Henry VI Part 3

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Flourish. Enter Edward, Richard, Queene, Clarence,Flourish. Enter Edward, Richard, George, and their 3H6 V.v.1.1
Oxford, Somerset.army, with the Queen, Oxford, and Somerset, 3H6 V.v.1.2
prisoners 3H6 V.v.1.3
Now here a period of tumultuous Broyles.Now here a period of tumultuous broils.period (n.)
full stop, end, ending, conclusion
3H6 V.v.1
broil (n.)

old form: Broyles
turmoil, confused fighting, battle
Away with Oxford, to Hames Castle straight:Away with Oxford to Hames Castle straight;straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
3H6 V.v.2
For Somerset, off with his guiltie Head.For Somerset, off with his guilty head. 3H6 V.v.3
Goe beare them hence, I will not heare them speake.Go, bear them hence; I will not hear them speak. 3H6 V.v.4
For my part, Ile not trouble thee with words.For my part I'll not trouble thee with words. 3H6 V.v.5
Nor I, but stoupe with patience to my fortune.Nor I, but stoop with patience to my fortune.fortune (n.)
chance, fate, [one's ] lot
3H6 V.v.6
Exeunt.Exeunt Oxford and Somerset, guarded 3H6 V.v.6
So part we sadly in this troublous World,So part we sadly in this troublous world, 3H6 V.v.7
To meet with Ioy in sweet Ierusalem.To meet with joy in sweet Jerusalem. 3H6 V.v.8
Is Proclamation made, That who finds Edward,Is proclamation made that who finds Edward 3H6 V.v.9
Shall haue a high Reward, and he his Life?Shall have a high reward, and he his life? 3H6 V.v.10
It is, and loe where youthfull Edward comes.It is; and lo, where youthful Edward comes! 3H6 V.v.11
Enter the Prince.Enter the Prince, guarded 3H6 V.v.12
Bring forth the Gallant, let vs heare him speake.Bring forth the gallant; let us hear him speak. 3H6 V.v.12
What? can so young a Thorne begin to prick?What! Can so young a thorn begin to prick? 3H6 V.v.13
Edward, what satisfaction canst thou make,Edward, what satisfaction canst thou makesatisfaction (n.)
recompense, compensation, atonement
3H6 V.v.14
For bearing Armes, for stirring vp my Subiects,For bearing arms, for stirring up my subjects, 3H6 V.v.15
And all the trouble thou hast turn'd me to?And all the trouble thou hast turned me to? 3H6 V.v.16
Prince. PRINCE 
Speake like a Subiect, prowd ambitious Yorke.Speak like a subject, proud ambitious York! 3H6 V.v.17
Suppose that I am now my Fathers Mouth,Suppose that I am now my father's mouth;mouth (n.)
mouthpiece, spokesman
3H6 V.v.18
Resigne thy Chayre, and where I stand, kneele thou,Resign thy chair, and where I stand kneel thou,chair (n.)

old form: Chayre
3H6 V.v.19
Whil'st I propose the selfe-same words to thee,Whilst I propose the selfsame words to thee, 3H6 V.v.20
Which (Traytor) thou would'st haue me answer to.Which, traitor, thou wouldst have me answer to. 3H6 V.v.21
Ah, that thy Father had beene so resolu'd.Ah, that thy father had been so resolved! 3H6 V.v.22
That you might still haue worne the Petticoat,That you might still have worn the petticoatpetticoat (n.)
long skirt
3H6 V.v.23
still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
And ne're haue stolne the Breech from Lancaster.And ne'er have stolen the breech from Lancaster.breech (n.)
breeches, trousers [representing the authority of the husband]
3H6 V.v.24
Prince. PRINCE 
Let Aesop fable in a Winters Night,Let Aesop fable in a winter's night; 3H6 V.v.25
His Currish Riddles sorts not with this place.His currish riddles sorts not with this place.sort (v.)
suit, be fitting, be appropriate
3H6 V.v.26
currish (adj.)
mean-spirited, snarling, quarrelsome
By Heauen, Brat, Ile plague ye for that word.By heaven, brat, I'll plague ye for that word.word (n.)
remark, speech, utterance
3H6 V.v.27
brat (n.)
child [not always with contemptuous connotation]
I, thou wast borne to be a plague to men.Ay, thou wast born to be a plague to men. 3H6 V.v.28
For Gods sake, take away this Captiue Scold.For God's sake, take away this captive scold. 3H6 V.v.29
Prince. PRINCE 
Nay, take away this scolding Crooke-backe, rather.Nay, take away this scolding crook-back rather.crook-back (n.)

