First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Dead March. Enter the Funerall of King Henry the | Dead march. Enter the funeral of King Henry the | | 1H6 I.i.1.1 | |
Fift, attended on by the Duke of Bedford, Regent of | Fifth, attended on by the Duke of Bedford, Regent of | attend (v.) serve, follow, wait [on/upon] | 1H6 I.i.1.2 | |
France; the Duke of Gloster,Protector; the Duke | France; the Duke of Gloucester, Protector; the Duke | | 1H6 I.i.1.3 | |
of Exeter Warwicke, the Bishop of | of Exeter; the Earl of Warwick; the Bishop of | | 1H6 I.i.1.4 | |
Winchester, and the Duke of Somerset. | Winchester; and the Duke of Somerset; with heralds | | 1H6 I.i.1.5 | |
Bedford. | BEDFORD | | | |
HVng be ye heauens with black, yield day to night; | Hung be the heavens with black, yield day to night! | heavens (n.) [covering over the rear of a stage] sky | 1H6 I.i.1 | |
Comets importing change of Times and States, | Comets, importing change of times and states, | import (v.) portend, signify, predict | 1H6 I.i.2 | |
Brandish your crystall Tresses in the Skie, | Brandish your crystal tresses in the sky, | crystal (adj.) bright, gleaming, glittering | 1H6 I.i.3 | |
| | brandish (v.) make shine, cause to flash | | |
And with them scourge the bad reuolting Stars, | And with them scourge the bad revolting stars | revolting (adj.) rebellious, mutinous, insurgent | 1H6 I.i.4 | |
That haue consented vnto Henries death: | That have consented unto Henry's death – | consent (v.) agree, concur, acquiesce | 1H6 I.i.5 | |
King Henry the Fift, too famous to liue long, | King Henry the Fifth, too famous to live long! | | 1H6 I.i.6 | |
England ne're lost a King of so much worth. | England ne'er lost a king of so much worth. | | 1H6 I.i.7 | |
Glost. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
England ne're had a King vntill his time: | England ne'er had a king until his time. | | 1H6 I.i.8 | |
Vertue he had, deseruing to command, | Virtue he had, deserving to command; | virtue (n.) quality, accomplishment, ability | 1H6 I.i.9 | |
His brandisht Sword did blinde men with his beames, | His brandished sword did blind men with his beams; | | 1H6 I.i.10 | |
His Armes spred wider then a Dragons Wings: | His arms spread wider than a dragon's wings; | | 1H6 I.i.11 | |
His sparkling Eyes, repleat with wrathfull fire, | His sparkling eyes, replete with wrathful fire, | | 1H6 I.i.12 | |
More dazled and droue back his Enemies, | More dazzled and drove back his enemies | | 1H6 I.i.13 | |
Then mid-day Sunne, fierce bent against their faces. | Than midday sun fierce bent against their faces. | | 1H6 I.i.14 | |
What should I say? his Deeds exceed all speech: | What should I say? His deeds exceed all speech; | | 1H6 I.i.15 | |
He ne're lift vp his Hand, but conquered. | He ne'er lift up his hand but conquered. | | 1H6 I.i.16 | |
Exe. | EXETER | | | |
We mourne in black, why mourn we not in blood? | We mourn in black; why mourn we not in blood? | | 1H6 I.i.17 | |
Henry is dead, and neuer shall reuiue: | Henry is dead and never shall revive. | revive (v.) come back to life, live again | 1H6 I.i.18 | |
Vpon a Woodden Coffin we attend; | Upon a wooden coffin we attend; | attend (v.) serve, follow, wait [on/upon] | 1H6 I.i.19 | |
And Deaths dishonourable Victorie, | And death's dishonourable victory | | 1H6 I.i.20 | |
We with our stately presence glorifie, | We with our stately presence glorify, | presence (n.) royal assembly, eminent company | 1H6 I.i.21 | |
Like Captiues bound to a Triumphant Carre. | Like captives bound to a triumphant car. | triumphant (adj.) triumphal, glorious, celebrating a great victory | 1H6 I.i.22 | |
| | car (n.) carriage, cart, chariot [often of the sun god] | | |
