The Taming of the Shrew

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Baptista, Gremio, Tranio, Katherine, Enter Baptista, Gremio, Tranio as Lucentio, Katherina, TS III.ii.1.1
Bianca, and others, attendants.Bianca, Lucentio as Cambio, and attendants on TS III.ii.1.2
Katherina TS III.ii.1.3
(to Tranio) TS III.ii.1
Signior Lucentio, this is the pointed daySignor Lucentio, this is the 'pointed day TS III.ii.1
That Katherine and Petruchio should be married,That Katherine and Petruchio should be married, TS III.ii.2
And yet we heare not of our sonne in Law:And yet we hear not of our son-in-law. TS III.ii.3
What will be said, what mockery will it be?What will be said? What mockery will it be TS III.ii.4
To want the Bride-groome when the Priest attendsTo want the bridegroom when the priest attendswant (v.)
lack, need, be without
TS III.ii.5
attend (v.)
await, wait for, expect
To speake the ceremoniall rites of marriage?To speak the ceremonial rites of marriage! TS III.ii.6
What saies Lucentio to this shame of ours?What says Lucentio to this shame of ours? TS III.ii.7
No shame but mine, I must forsooth be forstNo shame but mine. I must forsooth be forcedforsooth (adv.)
in truth, certainly, truly, indeed
TS III.ii.8
To giue my hand oppos'd against my heartTo give my hand, opposed against my heart, TS III.ii.9
Vnto a mad-braine rudesby, full of spleene,Unto a mad-brain rudesby, full of spleen,spleen (n.)

old form: spleene
impulse, caprice, whim
TS III.ii.10
rudesby (n.)
ruffian, piece of insolence, unmannerly fellow
Who woo'd in haste, and meanes to wed at leysure:Who wooed in haste and means to wed at leisure. TS III.ii.11
I told you I, he was a franticke foole,I told you, I, he was a frantic fool,frantic (adj.)

old form: franticke
mad, insane, frenzied, out of one's senses
TS III.ii.12
Hiding his bitter iests in blunt behauiour,Hiding his bitter jests in blunt behaviour. TS III.ii.13
And to be noted for a merry man;And to be noted for a merry man,note (v.)
observe, pay attention [to], take special note [of]
TS III.ii.14
Hee'll wooe a thousand, point the day of marriage,He'll woo a thousand, 'point the day of marriage, TS III.ii.15
Make friends, inuite, and proclaime the banes,Make feasts, invite friends, and proclaim the banns, TS III.ii.16
Yet neuer meanes to wed where he hath woo'd:Yet never means to wed where he hath wooed. TS III.ii.17
Now must the world point at poore Katherine,Now must the world point at poor Katherine, TS III.ii.18
And say, loe, there is mad Petruchio's wifeAnd say, ‘ Lo, there is mad Petruchio's wife, TS III.ii.19
If it would please him come and marry her.If it would please him come and marry her.’ TS III.ii.20
Patience good Katherine and Baptista too,Patience, good Katherine, and Baptista too. TS III.ii.21
Vpon my life Petruchio meanes but well,Upon my life, Petruchio means but well, TS III.ii.22
What euer fortune stayes him from his word,Whatever fortune stays him from his word.stay (v.)

old form: stayes
dissuade, stop, prevent
TS III.ii.23
fortune (n.)
chance, fate, [one's ] lot
Though he be blunt, I know him passing wise,Though he be blunt, I know him passing wise,passing (adv.)
very, exceedingly, extremely
TS III.ii.24
Though he be merry, yet withall he's honest.Though he be merry, yet withal he's honest.merry (adj.)
facetious, droll, jocular
TS III.ii.25
withal (adv.)

