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Key line

Flourish Ham II.ii.1.1
Enter King, Queene, Rosincrane, and Guildensterne Enter the King and Queen, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Ham II.ii.1.2
Cum aliyswith attendants Ham II.ii.1.3
King. KING 
Welcome deere Rosincrance and Guildensterne.Welcome, dear Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Ham II.ii.1
Moreouer, that we much did long to see you,Moreover that we much did long to see you,moreover (adv.)

old form: Moreouer
as well as the fact, besides the fact
Ham II.ii.2
The neede we haue to vse you, did prouokeThe need we have to use you did provoke Ham II.ii.3
Our hastie sending. Something haue you heardOur hasty sending. Something have you heard Ham II.ii.4
Of Hamlets transformation: so I call it,Of Hamlet's transformation – so call it, Ham II.ii.5
Since not th'exterior, nor the inward manSith nor th' exterior nor the inward man Ham II.ii.6
Resembles that it was. What it should beeResembles that it was. What it should be, Ham II.ii.7
More then his Fathers death, that thus hath put himMore than his father's death, that thus hath put him Ham II.ii.8
So much from th'vnderstanding of himselfe,So much from th' understanding of himself Ham II.ii.9
I cannot deeme of. I intreat you both,I cannot dream of. I entreat you both Ham II.ii.10
That being of so young dayes brought vp with him:That, being of so young days brought up with him,young days, of so

old form: dayes
from such an early age
Ham II.ii.11
And since so Neighbour'd to his youth, and humour,And sith so neighboured to his youth and 'haviour,neighbour (v.)

old form: Neighbour'd
be close, be well acquainted [with]
Ham II.ii.12
haviour (n.)
behaviour, manner, demeanour
That you vouchsafe your rest heere in our CourtThat you vouchsafe your rest here in our courtrest (n.)
residence, lodging, stay
Ham II.ii.13
Some little time: so by your CompaniesSome little time, so by your companiescompany (n.)
(plural) companionship, fellowship, comradeship
Ham II.ii.14
To draw him on to pleasures, and to gatherTo draw him on to pleasures, and to gather Ham II.ii.15
So much as from Occasions you may gleane,So much as from occasion you may glean,occasion (n.)
circumstance, opportunity
Ham II.ii.16
Whether aught to us unknown afflicts him thus,aught (n.)
anything, [with negative word] nothing
Ham II.ii.17
That open'd lies within our remedie.That, opened, lies within our (v.)

old form: open'd
reveal, uncover, disclose
Ham II.ii.18
Good Gentlemen, he hath much talk'd of you,Good gentlemen, he hath much talked of you, Ham II.ii.19
And sure I am, two men there are not liuing,And sure I am two men there is not living Ham II.ii.20
To whom he more adheres. If it will please youTo whom he more adheres. If it will please you Ham II.ii.21
To shew vs so much Gentrie, and good will,To show us so much gentry and good willgentry (n.)

old form: Gentrie
courtesy, gentlemanliness, good breeding
Ham II.ii.22
As to expend your time with vs a-while,As to expend your time with us awhileexpend (v.)
spend, employ, use
Ham II.ii.23
For the supply and profit of our Hope,For the supply and profit of our hope,profit (n.)
furtherance, progress, advancement
Ham II.ii.24
Your Visitation shall receiue such thankesYour visitation shall receive such thanks Ham II.ii.25
As fits a Kings remembrance.As fits a king's remembrance.remembrance (n.)
notice, paying attention
Ham II.ii.26.1
fit (v.)
suit, befit, be suitable [for]
Both your MaiestiesBoth your majesties Ham II.ii.26.2
Might by the Soueraigne power you haue of vs,Might, by the sovereign power you have of us,power (n.)
authority, government
Ham II.ii.27
Put your dread pleasures, more into CommandPut your dread pleasures more into commanddread (adj.)
revered, deeply honoured, held in awe
Ham II.ii.28
Then to Entreatie.Than to entreaty. Ham II.ii.29.1
We both obey,But we both obey, Ham II.ii.29.2
And here giue vp our selues, in the full bent,And here give up ourselves in the full bentbent (n.)
degree, capacity, extent [to which a bow can be bent]
Ham II.ii.30
To lay our Seruices freely at your feete,To lay our service freely at your feet, Ham II.ii.31
To be commanded.To be commanded. Ham II.ii.32
King. KING 
Thankes Rosincrance, and gentle Guildensterne.Thanks, Rosencrantz and gentle Guildenstern.gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
Ham II.ii.33
Thankes Guildensterne and gentle Rosincrance.Thanks, Guildenstern and gentle Rosencrantz. Ham II.ii.34
And I beseech you instantly to visitAnd I beseech you instantly to visit Ham II.ii.35
My too much changed Sonne. / Go some of ye,My too much changed son. – Go, some of you, Ham II.ii.36
And bring the Gentlemen where Hamlet is.And bring these gentlemen where Hamlet is. Ham II.ii.37
Heauens make our presence and our practisesHeavens make our presence and our practicespractice (n.)

old form: practises
doings, proceedings, dealings
Ham II.ii.38
Pleasant and helpfull to him. Pleasant and helpful to him! Ham II.ii.39.1
Queene. QUEEN 
Amen.Ay, amen! Ham II.ii.39
Exit.Exeunt Rosencrantz and Ham II.ii.39.1
Guildenstern with attendants Ham II.ii.39.2
Enter Polonius.Enter Polonius Ham II.ii.40
Th'Ambassadors from Norwey, my good Lord,The ambassadors from Norway, my good lord, Ham II.ii.40
Are ioyfully return'd.Are joyfully returned. Ham II.ii.41
King. KING 
Thou still hast bin the Father of good Newes.Thou still hast been the father of good news.still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
Ham II.ii.42
Haue I, my Lord? Assure you, my good Liege,Have I, my lord? Assure you, my good liege,liege (n.)
lord, sovereign
Ham II.ii.43
I hold my dutie, as I hold my Soule,I hold my duty as I hold my soul, Ham II.ii.44
Both to my God, one to my gracious King:Both to my God and to my gracious King. Ham II.ii.45
And I do thinke, or else this braine of mineAnd I do think – or else this brain of mine Ham II.ii.46
Hunts not the traile of Policie, so sureHunts not the trail of policy so surepolicy (n.)

