to marry. AW V.iii.157.1
Enter Widdow, Diana, and Parrolles.Enter the Widow and Diana AW V.iii.157
What woman's that?What woman's that? AW V.iii.157.2
I am my Lord a wretched Florentine,I am, my lord, a wretched Florentine, AW V.iii.158
Deriued from the ancient Capilet,Derived from the ancient Capilet. AW V.iii.159
My suite as I do vnderstand you know,My suit, as I do understand, you know,suit (n.)

old form: suite
formal request, entreaty, petition
AW V.iii.160
And therefore know how farre I may be pittied.And therefore know how far I may be pitied. AW V.iii.161
I am her Mother sir, whose age and honourI am her mother, sir, whose age and honour AW V.iii.162
Both suffer vnder this complaint we bring,Both suffer under this complaint we bring, AW V.iii.163
And both shall cease, without your remedie.And both shall cease, without your remedy. AW V.iii.164
King. KING 
Come hether Count, do you know these Women? Come hither, Count. Do you know these women? AW V.iii.165
My Lord, I neither can nor will denie,My lord, I neither can nor will deny AW V.iii.166
But that I know them, do they charge me further?But that I know them. Do they charge me further? AW V.iii.167
Why do you looke so strange vpon your wife?Why do you look so strange upon your wife? AW V.iii.168
She's none of mine my Lord.She's none of mine, my lord. AW V.iii.169.1
If you shall marrieIf you shall marry AW V.iii.169.2
You giue away this hand, and that is mine,You give away this hand, and that is mine, AW V.iii.170
You giue away heauens vowes, and those are mine:You give away heaven's vows, and those are mine, AW V.iii.171
You giue away my selfe, which is knowne mine:You give away myself, which is known mine; AW V.iii.172
For I by vow am so embodied yours,For I by vow am so embodied yoursembody (v.)
become part of the same body as, unite as
AW V.iii.173
That she which marries you, must marrie me,That she which marries you must marry me –  AW V.iii.174
Either both or none.Either both or none. AW V.iii.175
Your reputation comes too short for my daughter,Your reputation comes too short for my daughter;short (adj.)
wanting, insufficient, inadequate
AW V.iii.176
you are no husband for are no husband for her. AW V.iii.177
My Lord, this is a fond and desp'rate creature,My lord, this is a fond and desperate creaturefond (adj.)
foolish, trifling, frivolous
AW V.iii.178
Whom sometime I haue laugh'd with: Let your highnesWhom sometime I have laughed with. Let your highness AW V.iii.179
Lay a more noble thought vpon mine honour,Lay a more noble thought upon mine honour AW V.iii.180
Then for to thinke that I would sinke it heere.Than for to think that I would sink it here. AW V.iii.181
Sir for my thoughts, you haue them il to friend,Sir, for my thoughts, you have them ill to friendill (adv.)

old form: il
badly, adversely, unfavourably
AW V.iii.182
friend, to
as a friend, friendly
Till your deeds gaine them fairer: proue your honor,Till your deeds gain them; fairer prove your honour AW V.iii.183
Then in my thought it lies.Than in my thought it lies! AW V.iii.184.1
Good my Lord,Good my lord, AW V.iii.184.2
Aske him vpon his oath, if hee do's thinkeAsk him upon his oath if he does think AW V.iii.185
He had not my virginity.He had not my virginity. AW V.iii.186
What saist thou to her?What sayst thou to her? AW V.iii.187.1
She's impudent my Lord,She's impudent, my lord, AW V.iii.187.2
And was a common gamester to the Campe.And was a common gamester to the camp.gamester (n.)
one drawn to amorous sport, one who plays the game, prostitute
AW V.iii.188
common (adj.)
cheap, vulgar, promiscuous
He do's me wrong my Lord: If I were so,He does me wrong, my lord; if I were so AW V.iii.189
He might haue bought me at a common price.He might have bought me at a common price. AW V.iii.190
Do not beleeue him. O behold this Ring,Do not believe him. O behold this ring AW V.iii.191
Whose high respect and rich validitieWhose high respect and rich validityrespect (n.)
esteem, status, honour
AW V.iii.192
validity (n.)

