First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
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A March. Enter Edward, Richard, and their power. | A march. Enter Edward, Richard, and their power | power (n.) armed force, troops, host, army | 3H6 II.i.1.1 | |
Edward. | EDWARD | | | |
I wonder how our Princely Father scap't: | I wonder how our princely father 'scaped, | scape, 'scape (v.) escape, avoid | 3H6 II.i.1 | |
Or whether he be scap't away, or no, | Or whether he be 'scaped away or no | | 3H6 II.i.2 | |
From Cliffords and Northumberlands pursuit? | From Clifford's and Northumberland's pursuit. | | 3H6 II.i.3 | |
Had he been ta'ne, we should haue heard the newes; | Had he been ta'en, we should have heard the news; | | 3H6 II.i.4 | |
Had he beene slaine, we should haue heard the newes: | Had he been slain, we should have heard the news; | | 3H6 II.i.5 | |
Or had he scap't, me thinkes we should haue heard | Or had he 'scaped, methinks we should have heard | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | 3H6 II.i.6 | |
The happy tidings of his good escape. | The happy tidings of his good escape. | | 3H6 II.i.7 | |
How fares my Brother? why is he so sad? | How fares my brother? Why is he so sad? | sad (adj.) serious, grave, solemn | 3H6 II.i.8 | |
| | fare (v.) get on, manage, do, cope | | |
Richard. | RICHARD | | | |
I cannot ioy, vntill I be resolu'd | I cannot joy, until I be resolved | resolve (v.) satisfy, free from doubt | 3H6 II.i.9 | |
| | joy (v.) feel joy, be happy, rejoice | | |
Where our right valiant Father is become. | Where our right valiant father is become. | become (v.) come to (be), to be found, reach | 3H6 II.i.10 | |
I saw him in the Battaile range about, | I saw him in the battle range about, | | 3H6 II.i.11 | |
And watcht him how he singled Clifford forth. | And watched him how he singled Clifford forth. | single forth (v.) [hunting] select from a herd, separate from other people | 3H6 II.i.12 | |
Me thought he bore him in the thickest troupe, | Methought he bore him in the thickest troop | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | 3H6 II.i.13 | |
| | bear (v.), past forms bore, borne behave, look, conduct [oneself] | | |
As doth a Lyon in a Heard of Neat, | As doth a lion in a herd of neat; | neat (n.) ox, cow, cattle | 3H6 II.i.14 | |
Or as a Beare encompass'd round with Dogges: | Or as a bear encompassed round with dogs, | encompass (v.) surround, encircle, enclose | 3H6 II.i.15 | |
Who hauing pincht a few, and made them cry, | Who having pinched a few and made them cry, | pinch (v.) bite, nip | 3H6 II.i.16 | |
The rest stand all aloofe, and barke at him. | The rest stand all aloof and bark at him. | aloof (adv.) a short distance away, to one side | 3H6 II.i.17 | |
So far'd our Father with his Enemies, | So fared our father with his enemies; | fare (v.) get on, manage, do, cope | 3H6 II.i.18 | |
So fled his Enemies my Warlike Father: | So fled his enemies my warlike father. | | 3H6 II.i.19 | |
Me thinkes 'tis prize enough to be his Sonne. | Methinks 'tis prize enough to be his son. | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | 3H6 II.i.20 | |
| | prize (n.) advantage, privilege | | |
See how the Morning opes her golden Gates, | See how the morning opes her golden gates, | ope (v.) open | 3H6 II.i.21 | |
And takes her farwell of the glorious Sunne. | And takes her farewell of the glorious sun! | | 3H6 II.i.22 | |
How well resembles it the prime of Youth, | How well resembles it the prime of youth, | | 3H6 II.i.23 | |
Trimm'd like a Yonker, prauncing to his Loue? | Trimmed like a younker prancing to his love! | trimmed (adj.) finely dressed, decked out | 3H6 II.i.24 | |
| | younker (n.) fashionable young man, fine young gentleman | | |
Ed. | EDWARD | | | |
