Richard III

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter the Queene Mother, Lord Riuers,Enter Queen Elizabeth, Lord Rivers, Marquess of R3 I.iii.1.1
and Lord Gray.Dorset, and Lord Grey R3 I.iii.1.2
Haue patience Madam, ther's no doubt his MaiestyHave patience, madam; there's no doubt his majesty R3 I.iii.1
Will soone recouer his accustom'd health.Will soon recover his accustomed health. R3 I.iii.2
Gray. GREY 
In that you brooke it ill, it makes him worse,In that you brook it ill, it makes him worse;ill (adv.)
badly, adversely, unfavourably
R3 I.iii.3
brook (v.)

old form: brooke
endure, tolerate, put up with
Therefore for Gods sake entertaine good comfort,Therefore for God's sake entertain good comfortentertain (v.)

old form: entertaine
receive, admit, let in
R3 I.iii.4
And cheere his Grace with quicke and merry eyesAnd cheer his grace with quick and merry eyes.cheer (v.)

old form: cheere
encourage, urge on, galvanize
R3 I.iii.5
quick (adj.)

old form: quicke
lively, animated, vivacious
If he were dead, what would betide on me? / If he were dead, what would betide on me?If he were dead, what would betide on me?betide (v.)
happen (to), befall, come (to)
R3 I.iii.6
No other harme, but losse of such a Lord.No other harm but loss of such a lord. R3 I.iii.7
The losse of such a Lord, includes all harmes.The loss of such a lord includes all harm. R3 I.iii.8
Gray. GREY 
The Heauens haue blest you with a goodly Son,The heavens have blessed you with a goodly son R3 I.iii.9
To be your Comforter, when he is gone.To be your comforter when he is gone. R3 I.iii.10
Ah! he is yong; and his minorityAh, he is young; and his minority R3 I.iii.11
Is put vnto the trust of Richard Glouster,Is put unto the trust of Richard Gloucester, R3 I.iii.12
A man that loues not me, nor none of you.A man that loves not me, nor none of you. R3 I.iii.13
Is it concluded he shall be Protector?Is it concluded that he shall be Protector?conclude (v.)
decide, resolve, settle
R3 I.iii.14
It is determin'd, not concluded yet:It is determined, not concluded yet;determine (v.)

old form: determin'd
make a decision [about], reach a conclusion [about]
R3 I.iii.15
But so it must be, if the King miscarry.But so it must be, if the King miscarry.miscarry (v.)
come to harm, perish, meet death
R3 I.iii.16
Enter Buckingham and Derby.Enter Buckingham and Derby R3 I.iii.17
Gray. GREY 
Here comes the Lord of Buckingham & Derby.Here come the lords of Buckingham and Derby. R3 I.iii.17
Good time of day vnto your Royall Grace.Good time of day unto your royal grace! R3 I.iii.18
God make your Maiesty ioyful, as you haue binGod make your majesty joyful, as you have been! R3 I.iii.19
The Countesse Richmond, good my L. of Derby.The Countess Richmond, good my Lord of Derby, R3 I.iii.20
To your good prayer, will scarsely say, Amen.To your good prayers will scarcely say amen. R3 I.iii.21
Yet Derby, notwithstanding shee's your wife,Yet, Derby, notwithstanding she's your wife R3 I.iii.22
And loues not me, be you good Lord assur'd,And loves not me, be you, good lord, assured R3 I.iii.23
I hate not you for her proud arrogance.I hate not you for her proud arrogance. R3 I.iii.24
I do beseech you, either not beleeueI do beseech you, either not believe R3 I.iii.25
The enuious slanders of her false Accusers:The envious slanders of her false accusers;envious (adj.)

old form: enuious
malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity
R3 I.iii.26
false (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
Or if she be accus'd on true report,Or, if she be accused on true report, R3 I.iii.27
Beare with her weaknesse, which I thinke proceedsBear with her weakness, which I think proceeds R3 I.iii.28
From wayward sicknesse, and no grounded malice.From wayward sickness, and no grounded malice.grounded (adj.)
firmly established, deep-rooted, strongly founded
R3 I.iii.29
Saw you the King to day my Lord of Derby.Saw you the King today, my Lord of Derby? R3 I.iii.30
But now the Duke of Buckingham and I,But now the Duke of Buckingham and I R3 I.iii.31
Are come from visiting his Maiesty.Are come from visiting his majesty. R3 I.iii.32
What likelyhood of his amendment Lords.What likelihood of his amendment, lords?amendment (n.)
recovery, recuperation, improvement
R3 I.iii.33
Madam good hope, his Grace speaks chearfully.Madam, good hope; his grace speaks cheerfully. R3 I.iii.34
God grant him health, did you confer with him?God grant him health! Did you confer with him? R3 I.iii.35
I Madam, he desires to make attonement:Ay, madam; he desires to make atonementatonement (n.)

old form: attonement
reconciliation, appeasement, harmony
R3 I.iii.36
Betweene the Duke of Glouster, and your Brothers,Between the Duke of Gloucester and your brothers, R3 I.iii.37
And betweene them, and my Lord Chamberlaine,And between them and my Lord Chamberlain, R3 I.iii.38
And sent to warne them to his Royall presence.And sent to warn them to his royal presence.warn (v.)