old form: withall
nevertheless, notwithstanding
honest (adj.)
honourable, respectable, upright
Would Katherine had neuer seen him though.Would Katherine had never seen him though. TS III.ii.26
Exit weeping.Exit weeping, followed by Bianca and the other women TS III.ii.27
Goe girle, I cannot blame thee now to weepe,Go, girl, I cannot blame thee now to weep, TS III.ii.27
For such an iniurie would vexe a very saint,For such an injury would vex a saint, TS III.ii.28
Much more a shrew of impatient humour.Much more a shrew of thy impatient humour.humour (n.)
mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids]
TS III.ii.29
Enter Biondello.Enter Biondello TS III.ii.30
Master, master, newes, and such newes as Master, master, news! And such old news as TS III.ii.30
you neuer heard of,you never heard of. TS III.ii.31
Is it new and olde too? how may that be?Is it new and old too? How may that be? TS III.ii.32
Why, is it not newes to heard of Petruchio's Why, is it not news to hear of Petruchio's TS III.ii.33
comming?coming? TS III.ii.34
Is he come?Is he come? TS III.ii.35
Why no sir.Why, no, sir. TS III.ii.36
What then?What then? TS III.ii.37
He is comming.He is coming. TS III.ii.38
When will he be heere?When will he be here? TS III.ii.39
When he stands where I am, and sees you When he stands where I am and sees you TS III.ii.40
there.there. TS III.ii.41
But say, what to thine olde newes?But say, what to thine old news? TS III.ii.42
Why Petruchio is comming, in a new hat andWhy, Petruchio is coming in a new hat and TS III.ii.43
an old ierkin, a paire of old breeches thrice turn'd; aan old jerkin; a pair of old breeches thrice turned; ajerkin (n.)
male upper garment, close-fitting jacket [often made of leather]
TS III.ii.44
paire of bootes that haue beene candle-cases, one buckled, pair of boots that have been candle-cases, one buckled,candle-case (n.)
container for candles
TS III.ii.45
another lac'd: an olde rusty sword tane out of the Towne another laced; an old rusty sword ta'en out of the town TS III.ii.46
Armory, with a broken hilt, and chapelesse: with two armoury, with a broken hilt, and chapeless; with twochapeless (adj.)

old form: chapelesse
without a sheath
TS III.ii.47
broken points: his horse hip'd with an olde mothy broken points; his horse hipped – with an old mothypoint (n.)
(usually plural) tagged lace [especially for attaching hose to the doublet]
TS III.ii.48
hipped (adj.)

old form: hip'd
with an injured hip, lame
saddle, and stirrops of no kindred: besides possestsaddle and stirrups of no kindred – besides, possessedkindred (n.)
matching character, resemblance [to one another]
TS III.ii.49
with the glanders, and like to mose in the chine, troubled with the glanders and like to mose in the chine; troubledmose in the chine
[unclear meaning] be in the final stages of the glanders
TS III.ii.50
like (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
glanders (n.)
horse disease affecting the nostrils and jaws
with the Lampasse, infected with the fashions, full of with the lampass, infected with the fashions, full oflampass (n.)

old form: Lampasse
horse disease affecting the mouth
TS III.ii.51
fashion (n.)
(plural) horse disease affecting the nose and mouth [farcy]
Windegalls, sped with Spauins, raied with the Yellowes, windgalls, sped with spavins, rayed with the yellows,speed (v.)
deal with, bring to an end, defeat
TS III.ii.52
spavin (n.)

old form: Spauins
swelling of a horse's leg-joint
ray (v.)

old form: raied
disfigure, stain, blemish
windgall (n.)

old form: Windegalls
soft tumour on a horse's leg
yellow (n.)

old form: yellowes
(plural) jaundice [as found in horses]
past cure of the Fiues, starke spoyl'd with the Staggers, past cure of the fives, stark spoiled with the staggers,staggers (n.)
horse disease marked by a staggering movement
TS III.ii.53
spoil (v.)

old form: spoyl'd
devastate, ravage, impoverish
fives (n.)

old form: Fiues
(plural) horse disease affecting the parotid glands [the strangles]
begnawne with the Bots, Waid in the backe, and shoulder-shotten, begnawn with the bots, swayed in the back and shoulder-shotten,swayed (adj.)
[of horses] strained, with a spinal depression
TS III.ii.54
shoulder-shotten (adj.)
with a dislocated shoulder
begnaw (v.)

old form: begnawne
gnaw away, eat away, chew
bots (n.)
stomach worm affecting horses
neere leg'd before, and with a halfe-chekt near-legged before, and with a half-cheekednear-legged (adj.)

old form: neere leg'd
TS III.ii.55
half-cheeked (adj.)

old form: halfe-chekt
[horse-riding] with broken side-rings [cheeks]; or: halfway up the cheeks
before (adv.)
in the front
Bitte, & a headstall of sheepes leather, which being bit and a headstall of sheep's leather, which, beingheadstall (n.)
part of a horse's bridle that goes over the head
TS III.ii.56
restrain'd to keepe him from stumbling, hath been often restrained to keep him from stumbling, hath been oftenrestrain (v.)

