First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
| |
| Kent still in the stocks | still (adv.) ever, now [as before] | KL II.iv.1.1 | |
Enter Lear, Foole, and Gentleman. | Enter Lear, the Fool, and a Gentleman | | KL II.iv.1.2 | |
Lea. | LEAR | | | |
'Tis strange that they should so depart from home, | 'Tis strange that they should so depart from home | | KL II.iv.1 | |
And not send backe my Messengers. | And not send back my messengers. | | KL II.iv.2.1 | |
Gent. | GENTLEMAN | | | |
As I learn'd, | As I learned, | | KL II.iv.2.2 | |
The night before,there was no purpose in them | The night before there was no purpose in them | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | KL II.iv.3 | |
Of this remoue. | Of this remove. | remove (n.) change of residence, departure | KL II.iv.4.1 | |
Kent. | KENT | | | |
Haile to thee Noble Master. | Hail to thee, noble master! | | KL II.iv.4.2 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
Ha? | Ha! | | KL II.iv.5 | |
Mak'st thou this shame ahy pastime? | Makest thou this shame thy pastime? | | KL II.iv.6.1 | |
Kent. | KENT | | | |
No my Lord. | No, my lord. | | KL II.iv.6.2 | |
Foole. | FOOL | | | |
Hah, ha, he weares Cruell Garters Horses are tide by | Ha, ha! He wears cruel garters. Horses are tied by | crewel (adj.) [Q variant] made of a thin coloured worsted yarn | KL II.iv.7 | |
the heads, Dogges and Beares by'th'necke, Monkies by'th' | the heads, dogs and bears by the neck, monkeys by the | | KL II.iv.8 | |
loynes, and Men by'th'legs: when a man ouerlustie at | loins, and men by the legs. When a man's overlusty at | overlusty , over-lusty (adj.) too vigorous, over-active | KL II.iv.9 | |
legs, then he weares wodden nether-stocks. | legs, then he wears wooden nether-stocks. | nether-stock (n.) stocking for the lower leg | KL II.iv.10 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
What's he, / That hath so much thy place mistooke | What's he that hath so much thy place mistook | place (n.) position, post, office, rank | KL II.iv.11 | |
To set thee heere? | To set thee here? | | KL II.iv.12.1 | |
Kent. | KENT | | | |
It is both he and she, | It is both he and she; | | KL II.iv.12.2 | |
Your Son, and Daughter. | Your son and daughter. | | KL II.iv.13 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
No. | No. | | KL II.iv.14 | |
Kent. | KENT | | | |
Yes. | Yes. | | KL II.iv.15 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
No I say. | No, I say. | | KL II.iv.16 | |
Kent. | KENT | | | |
I say yea. | I say yea. | | KL II.iv.17 | |
| LEAR | | | |
| No, no, they would not. | | KL II.iv.18 | |
| KENT | | | |
| Yes, they have. | | KL II.iv.19 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
By Iupiter I sweare no. | By Jupiter, I swear no! | Jupiter, Jove (n.) Roman supreme god; associated with the heavens and the weather, especially thunder and lightning; husband of Juno | KL II.iv.20 | |
Kent. | KENT | | | |
By Iuno, I sweare I. | By Juno, I swear ay! | Juno (n.) Roman supreme goddess, wife of Jupiter, associated with the Moon, childbirth, marriage, and female identity | KL II.iv.21.1 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
They durst not do't: | They durst not do't; | | KL II.iv.21.2 | |
They could not, would not do't: 'tis worse then murther, | They could not, would not do't; 'tis worse than murder | | KL II.iv.22 | |
To do vpon respect such violent outrage: | To do upon respect such violent outrage. | respect, upon with consideration, deliberately | KL II.iv.23 | |
Resolue me with all modest haste, which way | Resolve me with all modest haste which way | modest (adj.) moderate, reasonable, mild, limited | KL II.iv.24 | |
| | resolve (v.) inform, tell | | |
Thou might'st deserue, or they impose this vsage, | Thou mightst deserve or they impose this usage, | | KL II.iv.25 | |
Comming from vs. | Coming from us. | | KL II.iv.26.1 | |
Kent. | KENT | | | |
My Lord, when at their home | My lord, when at their home | | KL II.iv.26.2 | |
I did commend your Highnesse Letters to them, | I did commend your highness' letters to them, | commend (v.) present, introduce, bring [for favourable acceptance] | KL II.iv.27 | |
Ere I was risen from the place, that shewed | Ere I was risen from the place that showed | | KL II.iv.28 | |
My dutie kneeling, came there a reeking Poste, | My duty kneeling, came there a reeking post, | post (n.) express messenger, courier | KL II.iv.29 | |
| | reeking (adj.) sweaty, heated, perspiring | | |
Stew'd in his haste, halfe breathlesse, painting forth | Stewed in his haste, half breathless, panting forth | stewed (adj.) drenched, soaked, steeped | KL II.iv.30 | |
From Gonerill his Mistris, salutations; | From Gonerill his mistress salutations; | | KL II.iv.31 | |
Deliuer'd Letters spight of intermission, | Delivered letters, spite of intermission, | intermission (n.) interruption; or: pausing | KL II.iv.32 | |
Which presently they read; on those contents | Which presently they read; on whose contents | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | KL II.iv.33 | |
They summon'd vp their meiney, straight tooke Horse, | They summoned up their meiny, straight took horse, | meiny (n.) household retinue, followers | KL II.iv.34 | |
| | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | | |
Commanded me to follow, and attend | Commanded me to follow and attend | attend (v.) await, wait for, expect | KL II.iv.35 | |
The leisure of their answer, gaue me cold lookes, | The leisure of their answer, gave me cold looks; | | KL II.iv.36 | |
And meeting heere the other Messenger, | And meeting here the other messenger, | | KL II.iv.37 | |
Whose welcome I perceiu'd had poison'd mine, | Whose welcome I perceived had poisoned mine – | | KL II.iv.38 | |