old form: Policie
statecraft, statesmanship, diplomacy
Ham II.ii.47
sure (adv.)
surely, assuredly, certainly
trail (n.)

old form: traile
[hunting] scent, track
As I haue vs'd to do: that I haue foundAs it hath used to do – that I have found Ham II.ii.48
The very cause of Hamlets Lunacie.The very cause of Hamlet's lunacy.very (adj.)
true, real, genuine
Ham II.ii.49
King. KING 
Oh speake of that, that I do long to heare.O, speak of that! That do I long to hear. Ham II.ii.50
Giue first admittance to th'Ambassadors,Give first admittance to th' ambassadors. Ham II.ii.51
My Newes shall be the Newes to that great Feast.My news shall be the fruit to that great feast.fruit (n.)
dessert, last course
Ham II.ii.52
King. KING 
Thy selfe do grace to them, and bring them in.Thyself do grace to them and bring them in.grace (n.)
honour, favour, recognition, respect
Ham II.ii.53
Exit Polonius Ham II.ii.53
He tels me my sweet Queene, that he hath foundHe tells me, my dear Gertrude, he hath found Ham II.ii.54
The head and sourse of all your Sonnes distemper.The head and source of all your son's distemper.distemper (n.)
malady, illness, derangement
Ham II.ii.55
I doubt it is no other, but the maine,I doubt it is no other but the main,main (n.)

old form: maine
main concern, chief point
Ham II.ii.56
doubt (v.)
suspect, have suspicions about, fear
His Fathers death, and our o're-hasty Marriage.His father's death and our o'erhasty marriage. Ham II.ii.57
King. KING 
Well, we shall sift him.Well, we shall sift him.sift (v.)
question carefully, examine closely
Ham II.ii.58.1
Enter Polonius, Voltumand, and Cornelius.Enter Voltemand and Cornelius, the ambassadors, Ham II.ii.58.1
with Polonius Ham II.ii.58.2
Welcome good Frends:Welcome, my good friends. Ham II.ii.58.2
Say Voltumand, what from our Brother Norwey?Say, Voltemand, what from our brother Norway? Ham II.ii.59
Most faire returne of Greetings, and Desires.Most fair return of greetings and desires.desire (n.)
good wishes, regards
Ham II.ii.60
Vpon our first, he sent out to suppresseUpon our first, he sent out to suppressfirst, upon our

old form: Vpon
on our first raising the matter
Ham II.ii.61
His Nephewes Leuies, which to him appear'dHis nephew's levies, which to him appearedlevy (n.)

old form: Leuies
recruitment of soldiers, conscription of men
Ham II.ii.62
To be a preparation 'gainst the Poleak:To be a preparation 'gainst the Polack,Polack (n.)

old form: Poleak
Poles, Polish people
Ham II.ii.63
But better look'd into, he truly foundBut, better looked into, he truly found Ham II.ii.64
It was against your Highnesse, whereat greeued,It was against your highness; whereat grieved, Ham II.ii.65
That so his Sicknesse, Age, and ImpotenceThat so his sickness, age, and impotenceimpotence (n.)
helplessness, powerlessness, decrepitude
Ham II.ii.66
Was falsely borne in hand, sends out ArrestsWas falsely borne in hand, sends out arrestsarrest (n.)
order to obey the law, summons to stop
Ham II.ii.67
bear in hand
abuse, take advantage of, delude, deceive
On Fortinbras, which he (in breefe) obeyes,On Fortinbras; which he in brief obeys, Ham II.ii.68
Receiues rebuke from Norwey: and in fine,Receives rebuke from Norway, and in finefine, in
in the end, finally, in conclusion
Ham II.ii.69
Makes Vow before his Vnkle, neuer moreMakes vow before his uncle never more Ham II.ii.70
To giue th'assay of Armes against your Maiestie.To give th' assay of arms against your majesty.assay (n.)
attack, attempt, trial
Ham II.ii.71
Whereon old Norwey, ouercome with ioy,Whereon old Norway, overcome with joy, Ham II.ii.72
Giues him three thousand Crownes in Annuall Fee,Gives him three thousand crowns in annual feecrown (n.)
coin [usually showing a monarch's crown], English value: 5 shilllings
Ham II.ii.73
And his Commission to imploy those SoldiersAnd his commission to employ those soldiers, Ham II.ii.74
So leuied as before, against the Poleak:So levied as before, against the Polack, Ham II.ii.75
With an intreaty heerein further shewne,With an entreaty, herein further shown, Ham II.ii.76
(He gives a paper to the King) Ham II.ii.77.1
That it might please you to giue quiet passeThat it might please you to give quiet passpass (n.)
passage, crossing, thoroughfare
Ham II.ii.77
Through your Dominions, for his Enterprize,Through your dominions for this enterprise, Ham II.ii.78
On such regards of safety and allowance,On such regards of safety and allowanceregard (n.)
consideration, respect, factor
Ham II.ii.79
As therein are set downe.As therein are set down. Ham II.ii.80.1
King. KING 
It likes vs well:It likes us (v.)
please, suit
Ham II.ii.80.2
And at our more consider'd time wee'l read,And at our more considered time we'll read,considered (adj.)

old form: consider'd
with opportunity for careful thought
Ham II.ii.81
Answer, and thinke vpon this Businesse.Answer, and think upon this business. Ham II.ii.82
Meane time we thanke you, for your well-tooke Labour.Meantime we thank you for your well-took labour. Ham II.ii.83
Go to your rest, at night wee'l Feast together.Go to your rest. At night we'll feast together. Ham II.ii.84
Most welcome home. Most welcome home! Ham II.ii.85.1
Exit Ambass.Exeunt the ambassadors Ham II.ii.85
This businesse is very well ended.This business is well ended. Ham II.ii.85.2
My Liege, and Madam, to expostulateMy liege and madam, to expostulateexpostulate (v.)
expound, debate, discourse
Ham II.ii.86
What Maiestie should be, what Dutie is,What majesty should be, what duty is, Ham II.ii.87
Why day is day; night, night; and time is time,Why day is day, night night, and time is time, Ham II.ii.88
Were nothing but to waste Night, Day, and Time.Were nothing but to waste night, day, and time. Ham II.ii.89
Therefore, since Breuitie is the Soule of Wit,Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit,soul (n.)