old form: restrain'd
draw tightly, pull taut
TS III.ii.57
burst, and now repaired with knots: one girth sixe times burst and new-repaired with knots; one girth six times TS III.ii.58
peec'd, and a womans Crupper of velure, which hath pieced, and a woman's crupper of velure, which hathpiece (v.)

old form: peec'd
mend, repair, make whole
TS III.ii.59
velure (n.)
crupper (n.)
leather saddle-strap on a horse
two letters for her name, fairely set down in studs, and two letters for her name fairly set down in studs, andfairly (adv.)

old form: fairely
neatly, elegantly, handsomely, beautifully
TS III.ii.60
heere and there peec'd with and there pieced with packthread.packthread, pack-thread (n.)

old form: packthred
twine used for tying up bundles, string
TS III.ii.61
Who comes with him?Who comes with him? TS III.ii.62
Oh sir, his Lackey, for all the world Caparison'd O sir, his lackey, for all the world caparisonedlackey (n.)
footman, minion, flunky
TS III.ii.63
caparisoned (adj.)

old form: Caparison'd
dressed, decked out, arrayed
like the horse: with a linnen stock on one leg, and a kersey like the horse; with a linen stock on one leg and a kerseystock (n.)
TS III.ii.64
kersey (n./adj.)
coarsely woven plain woollen cloth
boot-hose on the other, gartred with a red and blew boot-hose on the other, gartered with a red and blueboot-hose (n.)
over-stocking covering the whole of the lower leg
TS III.ii.65
list; an old hat, & the humor of forty fancies pricktlist; an old hat, and the humour of forty fancies prickedprick (v.)

old form: prickt
pin, fix, stick
TS III.ii.66
list (n.)
cloth edging, border material
fancy (n.)
whim, inclination, caprice
humour (n.)

old form: humor
fancy, whim, inclination, caprice
in't for a feather: a monster, a very monster in apparell,in't for a feather; a monster, a very monster in apparel,apparel (n.)

old form: apparel'd
clothes, clothing, dress
TS III.ii.67
& not like a Christian foot-boy, or a gentlemans Lacky.and not like a Christian footboy or a gentleman's lackey.footboy (n.)

old form: foot-boy
boy attendant, page-boy, servant on foot [accompanying a rider]
TS III.ii.68
'Tis some od humor pricks him to this fashion,'Tis some odd humour pricks him to this fashion.odd (adj.)

old form: od
eccentric, peculiar, unusual
TS III.ii.69
prick (v.)
urge, incite, motivate
humour (n.)

old form: humor
fancy, whim, inclination, caprice
Yet oftentimes he goes but meane apparel'd.Yet oftentimes he goes but mean-apparelled.mean-apparelled (adj.)

old form: meane apparel'd
humbly dressed, in poor clothes
TS III.ii.70
oftentimes (adv.)
often, frequently, on many occasions
I am glad he's come, howsoere he comes.I am glad he's come, howsoe'er he comes. TS III.ii.71
Why sir, he comes not.Why, sir, he comes not. TS III.ii.72
Didst thou not say hee comes?Didst thou not say he comes? TS III.ii.73
Who, that Petruchio came?Who? That Petruchio came? TS III.ii.74
I, that Petruchio came.Ay, that Petruchio came. TS III.ii.75
No sir, I say his horse comes with him on No, sir. I say his horse comes with him on TS III.ii.76
his backe.his back. TS III.ii.77
Why that's all one.Why, that's all one. TS III.ii.78
Nay by S.Iamy, Nay, by Saint Jamy, TS III.ii.79
I hold you a penny, I hold you a penny,hold (v.)
wager, offer as a bet
TS III.ii.80
a horse and a man A horse and a man TS III.ii.81
is more then one, Is more than one, TS III.ii.82
and yet not many.And yet not many. TS III.ii.83
Enter Petruchio and Grumio.Enter Petruchio and Grumio TS III.ii.84.1
Come, where be these gallants? who's at Come, where be these gallants? Who's atgallant (n.)
fine gentleman, man of fashion
TS III.ii.84
home?home? TS III.ii.85
You are welcome sir.You are welcome, sir. TS III.ii.86
And yet I come not well.And yet I come not well? TS III.ii.87
And yet you halt not.And yet you halt not.halt (v.)
limp, proceed lamely
TS III.ii.88
Not so well apparell'd as I wish you were.Not so well-apparelled as I wish you were.apparel (v.)