old form: warne
summon, send for, officially call
R3 I.iii.39
Would all were well, but that will neuer be,Would all were well! But that will never be. R3 I.iii.40
I feare our happinesse is at the height.I fear our happiness is at the highest. R3 I.iii.41
Enter Richard.Enter Richard, Duke of Gloucester, and Lord Hastings R3 I.iii.42
They do me wrong, and I will not indure it,They do me wrong, and I will not endure it! R3 I.iii.42
Who is it that complaines vnto the King,Who is it that complains unto the King R3 I.iii.43
Thar I (forsooth) am sterne, and loue them not?That I, forsooth, am stern, and love them not?forsooth (adv.)
in truth, certainly, truly, indeed
R3 I.iii.44
By holy Paul, they loue his Grace but lightly,By holy Paul, they love his grace but lightly R3 I.iii.45
That fill his eares with such dissentious Rumors.That fill his ears with such dissentious rumours. R3 I.iii.46
Because I cannot flatter, and looke faire,Because I cannot flatter and look fair, R3 I.iii.47
Smile in mens faces, smooth, deceiue, and cogge,Smile in men's faces, smooth, deceive, and cog,smooth (v.)
adopt a flattering manner, make a plausible show, conciliate
R3 I.iii.48
cog (v.)

old form: cogge
flatter, fawn, sweet-talk
Ducke with French nods, and Apish curtesie,Duck with French nods and apish courtesy,duck (v.)

old form: Ducke
make a brief bow, act in a cringing way
R3 I.iii.49
I must be held a rancorous Enemy.I must be held a rancorous enemy. R3 I.iii.50
Cannot a plaine man liue, and thinke no harme,Cannot a plain man live and think no harm, R3 I.iii.51
But thus his simple truth must be abus'd,But thus his simple truth must be abusedabuse (v.)

old form: abus'd
misuse, maltreat, treat badly, wrong
R3 I.iii.52
With silken, slye, insinuating Iackes?By silken, sly, insinuating Jacks?Jack (n.)

old form: Iackes
jack-in-office, ill-mannered fellow, lout, knave
R3 I.iii.53
Grey. GREY 
To who in all this presence speaks your Grace?To whom in all this presence speaks your grace?presence (n.)
royal assembly, eminent company
R3 I.iii.54
To thee, that hast nor Honesty, nor Grace:To thee, that hast nor honesty nor grace. R3 I.iii.55
When haue I iniur'd thee? When done thee wrong?When have I injured thee? When done thee wrong? R3 I.iii.56
Or thee? or thee? or any of your Faction?Or thee? Or thee? Or any of your faction? R3 I.iii.57
A plague vpon you all. His Royall GraceA plague upon you all! His royal grace –  R3 I.iii.58
(Whom God preserue better then you would wish)Whom God preserve better than you would wish! –  R3 I.iii.59
Cannot be quiet scarse a breathing while,Cannot be quiet scarce a breathing whilebreathing while (n.)
breathing-space, short space of time
R3 I.iii.60
But you must trouble him with lewd complaints.But you must trouble him with lewd complaints.lewd (adj.)
ignorant, foolish, ill-mannered
R3 I.iii.61
Brother of Glouster, you mistake the matter:Brother of Gloucester, you mistake the matter. R3 I.iii.62
The King on his owne Royall disposition,The King, of his own royal disposition, R3 I.iii.63
(And not prouok'd by any Sutor else)And not provoked by any suitor else,suitor (n.)

old form: Sutor
petitioner, supplicant, entreater
R3 I.iii.64
Ayming (belike) at your interiour hatred,Aiming, belike, at your interior hatred,aim (v.)

old form: Ayming
guess, conjecture, surmise
R3 I.iii.65
belike (adv.)
probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems
That in your outward action shewes it selfeThat in your outward action shows itself R3 I.iii.66
Against my Children, Brothers, and my Selfe,Against my children, brothers, and myself, R3 I.iii.67
Makes him to send, that he may learne the ground.Makes him to send, that he may learn the ground.ground (n.)
reason, cause, source
R3 I.iii.68
I cannot tell, the world is growne so bad,I cannot tell; the world is grown so bad R3 I.iii.69
That Wrens make prey, where Eagles dare not pearch.That wrens make prey where eagles dare not perch. R3 I.iii.70
Since euerie Iacke became a Gentleman,Since every Jack became a gentleman R3 I.iii.71
There's many a gentle person made a Iacke.There's many a gentle person made a Jack.Jack (n.)

old form: Iacke
jack-in-office, ill-mannered fellow, lout, knave
R3 I.iii.72
gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
Come, come, we know your meaning Brother GlosterCome, come, we know your meaning, brother Gloucester: R3 I.iii.73
You enuy my aduancement, and my friends:You envy my advancement and my friends'. R3 I.iii.74
God grant we neuer may haue neede of you.God grant we never may have need of you! R3 I.iii.75
Meane time, God grants that I haue need of you.Meantime, God grants that I have need of you. R3 I.iii.76
Our Brother is imprison'd by your meanes,Our brother is imprisoned by your means, R3 I.iii.77
My selfe disgrac'd, and the NobilitieMyself disgraced, and the nobility R3 I.iii.78
Held in contempt, while great PromotionsHeld in contempt, while great promotions R3 I.iii.79
Are daily giuen to ennoble thoseAre daily given to ennoble those R3 I.iii.80
That scarse some two dayes since were worth a Noble.That scarce, some two days since, were worth a noble.noble (n.)
English gold coin, worth one third of a pound
R3 I.iii.81
By him that rais'd me to this carefull height,By Him that raised me to this careful heightcareful (adj.)

old form: carefull
anxious, concerned, worried
R3 I.iii.82
From that contented hap which I inioy'd,From that contented hap which I enjoyed,hap (n.)
fortune, lot, fate
R3 I.iii.83
I neuer did incense his MaiestieI never did incense his majesty R3 I.iii.84
Against the Duke of Clarence, but haue binAgainst the Duke of Clarence, but have been R3 I.iii.85
An earnest aduocate to plead for him.An earnest advocate to plead for him. R3 I.iii.86
My Lord you do me shamefull iniurie,My lord, you do me shameful injury R3 I.iii.87
Falsely to draw me in these vile suspects.Falsely to draw me in these vile suspects.suspect (n.)
suspicion, mistrust, doubt
R3 I.iii.88
You may deny that you were not the meaneYou may deny that you were not the meanmean (n.)

