First folio
| Modern text
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Enter the Clowne alone . | Enter Launcelot Gobbo, alone | | MV II.ii.1 | |
Clo. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
Certainely, my conscience will serue me to run | Certainly my conscience will serve me to run | | MV II.ii.1 | |
from this Iew my Maister: the fiend is at mine elbow, and | from this Jew my master. The fiend is at mine elbow and | | MV II.ii.2 | |
tempts me, saying to me, Iobbe, Launcelet Iobbe, | tempts me, saying to me ‘ Gobbo, Launcelot Gobbo, | | MV II.ii.3 | |
good Launcelet, or good Iobbe, or good Launcelet | good Launcelot,’ or ‘ Good Gobbo,’ or ‘ Good Launcelot | | MV II.ii.4 | |
Iobbe, vse your legs, take the start, run awaie: my conscience | Gobbo, use your legs, take the start, run away.’ My conscience | start (n.) advantage, edge, upper hand | MV II.ii.5 | |
saies no; take heede honest Launcelet, take | says ‘ No, take heed, honest Launcelot, take | | MV II.ii.6 | |
heed honest Iobbe, or as afore-said honest Launcelet | heed, honest Gobbo,’ or as aforesaid, ‘ Honest Launcelot | | MV II.ii.7 | |
Iobbe, doe not runne, scorne running with thy heeles; well, | Gobbo, do not run, scorn running with thy heels.’ Well, | | MV II.ii.8 | |
the most coragious fiend bids me packe, fia saies the | the most courageous fiend bids me pack. ‘ Fia!’ says the | pack (v.) take [oneself] off, be off, depart | MV II.ii.9 | |
| | via, fia (int.) come / go on, hurry up | | |
fiend, away saies the fiend, for the heauens rouse vp a | fiend; ‘ Away!’ says the fiend. ‘ For the heavens, rouse up a | | MV II.ii.10 | |
braue minde saies the fiend, and run; well, my conscience | brave mind,’ says the fiend, ‘ and run.’ Well, my conscience | brave (adj.) audacious, daring, bold | MV II.ii.11 | |
hanging about the necke of my heart, saies verie | hanging about the neck of my heart says very | | MV II.ii.12 | |
wisely to me: my honest friend Launcelet, being an | wisely to me, ‘ My honest friend Launcelot ’, being an | | MV II.ii.13 | |
honest mans sonne, or rather an honest womans sonne, for | honest man's son or rather an honest woman's son, for | honest (adj.) chaste, pure, virtuous | MV II.ii.14 | |
indeede my Father did something smack, something grow | indeed my father did something smack, something grow | something (adv.) a little, to some extent | MV II.ii.15 | |
| | smack (v.) have a taste, like the flavour | | |
| | grow to (v.) be an integral part of, become one with | | |
too; he had a kinde of taste; wel, my conscience saies | to, he had a kind of taste – well, my conscience says, | | MV II.ii.16 | |
Lancelet bouge not, bouge saies the fiend, bouge | ‘ Launcelot, budge not.’ ‘ Budge,’ says the fiend. ‘ Budge | | MV II.ii.17 | |
not saies my conscience, conscience say I you counsaile | not,’ says my conscience. ‘ Conscience,’ say I, ‘ you counsel | | MV II.ii.18 | |
well, fiend say I you counsaile well, to be rul'd | well.’ ‘ Fiend,’ say I, ‘ you counsel well.’ To be ruled | | MV II.ii.19 | |
by my conscience I should stay with the Iew my Maister, | by my conscience, I should stay with the Jew my master | | MV II.ii.20 | |
(who God blesse the marke) is a kinde of diuell; and to run | who, God bless the mark, is a kind of devil; and to run | | MV II.ii.21 | |
away from the Iew I should be ruled by the fiend, who | away from the Jew, I should be ruled by the fiend, who, | | MV II.ii.22 | |
sauing your reuerence is the diuell himselfe: certainely the | saving your reverence, is the devil himself. Certainly the | | MV II.ii.23 | |
Iew is the verie diuell incarnation, and in my conscience, | Jew is the very devil incarnation; and in my conscience, | incarnation (n.) malapropism for ‘incarnate’ | MV II.ii.24 | |
my conscience is a kinde of hard conscience, to offer to | my conscience is but a kind of hard conscience to offer to | | MV II.ii.25 | |
counsaile me to stay with the Iew; the fiend giues the | counsel me to stay with the Jew. The fiend gives the | | MV II.ii.26 | |
