First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Tranio and Hortensio. | Enter Tranio as Lucentio, and Hortensio as Licio | | TS IV.ii.1 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
Is't possible friend Lisio, that mistris Bianca | Is't possible, friend Licio, that Mistress Bianca | | TS IV.ii.1 | |
Doth fancie any other but Lucentio, | Doth fancy any other but Lucentio? | | TS IV.ii.2 | |
I tel you sir, she beares me faire in hand. | I tell you, sir, she bears me fair in hand. | fair (adv.) fully, quite, wholly | TS IV.ii.3 | |
| | bear in hand abuse, take advantage of, delude, deceive | | |
Luc. | HORTENSIO | | | |
Sir, to satisfie you in what I haue said, | Sir, to satisfy you in what I have said, | satisfy (v.) provide with information, reassure, convince | TS IV.ii.4 | |
Stand by, and marke the manner of his teaching. | Stand by and mark the manner of his teaching. | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | TS IV.ii.5 | |
| They stand aside | | TS IV.ii.6.1 | |
Enter Bianca. | Enter Bianca, and Lucentio as Cambio | | TS IV.ii.6.2 | |
Hor. | LUCENTIO | | | |
Now Mistris, profit you in what you reade? | Now, mistress, profit you in what you read? | | TS IV.ii.6 | |
Bian. | BIANCA | | | |
What Master reade you first, resolue me that? | What, master, read you? First resolve me that. | master (n.) teacher, schoolmaster | TS IV.ii.7 | |
| | resolve (v.) answer, respond to | | |
Hor. | LUCENTIO | | | |
I reade, that I professe the Art to loue. | I read that I profess, The Art to Love. | profess (v.) practise, pursue, claim knowledge of | TS IV.ii.8 | |
Bian | BIANCA | | | |
And may you proue sir Master of your Art. | And may you prove, sir, master of your art. | | TS IV.ii.9 | |
Luc. | LUCENTIO | | | |
While you sweet deere ptoue Mistresse of my heart. | While you, sweet dear, prove mistress of my heart. | | TS IV.ii.10 | |
| They court each other | | TS IV.ii.11.1 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
Quicke proceeders marry, now tel me I pray, | Quick proceeders, marry! Now tell me, I pray, | quick (adj.) sharp, keen, alert | TS IV.ii.11 | |
| | proceeder (n.) worker, scholar, student | | |
| | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | | |
you that durst sweare that your Mistris Bianca | You that durst swear that your mistress Bianca | | TS IV.ii.12 | |
Lou'd me in the World so wel as Lucentio. | Loved none in the world so well as Lucentio. | | TS IV.ii.13 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
Oh despightful Loue, vnconstant womankind, | O despiteful love, unconstant womankind! | | TS IV.ii.14 | |
I tel thee Lisio this is wonderfull. | I tell thee, Licio, this is wonderful. | wonderful (adj.) amazing, astonishing, extraordinary | TS IV.ii.15 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
Mistake no more, I am not Lisio, | Mistake no more, I am not Licio, | | TS IV.ii.16 | |
Nor a Musitian as I seeme to bee, | Nor a musician as I seem to be, | | TS IV.ii.17 | |
But one that scorne to liue in this disguise, | But one that scorn to live in this disguise | | TS IV.ii.18 | |
For such a one as leaues a Gentleman, | For such a one as leaves a gentleman | | TS IV.ii.19 | |
And makes a God of such a Cullion; | And makes a god of such a cullion. | cullion (n.) wretch, rascal, rogue | TS IV.ii.20 | |
Know sir, that I am cal'd Hortensio. | Know, sir, that I am called Hortensio. | | TS IV.ii.21 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
Signior Hortensio, I haue often heard | Signor Hortensio, I have often heard | | TS IV.ii.22 | |
Of your entire affection to Bianca, | Of your entire affection to Bianca, | entire (adj.) sincere, genuine, earnest | TS IV.ii.23 | |
| | affection (n.) love, devotion | | |
And since mine eyes are witnesse of her lightnesse, | And since mine eyes are witness of her lightness, | lightness (n.) irresponsibility, levity, frivolity, fickleness | TS IV.ii.24 | |
I wil with you, if you be so contented, | I will with you, if you be so contented, | | TS IV.ii.25 | |
Forsweare Bianca, and her loue for euer. | Forswear Bianca and her love for ever. | forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore abandon, renounce, reject, give up | TS IV.ii.26 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
See how they kisse and court: Signior Lucentio, | See how they kiss and court! Signor Lucentio, | | TS IV.ii.27 | |