Being the very fellow which of late | Being the very fellow which of late | late, of recently, a little while ago | KL II.iv.39 | |
Displaid so sawcily against your Highnesse, | Displayed so saucily against your highness – | saucily (adv.) presumptuously, cheekily, impudently | KL II.iv.40 | |
| | display (v.) act, behave, carry on | | |
Hauing more man then wit about me, drew; | Having more man than wit about me, drew. | man (n.) manliness, courage, valour | KL II.iv.41 | |
| | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | | |
He rais'd the house, with loud and coward cries, | He raised the house with loud and coward cries. | | KL II.iv.42 | |
Your Sonne and Daughter found this trespasse worth | Your son and daughter found this trespass worth | | KL II.iv.43 | |
The shame which heere it suffers. | The shame which here it suffers. | suffer (v.) undergo, sustain, endure | KL II.iv.44 | |
Foole. | FOOL | | | |
Winters not gon yet, if the wil'd Geese fly that way, | Winter's not gone yet if the wild geese fly that way. | | KL II.iv.45 | |
Fathers that weare rags, | Fathers that wear rags | | KL II.iv.46 | |
do make their Children blind, | Do make their children blind, | | KL II.iv.47 | |
But Fathers that beare bags, | But fathers that bear bags | bag (n.) money-bag, purse | KL II.iv.48 | |
shall see their children kind. | Shall see their children kind. | | KL II.iv.49 | |
Fortune that arrant whore, | Fortune, that arrant whore, | Fortune (n.) Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind | KL II.iv.50 | |
| | arrant (adj.) downright, absolute, unmitigated | | |
nere turns the key to th'poore. | Ne'er turns the key to the poor. | | KL II.iv.51 | |
But for all this thou shalt haue as many Dolors for thy | But for all this thou shalt have as many dolours for thy | dolour (n.) sorrow, grief, lamentation | KL II.iv.52 | |
Daughters, as thou canst tell in a yeare. | daughters as thou canst tell in a year. | tell (v.) count out, number, itemize | KL II.iv.53 | |
| | tell (v.) communicate, make known | | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
Oh how this Mother swels vp toward my heart! | O, how this mother swells up toward my heart! | | KL II.iv.54 | |
Historica passio, downe thou climing sorrow, | Hysterica passio, down, thou climbing sorrow! | hysterica passio [Latin: hysterical passion] hysteria | KL II.iv.55 | |
Thy Elements below where is this Daughter? | Thy element's below. Where is this daughter? | element (n.) place, sphere, station | KL II.iv.56 | |
Kent. | KENT | | | |
Wirh the Earle Sir, here within. | With the Earl, sir, here within. | | KL II.iv.57 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
Follow me not, stay here. | Follow me not; stay here. | | KL II.iv.58 | |
Exit. | Exit | | KL II.iv.58 | |
Gen. | GENTLEMAN | | | |
Made you no more offence, / But what you speake of? | Made you no more offence but what you speak of? | | KL II.iv.59 | |
Kent. | KENT | | | |
None: | None. | | KL II.iv.60 | |
How chance the the King comes with so small a number? | How chance the King comes with so small a number? | chance (v.) happen [to], transpire, come about | KL II.iv.61 | |
Foole. | FOOL | | | |
And thou hadst beene set i'th'Stockes for that question, | And thou hadst been set i'the stocks for that question, | | KL II.iv.62 | |
thoud'st well deseru'd it. | thou'dst well deserved it. | | KL II.iv.63 | |
Kent. | KENT | | | |
Why Foole? | Why, Fool? | | KL II.iv.64 | |
Foole. | FOOL | | | |
Wee'l set thee to schoole to an Ant, to teach thee | We'll set thee to school to an ant to teach thee | | KL II.iv.65 | |
ther's no labouring i'th'winter. All that follow their | there's no labouring i'the winter. All that follow their | | KL II.iv.66 | |
noses, are led by their eyes, but blinde men, and there's | noses are led by their eyes, but blind men; and there's | | KL II.iv.67 | |
not a nose among twenty, but can smell him that's | not a nose among twenty but can smell him that's | | KL II.iv.68 | |
stinking; let go thy hold, when a great wheele runs downe | stinking. Let go thy hold when a great wheel runs down | | KL II.iv.69 | |
a hill, least it breake thy necke with following. But the great | a hill, lest it break thy neck with following. But the great | | KL II.iv.70 | |
one that goes vpward, let him draw thee after: when a | one that goes upward, let him draw thee after. When a | | KL II.iv.71 | |
wiseman giues thee better counsell giue me mine againe, | wise man gives thee better counsel, give me mine again; | | KL II.iv.72 | |
I would hause none but knaues follow it, since a Foole giues it. | I would ha' none but knaves use it, since a fool gives it. | knave (n.) scoundrel, rascal, rogue | KL II.iv.73 | |
That Sir, which serues and seekes for gaine, | That sir which serves and seeks for gain, | sir (n.) man, person, individual | KL II.iv.74 | |
And followes but for forme; | And follows but for form, | form (n.) physical appearance, outward appearance | KL II.iv.75 | |
Will packe, when it begins to raine, | Will pack when it begins to rain, | pack (v.) take [oneself] off, be off, depart | KL II.iv.76 | |
And leaue thee in the storme, | And leave thee in the storm; | | KL II.iv.77 | |
But I will tarry, the Foole will stay, | But I will tarry, the fool will stay, | | KL II.iv.78 | |
And let the wiseman flie: | And let the wise man fly. | | KL II.iv.79 | |
The knaue turnes Foole that runnes away, | The knave turns fool that runs away; | | KL II.iv.80 | |
The Foole no knaue perdie.• Enter Lear, and Gloster: | The fool no knave, perdy. | perdie, perdy (int.) [French 'par Dieu'] by God | KL II.iv.81 | |
Kent. | KENT | | | |
Where learn'd you this Foole? | Where learned you this, Fool? | | KL II.iv.82 | |
Foole. | FOOL | | | |