old form: validitie
value, worth, estimation
Did lacke a Paralell: yet for all thatDid lack a parallel; yet for all that AW V.iii.193
He gaue it to a Commoner a'th CampeHe gave it to a commoner o'th' camp,commoner (n.)
whore, harlot, prostitute
AW V.iii.194
If I be one.If I be one. AW V.iii.195.1
He blushes, and 'tis hit:He blushes and 'tis hit.hit (v.)
hit the mark with, get at, reach
AW V.iii.195.2
Of sixe preceding Ancestors that IemmeOf six preceding ancestors, that gem AW V.iii.196
Confer'd by testament to'th sequent issueConferred by testament to th' sequent issue,issue (n.)
child(ren), offspring, family, descendant
AW V.iii.197
testament (n.)
will, last will and testament
sequent (adj.)
following, ensuing, consequent
Hath it beene owed and worne. This is his wife,Hath it been owed and worn. This is his wife:owe (v.)
own, possess, have
AW V.iii.198
That Ring's a thousand proofes.That ring's a thousand proofs. AW V.iii.199.1
King. KING 
Me thought you saideMethought you saidmethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Me thought
it seems / seemed to me
AW V.iii.199.2
You saw one heere in Court could witnesse it.You saw one here in court could witness it.witness (v.)

old form: witnesse
bear witness to, attest, testify to
AW V.iii.200
I did my Lord, but loath am to produceI did, my lord, but loath am to produce AW V.iii.201
So bad an instrument, his names Parrolles.So bad an instrument: his name's Parolles.instrument (n.)
agent, means, method
AW V.iii.202
I saw the man to day, if man he bee.I saw the man today, if man he be. AW V.iii.203
Finde him, and bring him hether.Find him, and bring him hither. AW V.iii.204.1
Exit an attendant AW V.iii.204
What of him:What of him? AW V.iii.204.2
He's quoted for a most perfidious slaueHe's quoted for a most perfidious slavequote for (v.)
regard as, consider to be, mention as
AW V.iii.205
With all the spots a'th world, taxt and debosh'd,With all the spots o'th' world taxed and debauched,spot (n.)
stain, blemish, blot
AW V.iii.206
tax (v.)

old form: taxt
censure, blame, take to task, disparage
deboshed, deboyst (adj.)

old form: debosh'd
debauched, corrupted, depraved
Whose nature sickens: but to speake a truth,Whose nature sickens but to speak a truth.nature (n.)
personality, innate disposition, character
AW V.iii.207
Am I, or that or this for what he'l vtter,Am I or that or this for what he'll utter, AW V.iii.208
That will speake any thing.That will speak anything? AW V.iii.209.1
Kin. KING 
She hath that Ring of yours.She hath that ring of yours. AW V.iii.209.2
I thinke she has; certaine it is I lyk'd her,I think she has. Certain it is I liked her AW V.iii.210
And boorded her i'th wanton way of youth:And boarded her i'th' wanton way of youth.wanton (adj.)
carefree, light-hearted, frolicsome, playful
AW V.iii.211
board (v.)

old form: boorded
accost, address, approach, tackle
She knew her distance, and did angle for mee,She knew her distance and did angle for me, AW V.iii.212
Madding my eagernesse with her restraint,Madding my eagerness with her restraint,mad (v.)
madden, excite, provoke
AW V.iii.213
As all impediments in fancies courseAs all impediments in fancy's coursecourse (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
AW V.iii.214
fancy (n.)

old form: fancie
love, amorousness, infatuation
Are motiues of more fancie, and in fine,Are motives of more fancy; and in finefine, in
in the end, finally, in conclusion
AW V.iii.215
Her insuite comming with her moderne grace,Her infinite cunning with her modern gracemodern (adj.)