old form: apparell'd
clothe, dress up, trick out
TS III.ii.89
Were it better I should rush in thus:Were it not better I should rush in thus? TS III.ii.90
But where is Kate? where is my louely Bride?But where is Kate? Where is my lovely bride? TS III.ii.91
How does my father? gentles methinkes you frowne,How does my father? Gentles, methinks you frown.methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: methinkes
it seems / seemed to me
TS III.ii.92
gentle (n.)
(plural) gentlemen
And wherefore gaze this goodly company,And wherefore gaze this goodly company TS III.ii.93
As if they saw some wondrous monument,As if they saw some wondrous monument,monument (n.)
portent, warning, sign
TS III.ii.94
wondrous (adj.)
unbelievable, bizarre, strange
Some Commet, or vnusuall prodigie?Some comet, or unusual prodigy?prodigy (n.)

old form: prodigie
omen, portent, sign
TS III.ii.95
Why sir, you know this is your wedding day:Why, sir, you know this is your wedding-day. TS III.ii.96
First were we sad, fearing you would not come,First were we sad, fearing you would not come,sad (adj.)
downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy
TS III.ii.97
Now sadder that you come so vnprouided:Now sadder that you come so unprovided.unprovided (adj.)

old form: vnprouided
unprepared, not properly dressed
TS III.ii.98
Fie, doff this habit, shame to your estate,Fie, doff this habit, shame to your estate,estate (n.)
degree of rank, place in life, type of person
TS III.ii.99
habit (n.)
dress, clothing, costume
doff (v.)
throw off, get rid of, do away with
An eye-sore to our solemne festiuall.An eye-sore to our solemn festival.solemn (adj.)

old form: solemne
formal, ceremonious, stately
TS III.ii.100
And tell vs what occasion of importAnd tell us what occasion of importimport (n.)
importance, significance, consequence
TS III.ii.101
occasion (n.)
course of events, state of affairs
Hath all so long detain'd you from your wife,Hath all so long detained you from your wifeall (adv.)
[intensifying use] quite, so
TS III.ii.102
And sent you hither so vnlike your selfe?And sent you hither so unlike yourself? TS III.ii.103
Tedious it were to tell, and harsh to heare,Tedious it were to tell, and harsh to hear –  TS III.ii.104
Sufficeth I am come to keepe my word,Sufficeth I am come to keep my word,suffice (v.)
satisfy, content, be enough [for]
TS III.ii.105
Though in some part inforced to digresse,Though in some part enforced to digress,digress (v.)

old form: digresse
deviate, diverge, depart
TS III.ii.106
Which at more leysure I will so excuse,Which at more leisure I will so excuse TS III.ii.107
As you shall well be satisfied with all.As you shall well be satisfied withal. TS III.ii.108
But where is Kate? I stay too long from her,But where is Kate? I stay too long from her.stay (v.)
stay away, delay, be absent
TS III.ii.109
The morning weares, 'tis time we were at Church.The morning wears, 'tis time we were at church.wear (v.)

old form: weares
pass, waste, run out
TS III.ii.110
See not your Bride in these vnreuerent robes,See not your bride in these unreverent robes,unreverent (adj.)

old form: vnreuerent
irreverent, disrespectful, unseemly
TS III.ii.111
Goe to my chamber, put on clothes of mine.Go to my chamber, put on clothes of mine. TS III.ii.112
Not I, beleeue me, thus Ile visit her.Not I, believe me. Thus I'll visit her. TS III.ii.113
But thus I trust you will not marry her.But thus, I trust, you will not marry her. TS III.ii.114
Good sooth euen thus: therefore ha done with words,Good sooth, even thus. Therefore ha' done with words;sooth (n.)
truth [in exclamations, emphasizing an assertion]
TS III.ii.115
To me she's married, not vnto my cloathes:To me she's married, not unto my clothes. TS III.ii.116
Could I repaire what she will weare in me,Could I repair what she will wear in me TS III.ii.117
As I can change these poore accoutrements,As I can change these poor accoutrements,accoutrements, accoustrements (n.)
clothes, outfit, attire
TS III.ii.118
'Twere well for Kate, and better for my selfe.'Twere well for Kate and better for myself. TS III.ii.119
But what a foole am I to chat with you,But what a fool am I to chat with you, TS III.ii.120
When I should bid good morrow to my Bride?When I should bid good morrow to my bride,morrow (n.)
TS III.ii.121
And seale the title with a louely kisse. And seal the title with a lovely kiss.lovely (adj.)