Heere is my hand, and heere I firmly vow | Here is my hand, and here I firmly vow | | TS IV.ii.28 | |
Neuer to woo her more, but do forsweare her | Never to woo her more, but do forswear her, | | TS IV.ii.29 | |
As one vnworthie all the former fauours | As one unworthy all the former favours | | TS IV.ii.30 | |
That I haue fondly flatter'd them withall. | That I have fondly flattered her withal. | fondly (adv.) foolishly, stupidly, madly | TS IV.ii.31 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
And heere I take the like vnfained oath, | And here I take the unfeigned oath, | | TS IV.ii.32 | |
Neuer to marrie with her, though she would intreate, | Never to marry with her though she would entreat. | | TS IV.ii.33 | |
Fie on her, see how beastly she doth court him. | Fie on her! See how beastly she doth court him. | beastly (adv.) like an animal, in a beastly manner | TS IV.ii.34 | |
Hor. | HORTENSIO | | | |
Would all the world but he had quite forsworn | Would all the world but he had quite forsworn! | forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore abandon, renounce, reject, give up | TS IV.ii.35 | |
For me, that I may surely keepe mine oath. | For me, that I may surely keep mine oath, | | TS IV.ii.36 | |
I wil be married to a wealthy Widdow, | I will be married to a wealthy widow | | TS IV.ii.37 | |
Ere three dayes passe, which hath as long lou'd me, | Ere three days pass, which hath as long loved me | | TS IV.ii.38 | |
As I haue lou'd this proud disdainful Haggard, | As I have loved this proud disdainful haggard. | haggard (n.) [falconry] wild hawk | TS IV.ii.39 | |
And so farewel signior Lucentio, | And so farewell, Signor Lucentio. | | TS IV.ii.40 | |
Kindnesse in women, not their beauteous lookes | Kindness in women, not their beauteous looks, | | TS IV.ii.41 | |
Shal win my loue, and so I take my leaue, | Shall win my love – and so I take my leave, | | TS IV.ii.42 | |
In resolution, as I swore before. | In resolution as I swore before. | resolution (n.) determination, courage, firmness of purpose | TS IV.ii.43 | |
| Exit | | TS IV.ii.43 | |
| Tranio joins Lucentio and Bianca | | TS IV.ii.44 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
Mistris Bianca, blesse you with such grace, | Mistress Bianca, bless you with such grace | | TS IV.ii.44 | |
As longeth to a Louers blessed case: | As 'longeth to a lover's blessed case! | | TS IV.ii.45 | |
Nay, I haue tane you napping gentle Loue, | Nay, I have ta'en you napping, gentle love, | | TS IV.ii.46 | |
And haue forsworne you with Hortensio. | And have forsworn you with Hortensio. | | TS IV.ii.47 | |
Bian. | BIANCA | | | |
Tranio you iest, but haue you both forsworne mee? | Tranio, you jest – but have you both forsworn me? | | TS IV.ii.48 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
Mistris we haue. | Mistress, we have. | | TS IV.ii.49.1 | |
Luc. | LUCENTIO | | | |
Then we are rid of Lisio. | Then we are rid of Licio. | | TS IV.ii.49.2 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
I'faith hee'l haue a lustie Widdow now, | I'faith, he'll have a lusty widow now, | | TS IV.ii.50 | |
That shalbe woo'd, and wedded in a day. | That shall be wooed and wedded in a day. | | TS IV.ii.51 | |
Bian. | BIANCA | | | |
God giue him ioy. | God give him joy! | | TS IV.ii.52 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
I, and hee'l tame her. | Ay, and he'll tame her. | | TS IV.ii.53.1 | |
Bianca. | BIANCA | | | |
He sayes so Tranio. | He says so, Tranio. | | TS IV.ii.53.2 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
Faith he is gone vnto the taming schoole. | Faith, he is gone unto the taming-school. | | TS IV.ii.54 | |
Bian. | BIANCA | | | |
The taming schoole: what is there such a place? | The taming-school? What, is there such a place? | | TS IV.ii.55 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
I mistris, and Petruchio is the master, | Ay, mistress, and Petruchio is the master, | | TS IV.ii.56 | |
That teacheth trickes eleuen and twentie long, | That teacheth tricks eleven and twenty long, | eleven and twenty long just right, perfect [a winning hand in the card game of Thirty-one] | TS IV.ii.57 | |
| | trick (n.) way, knack, skill | | |
To tame a shrew, and charme her chattering tongue. | To tame a shrew and charm her chattering tongue. | charm (v.) overcome, subdue, take over [as if by a charm] | TS IV.ii.58 | |