old form: meane
means, agent, cause
R3 I.iii.89
Of my Lord Hastings late imprisonment.Of my Lord Hastings' late imprisonment. R3 I.iii.90
She may my Lord, for---She may, my lord, for –  R3 I.iii.91
She may Lord Riuers, why who knowes not so?She may, Lord Rivers! Why, who knows not so? R3 I.iii.92
She may do more sir then denying that:She may do more, sir, than denying that; R3 I.iii.93
She may helpe you to many faire preferments,She may help you to many fair preferments,preferment (n.)
advancement, promotion
R3 I.iii.94
And then deny her ayding hand therein,And then deny her aiding hand therein R3 I.iii.95
And lay those Honors on your high desert.And lay those honours on your high desert.lay (v.)
attribute, ascribe, impute
R3 I.iii.96
desert, desart (n.)
deserving, due recompense, right
What may she not, she may, I marry may she.What may she not? She may, yea, marry, may she – marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
R3 I.iii.97
What marry may she?What, marry, may she? R3 I.iii.98
What marrie may she? Marrie with a King,What, marry, may she? Marry with a king, R3 I.iii.99
A Batcheller, and a handsome stripling too,A bachelor and a handsome stripling too! R3 I.iii.100
I wis your Grandam had a worser match.Iwis your grandam had a worser match.iwis (adv.)

old form: I wis
[archaism] assuredly, certainly, truly
R3 I.iii.101
My Lord of Glouster, I haue too long borneMy Lord of Gloucester, I have too long borne R3 I.iii.102
Your blunt vpbraidings, and your bitter scoffes:Your blunt upbraidings and your bitter scoffs.blunt (adj.)
plain-spoken, unceremonious, forthright
R3 I.iii.103
By heauen, I will acquaint his MaiestieBy heaven, I will acquaint his majesty R3 I.iii.104
Of those grosse taunts that oft I haue endur'd.Of those gross taunts that oft I have endured.oft (adv.)
R3 I.iii.105
I had rather be a Countrie seruant maideI had rather be a country servant-maid R3 I.iii.106
Then a great Queene, with this condition,Than a great queen, with this condition,condition (n.)
state, way of life
R3 I.iii.107
To be so baited, scorn'd, and stormed at,To be so baited, scorned, and stormed at;bait (v.)
harass, persecute, torment
R3 I.iii.108
Enter old Queene Margaret.Enter old Queen Margaret, behind R3 I.iii.109
Small ioy haue I in being Englands Queene.Small joy have I in being England's Queen. R3 I.iii.109
(aside) R3 I.iii.110
And lesned be that small, God I beseech him,And lessened be that small, God I beseech Him! R3 I.iii.110
Thy honor, state, and seate, is due to me.Thy honour, state, and seat is due to (n.)

old form: seate
position, place, status
R3 I.iii.111
What? threat you me with telling of the King?What? Threat you me with telling of the King?threat (v.)
R3 I.iii.112
Tell him, and spare not. Look what I have saidspare (v.)
omit, avoid, refrain [from]
R3 I.iii.113
look what (conj.)
I will auouch't in presence of the King:I will avouch't in presence of the King;avouch (v.)

old form: auouch
declare, assert, affirm
R3 I.iii.114
I dare aduenture to be sent to th'Towre.I dare adventure to be sent to the Tower.adventure (v.)

old form: aduenture
venture, dare, chance, risk
R3 I.iii.115
'Tis time to speake, / My paines are quite forgot.'Tis time to speak, my pains are quite forgot.pain (n.)

old form: paines
effort, endeavour, exertion, labour
R3 I.iii.116
(aside) R3 I.iii.117
Out Diuell, / I do remember them too well:Out, devil! I do remember them too well. R3 I.iii.117
Thou killd'st my Husband Henrie in the Tower,Thou kill'dst my husband Henry in the Tower, R3 I.iii.118
And Edward my poore Son, at Tewkesburie.And Edward, my poor son, at Tewkesbury.Tewkesbury (n.)
[pron: 'tyooksbree] town in Gloucestershire, a mustard-making centre; battle site (1471)
R3 I.iii.119
Ere you were Queene, / I, or your Husband King:Ere you were queen, yea, or your husband king, R3 I.iii.120
I was a packe-horse in his great affaires:I was a packhorse in his great affairs;packhorse (n.)

old form: packe-horse
work-horse, drudge, toiler
R3 I.iii.121
A weeder out of his proud Aduersaries,A weeder-out of his proud adversaries, R3 I.iii.122
A liberall rewarder of his Friends,A liberal rewarder of his friends. R3 I.iii.123
To royalize his blood, I spent mine owue.To royalize his blood I spent mine own.royalize (v.)
make royal, invest with a majestic character
R3 I.iii.124
spend (v.)
use up, wear out, exhaust, bring to an end
(aside) R3 I.iii.125
I and much better blood / Then his, or thine.Yea, and much better blood than his or thine. R3 I.iii.125
In all which time, you and your Husband GreyIn all which time you and your husband Grey R3 I.iii.126
Were factious, for the House of Lancaster;Were factious for the house of Lancaster;factious (adj.)
ready to form a faction
R3 I.iii.127
And Riuers, so were you: Was not your Husband,And, Rivers, so were you. Was not your husband R3 I.iii.128
In Margarets Battaile, at Saint Albons, slaine?In Margaret's battle at Saint Alban's slain?battle (n.)

