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Enter the King reading of a letter at one doore, theEnter Simonides, reading of a letter, at one door. The Per II.v.1.1
Knightes meete him.Knights meet him Per II.v.1.2
Good morrow to the good Simonides.Good morrow to the good Simonides.morrow (n.)
Per II.v.1
Knights, from my daughter this I let you know,Knights, from my daughter this I let you know, Per II.v.2
That for this twelue-month, shee'le not vndertakeThat for this twelvemonth she'll not undertake Per II.v.3
A maried life:A married life. Per II.v.4
her reason to her selfe is onely knowne,Her reason to herself is only known, Per II.v.5
Which from her, by no meanes can I get.Which yet from her by no means can I get. Per II.v.6
May we not get accesse to her (my Lord?)May we not get access to her, my lord? Per II.v.7
Fayth, by no meanes, she hath so strictlyFaith, by no means. She hath so strictly Per II.v.8
Tyed her to her Chamber, that t'is impossible:Tied her to her chamber, that 'tis impossible. Per II.v.9
One twelue Moones more shee'le weare Dianas liuerie:One twelve moons more she'll wear Diana's livery.livery (n.)

old form: liuerie
uniform, costume, special clothing
Per II.v.10
Diana, Dian (n.)
Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting
This by the eye of Cinthya hath she vowed,This by the eye of Cynthia hath she vowedCynthia (n.)
Roman goddess of the moon; one of the identities of Diana
Per II.v.11
And on her Virgin honour, will not breake it.And on her virgin honour will not break it. Per II.v.12
3.knight.THIRD KNIGHT 
Loth to bid farewell, we take our leaues.Loath to bid farewell, we take our leaves. Per II.v.13
Exeunt Knights Per II.v.13
So, they are well dispatcht:So, they are well dispatched.dispatch, despatch (v.)

old form: dispatcht
dismiss, get rid of, send away
Per II.v.14
Now to my daughters Letter;Now to my daughter's letter. Per II.v.15
she telles me heere, / Shee'le wedde the stranger Knight,She tells me here she'll wed the stranger knight, Per II.v.16
Or neuer more to view nor day nor light.Or never more to view nor day nor light. Per II.v.17
T'is well Mistris, your choyce agrees with mine:'Tis well, mistress, your choice agrees with mine. Per II.v.18
I like that well: nay how absolute she's in't,I like that well. Nay, how absolute she's in't,absolute (adj.)
certain, definite, positive
Per II.v.19
Not minding whether I dislike or no.Not minding whether I dislike or no. Per II.v.20
Well, I do commend her choyce,Well, I do commend her choice,commend (v.)
praise, admire, extol
Per II.v.21
and will no longer / Haue it be delayed:And will no longer have it be delayed. Per II.v.22
Soft, heere he comes, I must dissemble it.Soft, here he comes; I must dissemble it.soft (int.)
[used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet
Per II.v.23
dissemble (v.)
disguise, cloak, give a deceptive appearance to
Enter Pericles.Enter Pericles Per II.v.24
All fortune to the good Symonides.All fortune to the good Simonides! Per II.v.24
To you as much: Sir, I am behoulding to youTo you as much, sir. I am beholding to youbeholding (adj.)

old form: behoulding
beholden, obliged, indebted
Per II.v.25
For your sweete Musicke this last night:For your sweet music this last night. I do Per II.v.26
I do protest, my eares were neuer better feddeProtest my ears were never better fed Per II.v.27
With such delightfull pleasing harmonie.With such delightful, pleasing harmony. Per II.v.28
It is your Graces pleasure to commend,It is your grace's pleasure to commend,commend (v.)
praise, admire, extol
Per II.v.29
Not my desert.Not my desert. Per II.v.30.1
Sir, you are Musickes maister.Sir, you are music's master. Per II.v.30.2
The worst of all her schollers (my good Lord.)The worst of all her scholars, my good lord.scholar (n.)

old form: schollers
pupil, student
Per II.v.31
Let me aske you one thing: / What do you thinkeLet me ask you one thing. What do you think Per II.v.32
of my Daughter, sir?Of my daughter, sir? Per II.v.33.1
A most vertuous Princesse.A most virtuous princess. Per II.v.33.2
And she is faire too, is she not?And she is fair too, is she not? Per II.v.34
As a faire day in Sommer: woondrous faire.As a fair day in summer, wondrous fair. Per II.v.35
Sir, my Daughter thinkes very well of you,Sir, my daughter thinks very well of you; Per II.v.36
I so well, that you must be her Maister,Ay, so well, that you must be her master, Per II.v.37
And she will be your Scholler; therefore looke to it.And she will be your scholar. Therefore, look to it. Per II.v.38
I am vnworthy for her Scholemaister.I am unworthy for her schoolmaster. Per II.v.39
She thinkes not so: peruse this writing else.She thinks not so; peruse this writing else. Per II.v.40
(aside) Per II.v.41
What's here, What's here? Per II.v.41
a letter that she loues the knight of Tyre?A letter that she loves the knight of Tyre! Per II.v.42
T'is the Kings subtiltie to haue my life:'Tis the King's subtlety to have my life.subtlety (n.)