more friendly counsaile: I will runne fiend, my heeles are at | more friendly counsel. I will run, fiend; my heels are at | | MV II.ii.27 | |
your commandement, I will runne. | your commandment; I will run. | commandment, commandement (n.) command, instruction, order | MV II.ii.28 | |
Enter old Gobbo with a Basket. | Enter Old Gobbo with a basket | | MV II.ii.29 | |
Gob. | GOBBO | | | |
Maister yong-man, you I praie you, which is the | Master young man, you I pray you, which is the | | MV II.ii.29 | |
waie to Maister Iewes? | way to Master Jew's? | | MV II.ii.30 | |
Lan. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
| (aside) | | MV II.ii.31 | |
O heauens, this is my true begotten | O heavens, this is my true-begotten | | MV II.ii.31 | |
Father, who being more then sand-blinde, high grauel blinde, | father who, being more than sand-blind, high-gravel-blind, | sand-blind (adj.) half-blind, dim-sighted | MV II.ii.32 | |
knows me not, I will trie confusions with him. | knows me not. I will try confusions with him. | confusions, try malapropism for ‘try conclusions’ [= see what happens] | MV II.ii.33 | |
Gob. | GOBBO | | | |
Maister yong Gentleman, I praie you which is the | Master young gentleman, I pray you which is the | | MV II.ii.34 | |
waie to Maister Iewes. | way to Master Jew's? | | MV II.ii.35 | |
Laun. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
Turne vpon your right hand at the next turning, | Turn up on your right hand at the next turning, | | MV II.ii.36 | |
but at the next turning of all on your left; marrie at | but at the next turning of all, on your left, marry, at | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | MV II.ii.37 | |
the verie next turning, turne of no hand, but turn down | the very next turning turn of no hand, but turn down | | MV II.ii.38 | |
indirectlie to the Iewes house. | indirectly to the Jew's house. | | MV II.ii.39 | |
Gob. | GOBBO | | | |
Be Gods sonties 'twill be a hard waie to hit, can | By God's sonties, 'twill be a hard way to hit! Can | sonties (n.) saints | MV II.ii.40 | |
you tell me whether one Launcelet that dwels with him, | you tell me whether one Launcelot that dwells with him, | | MV II.ii.41 | |
dwell with him or no. | dwell with him or no? | | MV II.ii.42 | |
Laun. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
Talke you of yong Master Launcelet, | Talk you of young Master Launcelot? | | MV II.ii.43 | |
marke me now, now will I raise the waters; talke | (aside) Mark me now, now will I raise the waters. – Talk | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | MV II.ii.44 | |
| | water (n.) tears | | |
you of yong Maister Launcelet? | you of young Master Launcelot? | | MV II.ii.45 | |
Gob. | GOBBO | | | |
No Maister sir, but a poore mans sonne, his Father | No master, sir, but a poor man's son. His father, | | MV II.ii.46 | |
though I say't is an honest exceeding poore man, and | though I say't, is an honest exceeding poor man and, | exceeding (adv.) exceedingly, extremely, very | MV II.ii.47 | |
God be thanked well to liue. | God be thanked, well to live. | well to live (adj.) well-to-do, well-off, prosperous | MV II.ii.48 | |
Lan. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
Well, let his Father be what a will, wee talke of | Well, let his father be what a' will, we talk of | | MV II.ii.49 | |
yong Maister Launcelet. | young Master Launcelot. | | MV II.ii.50 | |
Gob. | GOBBO | | | |
Your worships friend and Launcelet. | Your worship's friend, and Launcelot, sir. | | MV II.ii.51 | |
Laun. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
But I praie you ergo old man, ergo I beseech | But I pray you, ergo old man, ergo I beseech | ergo (adv.) therefore | MV II.ii.52 | |
you, talke you of yong Maister Launcelet. | you, talk you of young Master Launcelot. | | MV II.ii.53 | |
Gob. | GOBBO | | | |
Of Launcelet, ant please your maistership. | Of Launcelot, an't please your mastership. | | MV II.ii.54 | |
Lan. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
Ergo Maister Lancelet, talke not of maister | Ergo, Master Launcelot. Talk not of Master | | MV II.ii.55 | |
