First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
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Enter Leontes, Seruants, Paulina, Antigonus, and Lords. | Enter Leontes | | WT II.iii.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Nor night, nor day, no rest: It is but weaknesse | Nor night nor day no rest! It is but weakness | | WT II.iii.1 | |
To beare the matter thus: meere weaknesse, if | To bear the matter thus, mere weakness. If | mere (adj.) complete, total, absolute, utter | WT II.iii.2 | |
The cause were not in being: part o'th cause, | The cause were not in being – part o'th' cause, | | WT II.iii.3 | |
She, th' Adultresse: for the harlot-King | She, th' adult'ress: for the harlot-king | harlot (adj.) lewd, lascivious, licentious | WT II.iii.4 | |
Is quite beyond mine Arme, out of the blanke | Is quite beyond mine arm, out of the blank | blank (n.) bull's-eye, target centre; or: line of sight | WT II.iii.5 | |
And leuell of my braine: plot-proofe: but shee, | And level of my brain, plot-proof; but she | level (n.) [archery] direct aim, target, range | WT II.iii.6 | |
I can hooke to me: say that she were gone, | I can hook to me – say that she were gone, | hook (v.) attach, secure, make fast [as with a hook] | WT II.iii.7 | |
Giuen to the fire, a moity of my rest | Given to the fire, a moiety of my rest | moiety (n.) share, portion, part | WT II.iii.8 | |
Might come to me againe. Whose there? | Might come to me again. Who's there? | | WT II.iii.9.1 | |
| Enter Servant | | WT II.iii.9 | |
Ser. | SERVANT | | | |
My Lord. | My lord? | | WT II.iii.9.2 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
How do's the boy? | How does the boy? | | WT II.iii.10.1 | |
Ser. | SERVANT | | | |
He tooke good rest to night: | He took good rest tonight. | | WT II.iii.10.2 | |
'tis hop'd / His sicknesse is discharg'd. | 'Tis hoped his sickness is discharged. | discharge (v.) eradicate, remove, get rid of | WT II.iii.11 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
To see his Noblenesse, | To see his nobleness! | | WT II.iii.12 | |
Conceyuing the dishonour of his Mother. | Conceiving the dishonour of his mother, | | WT II.iii.13 | |
He straight declin'd, droop'd, tooke it deeply, | He straight declined, drooped, took it deeply, | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | WT II.iii.14 | |
Fasten'd, and fix'd the shame on't in himselfe: | Fastened and fixed the shame on't in himself; | | WT II.iii.15 | |
Threw-off his Spirit, his Appetite, his Sleepe, | Threw off his spirit, his appetite, his sleep, | | WT II.iii.16 | |
And down-right languish'd. Leaue me solely: goe, | And downright languished. Leave me solely. Go, | solely (adv.) alone, by oneself | WT II.iii.17 | |
See how he fares: | See how he fares. | fare (v.) get on, manage, do, cope | WT II.iii.18.1 | |
| Exit Servant | | WT II.iii.18 | |
Fie, fie, no thought of him, | Fie, fie, no thought of him! | | WT II.iii.18.2 | |
The very thought of my Reuenges that way | The thought of my revenges that way | | WT II.iii.19 | |
Recoyle vpon me: in himselfe too mightie, | Recoil upon me: in himself too mighty, | | WT II.iii.20 | |
And in his parties, his Alliance; Let him be, | And in his parties, his alliance. Let him be | party (n.) participant, accessory, supporter | WT II.iii.21 | |
Vntill a time may serue. For present vengeance | Until a time may serve; for present vengeance | | WT II.iii.22 | |
Take it on her: Camillo, and Polixenes | Take it on her. Camillo and Polixenes | | WT II.iii.23 | |
Laugh at me: make their pastime at my sorrow: | Laugh at me, make their pastime at my sorrow. | | WT II.iii.24 | |
They should not laugh, if I could reach them, nor | They should not laugh if I could reach them, nor | | WT II.iii.25 | |
Shall she, within my powre. | Shall she within my power. | | WT II.iii.26.1 | |