old form: louely
loving, amorous
TS III.ii.122
Exit.Exit with Grumio TS III.ii.122
He hath some meaning in his mad attire,He hath some meaning in his mad attire. TS III.ii.123
We will perswade him be it possible,We will persuade him, be it possible, TS III.ii.124
To put on better ere he goe to Church.To put on better ere he go to church. TS III.ii.125
Ile after him, and see the euent of this. I'll after him and see the event of this.event (n.)

old form: euent
outcome, issue, consequence
TS III.ii.126
Exit.Exit followed by Gremio, Biondello, and attendants TS III.ii.126
But sir, Loue concerneth vs to addeBut, sir, to love concerneth us to add TS III.ii.127
Her fathers liking, which to bring to passeHer father's liking, which to bring to pass, TS III.ii.128
As before imparted to your worship,As I before imparted to your worship, TS III.ii.129
I am to get a man what ere he be,I am to get a man – whate'er he be TS III.ii.130
It skills not much, weele fit him to our turne,It skills not much, we'll fit him to our turnturn (n.)

old form: turne
need, requirement, purpose [especially in the phrase ‘serve one's turn’ = meet one's need]
TS III.ii.131
skill (v.)
matter, make a difference, be of importance
And he shall be Vincentio of Pisa,And he shall be Vincentio of Pisa, TS III.ii.132
And make assurance heere in PaduaAnd make assurance here in Paduaassurance (n.)
confirmation, pledge, guarantee
TS III.ii.133
Of greater summes then I haue promised,Of greater sums than I have promised. TS III.ii.134
So shall you quietly enioy your hope,So shall you quietly enjoy your hope TS III.ii.135
And marry sweet Bianca with consent.And marry sweet Bianca with consent. TS III.ii.136
Were it not that my fellow schoolemasterWere it not that my fellow schoolmaster TS III.ii.137
Doth watch Bianca's steps so narrowly:Doth watch Bianca's steps so narrowly,step (n.)
action, movement, coming and going
TS III.ii.138
narrowly (adv.)
carefully, with close attention
'Twere good me-thinkes to steale our marriage,'Twere good methinks to steal our marriage,methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me-thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
TS III.ii.139
steal (v.)

old form: steale
hide furtively, conceal stealthily
Which once perform'd, let all the world say no,Which once performed, let all the world say no, TS III.ii.140
Ile keepe mine owne despite of all the world.I'll keep mine own despite of all the world. TS III.ii.141
That by degrees we meane to looke into,That by degrees we mean to look into TS III.ii.142
And watch our vantage in this businesse,And watch our vantage in this (v.)
be on the watch for, look out for
TS III.ii.143
vantage (n.)
right moment, suitable opportunity
Wee'll ouer-reach the grey-beard Gremio,We'll overreach the greybeard Gremio,overreach, over-reach (v.), past form overraught

old form: ouer-reach
outwit, outdo, cheat
TS III.ii.144
The narrow prying father Minola,The narrow-prying father Minola,narrow-prying (adj.)

old form: narrow prying
inquisitive, snooping, meddlesome
TS III.ii.145
The quaint Musician, amorous Litio,The quaint musician, amorous Licio – quaint (adj.)
artful, cunning
TS III.ii.146
All for my Masters sake Lucentio.All for my master's sake, Lucentio. TS III.ii.147
Enter Gremio.Enter Gremio TS III.ii.148
Signior Gremio, came you from the Church?Signor Gremio, came you from the church? TS III.ii.148
As willingly as ere I came from schoole.As willingly as e'er I came from school. TS III.ii.149
And is the Bride & Bridegroom coming home?And is the bride and bridegroom coming home? TS III.ii.150
A bridegroome say you? 'tis a groome indeed,A bridegroom, say you? 'Tis a groom indeed,groom (n.)

old form: groome
serving-man, servant, male attendant
TS III.ii.151
groom (n.)

