First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
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Enter Brutus in his Orchard. | Enter Brutus in his orchard | orchard (n.) garden | JC II.i.1 | |
Brut. | BRUTUS | | | |
What Lucius, hoe? | What, Lucius, ho! | | JC II.i.1 | |
I cannot, by the progresse of the Starres, | I cannot, by the progress of the stars, | progress (n.) course, movement, changing position | JC II.i.2 | |
Giue guesse how neere to day--- Lucius, I say? | Give guess how near to day. Lucius, I say! | guess (n.) conjecture, opinion, view | JC II.i.3 | |
I would it were my fault to sleepe so soundly. | I would it were my fault to sleep so soundly. | | JC II.i.4 | |
When Lucius, when? awake, I say: what Lucius? | When, Lucius, when? Awake, I say! What, Lucius! | | JC II.i.5 | |
Enter Lucius. | Enter Lucius | | JC II.i.6 | |
Luc. | LUCIUS | | | |
Call'd you, my Lord? | Called you, my lord? | | JC II.i.6 | |
Brut. | BRUTUS | | | |
Get me a Tapor in my Study, Lucius: | Get me a taper in my study, Lucius; | taper (n.) candle | JC II.i.7 | |
When it is lighted, come and call me here. | When it is lighted, come and call me here. | | JC II.i.8 | |
Luc. | LUCIUS | | | |
I will, my Lord. | I will, my lord. | | JC II.i.9 | |
Exit. | Exit | | JC II.i.10 | |
Brut. | BRUTUS | | | |
It must be by his death: and for my part, | It must be by his death; and for my part, | | JC II.i.10 | |
I know no personall cause, to spurne at him, | I know no personal cause to spurn at him, | spurn against / at (v.) kick out at, treat with contempt | JC II.i.11 | |
| | cause (n.) reason, motive, ground | | |
But for the generall. He would be crown'd: | But for the general. – He would be crowned. | general (n.) ordinary people, general public, populace | JC II.i.12 | |
How that might change his nature, there's the question? | How that might change his nature, there's the question. | | JC II.i.13 | |
It is the bright day, that brings forth the Adder, | It is the bright day that brings forth the adder, | | JC II.i.14 | |
And that craues warie walking: Crowne him that, | And that craves wary walking. Crown him! – that! | crave (v.) need, demand, require | JC II.i.15 | |
And then I graunt we put a Sting in him, | And then, I grant, we put a sting in him | | JC II.i.16 | |
That at his will he may doe danger with. | That at his will he may do danger with. | danger (n.) damage, harm, mischief | JC II.i.17 | |
Th'abuse of Greatnesse, is, when it dis-ioynes | Th' abuse of greatness is when it disjoins | disjoin (v.) disengage, separate [oneself] | JC II.i.18 | |
Remorse from Power: And to speake truth of Casar, | Remorse from power; and, to speak truth of Caesar, | remorse (n.) pity, compassion, tenderness | JC II.i.19 | |
I haue not knowne, when his Affections sway'd | I have not known when his affections swayed | sway (v.) control, rule, direct, govern | JC II.i.20 | |
| | affection (n.) emotion, feeling | | |
More then his Reason. But 'tis a common proofe, | More than his reason. But 'tis a common proof, | proof (n.) experience, actual practice, tried knowledge | JC II.i.21 | |
| | reason (n.) power of reason, judgement, common sense [often opposed to ‘passion’] | | |
That Lowlynesse is young Ambitions Ladder, | That lowliness is young ambition's ladder, | lowliness (n.) appearance of humility, apparent meekness | JC II.i.22 | |
Whereto the Climber vpward turnes his Face: | Whereto the climber-upward turns his face; | | JC II.i.23 | |
But when he once attaines the vpmost Round, | But when he once attains the upmost round, | round (n.) rung | JC II.i.24 | |
| | upmost (adj.) uppermost, topmost | | |
He then vnto the Ladder turnes his Backe, | He then unto the ladder turns his back, | | JC II.i.25 | |
Lookes in the Clouds, scorning the base degrees | Looks in the clouds, scorning the base degrees | degree (n.) step, stage, rung | JC II.i.26 | |
| | base (adj.) poor, wretched, of low quality | | |
By which he did ascend: so Casar may; | By which he did ascend: so Caesar may; | | JC II.i.27 | |
Then least he may, preuent. And since the Quarrell | Then, lest he may, prevent. And, since the quarrel | prevent (v.) take steps to thwart, avoid by prompt action | JC II.i.28 | |
| | quarrel (n.) cause of complaint, reason for hostility, difference, claim | | |
Will beare no colour, for the thing he is, | Will bear no colour for the thing he is, | colour (n.) good ground, convincing reason, excuse | JC II.i.29 | |
Fashion it thus; that what he is, augmented, | Fashion it thus: that what he is, augmented, | fashion (v.) arrange, contrive, manage | JC II.i.30 | |
Would runne to these, and these extremities: | Would run to these and these extremities; | extremity (n.) utmost severity, extreme intensity, hardship | JC II.i.31 | |
And therefore thinke him as a Serpents egge, | And therefore think him as a serpent's egg | | JC II.i.32 | |
Which hatch'd, would as his kinde grow mischieuous; | Which, hatched, would, as his kind, grow mischievous, | mischievous (adj.) harmful, damaging, injurious | JC II.i.33 | |
| | kind (n.) nature, reality, character, disposition | | |
And kill him in the shell. | And kill him in the shell. | | JC II.i.34 | |
Enter Lucius. | Enter Lucius | | JC II.i.35.1 | |
Luc. | LUCIUS | | | |
The Taper burneth in your Closet, Sir: | The taper burneth in your closet, sir. | closet (n.) private chamber, study, own room | JC II.i.35 | |
| | taper (n.) candle | | |
Searching the Window for a Flint, I found | Searching the window for a flint, I found | | JC II.i.36 | |
This Paper, thus seal'd vp, and I am sure | This paper, thus sealed up; and I am sure | | JC II.i.37 | |
It did not lye there when I went to Bed. | It did not lie there when I went to bed. | | JC II.i.38 | |
Giues him the Letter. | He gives him the letter | | JC II.i.39 | |
Brut. | BRUTUS | | | |
Get you to Bed againe, it is not day: | Get you to bed again, it is not day. | | JC II.i.39 | |
Is not to morrow (Boy) the first of March? | Is not tomorrow, boy, the ides of March? | ides (n.) [Roman calendar] half-way point in a month | JC II.i.40 | |