Enter Paulina. | Enter Paulina, carrying a baby, followed by Antigonus, | | WT II.iii.26.1 | |
| Lords, and the Servant, who try to prevent her | | WT II.iii.26.2 | |
Lord. | LORD | | | |
You must not enter. | You must not enter. | | WT II.iii.26.2 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
Nay rather (good my Lords) be second to me: | Nay, rather, good my lords, be second to me. | second (n.) supporter, helper, champion | WT II.iii.27 | |
Feare you his tyrannous passion more (alas) | Fear you his tyrannous passion more, alas, | | WT II.iii.28 | |
Then the Queenes life? A gracious innocent soule, | Than the Queen's life? A gracious, innocent soul, | | WT II.iii.29 | |
More free, then he is iealous. | More free than he is jealous. | free (adj.) innocent, guiltless | WT II.iii.30.1 | |
Antig. | ANTIGONUS | | | |
That's enough. | That's enough. | | WT II.iii.30.2 | |
Ser. | SERVANT | | | |
Madam; he hath not slept to night, commanded | Madam, he hath not slept tonight, commanded | | WT II.iii.31 | |
None should come at him. | None should come at him. | | WT II.iii.32.1 | |
Pau. | PAULINA | | | |
Not so hot (good Sir) | Not so hot, good sir. | hot (adj.) enthusiastic, ardent, eager, keen | WT II.iii.32.2 | |
I come to bring him sleepe. 'Tis such as you | I come to bring him sleep. 'Tis such as you, | | WT II.iii.33 | |
That creepe like shadowes by him, and do sighe | That creep like shadows by him, and do sigh | | WT II.iii.34 | |
At each his needlesse heauings: such as you | At each his needless heavings – such as you | heaving (n.) groan, deep sigh | WT II.iii.35 | |
Nourish the cause of his awaking. I | Nourish the cause of his awaking. I | | WT II.iii.36 | |
Do come with words, as medicinall, as true; | Do come with words as med'cinal as true, | | WT II.iii.37 | |
(Honest, as either;) to purge him of that humor, | Honest as either, to purge him of that humour | purge (v.) cleanse, purify, get rid of impurities [in] | WT II.iii.38 | |
| | humour (n.) mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids] | | |
That presses him from sleepe. | That presses him from sleep. | press (v.) oppress, burden, weigh down | WT II.iii.39.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Who noyse there, hoe? | What noise there, ho? | | WT II.iii.39.2 | |
Pau. | PAULINA | | | |
No noyse (my Lord) but needfull conference, | No noise, my lord, but needful conference | | WT II.iii.40 | |
About some Gossips for your Highnesse. | About some gossips for your highness. | gossip (n.) godparent, baptismal sponsor | WT II.iii.41.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
How? | How? | | WT II.iii.41.2 | |
Away with that audacious Lady. Antigonus, | Away with that audacious lady! Antigonus, | | WT II.iii.42 | |
I charg'd thee that she should not come about me, | I charged thee that she should not come about me. | | WT II.iii.43 | |
I knew she would. | I knew she would. | | WT II.iii.44.1 | |
Ant. | ANTIGONUS | | | |
I told her so (my Lord) | I told her so, my lord, | | WT II.iii.44.2 | |
On your displeasures perill, and on mine, | On your displeasure's peril, and on mine, | | WT II.iii.45 | |
She should not visit you. | She should not visit you. | | WT II.iii.46.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
What? canst not rule her? | What? Canst not rule her? | | WT II.iii.46.2 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
From all dishonestie he can: in this | From all dishonesty he can. In this – | dishonesty (n.) dishonour, shameful deed, disgraceful action | WT II.iii.47 | |
(Vnlesse he take the course that you haue done) | Unless he take the course that you have done: | course (n.) course of action, way of proceeding | WT II.iii.48 | |
Commit me, for committing honor, trust it, | Commit me for committing honour – trust it, | commit (v.) send to jail, put in custody, imprison | WT II.iii.49 | |
He shall not rule me: | He shall not rule me. | | WT II.iii.50.1 | |
