First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Paris, Troylus, Aneas, Deiphebus, Anthenor | Enter Paris, Troilus, Aeneas, Deiphobus, Antenor, | | TC IV.iii.1.1 | |
andDiomedes. | and Diomedes | | TC IV.iii.1.2 | |
Par. | PARIS | | | |
Itis great morning, and the houre prefixt | It is great morning, and the hour prefixed | prefixed (adj.) fixed, settled, prearranged, decided in advance | TC IV.iii.1 | |
| | great (adj.) high, full | | |
Of her deliuerie to this valiant Greeke | Of her delivery to this valiant Greek | | TC IV.iii.2 | |
Comes fast vpon: good my brother Troylus, | Comes fast upon. Good my brother Troilus, | come upon (v.) approach, descend on | TC IV.iii.3 | |
Tell you the Lady what she is to doe, | Tell you the lady what she is to do, | | TC IV.iii.4 | |
And hast her to the purpose. | And haste her to the purpose. | purpose (n.) outcome, result, end | TC IV.iii.5.1 | |
Troy. | TROILUS | | | |
Walke into her house: | Walk into her house. | | TC IV.iii.5.2 | |
Ile bring her to the Grecian presently; | I'll bring her to the Grecian presently; | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | TC IV.iii.6 | |
And to his hand, when I deliuer her, | And to his hand when I deliver her, | | TC IV.iii.7 | |
Thinke it an Altar, and thy brother Troylus | Think it an altar, and thy brother Troilus | | TC IV.iii.8 | |
A Priest, there offring to it his heart. | A priest, there offering to it his own heart. | | TC IV.iii.9 | |
Par. | PARIS | | | |
I know what 'tis to loue, | I know what 'tis to love; | | TC IV.iii.10 | |
And would, as I shall pittie, I could helpe. | And would, as I shall pity, I could help. – | | TC IV.iii.11 | |
Please you walke in, my Lords. | Please you walk in, my lords. | | TC IV.iii.12 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | TC IV.iii.12 | |