Luc. | LUCIUS | | | |
I know not, Sir. | I know not, sir. | | JC II.i.41 | |
Brut. | BRUTUS | | | |
Looke in the Calender, and bring me word. | Look in the calendar and bring me word. | | JC II.i.42 | |
Luc. | LUCIUS | | | |
I will, Sir. | I will, sir. | | JC II.i.43 | |
Exit. | Exit | | JC II.i.44.1 | |
Brut. | BRUTUS | | | |
The exhalations, whizzing in the ayre, | The exhalations, whizzing in the air, | exhalation (n.) meteor, shooting star | JC II.i.44 | |
Giue so much light, that I may reade by them. | Give so much light that I may read by them. | | JC II.i.45 | |
Opens the Letter, and reades. | He opens the letter and reads | | JC II.i.46 | |
Brutus thou sleep'st; awake, and see thy selfe: | Brutus, thou sleep'st: awake, and see thyself. | | JC II.i.46 | |
Shall Rome, &c. speake, strike, redresse. | Shall Rome, etc. Speak, strike, redress. | | JC II.i.47 | |
Brutus, thou sleep'st: awake. | ‘ Brutus, thou sleep'st: awake.’ | | JC II.i.48 | |
Such instigations haue beene often dropt, | Such instigations have been often dropped | | JC II.i.49 | |
Where I haue tooke them vp: | Where I have took them up. | | JC II.i.50 | |
Shall Rome, &c. Thus must I piece it out: | ‘ Shall Rome, etc.’ Thus must I piece it out: | piece out (v.) augment, increase, supplement | JC II.i.51 | |
Shall Rome stand vnder one mans awe? What Rome? | Shall Rome stand under one man's awe? What, Rome? | awe (n.) subjection, restraint, dread | JC II.i.52 | |
My Ancestors did from the streetes of Rome | My ancestors did from the streets of Rome | | JC II.i.53 | |
The Tarquin driue, when he was call'd a King. | The Tarquin drive, when he was called a king. | Tarquin Tarquinius Superbus, seventh king of Rome, 6th-c BC; also his son, Sextus Tarquinius, the ravisher of Lucrece | JC II.i.54 | |
Speake, strike, redresse. Am I entreated | ‘ Speak, strike, redress.’ Am I entreated | | JC II.i.55 | |
To speake, and strike? O Rome, I make thee promise, | To speak and strike? O Rome, I make thee promise, | | JC II.i.56 | |
If the redresse will follow, thou receiuest | If the redress will follow, thou receivest | | JC II.i.57 | |
Thy full Petition at the hand of Brutus. | Thy full petition at the hand of Brutus. | | JC II.i.58 | |
Enter Lucius. | Enter Lucius | | JC II.i.59.1 | |
Luc. | LUCIUS | | | |
Sir, March is wasted fifteene dayes. | Sir, March is wasted fifteen days. | waste (v.) consume, use up | JC II.i.59 | |
Knocke within. | Knock within | | JC II.i.60 | |
Brut. | BRUTUS | | | |
'Tis good. Go to the Gate, some body knocks: | 'Tis good. Go to the gate; somebody knocks. | | JC II.i.60 | |
| Exit Lucius | | JC II.i.60 | |
Since Cassius first did whet me against Casar, | Since Cassius first did whet me against Caesar, | | JC II.i.61 | |
I haue not slept. | I have not slept. | | JC II.i.62 | |
Betweene the acting of a dreadfull thing, | Between the acting of a dreadful thing | | JC II.i.63 | |
And the first motion, all the Interim is | And the first motion, all the interim is | motion (n.) inner movement, inward prompting, natural impulse, imagining | JC II.i.64 | |
Like a Phantasma, or a hideous Dreame: | Like a phantasma or a hideous dream: | phantasma (n.) illusion, bad dream, nightmare | JC II.i.65 | |
The Genius, and the mortall Instruments | The genius and the mortal instruments | mortal (adj.) human, subject to death, characterized by mortality | JC II.i.66 | |
| | instrument (n.) organ, faculty, functioning part | | |
| | genius (n.) attendant spirit, guardian spirit | | |
Are then in councell; and the state of a man, | Are then in council; and the state of man, | council (n.) intense debate, dispute, altercation | JC II.i.67 | |
Like to a little Kingdome, suffers then | Like to a little kingdom, suffers then | | JC II.i.68 | |
The nature of an Insurrection. | The nature of an insurrection. | | JC II.i.69 | |
Enter Lucius. | Enter Lucius | | JC II.i.70 | |
Luc. | LUCIUS | | | |
Sir, 'tis your Brother Cassius at the Doore, | Sir, 'tis your brother Cassius at the door, | | JC II.i.70 | |
Who doth desire to see you. | Who doth desire to see you. | | JC II.i.71.1 | |
Brut. | BRUTUS | | | |
Is he alone? | Is he alone? | | JC II.i.71.2 | |
Luc. | LUCIUS | | | |
No, Sir, there are moe with him. | No, sir, there are more with him. | mo, moe (adj.) more [in number] | JC II.i.72.1 | |
Brut. | BRUTUS | | | |
Doe you know them? | Do you know them? | | JC II.i.72.2 | |
Luc. | LUCIUS | | | |
No, Sir, their Hats are pluckt about their Eares, | No, sir, their hats are plucked about their ears, | pluck (v.) draw down, bring down | JC II.i.73 | |
And halfe their Faces buried in their Cloakes, | And half their faces buried in their cloaks, | | JC II.i.74 | |
That by no meanes I may discouer them, | That by no means I may discover them | discover (v.) recognize, distinguish, discern | JC II.i.75 | |
By any marke of fauour. | By any mark of favour. | favour (n.) [facial] appearance, countenance, features, looks | JC II.i.76.1 | |
Brut. | BRUTUS | | | |
Let 'em enter: | Let 'em enter. | | JC II.i.76.2 | |
| Exit Lucius | | JC II.i.76 | |
They are the Faction. O Conspiracie, | They are the faction. O conspiracy, | | JC II.i.77 | |
Sham'st thou to shew thy dang'rous Brow by Night, | Sham'st thou to show thy dangerous brow by night, | brow (n.) appearance, aspect, countenance | JC II.i.78 | |
When euills are most free? O then, by day | When evils are most free? O then, by day | free (adj.) on the loose, unconfined, unrestricted | JC II.i.79 | |
Where wilt thou finde a Cauerne darke enough, | Where wilt thou find a cavern dark enough | | JC II.i.80 | |
To maske thy monstrous Visage? Seek none Conspiracie, | To mask thy monstrous visage? Seek none, conspiracy; | monstrous (adj.) unnatural, outlandish, aberrant | JC II.i.81 | |
| | visage (n.) face, countenance | | |
Hide it in Smiles, and Affabilitie: | Hide it in smiles and affability: | | JC II.i.82 | |
For if thou path thy natiue semblance on, | For if thou path, thy native semblance on, | path (v.) pursue one's course, go on one's way | JC II.i.83 | |
