First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
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Enter Leonato and his brother. | Enter Leonato and his brother Antonio | | MA V.i.1 | |
Brother. | ANTONIO | | | |
If you goe on thus, you will kill your selfe, | If you go on thus, you will kill yourself; | | MA V.i.1 | |
And 'tis not wisedome thus to second griefe, | And 'tis not wisdom thus to second grief | second (v.) support, assist, reinforce | MA V.i.2 | |
Against your selfe. | Against yourself. | | MA V.i.3.1 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
I pray thee cease thy counsaile, | I pray thee, cease thy counsel, | | MA V.i.3.2 | |
Which falls into mine eares as profitlesse, | Which falls into mine ears as profitless | | MA V.i.4 | |
As water in a siue: giue not me counsaile, | As water in a sieve. Give not me counsel, | | MA V.i.5 | |
Nor let no comfort delight mine eare, | Nor let no comforter delight mine ear | | MA V.i.6 | |
But such a one whose wrongs doth sute with mine. | But such a one whose wrongs do suit with mine. | suit (v.) match, compare, equate | MA V.i.7 | |
Bring me a father that so lou'd his childe, | Bring me a father that so loved his child, | | MA V.i.8 | |
Whose ioy of her is ouer-whelmed like mine, | Whose joy of her is overwhelmed like mine, | | MA V.i.9 | |
And bid him speake of patience, | And bid him speak of patience; | | MA V.i.10 | |
Measure his woe the length and bredth of mine, | Measure his woe the length and breadth of mine, | | MA V.i.11 | |
And let it answere euery straine for straine, | And let it answer every strain for strain, | strain (n.) [unclear meaning] strand; extreme degree; pang, stress | MA V.i.12 | |
| | answer (v.) live up to, correspond to, be equal to | | |
As thus for thus, and such a griefe for such, | As thus for thus, and such a grief for such, | | MA V.i.13 | |
In euery lineament, branch, shape, and forme: | In every lineament, branch, shape, and form; | lineament (n.) line, feature, characteristic, attribute | MA V.i.14 | |
If such a one will smile and stroke his beard, | If such a one will smile and stroke his beard, | | MA V.i.15 | |
And sorrow, wagge, crie hem, when he should grone, | And, sorrow wag, cry ‘ hem!’ when he should groan, | wag (n.) fellow, lad, mischievous boy | MA V.i.16 | |
| | hem (int.) make a noise like ‘hmm’ | | |
| | wag (v.) talk foolishly, utter silly remarks | | |
Patch griefe with prouerbs, make misfortune drunke, | Patch grief with proverbs, make misfortune drunk | patch (v.) patch over, cover up | MA V.i.17 | |
With candle-wasters: bring him yet to me, | With candle-wasters – bring him yet to me, | candle-waster (n.) burner of midnight oil, someone who wastes candles by reading late at night | MA V.i.18 | |
And I of him will gather patience: | And I of him will gather patience. | | MA V.i.19 | |
But there is no such man, for brother, men | But there is no such man; for, brother, men | | MA V.i.20 | |
Can counsaile, and speake comfort to that griefe, | Can counsel and speak comfort to that grief | | MA V.i.21 | |
Which they themselues not feele, but tasting it, | Which they themselves not feel; but, tasting it, | | MA V.i.22 | |
Their counsaile turnes to passion, which before, | Their counsel turns to passion, which before | passion (n.) passionate outburst, emotional passage | MA V.i.23 | |
Would giue preceptiall medicine to rage, | Would give preceptial medicine to rage, | preceptial (adj.) consisting of precepts, full of wise instructions | MA V.i.24 | |
Fetter strong madnesse in a silken thred, | Fetter strong madness in a silken thread, | fetter (v.) restrain, overcome, suppress | MA V.i.25 | |
Charme ache with ayre, and agony with words, | Charm ache with air and agony with words. | | MA V.i.26 | |
No, no, 'tis all mens office, to speake patience | No, no; 'tis all men's office to speak patience | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | MA V.i.27 | |
To those that wring vnder the load of sorrow: | To those that wring under the load of sorrow, | wring (v.) writhe, struggle, twist [as if in pain] | MA V.i.28 | |
But no mans vertue nor sufficiencie | But no man's virtue nor sufficiency | sufficiency (n.) competence, ability, capability | MA V.i.29 | |
To be so morall, when he shall endure | To be so moral when he shall endure | | MA V.i.30 | |
The like himselfe: therefore giue me no counsaile, | The like himself. Therefore give me no counsel; | like, the the same | MA V.i.31 | |
My griefs cry lowder then aduertisement. | My griefs cry louder than advertisement. | advertisement (n.) advice, warning, instruction | MA V.i.32 | |
Broth. | ANTONIO | | | |
Therein do men from children nothing differ. | Therein do men from children nothing differ. | | MA V.i.33 | |
Leonato. | LEONATO | | | |
I pray thee peace, I will be flesh and bloud, | I pray thee, peace. I will be flesh and blood; | | MA V.i.34 | |
For there was neuer yet Philosopher, | For there was never yet philosopher | | MA V.i.35 | |
That could endure the tooth-ake patiently, | That could endure the toothache patiently, | | MA V.i.36 | |
How euer they haue writ the stile of gods, | However they have writ the style of gods, | | MA V.i.37 | |
And made a push at chance and sufferance. | And made a push at chance and sufferance. | chance (n.) misfortune, mischance, mishap | MA V.i.38 | |
| | push (n.) attack, assault, thrust | | |
| | sufferance (n.) distress, suffering, hardship | | |
Brother. | ANTONIO | | | |
Yet bend not all the harme vpon your selfe, | Yet bend not all the harm upon yourself; | | MA V.i.39 | |
Make those that doe offend you, suffer too. | Make those that do offend you suffer too. | | MA V.i.40 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