Dazle mine eyes, or doe I see three Sunnes? | Dazzle mine eyes, or do I see three suns? | dazzle (v.) grow dim, become unable to see properly | 3H6 II.i.25 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
Three glorious Sunnes, each one a perfect Sunne, | Three glorious suns, each one a perfect sun; | | 3H6 II.i.26 | |
Not seperated with the racking Clouds, | Not separated with the racking clouds, | racking (adj.) wind-driven, passing like smoke | 3H6 II.i.27 | |
But seuer'd in a pale cleare-shining Skye. | But severed in a pale clear-shining sky. | | 3H6 II.i.28 | |
See, see, they ioyne, embrace, and seeme to kisse, | See, see! They join, embrace, and seem to kiss, | | 3H6 II.i.29 | |
As if they vow'd some League inuiolable. | As if they vowed some league inviolable; | | 3H6 II.i.30 | |
Now are they but one Lampe, one Light, one Sunne: | Now are they but one lamp, one light, one sun. | | 3H6 II.i.31 | |
In this, the Heauen figures some euent. | In this the heaven figures some event. | figure (v.) foretell, reveal, disclose | 3H6 II.i.32 | |
Edward. | EDWARD | | | |
'Tis wondrous strange, / The like yet neuer heard of. | 'Tis wondrous strange, the like yet never heard of. | | 3H6 II.i.33 | |
I thinke it cites vs (Brother) to the field, | I think it cites us, brother, to the field, | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | 3H6 II.i.34 | |
| | cite (v.) urge, call on, arouse, summon | | |
That wee, the Sonnes of braue Plantagenet, | That we, the sons of brave Plantagenet, | brave (adj.) noble, worthy, excellent | 3H6 II.i.35 | |
Each one alreadie blazing by our meedes, | Each one already blazing by our meeds, | meed (n.) merit, worth, excellence | 3H6 II.i.36 | |
Should notwithstanding ioyne our Lights together, | Should notwithstanding join our lights together | | 3H6 II.i.37 | |
And ouer-shine the Earth, as this the World. | And overshine the earth as this the world. | overshine, over-shine (v.) shine upon, light up, illuminate | 3H6 II.i.38 | |
What ere it bodes, hence-forward will I beare | Whate'er it bodes, henceforward will I bear | bode (v.) forebode, portend, predict, augur | 3H6 II.i.39 | |
Vpon my Targuet three faire shining Sunnes. | Upon my target three fair-shining suns. | target (n.) light round shield | 3H6 II.i.40 | |
Richard. | RICHARD | | | |
Nay, beare three Daughters: / By your leaue, I speake it, | Nay, bear three daughters; by your leave I speak it, | | 3H6 II.i.41 | |
You loue the Breeder better then the Male. | You love the breeder better than the male. | breeder (n.) child-bearer, female | 3H6 II.i.42 | |
Enter one blowing. | Enter a Messenger, blowing a horn | | 3H6 II.i.43.1 | |
But what art thou, whose heauie Lookes fore-tell | But what art thou, whose heavy looks foretell | heavy (adj.) sorrowful, sad, gloomy | 3H6 II.i.43 | |
Some dreadfull story hanging on thy Tongue? | Some dreadful story hanging on thy tongue? | | 3H6 II.i.44 | |
Mess. | MESSENGER | | | |
Ah, one that was a wofull looker on, | Ah, one that was a woeful looker-on | | 3H6 II.i.45 | |
When as the Noble Duke of Yorke was slaine, | When as the noble Duke of York was slain, | | 3H6 II.i.46 | |
Your Princely Father, and my louing Lord. | Your princely father and my loving lord. | | 3H6 II.i.47 | |
Edward. | EDWARD | | | |
Oh speake no more, for I haue heard too much. | O, speak no more, for I have heard too much. | | 3H6 II.i.48 | |
Richard. | RICHARD | | | |
Say how he dy'de, for I will heare it all. | Say how he died, for I will hear it all. | | 3H6 II.i.49 | |
Mess. | MESSENGER | | | |
Enuironed he was with many foes, | Environed he was with many foes, | environ (v.) surround, envelop, encircle, engulf | 3H6 II.i.50 | |
