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All's Well That Ends Well

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Hellen, Widdow, and Diana.Enter Helena, the Widow, and Diana AW IV.iv.1
That you may well perceiue I haue not wrong'd you,That you may well perceive I have not wronged you AW IV.iv.1
One of the greatest in the Christian worldOne of the greatest in the Christian world AW IV.iv.2
Shall be my suretie: for whose throne 'tis needfullShall be my surety; 'fore whose throne 'tis needful,surety (n.)

old form: suretie
person undertaking a legal responsibility in relation to another, guarantor
AW IV.iv.3
Ere I can perfect mine intents, to kneele.Ere I can perfect mine intents, to kneel.intent (n.)
intention, purpose, aim
AW IV.iv.4
Time was, I did him a desired officeTime was, I did him a desired office,office (n.)
task, service, duty, responsibility
AW IV.iv.5
Deere almost as his life, which gratitudeDear almost as his life, which gratitude AW IV.iv.6
Through flintie Tartars bosome would peepe forth,Through flinty Tartar's bosom would peep forthTartar (n.)
someone from Tartary, C Asia; known for pitilessness; also, a stereotype of dark complexion
AW IV.iv.7
And answer thankes. I duly am inform'd,And answer thanks. I duly am informed AW IV.iv.8
His grace is at Marcellae, to which placeHis grace is at Marcellus, to which placeMarcellus (n.)
Marseilles, S France
AW IV.iv.9
We haue conuenient conuoy: you must knowWe have convenient convoy. You must knowconvoy (n.)

old form: conuoy
means of transport, method of conveyance
AW IV.iv.10
I am supposed dead, the Army breaking,I am supposed dead. The army breaking,break (v.)
disband, disperse, demobilize
AW IV.iv.11
My husband hies him home, where heauen ayding,My husband hies him home, where, heaven aiding,hie (v.)
hasten, hurry, speed
AW IV.iv.12
And by the leaue of my good Lord the King,And by the leave of my good lord the King, AW IV.iv.13
Wee'l be before our welcome.We'll be before our welcome. AW IV.iv.14.1
Gentle Madam,Gentle madam,gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
AW IV.iv.14.2
You neuer had a seruant to whose trustYou never had a servant to whose trust AW IV.iv.15
Your busines was more welcome.Your business was more welcome. AW IV.iv.16.1
Nor your MistrisNor you, mistress, AW IV.iv.16.2
Euer a friend, whose thoughts more truly labourEver a friend whose thoughts more truly labour AW IV.iv.17
To recompence your loue: Doubt not but heauenTo recompense your love. Doubt not but heaven AW IV.iv.18
Hath brought me vp to be your daughters dower,Hath brought me up to be your daughter's dower,dower (n.)
dowry, property or wealth given with a wife
AW IV.iv.19
bring up (v.)

old form: vp
raise, breed, rear
As it hath fated her to be my motiueAs it hath fated her to be my motivemotive (n.)

old form: motiue
instrument, agent, moving organ
AW IV.iv.20
And helper to a husband. But O strange men,And helper to a husband. But, O strange men! AW IV.iv.21
That can such sweet vse make of what they hate,That can such sweet use make of what they hate, AW IV.iv.22
When sawcie trusting of the cosin'd thoughtsWhen saucy trusting of the cozened thoughtssaucy (adj.)

old form: sawcie
lecherous, lascivious, lustful
AW IV.iv.23
trusting (n.)
acceptance, belief [in]
cozened (adj.)

old form: cosin'd
deceived, deluded, tricked
Defiles the pitchy night, so lust doth playDefiles the pitchy night; so lust doth playpitchy (adj.)
pitch-dark, black, inky, dark
AW IV.iv.24
With what it loathes, for that which is away,With what it loathes for that which is away. AW IV.iv.25
But more of this heereafter: you Diana,But more of this hereafter. You, Diana, AW IV.iv.26
Vnder my poore instructions yet must sufferUnder my poor instructions yet must suffer AW IV.iv.27
Something in my behalfe.Something in my behalf.something (adv.)
a little, to some extent
AW IV.iv.28.1
Let death and honestieLet death and honestyhonesty (n.)

old form: honestie
virtue, chastity
AW IV.iv.28.2
Go with your impositions, I am yoursGo with your impositions, I am yours,imposition (n.)
order, charge, command
AW IV.iv.29
Vpon your will to suffer.Upon your will to suffer.will (n.)
desire, wish, liking, inclination
AW IV.iv.30.1
Yet I pray you:Yet, I pray you. AW IV.iv.30.2
But with the word the time will bring on summer,But with the word the time will bring on summer, AW IV.iv.31
When Briars shall haue leaues as well as thornes,When briars shall have leaves as well as thorns AW IV.iv.32
And be as sweet as sharpe: we must away,And be as sweet as sharp. We must away; AW IV.iv.33
Our Wagon is prepar'd, and time reuiues vs,Our waggon is prepared, and time revives us.waggon, wagon (n.)
carriage, coach
AW IV.iv.34
revive (v.)

old form: reuiues
refresh, restore, invigorate
All's well that ends well, still the fines the Crowne;All's well that ends well; still the fine's the crown.still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
AW IV.iv.35
fine (n.)
outcome, final result, conclusion
What ere the course, the end is the renowne. Whate'er the course, the end is the renown.renown (n.)

old form: renowne
reputation, good name, honour
AW IV.iv.36
course (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
ExeuntExeunt AW IV.iv.36
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