old form: Crooke-backe
3H6 V.v.30
Peace wilfull Boy, or I will charme your tongue.Peace, wilful boy, or I will charm your tongue.charm (v.)

old form: charme
overcome, subdue, take over [as if by a charm]
3H6 V.v.31
Vntutor'd Lad, thou art too malapert.Untutored lad, thou art too malapert.malapert (adj.)
impudent, saucy, impertinent
3H6 V.v.32
untutored (adj.)

old form: Vntutor'd
badly brought up, untaught, inexperienced
Prince. PRINCE 
I know my dutie, you are all vndutifull:I know my duty; you are all undutiful. 3H6 V.v.33
Lasciuious Edward, and thou periur'd George,Lascivious Edward, and thou perjured George, 3H6 V.v.34
And thou mis-shapen Dicke, I tell ye all,And thou misshapen Dick, I tell ye all 3H6 V.v.35
I am your better, Traytors as ye are,I am your better, traitors as ye are; 3H6 V.v.36
And thou vsurp'st my Fathers right and mine.And thou usurpest my father's right and mine.right (n.)
just claim, rights, title
3H6 V.v.37
Take that, the likenesse of this Rayler here.Take that, the likeness of this railer here.railer (n.)

old form: Rayler
ranter, reviler
3H6 V.v.38
Stabs him.He stabs him 3H6 V.v.39.1
Sprawl'st thou? take that, to end thy agonie.Sprawlest thou? Take that, to end thy agony.sprawl (v.)

old form: Sprawl'st
writhe, struggle, thrash about
3H6 V.v.39
Rich. stabs him.He stabs him 3H6 V.v.40
And ther's for twitting me with periurie.And there's for twitting me with perjury. 3H6 V.v.40
Clar. stabs him.He stabs him 3H6 V.v.41
Oh, kill me too.O, kill me too! 3H6 V.v.41
Marry, and shall. Marry, and shall.marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
3H6 V.v.42
Offers to kill her.He offers to kill heroffer (v.)
attempt, start, try, make a move
3H6 V.v.43.1
Hold, Richard, hold, for we haue done too much.Hold, Richard, hold; for we have done too much.hold (v.)
stop, cease, hold on
3H6 V.v.43
Why should shee liue, to fill the World with words.Why should she live to fill the world with words? 3H6 V.v.44
What? doth shee swowne? vse meanes for her recouerie.What! Doth she swoon? Use means for her recovery.swown (v.)

old form: swowne
variant spelling of ‘swoon’
3H6 V.v.45
Clarence excuse me to the King my Brother:Clarence, excuse me to the King my brother; 3H6 V.v.46
Ile hence to London on a serious matter,I'll hence to London on a serious matter. 3H6 V.v.47
Ere ye come there, be sure to heare some newes.Ere ye come there, be sure to hear some news. 3H6 V.v.48
What? what?What? What? 3H6 V.v.49
Tower, the Tower. The Tower, the Tower. 3H6 V.v.50
Exit.Exit 3H6 V.v.50
Oh Ned, sweet Ned, speake to thy Mother Boy.O Ned, sweet Ned, speak to thy mother, boy! 3H6 V.v.51
Can'st thou not speake? O Traitors, Murtherers!Canst thou not speak? O traitors! Murderers! 3H6 V.v.52
They that stabb'd Casar, shed no blood at all:They that stabbed Caesar shed no blood at all, 3H6 V.v.53
Did not offend, nor were not worthy Blame,Did not offend, nor were not worthy blame, 3H6 V.v.54
If this foule deed were by, to equall it.If this foul deed were by to equal it.equal (v.)

old form: equall
be compared with, be likened to
3H6 V.v.55
He was a Man; this (in respect) a Childe,He was a man; this, in respect, a child;respect, in
in comparison
3H6 V.v.56
And Men, ne're spend their fury on a Childe.And men ne'er spend their fury on a child.spend (v.)
expend, express, give vent to
3H6 V.v.57
What's worse then Murtherer, that I may name it?What's worse than murderer, that I may name it? 3H6 V.v.58
No, no, my heart will burst, and if I speake,No, no, my heart will burst an if I speak;an if (conj.)
3H6 V.v.59
And I will speake, that so my heart may burst.And I will speak that so my heart may burst. 3H6 V.v.60
Butchers and Villaines, bloudy Caniballes,Butchers and villains! Bloody cannibals! 3H6 V.v.61
How sweet a Plant haue you vntimely cropt:How sweet a plant have you untimely cropped!untimely (adv.)