And stood against them, as the hope of Troy | And stood against them, as the hope of Troy | Troy (n.) ancient city of W Turkey, besieged for 10 years during the Trojan Wars; also called Ilium, Ilion | 3H6 II.i.51 | |
Against the Greekes, that would haue entred Troy. | Against the Greeks that would have entered Troy. | | 3H6 II.i.52 | |
But Hercules himselfe must yeeld to oddes: | But Hercules himself must yield to odds; | Hercules (n.) [Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements | 3H6 II.i.53 | |
And many stroakes, though with a little Axe, | And many strokes, though with a little axe, | | 3H6 II.i.54 | |
Hewes downe and fells the hardest-tymber'd Oake. | Hew down and fells the hardest-timbered oak. | | 3H6 II.i.55 | |
By many hands your Father was subdu'd, | By many hands your father was subdued; | | 3H6 II.i.56 | |
But onely slaught'red by the irefull Arme | But only slaughtered by the ireful arm | ireful (adj.) wrathful, angry, furious | 3H6 II.i.57 | |
Of vn-relenting Clifford, and the Queene: | Of unrelenting Clifford and the Queen, | | 3H6 II.i.58 | |
Who crown'd the gracious Duke in high despight, | Who crowned the gracious Duke in high despite, | high (adj.) very great, extreme | 3H6 II.i.59 | |
| | despite (n.) contempt, scorn, disdain | | |
Laugh'd in his face: and when with griefe he wept, | Laughed in his face; and when with grief he wept, | | 3H6 II.i.60 | |
The ruthlesse Queene gaue him, to dry his Cheekes, | The ruthless Queen gave him to dry his cheeks | | 3H6 II.i.61 | |
A Napkin, steeped in the harmelesse blood | A napkin steeped in the harmless blood | napkin (n.) handkerchief | 3H6 II.i.62 | |
| | harmless (adj.) innocent, causing no harm | | |
Of sweet young Rutland, by rough Clifford slaine: | Of sweet young Rutland, by rough Clifford slain; | rough (adj.) violent, harsh, cruel | 3H6 II.i.63 | |
And after many scornes, many foule taunts, | And after many scorns, many foul taunts, | | 3H6 II.i.64 | |
They tooke his Head, and on the Gates of Yorke | They took his head, and on the gates of York | | 3H6 II.i.65 | |
They set the same, and there it doth remaine, | They set the same; and there it doth remain, | | 3H6 II.i.66 | |
The saddest spectacle that ere I view'd. | The saddest spectacle that e'er I viewed. | sad (adj.) downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy | 3H6 II.i.67 | |
Edward. | EDWARD | | | |
Sweet Duke of Yorke, our Prop to leane vpon, | Sweet Duke of York, our prop to lean upon, | | 3H6 II.i.68 | |
Now thou art gone, wee haue no Staffe, no Stay. | Now thou art gone, we have no staff, no stay. | stay (n.) support, prop | 3H6 II.i.69 | |
Oh Clifford, boyst'rous Clifford, thou hast slaine | O Clifford, boisterous Clifford! Thou hast slain | boisterous (adj.) violent, fierce, savage | 3H6 II.i.70 | |
The flowre of Europe, for his Cheualrie, | The flower of Europe for his chivalry; | chivalry (n.) knightly prowess, warlike distinction | 3H6 II.i.71 | |
And trecherously hast thou vanquisht him, | And treacherously hast thou vanquished him, | treacherously (adv.) despicably, contemptibly, in a cowardly manner | 3H6 II.i.72 | |
For hand to hand he would haue vanquisht thee. | For hand to hand he would have vanquished thee. | | 3H6 II.i.73 | |
Now my Soules Pallace is become a Prison: | Now my soul's palace is become a prison; | | 3H6 II.i.74 | |
Ah, would she breake from hence, that this my body | Ah, would she break from hence, that this my body | | 3H6 II.i.75 | |
Might in the ground be closed vp in rest: | Might in the ground be closed up in rest! | | 3H6 II.i.76 | |
For neuer henceforth shall I ioy againe: | For never henceforth shall I joy again; | joy (v.) feel joy, be happy, rejoice | 3H6 II.i.77 | |
Neuer, oh neuer shall I see more ioy. | Never, O never, shall I see more joy! | | 3H6 II.i.78 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
