| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
| |
Enter Antiochus, Prince Pericles, and followers. | Enter Antiochus, Prince Pericles, and followers | | Per I.i.1.1 | |
Anti. | ANTIOCHUS | | | |
Young Prince of Tyre, you haue at large receiued | Young Prince of Tyre, you have at large received | large, at at length, in full, thoroughly | Per I.i.1 | |
| | receive (v.) understand, take in, comprehend | | |
The danger of the taske you vndertake. | The danger of the task you undertake? | | Per I.i.2 | |
Peri. | PERICLES | | | |
I haue (Antiochus) and with a soule | I have, Antiochus, and with a soul | | Per I.i.3 | |
emboldned / With the glory of her prayse, | Emboldened with the glory of her praise | | Per I.i.4 | |
thinke death no hazard, / In this enterprise. | Think death no hazard in this enterprise. | | Per I.i.5 | |
Ant. | ANTIOCHUS | | | |
Musicke | Music! | | Per I.i.6 | |
bring in our daughter, clothed like a bride, | Bring in our daughter, clothed like a bride | | Per I.i.7 | |
For embracements euen of Ioue himselfe; | For the embracements even of Jove himself, | embracement (n.) embrace, clasping, hug | Per I.i.8 | |
| | Jove (n.) [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god | | |
At whose conception, till Lucina rained, | At whose conception, till Lucina reigned, | Lucina (n.) [lu'seena] Roman goddess of childbirth | Per I.i.9 | |
Nature this dowry gaue; to glad her presence, | Nature this dowry gave; to glad her presence, | glad (v.) make a gladness of | Per I.i.10 | |
The Seanate house of Planets all did sit, | The senate house of planets all did sit | | Per I.i.11 | |
To knit in her, their best perfections. | To knit in her their best perfections. | | Per I.i.12 | |
Enter Antiochus daughter. | Enter Antiochus's Daughter | | Per I.i.13.1 | |
Per. | PERICLES | | | |
See where she comes, appareled like the Spring, | See where she comes, apparelled like the spring, | apparel (v.) clothe, dress up, trick out | Per I.i.13 | |
Graces her subiects, and her thoughts the King, | Graces her subjects, and her thoughts the king | | Per I.i.14 | |
Of euery Vertue giues renowne to men: | Of every virtue gives renown to men; | | Per I.i.15 | |
Her face the booke of prayses, where is read, | Her face the book of praises, where is read | | Per I.i.16 | |
Nothing but curious pleasures, as from thence, | Nothing but curious pleasures, as from thence | curious (adj.) exquisite, excellent, fine | Per I.i.17 | |
Sorrow were euer racte, and teastie wrath | Sorrow were ever razed, and testy wrath | raze, raze out erase, obliterate, wipe out | Per I.i.18 | |
Could neuer be her milde companion. | Could never be her mild companion. | | Per I.i.19 | |
You Gods that made me man, and sway in loue; | You gods that made me man, and sway in love, | | Per I.i.20 | |
That haue enflamde desire in my breast, | That have inflamed desire in my breast | | Per I.i.21 | |
To taste the fruite of yon celestiall tree, | To taste the fruit of yon celestial tree | | Per I.i.22 | |
(Or die in th'aduenture) be my helpes, | Or die in the adventure, be my helps, | | Per I.i.23 | |
As I am sonne and seruant to your will, | As I am son and servant to your will, | | Per I.i.24 | |
To compasse such a bondlesse happinesse. | To compass such a boundless happiness! | compass (v.) accomplish, fulfil, achieve, bring about | Per I.i.25 | |
Anti. | ANTIOCHUS | | | |
Prince Pericles. | Prince Pericles – | | Per I.i.26 | |
Peri. | PERICLES | | | |
That would be sonne to great Antiochus. | That would be son to great Antiochus. | | Per I.i.27 | |
Ant. | ANTIOCHUS | | | |
Before thee standes this faire Hesperides, | Before thee stands this fair Hesperides, | Hesperides (n.) [pron: hes'perideez] daughters of the evening star (Hesper), who guard the garden of the gods where the golden apples grow | Per I.i.28 | |