Lancelet Father, for the yong gentleman according to | Launcelot, father, for the young gentleman, according to | father (n.) old man, venerable sir | MV II.ii.56 | |
fates and destinies, and such odde sayings, the sisters | Fates and Destinies and such odd sayings, the Sisters | Fates (n.) trio of goddesses who control human destiny: Atropos (‘the inflexible’) cuts the thread of life allotted and spun by Lachesis (‘the distributor’) and Clotho (‘the spinner’) | MV II.ii.57 | |
three, & such branches of learning, is indeede deceased, | Three and such branches of learning, is indeed deceased, | branch (n.) division, section, part [of an argument] | MV II.ii.58 | |
or as you would say in plaine tearmes, gone to heauen. | or as you would say in plain terms, gone to heaven. | | MV II.ii.59 | |
Gob. | GOBBO | | | |
Marrie God forbid, the boy was the verie staffe of | Marry, God forbid! The boy was the very staff of | | MV II.ii.60 | |
my age, my verie prop. | my age, my very prop. | | MV II.ii.61 | |
Lau. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
Do I look like a cudgell or a houell-post, a | Do I look like a cudgel or a hovel-post, a | hovel-post (n.) door-post of a hovel | MV II.ii.62 | |
staffe or a prop: doe you know me Father. | staff or a prop? Do you know me, father? | | MV II.ii.63 | |
Gob. | GOBBO | | | |
Alacke the day, I know you not yong Gentleman, | Alack the day, I know you not, young gentleman! | | MV II.ii.64 | |
but I praie you tell me, is my boy God rest his soule | But I pray you tell me, is my boy, God rest his soul, | | MV II.ii.65 | |
aliue or dead. | alive or dead? | | MV II.ii.66 | |
Lan. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
Doe you not know me Father. | Do you not know me, father? | | MV II.ii.67 | |
Gob. | GOBBO | | | |
Alacke sir I am sand blinde, I know you not. | Alack, sir, I am sand-blind! I know you not. | sand-blind (adj.) half-blind, dim-sighted | MV II.ii.68 | |
Lan. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
Nay, indeede if you had your eies you might | Nay, indeed if you had your eyes you might | | MV II.ii.69 | |
faile of the knowing me: it is a wise Father that knowes his | fail of the knowing me; it is a wise father that knows his | | MV II.ii.70 | |
owne childe. Well, old man, I will tell you newes of your | own child. Well, old man, I will tell you news of your | | MV II.ii.71 | |
son, giue me your blessing, truth will come | son. (He kneels) Give me your blessing. Truth will come | | MV II.ii.72 | |
to light, murder cannot be hid long, a mans sonne may, | to light; murder cannot be hid long – a man's son may, | | MV II.ii.73 | |
but in the end truth will out. | but in the end truth will out. | | MV II.ii.74 | |
Gob. | GOBBO | | | |
Praie you sir stand vp, I am sure you are not | Pray you, sir, stand up. I am sure you are not | | MV II.ii.75 | |
Lancelet my boy. | Launcelot my boy. | | MV II.ii.76 | |
Lan. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
Praie you let's haue no more fooling about it, | Pray you let's have no more fooling about it, | | MV II.ii.77 | |
but giue mee your blessing: I am Lancelet your boy | but give me your blessing. I am Launcelot, your boy | | MV II.ii.78 | |
that was, your sonne that is, your childe that shall be. | that was, your son that is, your child that shall be. | | MV II.ii.79 | |
Gob. | GOBBO | | | |
I cannot thinke you are my sonne. | I cannot think you are my son. | | MV II.ii.80 | |
Lan. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
I know not what I shall thinke of that: but I | I know not what I shall think of that; but I | | MV II.ii.81 | |
am Lancelet the Iewes man, and I am sure Margerie | am Launcelot, the Jew's man, and I am sure Margery | | MV II.ii.82 | |
your wife is my mother. | your wife is my mother. | | MV II.ii.83 | |
Gob. | GOBBO | | | |
Her name is Margerie indeede, Ile be sworne if thou | Her name is Margery indeed. I'll be sworn, if thou | | MV II.ii.84 | |