I cannot weepe: for all my bodies moysture | I cannot weep, for all my body's moisture | | 3H6 II.i.79 | |
Scarse serues to quench my Furnace-burning hart: | Scarce serves to quench my furnace-burning heart; | | 3H6 II.i.80 | |
Nor can my tongue vnloade my hearts great burthen, | Nor can my tongue unload my heart's great burden; | | 3H6 II.i.81 | |
For selfe-same winde that I should speake withall, | For selfsame wind that I should speak withal | wind (n.) breath | 3H6 II.i.82 | |
Is kindling coales that fires all my brest, | Is kindling coals that fires all my breast, | | 3H6 II.i.83 | |
And burnes me vp with flames, that tears would quench. | And burns me up with flames that tears would quench. | | 3H6 II.i.84 | |
To weepe, is to make lesse the depth of greefe: | To weep is to make less the depth of grief; | | 3H6 II.i.85 | |
Teares then for Babes; Blowes, and Reuenge for mee. | Tears then for babes, blows and revenge for me! | | 3H6 II.i.86 | |
Richard, I beare thy name, Ile venge thy death, | Richard, I bear thy name; I'll venge thy death, | venge (v.) avenge, revenge | 3H6 II.i.87 | |
Or dye renowned by attempting it. | Or die renowned by attempting it. | | 3H6 II.i.88 | |
Ed. | EDWARD | | | |
His name that valiant Duke hath left with thee: | His name that valiant Duke hath left with thee; | | 3H6 II.i.89 | |
His Dukedome, and his Chaire with me is left. | His dukedom and his chair with me is left. | chair (n.) ducal seat | 3H6 II.i.90 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
Nay, if thou be that Princely Eagles Bird, | Nay, if thou be that princely eagle's bird, | bird (n.) young bird, fledgeling, nestling | 3H6 II.i.91 | |
Shew thy descent by gazing 'gainst the Sunne: | Show thy descent by gazing 'gainst the sun: | | 3H6 II.i.92 | |
For Chaire and Dukedome, Throne and Kingdome say, | For ‘ chair and dukedom,’ ‘ throne and kingdom ’ say; | | 3H6 II.i.93 | |
Either that is thine, or else thou wer't not his. | Either that is thine, or else thou wert not his. | | 3H6 II.i.94 | |
March. Enter Warwicke, Marquesse Mountacute, | March. Enter Warwick, the Marquess of Montague, | | 3H6 II.i.95.1 | |
and their Army. | and their army | | 3H6 II.i.95.2 | |
Warwick. | WARWICK | | | |
How now faire Lords? What faire? What newes abroad? | How now, fair lords! What fare? What news abroad? | fare (n.) happening, state of things, cheer | 3H6 II.i.95 | |
| | abroad (adv.) in the outside world, freely at large, elsewhere, everywhere | | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
Great Lord of Warwicke, if we should tecompt | Great Lord of Warwick, if we should recompt | recompt (v.) recount, narrate, report | 3H6 II.i.96 | |
Our balefull newes, and at each words deliuerance | Our baleful news, and at each word's deliverance | deliverance (n.) delivery, utterance, reporting | 3H6 II.i.97 | |
| | baleful (adj.) deadly, mortal, malignant | | |
Stab Poniards in our flesh, till all were told, | Stab poniards in our flesh till all were told, | poniard (n.) dagger | 3H6 II.i.98 | |
The words would adde more anguish then the wounds. | The words would add more anguish than the wounds. | | 3H6 II.i.99 | |
O valiant Lord, the Duke of Yorke is slaine. | O valiant lord, the Duke of York is slain! | | 3H6 II.i.100 | |
Edw. | EDWARD | | | |
O Warwicke, Warwicke, that Plantagenet | O Warwick, Warwick! That Plantagenet, | | 3H6 II.i.101 | |
Which held thee deerely, as his Soules Redemption, | Which held thee dearly as his soul's redemption, | hold (v.) consider, regard, esteem, value [as] | 3H6 II.i.102 | |
Is by the sterne Lord Clifford done to death. | Is by the stern Lord Clifford done to death. | stern (adj.) cruel, malevolent, harsh | 3H6 II.i.103 | |
War. | WARWICK | | | |