What? shall we curse the Planets of Mishap, | What? Shall we curse the planets of mishap | mishap (n.) evil, misfortune, calamity | 1H6 I.i.23 | |
That plotted thus our Glories ouerthrow? | That plotted thus our glory's overthrow? | | 1H6 I.i.24 | |
Or shall we thinke the subtile-witted French, | Or shall we think the subtle-witted French | subtle-witted (adj.) cunning, wily, slyly intelligent | 1H6 I.i.25 | |
Coniurers and Sorcerers, that afraid of him, | Conjurers and sorcerers, that, afraid of him, | | 1H6 I.i.26 | |
By Magick Verses haue contriu'd his end. | By magic verses have contrived his end? | contrive (v.) scheme, plot, conspire | 1H6 I.i.27 | |
Winch. | WINCHESTER | | | |
He was a King, blest of the King of Kings. | He was a king blessed of the King of Kings. | | 1H6 I.i.28 | |
Vnto the French,the dreadfull Iudgement-Day | Unto the French the dreadful Judgement Day | | 1H6 I.i.29 | |
So dreadfull will not be, as was his sight. | So dreadful will not be as was his sight. | | 1H6 I.i.30 | |
The Battailes of the Lord of Hosts he fought: | The battles of the Lord of Hosts he fought; | | 1H6 I.i.31 | |
The Churches Prayers made him so prosperous. | The Church's prayers made him so prosperous. | | 1H6 I.i.32 | |
Glost. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
The Church? where is it? / Had not Church-men pray'd, | The Church? Where is it? Had not churchmen prayed, | | 1H6 I.i.33 | |
His thred of Life had not so soone decay'd. | His thread of life had not so soon decayed. | decay (v.) be destroyed, become ruined, fail | 1H6 I.i.34 | |
None doe you like, but an effeminate Prince, | None do you like but an effeminate prince, | effeminate (adj.) feeble, soft, unmanly | 1H6 I.i.35 | |
| | prince (n.) ruler, monarch, sovereign | | |
Whom like a Schoole-boy you may ouer-awe. | Whom like a schoolboy you may overawe. | | 1H6 I.i.36 | |
Winch. | WINCHESTER | | | |
Gloster, what ere we like,thou art Protector, | Gloucester, whate'er we like, thou art Protector | | 1H6 I.i.37 | |
And lookest to command the Prince and Realme. | And lookest to command the Prince and realm. | look (v.) expect, anticipate, hope, await the time | 1H6 I.i.38 | |
Thy Wife is prowd, she holdeth thee in awe, | Thy wife is proud; she holdeth thee in awe | awe (n.) fear, terror, dread | 1H6 I.i.39 | |
More then God or Religious Church-men may. | More than God or religious churchmen may. | | 1H6 I.i.40 | |
Glost. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
Name not Religion, for thou lou'st the Flesh, | Name not religion, for thou lovest the flesh; | | 1H6 I.i.41 | |
And ne're throughout the yeere to Church thou go'st, | And ne'er throughout the year to church thou goest, | | 1H6 I.i.42 | |
Except it be to pray against thy foes. | Except it be to pray against thy foes. | | 1H6 I.i.43 | |
Bed. | BEDFORD | | | |
Cease, cease these Iarres, & rest your minds in peace: | Cease, cease these jars, and rest your minds in peace; | jar (n.) conflict, quarrel, dissension | 1H6 I.i.44 | |
Let's to the Altar: Heralds wayt on vs; | Let's to the altar. Heralds, wait on us. | wait on / upon (v.) go on before, proceed ahead of | 1H6 I.i.45 | |
| Exeunt heralds | | 1H6 I.i.45 | |
In stead of Gold, wee'le offer vp our Armes, | Instead of gold, we'll offer up our arms, | arms (n.) weapons, armaments | 1H6 I.i.46 | |
Since Armes auayle not, now that Henry's dead, | Since arms avail not, now that Henry's dead. | avail (v.) be of use to, help, advantage | 1H6 I.i.47 | |
Posteritie await for wretched yeeres, | Posterity, await for wretched years, | await for (v.) expect, anticipate, look out for | 1H6 I.i.48 | |
When at their Mothers moistned eyes, Babes shall suck, | When at their mothers' moistened eyes babes shall suck, | | 1H6 I.i.49 | |