Not i'th'Stocks Foole. | Not i'the stocks, fool. | | KL II.iv.83 | |
| Enter Lear and Gloucester | | KL II.iv.84.1 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
Deny to speake with me? / They are sicke, they are weary, | Deny to speak with me? They are sick; they are weary? | deny (v.) refuse, decline, scorn | KL II.iv.84 | |
They haue trauail'd all the night? meere fetches, | They have travelled all the night? Mere fetches, | mere (adj.) complete, total, absolute, utter | KL II.iv.85 | |
| | fetch (n.) dodge, stratagem, contrivance | | |
The images of reuolt and flying off. | The images of revolt and flying-off. | image (n.) embodiment, instance, form | KL II.iv.86 | |
| | flying-off (n.) desertion, defection, forsaking | | |
Fetch me a better answer. | Fetch me a better answer. | | KL II.iv.87.1 | |
Glo. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
My deere Lord, | My dear lord, | | KL II.iv.87.2 | |
You know the fiery quality of the Duke, | You know the fiery quality of the Duke, | quality (n.) nature, disposition, character | KL II.iv.88 | |
How vnremoueable and fixt he is | How unremovable and fixed he is | unremovable (adj.) immovable, firm, constant | KL II.iv.89 | |
In his owne course. | In his own course. | course (n.) course of action, way of proceeding | KL II.iv.90.1 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
Vengeance, Plague, Death, Confusion: | Vengeance, plague, death, confusion! | confusion (n.) destruction, overthrow, ruin | KL II.iv.90.2 | |
Fiery? What quality? Why Gloster, Gloster, | ‘ Fiery ’? What ‘ quality ’? Why, Gloucester, Gloucester, | | KL II.iv.91 | |
I'ld speake with the Duke of Cornewall, and his wife. | I'd speak with the Duke of Cornwall and his wife. | | KL II.iv.92 | |
Glo. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
Well my good Lord, I haue inform'd them so. | Well, my good lord, I have informed them so. | | KL II.iv.93 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
Inform'd them? Do'st thou vnderstand me man. | ‘ Informed them ’! Dost thou understand me, man? | | KL II.iv.94 | |
Glo. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
I my good Lord. | Ay, my good lord. | | KL II.iv.95 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
The King would speake with Cornwall, / The deere Father | The King would speak with Cornwall, the dear father | | KL II.iv.96 | |
Would with his Daughter speake, commands, tends, seruice, | Would with his daughter speak, commands, tends, service. | tend (v.) await, wait in expectation | KL II.iv.97 | |
Are they inform'd of this? My breath and blood: | Are they ‘ informed ’ of this? My breath and blood! | | KL II.iv.98 | |
Fiery? The fiery Duke, tell the hot Duke that---- | ‘ Fiery ’? The ‘ fiery ’ Duke? Tell the hot Duke that – | hot (adj.) hot-tempered, angry, passionate | KL II.iv.99 | |
No, but not yet, may be he is not well, | No, but not yet! Maybe he is not well. | | KL II.iv.100 | |
Infirmity doth still neglect all office, | Infirmity doth still neglect all office | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | KL II.iv.101 | |
| | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | | |
Whereto our health is bound, we are not our selues, | Whereto our health is bound; we are not ourselves | | KL II.iv.102 | |
When Nature being opprest, commands the mind | When nature, being oppressed, commands the mind | nature (n.) natural powers, normal state [of mind and body] | KL II.iv.103 | |
To suffer with the body; Ile forbeare, | To suffer with the body. I'll forbear; | forbear (v.) control oneself, have patience [for] | KL II.iv.104 | |
And am fallen out with my more headier will, | And am fallen out with my more headier will | heady (adj.) reckless, headstrong, impulsive | KL II.iv.105 | |
To take the indispos'd and sickly fit, | To take the indisposed and sickly fit | | KL II.iv.106 | |
For the sound man. Death on my state: wherefore | For the sound man. – Death on my state! wherefore | | KL II.iv.107 | |
Should he sit heere? This act perswades me, | Should he sit here? This act persuades me | | KL II.iv.108 | |
That this remotion of the Duke and her | That this remotion of the Duke and her | remotion (n.) removal, departure; or: remoteness | KL II.iv.109 | |
Is practise only. Giue me my Seruant forth; | Is practice only. Give me my servant forth. | practice (n.) scheme, plot, stratagem, intrigue | KL II.iv.110 | |
Goe tell the Duke, and's wife, Il'd speake with them: | Go tell the Duke and's wife I'd speak with them – | | KL II.iv.111 | |
Now, presently: bid them come forth and heare me, | Now presently! Bid them come forth and hear me, | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | KL II.iv.112 | |
Or at their Chamber doore Ile beate the Drum, | Or at their chamber door I'll beat the drum | | KL II.iv.113 | |
Till it crie sleepe to death. | Till it cry sleep to death. | | KL II.iv.114 | |
Glo. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
I would haue all well betwixt you. | I would have all well betwixt you. | | KL II.iv.115 | |
Exit. | Exit | | KL II.iv.115 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
Oh me my heart! My rising heart! But downe. | O me, my heart, my rising heart! But down! | | KL II.iv.116 | |
Foole. | FOOL | | | |
Cry to it Nunckle, as the Cockney did to the Eeles, | Cry to it, nuncle, as the cockney did to the eels | cockney (n.) squeamish woman, pampered lady | KL II.iv.117 | |
when she put 'em i'th'Paste aliue, she knapt 'em | when she put 'em i'the paste alive. She knapped 'em | paste (n.) pastry, doughy mixture | KL II.iv.118 | |
| | knap (v.) hit, knock, rap | | |
o'th'coxcombs with a sticke, and cryed downe wantons, | o'the coxcombs with a stick and cried ‘ Down, wantons, | wanton (n.) wilful creature, obstinate individual | KL II.iv.119 | |