old form: Battaile
army, fighting force, battalion
R3 I.iii.129
Let me put in your mindes, if you forgetLet me put in your minds, if you forget, R3 I.iii.130
What you haue beene ere this, and what you are:What you have been ere this, and what you are; R3 I.iii.131
Withall, what I haue beene, and what I am.Withal, what I have been, and what I am. R3 I.iii.132
(aside) R3 I.iii.133
A murth'rous Villaine, and so still thou art.A murderous villain, and so still thou art. R3 I.iii.133
Poore Clarence did forsake his Father Warwicke,Poor Clarence did forsake his father, Warwick; R3 I.iii.134
I, and forswore himselfe (which Iesu pardon.)Yea, and forswore himself, which Jesu pardon! –forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore
swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word
R3 I.iii.135
(aside) R3 I.iii.136
Which God reuenge.Which God revenge! R3 I.iii.136
To fight on Edwards partie, for the Crowne, – To fight on Edward's party for the crown; R3 I.iii.137
And for his meede, poore Lord, he is mewed vp:And for his meed, poor lord, he is mewed up.mew up (v.)

old form: vp
coop up, confine, shut up
R3 I.iii.138
meed (n.)

old form: meede
reward, prize, recompense
I would to God my heart were Flint, like Edwards,I would to God my heart were flint like Edward's, R3 I.iii.139
Or Edwards soft and pittifull, like mine;Or Edward's soft and pitiful like mine! R3 I.iii.140
I am too childish foolish for this World.I am too childish-foolish for this world. R3 I.iii.141
(aside) R3 I.iii.142.1
High thee to Hell for shame, & leaue this WorldHie thee to hell for shame, and leave this world,hie (v.)
hasten, hurry, speed
R3 I.iii.142
Thou Cacodemon, there thy Kingdome is.Thou cacodemon! There thy kingdom is.cacodemon (n.)
evil spirit
R3 I.iii.143
My Lord of Gloster: in those busie dayes,My Lord of Gloucester, in those busy daysbusy (adj.)

old form: busie
always engaged, active, constantly occupied
R3 I.iii.144
Which here you vrge, to proue vs Enemies,Which here you urge to prove us enemies, R3 I.iii.145
We follow'd then our Lord, our Soueraigne King,We followed then our lord, our sovereign king; R3 I.iii.146
So should we you, if you should be our King.So should we you, if you should be our king. R3 I.iii.147
If I should be? I had rather be a Pedler:If I should be? I had rather be a pedlar. R3 I.iii.148
Farre be it from my heart, the thought thereof.Far be it from my heart, the thought thereof! R3 I.iii.149
As little ioy (my Lord) as you supposeAs little joy, my lord, as you suppose R3 I.iii.150
You should enioy, were you this Countries King,You should enjoy, were you this country's king, R3 I.iii.151
As little ioy you may suppose in me,As little joy may you suppose in me R3 I.iii.152
That I enioy, being the Queene thereof.That I enjoy, being the Queen thereof. R3 I.iii.153
(aside) R3 I.iii.154
A little ioy enioyes the Queene thereof,As little joy enjoys the Queen thereof; R3 I.iii.154
For I am shee, and altogether ioylesse:For I am she, and altogether joyless. R3 I.iii.155
I can no longer hold me patient.I can no longer hold me patient. R3 I.iii.156
She comes forward R3 I.iii.157.1
Heare me, you wrangling Pyrates, that fall out,Hear me, you wrangling pirates, that fall outpirate (n.)
thief, marauder, plunderer
R3 I.iii.157
In sharing that which you haue pill'd from me:In sharing that which you have pilled from me!pill (v.)

old form: pill'd
pillage, plunder, rob
R3 I.iii.158
Which off you trembles not, that lookes on me?Which of you trembles not that looks on me? R3 I.iii.159
If not, that I am Queene, you bow like Subiects;If not, that I am Queen, you bow like subjects, R3 I.iii.160
Yet that by you depos'd, you quake like Rebells.Yet that, by you deposed, you quake like rebels? R3 I.iii.161
Ah gentle Villaine, doe not turne away.Ah, gentle villain, do not turn away!gentle (adj.)
refined, discriminating, sophisticated
R3 I.iii.162
Foule wrinckled Witch, what mak'st thou in my sight?Foul wrinkled witch, what mak'st thou in my sight? R3 I.iii.163
But repetition of what thou hast marr'd,But repetition of what thou hast marred,repetition (n.)
recital, narration, relating
R3 I.iii.164
That will I make, before I let thee goe.That will I make before I let thee go. R3 I.iii.165
Wert thou not banished, on paine of death?Wert thou not banished on pain of death? R3 I.iii.166
I was: but I doe find more paine in banishment,I was; but I do find more pain in banishment R3 I.iii.167
Then death can yeeld me here, by my abode.Than death can yield me here by my abode. R3 I.iii.168
A Husband and a Sonne thou ow'st to me,A husband and a son thou ow'st to me –  R3 I.iii.169
And thou a Kingdome; all of you, allegeance:And thou a kingdom – all of you allegiance. R3 I.iii.170
This Sorrow that I haue, by right is yours,This sorrow that I have, by right is yours, R3 I.iii.171
And all the Pleasures you vsurpe, are mine.And all the pleasures you usurp are mine. R3 I.iii.172
The Curse my Noble Father layd on thee,The curse my noble father laid on thee R3 I.iii.173
When thou didst Crown his Warlike Brows with Paper,When thou didst crown his warlike brows with paperbrow (n.)
forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead]
R3 I.iii.174
And with thy scornes drew'st Riuers from his eyes,And with thy scorns drew'st rivers from his eyes, R3 I.iii.175
And then to dry them, gau'st the Duke a Clowt,And then, to dry them, gav'st the Duke a cloutclout (n.)

old form: Clowt
piece of cloth, rag; handkerchief
R3 I.iii.176
Steep'd in the faultlesse blood of prettie Rutland:Steeped in the faultless blood of pretty Rutland –  R3 I.iii.177
His Curses then, from bitternesse of Soule,His curses then, from bitterness of soul R3 I.iii.178
Denounc'd against thee, are all falne vpon thee:Denounced against thee, are all fallen upon thee;denounce (v.)