Ant. | ANTIGONUS | | | |
La-you now, you heare, | La you now, you hear. | la you see, look now | WT II.iii.50.2 | |
When she will take the raine, I let her run, | When she will take the rein, I let her run; | | WT II.iii.51 | |
But shee'l not stumble. | But she'll not stumble. | | WT II.iii.52.1 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
Good my Liege, I come: | Good my liege, I come – | liege (n.) lord, sovereign | WT II.iii.52.2 | |
And I beseech you heare me, who professes | And I beseech you hear me, who professes | | WT II.iii.53 | |
My selfe your loyall Seruant, your Physitian, | Myself your loyal servant, your physician, | | WT II.iii.54 | |
Your most obedient Counsailor: yet that dares | Your most obedient counsellor; yet that dares | | WT II.iii.55 | |
Lesse appeare so, in comforting your Euilles, | Less appear so in comforting your evils | evil (n.) malady, illness, disease | WT II.iii.56 | |
| | comfort (v.) encourage, condone, countenance | | |
Then such as most seeme yours. I say, I come | Than such as most seem yours – I say, I come | | WT II.iii.57 | |
From your good Queene. | From your good queen. | | WT II.iii.58.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Good Queene? | Good queen? | | WT II.iii.58.2 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
Good Queene (my Lord) good Queene, / I say good Queene, | Good queen, my lord, good queen, I say good queen; | | WT II.iii.59 | |
And would by combate, make her good so, were I | And would by combat make her good, so were I | make good justify, vindicate, confirm | WT II.iii.60 | |
A man, the worst about you. | A man, the worst about you. | worst (n.) weakest, least powerful | WT II.iii.61.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Force her hence. | Force her hence. | | WT II.iii.61.2 | |
Pau. | PAULINA | | | |
Let him that makes but trifles of his eyes | Let him that makes but trifles of his eyes | | WT II.iii.62 | |
First hand me: on mine owne accord, Ile off, | First hand me. On mine own accord I'll off, | | WT II.iii.63 | |
But first, Ile do my errand. The good Queene | But first I'll do my errand. The good Queen – | | WT II.iii.64 | |
(For she is good) hath brought you forth a daughter, | For she is good – hath brought you forth a daughter: | | WT II.iii.65 | |
Heere 'tis. Commends it to your blessing. | Here 'tis; commends it to your blessing. | commend (v.) present, introduce, bring [for favourable acceptance] | WT II.iii.66.1 | |
| She lays down the child | | WT II.iii.66 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Out: | Out! | | WT II.iii.66.2 | |
A mankinde Witch? Hence with her, out o' dore: | A mankind witch! Hence with her, out o' door! | mankind (adj.) man-like, mannish | WT II.iii.67 | |
A most intelligencing bawd. | A most intelligencing bawd! | intelligencing (adj.) spying, acting as go-between | WT II.iii.68.1 | |
| | bawd (n.) pimp, procurer, pander, go-between | | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
Not so: | Not so: | | WT II.iii.68.2 | |
I am as ignorant in that, as you, | I am as ignorant in that as you | | WT II.iii.69 | |
In so entit'ling me: and no lesse honest | In so entitling me; and no less honest | honest (adj.) chaste, pure, virtuous | WT II.iii.70 | |
Then you are mad: which is enough, Ile warrant | Than you are mad; which is enough, I'll warrant, | | WT II.iii.71 | |
(As this world goes) to passe for honest: | As this world goes, to pass for honest. | | WT II.iii.72.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Traitors; | Traitors! | | WT II.iii.72.2 | |
Will you not push her out? Giue her the Bastard, | Will you not push her out? Give her the bastard. | | WT II.iii.73 | |
Thou dotard, thou art woman-tyr'd: vnroosted | (To Antigonus) Thou dotard, thou art woman-tired, unroosted | woman-tired (adj.) henpecked, torn apart by a woman | WT II.iii.74 | |