| | coxcomb (n.) head | | |
downe; 'twas her Brother, that in pure kindnesse to his | down!’ 'Twas her brother that in pure kindness to his | | KL II.iv.120 | |
Horse buttered his Hay. | horse buttered his hay. | butter (v.) spread butter on | KL II.iv.121 | |
Enter Cornewall, Regan, Gloster, Seruants. | Enter Cornwall, Regan, Gloucester, and servants | | KL II.iv.122.0 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
Good morrow to you both. | Good morrow to you both. | morrow (n.) morning | KL II.iv.122.1 | |
Corn. | CORNWALL | | | |
Haile to your Grace. | Hail to your grace. | | KL II.iv.122.2 | |
Kent here set at liberty. | Kent is here set at liberty | | KL II.iv.123 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
I am glad to see your Highnesse. | I am glad to see your highness. | | KL II.iv.123 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
Regan, I thinke your are. I know what reason | Regan, I think you are. I know what reason | | KL II.iv.124 | |
I haue to thinke so, if thou should'st not be glad, | I have to think so. If thou shouldst not be glad, | | KL II.iv.125 | |
I would diuorce me from thy Mother Tombe, | I would divorce me from thy mother's tomb, | | KL II.iv.126 | |
Sepulchring an Adultresse. O are you free? | Sepulchring an adult'ress. (To Kent) O, are you free? | sepulchre (v.) serve as a burial-place for | KL II.iv.127 | |
Some other time for that. Beloued Regan, | Some other time for that. – Beloved Regan, | | KL II.iv.128 | |
Thy Sisters naught: oh Regan, she hath tied | Thy sister's naught. O Regan, she hath tied | naught, nought (adj.) improper, offensive, naughty | KL II.iv.129 | |
Sharpe-tooth'd vnkindnesse, like a vulture heere, | Sharp-toothed unkindness like a vulture here – | | KL II.iv.130 | |
| (laying his hand on his heart) | | KL II.iv.131 | |
I can scarce speake to thee, thou'lt not beleeue | I can scarce speak to thee – thou'lt not believe | | KL II.iv.131 | |
With how deprau'd a quality. Oh Regan. | With how depraved a quality – O Regan! | quality (n.) nature, disposition, character | KL II.iv.132 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
I pray you Sir, take patience, I haue hope | I pray you, sir, take patience. I have hope | | KL II.iv.133 | |
You lesse know how to value her desert, | You less know how to value her desert | desert, desart (n.) worthy deed, meritorious action | KL II.iv.134 | |
Then she to scant her dutie. | Than she to scant her duty. | scant (v.) neglect, stint, withhold | KL II.iv.135.1 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
Say? How is that? | Say? How is that? | | KL II.iv.135.2 | |
Reg | REGAN | | | |
I cannot thinke my Sister in the least | I cannot think my sister in the least | | KL II.iv.136 | |
Would faile her Obligation. If Sir perchance | Would fail her obligation. If, sir, perchance, | perchance (adv.) perhaps, maybe | KL II.iv.137 | |
She haue restrained the Riots of your Followres, | She have restrained the riots of your followers, | | KL II.iv.138 | |
'Tis on such ground, and to such wholesome end, | 'Tis on such ground and to such wholesome end | wholesome (adj.) reasonable, sensible, rational | KL II.iv.139 | |
As cleeres her from all blame. | As clears her from all blame. | | KL II.iv.140 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
My curses on her. | My curses on her. | | KL II.iv.141.1 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
O Sir, you are old, | O sir, you are old. | | KL II.iv.141.2 | |
Nature in you stands on the very Verge | Nature in you stands on the very verge | nature (n.) human nature | KL II.iv.142 | |
Of his confine: you should be rul'd, and led | Of his confine. You should be ruled and led | confine (n.) limit, bound, domain | KL II.iv.143 | |
By some discretion, that discernes your state | By some discretion that discerns your state | state (n.) condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs | KL II.iv.144 | |
Better then you your selfe: therefore I pray you, | Better than you yourself. Therefore I pray you | | KL II.iv.145 | |
That to our Sister, you do make returne, | That to our sister you do make return. | | KL II.iv.146 | |
Say you haue wrong'd her. | Say you have wronged her. | | KL II.iv.147.1 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
Aske her forgiuenesse? | Ask her forgiveness? | | KL II.iv.147.2 | |
Do you but marke how this becomes the house? | Do you but mark how this becomes the house: | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | KL II.iv.148 | |
| | become (v.) grace, honour, dignify | | |
| (he kneels) | | KL II.iv.149 | |
Deere daughter, I confesse that I am old; | ‘ Dear daughter, I confess that I am old; | | KL II.iv.149 | |
Age is vnnecessary: on my knees I begge, | Age is unnecessary; on my knees I beg | | KL II.iv.150 | |
That you'l vouchsafe me Rayment, Bed, and Food. | That you'll vouchsafe me raiment, bed, and food.’ | raiment (n.) clothing, clothes, dress | KL II.iv.151 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
Good Sir, no more: these are vnsightly trickes: | Good sir, no more! These are unsightly tricks. | | KL II.iv.152 | |
Returne you to my Sister. | Return you to my sister. | | KL II.iv.153.1 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
| (rising) | | KL II.iv.153 | |
Neuer Regan: | Never, Regan. | | KL II.iv.153.2 | |
She hath abated me of halfe my Traine; | She hath abated me of half my train, | abate (v.) deprive, strip, dispossess | KL II.iv.154 | |
Look'd blacke vpon me, strooke me with her Tongue | Looked black upon me, struck me with her tongue, | | KL II.iv.155 | |
Most Serpent-like, vpon the very Heart. | Most serpent-like, upon the very heart. | | KL II.iv.156 | |