There thou speak'st reason, nay I will doe so, | There thou speak'st reason; nay, I will do so. | reason (n.) reasonable view, sensible judgement, right opinion | MA V.i.41 | |
My soule doth tell me, Hero is belied, | My soul doth tell me Hero is belied, | | MA V.i.42 | |
And that shall Claudio know, so shall the Prince, | And that shall Claudio know; so shall the Prince, | | MA V.i.43 | |
And all of them that thus dishonour her. | And all of them that thus dishonour her. | | MA V.i.44 | |
Enter Prince and Claudio. | ANTONIO | | | |
Brot. Here comes the Prince and Claudio hastily. | Here comes the Prince and Claudio hastily. | | MA V.i.45 | |
| Enter Don Pedro and Claudio | | MA V.i.45 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Good den, good den. | Good-e'en, good-e'en. | | MA V.i.46.1 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Good day to both of you. | Good day to both of you. | | MA V.i.46.2 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
Heare you my Lords? | Hear you, my lords! | | MA V.i.47.1 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
We haue some haste Leonato. | We have some haste, Leonato. | | MA V.i.47.2 | |
Leo. | LEONATO | | | |
Some haste my Lord! wel, fare you wel my Lord, | Some haste, my lord! Well, fare you well, my lord; | fare ... well (int.) goodbye [to an individual] | MA V.i.48 | |
Are you so hasty now? well, all is one. | Are you so hasty now? Well, all is one. | all is one; that's / it's all one it makes no difference, it's one and the same, it doesn't matter | MA V.i.49 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Nay, do not quarrell with vs, good old man. | Nay, do not quarrel with us, good old man. | | MA V.i.50 | |
Brot. | ANTONIO | | | |
If he could rite himselfe with quarrelling, | If he could right himself with quarrelling, | | MA V.i.51 | |
Some of vs would lie low. | Some of us would lie low. | lie low be killed, find oneself dead | MA V.i.52.1 | |
Claud. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Who wrongs him? | Who wrongs him? | | MA V.i.52.2 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
Marry yu dost wrong me, thou dissembler, thou: | Marry, thou dost wrong me, thou dissembler, thou! | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | MA V.i.53 | |
| | dissembler (n.) hypocrite, deceiver, charlatan | | |
Nay, neuer lay thy hand vpon thy sword, | – Nay, never lay thy hand upon thy sword; | | MA V.i.54 | |
I feare thee not. | I fear thee not. | | MA V.i.55.1 | |
Claud. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Marry beshrew my hand, | Marry, beshrew my hand, | beshrew, 'shrew (v.) curse, devil take, evil befall | MA V.i.55.2 | |
If it should giue your age such cause of feare, | If it should give your age such cause of fear: | | MA V.i.56 | |
Infaith my hand meant nothing to my sword. | In faith, my hand meant nothing to my sword. | | MA V.i.57 | |
Leonato. | LEONATO | | | |
Tush, tush, man, neuer fleere and iest at me, | Tush, tush, man, never fleer and jest at me; | fleer (v.) jeer, grin scornfully, laugh mockingly | MA V.i.58 | |
I speake not like a dotard, nor a foole, | I speak not like a dotard nor a fool, | dotard (n.) old fool, senile idiot | MA V.i.59 | |
As vnder priuiledge of age to bragge, | As under privilege of age to brag | | MA V.i.60 | |
What I haue done being yong, or what would doe, | What I have done being young, or what would do | | MA V.i.61 | |
Were I not old, know Claudio to thy head, | Were I not old. Know, Claudio, to thy head, | head, to one's to one's face, frankly, openly | MA V.i.62 | |
Thou hast so wrong'd my innocent childe and me, | Thou hast so wronged mine innocent child and me | | MA V.i.63 | |
That I am forc'd to lay my reuerence by, | That I am forced to lay my reverence by, | reverence (n.) respected state, venerable condition | MA V.i.64 | |
And with grey haires and bruise of many daies, | And with grey hairs and bruise of many days, | | MA V.i.65 | |
Doe challenge thee to triall of a man, | Do challenge thee to trial of a man. | | MA V.i.66 | |
I say thou hast belied mine innocent childe. | I say thou hast belied mine innocent child. | belie (v.) slander, tell lies about | MA V.i.67 | |
Thy slander hath gone through and through her heart, | Thy slander hath gone through and through her heart, | | MA V.i.68 | |
And she lies buried with her ancestors: | And she lies buried with her ancestors – | | MA V.i.69 | |
O in a tombe where neuer scandall slept, | O, in a tomb where never scandal slept, | | MA V.i.70 | |
Saue this of hers, fram'd by thy villanie. | Save this of hers, framed by thy villainy! | | MA V.i.71 | |
Claud. | CLAUDIO | | | |
My villany? | My villainy? | | MA V.i.72.1 | |
Leonato. | LEONATO | | | |
Thine Claudio, thine I say. | Thine, Claudio; thine, I say. | | MA V.i.72.2 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
You say not right old man. | You say not right, old man. | | MA V.i.73.1 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
My Lord, my Lord, | My lord, my lord, | | MA V.i.73.2 | |
Ile proue it on his body if he dare, | I'll prove it on his body if he dare, | | MA V.i.74 | |
Despight his nice fence, and his actiue practise, | Despite his nice fence and his active practice, | nice (adj.) adept, skilful, dexterous | MA V.i.75 | |
| | fence (n.) fencing ability, skill at swordplay | | |
His Maie of youth, and bloome of lustihood. | His May of youth and bloom of lustihood. | lustihood (n.) lustiness, youthful vigour, robustness | MA V.i.76 | |
Claud. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Away, I will not haue to do with you. | Away! I will not have to do with you. | | MA V.i.77 | |
Leo. | LEONATO | | | |