Ten dayes ago, I drown'd these newes in teares. | Ten days ago I drowned these news in tears; | | 3H6 II.i.104 | |
And now to adde more measure to your woes, | And now, to add more measure to your woes, | measure (n.) extent, size, amount, quantity, mass | 3H6 II.i.105 | |
I come to tell you things sith then befalne. | I come to tell you things sith then befallen. | sith (prep.) since | 3H6 II.i.106 | |
| | befall (v.), past forms befallen, befell happen, occur, take place, turn out | | |
After the bloody Fray at Wakefield fought, | After the bloody fray at Wakefield fought, | | 3H6 II.i.107 | |
Where your braue Father breath'd his latest gaspe, | Where your brave father breathed his latest gasp, | latest (adj.) last, final | 3H6 II.i.108 | |
| | brave (adj.) noble, worthy, excellent | | |
Tydings, as swiftly as the Postes could runne, | Tidings, as swiftly as the posts could run, | post (n.) express messenger, courier | 3H6 II.i.109 | |
Were brought me of your Losse, and his Depart. | Were brought me of your loss and his depart. | depart (n.) death, passing away | 3H6 II.i.110 | |
I then in London, keeper of the King, | I, then in London, keeper of the King, | keeper (n.) gaoler, warden, custodian | 3H6 II.i.111 | |
Muster'd my Soldiers, gathered flockes of Friends, | Mustered my soldiers, gathered flocks of friends, | | 3H6 II.i.112 | |
Marcht toward S. Albons, to intercept the Queene, | Marched toward Saint Albans to intercept the Queen, | | 3H6 II.i.113 | |
Bearing the King in my behalfe along: | Bearing the King in my behalf along; | behalf (n.), especially: in behalf (of) advantage, interest, benefit | 3H6 II.i.114 | |
For by my Scouts, I was aduertised | For by my scouts I was advertised | advertise, advertize (v.) make aware, inform, notify; warn | 3H6 II.i.115 | |
That she was comming with a full intent | That she was coming with a full intent | intent (n.) intention, purpose, aim | 3H6 II.i.116 | |
To dash our late Decree in Parliament, | To dash our late decree in parliament | late (adj.) recent, not long past | 3H6 II.i.117 | |
| | dash (v.) overturn, rescind, frustrate | | |
Touching King Henries Oath, and your Succession: | Touching King Henry's oath and your succession. | touch (v.) affect, concern, regard, relate to | 3H6 II.i.118 | |
Short Tale to make, we at S. Albons met, | Short tale to make, we at Saint Albans met, | | 3H6 II.i.119 | |
Our Battailes ioyn'd, and both sides fiercely fought: | Our battles joined, and both sides fiercely fought; | join (v.) encounter, come together, meet in conflict | 3H6 II.i.120 | |
| | battle (n.) army, fighting force, battalion | | |
But whether 'twas the coldnesse of the King, | But whether 'twas the coldness of the King, | coldness (n.) indifference, apathy, passionless quality | 3H6 II.i.121 | |
Who look'd full gently on his warlike Queene, | Who looked full gently on his warlike Queen, | | 3H6 II.i.122 | |
That robb'd my Soldiers of their heated Spleene. | That robbed my soldiers of their heated spleen; | spleen (n.) temper, spirit, passion [part of the body seen as the source of both gloomy and mirthful emotions] | 3H6 II.i.123 | |
| | heated (adj.) angry, inflamed, enraged, aroused | | |
Or whether 'twas report of her successe, | Or whether 'twas report of her success, | | 3H6 II.i.124 | |
Or more then common feare of Cliffords Rigour, | Or more than common fear of Clifford's rigour, | rigour (n.) strength, severity, harshness | 3H6 II.i.125 | |
Who thunders to his Captiues, Blood and Death, | Who thunders to his captives blood and death, | | 3H6 II.i.126 | |
I cannot iudge: but to conclude with truth, | I cannot judge; but, to conclude with truth, | | 3H6 II.i.127 | |
Their Weapons like to Lightning, came and went: | Their weapons like to lightning came and went; | like to / unto (conj./prep.) similar to, comparable with | 3H6 II.i.128 | |