Our Ile be made a Nourish of salt Teares, | Our isle be made a nourish of salt tears, | nourish (n.) nurse, nursemaid | 1H6 I.i.50 | |
And none but Women left to wayle the dead. | And none but women left to wail the dead. | | 1H6 I.i.51 | |
Henry the Fift, thy Ghost I inuocate: | Henry the Fifth, thy ghost I invocate; | invocate (v.) invoke, call upon, entreat | 1H6 I.i.52 | |
| | ghost (n.) spirit, soul | | |
Prosper this Realme, keepe it from Ciuill Broyles, | Prosper this realm, keep it from civil broils; | prosper (v.) make prosperous, give success to | 1H6 I.i.53 | |
| | broil (n.) turmoil, confused fighting, battle | | |
Combat with aduerse Planets in the Heauens; | Combat with adverse planets in the heavens! | adverse (adj.) unfavourable, harmful, hostile | 1H6 I.i.54 | |
A farre more glorious Starre thy Soule will make, | A far more glorious star thy soul will make | | 1H6 I.i.55 | |
Then Iulius Casar, or bright---- | Than Julius Caesar or bright – | Julius Caesar [pron: 'seezer] Roman politician and general, 1st-c BC | 1H6 I.i.56 | |
Enter a Messenger. | Enter First Messenger | | 1H6 I.i.57 | |
Mess. | FIRST MESSENGER | | | |
My honourable Lords, health to you all: | My honourable lords, health to you all! | | 1H6 I.i.57 | |
Sad tidings bring I to you out of France, | Sad tidings bring I to you out of France, | sad (adj.) serious, grave, solemn | 1H6 I.i.58 | |
Of losse, of slaughter, and discomfiture: | Of loss, of slaughter, and discomfiture: | discomfiture (n.) rout, overthrow, utter defeat | 1H6 I.i.59 | |
Guyen, Champaigne, Rheimes, Orleance, | Guienne, Champaigne, Rheims, Rouen, Orleans, | Champaigne (n.) [pron: shom'pen] Compiègne, Picardy, NE France | 1H6 I.i.60 | |
Paris, Guysors, Poictiers, are all quite lost. | Paris, Gisors, Poitiers, are all quite lost. | | 1H6 I.i.61 | |
Bedf. | BEDFORD | | | |
What say'st thou man, before dead Henry's Coarse? | What sayest thou, man, before dead Henry's corse? | corse (n.) corpse, dead body | 1H6 I.i.62 | |
Speake softly, or the losse of those great Townes | Speak softly, or the loss of those great towns | | 1H6 I.i.63 | |
Will make him burst his Lead, and rise from death. | Will make him burst his lead and rise from death. | lead (n.) leaden coffin lining | 1H6 I.i.64 | |
Glost. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
Is Paris lost? is Roan yeelded vp? | Is Paris lost? is Rouen yielded up? | yield up (v.) give up, surrender, relinquish | 1H6 I.i.65 | |
If Henry were recall'd to life againe, | If Henry were recalled to life again, | | 1H6 I.i.66 | |
These news would cause him once more yeeld the Ghost. | These news would cause him once more yield the ghost. | yield the ghost (v.) give up the spirit, die | 1H6 I.i.67 | |
Exe. | EXETER | | | |
How were they lost? what trecherie was vs'd? | How were they lost? What treachery was used? | | 1H6 I.i.68 | |
Mess. | FIRST MESSENGER | | | |
No trecherie, but want of Men and Money. | No treachery, but want of men and money. | want (n.) lack, shortage, dearth | 1H6 I.i.69 | |
Amongst the Souldiers this is muttered, | Amongst the soldiers this is muttered, | | 1H6 I.i.70 | |
That here you maintaine seuerall Factions: | That here you maintain several factions; | several (adj.) separate, different, distinct | 1H6 I.i.71 | |
And whil'st a Field should be dispatcht and fought, | And whilst a field should be dispatched and fought, | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | 1H6 I.i.72 | |
| | dispatch, despatch (v.) deal with promptly, settle, get [something] done quickly | | |
You are disputing of your Generals. | You are disputing of your generals. | of (prep.) about | 1H6 I.i.73 | |
One would haue lingring Warres, with little cost; | One would have lingering wars with little cost; | lingering (adj.) long-drawn-out, protracted, lengthy | 1H6 I.i.74 | |