With golden fruite, but dangerous to be toucht: | With golden fruit, but dangerous to be touched, | | Per I.i.29 | |
For Death like Dragons heere affright thee hard: | For deathlike dragons here affright thee hard. | deathlike (adj.) mortal, deadly, fatal | Per I.i.30 | |
| | affright (v.) frighten, terrify, scare | | |
Her face like Heauen, inticeth thee to view | Her face, like heaven, enticeth thee to view | | Per I.i.31 | |
Her countlesse glory; which desert must gaine: | Her countless glory, which desert must gain; | | Per I.i.32 | |
And which without desert, because thine eye | And which without desert because thine eye | | Per I.i.33 | |
Presumes to reach, all the whole heape must die: | Presumes to reach, all the whole heap must die. | | Per I.i.34 | |
Yon sometimes famous Princes, like thy selfe, | Yon sometimes famous princes, like thyself, | sometimes (adv.) formerly, once, at one time, previously | Per I.i.35 | |
Drawne by report, aduentrous by desire, | Drawn by report, adventurous by desire, | adventurous (adj.) risk-taking, imprudently bold, rashly daring | Per I.i.36 | |
Tell thee with speachlesse tongues, and semblance pale, | Tell thee with speechless tongues and semblance pale | semblance (n.) appearance, outward show | Per I.i.37 | |
That without couering, saue yon field of Starres, | That without covering, save yon field of stars, | | Per I.i.38 | |
Heere they stand Martyrs slaine in Cupids Warres: | Here they stand martyrs slain in Cupid's wars; | Cupid (n.) [pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows | Per I.i.39 | |
And with dead cheekes, aduise thee to desist, | And with dead cheeks advise thee to desist | | Per I.i.40 | |
For going on deaths net, whom none resist. | For going on death's net, whom none resist. | | Per I.i.41 | |
Per. | PERICLES | | | |
Antiochus, I thanke thee, who hath taught, | Antiochus, I thank thee, who hath taught | | Per I.i.42 | |
My frayle mortalitie to know it selfe; | My frail mortality to know itself, | | Per I.i.43 | |
And by those fearefull obiectes, to prepare | And by those fearful objects to prepare | | Per I.i.44 | |
This body, like to them, to what I must: | This body, like to them, to what I must; | | Per I.i.45 | |
For Death remembered should be like a myrrour, | For death remembered should be like a mirror, | | Per I.i.46 | |
Who tels vs, life's but breath, to trust it errour: | Who tells us life's but breath, to trust it error. | | Per I.i.47 | |
Ile make my Will then, and as sicke men doe, | I'll make my will then, and as sick men do | | Per I.i.48 | |
Who know the World, see Heauen, but feeling woe, | Who know the world, see heaven, but feeling woe | | Per I.i.49 | |
Gripe not at earthly ioyes as earst they did; | Gripe not at earthly joys as erst they did, | erst (adv.) formerly, once, before | Per I.i.50 | |
| | gripe (v.) clutch, grasp, seize | | |
So I bequeath a happy peace to you, | So I bequeath a happy peace to you | | Per I.i.51 | |
And all good men, as euery Prince should doe; | And all good men, as every prince should do; | | Per I.i.52 | |
My ritches to the earth, from whence they came; | My riches to the earth from whence they came, | | Per I.i.53 | |
| (to the Daughter) | | Per I.i.54 | |
But my vnspotted fire of Loue, to you: | But my unspotted fire of love to you. | | Per I.i.54 | |
Thus ready for the way of life or death, | Thus ready for the way of life or death, | | Per I.i.55 | |
I wayte the sharpest blow (Antiochus) | I wait the sharpest blow, Antiochus. | | Per I.i.56 | |
| ANTIOCHUS | | | |
Scorning aduice; read the conclusion then: | Scorning advice, read the conclusion then, | conclusion (n.) riddle, enigma, conundrum | Per I.i.57 | |