| | semblance (n.) appearance, outward show | | |
Not Erebus it selfe were dimme enough, | Not Erebus itself were dim enough | Erebus (n.) 'darkness', son of Chaos, the place where Shades passed on their way to Hades | JC II.i.84 | |
To hide thee from preuention. | To hide thee from prevention. | prevention (n.) forestalling action, preventive measure | JC II.i.85 | |
Enter the Conspirators, Cassius, Caska, Decius, Cinna, | Enter the conspirators: Cassius, Casca, Decius, Cinna, | | JC II.i.86.1 | |
Metellus, and Trebonius. | Metellus, and Trebonius | | JC II.i.86.2 | |
Cass. | CASSIUS | | | |
I thinke we are too bold vpon your Rest: | I think we are too bold upon your rest. | | JC II.i.86 | |
Good morrow Brutus, doe we trouble you? | Good morrow, Brutus; do we trouble you? | morrow (n.) morning | JC II.i.87 | |
Brut. | BRUTUS | | | |
I haue beene vp this howre, awake all Night: | I have been up this hour, awake all night. | | JC II.i.88 | |
Know I these men, that come along with you? | Know I these men that come along with you? | | JC II.i.89 | |
Cass. | CASSIUS | | | |
Yes, euery man of them; and no man here | Yes, every man of them; and no man here | | JC II.i.90 | |
But honors you: and euery one doth wish, | But honours you; and every one doth wish | | JC II.i.91 | |
You had but that opinion of your selfe, | You had but that opinion of yourself | | JC II.i.92 | |
Which euery Noble Roman beares of you. | Which every noble Roman bears of you. | | JC II.i.93 | |
This is Trebonius. | This is Trebonius. | | JC II.i.94.1 | |
Brut. | BRUTUS | | | |
He is welcome hither. | He is welcome hither. | | JC II.i.94.2 | |
Cass. | CASSIUS | | | |
This, Decius Brutus. | This, Decius Brutus. | | JC II.i.95.1 | |
Brut. | BRUTUS | | | |
He is welcome too. | He is welcome too. | | JC II.i.95.2 | |
Cass. | CASSIUS | | | |
This, Caska; this, Cinna; and this, Metellus Cymber. | This, Casca; this, Cinna; and this, Metellus Cimber. | | JC II.i.96 | |
Brut. | BRUTUS | | | |
They are all welcome. | They are all welcome. | | JC II.i.97 | |
What watchfull Cares doe interpose themselues | What watchful cares do interpose themselves | watchful (adj.) wakeful, unsleeping, vigilant | JC II.i.98 | |
Betwixt your Eyes, and Night? | Betwixt your eyes and night? | | JC II.i.99 | |
Cass. | CASSIUS | | | |
Shall I entreat a word? | Shall I entreat a word? | | JC II.i.100 | |
They whisper. | They whisper apart | | JC II.i.101 | |
Decius. | DECIUS | | | |
Here lyes the East: doth not the Day breake heere? | Here lies the east; doth not the day break here? | | JC II.i.101 | |
Cask. | CASCA | | | |
No. | No. | | JC II.i.102 | |
Cin. | CINNA | | | |
O pardon, Sir, it doth; and yon grey Lines, | O pardon, sir, it doth; and yon grey lines | | JC II.i.103 | |
That fret the Clouds, are Messengers of Day. | That fret the clouds are messengers of day. | fret (v.) adorn elaborately, decorate ornately [as a carved ceiling] | JC II.i.104 | |
Cask. | CASCA | | | |
You shall confesse, that you are both deceiu'd: | You shall confess that you are both deceived: | deceive (v.) delude, mislead, take in | JC II.i.105 | |
Heere, as I point my Sword, the Sunne arises, | Here, as I point my sword, the sun arises, | | JC II.i.106 | |
Which is a great way growing on the South, | Which is a great way growing on the south, | grow (v.) approach, move, draw | JC II.i.107 | |
Weighing the youthfull Season of the yeare. | Weighing the youthful season of the year. | weigh (v.) consider, take into account | JC II.i.108 | |
Some two moneths hence, vp higher toward the North | Some two months hence, up higher toward the north | | JC II.i.109 | |
He first presents his fire, and the high East | He first presents his fire; and the high east | | JC II.i.110 | |
Stands as the Capitoll, directly heere. | Stands, as the Capitol, directly here. | Capitol (n.) geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government | JC II.i.111 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Giue me your hands all ouer, one by one. | Give me your hands all over, one by one. | | JC II.i.112 | |
Cas. | CASSIUS | | | |
And let vs sweare our Resolution. | And let us swear our resolution. | | JC II.i.113 | |
Brut. | BRUTUS | | | |
No, not an Oath: if not the Face of men, | No, not an oath. If not the face of men, | | JC II.i.114 | |
The sufferance of our Soules, the times Abuse; | The sufferance of our souls, the time's abuse – | time (n.) times, present day, present state of affairs | JC II.i.115 | |
| | sufferance (n.) distress, suffering, hardship | | |
| | abuse (n.) corrupt practice, wicked way | | |
If these be Motiues weake, breake off betimes, | If these be motives weak, break off betimes, | betimes (adv.) at once, forthwith, right now | JC II.i.116 | |
And euery man hence, to his idle bed: | And every man hence to his idle bed; | | JC II.i.117 | |
So let high-sighted-Tyranny range on, | So let high-sighted tyranny range on | high-sighted (adj.) high-flying, soaring beyond view | JC II.i.118 | |
Till each man drop by Lottery. But if these | Till each man drop by lottery. But if these, | lottery (n.) chance, turn of events | JC II.i.119 | |
(As I am sure they do) beare fire enough | As I am sure they do, bear fire enough | | JC II.i.120 | |
To kindle Cowards, and to steele with valour | To kindle cowards and to steel with valour | | JC II.i.121 | |
The melting Spirits of women. Then Countrymen, | The melting spirits of women, then, countrymen, | | JC II.i.122 | |
What neede we any spurre, but our owne cause | What need we any spur but our own cause | | JC II.i.123 | |
To pricke vs to redresse? What other Bond, | To prick us to redress? What other bond | prick (v.) urge, incite, motivate | JC II.i.124 | |
Then secret Romans, that haue spoke the word, | Than secret Romans that have spoke the word, | | JC II.i.125 | |
And will not palter? And what other Oath, | And will not palter? And what other oath | palter (v.) prevaricate, deal evasively [with], quibble | JC II.i.126 | |