Canst thou so daffe me? thou hast kild my child, | Canst thou so daff me? Thou hast killed my child; | daff (v.), past form daft put off, deflect, sidetrack | MA V.i.78 | |
If thou kilst me, boy, thou shalt kill a man. | If thou kill'st me, boy, thou shalt kill a man. | | MA V.i.79 | |
Bro. | ANTONIO | | | |
He shall kill two of vs, and men indeed, | He shall kill two of us, and men indeed; | | MA V.i.80 | |
But that's no matter, let him kill one first: | But that's no matter, let him kill one first. | | MA V.i.81 | |
Win me and weare me, let him answere me, | Win me and wear me; let him answer me. | win (v.) gain advantage [over], get the better [of] | MA V.i.82 | |
| | wear (v.) possess, enjoy, have | | |
Come follow me boy, come sir boy, come follow me | Come, follow me, boy; come, sir boy, come, follow me; | | MA V.i.83 | |
Sir boy, ile whip you from your foyning fence, | Sir boy, I'll whip you from your foining fence; | fence (n.) defence, barrier, protection | MA V.i.84 | |
| | foining (n./adj.) [fencing] thrusting, lunging | | |
Nay, as I am a gentleman, I will. | Nay, as I am a gentleman, I will. | | MA V.i.85 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
Brother. | Brother – | | MA V.i.86 | |
Brot. | ANTONIO | | | |
Content your self, God knows I lou'd my neece, | Content yourself. God knows I loved my niece; | content (v.) calm [down], settle, relax | MA V.i.87 | |
And she is dead, slander'd to death by villaines, | And she is dead, slandered to death by villains, | | MA V.i.88 | |
That dare as well answer a man indeede, | That dare as well answer a man indeed | | MA V.i.89 | |
As I d are take a serpent by the tongue. | As I dare take a serpent by the tongue. | | MA V.i.90 | |
Boyes, apes, braggarts, Iackes, milke-sops. | Boys, apes, braggarts, Jacks, milksops! | Jack (n.) jack-in-office, ill-mannered fellow, lout, knave | MA V.i.91.1 | |
| | ape (n.) fool, idiot, jackass | | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
Brother Anthony. | Brother Antony – | | MA V.i.91.2 | |
Brot. | ANTONIO | | | |
Hold you content, what man? I know them, yea | Hold you content. What, man! I know them, yea, | content (adj.) contented, patient, accepting, undisturbed | MA V.i.92 | |
And what they weigh, euen to the vtmost scruple, | And what they weigh, even to the utmost scruple – | scruple (n.) tiny amount, last ounce | MA V.i.93 | |
Scambling, out-facing, fashion-monging boyes, | Scambling, outfacing, fashion-monging boys, | scambling (adj.) contentious, rough, quarrelsome, turbulent | MA V.i.94 | |
| | fashion-monging (adj.) fashion-following, dealing in fashions, dandified | | |
That lye, and cog, and flout, depraue, and slander, | That lie and cog and flout, deprave and slander, | flout (v.) insult, abuse, mock | MA V.i.95 | |
| | deprave (v.) defame, disparage, deride | | |
| | cog (v.) cheat, swindle, hoodwink, wheedle | | |
Goe antiquely, and show outward hidiousnesse, | Go anticly, show outward hideousness, | anticly, antiquely (adv.) grotesquely, like a buffoon, in an antic manner | MA V.i.96 | |
And speake of halfe a dozen dang'rous words, | And speak off half a dozen dangerous words, | dangerous (adj.) threatening, severe, menacing | MA V.i.97 | |
How they might hurt their enemies, if they durst. | How they might hurt their enemies, if they durst; | | MA V.i.98 | |
And this is all. | And this is all. | | MA V.i.99 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
But brother Anthonie. | But, brother Antony – | | MA V.i.100.1 | |
Ant. | ANTONIO | | | |
Come, 'tis no matter, | Come, 'tis no matter; | | MA V.i.100.2 | |
Do not you meddle, let me deale in this. | Do not you meddle, let me deal in this. | deal (v.) proceed, behave, conduct oneself | MA V.i.101 | |
Pri. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Gentlemen both, we will not wake your patience | Gentlemen both, we will not wake your patience. | wake (v.) urge, arouse; or: trouble, disturb | MA V.i.102 | |
My heart is sorry for your daughters death: | My heart is sorry for your daughter's death, | | MA V.i.103 | |
But on my honour she was charg'd with nothing | But, on my honour, she was charged with nothing | | MA V.i.104 | |
But what was true, and very full of proofe. | But what was true and very full of proof. | | MA V.i.105 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
My Lord, my Lord. | My lord, my lord – | | MA V.i.106.1 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
I will not heare you. | I will not hear you. | | MA V.i.106.2 | |
Leo. | LEONATO | | | |
No | No? | | MA V.i.106.3 | |
come brother, away, I will be heard. Exeunt ambo. | Come brother, away. I will be heard. | | MA V.i.107 | |
Bro. | ANTONIO | | | |
And shall, or some of vs will smart for it. | And shall, or some of us will smart for it. | | MA V.i.108 | |
| Exeunt Leonato and Antonio | | MA V.i.108 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
See, see, here comes the man we went to seeke. | See, see; here comes the man we went to seek. | | MA V.i.109 | |
Enter Benedicke. | Enter Benedick | | MA V.i.109 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Now signior, what newes? | Now, signor, what news? | | MA V.i.110 | |
Ben. | BENEDICK | | | |
Good day my Lord. | Good day, my lord. | | MA V.i.111 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Welcome signior, you are almost come to | Welcome, signor; you are almost come to | | MA V.i.112 | |
part almost a fray. | part almost a fray. | | MA V.i.113 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Wee had likt to haue had our two noses snapt | We had like to have had our two noses snapped | | MA V.i.114 | |