Our Souldiers like the Night-Owles lazie flight, | Our soldiers', like the night-owl's lazy flight, | | 3H6 II.i.129 | |
Or like a lazie Thresher with a Flaile, | Or like a lazy thresher with a flail, | | 3H6 II.i.130 | |
Fell gently downe, as if they strucke their Friends. | Fell gently down, as if they struck their friends. | | 3H6 II.i.131 | |
I cheer'd them vp with iustice of our Cause, | I cheered them up with justice of our cause, | | 3H6 II.i.132 | |
With promise of high pay, and great Rewards: | With promise of high pay and great rewards; | | 3H6 II.i.133 | |
But all in vaine, they had no heart to fight, | But all in vain; they had no heart to fight, | | 3H6 II.i.134 | |
And we (in them) no hope to win the day, | And we in them no hope to win the day; | | 3H6 II.i.135 | |
So that we fled: the King vnto the Queene, | So that we fled; the King unto the Queen; | | 3H6 II.i.136 | |
Lord George, your Brother, Norfolke, and my Selfe, | Lord George your brother, Norfolk, and myself | | 3H6 II.i.137 | |
In haste, post haste, are come to ioyne with you: | In haste, post-haste, are come to join with you; | post-haste, posthaste (adv.) at full speed | 3H6 II.i.138 | |
For in the Marches heere we heard you were, | For in the Marches here we heard you were, | | 3H6 II.i.139 | |
Making another Head, to fight againe. | Making another head to fight again. | head (n.) fighting force, army, body of troops | 3H6 II.i.140 | |
Ed. | EDWARD | | | |
Where is the Duke of Norfolke, gentle Warwick? | Where is the Duke of Norfolk, gentle Warwick? | | 3H6 II.i.141 | |
And when came George from Burgundy to England? | And when came George from Burgundy to England? | | 3H6 II.i.142 | |
War. | WARWICK | | | |
Some six miles off the Duke is with the Soldiers, | Some six miles off the Duke is with the soldiers; | | 3H6 II.i.143 | |
And for your Brother he was lately sent | And for your brother, he was lately sent | | 3H6 II.i.144 | |
From your kinde Aunt Dutchesse of Burgundie, | From your kind aunt, Duchess of Burgundy, | | 3H6 II.i.145 | |
With ayde of Souldiers to this needfull Warre. | With aid of soldiers to this needful war. | needful (adj.) full of need, needing reinforcements | 3H6 II.i.146 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
'Twas oddes belike, when valiant Warwick fled; | 'Twas odds, belike, when valiant Warwick fled; | odds (n. plural) inequalities, unfavourable circumstances | 3H6 II.i.147 | |
| | belike (adv.) probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems | | |
Oft haue I heard his praises in Pursuite, | Oft have I heard his praises in pursuit, | oft (adv.) often | 3H6 II.i.148 | |
But ne're till now, his Scandall of Retire. | But ne'er till now his scandal of retire. | scandal (n.) disgraceful reputation, scandalous imputation | 3H6 II.i.149 | |
| | retire (n.) retreat, withdrawal | | |
War. | WARWICK | | | |
Nor now my Scandall Richard, dost thou heare: | Nor now my scandal, Richard, dost thou hear; | | 3H6 II.i.150 | |
For thou shalt know this strong right hand of mine, | For thou shalt know this strong right hand of mine | | 3H6 II.i.151 | |
Can plucke the Diadem from faint Henries head, | Can pluck the diadem from faint Henry's head, | faint (adj.) faint-hearted, timorous, fearful | 3H6 II.i.152 | |
| | diadem (n.) crown, sovereign power | | |
And wring the awefull Scepter from his Fist, | And wring the awful sceptre from his fist, | awful (adj.) awe-inspiring, worthy of respect | 3H6 II.i.153 | |
Were he as famous, and as bold in Warre, | Were he as famous and as bold in war | | 3H6 II.i.154 | |
As he is fam'd for Mildnesse, Peace, and Prayer. | As he is famed for mildness, peace, and prayer. | | 3H6 II.i.155 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