old form: moderne
ordinary, trite, commonplace, everyday
AW V.iii.216
grace (n.)
gracefulness, charm, elegance
cunning (n.)
deviousness, deceit, craftiness, artfulness
Subdu'd me to her rate, she got the Ring,Subdued me to her rate. She got the ring,rate (n.)
price, fee
AW V.iii.217
And I had that which any inferiour mightAnd I had that which any inferior might AW V.iii.218
At Market price haue bought.At market-price have bought. AW V.iii.219.1
I must be patient:I must be patient. AW V.iii.219.2
You that haue turn'd off a first so noble wife,You that have turned off a first so noble wife AW V.iii.220
May iustly dyet me. I pray you yet,May justly diet me. I pray you yet – diet (v.)

old form: dyet
limit, restrict, restrain
AW V.iii.221
(Since you lacke vertue, I will loose a husband)Since you lack virtue I will lose a husband –  AW V.iii.222
Send for your Ring, I will returne it home,Send for your ring, I will return it home, AW V.iii.223
And giue me mine againe.And give me mine again. AW V.iii.224.1
I haue it not.I have it not. AW V.iii.224.2
What Ring was yours I pray you?What ring was yours, I pray you? AW V.iii.225.1
Sir much likeSir, much like AW V.iii.225.2
the same vpon your finger.The same upon your finger. AW V.iii.226
Know you this Ring, this Ring was his of late.Know you this ring? This ring was his of late. AW V.iii.227
And this was it I gaue him being a bed.And this was it I gave him, being abed. AW V.iii.228
The story then goes false, you threw it himThe story then goes false you threw it himfalse (adj.)
sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial
AW V.iii.229
Out of a Casement.Out of a casement?casement (n.)
window [on hinges and able to be opened]
AW V.iii.230.1
I haue spoke the truth. I have spoke the truth. AW V.iii.230.2
Enter Parolles.Enter Parolles AW V.iii.231
My Lord, I do confesse the ring was hers.My lord, I do confess the ring was hers. AW V.iii.231
You boggle shrewdly, euery feather starts you:You boggle shrewdly; every feather starts you. – start (v.)
startle, alarm, disturb
AW V.iii.232
shrewdly (adv.)
seriously, mightily, very much
boggle (v.)
start with fright, shy away, become alarmed
Is this the man you speake of?Is this the man you speak of? AW V.iii.233.1
I, my Lord.Ay, my lord. AW V.iii.233.2
Tell me sirrah, but tell me true I charge you,Tell me, sirrah – but tell me true I charge you,sirrah (n.)
sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context]
AW V.iii.234
charge (v.)
order, command, enjoin
Not fearing the displeasure of your master:Not fearing the displeasure of your master, AW V.iii.235
Which on your iust proceeding, Ile keepe off,Which on your just proceeding I'll keep off – just (adj.)

old form: iust
truthful, honest
AW V.iii.236
By him and by this woman heere, what know you?By him and by this woman here what know you?by (prep.)
concerning, about
AW V.iii.237
So please your Maiesty, my master hath binSo please your majesty, my master hath been AW V.iii.238
an honourable Gentleman. Trickes hee hath had in him,an honourable gentleman. Tricks he hath had in him,trick (n.)

old form: Trickes
habit, characteristic, typical behaviour
AW V.iii.239
which Gentlemen haue.which gentlemen have. AW V.iii.240
Come, come, to'th' purpose: Did hee loue thisCome, come, to th' purpose. Did he love thispurpose (n.)
point at issue, matter in hand
AW V.iii.241
woman?woman? AW V.iii.242
Faith sir he did loue her, but how.Faith, sir, he did love her; but how? AW V.iii.243
How I pray you?How, I pray you? AW V.iii.244
He did loue her sir, as a Gent. loues aHe did love her, sir, as a gentleman loves a AW V.iii.245
Woman.woman. AW V.iii.246
How is that?How is that? AW V.iii.247
He lou'd her sir, and lou'd her not.He loved her, sir, and loved her not. AW V.iii.248
As thou art a knaue and no knaue, what an equiuocallAs thou art a knave and no knave. What an equivocalequivocal (adj.)

old form: equiuocall
equivocating, quibbling, evasive
AW V.iii.249
knave (n.)