old form: Denounc'd
declare, proclaim, announce
R3 I.iii.179
And God, not we, hath plagu'd thy bloody deed.And God, not we, hath plagued thy bloody deed. R3 I.iii.180
So iust is God, to right the innocent.So just is God, to right the innocent. R3 I.iii.181
O, 'twas the foulest deed to slay that Babe,O, 'twas the foulest deed to slay that babe, R3 I.iii.182
And the most mercilesse, that ere was heard of.And the most merciless, that e'er was heard of! R3 I.iii.183
Tyrants themselues wept when it was reported.Tyrants themselves wept when it was reported.tyrant (n.)
pitiless ruffian, cruel villain
R3 I.iii.184
No man but prophecied reuenge for it.No man but prophesied revenge for it. R3 I.iii.185
Northumberland, then present, wept to see it.Northumberland, then present, wept to see it. R3 I.iii.186
What? were you snarling all before I came,What! Were you snarling all before I came, R3 I.iii.187
Ready to catch each other by the throat,Ready to catch each other by the throat, R3 I.iii.188
And turne you all your hatred now on me?And turn you all your hatred now on me? R3 I.iii.189
Did Yorkes dread Curse preuaile so much with Heauen,Did York's dread curse prevail so much with heavendread (adj.)
frightening, terrifying, fearful
R3 I.iii.190
That Henries death, my louely Edwards death,That Henry's death, my lovely Edward's death, R3 I.iii.191
Their Kingdomes losse, my wofull Banishment,Their kingdom's loss, my woeful banishment, R3 I.iii.192
Should all but answer for that peeuish Brat?Should all but answer for that peevish brat?peevish (adj.)

old form: peeuish
silly, foolish; or: headstrong, impulsive
R3 I.iii.193
answer (v.)
live up to, correspond to, be equal to
brat (n.)
child [not always with contemptuous connotation]
Can Curses pierce the Clouds, and enter Heauen?Can curses pierce the clouds and enter heaven? R3 I.iii.194
Why then giue way dull Clouds to my quick Curses.Why then, give way, dull clouds, to my quick curses!quick (adj.)
vigorous, quick-acting, energetic
R3 I.iii.195
Though not by Warre, by Surfet dye your King,Though not by war, by surfeit die your king,surfeit (n.)

old form: Surfet
sickness brought on by excess
R3 I.iii.196
As ours by Murther, to make him a King.As ours by murder, to make him a king! R3 I.iii.197
Edward thy Sonne, that now is Prince of Wales,Edward thy son, that now is Prince of Wales, R3 I.iii.198
For Edward our Sonne, that was Prince of Wales,For Edward our son, that was Prince of Wales, R3 I.iii.199
Dye in his youth, by like vntimely violence.Die in his youth by like untimely violence!like (adj.)
same, similar, alike, equal
R3 I.iii.200
untimely (adj.)

old form: vntimely
premature, coming before its time
Thy selfe a Queene, for me that was a Queene,Thyself a queen, for me that was a queen, R3 I.iii.201
Out-liue thy glory, like my wretched selfe:Outlive thy glory, like my wretched self! R3 I.iii.202
Long may'st thou liue, to wayle thy Childrens death,Long mayst thou live to wail thy children's death R3 I.iii.203
And see another, as I see thee now,And see another, as I see thee now, R3 I.iii.204
Deck'd in thy Rights, as thou art stall'd in mine.Decked in thy rights as thou art stalled in mine!stall (v.)

old form: stall'd
install, place, appoint
R3 I.iii.205
Long dye thy happie dayes, before thy death,Long die thy happy days before thy death, R3 I.iii.206
And after many length'ned howres of griefe,And after many lengthened hours of grief, R3 I.iii.207
Dye neyther Mother, Wife, nor Englands Queene.Die neither mother, wife, nor England's queen! R3 I.iii.208
Riuers and Dorset, you were standers by,Rivers and Dorset, you were standers-by,stander-by (n.)

old form: standers by
bystander, onlooker, spectator
R3 I.iii.209
And so wast thou, Lord Hastings, when my SonneAnd so wast thou, Lord Hastings, when my son R3 I.iii.210
Was stab'd with bloody Daggers: God, I pray him,Was stabbed with bloody daggers. God, I pray Him, R3 I.iii.211
That none of you may liue his naturall age,That none of you may live his natural age, R3 I.iii.212
But by some vnlook'd accident cut off.But by some unlooked accident cut off!unlooked (adj.)

old form: vnlook'd
unexpected, unanticipated, unforeseen
R3 I.iii.213
Haue done thy Charme, yu hateful wither'd Hagge.Have done thy charm, thou hateful withered hag!charm (n.)

old form: Charme
incantation, chant
R3 I.iii.214
And leaue out thee? stay Dog, for yu shalt heare me.And leave out thee? Stay, dog, for thou shalt hear me. R3 I.iii.215
If Heauen haue any grieuous plague in store,If heaven have any grievous plague in store R3 I.iii.216
Exceeding those that I can wish vpon thee,Exceeding those that I can wish upon thee, R3 I.iii.217
O let them keepe it, till thy sinnes be ripe,O let them keep it till thy sins be ripe, R3 I.iii.218
And then hurle downe their indignationAnd then hurl down their indignation R3 I.iii.219
On thee, the troubler of the poore Worlds peace.On thee, the troubler of the poor world's peace! R3 I.iii.220
The Worme of Conscience still begnaw thy Soule,The worm of conscience still begnaw thy soul!still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
R3 I.iii.221
begnaw (v.)
gnaw away, eat away, chew
Thy Friends suspect for Traytors while thou liu'st,Thy friends suspect for traitors while thou liv'st, R3 I.iii.222
And take deepe Traytors for thy dearest Friends:And take deep traitors for thy dearest friends!deep (adj.)

