Timon of Athens

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Trumpets sound. Enter Alcibiades with his PowersTrumpets sound. Enter Alcibiades with his Powerspower (n.)
armed force, troops, host, army
Tim V.iv.1.1
before Athens.before Athens Tim V.iv.1.2
Sound to this Coward, and lasciuious Towne,Sound to this coward and lascivious townsound (v.)
inform with a call
Tim V.iv.1
coward (adj.)
Our terrible approach.Our terrible approach.terrible (adj.)
terrifying, frightening, inspiring dread
Tim V.iv.2
Sounds a Parly.The Trumpeter sounds a parley Tim V.iv.3.1
The Senators appeare vpon the wals.The Senators appear upon the walls Tim V.iv.3.2
Till now you haue gone on, and fill'd the timeTill now you have gone on and filled the time Tim V.iv.3
With all Licentious measure, making your willesWith all licentious measure, making your willsmeasure (n.)
course of action, means
Tim V.iv.4
The scope of Iustice. Till now, my selfe and suchThe scope of justice. Till now, myself, and suchscope (n.)
range, reach, extent
Tim V.iv.5
As slept within the shadow of your powerAs stepped within the shadow of your power, Tim V.iv.6
Haue wander'd with our trauerst Armes, and breath'dHave wandered with our traversed arms, and breathedtraversed (adj.)

old form: trauerst
placed crosswise, laid across the shoulders
Tim V.iv.7
breathe (v.)

old form: breath'd
speak, utter, talk
Our sufferance vainly: Now the time is flush,Our sufferance vainly. Now the time is flush,sufferance (n.)
distress, suffering, hardship
Tim V.iv.8
flush (adj.)
ripe, set, ready
When crouching Marrow in the bearer strongWhen crouching marrow in the bearer strongmarrow (n.)
spirit, courage, strength
Tim V.iv.9
crouching (adj.)
submissive, cringing, docile
Cries (of it selfe) no more: Now breathlesse wrong,Cries of itself ‘ No more.’ Now breathless wrong Tim V.iv.10
Shall sit and pant in your great Chaires of ease,Shall sit and pant in your great chairs of ease, Tim V.iv.11
And pursie Insolence shall breake his windeAnd pursy insolence shall break his windpursy (adj.)

old form: pursie
short-winded, puffed out
Tim V.iv.12
wind, break one's

old form: breake winde
gasp for breath, lose one's breath
With feare and horrid flight.With fear and horrid flight. Tim V.iv.13.1
Noble, and young;Noble and young, Tim V.iv.13.2
When thy first greefes were but a meere conceit,When thy first griefs were but a mere conceit,mere (adj.)

old form: meere
complete, total, absolute, utter
Tim V.iv.14
grief (n.)

old form: greefes
grievance, complaint, hurt, injury
conceit (n.)
notion, idea, thought
Ere thou had'st power, or we had cause of feare,Ere thou hadst power or we had cause of fear, Tim V.iv.15
We sent to thee, to giue thy rages Balme,We sent to thee, to give thy rages balm,balm (n.)

old form: Balme
soothing ointment, salve; soothing treatment
Tim V.iv.16
To wipe out our Ingratitude, with LouesTo wipe out our ingratitude with loves Tim V.iv.17
Aboue their quantitie.Above their quantity. Tim V.iv.18.1
So did we wooeSo did we woo Tim V.iv.18.2
Transformed Timon, to our Citties loueTransformed Timon to our city's love Tim V.iv.19
By humble Message, and by promist meanes:By humble message and by promised means.mean (n.)

old form: meanes
(plural) resources, wherewithal, wealth
Tim V.iv.20
We were not all vnkinde, nor all deserueWe were not all unkind, nor all deserve Tim V.iv.21
The common stroke of warre.The common stroke of war.common (adj.)
indiscriminate, general, affecting everyone
Tim V.iv.22.1
These walles of ours,These walls of ours Tim V.iv.22.2
Were not erected by their hands, from whomWere not erected by their hands from whom Tim V.iv.23
You haue receyu'd your greefe: Nor are they such,You have received your grief; nor are they suchgrief (n.)

old form: greefe
grievance, complaint, hurt, injury
Tim V.iv.24
That these great Towres, Trophees, & Schools shold fallThat these great towers, trophies, and schools should falltrophy (n.)

old form: Trophees
memorial, monument
Tim V.iv.25
school (n.)
public building, institution
For priuate faults in them.For private faults in them.private (adj.)

old form: priuate
personal, individual, particular
Tim V.iv.26.1
Nor are they liuingNor are they living Tim V.iv.26.2
Who were the motiues that you first went out,Who were the motives that you first went out;motive (n.)

