First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter two Roman Senators, and Tribunes. | Enter two Senators and Tribunes | | Cym III.viii.1.1 | |
1. Sen. | FIRST SENATOR | | | |
This is the tenor of the Emperors Writ; | This is the tenor of the emperor's writ; | tenor, tenour (n.) substance, content, matter, drift | Cym III.viii.1 | |
| | writ (n.) written authority, formal order, warrant | | |
That since the common men are now in Action | That since the common men are now in action | | Cym III.viii.2 | |
'Gainst the Pannonians, and Dalmatians, | 'Gainst the Pannonians and Dalmatians, | Dalmatians (n.) people from ancient Dalmatia, bordering the Adriatic Sea, modern SW Croatia | Cym III.viii.3 | |
| | Pannonians (n.) people from ancient Pannonia (in and around modern Hungary) | | |
And that the Legions now in Gallia, are | And that the legions now in Gallia are | Gallia (n.) old name for France [Gaul] | Cym III.viii.4 | |
Full weake to vndertake our Warres against | Full weak to undertake our wars against | full (adv.) very, exceedingly, extremely | Cym III.viii.5 | |
The falne-off Britaines, that we do incite | The fall'n-off Britons, that we do incite | incite (v.) urge, prompt, summon | Cym III.viii.6 | |
| | fallen-off (adj.) mutinous, rebellious, insubordinate | | |
The Gentry to this businesse. He creates | The gentry to this business. He creates | | Cym III.viii.7 | |
Lucius Pro-Consull: and to you the Tribunes | Lucius proconsul: and to you the tribunes, | | Cym III.viii.8 | |
For this immediate Leuy, he commands | For this immediate levy, he commands | levy (n.) recruitment of soldiers, conscription of men | Cym III.viii.9 | |
| | command (v.) entrust, authorize, delegate | | |
His absolute Commission. Long liue Casar. | His absolute commission. Long live Caesar! | commission (n.) warrant, authority [to act] | Cym III.viii.10 | |
| | absolute (adj.) perfect, complete, incomparable | | |
Tri. | FIRST TRIBUNE | | | |
Is Lucius Generall of the Forces? | Is Lucius general of the forces? | | Cym III.viii.11.1 | |
2. Sen. | SECOND SENATOR | | | |
I. | Ay. | | Cym III.viii.11.2 | |
Tri. | FIRST TRIBUNE | | | |
Remaining now in Gallia? | Remaining now in Gallia? | | Cym III.viii.12.1 | |
1. Sen. | FIRST SENATOR | | | |
With those Legions | With those legions | | Cym III.viii.12.2 | |
Which I haue spoke of, whereunto your leuie | Which I have spoke of, whereunto your levy | | Cym III.viii.13 | |
Must be suppliant: the words of your Commission | Must be supplyant: the words of your commission | supplyant, suppliant (adj.) ready to supply, making up the deficiency | Cym III.viii.14 | |
Will tye you to the numbers, and the time | Will tie you to the numbers and the time | tie to (v.) stipulate, specify, confirm | Cym III.viii.15 | |
Of their dispatch. | Of their dispatch. | dispatch, despatch (n.) sending off, going, departure | Cym III.viii.16.1 | |
Tri. | FIRST TRIBUNE | | | |
We will discharge our duty. | We will discharge our duty. | | Cym III.viii.16.2 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | Cym III.viii.16 | |