| | unroosted (adj.) dislodged from a position, driven from a perch | | |
| | dotard (n.) old fool, senile idiot | | |
By thy dame Partlet heere. Take vp the Bastard, | By thy Dame Partlet here. Take up the bastard! | Partlet (n.) traditional name for a hen [Pertelote], as in Chaucer's 'Nun's Priest's Tale' | WT II.iii.75 | |
Take't vp, I say: giue't to thy Croane. | Take't up, I say! Give't to thy crone. | crone (n.) old hag, withered old woman | WT II.iii.76.1 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
For euer | For ever | | WT II.iii.76.2 | |
Vnvenerable be thy hands, if thou | Unvenerable be thy hands if thou | | WT II.iii.77 | |
Tak'st vp the Princesse, by that forced basenesse | Tak'st up the Princess by that forced baseness | forced (adj.) enforced, imposed, constrained | WT II.iii.78 | |
| | baseness (n.) debasement, lowly state, humiliation | | |
Which he ha's put vpon't. | Which he has put upon't! | | WT II.iii.79.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
He dreads his Wife. | He dreads his wife. | | WT II.iii.79.2 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
So I would you did: then 'twere past all dout | So I would you did: then 'twere past all doubt | | WT II.iii.80 | |
Youl'd call your children, yours. | You'd call your children yours. | | WT II.iii.81.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
A nest of Traitors. | A nest of traitors! | | WT II.iii.81.2 | |
Ant. | ANTIGONUS | | | |
I am none, by this good light. | I am none, by this good light! | | WT II.iii.82.1 | |
Pau. | PAULINA | | | |
Nor I: nor any | Nor I, nor any | | WT II.iii.82.2 | |
But one that's heere: and that's himselfe: for he, | But one that's here, and that's himself: for he | | WT II.iii.83 | |
The sacred Honor of himselfe, his Queenes, | The sacred honour of himself, his queen's, | | WT II.iii.84 | |
His hopefull Sonnes, his Babes, betrayes to Slander, | His hopeful son's, his babe's, betrays to slander, | | WT II.iii.85 | |
Whose sting is sharper then the Swords; and will not | Whose sting is sharper than the sword's; and will not – | | WT II.iii.86 | |
(For as the case now stands, it is a Curse | For, as the case now stands, it is a curse | | WT II.iii.87 | |
He cannot be compell'd too't) once remoue | He cannot be compelled to't – once remove | | WT II.iii.88 | |
The Root of his Opinion, which is rotten, | The root of his opinion, which is rotten | | WT II.iii.89 | |
As euer Oake, or Stone was sound. | As ever oak or stone was sound. | | WT II.iii.90.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
A Callat | A callet | callet, callat (n.) scold, nag | WT II.iii.90.2 | |
Of boundlesse tongue, who late hath beat her Husband, | Of boundless tongue, who late hath beat her husband, | | WT II.iii.91 | |
And now bayts me: This Brat is none of mine, | And now baits me! This brat is none of mine: | bait (v.) harass, persecute, torment | WT II.iii.92 | |
It is the Issue of Polixenes. | It is the issue of Polixenes. | issue (n.) child(ren), offspring, family, descendant | WT II.iii.93 | |
Hence with it, and together with the Dam, | Hence with it, and together with the dam | | WT II.iii.94 | |
Commit them to the fire. | Commit them to the fire! | | WT II.iii.95.1 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
It is yours: | It is yours; | | WT II.iii.95.2 | |
And might we lay th' old Prouerb to your charge, | And, might we lay th' old proverb to your charge, | | WT II.iii.96 | |
So like you, 'tis the worse. Behold (my Lords) | So like you, 'tis the worse. Behold, my lords, | | WT II.iii.97 | |
Although the Print be little, the whole Matter | Although the print be little, the whole matter | matter (n.) stuff, soul, substance | WT II.iii.98 | |
| | print (n.) imprint, image, stamped impression | | |
And Coppy of the Father: (Eye, Nose, Lippe, | And copy of the father: eye, nose, lip; | | WT II.iii.99 | |