old form: Soule
driving force, animating principle
Ham II.ii.90
wit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
And tediousnesse, the limbes and outward flourishes,And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,flourish (n.)
ornamentation, decoration, adornment
Ham II.ii.91
I will be breefe. Your Noble Sonne is mad:I will be brief. Your noble son is mad. Ham II.ii.92
Mad call I it; for to define true Madnesse,Mad call I it. For, to define true madness, Ham II.ii.93
What is't, but to be nothing else but mad.What is't but to be nothing else but mad? Ham II.ii.94
But let that go.But let that go. Ham II.ii.95.1
More matter, with lesse Art.More matter, with less (n.)
rhetorical art, verbal artistry
Ham II.ii.95.2
matter (n.)
subject-matter, content, substance
Madam, I sweare I vse no Art at all:Madam, I swear I use no art at all. Ham II.ii.96
That he is mad, 'tis true: 'Tis true 'tis pittie,That he's mad, 'tis true. 'Tis true, 'tis pity, Ham II.ii.97
And pittie it is true: A foolish figure,And pity 'tis 'tis true – a foolish figure.figure (n.)
figure of speech, device, piece of rhetoric
Ham II.ii.98
But farewell it: for I will vse no Art.But farewell it; for I will use no art. Ham II.ii.99
Mad let vs grant him then: and now remainesMad let us grant him then. And now remains Ham II.ii.100
That we finde out the cause of this effect,That we find out the cause of this effect –  Ham II.ii.101
Or rather say, the cause of this defect;Or rather say, the cause of this defect, Ham II.ii.102
For this effect defectiue, comes by cause,For this effect defective comes by cause. Ham II.ii.103
Thus it remaines, and the remainder thus.Thus it remains, and the remainder thus. Ham II.ii.104
Perpend,Perpend.perpend (v.)
consider, ponder, reflect
Ham II.ii.105
I haue a daughter: haue, whil'st she is mine,I have a daughter – have while she is mine –  Ham II.ii.106
Who in her Dutie and Obedience, marke,Who in her duty and obedience, mark,mark (v.)

old form: marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
Ham II.ii.107
Hath giuen me this: now gather, and surmise.Hath given me this. Now gather, and surmise.surmise (v.)
imagine, suppose, conjecture
Ham II.ii.108
gather (v.)
collect one's thoughts
The Letter.(He reads the letter) Ham II.ii.109
To the Celestiall, and my Soules Idoll, the most beautifed To the celestial, and my soul's idol, the most beautified Ham II.ii.109
Ophelia. / That's an ill Phrase, a vilde Phrase, beautifiedOphelia – That's an ill phrase, a vile phrase; ‘ beautified ’ill (adj.)
poor, inadequate, miserable
Ham II.ii.110
is a vilde Phrase: but you shall heare theseis a vile phrase. But you shall hear. Thus: Ham II.ii.111
(He reads) Ham II.ii.112
in her excellent white bosome, these.In her excellent white bosom, these, et cetera. Ham II.ii.112
Came this from Hamlet to her.Came this from Hamlet to her? Ham II.ii.113
Good Madam stay awhile, I will be faithfull.Good madam, stay awhile. I will be faithful. Ham II.ii.114
(He reads) Ham II.ii.115
Doubt thou, the Starres are fire,Doubt thou the stars are fire. Ham II.ii.115
Doubt, that the Sunne doth moue:Doubt that the sun doth move. Ham II.ii.116
Doubt Truth to be a Lier,Doubt truth to be a liar.doubt (v.)
suspect, have suspicions about, fear
Ham II.ii.117
But neuer Doubt, I loue.But never doubt I love. Ham II.ii.118
O deere Ophelia, I am ill at these Numbers: I haue not Art O dear Ophelia, I am ill at these numbers. I have not artill (adj.)
unskilful, inexpert, unskilled
Ham II.ii.119
number (n.)
(plural) verses, lines
toreckon my grones; but that I loue thee best, oh most Best to reckon my groans. But that I love thee best, O most best, Ham II.ii.120
beleeue it. Adieu.believe it. Adieu. Ham II.ii.121
Thine euermore most deere Lady, whilst Thine evermore, most dear lady, whilst Ham II.ii.122
this Machine is to him,this machine is to him,machine (n.)
body, human frame
Ham II.ii.123
Hamlet.Hamlet Ham II.ii.124
This in Obedience hath my daughter shew'd me:This in obedience hath my daughter shown me, Ham II.ii.125
And more aboue hath his soliciting,And more above hath his solicitings,soliciting (n.)
importuning, entreaty, urging [not necessarily immoral]
Ham II.ii.126
above (adv.)

old form: aboue
in addition, as well
As they fell out by Time, by Meanes, and Place,As they fell out by time, by means, and place, Ham II.ii.127
All giuen to mine eare.All given to mine ear. Ham II.ii.128.1
King. KING 
But how hath sheBut how hath she Ham II.ii.128.2
receiu'd his Loue?Received his love? Ham II.ii.129.1
What do you thinke of me?What do you think of me? Ham II.ii.129.2
King. KING 
As of a man, faithfull and Honourable.As of a man faithful and honourable. Ham II.ii.130
I wold faine proue so. But what might you think?I would fain prove so. But what might you thinkfain (adv.)

old form: faine
gladly, willingly
Ham II.ii.131
When I had seene this hot loue on the wing,When I had seen this hot love on the wing –  Ham II.ii.132
As I perceiued it, I must tell you thatAs I perceived it, I must tell you that, Ham II.ii.133
Before my Daughter told me what might youBefore my daughter told me – what might you, Ham II.ii.134
Or my deere Maiestie your Queene heere, think,Or my dear majesty your Queen here, think Ham II.ii.135
If I had playd the Deske or Table-booke,If I had played the desk or table-book,table-book (n.)