old form: deepe
deeply cunning, profound in craft
R3 I.iii.223
No sleepe close vp that deadly Eye of thine,No sleep close up that deadly eye of thine, R3 I.iii.224
Vnlesse it be while some tormenting DreameUnless it be while some tormenting dream R3 I.iii.225
Affrights thee with a Hell of ougly Deuills.Affrights thee with a hell of ugly devils!affright (v.)
frighten, terrify, scare
R3 I.iii.226
Thou eluish mark'd, abortiue rooting Hogge,Thou elvish-marked, abortive, rooting hog!elvish-marked (adj.)

old form: eluish mark'd
marked out at birth by evil fairies, displaying spite
R3 I.iii.227
abortive (adj.)

old form: abortiue
monstrous, defective, unnatural
Thou that wast seal'd in thy NatiuitieThou that wast sealed in thy nativityseal (v.)

old form: seal'd
mark [as if by a seal], designate
R3 I.iii.228
The slaue of Nature, and the Sonne of Hell:The slave of nature and the son of hell! R3 I.iii.229
Thou slander of thy heauie Mothers Wombe,Thou slander of thy heavy mother's womb!slander (n.)
dishonour, disgrace, disrepute
R3 I.iii.230
heavy (adj.)

old form: heauie
sorrowful, sad, gloomy
Thou loathed Issue of thy Fathers Loynes,Thou loathed issue of thy father's loins!issue (n.)
child(ren), offspring, family, descendant
R3 I.iii.231
Thou Ragge of Honor, thou detested---Thou rag of honour! Thou detested –  R3 I.iii.232
Margaret.Margaret. R3 I.iii.233.1
Richard. Richard! R3 I.iii.233.2
Ha.Ha? R3 I.iii.233.3
I call thee not.I call thee not. R3 I.iii.233.4
I cry thee mercie then: for I did thinke,I cry thee mercy then; for I did think R3 I.iii.234
That thou hadst call'd me all these bitter names.That thou hadst called me all these bitter names. R3 I.iii.235
Why so I did, but look'd for no reply.Why, so I did, but looked for no reply. R3 I.iii.236
Oh let me make the Period to my Curse.O, let me make the period to my curse!period (n.)
point of completion, fitting conclusion, consummation
R3 I.iii.237
'Tis done by me, and ends in Margaret.'Tis done by me, and ends in ‘ Margaret.’ R3 I.iii.238
Thus haue you breath'd your Curse against your self.Thus have you breathed your curse against yourself. R3 I.iii.239
Poore painted Queen, vain flourish of my fortune,Poor painted queen, vain flourish of my fortune!painted (adj.)
unreal, artificial, superficial
R3 I.iii.240
flourish (n.)
ornamentation, decoration, adornment
vain (adj.)
worthless, idle, useless, empty
Why strew'st thou Sugar on that Bottel'd Spider,Why strew'st thou sugar on that bottled spiderbottled (adj.)

old form: Bottel'd
bottle-shaped, hunched, swollen
R3 I.iii.241
Whose deadly Web ensnareth thee about?Whose deadly web ensnareth thee about? R3 I.iii.242
Foole, foole, thou whet'st a Knife to kill thy selfe:Fool, fool! Thou whet'st a knife to kill thyself. R3 I.iii.243
The day will come, that thou shalt wish for me,The time will come that thou shalt wish for me R3 I.iii.244
To helpe thee curse this poysonous Bunch-backt Toade.To help thee curse that poisonous bunch-backed toad.bunch-backed (adj.)

old form: Bunch-backt
R3 I.iii.245
False boding Woman, end thy frantick Curse,False-boding woman, end thy frantic curse,false-boding (adj.)

old form: False boding
wrongly prophesying
R3 I.iii.246
Least to thy harme, thou moue our patience.Lest to thy harm thou move our patience. R3 I.iii.247
Foule shame vpon you, you haue all mou'd mine.Foul shame upon you! You have all moved mine. R3 I.iii.248
Were you wel seru'd, you would be taught your duty.Were you well served, you would be taught your duty. R3 I.iii.249
To serue me well, you all should do me duty,To serve me well, you all should do me duty,duty (n.)
reverence, due respect, proper attitude
R3 I.iii.250
Teach me to be your Queene, and you my Subiects:Teach me to be your queen, and you my subjects. R3 I.iii.251
O serue me well, and teach your selues that duty.O, serve me well, and teach yourselves that duty! R3 I.iii.252
Dispute not with her, shee is lunaticke.Dispute not with her; she is lunatic. R3 I.iii.253
Peace Master Marquesse, you are malapert,Peace, master Marquess, you are malapert.malapert (adj.)
impudent, saucy, impertinent
R3 I.iii.254
Your fire-new stampe of Honor is scarce currant.Your fire-new stamp of honour is scarce current.stamp (n.)

old form: stampe
impression, mark, imprint
R3 I.iii.255
current (adj.)

old form: currant
[as of a coin] authentic, genuine, valid
O that your yong Nobility could iudgeO, that your young nobility could judge R3 I.iii.256
What 'twere to lose it, and be miserable.What 'twere to lose it and be miserable! R3 I.iii.257
They that stand high, haue many blasts to shake them,They that stand high have many blasts to shake them, R3 I.iii.258
And if they fall, they dash themselues to peeces.And if they fall, they dash themselves to pieces. R3 I.iii.259
Good counsaile marry, learne it, learne it Marquesse. Good counsel, marry! Learn it, learn it, Marquess. R3 I.iii.260
It touches you my Lord, as much as me.It touches you, my lord, as much as me.touch (v.)
affect, concern, regard, relate to
R3 I.iii.261
I, and much more: but I was borne so high:Yea, and much more; but I was born so high. R3 I.iii.262
Our ayerie buildeth in the Cedars top,Our aery buildeth in the cedar's topaery (n.)