The trick of's Frowne, his Fore-head, nay, the Valley, | The trick of's frown; his forehead; nay, the valley, | trick (n.) habit, characteristic, typical behaviour | WT II.iii.100 | |
| | frown (n.) brow, forehead | | |
| | valley (n.) indentation, hollow [e.g. in the upper lip, or beneath the lower lip] | | |
The pretty dimples of his Chin, and Cheeke; his Smiles: | The pretty dimples of his chin and cheek; his smiles; | | WT II.iii.101 | |
The very Mold, and frame of Hand, Nayle, Finger.) | The very mould and frame of hand, nail, finger. | | WT II.iii.102 | |
And thou good Goddesse Nature, which hast made it | And thou, good goddess Nature, which hast made it | | WT II.iii.103 | |
So like to him that got it, if thou hast | So like to him that got it, if thou hast | like (adj.) same, similar, alike, equal | WT II.iii.104 | |
| | get (v.) beget, conceive, breed | | |
The ordering of the Mind too, 'mongst all Colours | The ordering of the mind too, 'mongst all colours | | WT II.iii.105 | |
No Yellow in't, least she suspect, as he do's, | No yellow in't, lest she suspect, as he does, | yellow (n.) [colour of] jealousy | WT II.iii.106 | |
Her Children, not her Husbands. | Her children not her husband's! | | WT II.iii.107.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
A grosse Hagge: | A gross hag! | | WT II.iii.107.2 | |
And Lozell, thou art worthy to be hang'd, | And, losel, thou art worthy to be hanged, | losel, lozel (n.) worthless fellow, rogue, scoundrel | WT II.iii.108 | |
That wilt not stay her Tongue. | That wilt not stay her tongue. | | WT II.iii.109.1 | |
Antig. | ANTIGONUS | | | |
Hang all the Husbands | Hang all the husbands | | WT II.iii.109.2 | |
That cannot doe that Feat, you'le leaue your selfe | That cannot do that feat, you'll leave yourself | | WT II.iii.110 | |
Hardly one Subiect. | Hardly one subject. | | WT II.iii.111.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Once more take her hence. | Once more, take her hence. | | WT II.iii.111.2 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
A most vnworthy, and vnnaturall Lord | A most unworthy and unnatural lord | | WT II.iii.112 | |
Can doe no more. | Can do no more. | | WT II.iii.113.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Ile ha' thee burnt. | I'll ha' thee burned. | | WT II.iii.113.2 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
I care not: | I care not: | | WT II.iii.113.3 | |
It is an Heretique that makes the fire, | It is an heretic that makes the fire, | | WT II.iii.114 | |
Not she which burnes in't. Ile not call you Tyrant: | Not she which burns in't. I'll not call you tyrant; | | WT II.iii.115 | |
But this most cruell vsage of your Queene | But this most cruel usage of your queen – | | WT II.iii.116 | |
(Not able to produce more accusation | Not able to produce more accusation | | WT II.iii.117 | |
Then your owne weake-hindg'd Fancy) something sauors | Than your own weak-hinged fancy – something savours | something (adv.) somewhat, rather | WT II.iii.118 | |
Of Tyrannie, and will ignoble make you, | Of tyranny, and will ignoble make you, | | WT II.iii.119 | |
Yea, scandalous to the World. | Yea, scandalous to the world. | | WT II.iii.120.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
On your Allegeance, | On your allegiance, | | WT II.iii.120.2 | |
Out of the Chamber with her. Were I a Tyrant, | Out of the chamber with her! Were I a tyrant, | | WT II.iii.121 | |
Where were her life? she durst not call me so, | Where were her life? She durst not call me so, | | WT II.iii.122 | |
If she did know me one. Away with her. | If she did know me one. Away with her! | | WT II.iii.123 | |
| They slowly push her towards the door | | WT II.iii.124 | |
Paul. | PAULINA | | | |
I pray you doe not push me, Ile be gone. | I pray you, do not push me, I'll be gone. | | WT II.iii.124 | |