Then Honesty to Honesty ingag'd, | Than honesty to honesty engaged | engage (v.) pledge, give the guarantee of | JC II.i.127 | |
That this shall be, or we will fall for it. | That this shall be, or we will fall for it? | | JC II.i.128 | |
Sweare Priests and Cowards, and men Cautelous | Swear priests and cowards and men cautelous, | cautelous (adj.) cautious, wary, circumspect | JC II.i.129 | |
Old feeble Carrions, and such suffering Soules | Old feeble carrions, and such suffering souls | suffering (adj.) long-suffering, patient, submissive | JC II.i.130 | |
| | carrion (n.) carcass, wretch, worthless beast | | |
That welcome wrongs: Vnto bad causes, sweare | That welcome wrongs; unto bad causes swear | | JC II.i.131 | |
Such Creatures as men doubt; but do not staine | Such creatures as men doubt; but do not stain | | JC II.i.132 | |
The euen vertue of our Enterprize, | The even virtue of our enterprise, | even (adj.) steady, steadfast, unwavering | JC II.i.133 | |
Nor th'insuppressiue Mettle of our Spirits, | Nor th' insuppressive mettle of our spirits, | mettle, mettell (n.) spirit, vigour, zest | JC II.i.134 | |
| | insuppressive (adj.) insuppressible, irrepressible, indomitable | | |
To thinke, that or our Cause, or our Performance | To think that or our cause or our performance | | JC II.i.135 | |
Did neede an Oath. When euery drop of blood | Did need an oath; when every drop of blood | | JC II.i.136 | |
That euery Roman beares, and Nobly beares | That every Roman bears, and nobly bears, | | JC II.i.137 | |
Is guilty of a seuerall Bastardie, | Is guilty of a several bastardy, | several (adj.) separate, different, distinct | JC II.i.138 | |
| | bastardy (n.) condition of illegitimacy | | |
If he do breake the smallest Particle | If he do break the smallest particle | | JC II.i.139 | |
Of any promise that hath past from him. | Of any promise that hath passed from him. | | JC II.i.140 | |
Cas. | CASSIUS | | | |
But what of Cicero? Shall we sound him? | But what of Cicero? Shall we sound him? | sound (v.) sound out, question, examine | JC II.i.141 | |
I thinke he will stand very strong with vs. | I think he will stand very strong with us. | | JC II.i.142 | |
Cask. | CASCA | | | |
Let vs not leaue him out. | Let us not leave him out. | | JC II.i.143.1 | |
Cyn. | CINNA | | | |
No, by no meanes. | No, by no means. | | JC II.i.143.2 | |
Metel. | METELLUS CIMBER | | | |
O let vs haue him, for his Siluer haires | O, let us have him, for his silver hairs | | JC II.i.144 | |
Will purchase vs a good opinion: | Will purchase us a good opinion | opinion (n.) reputation, character, honour | JC II.i.145 | |
And buy mens voyces, to commend our deeds: | And buy men's voices to commend our deeds. | voice (n.) vote, official support | JC II.i.146 | |
| | voice (n.) support, approval, good word | | |
| | commend (v.) praise, admire, extol | | |
It shall be sayd, his iudgement rul'd our hands, | It shall be said his judgement ruled our hands; | | JC II.i.147 | |
Our youths, and wildenesse, shall no whit appeare, | Our youths and wildness shall no whit appear, | whit, no not at all, not in the least | JC II.i.148 | |
But all be buried in his Grauity. | But all be buried in his gravity. | gravity (n.) respectability, authority, dignified position | JC II.i.149 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
O name him not; let vs not breake with him, | O, name him not; let us not break with him, | break (v.) broach a matter, speak | JC II.i.150 | |
For he will neuer follow any thing | For he will never follow anything | | JC II.i.151 | |
That other men begin. | That other men begin. | | JC II.i.152.1 | |
Cas. | CASSIUS | | | |
Then leaue him out. | Then leave him out. | | JC II.i.152.2 | |
Cask. | CASCA | | | |
Indeed, he is not fit. | Indeed he is not fit. | | JC II.i.153 | |
Decius. | DECIUS | | | |
Shall no man else be toucht, but onely Casar? | Shall no man else be touched but only Caesar? | touch (v.) threaten, endanger, imperil | JC II.i.154 | |
Cas. | CASSIUS | | | |
Decius well vrg'd: I thinke it is not meet, | Decius, well urged. I think it is not meet | meet (adj.) fit, suitable, right, proper | JC II.i.155 | |
| | urge (v.) press, insist on, state emphatically | | |
Marke Antony, so well belou'd of Casar, | Mark Antony, so well beloved of Caesar, | | JC II.i.156 | |
Should out-liue Casar, we shall finde of him | Should outlive Caesar. We shall find of him | | JC II.i.157 | |
A shrew'd Contriuer. And you know, his meanes | A shrewd contriver; and you know his means, | mean (n.) (plural) capacity, capability, potential | JC II.i.158 | |
| | shrewd (adj.) wily, cunning, mischievous | | |
| | contriver (n.) intriguer, schemer, plotter | | |
If he improue them, may well stretch so farre | If he improve them, may well stretch so far | improve (v.) employ to advantage, make good use of | JC II.i.159 | |
As to annoy vs all: which to preuent, | As to annoy us all; which to prevent, | prevent (v.) forestall, anticipate | JC II.i.160 | |
| | annoy (v.) harm, molest, hurt, injure | | |
Let Antony and Casar fall together. | Let Antony and Caesar fall together. | | JC II.i.161 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Our course will seeme too bloody, Caius Cassius, | Our course will seem too bloody, Caius Cassius, | course (n.) course of action, way of proceeding | JC II.i.162 | |
To cut the Head off, and then hacke the Limbes: | To cut the head off and then hack the limbs, | | JC II.i.163 | |
Like Wrath in death, and Enuy afterwards: | Like wrath in death, and envy afterwards; | envy (n.) malice, ill-will, enmity | JC II.i.164 | |
For Antony, is but a Limbe of Casar. | For Antony is but a limb of Caesar. | | JC II.i.165 | |
Let's be Sacrificers, but not Butchers Caius: | Let us be sacrificers, but not butchers, Caius. | | JC II.i.166 | |
We all stand vp against the spirit of Casar, | We all stand up against the spirit of Caesar, | spirit (n.) disposition, temperament, frame of mind | JC II.i.167 | |
| | stand up (v.) confront boldly, make a stand | | |