old form: knaue
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
Companion is this?companion is this!companion (n.)
rogue, rascal, fellow
AW V.iii.250
I am a poore man, and at your MaiestiesI am a poor man, and at your majesty's AW V.iii.251
command. command. AW V.iii.252
Hee's a good drumme my Lord, but a naughtie Orator.He's a good drum, my lord, but a naughty orator.naughty (adj.)

old form: naughtie
bad, nasty, horrible
AW V.iii.253
drum (n.)

old form: drumme
Dian. DIANA 
Do you know he promist me marriage?Do you know he promised me marriage? AW V.iii.254
Faith I know more then Ile speake.Faith, I know more than I'll speak. AW V.iii.255
But wilt thou not speake all thou know'st?But wilt thou not speak all thou knowest? AW V.iii.256
Yes so please your Maiesty: I did goe betweeneYes, so please your majesty. I did go between AW V.iii.257
them as I said, but more then that he loued her, forthem as I said; but more than that, he loved her, for AW V.iii.258
indeede he was madde for her, and talkt of Sathan, and ofindeed he was mad for her and talked of Satan and ofSatan (n.)
in Christian tradition, the Devil
AW V.iii.259
Limbo, and of Furies, and I know not what: yet I was inLimbo and of furies and I know not what; yet I was inFuries (n.)
three goddesses, spirits of vengeance, depicted as carrying torches and covered with snakes
AW V.iii.260
Limbo (n.)
domain on the border of hell believed to contain the souls of unbaptised infants and of just people born before Christ
that credit with them at that time, that I knewe of theirthat credit with them at that time that I knew of their AW V.iii.261
going to bed, and of other motions, as promising hergoing to bed and of other motions, as promising hermotion (n.)
proposal, proposition, suggestion, offer
AW V.iii.262
marriage, and things which would deriue mee ill will tomarriage and things which would derive me ill will toderive (v.)

old form: deriue
bring down [on], direct [to]
AW V.iii.263
speake of, therefore I will not speake what I know.speak of; therefore I will not speak what I know. AW V.iii.264
Thou hast spoken all alreadie, vnlesse thou canst sayThou hast spoken all already, unless thou canst say AW V.iii.265
they are maried, but thou art too fine in thy euidence,they are married. But thou art too fine in thy evidence – fine (adj.)
subtle, intricate
AW V.iii.266
therefore stand aside.therefore, stand aside. AW V.iii.267
This Ring you say was yours.This ring you say was yours? AW V.iii.268.1
I my good Lord.Ay, my good lord. AW V.iii.268.2
Where did you buy it? Or who gaue it you?Where did you buy it? Or who gave it you? AW V.iii.269
It was not giuen me, nor I did not buy it.It was not given me, nor I did not buy it. AW V.iii.270
Who lent it you?Who lent it you? AW V.iii.271.1
It was not lent me neither.It was not lent me neither. AW V.iii.271.2
Where did you finde it then?Where did you find it then? AW V.iii.272.1
I found it not.I found it not. AW V.iii.272.2
If it were yours by none of all these wayes,If it were yours by none of all these ways AW V.iii.273
How could you giue it him?How could you give it him? AW V.iii.274.1
I neuer gaue it him.I never gave it him. AW V.iii.274.2
This womans an easie gloue my Lord, she goes off This woman's an easy glove, my lord; she goes offeasy (adj.)

old form: easie
loose-fitting, comfortable
AW V.iii.275
and on at pleasure.and on at pleasure. AW V.iii.276
Kin. KING 
This Ring was mine, I gaue it his first wife.This ring was mine; I gave it his first wife. AW V.iii.277
It might be yours or hers for ought I know.It might be yours or hers for aught I know.aught (n.)