Looke to your Babe (my Lord) 'tis yours: Ioue send her | Look to your babe, my lord; 'tis yours. Jove send her | Jove (n.) [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god | WT II.iii.125 | |
A better guiding Spirit. What needs these hands? | A better guiding spirit! What needs these hands? | | WT II.iii.126 | |
You that are thus so tender o're his Follyes, | You that are thus so tender o'er his follies | tender (adj.) thoughtful, considerate, solicitous | WT II.iii.127 | |
Will neuer doe him good, not one of you. | Will never do him good, not one of you. | | WT II.iii.128 | |
So, so: Farewell, we are gone. | So, so. Farewell, we are gone. | | WT II.iii.129 | |
Exit. | Exit | | WT II.iii.129 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Thou (Traytor) hast set on thy Wife to this. | Thou, traitor, hast set on thy wife to this. | | WT II.iii.130 | |
My Child? away with't? euen thou, that hast | My child? Away with't! Even thou, that hast | | WT II.iii.131 | |
A heart so tender o're it, take it hence, | A heart so tender o'er it, take it hence | | WT II.iii.132 | |
And see it instantly consum'd with fire. | And see it instantly consumed with fire: | | WT II.iii.133 | |
Euen thou, and none but thou. Take it vp straight: | Even thou, and none but thou. Take it up straight!: | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | WT II.iii.134 | |
Within this houre bring me word 'tis done, | Within this hour bring me word 'tis done, | | WT II.iii.135 | |
(And by good testimonie) or Ile seize thy life, | And by good testimony, or I'll seize thy life, | | WT II.iii.136 | |
With what thou else call'st thine: if thou refuse, | With what thou else call'st thine. If thou refuse, | | WT II.iii.137 | |
And wilt encounter with my Wrath, say so; | And wilt encounter with my wrath, say so: | | WT II.iii.138 | |
The Bastard-braynes with these my proper hands | The bastard brains with these my proper hands | proper (adj.) very, own | WT II.iii.139 | |
Shall I dash out. Goe, take it to the fire, | Shall I dash out. Go, take it to the fire, | | WT II.iii.140 | |
For thou sett'st on thy Wife. | For thou set'st on thy wife. | | WT II.iii.141.1 | |
Antig. | ANTIGONUS | | | |
I did not, Sir: | I did not, sir. | | WT II.iii.141.2 | |
These Lords, my Noble Fellowes, if they please, | These lords, my noble fellows, if they please, | | WT II.iii.142 | |
Can cleare me in't. | Can clear me in't. | | WT II.iii.143.1 | |
Lords. | LORDS | | | |
We can: my Royall Liege, | We can. My royal liege, | | WT II.iii.143.2 | |
He is not guiltie of her comming hither. | He is not guilty of her coming hither. | | WT II.iii.144 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
You're lyers all. | You're liars all. | | WT II.iii.145 | |
Lord. | LORD | | | |
Beseech your Highnesse, giue vs better credit: | Beseech your highness, give us better credit. | | WT II.iii.146 | |
We haue alwayes truly seru'd you, and beseech' | We have always truly served you, and beseech | | WT II.iii.147 | |
So to esteeme of vs: and on our knees we begge, | So to esteem of us; and on our knees we beg, | | WT II.iii.148 | |
(As recompence of our deare seruices | As recompense of our dear services | dear (adj.) heartfelt, earnest, zealous | WT II.iii.149 | |
Past, and to come) that you doe change this purpose, | Past and to come, that you do change this purpose, | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | WT II.iii.150 | |
Which being so horrible, so bloody, must | Which being so horrible, so bloody, must | | WT II.iii.151 | |
Lead on to some foule Issue. We all kneele. | Lead on to some foul issue. We all kneel. | issue (n.) outcome, result, consequence(s) | WT II.iii.152 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
I am a Feather for each Wind that blows: | I am a feather for each wind that blows. | | WT II.iii.153 | |
Shall I liue on, to see this Bastard kneele, | Shall I live on to see this bastard kneel | | WT II.iii.154 | |
