First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Casar, Agrippa, and Dollabello, with | Enter Caesar, Agrippa, Dolabella, and Thidias, with | | AC III.xii.1 | |
others. | others | | AC III.xii.2 | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
Let him appeare that's come from Anthony. | Let him appear that's come from Antony. | | AC III.xii.1 | |
Know you him. | Know you him? | | AC III.xii.2.1 | |
Dolla. | DOLABELLA | | | |
Casar, 'tis his Schoolemaster, | Caesar, 'tis his schoolmaster: | | AC III.xii.2.2 | |
An argument that he is pluckt, when hither | An argument that he is plucked, when hither | | AC III.xii.3 | |
He sends so poore a Pinnion of his Wing, | He sends so poor a pinion of his wing, | pinion (n.) outermost feather, appendage | AC III.xii.4 | |
Which had superfluous Kings for Messengers, | Which had superfluous kings for messengers | | AC III.xii.5 | |
Not many Moones gone by. | Not many moons gone by. | | AC III.xii.6.1 | |
Enter Ambassador from Anthony. | Enter Ambassador from Antony | | AC III.xii.6 | |
Casar. | CAESAR | | | |
Approach, and speake. | Approach and speak. | | AC III.xii.6.2 | |
Amb. | AMBASSADOR | | | |
Such as I am, I come from Anthony: | Such as I am, I come from Antony. | | AC III.xii.7 | |
I was of late as petty to his ends, | I was of late as petty to his ends | end (n.) purpose, aim, design | AC III.xii.8 | |
| | petty (adj.) small, weak, inadequate, insignificant | | |
As is the Morne-dew on the Mertle leafe | As is the morn-dew on the myrtle leaf | morn-dew (n.) morning dew | AC III.xii.9 | |
To his grand Sea. | To his grand sea. | | AC III.xii.10.1 | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
Bee't so, declare thine office. | Be't so. Declare thine office. | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | AC III.xii.10.2 | |
Amb. | AMBASSADOR | | | |
Lord of his Fortunes he salutes thee, and | Lord of his fortunes he salutes thee, and | | AC III.xii.11 | |
Requires to liue in Egypt, which not granted | Requires to live in Egypt; which not granted, | require (v.) request, ask, beg | AC III.xii.12 | |
He Lessons his Requests, and to thee sues | He lessons his requests, and to thee sues | lesson (v.) discipline, admonish, teach a lesson to | AC III.xii.13 | |
To let him breath betweene the Heauens and Earth | To let him breathe between the heavens and earth, | | AC III.xii.14 | |
A priuate man in Athens: this for him. | A private man in Athens. This for him. | | AC III.xii.15 | |
Next, Cleopatra does confesse thy Greatnesse, | Next, Cleopatra does confess thy greatness, | | AC III.xii.16 | |
Submits her to thy might, and of thee craues | Submits her to thy might, and of thee craves | crave (v.) beg, entreat, request | AC III.xii.17 | |
The Circle of the Ptolomies for her heyres, | The circle of the Ptolemies for her heirs, | circle (n.) crown, coronet, diadem | AC III.xii.18 | |
Now hazarded to thy Grace. | Now hazarded to thy grace. | hazard (v.) put into the hands of, make dependent on | AC III.xii.19.1 | |
| | grace (n.) favour, good will | | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
For Anthony, | For Antony, | | AC III.xii.19.2 | |
I haue no eares to his request. The Queene, | I have no ears to his request. The Queen | | AC III.xii.20 | |
Of Audience, nor Desire shall faile, so shee | Of audience nor desire shall fail, so she | | AC III.xii.21 | |
From Egypt driue her all-disgraced Friend, | From Egypt drive her all-disgraced friend | | AC III.xii.22 | |
Or take his life there. This if shee performe, | Or take his life there. This if she perform, | | AC III.xii.23 | |
She shall not sue vnheard. So to them both. | She shall not sue unheard. So to them both. | | AC III.xii.24 | |
Amb. | AMBASSADOR | | | |
Fortune pursue thee. | Fortune pursue thee! | | AC III.xii.25.1 | |
Cas. | CAESAR | | | |
Bring him through the Bands: | Bring him through the bands. | bring (v.) accompany, conduct, escort | AC III.xii.25.2 | |
| | band (n.) body of men, troop | | |
| Exit Ambassador | | AC III.xii.25 | |
To try thy Eloquence, now 'tis time, dispatch, | (To Thidias) To try eloquence now 'tis time. Dispatch. | try (v.) put to the test, test the goodness [of] | AC III.xii.26 | |
| | dispatch, despatch (v.) hurry up, be quick | | |
From Anthony winne Cleopatra, promise | From Antony win Cleopatra. Promise, | | AC III.xii.27 | |
And in our Name, what she requires, adde more | And in our name, what she requires; add more, | | AC III.xii.28 | |
From thine inuention, offers. Women are not | From thine invention, offers. Women are not | invention (n.) inventiveness, imagination, creative faculty | AC III.xii.29 | |
In their best Fortunes strong; but want will periure | In their best fortunes strong, but want will perjure | want (n.) need, requirement, necessity | AC III.xii.30 | |
The ne're touch'd Vestall. Try thy cunning Thidias, | The ne'er-touched vestal. Try thy cunning, Thidias. | vestal (n.) woman vowed to chastity, virgin, priestess | AC III.xii.31 | |
Make thine owne Edict for thy paines, which we | Make thine own edict for thy pains, which we | edict (n.) authority, judgement, valuation | AC III.xii.32 | |
Will answer as a Law. | Will answer as a law. | | AC III.xii.33.1 | |
Thid. | THIDIAS | | | |
Casar. I go. | Caesar, I go. | | AC III.xii.33.2 | |
Casar. | CAESAR | | | |
Obserue how Anthony becomes his flaw, | Observe how Antony becomes his flaw, | flaw (n.) lapse, fault, error | AC III.xii.34 | |
| | become (v.) bear, handle, present | | |
And what thou think'st his very action speakes | And what thou think'st his very action speaks | | AC III.xii.35 | |
In euery power that mooues. | In every power that moves. | power (n.) faculty, function, ability | AC III.xii.36.1 | |
Thid. | THIDIAS | | | |
Casar, I shall. | Caesar, I shall. | | AC III.xii.36.2 | |
exeunt. | Exeunt | | AC III.xii.36 | |