Another would flye swift, but wanteth Wings: | Another would fly swift, but wanteth wings; | want (v.) lack, need, be without | 1H6 I.i.75 | |
A third thinkes, without expence at all, | A third thinks, without expense at all, | | 1H6 I.i.76 | |
By guilefull faire words, Peace may be obtayn'd. | By guileful fair words peace may be obtained. | guileful (adj.) full of guile, deceitful, devious | 1H6 I.i.77 | |
Awake, awake, English Nobilitie, | Awake, awake, English nobility! | | 1H6 I.i.78 | |
Let not slouth dimme your Honors, new begot; | Let not sloth dim your honours new-begot. | new-begot (adj.) newly acquired, freshly obtained | 1H6 I.i.79 | |
Cropt are the Flower-de-Luces in your Armes | Cropped are the flower-de-luces in your arms; | fleur-de-lis, flower-de-luce (n.) heraldic lily [royal symbol of France] | 1H6 I.i.80 | |
| | crop (v.) cut down, remove, hack off | | |
| | arms (n.) coat-of-arms | | |
Of Englands Coat, one halfe is cut away. | Of England's coat one half is cut away. | | 1H6 I.i.81 | |
| Exit | | 1H6 I.i.81 | |
Exe. | EXETER | | | |
Were our Teares wanting to this Funerall, | Were our tears wanting to this funeral, | want (v.) lack, need, be without | 1H6 I.i.82 | |
These Tidings would call forth her flowing Tides. | These tidings would call forth her flowing tides. | | 1H6 I.i.83 | |
Bedf. | BEDFORD | | | |
Me they concerne, Regent I am of France: | Me they concern; Regent I am of France. | | 1H6 I.i.84 | |
Giue me my steeled Coat, Ile fight for France. | Give me my steeled coat; I'll fight for France. | steeled (adj.) steel-clad, armed with steel | 1H6 I.i.85 | |
Away with these disgracefull wayling Robes; | Away with these disgraceful wailing robes! | disgraceful (adj.) lacking in grace, unbecoming, displeasing | 1H6 I.i.86 | |
Wounds will I lend the French, in stead of Eyes, | Wounds will I lend the French instead of eyes, | | 1H6 I.i.87 | |
To weepe their intermissiue Miseries. | To weep their intermissive miseries. | intermissive (adj.) intermittent, recurrent; or: temporarily interrupted | 1H6 I.i.88 | |
Enter to them another Messenger. | Enter to them another Messenger | | 1H6 I.i.89 | |
Mess. | SECOND MESSENGER | | | |
Lords view these Letters, full of bad mischance. | Lords, view these letters full of bad mischance. | | 1H6 I.i.89 | |
France is reuolted from the English quite, | France is revolted from the English quite, | quite (adv.) totally, completely, entirely | 1H6 I.i.90 | |
Except some petty Townes, of no import. | Except some petty towns of no import. | import (n.) importance, significance, consequence | 1H6 I.i.91 | |
| | petty (adj.) small, weak, inadequate, insignificant | | |
The Dolphin Charles is crowned King in Rheimes: | The Dauphin Charles is crowned king in Rheims; | dauphin, dolphin (n.) title of the eldest son of the King of France [between 1349 and 1830] | 1H6 I.i.92 | |
The Bastard of Orleance with him is ioyn'd: | The Bastard of Orleans with him is joined; | | 1H6 I.i.93 | |
Reynold, Duke of Aniou, doth take his part, | Reignier, Duke of Anjou, doth take his part; | part (n.) side, camp, party | 1H6 I.i.94 | |
The Duke of Alanson flyeth to his side. | The Duke of Alençon flieth to his side. | | 1H6 I.i.95 | |
Exit. | Exit | | 1H6 I.i.95 | |
Exe. | EXETER | | | |
The Dolphin crown'd King? all flye to him? | The Dauphin crowned king! All fly to him? | fly (v.) flock, rush, hasten | 1H6 I.i.96 | |
O whither shall we flye from this reproach? | O, whither shall we fly from this reproach? | reproach (n.) blame, disgrace, shame | 1H6 I.i.97 | |
| | fly (v.) leave, run away [from], flee | | |
Glost. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