And call me Father? better burne it now, | And call me father? Better burn it now | | WT II.iii.155 | |
Then curse it then. But be it: let it liue. | Than curse it then. But be it: let it live. | | WT II.iii.156 | |
It shall not neyther. You Sir, come you hither: | It shall not neither. (To Antigonus) You, sir, come you hither: | | WT II.iii.157 | |
You that haue beene so tenderly officious | You that have been so tenderly officious | officious (adj.) obliging, attentive, diligent | WT II.iii.158 | |
With Lady Margerie, your Mid-wife there, | With Lady Margery, your midwife there, | | WT II.iii.159 | |
To saue this Bastards life; for 'tis a Bastard, | To save this bastard's life – for 'tis a bastard, | | WT II.iii.160 | |
So sure as this Beard's gray. What will you aduenture, | So sure as this beard's grey – what will you adventure | adventure (v.) venture, dare, chance, risk | WT II.iii.161 | |
To saue this Brats life? | To save this brat's life? | | WT II.iii.162.1 | |
Antig. | ANTIGONUS | | | |
Any thing (my Lord) | Anything, my lord, | | WT II.iii.162.2 | |
That my abilitie may vndergoe, | That my ability may undergo, | undergo (v.) undertake, carry out, perform | WT II.iii.163 | |
| | ability (n.) strength, bodily power | | |
And Noblenesse impose: at least thus much; | And nobleness impose – at least thus much: | | WT II.iii.164 | |
Ile pawne the little blood which I haue left, | I'll pawn the little blood which I have left | pawn (v.) stake, pledge, risk | WT II.iii.165 | |
To saue the Innocent: any thing possible. | To save the innocent – anything possible. | | WT II.iii.166 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
It shall be possible: Sweare by this Sword | It shall be possible. Swear by this sword | | WT II.iii.167 | |
Thou wilt performe my bidding. | Thou wilt perform my bidding. | | WT II.iii.168.1 | |
Antig. | ANTIGONUS | | | |
| (his hand upon the hilt) | | WT II.iii.168 | |
I will (my Lord.) | I will, my lord. | | WT II.iii.168.2 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Marke, and performe it: seest thou? for the faile | Mark and perform it, see'st thou? For the fail | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | WT II.iii.169 | |
| | fail (n.) failure [to comply with], lack | | |
Of any point in't, shall not onely be | Of any point in't shall not only be | | WT II.iii.170 | |
Death to thy selfe, but to thy lewd-tongu'd Wife, | Death to thyself, but to thy lewd-tongued wife, | lewd-tongued (adj.) foul-mouthed, scurrilous, abusive | WT II.iii.171 | |
(Whom for this time we pardon) We enioyne thee, | Whom for this time we pardon. We enjoin thee, | | WT II.iii.172 | |
As thou art Liege-man to vs, that thou carry | As thou art liegeman to us, that thou carry | liegeman (n.) vassal, subject, follower | WT II.iii.173 | |
This female Bastard hence, and that thou beare it | This female bastard hence, and that thou bear it | | WT II.iii.174 | |
To some remote and desart place, quite out | To some remote and desert place, quite out | | WT II.iii.175 | |
Of our Dominions; and that there thou leaue it | Of our dominions; and that there thou leave it, | | WT II.iii.176 | |
(Without more mercy) to it owne protection, | Without more mercy, to its own protection | | WT II.iii.177 | |
And fauour of the Climate: as by strange fortune | And favour of the climate. As by strange fortune | favour (n.) leniency, kindness, clemency | WT II.iii.178 | |
| | climate (n.) region, country [without reference to climatic conditions] | | |
It came to vs, I doe in Iustice charge thee, | It came to us, I do in justice charge thee, | | WT II.iii.179 | |
On thy Soules perill, and thy Bodyes torture, | On thy soul's peril and thy body's torture, | | WT II.iii.180 | |
That thou commend it strangely to some place, | That thou commend it strangely to some place | strangely (adv.) as a stranger, as a foreigner | WT II.iii.181 | |