old form: ayerie
brood [of a bird of prey], nestful
R3 I.iii.263
And dallies with the winde, and scornes the Sunne.And dallies with the wind and scorns the sun. R3 I.iii.264
And turnes the Sun to shade: alas, alas,And turns the sun to shade – alas! alas! R3 I.iii.265
Witnesse my Sonne, now in the shade of death,Witness my son, now in the shade of death, R3 I.iii.266
Whose bright out-shining beames, thy cloudy wrathWhose bright outshining beams thy cloudy wrath R3 I.iii.267
Hath in eternall darknesse folded vp.Hath in eternal darkness folded up. R3 I.iii.268
Your ayery buildeth in our ayeries Nest:Your aery buildeth in our aery's nest. R3 I.iii.269
O God that seest it, do not suffer it,O God, that seest it, do not suffer it! R3 I.iii.270
As it is wonne with blood, lost be it so.As it was won with blood, lost be it so! R3 I.iii.271
Peace, peace for shame: If not, for Charity.Peace, peace, for shame, if not for charity. R3 I.iii.272
Vrge neither charity, nor shame to me:Urge neither charity nor shame to me. R3 I.iii.273
Vncharitably with me haue you dealt,Uncharitably with me have you dealt, R3 I.iii.274
And shamefully my hopes (by you) are butcher'd.And shamefully my hopes by you are butchered. R3 I.iii.275
My Charity is outrage, Life my shame,My charity is outrage, life my shame,outrage (n.)
passionate expression, emotional outcry
R3 I.iii.276
And in that shame, still liue my sorrowes rage.And in that shame still live my sorrow's rage!still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
R3 I.iii.277
Haue done, haue done.Have done, have done. R3 I.iii.278
O Princely Buckingham, Ile kisse thy hand,O princely Buckingham, I'll kiss thy hand R3 I.iii.279
In signe of League and amity with thee:In sign of league and amity with thee.sign (n.)

old form: signe
token, witness, attestation
R3 I.iii.280
Now faire befall thee, and thy Noble house:Now fair befall thee and thy noble house!fair (n.)

old form: faire
fortune, happiness, favour
R3 I.iii.281
befall (v.), past forms befallen, befell
happen to, come to
Thy Garments are not spotted with our blood:Thy garments are not spotted with our blood, R3 I.iii.282
Nor thou within the compasse of my curse.Nor thou within the compass of my curse.compass (n.)

old form: compasse
range, reach, limit, scope
R3 I.iii.283
Nor no one heere: for Curses neuer passeNor no one here; for curses never pass R3 I.iii.284
The lips of those that breath them in the ayre.The lips of those that breathe them in the air. R3 I.iii.285
I will not thinke but they ascend the sky,I'll not think but they ascend the sky R3 I.iii.286
And there awake Gods gentle sleeping peace.And there awake God's gentle-sleeping peace. R3 I.iii.287
O Buckingham, take heede of yonder dogge:O Buckingham, take heed of yonder dog! R3 I.iii.288
Looke when he fawnes, he bites; and when he bites,Look when he fawns he bites; and when he biteslook when (conj.)

old form: Looke
whenever, as soon as
R3 I.iii.289
His venom tooth will rankle to the death.His venom tooth will rankle to the death.rankle (v.)
cause a festering wound
R3 I.iii.290
venom (adj.)
venomous, poisonous, spiteful
Haue not to do with him, beware of him,Have not to do with him, beware of him. R3 I.iii.291
Sinne, death, and hell haue set their markes on him,Sin, death, and hell have set their marks on him, R3 I.iii.292
And all their Ministers attend on him.And all their ministers attend on him.attend (v.)
serve, follow, wait [on/upon]
R3 I.iii.293
What doth she say, my Lord of Buckingham.What doth she say, my Lord of Buckingham? R3 I.iii.294
Nothing that I respect my gracious Lord.Nothing that I respect, my gracious lord. R3 I.iii.295
What dost thou scorne me / For my gentle counsell?What, dost thou scorn me for my gentle counsel?gentle (adj.)
courteous, friendly, kind
R3 I.iii.296
And sooth the diuell that I warne thee from.And soothe the devil that I warn thee from?soothe (v.)

old form: sooth
humour, encourage, indulge
R3 I.iii.297
O but remember this another day:O, but remember this another day, R3 I.iii.298
When he shall split thy very heart with sorrow:When he shall split thy very heart with sorrow, R3 I.iii.299
And say (poore Margaret) was a Prophetesse:And say poor Margaret was a prophetess! R3 I.iii.300
Liue each of you the subiects to his hate,Live each of you the subjects to his hate, R3 I.iii.301
And he to yours, and all of you to Gods. And he to yours, and all of you to God's! R3 I.iii.302
Exit.Exit R3 I.iii.302
My haire doth stand an end to heare her curses.My hair doth stand an end to hear her curses.end, an / on
upright, vertical
R3 I.iii.303
And so doth mine, I muse why she's at libertie.And so doth mine. I muse why she's at liberty.muse (v.)
wonder, be surprised
R3 I.iii.304
I cannot blame her, by Gods holy mother,I cannot blame her. By God's holy Mother, R3 I.iii.305
She hath had too much wrong, and I repentShe hath had too much wrong, and I repent R3 I.iii.306
My part thereof, that I haue done to her.My part thereof that I have done to her. R3 I.iii.307
I neuer did her any to my knowledge.I never did her any, to my knowledge. R3 I.iii.308
Yet you haue all the vantage of her wrong:Yet you have all the vantage of her wrong.vantage (n.)
advantage, benefit, advancement, profit
R3 I.iii.309
I was too hot, to do somebody good, – I was too hot to do somebody goodhot (adj.)
enthusiastic, ardent, eager, keen
R3 I.iii.310
That is too cold in thinking of it now:That is too cold in thinking of it now. R3 I.iii.311
Marry as for Clarence, he is well repayed:Marry, as for Clarence, he is well repaid; R3 I.iii.312
He is frank'd vp to fatting for his paines,He is franked up to fatting for his pains – frank up (v.)