old form: groome
A grumlling groome, and that the girle shall finde.A grumbling groom, and that the girl shall find. TS III.ii.152
Curster then she, why 'tis impossible.Curster than she? Why, 'tis impossible.curst (adj.)
bad-tempered, quarrelsome, shrewish, cross
TS III.ii.153
Why hee's a deuill, a deuill, a very fiend.Why he's a devil, a devil, a very fiend. TS III.ii.154
Why she's a deuill, a deuill, the deuils damme.Why, she's a devil, a devil, the devil's dam.dam (n.)

old form: damme
TS III.ii.155
Tut, she's a Lambe, a Doue, a foole to him:Tut, she's a lamb, a dove, a fool to him.fool (n.)

old form: foole
[term of endearment or pity] dear, darling, innocent creature
TS III.ii.156
Ile tell you sir Lucentio; when the PriestI'll tell you, Sir Lucentio – when the priest TS III.ii.157
Should aske if Katherine should be his wife,Should ask if Katherine should be his wife, TS III.ii.158
I, by goggs woones quoth he, and swore so loud,‘ Ay, by gogs-wouns,’ quoth he, and swore so loudquoth (v.)
TS III.ii.159
gog (n.)
softened form of 'God'
That all amaz'd the Priest let fall the booke,That all-amazed the priest let fall the book,all-amazed (adj.)

old form: all amaz'd
completely dumbfounded
TS III.ii.160
And as he stoop'd againe to take it vp,And, as he stooped again to take it up, TS III.ii.161
This mad-brain'd bridegroome tooke him such a cuffe,The mad-brained bridegroom took him such a cufftake (v.)

old form: tooke
strike, hit, catch
TS III.ii.162
That downe fell Priest and booke, and booke and Priest,That down fell priest and book, and book and priest. TS III.ii.163
Now take them vp quoth he, if any list.‘ Now take them up,’ quoth he, ‘ if any list.’list (v.)
care, choose, desire
TS III.ii.164
What said the wench when he rose againe?What said the wench when he rose up again?wench (n.)
girl, lass
TS III.ii.165
Trembled and shooke: for why, he stamp'd and swore, Trembled and shook. For why, he stamped and sworefor why, forwhy (adv.)
for which reason, because of this
TS III.ii.166
as if the Vicar meant to cozen him: As if the vicar meant to cozen him.cozen (v.)
cheat, dupe, trick, deceive
TS III.ii.167
but after many ceremonies done, But after many ceremonies done TS III.ii.168
hee calls for wine, a health quoth he, as if He calls for wine. ‘ A health!’ quoth he, as if TS III.ii.169
he had beene aboord carowsing to his Mates He had been aboard, carousing to his matescarouse (v.)

old form: carowsing
drink at length, imbibe long draughts
TS III.ii.170
after a storme, quaft off the Muscadell, After a storm; quaffed off the muscadel,muscadel (n.)

old form: Muscadell
type of strong sweet wine
TS III.ii.171
quaff off (v.)

old form: quaft
drain a cup in a long draught
and threw the sops all in the Sextons face: And threw the sops all in the sexton's face,sop (n.)
piece of bread or cake steeped in liquid [before being eaten]
TS III.ii.172
hauing no other reason, Having no other reason TS III.ii.173
but that his beard grew thinne and hungerly, But that his beard grew thin and hungerlyhungerly (adj.)
sparse, meagre
TS III.ii.174
and seem'd to aske him sops as hee was drinking: And seemed to ask him sops as he was drinking. TS III.ii.175
This done, hee tooke the Bride about the necke, This done, he took the bride about the neck, TS III.ii.176
and kist her lips with such a clamorous smacke, And kissed her lips with such a clamorous smack TS III.ii.177
that at the parting all the Church did eccho: That at the parting all the church did echo. TS III.ii.178
and I seeing this, came thence for very shame, And I seeing this came thence for very shame, TS III.ii.179
and after mee I know the rout is comming, And after me, I know, the rout is coming.rout (n.)
band, company, crowd
TS III.ii.180
such a mad marryage neuer was before: Such a mad marriage never was before. TS III.ii.181
harke, harke, I heare the minstrels play. Hark, hark! I hear the minstrels play. TS III.ii.182
Musicke playes.Music plays TS III.ii.183.1
Enter Petruchio, Kate, Bianca, Hortensio, Baptista.Enter Petruchio, Katherina, Bianca, Baptista, Hortensio, TS III.ii.183.2
Grumio, and attendants TS III.ii.183.3
Gentlemen & friends, I thank you for your pains,Gentlemen and friends, I thank you for your pains. TS III.ii.183
I know you thinke to dine with me to day,I know you think to dine with me today,think (v.)