We will not flye, but to our enemies throats. | We will not fly but to our enemies' throats. | fly (v.) storm out, attack furiously | 1H6 I.i.98 | |
Bedford, if thou be slacke, Ile fight it out. | Bedford, if thou be slack, I'll fight it out. | | 1H6 I.i.99 | |
Bed. | BEDFORD | | | |
Gloster, why doubtst thou of my forwardnesse? | Gloucester, why doubtest thou of my forwardness? | | 1H6 I.i.100 | |
An Army haue I muster'd in my thoughts, | An army have I mustered in my thoughts, | | 1H6 I.i.101 | |
Wherewith already France is ouer-run. | Wherewith already France is overrun. | | 1H6 I.i.102 | |
Enter another Messenger. | Enter another Messenger | | 1H6 I.i.103 | |
Mes. | THIRD MESSENGER | | | |
My gracious Lords, to adde to your laments, | My gracious lords, to add to your laments, | | 1H6 I.i.103 | |
Wherewith you now bedew King Henries hearse, | Wherewith you now bedew King Henry's hearse, | bedew (v.) moisten with drops, wet with tears | 1H6 I.i.104 | |
I must informe you of a dismall fight, | I must inform you of a dismal fight | dismal (adj.) disastrous, calamitous, devastating | 1H6 I.i.105 | |
Betwixt the stout Lord Talbot, and the French. | Betwixt the stout Lord Talbot and the French. | stout (adj.) brave, valiant, resolute | 1H6 I.i.106 | |
Win. | WINCHESTER | | | |
What? wherein Talbot ouercame, is't so? | What? Wherein Talbot overcame, is't so? | | 1H6 I.i.107 | |
3. Mes. | THIRD MESSENGER | | | |
O no: wherein Lord Talbot was o'rethrown: | O, no; wherein Lord Talbot was o'erthrown. | | 1H6 I.i.108 | |
The circumstance Ile tell you more at large. | The circumstance I'll tell you more at large. | large, at at length, in full, thoroughly | 1H6 I.i.109 | |
| | circumstance (n.) detail(s), particular(s), specifics | | |
The tenth of August last, this dreadfull Lord, | The tenth of August last this dreadful lord, | dreadful (adj.) inspiring dread, causing fear, daunting | 1H6 I.i.110 | |
Retyring from the Siege of Orleance, | Retiring from the siege of Orleans, | | 1H6 I.i.111 | |
Hauing full scarce six thousand in his troupe, | Having full scarce six thousand in his troop, | scarce (adv.) scarcely, hardly, barely, only just | 1H6 I.i.112 | |
By three and twentie thousand of the French | By three-and-twenty thousand of the French | | 1H6 I.i.113 | |
Was round incompassed, and set vpon: | Was round encompassed and set upon. | encompass (v.) surround, encircle, enclose | 1H6 I.i.114 | |
No leysure had he to enranke his men. | No leisure had he to enrank his men; | enrank (v.) set in ranks, draw up in battle lines | 1H6 I.i.115 | |
He wanted Pikes to set before his Archers: | He wanted pikes to set before his archers; | pike (n.) defensive stake | 1H6 I.i.116 | |
| | want (v.) lack, need, be without | | |
In stead whereof, sharpe Stakes pluckt out of Hedges | Instead whereof, sharp stakes plucked out of hedges | | 1H6 I.i.117 | |
They pitched in the ground confusedly, | They pitched in the ground confusedly | | 1H6 I.i.118 | |
To keepe the Horsemen off, from breaking in. | To keep the horsemen off from breaking in. | | 1H6 I.i.119 | |
More then three houres the fight continued: | More than three hours the fight continued, | | 1H6 I.i.120 | |
Where valiant Talbot, aboue humane thought, | Where valiant Talbot, above human thought, | thought (n.) imagination, conception, ability to comprehend | 1H6 I.i.121 | |
| | above (prep.) beyond | | |
Enacted wonders with his Sword and Lance. | Enacted wonders with his sword and lance. | | 1H6 I.i.122 | |
Hundreds he sent to Hell, and none durst stand him: | Hundreds he sent to hell, and none durst stand him; | stand (v.) make a stand [against], fight, resist | 1H6 I.i.123 | |
Here, there, and euery where enrag'd, he slew. | Here, there, and everywhere enraged he slew. | | 1H6 I.i.124 | |