I know it well Lord Warwick, blame me not, | I know it well, Lord Warwick; blame me not: | | 3H6 II.i.156 | |
'Tis loue I beare thy glories make me speake: | 'Tis love I bear thy glories makes me speak. | | 3H6 II.i.157 | |
But in this troublous time, what's to be done? | But in this troublous time what's to be done? | troublous (adj.) troubled, disturbed, confused | 3H6 II.i.158 | |
Shall we go throw away our Coates of Steele, | Shall we go throw away our coats of steel, | | 3H6 II.i.159 | |
And wrap our bodies in blacke mourning Gownes, | And wrap our bodies in black mourning gowns, | | 3H6 II.i.160 | |
Numb'ring our Aue-Maries with our Beads? | Numbering our Ave-Maries with our beads? | Ave-Marie (n.) [of a rosary] Hail Mary | 3H6 II.i.161 | |
| | bead (n.) [plural] rosary beads | | |
Or shall we on the Helmets of our Foes | Or shall we on the helmets of our foes | | 3H6 II.i.162 | |
Tell our Deuotion with reuengefull Armes? | Tell our devotion with revengeful arms? | tell (v.) count out, number, itemize | 3H6 II.i.163 | |
If for the last, say I, and to it Lords. | If for the last, say ay, and to it, lords. | | 3H6 II.i.164 | |
War. | WARWICK | | | |
Why therefore Warwick came to seek you out, | Why, therefore Warwick came to seek you out, | | 3H6 II.i.165 | |
And therefore comes my Brother Mountague: | And therefore comes my brother Montague. | | 3H6 II.i.166 | |
Attend me Lords, the proud insulting Queene, | Attend me, lords. The proud insulting Queen, | insulting (adj.) scornfully boasting, contemptuously exulting | 3H6 II.i.167 | |
| | attend (v.) listen [to], pay attention [to] | | |
With Clifford, and the haught Northumberland, | With Clifford and the haught Northumberland, | haught (adj.) haughty, arrogant, high and mighty | 3H6 II.i.168 | |
And of their Feather, many moe proud Birds, | And of their feather many moe proud birds, | mo, moe (adj.) more [in number] | 3H6 II.i.169 | |
Haue wrought the easie-melting King, like Wax. | Have wrought the easy-melting King like wax. | easy-melting (adj.) pliable, manipulatable, easily persuaded | 3H6 II.i.170 | |
| | work (v.), past form wrought work on, manipulate | | |
He swore consent to your Succession, | He swore consent to your succession, | | 3H6 II.i.171 | |
His Oath enrolled in the Parliament. | His oath enrolled in the parliament; | enrol (v.) record, register, legally enter | 3H6 II.i.172 | |
And now to London all the crew are gone, | And now to London all the crew are gone, | | 3H6 II.i.173 | |
To frustrate both his Oath, and what beside | To frustrate both his oath and what beside | frustrate (v.) annul, make null and void, render ineffectual | 3H6 II.i.174 | |
| | beside (adv.) besides, in addition | | |
May make against the house of Lancaster. | May make against the house of Lancaster. | make (v.) prove effective, be of avail | 3H6 II.i.175 | |
Their power (I thinke) is thirty thousand strong: | Their power, I think, is thirty thousand strong. | power (n.) armed force, troops, host, army | 3H6 II.i.176 | |
Now, if the helpe of Norfolke, and my selfe, | Now, if the help of Norfolk and myself, | | 3H6 II.i.177 | |
With all the Friends that thou braue Earle of March, | With all the friends that thou, brave Earl of March, | | 3H6 II.i.178 | |
Among'st the louing Welshmen can'st procure, | Amongst the loving Welshmen canst procure, | loving (adj.) friendly, loyal, staunch | 3H6 II.i.179 | |
Will but amount to fiue and twenty thousand, | Will but amount to five-and-twenty thousand, | | 3H6 II.i.180 | |
Why Via, to London will we march, | Why, via! To London will we march amain, | via, fia (int.) forward, onward | 3H6 II.i.181 | |
| | amain (adv.) in all haste, at full speed | | |