old form: Table-booke
notebook, memo pad, memorandum book
Ham II.ii.136
Or giuen my heart a winking, mute and dumbe,Or given my heart a winking, mute and dumb,winking (n.)
shutting the eyes
Ham II.ii.137
Or look'd vpon this Loue, with idle sight,Or looked upon this love with idle sight?idle (adj.)
careless, inattentive, lax
Ham II.ii.138
What might you thinke? No, I went round to worke,What might you think? No, I went round to work,round (adv.)
openly, roundly, in a straightforward way
Ham II.ii.139
And (my yong Mistris) thus I did bespeakeAnd my young mistress thus I did bespeak:bespeak (v.), past forms bespake, bespoke

old form: bespeake
address, speak to
Ham II.ii.140
Lord Hamlet is a Prince out of thy Starre,‘ Lord Hamlet is a prince, out of thy (n.)

old form: Starre
sphere, fortune, rank
Ham II.ii.141
This must not be: and then, I Precepts gaue her,This must not be.’ And then I prescripts gave her,prescript (n.)
order, direction, instruction
Ham II.ii.142
That she should locke her selfe from his Resort,That she should lock herself from his resort,resort (n.)
visits, visitings, approaches
Ham II.ii.143
Admit no Messengers, receiue no Tokens:Admit no messengers, receive no tokens.token (n.)
keepsake, present, memento
Ham II.ii.144
Which done, she tooke the Fruites of my Aduice,Which done, she took the fruits of my advice, Ham II.ii.145
And he repulsed. A short Tale to make,And he, repelled, a short tale to make, Ham II.ii.146
Fell into a Sadnesse, then into a Fast,Fell into a sadness, then into a fast,fast (n.)
fasting, hunger
Ham II.ii.147
Thence to a Watch, thence into a Weaknesse,Thence to a watch, thence into a weakness,watch (n.)
sleepless state, wakefulness
Ham II.ii.148
Thence to a Lightnesse, and by this declensionThence to a lightness, and, by this declension,lightness (n.)

old form: Lightnesse
lightheadedness, faintness, dizziness
Ham II.ii.149
declension (n.)
decline, deterioration, downward course
Into the Madnesse whereon now he raues,Into the madness wherein now he raves Ham II.ii.150
And all we waile for.And all we mourn for. Ham II.ii.151.1
King. KING 
Do you thinke 'tis this?Do you think 'tis this? Ham II.ii.151.2
It may be very likely.It may be, very (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
Ham II.ii.152
Hath there bene such a time, I'de fain know that,Hath there been such a time – I would fain know that – fain (adv.)
gladly, willingly
Ham II.ii.153
That I haue possitiuely said, 'tis so,That I have positively said ‘ 'Tis so ’ Ham II.ii.154
When it prou'd otherwise?When it proved otherwise? Ham II.ii.155.1
King. KING 
Not that I know.Not that I know. Ham II.ii.155.2
Take this from this; if this be otherwise,Take this from this, if this be otherwise. Ham II.ii.156
If Circumstances leade me, I will findeIf circumstances lead me, I will findcircumstance (n.)
condition, state, situation
Ham II.ii.157
Where truth is hid, though it were hid indeedeWhere truth is hid, though it were hid indeed Ham II.ii.158
Within the Center.Within the centre.centre (n.)

old form: Center
centre of the earth, axis
Ham II.ii.159.1
King. KING 
How may we try it further?How may we try it further?try (v.)
prove, ascertain, find out
Ham II.ii.159.2
You know sometimes / He walkes foure houres together,You know sometimes he walks four hours together Ham II.ii.160
heere / In the Lobby.Here in the lobby. Ham II.ii.161.1
So he ha's indeed.So he does indeed. Ham II.ii.161.2
At such a time Ile loose my Daughter to him,At such a time I'll loose my daughter to him. Ham II.ii.162
Be you and I behinde an Arras then,Be you and I behind an arras then.arras (n.)
tapestry hanging
Ham II.ii.163
Marke the encounter: If he loue her not,Mark the encounter. If he love her not,encounter (n.)
liaison, intercourse, amorous affair
Ham II.ii.164
mark (v.)

old form: Marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
And be not from his reason falne thereon;And be not from his reason fallen thereon, Ham II.ii.165
Let me be no Assistant for a State,Let me be no assistant for a state, Ham II.ii.166
And keepe a Farme and Carters.But keep a farm and carters. Ham II.ii.167.1
King. KING 
We will try it.We will try it. Ham II.ii.167.2
Enter Hamlet reading on a Booke.Enter Hamlet Ham II.ii.168.1
But looke where sadly the poore wretch / Comes reading.But look where sadly the poor wretch comes reading.sadly (adv.)
seriously, gravely, solemnly
Ham II.ii.168
Away I do beseech you, both away,Away, I do beseech you both, away. Ham II.ii.169
Ile boord him presently. / Oh giue me leaue.I'll board him presently. O, give me leave.presently (adv.)
after a short time, soon, before long
Ham II.ii.170
board (v.)