And in the Spirit of men, there is no blood: | And in the spirit of men there is no blood. | | JC II.i.168 | |
O that we then could come by Casars Spirit, | O, that we then could come by Caesar's spirit, | | JC II.i.169 | |
And not dismember Casar! But (alas) | And not dismember Caesar! But, alas, | | JC II.i.170 | |
Casar must bleed for it. And gentle Friends, | Caesar must bleed for it. And, gentle friends, | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | JC II.i.171 | |
Let's kill him Boldly, but not Wrathfully: | Let's kill him boldly, but not wrathfully; | | JC II.i.172 | |
Let's carue him, as a Dish fit for the Gods, | Let's carve him as a dish fit for the gods, | carve (v.) cut up, prepare | JC II.i.173 | |
Not hew him as a Carkasse fit for Hounds: | Not hew him as a carcass fit for hounds. | | JC II.i.174 | |
And let our Hearts, as subtle Masters do, | And let our hearts, as subtle masters do, | | JC II.i.175 | |
Stirre vp their Seruants to an acte of Rage, | Stir up their servants to an act of rage, | | JC II.i.176 | |
And after seeme to chide 'em. This shall make | And after seem to chide 'em. This shall make | chide (v.), past form chid scold, rebuke, reprove | JC II.i.177 | |
Our purpose Necessary, and not Enuious. | Our purpose necessary, and not envious; | envious (adj.) malicious, spiteful, vindictive, full of enmity | JC II.i.178 | |
| | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | | |
Which so appearing to the common eyes, | Which so appearing to the common eyes, | | JC II.i.179 | |
We shall be call'd Purgers, not Murderers. | We shall be called purgers, not murderers. | purger (n.) healer, cleanser, purifier | JC II.i.180 | |
And for Marke Antony, thinke not of him: | And for Mark Antony, think not of him; | | JC II.i.181 | |
For he can do no more then Casars Arme, | For he can do no more than Caesar's arm | | JC II.i.182 | |
When Casars head is off. | When Caesar's head is off. | | JC II.i.183.1 | |
Cas. | CASSIUS | | | |
Yet I feare him, | Yet I fear him; | | JC II.i.183.2 | |
For in the ingrafted loue he beares to Casar. | For in the ingrafted love he bears to Caesar – | ingrafted, engrafted (adj.) deep-rooted, firmly implanted | JC II.i.184 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Alas, good Cassius, do not thinke of him: | Alas, good Cassius, do not think of him. | | JC II.i.185 | |
If he loue Casar, all that he can do | If he love Caesar, all that he can do | | JC II.i.186 | |
Is to himselfe; take thought, and dye for Casar, | Is to himself: take thought, and die for Caesar; | thought (n.) melancholic reflection, anxiety, sorrow, worry | JC II.i.187 | |
And that were much he should: for he is giuen | And that were much he should; for he is given | | JC II.i.188 | |
To sports, to wildenesse, and much company. | To sports, to wildness and much company. | sport (n.) recreation, amusement, entertainment | JC II.i.189 | |
Treb. | TREBONIUS | | | |
There is no feare in him; let him not dye, | There is no fear in him; let him not die; | | JC II.i.190 | |
For he will liue, and laugh at this heereafter. | For he will live, and laugh at this hereafter. | | JC II.i.191 | |
Clocke strikes. | A clock strikes | | JC II.i.192 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Peace, count the Clocke. | Peace, count the clock. | | JC II.i.192.1 | |
Cas. | CASSIUS | | | |
The Clocke hath stricken three. | The clock hath stricken three. | | JC II.i.192.2 | |
Treb. | TREBONIUS | | | |
'Tis time to part. | 'Tis time to part. | | JC II.i.193.1 | |
Cass | CASSIUS | | | |
But it is doubtfull yet, | But it is doubtful yet, | | JC II.i.193.2 | |
Whether Casar will come forth to day, or no: | Whether Caesar will come forth today or no; | | JC II.i.194 | |
For he is Superstitious growne of late, | For he is superstitious grown of late, | | JC II.i.195 | |
Quite from the maine Opinion he held once, | Quite from the main opinion he held once | main (adj.) firm, strong, solid | JC II.i.196 | |
| | from (prep.) contrary to | | |
Of Fantasie, of Dreames, and Ceremonies: | Of fantasy, of dreams, and ceremonies. | fantasy (n.) imagining, delusion, hallucination | JC II.i.197 | |
| | ceremony (n.) omen, portent, prognostication | | |
It may be, these apparant Prodigies, | It may be these apparent prodigies, | prodigy (n.) omen, portent, sign | JC II.i.198 | |
| | apparent (adj.) plainly visible, conspicuous, evident, obvious | | |
The vnaccustom'd Terror of this night, | The unaccustomed terror of this night, | unaccustomed (adj.) unusual, strange, unfamiliar | JC II.i.199 | |
And the perswasion of his Augurers, | And the persuasion of his augurers | | JC II.i.200 | |
May hold him from the Capitoll to day. | May hold him from the Capitol today. | hold (v.) withhold, hold back | JC II.i.201 | |
Decius. | DECIUS | | | |
Neuer feare that: If he be so resolu'd, | Never fear that. If he be so resolved, | | JC II.i.202 | |
I can ore-sway him: For he loues to heare, | I can o'ersway him; for he loves to hear | oversway (v.) prevail upon, override, overturn | JC II.i.203 | |
That Vnicornes may be betray'd with Trees, | That unicorns may be betrayed with trees, | | JC II.i.204 | |
And Beares with Glasses, Elephants with Holes, | And bears with glasses, elephants with holes, | hole (n.) large pit in the ground | JC II.i.205 | |
| | glass (n.) mirror, looking-glass | | |
Lyons with Toyles, and men with Flatterers. | Lions with toils, and men with flatterers, | toil (n.) net, snare, trap | JC II.i.206 | |
But, when I tell him, he hates Flatterers, | But when I tell him he hates flatterers, | | JC II.i.207 | |
He sayes, he does; being then most flattered. | He says he does, being then most flattered. | | JC II.i.208 | |
Let me worke: | Let me work; | | JC II.i.209 | |
For I can giue his humour the true bent; | For I can give his humour the true bent, | humour (n.) fancy, whim, inclination, caprice | JC II.i.210 | |
| | bent (n.) direction, turning, inclination | | |
And I will bring him to the Capitoll. | And I will bring him to the Capitol. | | JC II.i.211 | |