off with two old men without teeth. | off with two old men without teeth. | | MA V.i.115 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Leonato and his brother, what think'st thou? | Leonato and his brother. What think'st thou? | | MA V.i.116 | |
had wee fought, I doubt we should haue beene too yong | Had we fought, I doubt we should have been too young | doubt (v.) fear, be afraid [for], feel anxious [for] | MA V.i.117 | |
for them. | for them. | | MA V.i.118 | |
Ben. | BENEDICK | | | |
In a false quarrell there is no true valour, I | In a false quarrel there is no true valour. I | false (adj.) sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial | MA V.i.119 | |
came to seeke you both. | came to seek you both. | | MA V.i.120 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
We haue beene vp and downe to seeke thee, for we | We have been up and down to seek thee, for we | | MA V.i.121 | |
are high proofe melancholly, and would faine haue it | are high-proof melancholy, and would fain have it | high-proof (adj.) tested to the highest level, of proven strength | MA V.i.122 | |
| | fain (adv.) gladly, willingly | | |
beaten away, wilt thou vse thy wit? | beaten away. Wilt thou use thy wit? | wit (n.) mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity | MA V.i.123 | |
Ben. | BENEDICK | | | |
It is in my scabberd, shall I draw it? | It is in my scabbard; shall I draw it? | | MA V.i.124 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Doest thou weare thy wit by thy side? | Dost thou wear thy wit by thy side? | | MA V.i.125 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Neuer any did so, though verie many haue been | Never any did so, though very many have been | | MA V.i.126 | |
beside their wit, I will bid thee drawe, as we do the | beside their wit. I will bid thee draw, as we do the | | MA V.i.127 | |
minstrels, draw to pleasure vs. | minstrels – draw to pleasure us. | | MA V.i.128 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
As I am an honest man he lookes pale, | As I am an honest man, he looks pale. | | MA V.i.129 | |
art thou sicke, or angrie? | Art thou sick, or angry? | | MA V.i.130 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
What, courage man: what though care kil'd | What, courage, man! What though care killed | | MA V.i.131 | |
a cat, thou hast mettle enough in thee to kill care. | a cat, thou hast mettle enough in thee to kill care. | | MA V.i.132 | |
Ben. | BENEDICK | | | |
Sir, I shall meete your wit in the careere, and you | Sir, I shall meet your wit in the career, an you | and, an (conj.) if, even if | MA V.i.133 | |
| | career (n.) [of a horse in a combat] charge, gallop, course | | |
charge it against me, I pray you chuse another subiect. | charge it against me. I pray you choose another subject. | charge (v.) attack, assail, storm | MA V.i.134 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Nay then giue him another staffe, this last was | Nay, then, give him another staff; this last was | staff (n.) (plural ‘staves’) spear, lance | MA V.i.135 | |
broke crosse. | broke cross. | cross (adv.) across, in the middle | MA V.i.136 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
By this light, he changes more and more, I | By this light, he changes more and more; I | change (v.) change countenance, turn pale | MA V.i.137 | |
thinke he be angrie indeede. | think he be angry indeed. | | MA V.i.138 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
If he be, he knowes how to turne his girdle. | If he be, he knows how to turn his girdle. | girdle, turn one's find an outlet for anger, put up with it | MA V.i.139 | |
Ben. | BENEDICK | | | |
Shall I speake a word in your eare? | Shall I speak a word in your ear? | | MA V.i.140 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
God blesse me from a challenge. | God bless me from a challenge! | bless (v.) guard, protect, safeguard | MA V.i.141 | |
Ben. | BENEDICK | | | |
| (aside to Claudio) | | MA V.i.142 | |
You are a villaine, I iest not, | You are a villain; I jest not. | | MA V.i.142 | |
I will make it good how you dare, with what you dare, | I will make it good how you dare, with what you dare, | | MA V.i.143 | |
and when you dare: do me right, or I will protest your | and when you dare. Do me right, or I will protest your | protest (v.) make protestation, avow, affirm, proclaim | MA V.i.144 | |
| | right, do one give one satisfaction | | |
cowardise: you haue kill'd a sweete Ladie, and her death | cowardice. You have killed a sweet lady, and her death | | MA V.i.145 | |
shall fall heauie on you, let me heare from you. | shall fall heavy on you. Let me hear from you. | | MA V.i.146 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Well, I will meete you, so I may haue good cheare. | Well, I will meet you, so I may have good cheer. | | MA V.i.147 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
What, a feast, a feast? | What, a feast, a feast? | | MA V.i.148 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
I faith I thanke him, he hath bid me to a calues | I'faith, I thank him; he hath bid me to a calf's | | MA V.i.149 | |
head and a Capon, the which if I doe not carue most | head and a capon, the which if I do not carve most | capon (n.) chicken, castrated cockerel [bred for eating] | MA V.i.150 | |
curiously, say my knife's naught, shall I not finde a | curiously, say my knife's naught. Shall I not find a | curiously (adv.) skilfully, carefully, proficiently | MA V.i.151 | |
wood-cocke too? | woodcock too? | woodcock (n.) type of game bird, thought to be easily tricked or snared; simpleton | MA V.i.152 | |
Ben. | BENEDICK | | | |
Sir, your wit ambles well, it goes easily. | Sir, your wit ambles well; it goes easily. | | MA V.i.153 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Ile tell thee how Beatrice prais'd thy wit the | I'll tell thee how Beatrice praised thy wit the | | MA V.i.154 | |