All the stor'd Vengeances of Heauen, fall | All the stored vengeances of heaven fall | | KL II.iv.157 | |
On her ingratefull top: strike her yong bones | On her ingrateful top! Strike her young bones, | ingrateful (adj.) ungrateful, unappreciative | KL II.iv.158 | |
| | top (n.) head | | |
You taking Ayres, with Lamenesse. | You taking airs, with lameness! | taking (adj.) infectious, contagious, pernicious | KL II.iv.159.1 | |
| | air (n.) vapour, mist, exhalation | | |
Corn. | CORNWALL | | | |
Fye sir, fie. | Fie, sir, fie! | | KL II.iv.159.2 | |
Le. | LEAR | | | |
You nimble Lightnings, dart your blinding flames | You nimble lightnings, dart your blinding flames | dart (v.) hurl like an arrow | KL II.iv.160 | |
Into her scornfull eyes: Infect her Beauty, | Into her scornful eyes! Infect her beauty, | | KL II.iv.161 | |
You Fen-suck'd Fogges, drawne by the powrfull Sunne, | You fen-sucked fogs drawn by the powerful sun, | fen-sucked (adj.) rising from marshes | KL II.iv.162 | |
To fall, and blister. | To fall and blister. | | KL II.iv.163.1 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
O the blest Gods! | O the blest gods! | | KL II.iv.163.2 | |
So will you wish on me, when the rash moode is on. | So will you wish on me when the rash mood is on. | | KL II.iv.164 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
No Regan, thou shalt neuer haue my curse: | No, Regan, thou shalt never have my curse. | | KL II.iv.165 | |
Thy tender-hefted Nature shall not giue | Thy tender-hefted nature shall not give | tender-hefted (adj.) [haft = handle] set in a delicate bodily frame; tender-hearted, gentle | KL II.iv.166 | |
Thee o're to harshnesse: Her eyes are fierce, but thine | Thee o'er to harshness. Her eyes are fierce; but thine | | KL II.iv.167 | |
Do comfort, and not burne. 'Tis not in thee | Do comfort, and not burn. 'Tis not in thee | | KL II.iv.168 | |
To grudge my pleasures, to cut off my Traine, | To grudge my pleasures, to cut off my train, | cut off (v.) remove, take away, reduce | KL II.iv.169 | |
To bandy hasty words, to scant my sizes, | To bandy hasty words, to scant my sizes, | scant (v.) give out sparingly, curtail, withhold [from] | KL II.iv.170 | |
| | size (n.) allowance, ration, quota | | |
| | bandy (v.) exchange, swap, send to and fro | | |
And in conclusion, to oppose the bolt | And in conclusion, to oppose the bolt | | KL II.iv.171 | |
Against my comming in. Thou better know'st | Against my coming in. Thou better knowest | | KL II.iv.172 | |
The Offices of Nature, bond of Childhood, | The offices of nature, bond of childhood, | childhood (n.) filial relationship, duty owed to parents | KL II.iv.173 | |
| | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | | |
Effects of Curtesie, dues of Gratitude: | Effects of courtesy, dues of gratitude. | effect (n.) sign, mark, token, manifestation | KL II.iv.174 | |
Thy halfe o'th'Kingdome hast thou not forgot, | Thy half o'the kingdom hast thou not forgot, | | KL II.iv.175 | |
Wherein I thee endow'd. | Wherein I thee endowed. | | KL II.iv.176.1 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
Good Sir, to'th'purpose. | Good sir, to the purpose. | purpose (n.) point at issue, matter in hand | KL II.iv.176.2 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
Who put my man i'th'Stockes? | Who put my man i'the stocks? | | KL II.iv.177.1 | |
Tucket within. | Tucket within | | KL II.iv.177 | |
Corn. | CORNWALL | | | |
What Trumpet's that? | What trumpet's that? | | KL II.iv.177.2 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
I know't, my Sisters: this approues her Letter, | I know't – my sister's. This approves her letter | approve (v.) prove, confirm, corroborate, substantiate | KL II.iv.178 | |
That she would soone be heere. | That she would soon be here. | | KL II.iv.179.1 | |
Enter Steward. | Enter Oswald | | KL II.iv.179 | |
Is your Lady come? | Is your lady come? | | KL II.iv.179.2 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
This is a Slaue, whose easie borrowed pride | This is a slave whose easy-borrowed pride | pride (n.) splendour, magnificence, pomp | KL II.iv.180 | |
Dwels in the sickly grace of her he followes. | Dwells in the fickle grace of her he follows. | grace (n.) favour, good will | KL II.iv.181 | |
Out Varlet, from my sight. | Out, varlet, from my sight! | varlet (n.) knave, rogue, rascal, ruffian | KL II.iv.182.1 | |
Corn. | CORNWALL | | | |
What meanes your Grace? | What means your grace? | | KL II.iv.182.2 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
Who stockt my Seruant? Regan, I haue good hope | Who stocked my servant? Regan, I have good hope | stock (v.) put in the stocks | KL II.iv.183 | |
Thou did'st not know on't. | Thou didst not know on't. | | KL II.iv.184.1 | |
Enter Gonerill. | Enter Gonerill | | KL II.iv.184 | |
Who comes here? O Heauens! | Who comes here? O heavens! | | KL II.iv.184.2 | |
If you do loue old men; if your sweet sway | If you do love old men, if your sweet sway | sway (n.) controlling influence, guiding power, direction | KL II.iv.185 | |
Allow Obedience; if you your selues are old, | Allow obedience, if you yourselves are old, | allow (v.) approve, sanction, encourage | KL II.iv.186 | |
Make it your cause: Send downe, and take my part. | Make it your cause! Send down and take my part! | | KL II.iv.187 | |
| (To Gonerill) | | KL II.iv.188 | |
Art not asham'd to looke vpon this Beard? | Art not ashamed to look upon this beard? | | KL II.iv.188 | |
O Regan, will you take her by the hand? | O Regan, will you take her by the hand? | | KL II.iv.189 | |
Gon. | GONERILL | | | |
Why not by'th'hand Sir? How haue I offended? | Why not by th' hand, sir? How have I offended? | | KL II.iv.190 | |