Cas. | CASSIUS | | | |
Nay, we will all of vs, be there to fetch him. | Nay, we will all of us be there to fetch him. | | JC II.i.212 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
By the eight houre, is that the vttermost? | By the eighth hour; is that the uttermost? | uttermost (n.) latest time, last moment | JC II.i.213 | |
Cin. | CINNA | | | |
Be that the vttermost, and faile not then. | Be that the uttermost, and fail not then. | | JC II.i.214 | |
Met. | METELLUS CIMBER | | | |
Caius Ligarius doth beare Casar hard, | Caius Ligarius doth bear Caesar hard, | bear hard bear ill will towards, feel resentment against | JC II.i.215 | |
Who rated him for speaking well of Pompey; | Who rated him for speaking well of Pompey; | rate (v.) berate, reproach, rebuke, scold | JC II.i.216 | |
| | Pompey the Great (n.) Roman politician and general, 1st-c BC | | |
I wonder none of you haue thought of him. | I wonder none of you have thought of him. | | JC II.i.217 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Now good Metellus go along by him: | Now, good Metellus, go along by him; | by (prep.) at the house of | JC II.i.218 | |
He loues me well, and I haue giuen him Reasons, | He loves me well, and I have given him reasons. | | JC II.i.219 | |
Send him but hither, and Ile fashion him. | Send him but hither, and I'll fashion him. | fashion (v.) mould, transform, change the fashion of | JC II.i.220 | |
Cas. | CASSIUS | | | |
The morning comes vpon's: / Wee'l leaue you Brutus, | The morning comes upon's; we'll leave you, Brutus. | | JC II.i.221 | |
And Friends disperse your selues; but all remember | And, friends, disperse yourselves; but all remember | | JC II.i.222 | |
What you haue said, and shew your selues true Romans. | What you have said, and show yourselves true Romans. | | JC II.i.223 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Good Gentlemen, looke fresh and merrily, | Good gentlemen, look fresh and merrily; | | JC II.i.224 | |
Let not our lookes put on our purposes, | Let not our looks put on our purposes, | put on (v.) show, manifest, exhibit | JC II.i.225 | |
| | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | | |
But beare it as our Roman Actors do, | But bear it as our Roman actors do, | bear (v.), past forms bore, borne sustain, carry through, keep going | JC II.i.226 | |
With vntyr'd Spirits, and formall Constancie, | With untired spirits and formal constancy. | formal (adj.) external, outward, surface | JC II.i.227 | |
| | constancy (n.) consistency, agreement, uniformity | | |
And so good morrow to you euery one. | And so good morrow to you every one. | morrow (n.) morning | JC II.i.228 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt the conspirators | | JC II.i.229.1 | |
Manet Brutus. | Brutus remains | | JC II.i.229.2 | |
Boy: Lucius: Fast asleepe? It is no matter, | Boy! Lucius! Fast asleep? It is no matter. | | JC II.i.229 | |
Enioy the hony-heauy-Dew of Slumber: | Enjoy the honey-heavy dew of slumber; | | JC II.i.230 | |
Thou hast no Figures, nor no Fantasies, | Thou hast no figures nor no fantasies, | fantasy (n.) imagining, delusion, hallucination | JC II.i.231 | |
| | figure (n.) fancy, imagining, phantasm | | |
Which busie care drawes, in the braines of men; | Which busy care draws in the brains of men; | care (n.) anxiety, worry, solicitude [about] | JC II.i.232 | |
Therefore thou sleep'st so sound. | Therefore thou sleep'st so sound. | | JC II.i.233.1 | |
Enter Portia. | Enter Portia | | JC II.i.233 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Brutus, my Lord. | Brutus, my lord! | | JC II.i.233.2 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Portia: What meane you? wherfore rise you now? | Portia! What mean you? Wherefore rise you now? | | JC II.i.234 | |
It is not for your health, thus to commit | It is not for your health thus to commit | | JC II.i.235 | |
Your weake condition, to the raw cold morning. | Your weak condition to the raw cold morning. | | JC II.i.236 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Nor for yours neither. Y'haue vngently Brutus | Nor for yours neither. Y' have ungently, Brutus, | ungently (adv.) unkindly, roughly, rudely | JC II.i.237 | |
Stole from my bed: and yesternight at Supper | Stole from my bed; and yesternight at supper | yesternight (n.) last night | JC II.i.238 | |
You sodainly arose, and walk'd about, | You suddenly arose and walked about, | | JC II.i.239 | |
Musing, and sighing, with your armes a-crosse: | Musing and sighing, with your arms across; | across (adv.) folded, crossed | JC II.i.240 | |
And when I ask'd you what the matter was, | And when I asked you what the matter was, | | JC II.i.241 | |
You star'd vpon me, with vngentle lookes. | You stared upon me with ungentle looks. | ungentle (adj.) unmannerly, discourteous, impolite | JC II.i.242 | |
I vrg'd you further, then you scratch'd your head, | I urged you further; then you scratched your head, | urge (v.) entreat with, plead with | JC II.i.243 | |
And too impatiently stampt with your foote: | And too impatiently stamped with your foot; | | JC II.i.244 | |
Yet I insisted, yet you answer'd not, | Yet I insisted, yet you answered not, | | JC II.i.245 | |
But with an angry wafter of your hand | But with an angry wafture of your hand | wafture (n.) waving, gesture, flourish | JC II.i.246 | |
Gaue signe for me to leaue you: So I did, | Gave sign for me to leave you. So I did, | | JC II.i.247 | |
Fearing to strengthen that impatience | Fearing to strengthen that impatience | | JC II.i.248 | |
Which seem'd too much inkindled; and withall, | Which seemed too much enkindled, and withal | | JC II.i.249 | |
Hoping it was but an effect of Humor, | Hoping it was but an effect of humour, | effect (n.) sign, mark, token, manifestation | JC II.i.250 | |
| | humour (n.) fancy, whim, inclination, caprice | | |
Which sometime hath his houre with euery man. | Which sometime hath his hour with every man. | sometime (adv.) sometimes, now and then | JC II.i.251 | |