Enter Biondello. | Enter Biondello | | TS IV.ii.59.1 | |
Bion. | BIONDELLO | | | |
Oh Master, master I haue watcht so long, | O master, master, I have watched so long | watch (v.) keep the watch, keep guard, be on the lookout | TS IV.ii.59 | |
That I am dogge-wearie, but at last I spied | That I'm dog-weary, but at last I spied | dog-weary (adj.) dog-tired, exhausted | TS IV.ii.60 | |
An ancient Angel comming downe the hill, | An ancient angel coming down the hill | ancient, aunchient (adj.) aged, very old, venerable | TS IV.ii.61 | |
| | angel (n.) ministering spirit, person who can perform a helpful office | | |
Wil serue the turne. | Will serve the turn. | serve one's turn meet one's need, answer one's requirements | TS IV.ii.62.1 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
What is he Biondello? | What is he, Biondello? | | TS IV.ii.62.2 | |
Bio. | BIONDELLO | | | |
Master, a Marcantant, or a pedant, | Master, a marcantant or a pedant, | marcantant (n.) malapropism of Italian ‘mercatante’, merchant | TS IV.ii.63 | |
| | pedant (n.) teacher, schoolmaster | | |
I know not what, but formall in apparrell, | I know not what – but formal in apparel, | apparel (n.) clothes, clothing, dress | TS IV.ii.64 | |
In gate and countenance surely like a Father. | In gait and countenance surely like a father. | gait (n.) manner of walking, bearing, movement | TS IV.ii.65 | |
| | countenance (n.) demeanour, bearing, manner | | |
Luc. | LUCENTIO | | | |
And what of him Tranio? | And what of him, Tranio? | | TS IV.ii.66 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
If he be credulous, and trust my tale, | If he be credulous and trust my tale, | trust (v.) believe, accept, give credence to | TS IV.ii.67 | |
Ile make him glad to seeme Vincentio, | I'll make him glad to seem Vincentio, | | TS IV.ii.68 | |
And giue assurance to Baptista Minola. | And give assurance to Baptista Minola | | TS IV.ii.69 | |
As if he were the right Uincentio. | As if he were the right Vincentio. | | TS IV.ii.70 | |
Take me your loue, and then let me alone. | Take in your love, and then let me alone. | | TS IV.ii.71 | |
| Exeunt Lucentio and Bianca | | TS IV.ii.71 | |
Enter a Pedant. | Enter a Pedant | | TS IV.ii.72 | |
Ped. | PEDANT | | | |
God saue you sir. | God save you, sir. | | TS IV.ii.72.1 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
And you sir, you are welcome, | And you, sir. You are welcome. | | TS IV.ii.72.2 | |
Trauaile you farre on, or are you at the farthest? | Travel you farrer on, or are you at the farthest? | farrer (adv.) farther, further | TS IV.ii.73 | |
Ped. | PEDANT | | | |
Sir at the farthest for a weeke or two, | Sir, at the farthest for a week or two, | | TS IV.ii.74 | |
But then vp farther, and as farre as Rome, | But then up farther, and as far as Rome, | | TS IV.ii.75 | |
And so to Tripolie, if God lend me life. | And so to Tripoli, if God lend me life. | | TS IV.ii.76 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
What Countreyman I pray? | What countryman, I pray? | | TS IV.ii.77.1 | |
Ped. | PEDANT | | | |
Of Mantua. | Of Mantua. | | TS IV.ii.77.2 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
Of Mantua Sir, marrie God forbid, | Of Mantua? Sir, marry, God forbid! | | TS IV.ii.78 | |
And come to Padua carelesse of your life. | And come to Padua, careless of your life? | careless (adj.) carefree, unconcerned, untroubled | TS IV.ii.79 | |
Ped. | PEDANT | | | |
My life sir? how I pray? for that goes hard. | My life, sir? How, I pray? For that goes hard. | hard (adv.) badly, poorly, ill | TS IV.ii.80 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
'Tis death for any one in Mantua | 'Tis death for any one in Mantua | | TS IV.ii.81 | |
To come to Padua, know you not the cause? | To come to Padua. Know you not the cause? | | TS IV.ii.82 | |
Your ships are staid at Venice, and the Duke | Your ships are stayed at Venice, and the Duke, | stay (v.) detain, confine, keep | TS IV.ii.83 | |
For priuate quarrel 'twixt your Duke and him, | For private quarrel 'twixt your Duke and him, | | TS IV.ii.84 | |
Hath publish'd and proclaim'd it openly: | Hath published and proclaimed it openly. | | TS IV.ii.85 | |
'Tis meruaile, but that you are but newly come, | 'Tis marvel – but that you are but newly come, | marvel (adj.) strange, remarkable | TS IV.ii.86 | |