old form: ought
anything, [with negative word] nothing
AW V.iii.278
Take her away, I do not like her now,Take her away, I do not like her now. AW V.iii.279
To prison with her: and away with him,To prison with her. And away with him. AW V.iii.280
Vnlesse thou telst me where thou hadst this Ring,Unless thou tellest me where thou hadst this ring AW V.iii.281
Thou diest within this houre.Thou diest within this hour. AW V.iii.282.1
Ile neuer tell you.I'll never tell you. AW V.iii.282.2
Take her away.Take her away. AW V.iii.283.1
Ile put in baile my liedge.I'll put in bail, my liege.bail (n.)

old form: baile
security for release, guarantee of freedom
AW V.iii.283.2
I thinke thee now some common Customer.I think thee now some common customer.customer (n.)
harlot, prostitute, whore
AW V.iii.284
By Ioue if euer I knew man 'twas you.By Jove, if ever I knew man 'twas you.Jove (n.)
[pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god
AW V.iii.285
King. KING 
Wherefore hast thou accusde him al this while.Wherefore hast thou accused him all this while? AW V.iii.286
Because he's guiltie, and he is not guilty:Because he's guilty and he is not guilty. AW V.iii.287
He knowes I am no Maid, and hee'l sweare too't:He knows I am no maid, and he'll swear to't; AW V.iii.288
Ile sweare I am a Maid, and he knowes not.I'll swear I am a maid and he knows not. AW V.iii.289
Great King I am no strumpet, by my life,Great king, I am no strumpet; by my lifestrumpet (n.)
harlot, prostitute, whore
AW V.iii.290
I am either Maid, or else this old mans wife.I am either maid or else this old man's wife. AW V.iii.291
She does abuse our eares, to prison with her.She does abuse our ears. To prison with her.abuse (v.)
misuse, maltreat, treat badly, wrong
AW V.iii.292
Good mother fetch my bayle. Stay Royall sir,Good mother, fetch my bail. Stay, royal sir;stay (v.)
linger, tarry, delay
AW V.iii.293
bail (n.)

old form: bayle
security for release, guarantee of freedom
Exit the Widow AW V.iii.293
The Ieweller that owes the Ring is sent for,The jeweller that owes the ring is sent forowe (v.)
own, possess, have
AW V.iii.294
And he shall surety me. But for this Lord,And he shall surety me. But for this lordsurety (v.)
go bail for, act as a guarantor for
AW V.iii.295
Who hath abus'd me as he knowes himselfe,Who hath abused me as he knows himself,abuse (v.)

old form: abus'd
misuse, maltreat, treat badly, wrong
AW V.iii.296
Though yet he neuer harm'd me, heere I quit him.Though yet he never harmed me, here I quit him.quit (v.)
acquit, absolve, clear
AW V.iii.297
He knowes himselfe my bed he hath defil'd,He knows himself my bed he hath defiled, AW V.iii.298
And at that time he got his wife with childe:And at that time he got his wife with child. AW V.iii.299
Dead though she be, she feeles her yong one kicke:Dead though she be she feels her young one kick. AW V.iii.300
So there's my riddle, one that's dead is quicke,So there's my riddle: one that's dead is quick.quick (adj.)

old form: quicke
living, vital, full of life
AW V.iii.301
And now behold the meaning.And now behold the meaning. AW V.iii.302.1
Enter Hellen and Widdow.Enter the Widow, with Helena AW V.iii.302
Is there no exorcistIs there no exorcistexorcist (n.)
one who calls up spirits
AW V.iii.302.2
Beguiles the truer Office of mine eyes?Beguiles the truer office of mine eyes?office (n.)
task, service, duty, responsibility
AW V.iii.303
beguile (v.)
cheat, deceive, trick
Is't reall that I see?Is't real that I see? AW V.iii.304.1
No my good Lord,No, my good lord, AW V.iii.304.2
'Tis but the shadow of a wife you see,'Tis but the shadow of a wife you see,shadow (n.)
image, likeness, portrait, semblance
AW V.iii.305
The name, and not the thing.The name and not the thing. AW V.iii.306.1
Both, both, O pardon.Both, both. O pardon! AW V.iii.306.2
Oh my good Lord, when I was like this Maid,O my good lord, when I was like this maid AW V.iii.307
I found you wondrous kinde, there is your Ring,I found you wondrous kind. There is your ring,kind (adj.)