Which read and not expounded, tis decreed, | Which read and not expounded, 'tis decreed, | | Per I.i.58 | |
As these before thee, thou thy selfe shalt bleed. | As these before thee, thou thyself shalt bleed. | | Per I.i.59 | |
Daugh. | DAUGHTER | | | |
Of all sayd yet, mayst thou prooue prosperous, | Of all 'sayed yet, mayst thou prove prosperous! | assay (v.) attempt, try, venture | Per I.i.60 | |
Of all sayd yet, I wish thee happinesse. | Of all 'sayed yet, I wish thee happiness. | | Per I.i.61 | |
Peri. | PERICLES | | | |
Like a bold Champion I assume the Listes, | Like a bold champion I assume the lists, | list (n.) (usually plural) combat arena at a tournament | Per I.i.62 | |
| | assume (v.) undertake, enter, choose | | |
Nor aske aduise of any other thought, | Nor ask advice of any other thought | | Per I.i.63 | |
But faythfulnesse and courage. | But faithfulness and courage. | | Per I.i.64 | |
| He reads aloud | | Per I.i.65.1 | |
The Riddle. | THE RIDDLE | | Per I.i.65.2 | |
I am no Viper, yet I feed | I am no viper, yet I feed | | Per I.i.65 | |
On mothers flesh which did me breed: | On mother's flesh which did me breed. | | Per I.i.66 | |
I sought a Husband, in which labour, | I sought a husband, in which labour | | Per I.i.67 | |
I found that kindnesse in a Father; | I found that kindness in a father. | | Per I.i.68 | |
Hee's Father, Sonne, and Husband milde; | He's father, son, and husband mild; | | Per I.i.69 | |
I, Mother, Wife; and yet his child: | I mother, wife, and yet his child. | | Per I.i.70 | |
How they may be, and yet in two, | How they may be, and yet in two, | | Per I.i.71 | |
As you will liue resolue it you. | As you will live, resolve it you. | resolve (v.) answer, respond to | Per I.i.72 | |
Sharpe Phisicke is the last: But ô you powers! | (Aside) Sharp physic is the last. But O you powers | physic (n.) medicine, healing, treatment | Per I.i.73 | |
| | power (n.) (usually plural) god, deity, divinity | | |
That giues heauen countlesse eyes to view mens actes, | That give heaven countless eyes to view men's acts, | | Per I.i.74 | |
Why cloude they not their sights perpetually, | Why cloud they not their sights perpetually, | sight (n.) eye | Per I.i.75 | |
If this be true, which makes me pale to read it? | If this be true which makes me pale to read it? | | Per I.i.76 | |
Faire Glasse of light, I lou'd you, and could still, | Fair glass of light, I loved you, and could still, | glass (n.) mirror, looking-glass | Per I.i.77 | |
Were not this glorious Casket stor'd with ill: | Were not this glorious casket stored with ill. | ill (n.) wrong, injury, harm, evil | Per I.i.78 | |
| | stored (adj.) well supplied, rich, plentifully provided | | |
But I must tell you, now my thoughts reuolt, | But I must tell you now my thoughts revolt; | | Per I.i.79 | |
For hee's no man on whom perfections waite, | For he's no man on whom perfections wait | | Per I.i.80 | |
That knowing sinne within, will touch the gate. | That, knowing sin within, will touch the gate. | | Per I.i.81 | |
You are a faire Violl, and your sense, the stringes; | You are a fair viol, and your sense the strings, | sense (n.) senses, sensation, organs of sense | Per I.i.82 | |
| | viol (n.) type of stringed instrument played with a bow | | |
Who finger'd to make man his lawfull musicke, | Who, fingered to make man his lawful music, | | Per I.i.83 | |
Would draw Heauen downe, and all the Gods to harken: | Would draw heaven down and all the gods to hearken, | | Per I.i.84 | |
But being playd vpon before your time, | But, being played upon before your time, | | Per I.i.85 | |
Hell onely daunceth at so harsh a chime: | Hell only danceth at so harsh a chime. | | Per I.i.86 | |