All's not offence that indiscretion findes, | All's not offence that indiscretion finds | | KL II.iv.191 | |
And dotage termes so. | And dotage terms so. | dotage (n.) feebleness of mind, senility | KL II.iv.192.1 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
O sides, you are too tough! | O sides, you are too tough! | | KL II.iv.192.2 | |
Will you yet hold? / How came my man i'th'Stockes? | Will you yet hold? – How came my man i'the stocks? | hold (v.) bear, tolerate, endure | KL II.iv.193 | |
Corn. | CORNWALL | | | |
I set him there, Sir: but his owne Disorders | I set him there, sir; but his own disorders | | KL II.iv.194 | |
Deseru'd much lesse aduancement. | Deserved much less advancement. | advancement (n.) preferment, elevation, progress | KL II.iv.195.1 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
You? Did you? | You? Did you? | | KL II.iv.195.2 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
I pray you Father being weake, seeme so. | I pray you, father, being weak, seem so. | | KL II.iv.196 | |
If till the expiration of your Moneth | If till the expiration of your month | | KL II.iv.197 | |
You will returne and soiourne with my Sister, | You will return and sojourn with my sister, | sojourn (v.) pause, reside, stay for a while | KL II.iv.198 | |
Dismissing halfe your traine, come then to me, | Dismissing half your train, come then to me. | | KL II.iv.199 | |
I am now from home, and out of that prouision | I am now from home and out of that provision | provision (n.) supply of necessities | KL II.iv.200 | |
Which shall be needfull for your entertainement. | Which shall be needful for your entertainment. | entertainment (n.) hospitality, provision for needs | KL II.iv.201 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
Returne to her? and fifty men dismiss'd? | Return to her, and fifty men dismissed! | | KL II.iv.202 | |
No, rather I abiure all roofes, and chuse | No, rather I abjure all roofs and choose | abjure (v.) swear to abandon, solemnly reject | KL II.iv.203 | |
To wage against the enmity oth'ayre, | To wage against the enmity o'th' air, | wage (v.) struggle, do battle, vie | KL II.iv.204 | |
To be a Comrade with the Wolfe, and Owle, | To be a comrade with the wolf and owl – | | KL II.iv.205 | |
Necessities sharpe pinch. Returne with her? | Necessity's sharp pinch! Return with her? | pinch (n.) hardship, extremity, privation | KL II.iv.206 | |
Why the hot-bloodied France, that dowerlesse tooke | Why, the hot-blooded France that dowerless took | dowerless (adj.) lacking a dowry | KL II.iv.207 | |
Our yongest borne, I could as well be brought | Our youngest born, I could as well be brought | | KL II.iv.208 | |
To knee his Throne, and Squire-like pension beg, | To knee his throne and, squire-like, pension beg | knee (v.) kneel before, beg, supplicate | KL II.iv.209 | |
| | squire-like (adv.) like an attendant, submissively | | |
To keepe base life a foote; returne with her? | To keep base life afoot. Return with her! | afoot (adv.) on the go, in existence | KL II.iv.210 | |
| | base (adj.) poor, wretched, of low quality | | |
Perswade me rather to be slaue and sumpter | Persuade me rather to be slave and sumpter | sumpter (n.) pack-horse, drudge | KL II.iv.211 | |
To this detested groome. | To this detested groom. | groom (n.) fellow, character, creature | KL II.iv.212.1 | |
| He points to Oswald | | KL II.iv.212 | |
Gon. | GONERILL | | | |
At your choice Sir. | At your choice, sir. | | KL II.iv.212.2 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
I prythee Daughter do not make me mad, | I prithee, daughter, do not make me mad. | | KL II.iv.213 | |
I will not trouble thee my Child; farewell: | I will not trouble thee, my child. Farewell. | | KL II.iv.214 | |
Wee'l no more meete, no more see one another. | We'll no more meet, no more see one another. | | KL II.iv.215 | |
But yet thou art my flesh, my blood, my Daughter, | But yet thou art my flesh, my blood, my daughter – | | KL II.iv.216 | |
Or rather a disease that's in my flesh, | Or rather a disease that's in my flesh, | | KL II.iv.217 | |
Which I must needs call mine. Thou art a Byle, | Which I must needs call mine. Thou art a boil, | byle, bile (n.) older forms of ‘boil’ | KL II.iv.218 | |
A plague sore, or imbossed Carbuncle | A plague-sore, an embossed carbuncle, | embossed (adj.) swollen, bulging, protuberant | KL II.iv.219 | |
| | carbuncle (n.) tumour, growth, lump | | |
In my corrupted blood. But Ile not chide thee, | In my corrupted blood. But I'll not chide thee. | chide (v.), past form chid scold, rebuke, reprove | KL II.iv.220 | |
| | blood (n.) blood relationship, kinship | | |
Let shame come when it will, I do not call it, | Let shame come when it will, I do not call it. | | KL II.iv.221 | |
I do not bid the Thunder-bearer shoote, | I do not bid the thunder-bearer shoot, | shoot (v.) send forth, throw, let fly | KL II.iv.222 | |
Nor tell tales of thee to high-iudging Ioue, | Nor tell tales of thee to high-judging Jove. | high-judging (adj.) judging from on high | KL II.iv.223 | |
| | Jove (n.) [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god | | |
Mend when thou can'st, be better at thy leisure, | Mend when thou canst, be better at thy leisure; | mend (v.) amend, improve, make better, put right | KL II.iv.224 | |
I can be patient, I can stay with Regan, | I can be patient, I can stay with Regan, | | KL II.iv.225 | |
I and my hundred Knights. | I and my hundred knights. | | KL II.iv.226.1 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
Not altogether so, | Not altogether so. | | KL II.iv.226.2 | |
I look'd not for you yet, nor am prouided | I looked not for you yet, nor am provided | provided (adj.) prepared, ready, provided with necessities | KL II.iv.227 | |
| | look for (v.) expect, hope for, anticipate | | |