old form: kinde
loving, affectionate, fond
AW V.iii.308
And looke you, heeres your letter: this it sayes,And, look you, here's your letter. This it says: AW V.iii.309
When from my finger you can get this Ring,When from my finger you can get this ring... AW V.iii.310
And is by me with childe, &c. This is done,And is by me with child, etc. This is done. AW V.iii.311
Will you be mine now you are doubly wonne?Will you be mine now you are doubly won? AW V.iii.312
If she my Liege can make me know this clearly,If she, my liege, can make me know this clearly AW V.iii.313
Ile loue her dearely, euer, euer dearly.I'll love her dearly, ever, ever dearly. AW V.iii.314
If it appeare not plaine, and proue vntrue,If it appear not plain and prove untrue, AW V.iii.315
Deadly diuorce step betweene me and you.Deadly divorce step between me and you! AW V.iii.316
O my deere mother do I see you liuing?O my dear mother, do I see you living? AW V.iii.317
Mine eyes smell Onions, I shall weepe anon:Mine eyes smell onions, I shall weep anon.anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
AW V.iii.318
Good Tom Drumme lend me a handkercher. (To Parolles) Good Tom Drum, lend me a handkercher.handkercher (n.)
AW V.iii.319
So I thanke thee, waite on me home, Ile make sport withSo, I thank thee. Wait on me home, I'll make sport withsport (n.)
recreation, amusement, entertainment
AW V.iii.320
thee: Let thy curtsies alone, they are scuruy ones.thee. Let thy curtsies alone, they are scurvy ones.scurvy (adj.)

old form: scuruy
contemptible, despicable, wretched
AW V.iii.321
King KING 
Let vs from point to point this storie know,Let us from point to point this story know AW V.iii.322
To make the euen truth in pleasure flow:To make the even truth in pleasure flow.even (adj.)

old form: euen
real, exact, precise
AW V.iii.323
If thou beest yet a fresh vncropped flower, (To Diana) If thou beest yet a fresh uncropped floweruncropped (adj.)

old form: vncropped
uncut, not plucked
AW V.iii.324
Choose thou thy husband, and Ile pay thy dower.Choose thou thy husband and I'll pay thy dower;dower (n.)
dowry, property or wealth given with a wife
AW V.iii.325
For I can guesse, that by thy honest ayde,For I can guess that by thy honest aid AW V.iii.326
Thou keptst a wife her selfe, thy selfe a Maide.Thou keptest a wife herself, thyself a maid. AW V.iii.327
Of that and all the progresse more and lesse,Of that and all the progress more and less AW V.iii.328
Resoluedly more leasure shall expresse:Resolvedly more leisure shall express.resolvedly (adv.)

old form: Resoluedly
freeing from doubt, in a way which will remove all uncertainty
AW V.iii.329
All yet seemes well, and if it end so meete,All yet seems well, and if it end so meet,meet (adv.)

old form: meete
suitably, fittingly, appropriately
AW V.iii.330
The bitter past, more welcome is the sweet.The bitter past, more welcome is the sweet. AW V.iii.331
FlourishFlourish AW V.iii.332
THe Kings a Begger, now the Play is done,The King's a beggar, now the play is done. AW V.iii.332
All is well ended, if this suite be wonne,All is well ended if this suit be won,suit (n.)

old form: suite
formal request, entreaty, petition
AW V.iii.333
That you expresse Content: which we will pay,That you express content; which we will paycontent (n.)
pleasure, satisfaction, happiness
AW V.iii.334
With strife to please you, day exceeding day:With strife to please you, day exceeding day.strife (n.)
striving, endeavour, strong effort
AW V.iii.335
Ours be your patience then, and yours our parts,Ours be your patience then and yours our parts; AW V.iii.336
Your gentle hands lend vs, and take our hearts. Your gentle hands lend us and take our hearts.gentle (adj.)
courteous, friendly, kind
AW V.iii.337
Exeunt omn.Exeunt AW V.iii.337
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