old form: motiues
cause, mover, instigator
Tim V.iv.27
(Shame that they wanted, cunning in excesse)Shame, that they wanted cunning, in excesscunning (n.)
knowledge, awareness, discernment
Tim V.iv.28
Hath broke their hearts. March, Noble Lord,Hath broke their hearts. March, noble lord, Tim V.iv.29
Into our City with thy Banners spred,Into our city with thy banners spread. Tim V.iv.30
By decimation and a tythed death;By decimation and a tithed death – decimation (n.)
killing one in every ten persons
Tim V.iv.31
tithed (adj.)

old form: tythed
of one person in ten
If thy Reuenges hunger for that FoodIf thy revenges hunger for that food Tim V.iv.32
Which Nature loathes, take thou the destin'd tenth,Which nature loathes – take thou the destined tenth, Tim V.iv.33
And by the hazard of the spotted dye,And by the hazard of the spotted diehazard (n.)
[gambling] chance, fortune; throw [of dice]
Tim V.iv.34
die (n.)

old form: dye
one of a pair of dice
Let dye the spotted.Let die the spotted.spotted (adj.)
person deemed guilty, one marked out for death
Tim V.iv.35.1
All haue not offended:All have not offended. Tim V.iv.35.2
For those that were, it is not square to takeFor those that were, it is not square to take,square (adj.)
right, fair, just
Tim V.iv.36
On those that are, Reuenge: Crimes, like LandsOn those that are, revenges. Crimes like lands Tim V.iv.37
Are not inherited, then deere Countryman,Are not inherited. Then, dear countryman, Tim V.iv.38
Bring in thy rankes, but leaue without thy rage,Bring in thy ranks, but leave without thy rage.without (adv.)
externally, on the outside
Tim V.iv.39
rank (n.)

old form: rankes
(plural) troops, forces, army
Spare thy Athenian Cradle, and those KinSpare thy Athenian cradle and those kincradle (n.)
birthplace, home
Tim V.iv.40
Which in the bluster of thy wrath must fallWhich, in the bluster of thy wrath, must fallbluster (n.)
storm, tempest, rough blast
Tim V.iv.41
With those that haue offended, like a Shepheard,With those that have offended. Like a shepherd Tim V.iv.42
Approach the Fold, and cull th'infected forth,Approach the fold and cull th' infected forth, Tim V.iv.43
But kill not altogether.But kill not all together. Tim V.iv.44.1
What thou wilt,What thou wilt, Tim V.iv.44.2
Thou rather shalt inforce it with thy smile,Thou rather shalt enforce it with thy smileenforce (v.)

old form: inforce
gain by force, exact
Tim V.iv.45
Then hew too't, with thy Sword.Than hew to't with thy sword. Tim V.iv.46.1
Set but thy footSet but thy foot Tim V.iv.46.2
Against our rampyr'd gates, and they shall ope:Against our rampired gates and they shall ope,ope (v.)
Tim V.iv.47
rampired (adj.)

old form: rampyr'd
fortified by ramps of earth, strengthened against attack
So thou wilt send thy gentle heart before,So thou wilt send thy gentle heart before,gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
Tim V.iv.48
To say thou't enter Friendly.To say thou'lt enter friendly. Tim V.iv.49.1
Throw thy Gloue,Throw thy glove, Tim V.iv.49.2
Or any Token of thine Honour else,Or any token of thine honour else,token (n.)
sign, evidence, mark
Tim V.iv.50
That thou wilt vse the warres as thy redresse,That thou wilt use the wars as thy redress Tim V.iv.51
And not as our Confusion: All thy PowersAnd not as our confusion, all thy powerspower (n.)
armed force, troops, host, army
Tim V.iv.52
confusion (n.)
destruction, overthrow, ruin
Shall make their harbour in our Towne, till weeShall make their harbour in our town till weharbour (n.)
shelter, refuge, safe lodging
Tim V.iv.53
Haue seal'd thy full desire.Have sealed thy full desire.seal (v.)

old form: seal'd
accomplish, carry out, fulfil
Tim V.iv.54.1
Then there's my Gloue,Then there's my glove. Tim V.iv.54.2
Defend and open your vncharged Ports,Descend, and open your uncharged ports.port (n.)
portal, entrance, gateway
Tim V.iv.55
uncharged (adj.)

old form: vncharged
unattacked, unassailed
Those Enemies of Timons, and mine owneThose enemies of Timon's, and mine own, Tim V.iv.56
Whom you your selues shall set out for reproofe,Whom you yourselves shall set out for reproof,set out (v.)
pick out, send forth
Tim V.iv.57
reproof (n.)

old form: reproofe
shame, disgrace, reproach
Fall and no more; and to attone your fearesFall, and no more. And, to atone your fearsatone (v.)

old form: attone
appease, allay, assuage
Tim V.iv.58
With my more Noble meaning, not a manWith my more noble meaning, not a manmeaning (n.)
design, intention, purpose
Tim V.iv.59
Shall passe his quarter, or offend the streameShall pass his quarter, or offend the streampass (v.)

