| Modern text
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| II CHORUS | | | |
Enter Gower. | Enter Gower | | Per chorus.II.1 | |
| GOWER | | | |
Heere haue you seene a mightie King, | Here have you seen a mighty king | | Per Chorus.II.1 | |
His child I'wis to incest bring: | His child, iwis, to incest bring; | iwis (adv.) [archaism] assuredly, certainly, truly | Per Chorus.II.2 | |
A better Prince, and benigne Lord, | A better prince and benign lord, | | Per Chorus.II.3 | |
That Will proue awfull both in deed and word: | That will prove awful both in deed and word. | awful (adj.) awe-inspiring, worthy of respect | Per Chorus.II.4 | |
Be quiet then, as men should bee, | Be quiet then as men should be | | Per Chorus.II.5 | |
Till he hath past necessitie: | Till he hath passed necessity. | | Per Chorus.II.6 | |
I'le shew you those in troubles raigne; | I'll show you those in trouble's reign, | | Per Chorus.II.7 | |
Loosing a Mite, a Mountaine gaine: | Losing a mite, a mountain gain. | | Per Chorus.II.8 | |
The good in conuersation, | The good in conversation, | good (n.) good fellow | Per Chorus.II.9 | |
| | conversation (n.) way of life, behaviour, manners, conduct | | |
To whom I giue my benizon: | To whom I give my benison, | benison (n.) blessing, benediction | Per Chorus.II.10 | |
Is still at Tharstill, where each man, | Is still at Tarsus, where each man | Tarsus (n.) ancient city of Asia Minor, S Turkey | Per Chorus.II.11 | |
Thinkes all is writ, he spoken can: | Thinks all is writ he speken can; | speken (v.) [archaism] speak | Per Chorus.II.12 | |
| | writ (n.) [archaism] gospel, holy scripture | | |
And to remember what he does, | And, to remember what he does | remember (v.) commemorate, acknowledge, reward, recognize | Per Chorus.II.13 | |
Build his Statue to make him glorious: | Build his statue to make him glorious. | | Per Chorus.II.14 | |
But tidinges to the contrarie, | But tidings to the contrary | | Per Chorus.II.15 | |
Are brought your eyes, what need speake I. | Are brought your eyes; what need speak I? | | Per Chorus.II.16 | |
Dombe shew. | Dumb-show: | | Per Chorus.II.17.1 | |
Enter at one dore Pericles talking with Cleon, all the | Enter at one door Pericles talking with Cleon, all the | | Per Chorus.II.17.2 | |
traine with them: Enter at an other dore, a Gentleman | train with them. Enter at another door a gentleman | | Per Chorus.II.17.3 | |
with aLetter to Pericles, Pericles shewes the Letter to | with a letter to Pericles. Pericles shows the letter to | | Per Chorus.II.17.4 | |
Cleon; Pericles giues the Messenger a reward, and | Cleon. Pericles gives the messenger a reward and | | Per Chorus.II.17.5 | |
Knights him: Exit Pericles at one dore, and Cleon at | knights him. Exit Pericles at one door and Cleon at | | Per Chorus.II.17.6 | |
an other. | another | | Per Chorus.II.17.7 | |
Good Helicon that stayde at home, | Good Helicane that stayed at home, | | Per Chorus.II.17 | |
Not to eate Hony like a Drone, | Not to eat honey like a drone | | Per Chorus.II.18 | |
From others labours; for though he striue | From others' labours, forthy he strive | forthy (adv.) [archaism] therefore, for this reason | Per Chorus.II.19 | |
To killen bad, keepe good aliue: | To killen bad, keep good alive, | | Per Chorus.II.20 | |
And to fulfill his prince desire, | And to fulfil his prince' desire, | | Per Chorus.II.21 | |
Sau'd one of all that haps in Tyre: | Sends word of all that haps in Tyre; | hap (v.) happen, take place, come to pass | Per Chorus.II.22 | |
How Thaliart came full bent with sinne, | How Thaliard came full bent with sin | bent (adj.) determined, intent, resolved | Per Chorus.II.23 | |
And had intent to murder him; | And hid intent to murder him, | intent (n.) intention, purpose, aim | Per Chorus.II.24 | |
And that in Tharsis was not best, | And that in Tarsus was not best | | Per Chorus.II.25 | |
Longer for him to make his rest: | Longer for him to make his rest. | rest (n.) residence, lodging, stay | Per Chorus.II.26 | |
He doing so, put foorth to Seas; | He, doing so, put forth to seas, | | Per Chorus.II.27 | |
Where when men been, there's seldome ease, | Where, when men been, there's seldom ease; | | Per Chorus.II.28 | |
For now the Wind begins to blow, | For now the wind begins to blow; | | Per Chorus.II.29 | |
Thunder aboue, and deepes below, | Thunder above and deeps below | | Per Chorus.II.30 | |
Makes such vnquiet, that the Shippe, | Make such unquiet that the ship | | Per Chorus.II.31 | |
Should house him safe; is wrackt and split, | Should house him safe is wracked and split, | wrack (v.) wreck, shipwreck, lose at sea | Per Chorus.II.32 | |
| | split (v.) break up, split in two | | |
And he (good Prince) hauing all lost, | And he, good prince, having all lost, | | Per Chorus.II.33 | |
By Waues, from coast to coast is tost: | By waves from coast to coast is tossed. | | Per Chorus.II.34 | |
All perishen of man, of pelfe, | All perishen of man, of pelf, | pelf (n.) possessions, property, goods | Per Chorus.II.35 | |
Ne ought escapend but himselfe; | Ne aught escapend but himself; | ne (conj.) [archaism] nor | Per Chorus.II.36 | |
| | aught (n.) anything, [with negative word] nothing | | |
Till Fortune tir'd with doing bad, | Till Fortune, tired with doing bad, | Fortune (n.) Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind | Per Chorus.II.37 | |
Threw him a shore, to giue him glad: | Threw him ashore, to give him glad. | glad (n.) gladness, joy, delight | Per Chorus.II.38 | |
And heere he comes: what shall be next, | And here he comes. What shall be next, | | Per Chorus.II.39 | |
Pardon old Gower, this long's the text. | Pardon old Gower – this longs the text. | long (v.) belong to, be part of | Per Chorus.II.40 | |
| Exit | | Per Chorus.II.40 | |