| | commend (v.) commit, entrust, hand over | | |
Where Chance may nurse, or end it: take it vp. | Where chance may nurse or end it. Take it up. | | WT II.iii.182 | |
Antig. | ANTIGONUS | | | |
I sweare to doe this: though a present death | I swear to do this, though a present death | | WT II.iii.183 | |
Had beene more mercifull. Come on (poore Babe) | Had been more merciful. Come on, poor babe, | | WT II.iii.184 | |
Some powerfull Spirit instruct the Kytes and Rauens | Some powerful spirit instruct the kites and ravens | kite (n.) bird of prey; thieving bird [of ill omen; also, strong term of abuse] | WT II.iii.185 | |
To be thy Nurses. Wolues and Beares, they say, | To be thy nurses! Wolves and bears, they say, | | WT II.iii.186 | |
(Casting their sauagenesse aside) haue done | Casting their savageness aside, have done | | WT II.iii.187 | |
Like offices of Pitty. Sir, be prosperous | Like offices of pity. Sir, be prosperous | office (n.) service, sympathy, kindness | WT II.iii.188 | |
| | like (adj.) same, similar, alike, equal | | |
In more then this deed do's require; and Blessing | In more than this deed does require! And blessing | | WT II.iii.189 | |
Against this Crueltie, fight on thy side | Against this cruelty fight on thy side, | | WT II.iii.190 | |
(Poore Thing, condemn'd to losse.) | Poor thing, condemned to loss! | loss (n.) perdition, destruction | WT II.iii.191.1 | |
Exit. | Exit with the child | | WT II.iii.191 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
No: Ile not reare | No, I'll not rear | | WT II.iii.191.2 | |
Anothers Issue. | Another's issue. | issue (n.) child(ren), offspring, family, descendant | WT II.iii.192.1 | |
Enter a Seruant. | Enter a Servant | | WT II.iii.192 | |
Seru. | SERVANT | | | |
Please' your Highnesse, Posts | Please your highness, posts | post (n.) express messenger, courier | WT II.iii.192.2 | |
From those you sent to th' Oracle, are come | From those you sent to th' oracle are come | | WT II.iii.193 | |
An houre since: Cleomines and Dion, | An hour since: Cleomenes and Dion, | | WT II.iii.194 | |
Being well arriu'd from Delphos, are both landed, | Being well arrived from Delphos, are both landed, | Delphos (n.) island of Delphi, C Greece, famous for its oracle | WT II.iii.195 | |
Hasting to th' Court. | Hasting to th' court. | | WT II.iii.196.1 | |
Lord. | LORD | | | |
So please you (Sir) their speed | So please you, sir, their speed | | WT II.iii.196.2 | |
Hath beene beyond accompt. | Hath been beyond accompt. | account, accompt (n.) expectation, precedent, normal explanation | WT II.iii.197.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Twentie three dayes | Twenty-three days | | WT II.iii.197.2 | |
They haue beene absent: 'tis good speed: fore-tells | They have been absent. 'Tis good speed; foretells | | WT II.iii.198 | |
The great Apollo suddenly will haue | The great Apollo suddenly will have | suddenly (adv.) immediately, at once, without delay | WT II.iii.199 | |
The truth of this appeare: Prepare you Lords, | The truth of this appear. Prepare you, lords. | | WT II.iii.200 | |
Summon a Session, that we may arraigne | Summon a session, that we may arraign | session, sessions (n.) judicial assembly, trial, court | WT II.iii.201 | |
Our most disloyall Lady: for as she hath | Our most disloyal lady: for as she hath | | WT II.iii.202 | |
Been publikely accus'd, so shall she haue | Been publicly accused, so shall she have | | WT II.iii.203 | |
A iust and open Triall. While she liues, | A just and open trial. While she lives | | WT II.iii.204 | |
My heart will be a burthen to me. Leaue me, | My heart will be a burden to me. Leave me, | | WT II.iii.205 | |
And thinke vpon my bidding. | And think upon my bidding. | | WT II.iii.206 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | WT II.iii.206 | |