old form: vntimely
prematurely, too soon, before due time
3H6 V.v.62
You haue no children (Butchers) if you had,You have no children, butchers; if you had, 3H6 V.v.63
The thought of them would haue stirr'd vp remorse,The thought of them would have stirred up remorse.remorse (n.)
pity, regret, sorrow
3H6 V.v.64
But if you euer chance to haue a Childe,But if you ever chance to have a child, 3H6 V.v.65
Looke in his youth to haue him so cut off.Look in his youth to have him so cut off 3H6 V.v.66
As deathsmen you haue rid this sweet yong Prince.As, deathsmen, you have rid this sweet young Prince!rid (v.)
get rid of, destroy, kill
3H6 V.v.67
deathsman (n.)
Away with her, go beare her hence perforce.Away with her; go, bear her hence perforce.perforce (adv.)
forcibly, by force, violently
3H6 V.v.68
Nay, neuer beare me hence, dispatch me heere:Nay, never bear me hence, dispatch me here;dispatch, despatch (v.)
kill, put to death, make away with, finish off
3H6 V.v.69
Here sheath thy Sword, Ile pardon thee my death:Here sheathe thy sword; I'll pardon thee my death. 3H6 V.v.70
What? wilt thou not? Then Clarence do it thou.What! Wilt thou not? Then, Clarence, do it thou. 3H6 V.v.71
By heauen, I will not do thee so much ease.By heaven, I will not do thee so much ease.ease (n.)
comfort, relief, solace
3H6 V.v.72
Good Clarence do: sweet Clarence do thou do it.Good Clarence, do; sweet Clarence, do thou do it. 3H6 V.v.73
Did'st thou not heare me sweare I would not do it?Didst thou not hear me swear I would not do it? 3H6 V.v.74
I, but thou vsest to forsweare thy selfe.Ay, but thou usest to forswear thyself,forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore

old form: forsweare
swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word
3H6 V.v.75
'Twas Sin before, but now 'tis Charity.'Twas sin before, but now 'tis charity. 3H6 V.v.76
What wilt yu not? Where is that diuels butcher Richard?What! Wilt thou not? Where is that devil's butcher Richard? 3H6 V.v.77
Hard fauor'd Richard? Richard, where art thou?Hard-favoured Richard; Richard, where art thou?hard-favoured (adj.)

old form: Hard fauor'd
ugly, unattractive, unsightly, hideous
3H6 V.v.78
Thou art not heere; Murther is thy Almes-deed:Thou art not here; murder is thy alms-deed;alms-deed (n.)

old form: Almes-deed
almsgiving, act of charity
3H6 V.v.79
Petitioners for Blood, thou ne're put'st backe.Petitioners for blood thou ne'er puttest back.put back (v.)

old form: put'st backe
repulse, reject, refuse
3H6 V.v.80
Away I say, I charge ye beare her hence,Away, I say; I charge ye, bear her hence.charge (v.)
order, command, enjoin
3H6 V.v.81
So come to you, and yours, as to this Prince.So come to you and yours as to this Prince!come (v.)
come to pass, happen, turn out
3H6 V.v.82
Exit Queene.Exit, guarded 3H6 V.v.82
Where's Richard gone.Where's Richard gone? 3H6 V.v.83
To London all in post, and as I guesse,To London all in post; and, as I guess,post, in
in haste, at top speed
3H6 V.v.84
To make a bloody Supper in the Tower.To make a bloody supper in the Tower. 3H6 V.v.85
He's sodaine if a thing comes in his head.He's sudden if a thing comes in his head.sudden (adj.)

old form: sodaine
hasty, impulsive, impetuous
3H6 V.v.86
Now march we hence, discharge the common sortNow march we hence; discharge the common sortsort (n.)
class, level, social rank
3H6 V.v.87
With Pay and Thankes, and let's away to London,With pay and thanks, and let's away to London, 3H6 V.v.88
And see our gentle Queene how well she fares,And see our gentle Queen how well she fares;fare (v.)
get on, manage, do, cope
3H6 V.v.89
By this (I hope) she hath a Sonne for me. By this, I hope, she hath a son for me.this, by
by this time
3H6 V.v.90
Exit.Exeunt 3H6 V.v.90
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