old form: boord
accost, address, approach, tackle
Exit King & Queen.Exeunt the King and Queen Ham II.ii.170
How does my good Lord Hamlet?How does my good Lord Hamlet? Ham II.ii.171
Well, God-a-mercy.Well, God-a-mercy.God-a-mercy
exclamation of thanks, applause, surprise, etc [God have mercy]
Ham II.ii.172
Do you know me, my Lord?Do you know me, my lord? Ham II.ii.173
Excellent, excellent well: y'are a Fishmonger.Excellent well. You are a fishmonger. Ham II.ii.174
Not I my Lord.Not I, my lord. Ham II.ii.175
Then I would you were so honest a man.Then I would you were so honest a man. Ham II.ii.176
Honest, my Lord?Honest, my lord? Ham II.ii.177
I sir, to be honest as this world goes, is to beeAy, sir. To be honest, as this world goes, is to be Ham II.ii.178
one man pick'd out of two man picked out of ten thousand. Ham II.ii.179
That's very true, my Lord.That's very true, my lord. Ham II.ii.180
For if the Sun breed Magots in a dead dogge,For if the sun breed maggots in a dead dog, Ham II.ii.181
being a good kissing Carrion----- / Haue you a daughter?being a good kissing carrion – have you a daughter?carrion (n.)
dead putrifying flesh, rotting carcass
Ham II.ii.182
I haue my Lord.I have, my lord. Ham II.ii.183
Let her not walke i'th'Sunne: Conception is a blessing,Let her not walk i'th' sun. Conception is a blessing. Ham II.ii.184
but not as your daughter may conceiue. Friend lookeBut as your daughter may conceive, friend, look Ham II.ii.185
too''t. Ham II.ii.186
(aside) Ham II.ii.187.1
How say you by that? Still harping onHow say you by that? Still harping onstill (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
Ham II.ii.187
my daughter: yet he knew me not at first; he said I wasmy daughter. Yet he knew me not at first. 'A said I was Ham II.ii.188
a Fishmonger: he is farre gone, farre gone: and truly in mya fishmonger. 'A is far gone, far gone. And truly in my Ham II.ii.189
youth, I suffred much extreamity for loue: very neereyouth I suffered much extremity for love, very nearextremity (n.)

old form: extreamity
utmost severity, extreme intensity, hardship
Ham II.ii.190
this. Ile speake to him againe. What do you read mythis. I'll speak to him again. – What do you read, my Ham II.ii.191
Lord?lord? Ham II.ii.192
Words, words, words.Words, words, words. Ham II.ii.193
What is the matter, my Lord?What is the matter, my lord?matter (n.)
subject-matter, content, substance
Ham II.ii.194
Betweene who?Between who? Ham II.ii.195
I meane the matter you meane, my Lord.I mean the matter that you read, my lord. Ham II.ii.196
Slanders Sir: for the Satyricall slaue saies here,Slanders, sir. For the satirical rogue says here Ham II.ii.197
that old men haue gray Beards; that their faces arethat old men have grey beards, that their faces are Ham II.ii.198
wrinkled; their eyes purging thicke Amber, or Plum-Treewrinkled, their eyes purging thick amber and plum-treepurge (v.)
exude, discharge, void
Ham II.ii.199
Gumme: and that they haue a plentifull locke of Wit, togethergum, and that they have a plentiful lack of wit, togetherwit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
Ham II.ii.200
with weake Hammes. All which Sir, though I most with most weak hams; all which, sir, though I mosthams (n.)

old form: Hammes
thighs, legs
Ham II.ii.201
powerfully, and potently beleeue; yet I holde it notpowerfully and potently believe, yet I hold it notpotently (adv.)
mightily, strongly, powerfully
Ham II.ii.202
Honestie to haue it thus set downe: For you your selfe Sir, shouldhonesty to have it thus set down. For yourself, sir, shallhonesty (n.)

old form: Honestie
decency, decorum, good manners
Ham II.ii.203
be old as I am, if like a Crab you could go backward.grow old as I am – if, like a crab, you could go backward. Ham II.ii.204
(aside) Ham II.ii.205
Though this be madnesse, / Yet there Though this be madness, yet there Ham II.ii.205
is Method in't: will you walke / Out of the ayre my Lord?is method in't. – Will you walk out of the air, my lord?air (n.)

old form: ayre
fresh air, open air
Ham II.ii.206
Into my Graue?Into my grave? Ham II.ii.207
Indeed that is out o'th' Ayre: HowIndeed, that's out of the air. (aside) How Ham II.ii.208
pregnant (sometimes) his Replies are? / A happinesse, / Thatpregnant sometimes his replies are! A happiness thatpregnant (adj.)
meaningful, compelling, convincing
Ham II.ii.209
happiness (n.)

old form: happinesse
felicity, aptness, appropriateness [of expression]
often Madnesse hits on, / Which Reason and Sanitie couldoften madness hits on, which reason and sanity could Ham II.ii.210
not / So prosperously be deliuer'd of. / I will leaue him,not so prosperously be delivered of. I will leave him Ham II.ii.211
And sodainely contriue the meanes of meeting / Betweeneand suddenly contrive the means of meeting betweensuddenly (adv.)
immediately, at once, without delay
Ham II.ii.212
contrive (v.)

old form: contriue
scheme, plot, conspire
him, and my daughter. / My Honourable Lord, I willhim and my daughter. – My honourable lord, I will Ham II.ii.213
most humbly / Take my leaue of you.most humbly take my leave of you. Ham II.ii.214
You cannot Sir take from me any thing, that IYou cannot, sir, take from me anything that I Ham II.ii.215
will more willingly part withall, except my life,will not more willingly part withal – except my life, Ham II.ii.216
my life.except my life, except my life. Ham II.ii.217
Fare you well my Lord.Fare you well, my lord.fare ... well (int.)
goodbye [to an individual]
Ham II.ii.218
These tedious old fooles.These tedious old fools! Ham II.ii.219
Enter Rosincran and Guildensterne.Enter Guildenstern and Rosencrantz Ham II.ii.220
You goe to seeke my Lord Hamlet; there hee is.You go to seek the Lord Hamlet. There he is. Ham II.ii.220
(to Polonius) Ham II.ii.221
God saue you Sir. God save you, sir! Ham II.ii.221
Exit Polonius Ham II.ii.221
Mine honour'd Lord?My honoured lord! Ham II.ii.222
My most deare Lord?My most dear lord! Ham II.ii.223
My excellent good friends?My excellent good friends. Ham II.ii.224
How do'st thou Guildensterne? Oh, Rosincrane;How dost thou, Guildenstern? Ah, Rosencrantz! Ham II.ii.225
good Lads: How doe ye both?Good lads, how do you both? Ham II.ii.226
As the indifferent Children of the earth.As the indifferent children of the earth.indifferent (adj.)
average, ordinary, typical
Ham II.ii.227
Happy, in that we are not ouer-happy:Happy in that we are not overhappy. Ham II.ii.228
on Fortunes Cap, we are not the very Button.On Fortune's cap we are not the very button.Fortune (n.)
Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind
Ham II.ii.229
button (n.)
knob at the top of a cap or hat
Nor the Soales of her Shoo?Nor the soles of her shoe? Ham II.ii.230.1
Neither my Lord.Neither, my lord. Ham II.ii.230.2
Then you liue about her waste, or in the middleThen you live about her waist, or in the middle Ham II.ii.231
of her fauour?of her favours? Ham II.ii.232
Faith, her priuates, we.Faith, her privates we.private (n.)