old form: thinke
expect, anticipate, look
TS III.ii.184
And haue prepar'd great store of wedding cheere,And have prepared great store of wedding cheer,cheer (n.)

old form: cheere
entertainment, fare, food and drink
TS III.ii.185
store (n.)
abundance, plenty, surplus, quantity
But so it is, my haste doth call me hence,But so it is, my haste doth call me hence, TS III.ii.186
And therefore heere I meane to take my leaue.And therefore here I mean to take my leave. TS III.ii.187
Is't possible you will away to night?Is't possible you will away tonight? TS III.ii.188
I must away to day before night come,I must away today, before night come. TS III.ii.189
Make it no wonder: if you knew my businesse,Make it no wonder. If you knew my business,wonder (n.)
surprise, astonishment, amazement
TS III.ii.190
You would intreat me rather goe then stay:You would entreat me rather go than stay. TS III.ii.191
And honest company, I thanke you all,And, honest company, I thank you all TS III.ii.192
That haue beheld me giue away my selfeThat have beheld me give away myself TS III.ii.193
To this most patient, sweet, and vertuous wife,To this most patient, sweet, and virtuous wife. TS III.ii.194
Dine with my father, drinke a health to me,Dine with my father, drink a health to me, TS III.ii.195
For I must hence, and farewell to you all.For I must hence, and farewell to you all. TS III.ii.196
Let vs intreat you stay till after dinner.Let us entreat you stay till after dinner. TS III.ii.197
It may not be.It may not be. TS III.ii.198.1
Let me intreat you.Let me entreat you. TS III.ii.198.2
It cannot be.It cannot be. TS III.ii.199.1
Let me intreat you.Let me entreat you. TS III.ii.199.2
I am content.I am content.content (adj.)
agreeable, willing, ready
TS III.ii.200.1
Are you content to stay?Are you content to stay? TS III.ii.200.2
I am content you shall entreat me stay,I am content you shall entreat me stay –  TS III.ii.201
But yet not stay, entreat me how you can.But yet not stay, entreat me how you can. TS III.ii.202
Now if you loue me stay.Now if you love me, stay. TS III.ii.203.1
Grumio, my horse.Grumio, my horse. TS III.ii.203.2
I sir, they be ready, the Oates haue eaten theAy, sir, they be ready – the oats have eaten the TS III.ii.204
horses.horses. TS III.ii.205
Nay then,Nay then, TS III.ii.206
Doe what thou canst, I will not goe to day,Do what thou canst, I will not go today. TS III.ii.207
No, nor to morrow, not till I please my selfe,No, nor tomorrow – not till I please myself. TS III.ii.208
The dore is open sir, there lies your way,The door is open, sir, there lies your way, TS III.ii.209
You may be iogging whiles your bootes are greene:You may be jogging whiles your boots are green.jog (v.)

old form: iogging
move on, go off, be away
TS III.ii.210
green (adj.)

old form: greene
fresh, recent, new
For me, Ile not be gone till I please my selfe,For me, I'll not be gone till I please myself. TS III.ii.211
'Tis like you'll proue a iolly surly groome,'Tis like you'll prove a jolly surly groomjolly (adj.)

old form: iolly
[intensifier] very, extremely; or: arrogant, overbearing
TS III.ii.212
like (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
That take it on you at the first so roundly.That take it on you at the first so roundly.roundly (adv.)
plainly, to the point, straight out
TS III.ii.213
first (n.)
beginning, outset, start
take on (v.)
behave, act; or: rage, rant
O Kate content thee, prethee be not angry.O Kate, content thee, prithee be not angry. TS III.ii.214
I will be angry, what hast thou to doe?I will be angry – what hast thou to do? TS III.ii.215
Father, be quiet, he shall stay my leisure.Father, be quiet – he shall stay my leisure.stay (v.)
wait (for), await
TS III.ii.216
leisure (n.)
opportunity, moment, available time
I marry sir, now it begins to worke.Ay marry, sir, now it begins to work.marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
TS III.ii.217
Gentlemen, forward to the bridall dinner,Gentlemen, forward to the bridal dinner. TS III.ii.218
I see a woman may be made a fooleI see a woman may be made a fool TS III.ii.219
If she had not a spirit to resist.If she had not a spirit to resist. TS III.ii.220
They shall goe forward Kate at thy command,They shall go forward, Kate, at thy command. TS III.ii.221
Obey the Bride you that attend on her.Obey the bride, you that attend on her.attend (v.)
serve, follow, wait [on/upon]
TS III.ii.222
Goe to the feast, reuell and domineere,Go to the feast, revel and domineer,domineer (v.)