For your fit welcome, giue eare Sir to my Sister, | For your fit welcome. Give ear, sir, to my sister; | | KL II.iv.228 | |
For those that mingle reason with your passion, | For those that mingle reason with your passion | passion (n.) passionate outburst, emotional passage | KL II.iv.229 | |
Must be content to thinke you old, and so, | Must be content to think you old, and so – | content (adj.) contented, patient, accepting, undisturbed | KL II.iv.230 | |
But she knowes what she doe's. | But she knows what she does. | | KL II.iv.231.1 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
Is this well spoken? | Is this well spoken? | | KL II.iv.231.2 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
I dare auouch it Sir, what fifty Followers? | I dare avouch it, sir. What, fifty followers? | avouch (v.) declare, assert, affirm | KL II.iv.232 | |
Is it not well? What should you need of more? | Is it not well? What should you need of more? | | KL II.iv.233 | |
Yea, or so many? Sith that both charge and danger, | Yea, or so many, sith that both charge and danger | sith that (conj.) since | KL II.iv.234 | |
| | charge (n.) expense, cost, outlay | | |
Speake 'gainst so great a number? How in one house | Speak 'gainst so great a number? How in one house | | KL II.iv.235 | |
Should many people, vnder two commands | Should many people under two commands | | KL II.iv.236 | |
Hold amity? 'Tis hard, almost impossible. | Hold amity? 'Tis hard, almost impossible. | | KL II.iv.237 | |
Gon. | GONERILL | | | |
Why might not you my Lord, receiue attendance | Why might not you, my lord, receive attendance | attendance (n.) diligent service, dutiful ministration, assiduous attention | KL II.iv.238 | |
From those that she cals Seruants, or from mine? | From those that she calls servants, or from mine? | | KL II.iv.239 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
Why not my Lord? / If then they chanc'd to slacke ye, | Why not, my lord? If then they chanced to slack ye, | slack (v.) neglect, be remiss [to] | KL II.iv.240 | |
We could comptroll them; if you will come to me, | We could control them. If you will come to me, | control (v.) curb, restrain, hold back | KL II.iv.241 | |
(For now I spie a danger) I entreate you | For now I spy a danger, I entreat you | | KL II.iv.242 | |
To bring but fiue and twentie, to no more | To bring but five-and-twenty; to no more | | KL II.iv.243 | |
Will I giue place or notice. | Will I give place or notice. | notice (n.) recognition, official acknowledgement | KL II.iv.244 | |
| | place (n.) room, lodging, quarters | | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
I gaue you all. | I gave you all – | | KL II.iv.245.1 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
And in good time you gaue it. | And in good time you gave it. | time, in good at the right moment | KL II.iv.245.2 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
Made you my Guardians, my Depositaries, | Made you my guardians, my depositaries; | depositary (n.) trustee, manager of affairs | KL II.iv.246 | |
But kept a reseruation to be followed | But kept a reservation to be followed | | KL II.iv.247 | |
With such a number? What, must I come to you | With such a number. What, must I come to you | | KL II.iv.248 | |
With fiue and twenty? Regan, said you so? | With five-and-twenty – Regan, said you so? | | KL II.iv.249 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
And speak't againe my Lord, no more with me. | And speak't again, my lord. No more with me. | | KL II.iv.250 | |
Lea. | LEAR | | | |
Those wicked Creatures yet do look wel fauor'd | Those wicked creatures yet do look well-favoured | well-favoured (adj.) good-looking, attractive in appearance | KL II.iv.251 | |
When others are more wicked, not being the worst | When others are more wicked. Not being the worst | | KL II.iv.252 | |
Stands in some ranke of praise, Ile go with thee, | Stands in some rank of praise. (To Gonerill) I'll go with thee. | | KL II.iv.253 | |
Thy fifty yet doth double fiue and twenty, | Thy fifty yet doth double five-and-twenty, | | KL II.iv.254 | |
And thou art twice her Loue. | And thou art twice her love. | | KL II.iv.255.1 | |
Gon. | GONERILL | | | |
Heare me my Lord; | Hear me, my lord; | | KL II.iv.255.2 | |
What need you fiue and twenty? Ten? Or fiue? | What need you five-and-twenty, ten, or five | | KL II.iv.256 | |
To follow in a house, where twice so many | To follow, in a house where twice so many | follow (v.) act as a follower, be an attendant [on] | KL II.iv.257 | |
Haue a command to tend you? | Have a command to tend you? | tend (v.) attend, wait on, serve | KL II.iv.258.1 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
What need one? | What need one? | | KL II.iv.258.2 | |
Lear. | LEAR | | | |
O reason not the need: our basest Beggers | O, reason not the need! Our basest beggars | reason (v.) argue rationally [about], debate the pros and cons [of] | KL II.iv.259 | |
| | base (adj.) poor, wretched, of low quality | | |
Are in the poorest thing superfluous. | Are in the poorest thing superfluous. | superfluous (adj.) having too much, over-supplied, overflowing | KL II.iv.260 | |
Allow not Nature, more then Nature needs: | Allow not nature more than nature needs – | nature (n.) human nature | KL II.iv.261 | |
| | nature (n.) natural order, ungoverned state, way of the world [often personified] | | |
Mans life is cheape as Beastes. Thou art a Lady; | Man's life is cheap as beast's. Thou art a lady; | | KL II.iv.262 | |
If onely to go warme were gorgeous, | If only to go warm were gorgeous, | | KL II.iv.263 | |
Why Nature needs not what thou gorgeous wear'st, | Why, nature needs not what thou gorgeous wear'st, | | KL II.iv.264 | |