other day: I said thou hadst a fine wit: true saies she, | other day. I said, thou hadst a fine wit. ‘ True,’ said she, | | MA V.i.155 | |
a fine little one: no said I, a great wit: right saies | ‘ a fine little one.’ ‘No,’ said I, ‘ a great wit.’ ‘ Right,’ says | | MA V.i.156 | |
shee, a great grosse one: nay said I, a good wit: iust | she, ‘ a great gross one.’ ‘ Nay,’ said I, ‘ a good wit.’ ‘ Just,’ | | MA V.i.157 | |
said she, it hurts no body: nay said I, the gentleman | said she, ‘ it hurts nobody.’ ‘ Nay,’ said I, ‘ the gentleman | | MA V.i.158 | |
is wise: certain said she, a wise gentleman: nay | is wise:’ ‘ Certain,’ said she, ‘ a wise gentleman.’ ‘ Nay,’ | | MA V.i.159 | |
said I, he hath the tongues: that I beleeue said shee, | said I, ‘ he hath the tongues.’ ‘ That I believe,’ said she, | tongue (n.) (plural) foreign language | MA V.i.160 | |
for hee swore a thing to me on munday night, which he | ‘ for he swore a thing to me on Monday night, which he | | MA V.i.161 | |
forswore on tuesday morning: there's a double | forswore on Tuesday morning. There's a double | forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore deny, repudiate, refuse to admit | MA V.i.162 | |
tongue, there's two tongues: thus did shee an howre | tongue: there's two tongues.’ Thus did she, an hour | | MA V.i.163 | |
together trans-shape thy particular vertues, yet at last | together, trans-shape thy particular virtues; yet at last | trans-shape (v.) transform, transmute, alter the shape of | MA V.i.164 | |
she concluded with a sigh, thou wast the proprest man | she concluded with a sigh, thou wast the properest man | proper (adj.) good-looking, handsome, comely | MA V.i.165 | |
in Italie. | in Italy. | | MA V.i.166 | |
Claud. | CLAUDIO | | | |
For the which she wept heartily, and said shee | For the which she wept heartily, and said she | | MA V.i.167 | |
car'd not. | cared not. | | MA V.i.168 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Yea that she did, but yet for all that, and if | Yea, that she did; but yet, for all that, an if | an if (conj.) if | MA V.i.169 | |
shee did not hate him deadlie, shee would loue him dearely, | she did not hate him deadly, she would love him dearly. | deadly (adv.) extremely, implacably, to the death | MA V.i.170 | |
the old mans daughter told vs all. | The old man's daughter told us all. | | MA V.i.171 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
All, all, and moreouer, God saw him when he | All, all; and, moreover, God saw him when he | | MA V.i.172 | |
was hid in the garden. | was hid in the garden. | | MA V.i.173 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
But when shall we set the sauage Bulls | But when shall we set the savage bull's | | MA V.i.174 | |
hornes on the sensible Benedicks head? | horns on the sensible Benedick's head? | | MA V.i.175 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Yea and text vnder-neath, heere dwells Benedicke | Yes, and text underneath, ‘Here dwells Benedick, | text (v.) engrave, write, inscribe | MA V.i.176 | |
the married man. | the married man ’? | | MA V.i.177 | |
Ben. | BENEDICK | | | |
Fare you well, Boy, you know my minde, I will | Fare you well, boy; you know my mind. I will | fare ... well (int.) goodbye [to an individual] | MA V.i.178 | |
leaue you now to your gossep-like humor, you breake | leave you now to your gossip-like humour; you break | gossip-like (adj.) gossiping, tattling, chattering | MA V.i.179 | |
| | humour (n.) mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids] | | |
iests as braggards do their blades, which God be | jests as braggarts do their blades, which, God be | | MA V.i.180 | |
thanked hurt not: my Lord, for your | thanked, hurt not. (To Don Pedro) My lord, for your | | MA V.i.181 | |
| | | MA V.i.181 | |
manie courtesies I thank you, I must discontinue your | many courtesies I thank you; I must discontinue your | | MA V.i.182 | |
companie, your brother the Bastard is fled from | company. Your brother the Bastard is fled from | | MA V.i.183 | |
Messina: you haue among you, kill'd a sweet and innocent | Messina. You have among you killed a sweet and innocent | | MA V.i.184 | |
Ladie: for my Lord Lackebeard there, he and I shall | lady. For my Lord Lackbeard there, he and I shall | | MA V.i.185 | |
meete, and till then peace be with him. | meet; and till then, peace be with him. | | MA V.i.186 | |
| Exit | | MA V.i.186 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
He is in earnest. | He is in earnest. | | MA V.i.187 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
In most profound earnest, and Ile warrant | In most profound earnest; and, I'll warrant | warrant (v.) assure, promise, guarantee, confirm | MA V.i.188 | |
you, for the loue of Beatrice. | you, for the love of Beatrice. | | MA V.i.189 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
And hath challeng'd thee. | And hath challenged thee. | | MA V.i.190 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Most sincerely. | Most sincerely. | | MA V.i.191 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
What a prettie thing man is, when he goes in | What a pretty thing man is when he goes in | | MA V.i.192 | |
his doublet and hose, and leaues off his wit. | his doublet and hose and leaves off his wit! | doublet man's close-fitting jacket with short skirt | MA V.i.193 | |
| | hose (n.) [pair of] breeches | | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
He is then a Giant to an Ape, but then is an Ape | He is then a giant to an ape; but then is an ape | | MA V.i.194 | |
a Doctor to such a man. | a doctor to such a man. | doctor (n.) scholar, model of intelligence | MA V.i.195 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