And once againe, bestride our foaming Steeds, | And once again bestride our foaming steeds, | | 3H6 II.i.182 | |
And once againe cry Charge vpon our Foes, | And once again cry ‘ Charge!’ upon our foes; | | 3H6 II.i.183 | |
But neuer once againe turne backe and flye. | But never once again turn back and fly. | turn back (v.) turn tail, retreat, withdraw | 3H6 II.i.184 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
I, now me thinks I heare great Warwick speak; | Ay, now methinks I hear great Warwick speak. | methinks(t), methought(s) (v.) it seems / seemed to me | 3H6 II.i.185 | |
Ne're may he liue to see a Sun-shine day, | Ne'er may he live to see a sunshine day | | 3H6 II.i.186 | |
That cries Retire, if Warwicke bid him stay. | That cries ‘ Retire!’ if Warwick bid him stay. | stay (v.) remain, continue, endure | 3H6 II.i.187 | |
Ed. | EDWARD | | | |
Lord Warwicke, on thy shoulder will I leane, | Lord Warwick, on thy shoulder will I lean; | | 3H6 II.i.188 | |
And when thou failst (as God forbid the houre) | And when thou failest – as God forbid the hour! – | | 3H6 II.i.189 | |
Must Edward fall, which perill heauen forefend. | Must Edward fall, which peril heaven forfend! | forfend (v.) forbid | 3H6 II.i.190 | |
War. | WARWICK | | | |
No longer Earle of March, but Duke of Yorke: | No longer Earl of March, but Duke of York; | | 3H6 II.i.191 | |
The next degree, is Englands Royall Throne: | The next degree is England's royal throne; | degree (n.) step, stage, rung | 3H6 II.i.192 | |
For King of England shalt thou be proclaim'd | For King of England shalt thou be proclaimed | | 3H6 II.i.193 | |
In euery Burrough as we passe along, | In every borough as we pass along; | | 3H6 II.i.194 | |
And he that throwes not vp his cap for ioy, | And he that throws not up his cap for joy | | 3H6 II.i.195 | |
Shall for the Fault make forfeit of his head. | Shall for the fault make forfeit of his head. | fault (n.) mistake, error, blunder | 3H6 II.i.196 | |
King Edward, valiant Richard Mountague: | King Edward, valiant Richard, Montague, | | 3H6 II.i.197 | |
Stay we no longer, dreaming of Renowne, | Stay we no longer, dreaming of renown, | stay (v.) linger, tarry, delay | 3H6 II.i.198 | |
But sound the Trumpets, and about our Taske. | But sound the trumpets, and about our task. | | 3H6 II.i.199 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
Then Clifford, were thy heart as hard as Steele, | Then Clifford, were thy heart as hard as steel, | | 3H6 II.i.200 | |
As thou hast shewne it flintie by thy deeds, | As thou hast shown it flinty by thy deeds, | | 3H6 II.i.201 | |
I come to pierce it, or to giue thee mine. | I come to pierce it, or to give thee mine. | | 3H6 II.i.202 | |
Ed. | EDWARD | | | |
Then strike vp Drums, God and S. George for vs. | Then strike up drums; God and Saint George for us! | George, Saint in Christian tradition, the patron saint of England, 3rd-c | 3H6 II.i.203 | |
Enter a Messenger. | Enter a Messenger | | 3H6 II.i.204 | |
War. | WARWICK | | | |
How now? what newes? | How now! What news? | | 3H6 II.i.204 | |
Mes. | MESSENGER | | | |
The Duke of Norfolke sends you word by me, | The Duke of Norfolk sends you word by me | | 3H6 II.i.205 | |
The Queene is comming with a puissant Hoast, | The Queen is coming with a puissant host, | puissant (adj.) powerful, mighty, strong | 3H6 II.i.206 | |
| | host (n.) army, armed multitude | | |
And craues your company, for speedy counsell. | And craves your company for speedy counsel. | crave (v.) beg, entreat, request | 3H6 II.i.207 | |
War. | WARWICK | | | |
Why then it sorts, braue Warriors, let's away. | Why then it sorts, brave warriors; let's away. | sort (v.) suit, be fitting, be appropriate | 3H6 II.i.208 | |
| | brave (adj.) noble, worthy, excellent | | |
Exeunt Omnes. | Exeunt | | 3H6 II.i.208 | |