be Lancelet, thou art mine owne flesh and blood: Lord | be Launcelot thou art mine own flesh and blood. Lord | | MV II.ii.85 | |
worshipt might he be, what a beard hast thou got; | worshipped might he be, what a beard hast thou got! | | MV II.ii.86 | |
thou hast got more haire on thy chin, then Dobbin my | Thou hast got more hair on thy chin than Dobbin my | | MV II.ii.87 | |
philhorse has on his taile. | fill-horse has on his tail. | fill-horse (n.) draught-horse, horse which goes between shafts | MV II.ii.88 | |
Lan. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
It should seeme then that Dobbins taile growes | It should seem then that Dobbin's tail grows | | MV II.ii.89 | |
backeward. I am sure he had more haire of his | backward. I am sure he had more hair on his tail than I | | MV II.ii.90 | |
taile then I haue of my face when I lost saw him. | have on my face when I last saw him. | | MV II.ii.91 | |
Gob. | GOBBO | | | |
Lord how art thou chang'd: how doost thou and | Lord, how art thou changed! How dost thou and | | MV II.ii.92 | |
thy Master agree, I haue brought him a present; how | thy master agree? I have brought him a present. How | | MV II.ii.93 | |
gree you now? | 'gree you now? | | MV II.ii.94 | |
Lan. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
Well, well, but for mine owne part, as I haue | Well, well; but, for mine own part, as I have | | MV II.ii.95 | |
set vp my rest to run awaie, so I will not rest till I haue | set up my rest to run away, so I will not rest till I have | set up one's rest (n.) [in primero] venture one's final stake, stake all | MV II.ii.96 | |
run some ground; my Maister's a verie Iew, giue him a | run some ground. My master's a very Jew. Give him a | | MV II.ii.97 | |
present, giue him a halter, I am famisht in his seruice. | present? Give him a halter! I am famished in his service; | | MV II.ii.98 | |
You may tell euerie finger I haue with my ribs: Father I | you may tell every finger I have with my ribs. Father, I | | MV II.ii.99 | |
am glad you are come, giue me your present to one | am glad you are come. Give me your present to one | | MV II.ii.100 | |
Maister Bassanio, who indeede giues rare new Liuories, if | Master Bassanio, who indeed gives rare new liveries. If | rare (adj.) marvellous, splendid, excellent | MV II.ii.101 | |
| | livery (n.) uniform, costume, special clothing | | |
I serue not him, I will run as far as God has anie ground. | I serve not him, I will run as far as God has any ground. | | MV II.ii.102 | |
O rare fortune, here comes the man, to him Father, for | O rare fortune, here comes the man! To him, father, for | rare (adj.) marvellous, splendid, excellent | MV II.ii.103 | |
I am a Iew if I serue the Iew anie longer. | I am a Jew if I serve the Jew any longer. | | MV II.ii.104 | |
Enter Bassanio with a follower or two. | Enter Bassanio, with Leonardo and a follower or two | | MV II.ii.105.1 | |
Bass. | BASSANIO | | | |
You may doe so, but let it be so hasted that supper | You may do so, but let it be so hasted that supper | haste (v.) hurry, speed up, accelerate | MV II.ii.105 | |
be readie at the farthest by fiue of the clocke: see these | be ready at the farthest by five of the clock. See these | | MV II.ii.106 | |
Letters deliuered, put the Liueries to making, and desire | letters delivered, put the liveries to making, and desire | livery (n.) uniform, costume, special clothing | MV II.ii.107 | |
Gratiano to come anone to my lodging. | Gratiano to come anon to my lodging. | anon (adv.) soon, shortly, presently | MV II.ii.108 | |
| Exit one of his men | | MV II.ii.108 | |
Lan. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
To him Father. | To him, father! | | MV II.ii.109 | |
Gob. | GOBBO | | | |
God blesse your worship. | God bless your worship! | | MV II.ii.110 | |
Bass. | BASSANIO | | | |
Gramercie, would'st thou ought with me. | Gramercy. Wouldst thou aught with me? | gramercy, gramercies (int.) great thanks | MV II.ii.111 | |
| | aught (n.) anything, [with negative word] nothing | | |
Gob. | GOBBO | | | |