Which scarcely keepes thee warme, but for true need: | Which scarcely keeps thee warm. But for true need, – | | KL II.iv.265 | |
You Heauens, giue me that patience, patience I need, | You heavens, give me that patience, patience I need! | | KL II.iv.266 | |
You see me heere (you Gods) a poore old man, | You see me here, you gods, a poor old man, | | KL II.iv.267 | |
As full of griefe as age, wretched in both, | As full of grief as age, wretched in both; | | KL II.iv.268 | |
If it be you that stirres these Daughters hearts | If it be you that stirs these daughters' hearts | | KL II.iv.269 | |
Against their Father, foole me not so much, | Against their father, fool me not so much | | KL II.iv.270 | |
To beare it tamely: touch me with Noble anger, | To bear it tamely; touch me with noble anger, | touch (v.) affect, move, stir | KL II.iv.271 | |
And let not womens weapons, water drops, | And let not women's weapons, water drops, | | KL II.iv.272 | |
Staine my mans cheekes. No you vnnaturall Hags, | Stain my man's cheeks! No, you unnatural hags, | | KL II.iv.273 | |
I will haue such reuenges on you both, | I will have such revenges on you both | | KL II.iv.274 | |
That all the world shall---I will do such things, | That all the world shall – I will do such things – | | KL II.iv.275 | |
What they are yet, I know not, but they shalbe | What they are yet I know not; but they shall be | | KL II.iv.276 | |
The terrors of the earth? you thinke Ile weepe, | The terrors of the earth. You think I'll weep. | | KL II.iv.277 | |
No, Ile not weepe, | No, I'll not weep. | | KL II.iv.278 | |
I haue full cause of weeping. | I have full cause of weeping; | | KL II.iv.279.1 | |
Storme and Tempest. | (storm and tempest) | | KL II.iv.279 | |
But this heart | but this heart | | KL II.iv.279.2 | |
shal break into a hundred thousand flawes | Shall break into a hundred thousand flaws | flaw (n.) fragment, tiny piece | KL II.iv.280 | |
Or ere Ile weepe; O Foole, I shall go mad. | Or ere I'll weep. O Fool, I shall go mad! | | KL II.iv.281 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt Lear, Gloucester, Kent, the Fool, and Gentleman | | KL II.iv.281 | |
Corn. | CORNWALL | | | |
Let vs withdraw, 'twill be a Storme. | Let us withdraw; 'twill be a storm. | | KL II.iv.282 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
This house is little, the old man an'ds people, | This house is little; the old man and's people | | KL II.iv.283 | |
Cannot be well bestow'd. | Cannot be well bestowed. | bestow (v.) accommodate, lodge, quarter | KL II.iv.284 | |
Gon. | GONERILL | | | |
'Tis his owne blame hath put himselfe from rest, | 'Tis his own blame; hath put himself from rest | | KL II.iv.285 | |
And must needs taste his folly. | And must needs taste his folly. | | KL II.iv.286 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
For his particular, Ile receiue him gladly, | For his particular, I'll receive him gladly, | particular (n.) individual person, self | KL II.iv.287 | |
But not one follower. | But not one follower. | | KL II.iv.288.1 | |
Gon. | GONERILL | | | |
So am I purpos'd. | So am I purposed. | | KL II.iv.288.2 | |
Where is my Lord of Gloster? | Where is my lord of Gloucester? | | KL II.iv.289 | |
Corn. | CORNWALL | | | |
Followed the old man forth, he is return'd. | Followed the old man forth. He is returned. | | KL II.iv.290 | |
Enter Gloster. | Enter Gloucester | | KL II.iv.291 | |
Glo. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
The King is in high rage. | The King is in high rage. | | KL II.iv.291.1 | |
Corn. | CORNWALL | | | |
Whether is he going? | Whither is he going? | | KL II.iv.291.2 | |
Glo. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
He cals to Horse, but will I know not whether. | He calls to horse; but will I know not whither. | | KL II.iv.292 | |
Corn. | CORNWALL | | | |
'Tis best to giue him way, he leads himselfe. | 'Tis best to give him way. He leads himself. | way (n.) opportunity, scope | KL II.iv.293 | |
Gon. | GONERILL | | | |
My Lord, entreate him by no meanes to stay. | My lord, entreat him by no means to stay. | | KL II.iv.294 | |
Glo. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
Alacke the night comes on, and the high windes | Alack, the night comes on and the bleak winds | | KL II.iv.295 | |
Do sorely ruffle, for many Miles about | Do sorely ruffle. For many miles about | ruffle (v.) rage, bluster, storm | KL II.iv.296 | |
| | sorely (adv.) severely, intensely, very greatly | | |
There's scarce a Bush. | There's scarce a bush. | | KL II.iv.297.1 | |
Reg. | REGAN | | | |
O Sir, to wilfull men, | O sir, to wilful men | | KL II.iv.297.2 | |
The iniuries that they themselues procure, | The injuries that they themselves procure | | KL II.iv.298 | |
Must be their Schoole-Masters: shut vp your doores, | Must be their schoolmasters. Shut up your doors. | | KL II.iv.299 | |
He is attended with a desperate traine, | He is attended with a desperate train, | train (n.) retinue, following, entourage | KL II.iv.300 | |
| | desperate (adj.) disregarding, careless, reckless | | |
| | attend (v.) accompany, follow closely, go with | | |
And what they may incense him too, being apt, | And what they may incense him to, being apt | incense (v.) incite, urge, set on | KL II.iv.301 | |
To haue his eare abus'd, wisedome bids feare. | To have his ear abused, wisdom bids fear. | abuse (v.) deceive, mislead, fool, cheat | KL II.iv.302 | |
Cor. | CORNWALL | | | |
Shut vp your doores my Lord, 'tis a wil'd night, | Shut up your doors, my lord; 'tis a wild night. | | KL II.iv.303 | |
My Regan counsels well: come out oth'storme. | My Regan counsels well. Come out o'the storm. | | KL II.iv.304 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | KL II.iv.304 | |