But soft you, let me be, plucke vp my heart, | But, soft you, let me be; pluck up, my heart, | pluck up (v.) take hold, get in control | MA V.i.196 | |
| | soft (int.) [used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet | | |
and be sad, did he not say my brother was fled? | and be sad. Did he not say, my brother was fled? | sad (adj.) serious, grave, solemn | MA V.i.197 | |
Enter Constable, Conrade, and | Enter Dogberry, Verges, Watch, Conrade and | | MA V.i.197.1 | |
Borachio. | Borachio | | MA V.i.197.2 | |
Const. | DOGBERRY | | | |
Come you sir, if iustice cannot tame you, shee | Come, you, sir; if justice cannot tame you, she | | MA V.i.198 | |
shall nere weigh more reasons in her ballance, nay, and | shall ne'er weigh more reasons in her balance. Nay, an | and, an (conj.) if, whether | MA V.i.199 | |
you be a cursing hypocrite once, you must be lookt to. | you be a cursing hypocrite once, you must be looked to. | once (adv.) once and for all, in a word | MA V.i.200 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
How now, two of my brothers men bound? | How now, two of my brother's men bound? | | MA V.i.201 | |
Borachio one. | Borachio one! | | MA V.i.202 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Harken after their offence my Lord. | Hearken after their offence, my lord. | hearken after (v.) inquire into, find out about | MA V.i.203 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Officers, what offence haue these men done? | Officers, what offence have these men done? | | MA V.i.204 | |
Const. | DOGBERRY | | | |
Marrie sir, they haue committed false report, | Marry, sir, they have committed false report; | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | MA V.i.205 | |
moreouer they haue spoken vntruths, secondarily they | moreover they have spoken untruths; secondarily, they | | MA V.i.206 | |
are slanders, sixt and lastly, they haue belyed a Ladie, | are slanders; sixth and lastly, they have belied a lady; | slander (n.) slanderer, disgraceful rogue | MA V.i.207 | |
| | belie (v.) slander, tell lies about | | |
thirdly, they haue verified vniust things, and to conclude | thirdly, they have verified unjust things; and, to conclude, | verify (v.) confirm, substantiate, prove correct | MA V.i.208 | |
they are lying knaues. | they are lying knaves. | knave (n.) scoundrel, rascal, rogue | MA V.i.209 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
First I aske thee what they haue done, thirdlie | First, I ask thee what they have done; thirdly, | | MA V.i.210 | |
I aske thee what's their offence, sixt and lastlie why | I ask thee what's their offence; sixth and lastly, why | | MA V.i.211 | |
they are committed, and to conclude, what you lay to | they are committed; and, to conclude, what you lay to | | MA V.i.212 | |
their charge. | their charge. | | MA V.i.213 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Rightlie reasoned, and in his owne diuision, and | Rightly reasoned, and in his own division; and, | | MA V.i.214 | |
by my troth there's one meaning well suted. | by my troth, there's one meaning well suited. | suited (adj.) dressed up, set out, adapted | MA V.i.215 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Who haue you offended masters, that you | Who have you offended, masters, that you | | MA V.i.216 | |
are thus bound to your answer? this learned Constable | are thus bound to your answer? This learned Constable | | MA V.i.217 | |
is too cunning to be vnderstood, what's your offence? | is too cunning to be understood; what's your offence? | cunning (adj.) knowledgeable, skilful, clever | MA V.i.218 | |
Bor. | BORACHIO | | | |
Sweete Prince, let me go no farther to mine | Sweet Prince, let me go no farther to mine | | MA V.i.219 | |
answere: do you heare me, and let this Count kill mee: I | answer; do you hear me, and let this Count kill me. I | | MA V.i.220 | |
haue deceiued euen your verie eies: what your wisedomes | have deceived even your very eyes: what your wisdoms | | MA V.i.221 | |
could not discouer, these shallow fooles haue brought to | could not discover, these shallow fools have brought to | discover (v.) expose, uncover, give away | MA V.i.222 | |
light, who in the night ouerheard me confessing to this | light; who in the night overheard me confessing to this | | MA V.i.223 | |
man, how Don Iohn your brother incensed me to slander | man how Don John your brother incensed me to slander | incense (v.) incite, urge, set on | MA V.i.224 | |
the Ladie Hero, how you were brought into the Orchard, | the Lady Hero; how you were brought into the orchard | | MA V.i.225 | |
and saw me court Margaret in Heroes garments, how | and saw me court Margaret in Hero's garments; how | | MA V.i.226 | |
you disgrac'd her when you should marrie her: my villanie | you disgraced her, when you should marry her. My villainy | | MA V.i.227 | |
they haue vpon record, which I had rather seale | they have upon record, which I had rather seal | | MA V.i.228 | |
with my death, then repeate ouer to my shame: the Ladie | with my death than repeat over to my shame. The lady | | MA V.i.229 | |
is dead vpon mine and my masters false accusation: and | is dead upon mine and my master's false accusation; and, | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | MA V.i.230 | |
briefelie, I desire nothing but the reward of a villaine. | briefly, I desire nothing but the reward of a villain. | | MA V.i.231 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
Runs not this speech like yron through your bloud? | Runs not this speech like iron through your blood? | | MA V.i.232 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