Here's my sonne sir, a poore boy. | Here's my son, sir, a poor boy ... | | MV II.ii.112 | |
Lan. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
Not a poore boy sir, but the rich Iewes man that | Not a poor boy, sir, but the rich Jew's man | | MV II.ii.113 | |
would sir as my Father shall specifie. | that would, sir, as my father shall specify ... | | MV II.ii.114 | |
Gob. | GOBBO | | | |
He hath a great infection sir, as one would say | He hath a great infection, sir, as one would say, | infection (n.) malapropism for ‘affection’ | MV II.ii.115 | |
to serue. | to serve ... | | MV II.ii.116 | |
Lan. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
Indeede the short and the long is, I serue the | Indeed, the short and the long is, I serve the | | MV II.ii.117 | |
Iew, and haue a desire as my Father shall specifie. | Jew, and have a desire, as my father shall specify ... | | MV II.ii.118 | |
Gob. | GOBBO | | | |
His Maister and he (sauing your worships reuerence) | His master and he, saving your worship's reverence, | | MV II.ii.119 | |
are scarce catercosins. | are scarce cater-cousins. | scarce (adv.) scarcely, hardly, barely, only just | MV II.ii.120 | |
| | cater-cousins (n.) good friends, people on the best of terms | | |
Lan. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
To be briefe, the verie truth is, that the Iew | To be brief, the very truth is that the Jew | | MV II.ii.121 | |
hauing done me wrong, doth cause me as my Father | having done me wrong doth cause me, as my father, | | MV II.ii.122 | |
being I hope an old man shall frutifie vnto you. | being I hope an old man, shall frutify unto you ... | frutify (v.) malapropism for ‘certify’ | MV II.ii.123 | |
Gob. | GOBBO | | | |
I haue here a dish of Doues that I would bestow | I have here a dish of doves that I would bestow | | MV II.ii.124 | |
vpon your worship, and my suite is. | upon your worship, and my suit is ... | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | MV II.ii.125 | |
Lan. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
In verie briefe, the suite is impertinent to | In very brief, the suit is impertinent to | impertinent (adj.) malapropism for ‘pertinent’ | MV II.ii.126 | |
my selfe, as your worship shall know by this honest old | myself, as your worship shall know by this honest old | | MV II.ii.127 | |
man, and though I say it, though old man, yet poore man | man, and though I say it, though old man, yet poor man, | | MV II.ii.128 | |
my Father. | my father ... | | MV II.ii.129 | |
Bass. | BASSANIO | | | |
One speake for both, what would you? | One speak for both. What would you? | | MV II.ii.130 | |
Lan. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
Serue you sir. | Serve you, sir. | | MV II.ii.131 | |
Gob. | GOBBO | | | |
That is the verie defect of the matter sir. | That is the very defect of the matter, sir. | defect (n.) malapropism for ‘effect’ | MV II.ii.132 | |
Bass. | BASSANIO | | | |
I know thee well, thou hast obtain'd thy suite, | I know thee well, thou hast obtained thy suit. | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | MV II.ii.133 | |
Shylocke thy Maister spoke with me this daie, | Shylock thy master spoke with me this day, | | MV II.ii.134 | |
And hath prefer'd thee, if it be preferment | And hath preferred thee, if it be preferment | prefer (v.) promote, advance, recommend | MV II.ii.135 | |
| | preferment (n.) advancement, promotion | | |
To leaue a rich Iewes seruice, to become | To leave a rich Jew's service to become | | MV II.ii.136 | |
The follower of so poore a Gentleman. | The follower of so poor a gentleman. | | MV II.ii.137 | |
Clo. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
The old prouerbe is verie well parted betweene | The old proverb is very well parted between | part (v.) divide, share, split up | MV II.ii.138 | |
my Maister Shylocke and you sir, you haue the grace of | my master Shylock and you, sir. You have the grace of | | MV II.ii.139 | |
God sir, and he hath enough. | God, sir, and he hath enough. | | MV II.ii.140 | |
Bass. | BASSANIO | | | |