old form: frank'd vp
shut up in a sty, put in an enclosure
R3 I.iii.313
God pardon them, that are the cause thereof.God pardon them that are the cause thereof! R3 I.iii.314
A vertuous, and a Christian-like conclusionA virtuous and a Christian-like conclusion –  R3 I.iii.315
To pray for them that haue done scath to vs.To pray for them that have done scathe to us.scath, scathe (n.)
harm, hurt, damage
R3 I.iii.316
So do I euer, being well aduis'd. Speakes to himselfe.So do I ever – (aside) being well-advised; R3 I.iii.317
For had I curst now, I had curst my selfe.For had I cursed now, I had cursed myself. R3 I.iii.318
Enter Catesby.Enter Catesby R3 I.iii.319
Madam, his Maiesty doth call for you,Madam, his majesty doth call for you; R3 I.iii.319
And for your Grace, and yours my gracious Lord.And for your grace; and yours, my gracious lord. R3 I.iii.320
Catesby I come, Lords will you go with mee.Catesby, I come. Lords, will you go with me? R3 I.iii.321
We wait vpon your Grace.We wait upon your grace. R3 I.iii.322
Exeunt all but Gloster.Exeunt all but Richard, Duke of Gloucester R3 I.iii.322
I do the wrong, and first begin to brawle.I do the wrong, and first begin to brawl. R3 I.iii.323
The secret Mischeefes that I set abroaeh,The secret mischiefs that I set abroachabroach (adv.)
afoot, astir, in motion
R3 I.iii.324
I lay vnto the greeuous charge of others.I lay unto the grievous charge of others.lay (v.)
attribute, ascribe, impute
R3 I.iii.325
charge (n.)
accusation, censure, blame
Clarence, who I indeede haue cast in darknesse,Clarence, whom I indeed have laid in darkness, R3 I.iii.326
I do beweepe to many simple Gulles,I do beweep to many simple gullsgull (n.)

old form: Gulles
dupe, fool, simpleton
R3 I.iii.327
beweep (v.)

old form: beweepe
weep over, wet with tears
Namely to Derby, Hastings, Buckingham,Namely, to Derby, Hastings, Buckingham –  R3 I.iii.328
And tell them 'tis the Queene, and her Allies,And tell them 'tis the Queen and her allies R3 I.iii.329
That stirre the King against the Duke my Brother.That stir the King against the Duke my brother. R3 I.iii.330
Now they beleeue it, and withall whet meNow they believe it, and withal whet me R3 I.iii.331
To be reueng'd on Riuers, Dorset, Grey.To be revenged on Rivers, Dorset, Grey. R3 I.iii.332
But then I sigh, and with a peece of Scripture,But then I sigh, and, with a piece of Scripture, R3 I.iii.333
Tell them that God bids vs do good for euill:Tell them that God bids us do good for evil; R3 I.iii.334
And thus I cloath my naked VillanieAnd thus I clothe my naked villainy R3 I.iii.335
With odde old ends, stolne forth of holy Writ,With odd old ends stolen forth of Holy Writ,end (n.)
scrap, fragment, tag, ending
R3 I.iii.336
writ (n.)
[archaism] gospel, holy scripture
And seeme a Saint, when most I play the deuill.And seem a saint, when most I play the devil. R3 I.iii.337
Enter two murtherers.Enter two Murderers R3 I.iii.338.1
But soft, heere come my Executioners,But soft! Here come my executioners.soft (int.)
[used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet
R3 I.iii.338
How now my hardy stout resolued Mates,How now, my hardy, stout, resolved mates!mate (n.)
companion, associate, comrade
R3 I.iii.339
stout (adj.)
brave, valiant, resolute
resolved (adj.)

old form: resolued
determined, settled, decided
Are you now going to dispatch this thing?Are you now going to dispatch this thing?dispatch, despatch (v.)
deal with promptly, settle, get [something] done quickly
R3 I.iii.340
We are my Lord, and come to haue the Warrant,We are, my lord, and come to have the warrant,warrant (n.)
licence, sanction, authorization
R3 I.iii.341
That we may be admitted where he is.That we may be admitted where he is. R3 I.iii.342
Well thought vpon, I haue it heare about me:Well thought upon; I have it here about me. R3 I.iii.343
He gives the warrant R3 I.iii.344.1
When you haue done, repayre to Crosby place;When you have done, repair to Crosby (v.)
come, go, make one's way
R3 I.iii.344
But sirs be sodaine in the execution,But, sirs, be sudden in the execution, R3 I.iii.345
Withall obdurate, do not heare him pleade;Withal obdurate, do not hear him plead; R3 I.iii.346
For Clarence is well spoken, and perhappesFor Clarence is well-spoken, and perhaps R3 I.iii.347
May moue your hearts to pitty, if you marke him.May move your hearts to pity if you mark him.mark (v.)

old form: marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
R3 I.iii.348
Tut, tut, my Lord, we will not stand to prate,Tut, tut, my lord! We will not stand to prate;prate (v.)
prattle, chatter, blather
R3 I.iii.349
Talkers are no good dooers, be assur'd:Talkers are no good doers. Be assured: R3 I.iii.350
We go to vse our hands, and not our tongues.We come to use our hands, and not our tongues. R3 I.iii.351
Your eyes drop Mill-stones, when Fooles eyes fall Teares:Your eyes drop millstones when fools' eyes fall tears.fall (v.)
drop, descend, let fall
R3 I.iii.352
I like you Lads, about your businesse straight.I like you, lads; about your business straight,straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
R3 I.iii.353
Go, go, dispatch.Go, go, dispatch.dispatch, despatch (v.)
hurry up, be quick
R3 I.iii.354.1
We will my Noble Lord.We will, my noble lord. R3 I.iii.354.2
Exeunt R3 I.iii.354
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