old form: priuates
intimate, favourite
Ham II.ii.233
In the secret parts of Fortune? Oh, most true:In the secret parts of Fortune? O, most true! Ham II.ii.234
she is a Strumpet. What's the newes?She is a strumpet. What news?strumpet (n.)
harlot, prostitute, whore
Ham II.ii.235
None my Lord; but that the World'sNone, my lord, but that the world's Ham II.ii.236
growne honest.grown honest. Ham II.ii.237
Then is Doomesday neere: But your newes is notThen is doomsday near. But your news is not Ham II.ii.238
true. Let me question more in particular: what hauetrue. Let me question more in particular. What haveparticular (n.)
individual issue, point of detail
Ham II.ii.239
you my good friends, deserued at the hands of Fortune,you, my good friends, deserved at the hands of Fortune Ham II.ii.240
that she sends you to Prison hither?that she sends you to prison hither? Ham II.ii.241
Prison, my Lord?Prison, my lord? Ham II.ii.242
Denmark's a Prison.Denmark's a prison. Ham II.ii.243
Then is the World one.Then is the world one. Ham II.ii.244
A goodly one, in which there are many Confines,A goodly one; in which there are many confines,confine (n.)
prison, place of confinement
Ham II.ii.245
Wards, and Dungeons; Denmarke being one o'th'worst.wards, and dungeons, Denmark being one o'th' worst.ward (n.)
cell [in a prison]
Ham II.ii.246
We thinke not so my Lord.We think not so, my lord. Ham II.ii.247
Why then 'tis none to you; for there is nothingWhy, then 'tis none to you. For there is nothing Ham II.ii.248
either good or bad, but thinking makes it so: to me it iseither good or bad but thinking makes it so. To me it is Ham II.ii.249
a prison.a prison. Ham II.ii.250
Why then your Ambition makes it one:Why, then your ambition makes it one. Ham II.ii.251
'tis too narrow for your minde.'Tis too narrow for your mind. Ham II.ii.252
O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell, andO God, I could be bounded in a nutshell and Ham II.ii.253
count my selfe a King of infinite space; were it not that Icount myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I Ham II.ii.254
haue bad dreames.have bad dreams. Ham II.ii.255
Which dreames indeed are Ambition:Which dreams indeed are ambition. Ham II.ii.256
for the very substance of the Ambitious, is meerely the For the very substance of the ambitious is merely themerely (adv.)

old form: meerely
completely, totally, entirely
Ham II.ii.257
shadow of a Dreame.shadow of a dream. Ham II.ii.258
A dreame it selfe is but a shadow.A dream itself is but a shadow.shadow (n.)
illusion, unreal image, delusion
Ham II.ii.259
Truely, and I hold Ambition of so ayry andTruly; and I hold ambition of so airy and Ham II.ii.260
light a quality, that it is but a shadowes shadow.light a quality that it is but a shadow's shadow. Ham II.ii.261
Then are our Beggers bodies; and our MonarchsThen are our beggars bodies, and our monarchs Ham II.ii.262
and out-stretcht Heroes the Beggers Shadowes: shalland outstretched heroes the beggars' shadows. Shalloutstretched (adj.)

old form: out-stretcht
over-inflated, puffed up, swollen [by ambition]
Ham II.ii.263
wee to th' Court: for, by my fey I cannot reason? we to th' court? For, by my fay, I cannot reason.reason (v.)
argue rationally [about], debate the pros and cons [of]
Ham II.ii.264
fay (n.)
Wee'l wait vponWe'll wait uponwait on / upon (v.)

old form: vpon
accompany, attend
Ham II.ii.265 Ham II.ii.266
No such matter. I will not sort you with the rest No such matter. I will not sort you with the restsort (v.)
place, classify, put in the same class
Ham II.ii.267
of my seruants: for to speake to you like an honest man:of my servants. For, to speak to you like an honest man, Ham II.ii.268
I am most dreadfully attended; but in the beaten wayI am most dreadfully attended. But in the beaten wayattend (v.)
serve, follow, wait [on/upon]
Ham II.ii.269
beaten (adj.)
well-tried, well-trodden
of friendship, What make you at Elsonower?of friendship, what make you at Elsinore? Ham II.ii.270
To visit you my Lord, no other occasion.To visit you, my lord. No other occasion. Ham II.ii.271
Begger that I am, I am euen poore in thankes;Beggar that I am, I am even poor in thanks. Ham II.ii.272
but I thanke you: and sure deare friends my thanks areBut I thank you. And sure, dear friends, my thanks are Ham II.ii.273
too deare a halfepeny; were you not sent for? Is it yourtoo dear a halfpenny. Were you not sent for? Is it your Ham II.ii.274
owne inclining? Is it a free visitation? Come, dealeown inclining? Is it a free visitation? Come, come, deal Ham II.ii.275
iustly with me: come, come; nay speake.justly with me. Come, come. Nay, speak. Ham II.ii.276
What should we say my Lord?What should we say, my lord? Ham II.ii.277
Why any thing. But to the purpose; you wereWhy, anything but to th' purpose. You werepurpose (n.)
point at issue, matter in hand
Ham II.ii.278
sent for; and there is a kinde confession in your lookes;sent for. And there is a kind of confession in your looks, Ham II.ii.279
which your modesties haue not craft enough to color,which your modesties have not craft enough to colour.modesty (n.)
feeling of shame, sense of propriety
Ham II.ii.280
colour (v.)
disguise, conceal, cloak
I know the good King & Queene haue sent for you.I know the good King and Queen have sent for you. Ham II.ii.281
To what end my Lord?To what end, my lord? Ham II.ii.282
That you must teach me: but let mee coniureThat you must teach me. But let me conjureconjure (v.)