Thou speak'st it well; go Father with thy Son, | Thou speak'st it well. Go, father, with thy son; | | MV II.ii.141 | |
Take leaue of thy old Maister, and enquire | Take leave of thy old master and inquire | | MV II.ii.142 | |
My lodging out, giue him a Liuerie | My lodging out. (To a Servant) Give him a livery | livery (n.) uniform, costume, special clothing | MV II.ii.143 | |
More garded then his fellowes: see it done. | More guarded than his fellows'. See it done. | guarded (adj.) ornamented, trimmed, tricked out | MV II.ii.144 | |
Clo. | LAUNCELOT | | | |
Father in, I cannot get a seruice, no, I haue | Father, in. I cannot get a service, no! I have | | MV II.ii.145 | |
nere a tongue in my head, well: if | ne'er a tongue in my head, well! (He looks at his palm) If | | MV II.ii.146 | |
anie man in Italie haue a fairer table which doth offer to | any man in Italy have a fairer table which doth offer to | table (n.) [palmistry] area between various lines on the palm | MV II.ii.147 | |
sweare vpon a booke, I shall haue good fortune; goe too, | swear upon a book, I shall have good fortune! Go to, | | MV II.ii.148 | |
here's a simple line of life, here's a small trifle of wiues, | here's a simple line of life. Here's a small trifle of wives! | simple (adj.) common, ordinary, average, humble | MV II.ii.149 | |
alas, fifteene wiues is nothing, a leuen widdowes and nine | Alas, fifteen wives is nothing; eleven widows and nine | aleven (adj.) eleven | MV II.ii.150 | |
maides is a simple comming in for one man, and then to | maids is a simple coming-in for one man. And then to | coming-in, comings-in (n.) income, revenue, yield | MV II.ii.151 | |
scape drowning thrice, and to be in perill of my life with | scape drowning thrice, and to be in peril of my life with | scape, 'scape (v.) escape, avoid | MV II.ii.152 | |
the edge of a featherbed, here are simple scapes: well, | the edge of a feather-bed! Here are simple scapes. Well, | scape, 'scape (n.) escape | MV II.ii.153 | |
if Fortune be a woman, she's a good wench for this gere: | if Fortune be a woman, she's a good wench for this gear. | wench (n.) girl, lass | MV II.ii.154 | |
| | gear (n.) business, affair, matter | | |
| | Fortune (n.) Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind | | |
Father come, Ile take my leaue of the Iew in the | Father, come. I'll take my leave of the Jew in the | | MV II.ii.155 | |
twinkling. | twinkling. | | MV II.ii.156 | |
Exit Clowne. | Exeunt Launcelot, with Old Gobbo | | MV II.ii.156 | |
Bass. | BASSANIO | | | |
I praie thee good Leonardo thinke on this, | I pray thee, good Leonardo, think on this. | | MV II.ii.157 | |
These things being bought and orderly bestowed | These things being bought and orderly bestowed, | bestow (v.) stow away, dispose of | MV II.ii.158 | |
Returne in haste, for I doe feast to night | Return in haste, for I do feast tonight | | MV II.ii.159 | |
My best esteemd acquaintance, hie thee goe. | My best-esteemed acquaintance. Hie thee, go. | hie (v.) hasten, hurry, speed | MV II.ii.160 | |
Leon. | LEONARDO | | | |
My best endeuors shall be done herein. | My best endeavours shall be done herein. | | MV II.ii.161 | |
Enter Gratiano. | Enter Gratiano | | MV II.ii.162 | |
Gra. | GRATIANO | | | |
Where's your Maister. | Where is your master? | | MV II.ii.162.1 | |
Leon. | LEONARDO | | | |
Yonder sir he walkes. | Yonder, sir, he walks. | | MV II.ii.162.2 | |
Exit Le. | Exit | | MV II.ii.162 | |
Gra. | GRATIANO | | | |
Signior Bassanio. | Signor Bassanio! | | MV II.ii.163 | |
Bas. | BASSANIO | | | |
Gratiano. | Gratiano! | | MV II.ii.164 | |
Gra. | GRATIANO | | | |
I haue a sute to you. | I have suit to you. | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | MV II.ii.165.1 | |
Bass. | BASSANIO | | | |
You haue obtain'd it. | You have obtained it. | | MV II.ii.165.2 | |
Gra. | GRATIANO | | | |
You must not denie me, I must goe with you to Belmont. | You must not deny me. I must go with you to Belmont. | deny (v.) disallow, forbid, refuse permission [for] | MV II.ii.166 | |
Bass. | BASSANIO | | | |