Good sooth, I care not for you. | Good sooth, I care not for you. | sooth (n.) truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion] | Per I.i.87 | |
Ant. | ANTIOCHUS | | | |
Prince Pericles, touch not, vpon thy life; | Prince Pericles, touch not, upon thy life, | | Per I.i.88 | |
For that's an Article within our Law, | For that's an article within our law | | Per I.i.89 | |
As dangerous as the rest: your time's expir'd, | As dangerous as the rest. Your time's expired; | dangerous (adj.) threatening, severe, menacing | Per I.i.90 | |
Either expound now, or receiue your sentence. | Either expound now or receive your sentence. | | Per I.i.91 | |
Peri. | PERICLES | | | |
Great King, | Great King, | | Per I.i.92 | |
Few loue to heare the sinnes they loue to act, | Few love to hear the sins they love to act. | | Per I.i.93 | |
T'would brayde your selfe too neare for me to tell it: | 'Twould braid yourself too near for me to tell it. | near (adv.) closely, intimately, seriously | Per I.i.94 | |
| | braid (v.) upbraid, reproach, disparage | | |
Who has a booke of all that Monarches doe, | Who has a book of all that monarchs do, | | Per I.i.95 | |
Hee's more secure to keepe it shut, then showne. | He's more secure to keep it shut than shown, | | Per I.i.96 | |
For Vice repeated, is like the wandring Wind, | For vice repeated is like the wandering wind, | | Per I.i.97 | |
Blowes dust in others eyes to spread it selfe; | Blows dust in others' eyes, to spread itself; | | Per I.i.98 | |
And yet the end of all is bought thus deare, | And yet the end of all is bought thus dear, | | Per I.i.99 | |
The breath is gone, and the sore eyes see cleare: | The breath is gone, and the sore eyes see clear | | Per I.i.100 | |
To stop the Ayre would hurt them, the blind Mole castes | To stop the air would hurt them. The blind mole casts | | Per I.i.101 | |
Copt hilles towards heauen, to tell the earth is throng'd | Copped hills towards heaven, to tell the earth is thronged | throng (v.) crush, overwhelm | Per I.i.102 | |
| | copped (adj.) humped, peaked, heaped up in a mound | | |
By mans oppression, and the poore Worme doth die for't: | By man's oppression, and the poor worm doth die for't. | | Per I.i.103 | |
Kinges are earths Gods; in vice, their law's their will: | Kings are earth's gods; in vice, their law's their will; | | Per I.i.104 | |
And if Ioue stray, who dares say, Ioue doth ill: | And if Jove stray, who dares say Jove doth ill? | ill (n.) wrong, injury, harm, evil | Per I.i.105 | |
It is enough you know, and it is fit; | It is enough you know, and it is fit, | | Per I.i.106 | |
What being more knowne, growes worse, to smother it. | What being more known grows worse, to smother it. | | Per I.i.107 | |
All loue the Wombe that their first beeing bred, | All love the womb that their first being bred; | | Per I.i.108 | |
Then giue my tongue like leaue, to loue my head. | Then give my tongue like leave to love my head. | | Per I.i.109 | |
Ant. | ANTIOCHUS | | | |
| (aside) | | Per I.i.110 | |
Heauen, that I had thy head; he ha's found the mea-ning: | Heaven, that I had thy head! He has found the meaning. | | Per I.i.110 | |
But I will gloze with him. Young Prince of Tyre, | But I will gloze with him. – Young Prince of Tyre, | gloze (v.) speak fair words, flatter, talk plausibly | Per I.i.111 | |
Though by the tenour of your strict edict, | Though by the tenor of our strict edict, | | Per I.i.112 | |
Your exposition misinterpreting, | Your exposition misinterpreting, | | Per I.i.113 | |
We might proceed to counsell of your dayes; | We might proceed to cancel of your days, | cancel of (v.) [unclear word-class] put an end to, wipe out | Per I.i.114 | |
