Troilus and Cressida

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Diomed and Seruants.Enter Diomedes and his Servant TC V.v.1
Goe, goe, my seruant, take thou Troylus Horse;Go, go, my servant, take thou Troilus' horse; TC V.v.1
Present the faire Steede to my Lady Cressid:Present the fair steed to my Lady Cressid. TC V.v.2
Fellow, commend my seruice to her beauty;Fellow, commend my service to her beauty;commend (v.)
present, introduce, bring [for favourable acceptance]
TC V.v.3
Tell her, I haue chastis'd the amorous Troyan.Tell her I have chastised the amorous Trojan, TC V.v.4
And am her Knight by proofe.And am her knight by proof.proof (n.)

old form: proofe
test, trial
TC V.v.5.1
I goe my Lord. I go, my lord. TC V.v.5.2
Exit TC V.v.5
Enter Agamemnon.Enter Agamemnon TC V.v.6
Renew, renew, the fierce PolidamusRenew, renew! The fierce Polydamas TC V.v.6
Hath beate downe Menon: bastard MargarelonHath beat down Menon; bastard Margarelon TC V.v.7
Hath Doreus prisoner.Hath Doreus prisoner, TC V.v.8
And stands Calossus-wise wauing his beame,And stands colossus-wise, waving his beam,colossus-wise (adv.)

old form: Calossus-wise
like a colossus, with legs astride
TC V.v.9
beam (n.)

old form: beame
large wooden staff, lance, club
Vpon the pashed courses of the Kings:Upon the pashed corpses of the kingspashed (adj.)
smashed, battered, crushed
TC V.v.10
Epistropus and Cedus, Polixines is slaine;Epistrophus and Cedius. Polyxenes is slain, TC V.v.11
Amphimacus, and Thous deadly hurt;Amphimachus and Thoas deadly hurt,deadly (adv.)
mortally, fatally
TC V.v.12
Patroclus tane or slaine, and PalamedesPatroclus ta'en or slain, and Palamedes TC V.v.13
Sore hurt and bruised; the dreadfull SagittarySore hurt and bruised; the dreadful Sagittarysore (adv.)
seriously, greatly, very much
TC V.v.14
dreadful (adj.)

old form: dreadfull
inspiring dread, causing fear, daunting
Appauls our numbers, haste we DiomedAppals our numbers. Haste we, Diomed,appal (v.)

old form: Appauls
turn pale, terrify, dismay
TC V.v.15
To re-enforcement, or we perish all.To reinforcement, or we perish all. TC V.v.16
Enter Nestor.Enter Nestor with soldiers TC V.v.17
Coe beare Patroclus body to Achilles,Go, bear Patroclus' body to Achilles, TC V.v.17
And bid the snaile-pac'd Aiax arme for shame;And bid the snail-paced Ajax arm for shame. –  TC V.v.18
There is a thousand Hectors in the field:There is a thousand Hectors in the field;field (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
TC V.v.19
Now here he fights on Galathe his Horse,Now here he fights on Galathe his horse, TC V.v.20
And there lacks worke: anon he's there a foote,And there lacks work; anon he's there afoot,anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
TC V.v.21
afoot (adv.)

old form: a foote
on foot
And there they flye or dye, like scaled sculs,And there they fly or die, like scaled schoolsschool (n.)

old form: sculs
shoal of fish
TC V.v.22
scaled, scaling (adj.)
scaly, covered in scales
Before the belching Whale; then is he yonder,Before the belching whale; then is he yonder,belching (adj.)
spouting, spurting
TC V.v.23
And there the straying Greekes, ripe for his edge,And there the strawy Greeks, ripe for his edge,strawy (adj.)
like straw, worthless as straw
TC V.v.24
Fall downe before him, like the mowers swath;Fall down before him, like the mower's swath:swath (n.)
swathe, sweep of a scythe
TC V.v.25
Here, there, and euery where, he leaues and takes;Here, there, and everywhere, he leaves and takes,leave (v.)

old form: leaues
spare, leave alive
TC V.v.26
take (v.)
conquer, overthrow, destroy
Dexteritie so obaying appetite,Dexterity so obeying appetiteappetite (n.)
desire, longing, inclination, fancy
TC V.v.27
That what he will, he does, and does so much,That what he will he does; and does so muchwill (v.), past form would
desire, wish, want
TC V.v.28
That proofe is call'd impossibility.That proof is called impossibility. TC V.v.29
Enter Vlisses.Enter Ulysses TC V.v.30
Oh, courage, courage Princes: great AchillesO, courage, courage, princes! Great Achilles TC V.v.30
Is arming, weeping, cursing, vowing vengeance;Is arming, weeping, cursing, vowing vengeance; TC V.v.31
Patroclus wounds haue rouz'd his drowzie bloud,Patroclus' wounds have roused his drowsy blood, TC V.v.32
Together with his mangled Myrmidons,Together with his mangled Myrmidons,Myrmidons (n.)
[pron: 'mermidonz] band of warriors from Thessaly who went to the Trojan War with Achilles
TC V.v.33
That noselesse, handlesse, hackt and chipt, come to him;That noseless, handless, hacked and chipped, come to him, TC V.v.34
Crying on Hector. Aiax hath lost a friend,Crying on Hector. Ajax hath lost a friend,cry on (v.)
shout out, call out about
TC V.v.35
And foames at mouth, and he is arm'd, and at it:And foams at mouth, and he is armed and at it, TC V.v.36
Roaring for Troylus; who hath done to day.Roaring for Troilus, who hath done today TC V.v.37
Mad and fantasticke execution;Mad and fantastic execution,execution (n.)
killing, slaying, slaughter
TC V.v.38
Engaging and redeeming of himselfe,Engaging and redeeming of himselfengage (v.)
enter into combat, make an attack
TC V.v.39
redeem (v.)
free, liberate, extricate
With such a carelesse force, and forcelesse care,With such a careless force and forceless careforceless (adj.)

old form: forcelesse
effortless, easy-going, nonchalant
TC V.v.40
force (n.)
physical strength, might, vigour
careless (adj.)

old form: carelesse
casual, informal, free and easy
care (n.)
attentiveness, heedfulness, diligence
As if that luck in very spight of cunning,As if that luck, in very spite of cunning,cunning (n.)
skill, ability, expertise
TC V.v.41
bad him win all.Bade him win all. TC V.v.42
Enter Aiax.Enter Ajax TC V.v.43
Aia. AJAX 
Troylus, thou coward Troylus. Troilus! Thou coward Troilus! TC V.v.43.1
Exit.Exit TC V.v.43
I, there, there.Ay, there, there! TC V.v.43.2
So, so, we draw together. So, so, we draw together.draw (v.)
carry a burden, drag a load
TC V.v.44.1
Exit.Exit TC V.v.44
Enter Achilles.Enter Achilles TC V.v.44
Where is this Hector?Where is this Hector? –  TC V.v.44.2
Come, come, thou boy-queller, shew thy face:Come, come, thou boy-queller, show thy face;queller (n.)
destroyer, killer
TC V.v.45
Know what it is to meete Achilles angry.Know what it is to meet Achilles angry –  TC V.v.46
Hector, wher's Hector? I will none but Hector. Hector! Where's Hector? I will none but Hector.will (v.), past form would
desire, wish, want
TC V.v.47
Exit.Exeunt TC V.v.47
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