you might haue heard it else proclaim'd about. | You might have heard it else proclaimed about. | | TS IV.ii.87 | |
Ped. | PEDANT | | | |
Alas sir, it is worse for me then so, | Alas, sir, it is worse for me than so! | | TS IV.ii.88 | |
For I haue bils for monie by exchange | For I have bills for money by exchange | | TS IV.ii.89 | |
From Florence, and must heere deliuer them. | From Florence, and must here deliver them. | | TS IV.ii.90 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
Wel sir, to do you courtesie, | Well, sir, to do you courtesy, | | TS IV.ii.91 | |
This wil I do, and this I wil aduise you. | This will I do, and this I will advise you – | | TS IV.ii.92 | |
First tell me, haue you euer beene at Pisa? | First tell me, have you ever been at Pisa? | | TS IV.ii.93 | |
Ped. | PEDANT | | | |
I sir, in Pisa haue I often bin, | Ay, sir, in Pisa have I often been, | | TS IV.ii.94 | |
Pisa renowned for graue Citizens. | Pisa renowned for grave citizens. | | TS IV.ii.95 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
Among them know you one Vincentio? | Among them know you one Vincentio? | | TS IV.ii.96 | |
Ped. | PEDANT | | | |
I know him not, but I haue heard of him: | I know him not, but I have heard of him, | | TS IV.ii.97 | |
A Merchant of incomparable wealth. | A merchant of incomparable wealth. | | TS IV.ii.98 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
He is my father sir, and sooth to say, | He is my father, sir, and, sooth to say, | | TS IV.ii.99 | |
In count'nance somewhat doth resemble you. | In countenance somewhat doth resemble you. | | TS IV.ii.100 | |
Bion. | BIONDELLO | | | |
| (aside) | | TS IV.ii.101 | |
As much as an apple doth an oyster, | As much as an apple doth an oyster, | | TS IV.ii.101 | |
& all one. | and all one. | | TS IV.ii.102 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
To saue your life in this extremitie, | To save your life in this extremity, | | TS IV.ii.103 | |
This fauor wil I do you for his sake, | This favour will I do you for his sake – | | TS IV.ii.104 | |
And thinke it not the worst of all your fortunes, | And think it not the worst of all your fortunes | | TS IV.ii.105 | |
That you are like to Sir Vincentio. | That you are like to Sir Vincentio – | | TS IV.ii.106 | |
His name and credite shal you vndertake, | His name and credit shall you undertake, | undertake (v.) assume, take on, feign | TS IV.ii.107 | |
| | credit (n.) reputation, name, standing, honour | | |
And in my house you shal be friendly lodg'd, | And in my house you shall be friendly lodged. | | TS IV.ii.108 | |
Looke that you take vpon you as you should, | Look that you take upon you as you should. | take upon (v.) profess, pretend, affect [oneself] | TS IV.ii.109 | |
you vnderstand me sir: so shal you stay | You understand me, sir. So shall you stay | | TS IV.ii.110 | |
Til you haue done your businesse in the Citie: | Till you have done your business in the city. | | TS IV.ii.111 | |
If this be court'sie sir, accept of it. | If this be courtesy, sir, accept of it. | | TS IV.ii.112 | |
Ped. | PEDANT | | | |
Oh sir I do, and wil repute you euer | O, sir, I do, and will repute you ever | repute (v.) consider, think, reckon | TS IV.ii.113 | |
The patron of my life and libertie. | The patron of my life and liberty. | | TS IV.ii.114 | |
Tra. | TRANIO | | | |
Then go with me, to make the matter good, | Then go with me to make the matter good. | | TS IV.ii.115 | |
This by the way I let you vnderstand, | This, by the way, I let you understand – | | TS IV.ii.116 | |
My father is heere look'd for euerie day, | My father is here looked for every day | look for (v.) expect, hope for, anticipate | TS IV.ii.117 | |
To passe assurance of a dowre in marriage | To pass assurance of a dower in marriage | pass (v.) confirm, ratify, affirm | TS IV.ii.118 | |
| | dower (n.) dowry, property or wealth given with a wife | | |
| | assurance (n.) confirmation, pledge, guarantee | | |
'Twixt me, and one Baptistas daughter heere: | 'Twixt me and one Baptista's daughter here. | | TS IV.ii.119 | |
In all these circumstances Ile instruct you, | In all these circumstances I'll instruct you. | | TS IV.ii.120 | |
Go with me to cloath you as becomes you. | Go with me, sir, to clothe you as becomes you. | become (v.) be fitting, befit, be appropriate to | TS IV.ii.121 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | TS IV.ii.121 | |