Why then you must: but heare thee Gratiano, | Why then you must. But hear thee, Gratiano: | | MV II.ii.167 | |
Thou art to wilde, to rude, and bold of voyce, | Thou art too wild, too rude and bold of voice, | rude (adj.) cacophonous, raucous, barbarous | MV II.ii.168 | |
Parts that become thee happily enough, | Parts that become thee happily enough | part (n.) quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body] | MV II.ii.169 | |
| | become (v.) put a good front on, give a pleasing appearance to | | |
And in such eyes as ours appeare not faults; | And in such eyes as ours appear not faults, | | MV II.ii.170 | |
But where they are not knowne, why there they show | But where thou art not known, why there they show | | MV II.ii.171 | |
Something too liberall, pray thee take paine | Something too liberal. Pray thee take pain | pain (n.) effort, endeavour, exertion, labour | MV II.ii.172 | |
| | something (adv.) somewhat, rather | | |
| | liberal (adj.) overgenerous, licentious | | |
To allay with some cold drops of modestie | To allay with some cold drops of modesty | allay (v.) subside, abate, diminish, quell | MV II.ii.173 | |
Thy skipping spirit, least through thy wilde behauiour | Thy skipping spirit, lest through thy wild behaviour | skipping (adj.) frivolous, flighty, frolicsome | MV II.ii.174 | |
I be misconsterd in the place I goe to, | I be misconstered in the place I go to, | misconster (v.) misconstrue, misinterpret, take wrongly | MV II.ii.175 | |
And loose my hopes. | And lose my hopes. | | MV II.ii.176.1 | |
Gra. | GRATIANO | | | |
Signor Bassanio, heare me, | Signor Bassanio, hear me: | | MV II.ii.176.2 | |
If I doe not put on a sober habite, | If I do not put on a sober habit, | habit (n.) behaviour, bearing, demeanour | MV II.ii.177 | |
Talke with respect, and sweare but now and than, | Talk with respect, and swear but now and then, | | MV II.ii.178 | |
Weare prayer bookes in my pocket, looke demurely, | Wear prayer books in my pocket, look demurely, | demurely (adv.) gently, in a subdued way; or: solemnly | MV II.ii.179 | |
Nay more, while grace is saying hood mine eyes | Nay more, while grace is saying hood mine eyes | | MV II.ii.180 | |
Thus with my hat, and sigh and say Amen: | Thus with my hat, and sigh and say amen, | | MV II.ii.181 | |
Vse all the obseruance of ciuillitie | Use all the observance of civility | civility (n.) civilized conduct, courteous behaviour, good manners | MV II.ii.182 | |
Like one well studied in a sad ostent | Like one well studied in a sad ostent | ostent (n.) display, show, manifestation | MV II.ii.183 | |
| | sad (adj.) serious, grave, solemn | | |
| | studied (adj.) prepared, equipped, fitted | | |
To please his Grandam, neuer trust me more. | To please his grandam, never trust me more. | grandam (n.) grandmother | MV II.ii.184 | |
Bas. | BASSANIO | | | |
Well, we shall see your bearing. | Well, we shall see your bearing. | | MV II.ii.185 | |
Gra. | GRATIANO | | | |
Nay but I barre to night, you shall not gage me | Nay, but I bar tonight. You shall not gauge me | | MV II.ii.186 | |
By what we doe to night. | By what we do tonight. | | MV II.ii.187.1 | |
Bas. | BASSANIO | | | |
No that were pittie, | No, that were pity. | | MV II.ii.187.2 | |
I would intreate you rather to put on | I would entreat you rather to put on | | MV II.ii.188 | |
Your boldest suite of mirth, for we haue friends | Your boldest suit of mirth, for we have friends | suit (n.) clothing, dress, garb | MV II.ii.189 | |
That purpose merriment: but far you well, | That purpose merriment. But fare you well; | purpose (v.) intend, plan | MV II.ii.190 | |
| | fare ... well (int.) goodbye [to an individual] | | |
I haue some businesse. | I have some business. | | MV II.ii.191 | |
Gra. | GRATIANO | | | |
And I must to Lorenso and the rest, | And I must to Lorenzo and the rest, | | MV II.ii.192 | |
But we will visite you at supper time. | But we will visit you at supper-time. | | MV II.ii.193 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | MV II.ii.193 | |