old form: coniure
ask solemnly, entreat earnestly, beseech
Ham II.ii.283
you by the rights of our fellowship, by the consonancyyou by the rights of our fellowship, by the consonancyconsonancy (n.)
accord, harmony [of companionship]
Ham II.ii.284
of our youth, by the Obligation of our euer-preseruedof our youth, by the obligation of our ever-preserved Ham II.ii.285
loue, and by what more deare, a better proposer could chargelove, and by what more dear a better proposer can charge Ham II.ii.286
you withall; be euen and direct with me, whether youyou withal, be even and direct with me whether youeven (adj.)

old form: euen
straightforward, forthright, direct
Ham II.ii.287
were sent for or no.were sent for or no. Ham II.ii.288
(aside to Guildenstern) Ham II.ii.289
What say you?What say you? Ham II.ii.289
(aside) Ham II.ii.290.1
Nay then I haue an eye of you: if youNay then, I have an eye of you. – If youof (prep.)
Ham II.ii.290
loue me hold not me, hold not off.hold off (v.)
be reticent, keep distance
Ham II.ii.291
My Lord, we were sent for.My lord, we were sent for. Ham II.ii.292
I will tell you why; so shall my anticipationI will tell you why. So shall my anticipation Ham II.ii.293
preuent your discouery of your secricie to the Kingprevent your discovery, and your secrecy to the Kingprevent (v.)

old form: preuent
forestall, anticipate
Ham II.ii.294
discovery (n.)

old form: discouery
disclosure, admission, revelation
and Queene: moult no feather, I haue of late, but whereforeand Queen moult no feather. I have of late – but wherefore Ham II.ii.295
I know not, lost all my mirth, forgone all customeI know not – lost all my mirth, forgone all custom Ham II.ii.296
of exercise; and indeed, it goes so heauenly with myof exercises. And indeed it goes so heavily with myexercise (n.)
habitual activity, usual occupation, employment
Ham II.ii.297
disposition; that this goodly frame the Earth, seemes todisposition that this goodly frame the earth seems toframe (n.)
framework, structure, construction
Ham II.ii.298
me a sterrill Promontory; this most excellent Canopyme a sterile promontory. This most excellent canopy,canopy (n.)
sky, firmament
Ham II.ii.299
the Ayre, look you, this braue ore-hanging,the air, look you, this brave o'erhanging firmament,brave (adj.)

old form: braue
fine, excellent, splendid, impressive
Ham II.ii.300
this Maiesticall Roofe, fretted with golden fire: why, itthis majestical roof fretted with golden fire – why, itfret (v.)
adorn elaborately, decorate ornately [as a carved ceiling]
Ham II.ii.301
appeares no other thing to mee, then a foule and pestilent congregationappeareth nothing to me than a foul and pestilent congregationcongregation (n.)
mass, gathering, assemblage
Ham II.ii.302
of vapours. What a piece of worke is a man!of vapours. What a piece of work is a man,piece (n.)
specimen, masterpiece
Ham II.ii.303
vapour (n.)
exhalation, steamy emission, mistiness
how Noble in Reason? how infinite in faculty? in formehow noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in formfaculty (n.)
function, power, capability
Ham II.ii.304
and mouing how expresse and admirable? in Action, howand moving how express and admirable, in action howexpress (adj.)

old form: expresse
well-formed, well-designed, exact
Ham II.ii.305
like an Angel? in apprehension, how like a God? thelike an angel, in apprehension how like a god: theapprehension (n.)
powers of comprehension, understanding
Ham II.ii.306
beauty of the world, the Parragon of Animals; and yetbeauty of the world, the paragon of animals! And yet Ham II.ii.307
to me, what is this Quintessence of Dust? Man delightsto me what is this quintessence of dust? Man delightsquintessence (n.)
purest form, most perfect manifestation
Ham II.ii.308
not me; no, nor Woman neither; though by your smilingnot me – nor woman neither, though by your smiling Ham II.ii.309
you seeme to say seem to say so. Ham II.ii.310
My Lord, there was no such stuffe in myMy lord, there was no such stuff in mystuff (n.)

old form: stuffe
matter, notion, idea
Ham II.ii.311
thoughts.thoughts. Ham II.ii.312
Why did you laugh, when I said, ManWhy did ye laugh then, when I said ‘ Man Ham II.ii.313
delights not me?delights not me?’ Ham II.ii.314
To thinke, my Lord, if you delight not inTo think, my lord, if you delight not in Ham II.ii.315
Man, what Lenton entertainment the Players shallman, what lenten entertainment the players shalllenten (adj.)

old form: Lenton
dismal, meagre, scanty
Ham II.ii.316
receiue from you: wee coated them on the way, andreceive from you. We coted them on the way. Andcote (v.)

old form: coated
[from the movement of dogs in hare coursing] overtake, outstrip, pass by
Ham II.ii.317
hither are they comming to offer you Seruice.hither are they coming to offer you service.hither (adv.)
here, to this place / time / end
Ham II.ii.318
He that playes the King shall be welcome; hisHe that plays the king shall be welcome – his Ham II.ii.319
Maiesty shall haue Tribute of mee: the aduenturousmajesty shall have tribute of me; the adventuroustribute (n.)
payment, money [acknowledging esteem]
Ham II.ii.320
Knight shal vse his Foyle and Target: the Louer shall not knight shall use his foil and target; the lover shall nottarget (n.)
light round shield
Ham II.ii.321
foil (n.)