Yet hope, succeeding from so faire a tree | Yet hope, succeeding from so fair a tree | succeed (v.) proceed, result, issue naturally | Per I.i.115 | |
As your faire selfe, doth tune vs otherwise; | As your fair self, doth tune us otherwise. | | Per I.i.116 | |
Fourtie dayes longer we doe respite you, | Forty days longer we do respite you, | | Per I.i.117 | |
If by which time, our secret be vndone, | If by which time our secret be undone, | undo (v.) unravel, solve, explain | Per I.i.118 | |
This mercy shewes, wee'le ioy in such a Sonne: | This mercy shows we'll joy in such a son. | joy (v.) feel joy, be happy, rejoice | Per I.i.119 | |
And vntill then, your entertaine shall bee | And until then your entertain shall be | entertain (n.) entertainment, reception, treatment | Per I.i.120 | |
As doth befit our honour and your worth. | As doth befit our honour and your worth. | | Per I.i.121 | |
Manet Pericles solus. | Exeunt. Pericles remains alone | | Per I.i.121 | |
Peri. | PERICLES | | | |
How courtesie would seeme to couer sinne, | How courtesy would seem to cover sin, | seem (v.) arrange, contrive, try speciously | Per I.i.122 | |
When what is done, is like an hipocrite, | When what is done is like an hypocrite, | | Per I.i.123 | |
The which is good in nothing but in sight. | The which is good in nothing but in sight. | sight (n.) outward appearance, external show | Per I.i.124 | |
If it be true that I interpret false, | If it be true that I interpret false, | false (n.) false person, deceiver | Per I.i.125 | |
Then were it certaine you were not so bad, | Then were it certain you were not so bad | | Per I.i.126 | |
As with foule Incest to abuse your soule: | As with foul incest to abuse your soul; | | Per I.i.127 | |
Where now you both a Father and a Sonne, | Where now you're both a father and a son | | Per I.i.128 | |
By your vntimely claspings with your Child, | By your untimely claspings with your child, | | Per I.i.129 | |
(Which pleasures fittes a husband, not a father) | Which pleasures fits a husband, not a father; | | Per I.i.130 | |
And shee an eater of her Mothers flesh, | And she an eater of her mother's flesh | | Per I.i.131 | |
By the defiling of her Parents bed, | By the defiling of her parent's bed; | | Per I.i.132 | |
And both like Serpents are; who though they feed | And both like serpents are, who, though they feed | | Per I.i.133 | |
On sweetest Flowers, yet they Poyson breed. | On sweetest flowers, yet they poison breed. | | Per I.i.134 | |
Antioch farewell, for Wisedome sees those men, | Antioch, farewell, for wisdom sees those men | | Per I.i.135 | |
Blush not in actions blacker then the night, | Blush not in actions blacker than the night | | Per I.i.136 | |
Will shew no course to keepe them from the light: | Will shun no course to keep them from the light. | shew (v.) eschew, avoid, shirk | Per I.i.137 | |
| | course (n.) course of action, way of proceeding | | |
One sinne (I know) another doth prouoke; | One sin, I know, another doth provoke. | | Per I.i.138 | |
Murther's as neere to Lust, as Flame to Smoake: | Murder's as near to lust as flame to smoke. | | Per I.i.139 | |
Poyson and Treason are the hands of Sinne, | Poison and treason are the hands of sin, | | Per I.i.140 | |
I, and the targets to put off the shame, | Ay, and the targets to put off the shame. | target (n.) light round shield | Per I.i.141 | |
| | put off (v.) keep away, avert, evade | | |
Then least my life be cropt, to keepe you cleare, | Then, lest my life be cropped to keep you clear, | crop (v.) cut down, remove, hack off | Per I.i.142 | |
| | clear (adj.) innocent, blameless, free from fault, not guilty | | |
By flight, Ile shun the danger which I feare. | By flight I'll shun the danger which I fear. | | Per I.i.143 | |