I haue drunke poison whiles he vtter'd it. | I have drunk poison whiles he uttered it. | | MA V.i.233 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
But did my Brother set thee on to this? | But did my brother set thee on to this? | set on (v.) encourage, urge, incite | MA V.i.234 | |
Bor. | BORACHIO | | | |
Yea, and paid me richly for the practise of it. | Yea, and paid me richly for the practice of it. | practice (n.) carrying out, performance, execution [of a plot] | MA V.i.235 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
He is compos'd and fram'd of treacherie, | He is composed and framed of treachery, | frame (v.) fashion, make, form, create | MA V.i.236 | |
And fled he is vpon this villanie. | And fled he is upon this villainy. | | MA V.i.237 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
Sweet Hero, now thy image doth appeare | Sweet Hero, now thy image doth appear | | MA V.i.238 | |
In the rare semblance that I lou'd it first. | In the rare semblance that I loved it first. | semblance (n.) likeness, image, depiction | MA V.i.239 | |
| | rare (adj.) marvellous, splendid, excellent | | |
Const. | DOGBERRY | | | |
Come, bring away the plaintiffes, by this time | Come, bring away the plaintiffs; by this time | | MA V.i.240 | |
our Sexton hath reformed Signior Leonato of the matter: | our Sexton hath reformed Signor Leonato of the matter. | reform (v.) malapropism for ‘inform’ | MA V.i.241 | |
and masters, do not forget to specifie when time & | And, masters, do not forget to specify, when time and | | MA V.i.242 | |
place shall serue, that I am an Asse. | place shall serve, that I am an ass. | | MA V.i.243 | |
Con. 2. | VERGES | | | |
Here, here comes master Signior Leonato, and | Here, here comes master Signor Leonato, and | | MA V.i.244 | |
the Sexton too. | the Sexton too. | | MA V.i.245 | |
Enter Leonato. | Enter Leonato and Antonio, with the Sexton | | MA V.i.245 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
Which is the villaine? let me see his eies, | Which is the villain? Let me see his eyes, | | MA V.i.246 | |
That when I note another man like him, | That, when I note another man like him, | | MA V.i.247 | |
I may auoide him: which of these is he? | I may avoid him. Which of these is he? | | MA V.i.248 | |
Bor. | BORACHIO | | | |
If you would know your wronger, looke on me. | If you would know your wronger, look on me. | | MA V.i.249 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
Art thou thou the slaue that with thy breath hast kild | Art thou the slave that with thy breath hast killed | breath (n.) utterance, speech, voice | MA V.i.250 | |
mine innocent childe? | Mine innocent child? | | MA V.i.251.1 | |
Bor. | BORACHIO | | | |
Yea, euen I alone. | Yea, even I alone. | | MA V.i.251.2 | |
Leo. | LEONATO | | | |
No, not so villaine, thou beliest thy selfe, | No, not so, villain, thou beliest thyself – | | MA V.i.252 | |
Here stand a paire of honourable men, | Here stand a pair of honourable men, | | MA V.i.253 | |
A third is fled that had a hand in it: | A third is fled, that had a hand in it. | | MA V.i.254 | |
I thanke you Princes for my daughters death, | I thank you, Princes, for my daughter's death; | | MA V.i.255 | |
Record it with your high and worthie deedes, | Record it with your high and worthy deeds. | | MA V.i.256 | |
'Twas brauely done, if you bethinke you of it. | 'Twas bravely done, if you bethink you of it. | bethink (v.), past form bethought remember, recollect | MA V.i.257 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
I know not how to pray your patience, | I know not how to pray your patience, | | MA V.i.258 | |
Yet I must speake, choose your reuenge your selfe, | Yet I must speak. Choose your revenge yourself; | | MA V.i.259 | |
Impose me to what penance your inuention | Impose me to what penance your invention | invention (n.) inventiveness, imagination, creative faculty | MA V.i.260 | |
| | impose (v.) subject, put | | |
Can lay vpon my sinne, yet sinn'd I not, | Can lay upon my sin; yet sinned I not | | MA V.i.261 | |
But in mistaking. | But in mistaking. | | MA V.i.262.1 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
By my soule nor I, | By my soul, nor I; | | MA V.i.262.2 | |
And yet to satisfie this good old man, | And yet, to satisfy this good old man, | | MA V.i.263 | |
I would bend vnder anie heauie waight, | I would bend under any heavy weight | | MA V.i.264 | |
That heele enioyne me to. | That he'll enjoin me to. | | MA V.i.265 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
I cannot bid you bid my daughter liue, | I cannot bid you bid my daughter live, | | MA V.i.266 | |
That were impossible, but I praie you both, | That were impossible; but, I pray you both, | | MA V.i.267 | |
Possesse the people in Messina here, | Possess the people in Messina here | possess (v.) notify, inform, acquaint | MA V.i.268 | |
How innocent she died, and if your loue | How innocent she died; and if your love | | MA V.i.269 | |
Can labour aught in sad inuention, | Can labour aught in sad invention, | invention (n.) inventiveness, imagination, creative faculty | MA V.i.270 | |
| | sad (adj.) serious, grave, solemn | | |
| | aught (n.) anything, [with negative word] nothing | | |
Hang her an epitaph vpon her toomb, | Hang her an epitaph upon her tomb | | MA V.i.271 | |
And sing it to her bones, sing it to night: | And sing it to her bones, sing it tonight. | | MA V.i.272 | |
To morrow morning come you to my house, | Tomorrow morning come you to my house; | | MA V.i.273 | |
And since you could not be my sonne in law, | And since you could not be my son-in-law, | | MA V.i.274 | |
Be yet my Nephew: my brother hath a daughter, | Be yet my nephew. My brother hath a daughter, | | MA V.i.275 | |