It will not let you eate, nor talke, nor sleepe; | It will not let you eat, nor talk, nor sleep; | | JC II.i.252 | |
And could it worke so much vpon your shape, | And could it work so much upon your shape, | | JC II.i.253 | |
As it hath much preuayl'd on your Condltion, | As it hath much prevailed on your condition, | condition (n.) disposition, temper, mood, character | JC II.i.254 | |
I should not know you Brutus. Deare my Lord, | I should not know you Brutus. Dear my lord, | know (v.) recognize | JC II.i.255 | |
Make me acquainted with your cause of greefe. | Make me acquainted with your cause of grief. | | JC II.i.256 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
I am not well in health, and that is all. | I am not well in health, and that is all. | | JC II.i.257 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Brutus is wise, and were he not in health, | Brutus is wise, and were he not in health, | | JC II.i.258 | |
He would embrace the meanes to come by it. | He would embrace the means to come by it. | | JC II.i.259 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Why so I do: good Portia go to bed. | Why, so I do. Good Portia, go to bed. | | JC II.i.260 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
Is Brutus sicke? And is it Physicall | Is Brutus sick? And is it physical | physical (adj.) medicinal, therapeutic, restorative | JC II.i.261 | |
To walke vnbraced, and sucke vp the humours | To walk unbraced and suck up the humours | humour (n.) dampness, vapour, moisture | JC II.i.262 | |
| | unbraced (adj.) unfastened, not laced up, loose | | |
Of the danke Morning? What, is Brutus sicke? | Of the dank morning? What, is Brutus sick? | | JC II.i.263 | |
And will he steale out of his wholsome bed | And will he steal out of his wholesome bed | | JC II.i.264 | |
To dare the vile contagion of the Night? | To dare the vile contagion of the night, | contagion (n.) contagious quality, infecting influence | JC II.i.265 | |
And tempt the Rhewmy, and vnpurged Ayre, | And tempt the rheumy and unpurged air, | tempt (v.) try, test, make trial of | JC II.i.266 | |
| | rheumy (adj.) moist, wet, damp | | |
| | unpurged (adj.) not cleansed, unpurified [by the sun] | | |
To adde vnto hit sicknesse? No my Brutus, | To add unto his sickness? No, my Brutus; | | JC II.i.267 | |
You haue some sicke Offence within your minde, | You have some sick offence within your mind, | offence (n.) offensive matter, object of annoyance | JC II.i.268 | |
| | sick (adj.) ailing, needing cure | | |
Which by the Right and Vertue of my place | Which, by the right and virtue of my place, | place (n.) position, post, office, rank | JC II.i.269 | |
I ought to know of: And vpon my knees, | I ought to know of; and, upon my knees, | | JC II.i.270 | |
I charme you, by my once commended Beauty, | I charm you, by my once commended beauty, | charm (v.) entreat, implore, conjure | JC II.i.271 | |
By all your vowes of Loue, and that great Vow | By all your vows of love, and that great vow | | JC II.i.272 | |
Which did incorporate and make vs one, | Which did incorporate and make us one, | incorporate (v.) make one body [of], unite | JC II.i.273 | |
That you vnfold to me, your selfe; your halfe | That you unfold to me, your self, your half, | half (n.) other half, wife | JC II.i.274 | |
Why you are heauy: and what men to night | Why you are heavy, and what men tonight | heavy (adj.) sorrowful, sad, gloomy | JC II.i.275 | |
Haue had resort to you: for heere haue beene | Have had resort to you; for here have been | | JC II.i.276 | |
Some sixe or seuen, who did hide their faces | Some six or seven, who did hide their faces | | JC II.i.277 | |
Euen from darknesse. | Even from darkness. | | JC II.i.278.1 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Kneele not gentle Portia. | Kneel not, gentle Portia. | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | JC II.i.278.2 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
I should not neede, if you were gentle Brutus. | I should not need, if you were gentle Brutus. | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | JC II.i.279 | |
Within the Bond of Marriage, tell me Brutus, | Within the bond of marriage, tell me, Brutus, | | JC II.i.280 | |
Is it excepted, I should know no Secrets | Is it excepted I should know no secrets | except, except against (v.) object to, take exception to | JC II.i.281 | |
That appertaine to you? Am I your Selfe, | That appertain to you? Am I your self | appertain (v.) pertain, relate | JC II.i.282 | |
But as it were in sort, or limitation? | But, as it were, in sort or limitation, | limitation (n.) allotted time, appointed period | JC II.i.283 | |
| | sort (n.) assigned portion, allotted measure | | |
To keepe with you at Meales, comfort your Bed, | To keep with you at meals, comfort your bed, | | JC II.i.284 | |
And talke to you sometimes? Dwell I but in the Suburbs | And talk to you sometimes? Dwell I but in the suburbs | suburbs (n.) (plural) parts of a city lying outside the walls [reputed for lawlessness] | JC II.i.285 | |
Of your good pleasure? If it be no more, | Of your good pleasure? If it be no more, | | JC II.i.286 | |
Portia is Brutus Harlot, not his Wife. | Portia is Brutus' harlot, not his wife. | | JC II.i.287 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
You are my true and honourable Wife, | You are my true and honourable wife, | | JC II.i.288 | |
As deere to me, as are the ruddy droppes | As dear to me as are the ruddy drops | | JC II.i.289 | |
That visit my sad heart. | That visit my sad heart | sad (adj.) downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy | JC II.i.290 | |
Por. | PORTIA | | | |
If this were true, then should I know this secret. | If this were true, then should I know this secret. | | JC II.i.291 | |
I graunt I am a Woman; but withall, | I grant I am a woman; but withal | | JC II.i.292 | |
A Woman that Lord Brutus tooke to Wife: | A woman that Lord Brutus took to wife; | | JC II.i.293 | |
I graunt I am a Woman; but withall, | I grant I am a woman; but withal | | JC II.i.294 | |