Exit. | Exit | | Per I.i.143 | |
Enter Antiochus. | Enter Antiochus | | Per I.i.144 | |
Anti. | ANTIOCHUS | | | |
He hath found the meaning. | He hath found the meaning, | | Per I.i.144 | |
For which we meane to haue his head: | For which we mean to have his head. | | Per I.i.145 | |
He must not liue to trumpet foorth my infamie, | He must not live to trumpet forth my infamy, | | Per I.i.146 | |
Nor tell the world Antiochus doth sinne | Nor tell the world Antiochus doth sin | | Per I.i.147 | |
In such a loathed manner: | In such a loathed manner. | | Per I.i.148 | |
And therefore instantly this Prince must die, | And therefore instantly this prince must die, | | Per I.i.149 | |
For by his fall, my honour must keepe hie. | For by his fall my honour must keep high. | | Per I.i.150 | |
Who attends vs there? | Who attends us there? | attend (v.) serve, follow, wait [on/upon] | Per I.i.151.1 | |
Enter Thaliard. | Enter Thaliard | | Per I.i.151 | |
Thali. | THALIARD | | | |
Doth your highnes call? | Doth your highness call? | | Per I.i.151.2 | |
Antio. | ANTIOCHUS | | | |
Thaliard, you are of our Chamber, Thaliard, | Thaliard, you are of our chamber, Thaliard, | chamber (n.) bedchamber, bedroom | Per I.i.152 | |
And our minde pertakes her priuat actions, | And our mind partakes her private actions | partake (v.) make known, impart, communicate | Per I.i.153 | |
To your secrecie; and for your faythfulnes, | To your secrecy; and for your faithfulness | | Per I.i.154 | |
We will aduaunce you, Thaliard: | We will advance you, Thaliard. | | Per I.i.155 | |
Behold, heere's Poyson, and heere's Gold: | Behold, here's poison, and here's gold. | | Per I.i.156 | |
Wee hate the Prince of Tyre, and thou must kill him; | We hate the Prince of Tyre, and thou must kill him. | | Per I.i.157 | |
It fittes thee not to aske the reason why? | It fits thee not to ask the reason why, | | Per I.i.158 | |
Because we bid it: say, is it done? | Because we bid it. Say, is it done? | | Per I.i.159 | |
Thali. | THALIARD | | | |
My Lord, tis done. | My lord, 'tis done. | | Per I.i.160 | |
Anti. | ANTIOCHUS | | | |
Enough. | Enough. | | Per I.i.160.2 | |
Enter a Messenger. | Enter a Messenger | | Per I.i.161 | |
Let your breath coole your selfe, telling your haste. | Let your breath cool yourself, telling your haste. | | Per I.i.161 | |
Mess. | MESSENGER | | | |
My Lord, Prince Pericles is fled. | My lord, Prince Pericles is fled. | | Per I.i.162 | |
| Exit | | Per I.i.162 | |
Antin. | ANTIOCHUS | | | |
As thou wilt liue flie after, and like an arrow | As thou wilt live, fly after, and like an arrow | | Per I.i.163 | |
shot from a well experienst Archer hits the marke his | shot from a well-experienced archer hits the mark his | | Per I.i.164 | |
eye doth leuell at: so thou neuer returne vnlesse thou say | eye doth level at, so thou never return unless thou say | level at (v.) aim for, have as a target | Per I.i.165 | |
Prince Pericles is dead. | ‘ Prince Pericles is dead.’ | | Per I.i.166 | |
Thal. | THALIARD | | | |
My Lord, if I can get him within my Pistols | My lord, if I can get him within my pistol's | | Per I.i.167 | |
length, Ile make him sure enough , so farewell to your | length, I'll make him sure enough. So farewell to your | sure (adj.) harmless, innocuous, unable to cause damage | Per I.i.168 | |
| | length (n.) range, reach, scope | | |
highnesse. | highness. | | Per I.i.169 | |
| ANTIOCHUS | | | |
Thaliard adieu, | Thaliard, adieu. | | Per I.i.170.1 | |
| Exit Thaliard | | Per I.i.170 | |
till Pericles be dead, | Till Pericles be dead, | | Per I.i.170.2 | |
My heart can lend no succour to my head. | My heart can lend no succour to my head. | | Per I.i.171 | |
| Exit | | Per I.i.171 | |