The French exclaym'd, the Deuill was in Armes, | The French exclaimed the devil was in arms; | | 1H6 I.i.125 | |
All the whole Army stood agaz'd on him. | All the whole army stood agazed on him. | agazed (adj.) astounded, astonished, amazed | 1H6 I.i.126 | |
His Souldiers spying his vndaunted Spirit, | His soldiers, spying his undaunted spirit, | spy (v.) perceive, observe, behold | 1H6 I.i.127 | |
A Talbot, a Talbot, cry'd out amaine, | ‘ À Talbot! À Talbot!’ cried out amain, | a (part.) particle used in front of a proper name, as a supportive war-cry | 1H6 I.i.128 | |
| | amain (adv.) forcefully, with all one's might | | |
And rusht into the Bowels of the Battaile. | And rushed into the bowels of the battle. | | 1H6 I.i.129 | |
Here had the Conquest fully been seal'd vp, | Here had the conquest fully been sealed up | seal up (v.) sew up, complete, make perfect | 1H6 I.i.130 | |
If Sir Iohn Falstaffe had not play'd the Coward. | If Sir John Falstaff had not played the coward. | | 1H6 I.i.131 | |
He being in the Vauward, plac't behinde, | He, being in the vaward, placed behind | vaward (n.) [military] vanguard, foremost division | 1H6 I.i.132 | |
With purpose to relieue and follow them, | With purpose to relieve and follow them, | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | 1H6 I.i.133 | |
Cowardly fled, not hauing struck one stroake. | Cowardly fled, not having struck one stroke. | | 1H6 I.i.134 | |
Hence grew the generall wrack and massacre: | Hence grew the general wrack and massacre; | wrack (n.) destruction, ruin | 1H6 I.i.135 | |
Enclosed were they with their Enemies. | Enclosed were they with their enemies. | enclose (v.) seize, grip, imprison | 1H6 I.i.136 | |
A base Wallon, to win the Dolphins grace, | A base Walloon, to win the Dauphin's grace, | base (adj.) low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank | 1H6 I.i.137 | |
Thrust Talbot with a Speare into the Back, | Thrust Talbot with a spear into the back, | | 1H6 I.i.138 | |
Whom all France, with their chiefe assembled strength, | Whom all France, with their chief assembled strength, | chief (adj.) finest, best, foremost | 1H6 I.i.139 | |
| | strength (n.) troops, forces, resources, followers | | |
Durst not presume to looke once in the face. | Durst not presume to look once in the face. | | 1H6 I.i.140 | |
Bedf. | BEDFORD | | | |
Is Talbot slaine then? I will slay my selfe, | Is Talbot slain? Then I will slay myself, | | 1H6 I.i.141 | |
For liuing idly here, in pompe and ease, | For living idly here in pomp and ease, | | 1H6 I.i.142 | |
Whil'st such a worthy Leader, wanting ayd, | Whilst such a worthy leader, wanting aid, | want (v.) lack, need, be without | 1H6 I.i.143 | |
Vnto his dastard foe-men is betray'd. | Unto his dastard foemen is betrayed. | dastard (adj.) dastardly, cowardly, despicable | 1H6 I.i.144 | |
3. Mess. | THIRD MESSENGER | | | |
O no, he liues, but is tooke Prisoner, | O, no, he lives, but is took prisoner, | | 1H6 I.i.145 | |
And Lord Scales with him, and Lord Hungerford: | And Lord Scales with him, and Lord Hungerford; | | 1H6 I.i.146 | |
Most of the rest slaughter'd, or tooke likewise. | Most of the rest slaughtered or took likewise. | | 1H6 I.i.147 | |
Bedf. | BEDFORD | | | |
His Ransome there is none but I shall pay. | His ransom there is none but I shall pay. | | 1H6 I.i.148 | |
Ile hale the Dolphin headlong from his Throne, | I'll hale the Dauphin headlong from his throne; | hale (v.) drag, pull, haul | 1H6 I.i.149 | |
His Crowne shall be the Ransome of my friend: | His crown shall be the ransom of my friend; | | 1H6 I.i.150 | |
Foure of their Lords Ile change for one of ours. | Four of their lords I'll change for one of ours. | change (v.) exchange, trade | 1H6 I.i.151 | |