A Woman well reputed: Cato's Daughter. | A woman well reputed, Cato's daughter. | Cato the Younger [pron: 'kaytoh] 1st-c BC Roman politician, and opponent of Caesar | JC II.i.295 | |
Thinke you, I am no stronger then my Sex | Think you I am no stronger than my sex, | | JC II.i.296 | |
Being so Father'd, and so Husbanded? | Being so fathered, and so husbanded? | | JC II.i.297 | |
Tell me your Counsels, I will not disclose 'em: | Tell me your counsels, I will not disclose 'em. | | JC II.i.298 | |
I haue made strong proofe of my Constancie, | I have made strong proof of my constancy, | proof (n.) evidence, demonstration, testimony | JC II.i.299 | |
Giuing my selfe a voluntary wound | Giving myself a voluntary wound | | JC II.i.300 | |
Heere, in the Thigh: Can I beare that with patience, | Here, in the thigh; can I bear that with patience, | | JC II.i.301 | |
And not my Husbands Secrets? | And not my husband's secrets? | | JC II.i.302.1 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
O ye Gods! | O ye gods, | | JC II.i.302.2 | |
Render me worthy of this Noble Wife. | Render me worthy of this noble wife! | | JC II.i.303 | |
Knocke. | Knocking | | JC II.i.304 | |
Harke, harke, one knockes: Portia go in a while, | Hark, hark! one knocks, Portia, go in awhile; | | JC II.i.304 | |
And by and by thy bosome shall partake | And by and by thy bosom shall partake | bosom (n.) heart, inner person | JC II.i.305 | |
| | by and by (adv.) shortly, soon, before long | | |
The secrets of my Heart. | The secrets of my heart. | | JC II.i.306 | |
All my engagements, I will construe to thee, | All my engagements I will construe to thee, | construe (v.) explain, expound | JC II.i.307 | |
All the Charractery of my sad browes: | All the charactery of my sad brows. | charactery (n.) writing, letters, expression | JC II.i.308 | |
| | sad (adj.) serious, grave, solemn | | |
| | brow (n.) eyebrow | | |
Leaue me with hast. | Leave me with haste. | | JC II.i.309.1 | |
Exit Portia. | Exit Portia | | JC II.i.1.309.1 | |
Enter Lucius and Ligarius. | Enter Lucius with Ligarius | | JC II.i.309.2 | |
Lucius, who's that knockes. | Lucius, who's that knocks? | | JC II.i.309.2 | |
Luc. | LUCIUS | | | |
Heere is a sicke man that would speak with you. | Here is a sick man that would speak with you. | | JC II.i.310 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Caius Ligarius, that Metellus spake of. | Caius Ligarius, that Metellus spake of. | | JC II.i.311 | |
Boy, stand aside. Caius Ligarius, how? | Boy, stand aside. Caius Ligarius, how? | | JC II.i.312 | |
Cai. | LIGARIUS | | | |
Vouchsafe good morrow from a feeble tongue. | Vouchsafe good morrow from a feeble tongue. | morrow (n.) morning | JC II.i.313 | |
| | vouchsafe (v.) be pleased to accept, graciously receive | | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
O what a time haue you chose out braue Caius | O, what a time have you chose out, brave Caius, | brave (adj.) noble, worthy, excellent | JC II.i.314 | |
To weare a Kerchiefe? Would you were not sicke. | To wear a kerchief! Would you were not sick! | kerchief (n.) cloth head-covering, scarf | JC II.i.315 | |
Cai. | LIGARIUS | | | |
I am not sicke, if Brutus haue in hand | I am not sick if Brutus have in hand | | JC II.i.316 | |
Any exploit worthy the name of Honor. | Any exploit worthy the name of honour. | | JC II.i.317 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Such an exploit haue I in hand Ligarius, | Such an exploit have I in hand, Ligarius, | | JC II.i.318 | |
Had you a healthfull eare to heare of it. | Had you a healthful ear to hear of it. | healthful (adj.) healthy, wholesome, fit [in health] | JC II.i.319 | |
Cai. | LIGARIUS | | | |
By all the Gods that Romans bow before, | By all the gods that Romans bow before, | | JC II.i.320 | |
I heere discard my sicknesse. | I here discard my sickness. | | JC II.i.321.1 | |
| He throws off the kerchief | | JC II.i.321 | |
Soule of Rome, | Soul of Rome! | | JC II.i.321.2 | |
Braue Sonne, deriu'd from Honourable Loines, | Brave son, derived from honourable loins! | derive (v.) descend | JC II.i.322 | |
| | brave (adj.) noble, worthy, excellent | | |
Thou like an Exorcist, hast coniur'd vp | Thou, like an exorcist, hast conjured up | exorcist (n.) one who calls up spirits | JC II.i.323 | |
| | conjure up (v.) bring about [as if by magic], cause to appear | | |
My mortified Spirit. Now bid me runne, | My mortified spirit. Now bid me run, | mortified (adj.) deadened, dead to feeling, numbed | JC II.i.324 | |
And I will striue with things impossible, | And I will strive with things impossible, | | JC II.i.325 | |
Yea get the better of them. What's to do? | Yea, get the better of them. What's to do? | | JC II.i.326 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
A peece of worke, / That will make sicke men whole. | A piece of work that will make sick men whole. | whole (adj.) healthy, well, in sound condition | JC II.i.327 | |
Cai. | LIGARIUS | | | |
But are not some whole, that we must make sicke? | But are not some whole that we must make sick? | | JC II.i.328 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
That must we also. What it is my Caius, | That must we also. What it is, my Caius, | | JC II.i.329 | |
I shall vnfold to thee, as we are going, | I shall unfold to thee, as we are going | | JC II.i.330 | |
To whom it must be done. | To whom it must be done. | | JC II.i.331.1 | |
Cai. | LIGARIUS | | | |
Set on your foote, | Set on your foot, | set on (v.) go forward, advance, proceed | JC II.i.331.2 | |
And with a heart new-fir'd, I follow you, | And with a heart new-fired I follow you, | new-fired (adj.) rekindled, inflamed anew | JC II.i.332 | |
To do I know not what: but it sufficeth | To do I know not what; but it sufficeth | | JC II.i.333 | |
That Brutus leads me on. | That Brutus leads me on. | | JC II.i.334.1 | |
Thunder | Thunder | | JC II.i.334 | |
Bru. | BRUTUS | | | |
Follow me then. | Follow me then. | | JC II.i.334.2 | |
Exeunt | Exeunt | | JC II.i.334 | |