old form: domineere
feast riotously, raise the roof
TS III.ii.223
Carowse full measure to her maiden-head,Carouse full measure to her maidenhead,maidenhead (n.)

old form: maiden-head
TS III.ii.224
measure (n.)
[of drink] vessel-full, tot
carouse (v.)

old form: Carowse
drink at length, imbibe long draughts
Be madde and merry, or goe hang your selues:Be mad and merry, or go hang yourselves. TS III.ii.225
But for my bonny Kate, she must with me:But for my bonny Kate, she must with me. TS III.ii.226
He seizes her, as though to protect her from the rest of TS III.ii.227.1
the company, to whom he speaks TS III.ii.227.2
Nay, looke not big, nor stampe, nor stare, nor fret,Nay, look not big, nor stamp, nor stare, nor fret,big (adv.)
threateningly, violently, menacingly
TS III.ii.227
I will be master of what is mine owne,I will be master of what is mine own. TS III.ii.228
Shee is my goods, my chattels, she is my house,She is my goods, my chattels, she is my house, TS III.ii.229
My houshold-stuffe, my field, my barne,My household stuff, my field, my barn, TS III.ii.230
My horse, my oxe, my asse, my any thing,My horse, my ox, my ass, my any thing, TS III.ii.231
And heere she stands, touch her who euer dare,And here she stands. Touch her whoever dare! TS III.ii.232
Ile bring mine action on the proudest heI'll bring mine action on the proudest hehe (n.)
man, person
TS III.ii.233
action (n.)
law-suit, legal proceeding, litigation
That stops my way in Padua: GrumioThat stops my way in Padua. Grumio, TS III.ii.234
Draw forth thy weapon, we are beset with theeues,Draw forth thy weapon, we are beset with thieves, TS III.ii.235
Rescue thy Mistresse if thou be a man:Rescue thy mistress if thou be a man. TS III.ii.236
Feare not sweet wench, they shall not touch thee Kate,Fear not, sweet wench, they shall not touch thee, Kate.wench (n.)
girl, lass
TS III.ii.237
Ile buckler thee against a Million. I'll buckler thee against a million.buckler (v.)
shield, protect, defend
TS III.ii.238
Exeunt. P. Ka.Exeunt Petruchio, Katherina, and Grumio TS III.ii.238
Nay, let them goe, a couple of quiet ones.Nay, let them go, a couple of quiet ones. TS III.ii.239
Went they not quickly, I should die with laughing.Went they not quickly, I should die with laughing. TS III.ii.240
Of all mad matches neuer was the like.Of all mad matches never was the, the
the same
TS III.ii.241
Mistresse, what's your opinion of your sister?Mistress, what's your opinion of your sister? TS III.ii.242
That being mad her selfe, she's madly mated.That being mad herself, she's madly mated. TS III.ii.243
I warrant him Petruchio is Kated.I warrant him, Petruchio is Kated.warrant (v.)
assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
TS III.ii.244
Neighbours and friends, though Bride & Bride-groom wantsNeighbours and friends, though bride and bridegroom wantswant (v.)
lack, need, be without
TS III.ii.245
For to supply the places at the table,For to supply the places at the table, TS III.ii.246
You know there wants no iunkets at the feast:You know there wants no junkets at the feast.junket (n.)

old form: iunkets
delicacy, sweetmeat, confection
TS III.ii.247
Lucentio, you shall supply the Bridegroomes place,Lucentio, you shall supply the bridegroom's place, TS III.ii.248
And let Bianca take her sisters roome.And let Bianca take her sister's (n.)

old form: roome
place, seat
TS III.ii.249
Shall sweet Bianca practise how to bride it?Shall sweet Bianca practise how to bride it?bride (v.)
play the bride
TS III.ii.250
She shall Lucentio: come gentlemen lets goe.She shall, Lucentio. Come, gentlemen, let's go. TS III.ii.251
Exeunt.Exeunt TS III.ii.251
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