Farwell my Masters, to my Taske will I, | Farewell, my masters; to my task will I. | | 1H6 I.i.152 | |
Bonfires in France forthwith I am to make, | Bonfires in France forthwith I am to make | be (v.) intend, purpose, be determined | 1H6 I.i.153 | |
To keepe our great Saint Georges Feast withall. | To keep our great Saint George's feast withal. | George, Saint in Christian tradition, the patron saint of England, 3rd-c | 1H6 I.i.154 | |
Ten thousand Souldiers with me I will take, | Ten thousand soldiers with me I will take, | | 1H6 I.i.155 | |
Whose bloody deeds shall make all Europe quake. | Whose bloody deeds shall make all Europe quake. | | 1H6 I.i.156 | |
3. Mess. | THIRD MESSENGER | | | |
So you had need, for Orleance is besieg'd, | So you had need, for Orleans is besieged; | | 1H6 I.i.157 | |
The English Army is growne weake and faint: | The English army is grown weak and faint; | | 1H6 I.i.158 | |
The Earle of Salisbury craueth supply, | The Earl of Salisbury craveth supply | supply (n.) reinforcement(s), support, relief | 1H6 I.i.159 | |
| | crave (v.) beg, entreat, request | | |
And hardly keepes his men from mutinie, | And hardly keeps his men from mutiny, | hardly (adv.) with great difficulty, only with difficulty | 1H6 I.i.160 | |
Since they so few, watch such a multitude. | Since they, so few, watch such a multitude. | watch (v.) keep watch on, look out over | 1H6 I.i.161 | |
| Exit | | 1H6 I.i.161 | |
Exe. | EXETER | | | |
Remember Lords your Oathes to Henry sworne: | Remember, lords, your oaths to Henry sworn, | | 1H6 I.i.162 | |
Eyther to quell the Dolphin vtterly, | Either to quell the Dauphin utterly | quell (v.) destroy, overcome, vanquish | 1H6 I.i.163 | |
Or bring him in obedience to your yoake. | Or bring him in obedience to your yoke. | | 1H6 I.i.164 | |
Bedf. | BEDFORD | | | |
I doe remember it, and here take my leaue, | I do remember it, and here take my leave | | 1H6 I.i.165 | |
To goe about my preparation. | To go about my preparation. | | 1H6 I.i.166 | |
Exit Bedford. | Exit | | 1H6 I.i.166 | |
Glost. | GLOUCESTER | | | |
Ile to the Tower with all the hast I can, | I'll to the Tower with all the haste I can | | 1H6 I.i.167 | |
To view th'Artillerie and Munition, | To view th' artillery and munition, | | 1H6 I.i.168 | |
And then I will proclayme young Henry King. | And then I will proclaim young Henry king. | | 1H6 I.i.169 | |
Exit Gloster. | Exit | | 1H6 I.i.169 | |
Exe. | EXETER | | | |
To Eltam will I, where the young King is, | To Eltham will I, where the young King is, | | 1H6 I.i.170 | |
Being ordayn'd his speciall Gouernor, | Being ordained his special governor, | ordain (v.) appoint, establish, institute | 1H6 I.i.171 | |
| | governor (n.) tutor, mentor | | |
And for his safetie there Ile best deuise. | And for his safety there I'll best devise. | devise (v.) provide, prepare, make ready | 1H6 I.i.172 | |
Exit. | Exeunt all but Winchester | | 1H6 I.i.172 | |
Winch. | WINCHESTER | | | |
Each hath his Place and Function to attend: | Each hath his place and function to attend; | place (n.) precedence, proper place | 1H6 I.i.173 | |
| | attend (v.) see to, look after, apply oneself to | | |
I am left out; for me nothing remaines: | I am left out; for me nothing remains. | | 1H6 I.i.174 | |
But long I will not be Iack out of Office. | But long I will not be Jack out of office. | | 1H6 I.i.175 | |
The King from Eltam I intend to send, | The King from Eltham I intend to steal | | 1H6 I.i.176 | |
And sit at chiefest Sterne of publique Weale. | And sit at chiefest stern of public weal. | chief (adj.) principal, topmost, pre-eminent | 1H6 I.i.177 | |
| | weal (n.) state, community, commonwealth | | |
| | stern (n.) guiding position, centre of control | | |
| Exit | | 1H6 I.i.177 | |