old form: subtiltie
cunning, crafty stratagem
Per II.v.43
Oh seeke not to intrappe me, gracious Lord,O, seek not to entrap me, gracious lord, Per II.v.44
A Stranger, and distressed Gentleman,A stranger and distressed gentleman, Per II.v.45
That neuer aymed so hie, to loue your Daughter,That never aimed so high to love your daughter, Per II.v.46
But bent all offices to honour her.But bent all offices to honour (n.)
task, service, duty, responsibility
Per II.v.47
bend (v.)
aim, direct, level, turn
Thou hast bewitcht my daughter,Thou hast bewitched my daughter, Per II.v.48
And thou art a villaine.And thou art a villain. Per II.v.49.1
By the Gods I haue not;By the gods, I have not. Per II.v.49.2
neuer did thought / Of mine leuie offence;Never did thought of mine levy offence,levy (v.)

old form: leuie
[unclear meaning] level, purpose, intend
Per II.v.50
nor neuer did my actions / Yet commenceNor never did my actions yet commence Per II.v.51
a deed might gaine her loue, / Or your displeasure.A deed might gain her love or your displeasure. Per II.v.52
Traytor, thou lyest.Traitor, thou liest. Per II.v.53.1
Traytor?Traitor! Per II.v.53.2
I, traytor.Ay, traitor, Per II.v.53.3
That thus disguised art stolen into my court, Per II.v.54
With the witchcraft of thy actions to bewitch Per II.v.55
The yielding spirit of my tender child. Per II.v.56
Euen in his throat, vnlesse it be the King,Even in his throat, unless it be the King, Per II.v.57
That cals me Traytor, I returne the lye.That calls me traitor, I return the lie. Per II.v.58
(aside) Per II.v.59
Now by the Gods, I do applaude his courage.Now, by the gods, I do applaud his courage. Per II.v.59
My actions are as noble as my thoughts,My actions are as noble as my thoughts, Per II.v.60
That neuer relisht of a base discent:That never relished of a base descent.relish (v.)

old form: relisht
have a flavour [of], taste, savour
Per II.v.61
base (adj.)
dishonourable, low, unworthy
I came vnto your Court for Honours cause,I came unto your court for honour's cause, Per II.v.62
And not to be a Rebell to her state:And not to be a rebel to her state. Per II.v.63
And he that otherwise accountes of mee,And he that otherwise accounts of me, Per II.v.64
This Sword shall prooue, hee's Honours enemie.This sword shall prove he's honour's enemy. Per II.v.65
No?No? Per II.v.66
heere comes my Daughter, she can witnesse it.Here comes my daughter. She can witness it. Per II.v.67
Enter Thaisa.Enter Thaisa Per II.v.
Then as you are as vertuous, as faire,Then, as you are as virtuous as fair, Per II.v.68
Resolue your angry Father, if my tongueResolve your angry father if my tongueresolve (v.)

old form: Resolue
satisfy, free from doubt
Per II.v.69
Did ere solicite, or my hand subscribeDid e'er solicit, or my hand subscribesubscribe to (v.)
sign, endorse, put one's name to
Per II.v.70
To any sillable that made loue to you?To any syllable that made love to you. Per II.v.71
Why sir, say if you had, who takes offence?Why, sir, say if you had, who takes offence Per II.v.72
At that, would make me glad?At that would make me glad? Per II.v.73
Yea Mistris, are you so peremptorie?Yea, mistress, are you so peremptory?peremptory (adj.)

old form: peremptorie
overbearing, imperious, dictatorial
Per II.v.74
I am glad on't with all my heart,(Aside) I am glad on't with all my heart. – Per II.v.75
Ile tame you; Ile bring you in subiection. Aside.I'll tame you, I'll bring you in subjection. Per II.v.76
Will you not, hauing my consent,Will you, not having my consent, Per II.v.77
Bestow your loue and your affections,Bestow your love and your affections Per II.v.78
Vpon a Stranger? who for ought I know,Upon a stranger? (aside) who, for aught I know,aught (n.)
anything, [with negative word] nothing
Per II.v.79
May be (nor can I thinke the contrary) Aside.May be, nor can I think the contrary, Per II.v.80
As great in blood as I my selfe:As great in blood as I myself – Per II.v.81

A straggling Theseus born we know not where? Per II.v.82
Therefore, heare you Mistris, either frameTherefore, hear you, mistress, either frameframe (v.)
adapt, adjust, shape, accommodate
Per II.v.83
Your will to mine: and you sir, heare you;Your will to mine – and you, sir, hear you, Per II.v.84
Either be rul'd by mee, or Ile make you,Either be ruled by me, or I will make you – Per II.v.85
Man and wife:Man and wife. Per II.v.86
nay come, your hands, / And lippes must seale it too:Nay, come, your hands and lips must seal it too. Per II.v.87
and being ioynd, / Ile thus your hopes destroy,And being joined, I'll thus your hopes destroy, Per II.v.88
and for further griefe: God giue you ioy;And for further grief – God give you joy! Per II.v.89
what are you both pleased?What, are you both pleased? Per II.v.90.1
Yes, if you loue me sir?Yes, if you love me, sir? Per II.v.90.2
Euen as my life, my blood that fosters it.Even as my life my blood that fosters it. Per II.v.91
What are you both agreed?What, are you both agreed? Per II.v.92
Yes, if't please your Maiestie.Yes, if it please your majesty. Per II.v.93
It pleaseth me so well, that I will see you wed,It pleaseth me so well that I will see you wed; Per II.v.94
And then with what haste you can, get you to bed.And then, with what haste you can, get you to bed. Per II.v.95
Exeunt.Exeunt Per II.v.95
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