Almost the copie of my childe that's dead, | Almost the copy of my child that's dead, | | MA V.i.276 | |
And she alone is heire to both of vs, | And she alone is heir to both of us. | | MA V.i.277 | |
Giue her the right you should haue giu'n her cosin, | Give her the right you should have given her cousin, | | MA V.i.278 | |
And so dies my reuenge. | And so dies my revenge. | | MA V.i.279.1 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
O noble sir! | O noble sir, | | MA V.i.279.2 | |
Your ouerkindnesse doth wring teares from me, | Your overkindness doth wring tears from me. | | MA V.i.280 | |
I do embrace your offer, and dispose | I do embrace your offer, and dispose | | MA V.i.281 | |
For henceforth of poore Claudio. | For henceforth of poor Claudio. | | MA V.i.282 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
To morrow then I will expect your comming, | Tomorrow then I will expect your coming; | | MA V.i.283 | |
To night I take my leaue, this naughtie man | Tonight I take my leave. This naughty man | naughty (adj.) wicked, evil, vile | MA V.i.284 | |
Shall face to face be brought to Margaret, | Shall face to face be brought to Margaret, | | MA V.i.285 | |
Who I beleeue was packt in all this wrong, | Who I believe was packed in all this wrong, | packed (adj.) in league, acting as an accomplice | MA V.i.286 | |
Hired to it by your brother. | Hired to it by your brother. | | MA V.i.287.1 | |
Bor. | BORACHIO | | | |
No by my soule she was not, | No, by my soul, she was not, | | MA V.i.287.2 | |
Nor knew not what she did when she spoke to me, | Nor knew not what she did when she spoke to me, | | MA V.i.288 | |
But alwaies hath bin iust and vertuous, | But always hath been just and virtuous | | MA V.i.289 | |
In anie thing that I do know by her. | In anything that I do know by her. | | MA V.i.290 | |
Const. | DOGBERRY | | | |
Moreouer sir, which indeede is not vnder | Moreover, sir, which indeed is not under | | MA V.i.291 | |
white and black, this plaintiffe here, the offendour did call | white and black, this plaintiff here, the offender, did call | white and black, under in black-and-white, written down | MA V.i.292 | |
mee asse, I beseech you let it be remembred in his | me ass; I beseech you, let it be remembered in his | | MA V.i.293 | |
punishment, and also the watch heard them talke of one | punishment. And also, the watch heard them talk of one | | MA V.i.294 | |
Deformed, they say he weares a key in his eare and a lock | Deformed; they say he wears a key in his ear and a lock | | MA V.i.295 | |
hanging by it, and borrowes monie in Gods name, the | hanging by it, and borrows money in God's name, the | | MA V.i.296 | |
which he hath vs'd so long, and neuer paied, that now | which he hath used so long and never paid, that now | | MA V.i.297 | |
men grow hard-harted and will lend nothing for Gods | men grow hard-hearted and will lend nothing for God's | | MA V.i.298 | |
sake: praie you examine him vpon that point. | sake. Pray you, examine him upon that point. | | MA V.i.299 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
I thanke thee for thy care and honest paines. | I thank thee for thy care and honest pains. | | MA V.i.300 | |
Const. | DOGBERRY | | | |
Your worship speakes like a most thankefull and | Your worship speaks like a most thankful and | | MA V.i.301 | |
reuerend youth, and I praise God for you. | reverend youth, and I praise God for you. | | MA V.i.302 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
There's for thy paines. | There's for thy pains. | | MA V.i.303 | |
Const. | DOGBERRY | | | |
God saue the foundation. | God save the foundation! | foundation (n.) charitable institution | MA V.i.304 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
Goe, I discharge thee of thy prisoner, and I | Go, I discharge thee of thy prisoner, and I | | MA V.i.305 | |
thanke thee. | thank thee. | | MA V.i.306 | |
Const. | DOGBERRY | | | |
I leaue an arrant knaue with your worship, | I leave an arrant knave with your worship; | knave (n.) scoundrel, rascal, rogue | MA V.i.307 | |
| | arrant (adj.) downright, absolute, unmitigated | | |
which I beseech your worship to correct your selfe, for the | which I beseech your worship to correct yourself, for the | | MA V.i.308 | |
example of others: God keepe your worship, I wish your | example of others. God keep your worship! I wish your | | MA V.i.309 | |
worship well, God restore you to health, I humblie giue | worship well; God restore you to health! I humbly give | | MA V.i.310 | |
you leaue to depart, and if a merrie meeting may be | you leave to depart; and if a merry meeting may be | | MA V.i.311 | |
wisht, God prohibite it: come neighbour. | wished, God prohibit it! Come, neighbour. | | MA V.i.312 | |
| Exeunt Dogberry and Verges | | MA V.i.312 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
Vntill to morrow morning, Lords, farewell. Exeunt. | Until tomorrow morning, lords, farewell. | | MA V.i.313 | |
Brot. | ANTONIO | | | |
Farewell my Lords, we looke for you to morrow. | Farewell, my lords; we look for you tomorrow. | | MA V.i.314 | |
Prin. | DON PEDRO | | | |
We will not faile. | We will not fail. | | MA V.i.315.1 | |
Clau. | CLAUDIO | | | |
To night ile mourne with Hero. | Tonight I'll mourn with Hero. | | MA V.i.315.2 | |
| Exeunt Don Pedro and Claudio | | MA V.i.315 | |
Leon. | LEONATO | | | |
| (to the Watch) | | MA V.i.316 | |
Bring you these fellowes on, weel talke with Margaret, | Bring you these fellows on. We'll talk with Margaret, | | MA V.i.316 | |
how her acquaintance grew with this lewd fellow. | How her acquaintance grew with this lewd fellow. | lewd (adj.) wicked, vile, evil | MA V.i.317 | |
Exeunt | Exeunt | | MA V.i.317 | |