old form: passe
move outside, go beyond
Tim V.iv.60
quarter (n.)
quarters, lodging, residence
Of Regular Iustice in your Citties bounds,Of regular justice in your city's bounds,regular (adj.)
established, prescribed, constituted
Tim V.iv.61
bound (n.)
territory, region, domain
But shall be remedied to your publique LawesBut shall be remanded to your public lawsremand (v.)
refer, send back, hand over
Tim V.iv.62
remedy (v.)
hand over for remedy, send for correction
At heauiest answer.At heaviest answer.heavy (adj.)

old form: heauiest
grave, serious, weighty
Tim V.iv.63.1
answer (n.)
accountability, responsibility, liability, penalty
'Tis most Nobly spoken.'Tis most nobly spoken. Tim V.iv.63.2
Descend, and keepe your words.Descend, and keep your words. Tim V.iv.64
The Senators descend Tim V.iv.65.1
Enter a Messenger .Enter Soldier Tim V.iv.65.2
My Noble Generall, Timon is dead,My noble general, Timon is dead, Tim V.iv.65
Entomb'd vpon the very hemme o'th'Sea,Entombed upon the very hem o'th' sea;entomb (v.)

old form: Entomb'd
lay in a tomb, bury, inter
Tim V.iv.66
hem (n.)

old form: hemme
edge, margin, shore
And on his Grauestone, this Insculpture whichAnd on his grave-stone this insculpture whichinsculpture (n.)
inscription, engraving
Tim V.iv.67
With wax I brought away: whose soft ImpressionWith wax I brought away, whose soft impression Tim V.iv.68
Interprets for my poore ignorance.Interprets for my poor ignorance. Tim V.iv.69
Alcibiades ALCIBIADES  
reades the Epitaph. (reading the epitaph) Tim V.iv.70.1
Heere lies a wretched Coarse, of wretched Soule bereft,Here lies a wretched corse, of wretched soul bereft.corse (n.)

old form: Coarse
corpse, dead body
Tim V.iv.70
Seek not my name: A Plague consume you, wicked Caitifs left:Seek not my name. A plague consume you wicked caitiffs left!caitiff (n.)

old form: Caitifs
[sympathetic or contemptuous] miserable wretch, wretched creature
Tim V.iv.71
Heere lye I Timon, who aliue, all liuing men did hate,Here lie I Timon, who alive all living men did hate. Tim V.iv.72
Passe by, and curse thy fill, but passe and stay not here thy gate.Pass by and curse thy fill, but pass, and stay not here thy gait.stay (v.)
linger, tarry, delay
Tim V.iv.73
gait (n.)

old form: gate
proceedings, course, doings, steps
These well expresse in thee thy latter spirits:These well express in thee thy latter spirits.spirit (n.)
(plural) sentiments, faculties, traits of character
Tim V.iv.74
latter (adj.)
recent, of one's later days
Though thou abhorrd'st in vs our humane griefes,Though thou abhorredst in us our human griefs,grief (n.)

old form: griefes
pain, torment, distress
Tim V.iv.75
abhor (v.)

old form: abhorrd'st
loathe, abominate, regard with disgust
Scornd'st our Braines flow, and those our droplets, whichScornedst our brains' flow and those our droplets whichflow (n.)
Tim V.iv.76
From niggard Nature fall; yet Rich ConceitFrom niggard nature fall, yet rich conceitnature (n.)
human nature
Tim V.iv.77
niggard (adj.)
miserly, parsimonious, sparing
rich (adj.)
high, noble, great
conceit (n.)
understanding, intelligence, apprehension
conceit (n.)
imagination, fancy, wit
Taught thee to make vast Neptune weepe for ayeTaught thee to make vast Neptune weep for ayeNeptune
Roman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather
Tim V.iv.78
aye (adv.)
always, ever, for eternity
On thy low Graue, on faults forgiuen. DeadOn thy low grave, on faults forgiven. Dead Tim V.iv.79
Is Noble Timon, of whose MemorieIs noble Timon, of whose memory Tim V.iv.80
Heereafter more. Bring me into your Citie,Hereafter more. Bring me into your city, Tim V.iv.81
And I will vse the Oliue, with my Sword:And I will use the olive with my sword,olive (n.)

old form: Oliue
olive-branch [symbol of peace]
Tim V.iv.82
Make war breed peace; make peace stint war, make eachMake war breed peace, make peace stint war, make eachstint (v.)
limit, hold back, restrain
Tim V.iv.83
Prescribe to other, as each others Leach.Prescribe to other, as each other's leech.leech (n.)

old form: Leach
physician, healer
Tim V.iv.84
Let our Drummes strike. Let our drums strike.strike (v.)
beat, sound, strike up
Tim V.iv.85
Exeunt.Exeunt Tim V.iv.85
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