old form: Foyle
sword, rapier
sigh gratis, the humorous man shall end his part insigh gratis; the humorous man shall end his part ingratis (adv.)
for nothing, without payment
Ham II.ii.322
humorous (adj.)
capricious, moody, temperamental
peace: the Clowne shall make those laugh whose lungspeace; the clown shall make those laugh whose lungs Ham II.ii.323
are tickled a'th' sere: and the Lady shall say her mindeare tickle o'th' sere; and the lady shall say her mindtickle (v.)
move easily, affect readily
Ham II.ii.324
sere (n.)
trigger-catch [of a gun]
freely; or the blanke Verse shall halt for't: what Playersfreely, or the blank verse shall halt for't. What playershalt (v.)
limp, proceed lamely
Ham II.ii.325
are they?are they? Ham II.ii.326
Euen those you were wont to takeEven those you were wont to take suchwont (v.)
be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of
Ham II.ii.327
delight in / the Tragedians of the City.delight in, the tragedians of the city.tragedian (n.)
actor, strolling player [not only of tragedy]
Ham II.ii.328
How chances it they trauaile? their residenceHow chances it they travel? Their residence,chance (v.)
happen [to], transpire, come about
Ham II.ii.329
travail, travel (v.)

old form: trauaile
be on tour
residence (n.)
normal place of performance, usual venue [in the city]
both in reputation and profit was better both wayes.both in reputation and profit, was better both ways. Ham II.ii.330
I thinke their Inhibition comes by theI think their inhibition comes by theinhibition (n.)
formal prohibition, official ban [from playing in the city]
Ham II.ii.331
meanes of the late Innouation?means of the late innovation.innovation (n.)

old form: Innouation
new fashion; or: insurrection
Ham II.ii.332
late (adj.)
recent, not long past
Doe they hold the same estimation they did whenDo they hold the same estimation they did whenestimation (n.)
esteem, respect, reputation
Ham II.ii.333
I was in the City? Are they so follow'd?I was in the city? Are they so followed? Ham II.ii.334
No indeed, they are not.No, indeed are they not. Ham II.ii.335
How comes it? doe they grow rusty?How comes it? Do they grow rusty? Ham II.ii.336
Nay, their indeauour keepes in the wontedNay, their endeavour keeps in the wontedwonted (adj.)
accustomed, usual, customary
Ham II.ii.337
keep (v.)

old form: keepes
continue, carry on, remain
pace; But there is Sir an ayrie of Children, little Yases,pace. But there is, sir, an eyrie of children, little eyases,eyas (n.)

old form: Yases
[young hawk taken from the nest for the purpose of training] one whose training is complete
Ham II.ii.338
aery (n.)

old form: ayrie
brood [of a bird of prey], nestful
that crye out on the top of question; and are most tyrannicallythat cry out on the top of question and are most tyrannicallytyrannically (adv.)
outrageously, vehemently, violently
Ham II.ii.339
question (n.)
argument, contention, dispute
clap't for't: these are now the fashion, and soclapped for't. These are now the fashion, and so Ham II.ii.340
be-ratled the common Stages (so they call them) thatberattle the common stages – so they call them – thatberattle (v.)

old form: be-ratled
rattle away on, fill with clamour
Ham II.ii.341
many wearing Rapiers, are affraide of Goose-quils, and dare many wearing rapiers are afraid of goosequills and daregoosequill (n.)

old form: Goose-quils
pen made from a goose quill
Ham II.ii.342
rapier (n.)
light sharp-pointed sword used for thrusting
scarse come thither.scarce come thither. Ham II.ii.343
What are they Children? Who maintains 'em?What, are they children? Who maintains 'em? Ham II.ii.344
How are they escoted? Will they pursue the Quality noHow are they escoted? Will they pursue the quality noescote (v.)
pay for, support, maintain
Ham II.ii.345
quality (n.)
profession, occupation, business
longer then they can sing? Will they not say afterwardslonger than they can sing? Will they not say afterwards, Ham II.ii.346
if they should grow themselues to common Players (asif they should grow themselves to common players – as Ham II.ii.347
it is like most if their meanes are not better) theirit is most like, if their means are not better – theirlike (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
Ham II.ii.348
Writers do them wrong, to make them exclaim against writers do them wrong to make them exclaim againstexclaim against / on (v.)
decry, cry out against, rail at
Ham II.ii.349
their owne Succession.their own succession?succession (n.)
future [occupation as actors]
Ham II.ii.350
Faith there ha's bene much to do on both Faith, there has been much to-do on both Ham II.ii.351
sides: and the Nation holds it no sinne, to tarre them tosides, and the nation holds it no sin to tarre them totarre (v.)
incite, provoke, arouse
Ham II.ii.352
Controuersie. There was for a while, no mony bid forcontroversy. There was, for a while, no money bid for Ham II.ii.353
argument, vnlesse the Poet and the Player went to Cuffesargument unless the poet and the player went to cuffscuffs, go to

old form: Cuffes
come to blows
Ham II.ii.354
argument (n.)
story, subject, plot
in the the question.question (n.)
argument, contention, dispute
Ham II.ii.355
Is't possible?Is't possible? Ham II.ii.356
Oh there ha's beene much throwing aboutO, there has been much throwing about Ham II.ii.357
of Braines.of brains. Ham II.ii.358
Do the Boyes carry it away?Do the boys carry it away?carry it (away)
[from a falconry term ‘to fly away with the game’] win the day, have the advantage, succeed
Ham II.ii.359
I that they do my Lord. Hercules &Ay, that they do, my lord – Hercules andHercules (n.)
[Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements
Ham II.ii.360
his load too.his load too. Ham II.ii.361
It is not strange: for mine Vnckle is King ofIt is not very strange. For my uncle is King of Ham II.ii.362
Denmarke, and those that would make mowes at himDenmark, and those that would make mows at himmow (n.)

old form: mowes
derisive grimace, pout, mocking expression
Ham II.ii.363
while my Father liued; giue twenty, forty, an hundredwhile my father lived give twenty, forty, fifty, a hundred Ham II.ii.364
Ducates a peece, for his picture in Little. There is ducats apiece for his picture in little. 'Sblood, there islittle, in
on a small scale, in miniature
Ham II.ii.365
ducat (n.)
gold (sometimes silver) coin used in several European countries
'sblood (int.)
[oath] God's blood
something in this more then Naturall, if Philosophie couldsomething in this more than natural, if philosophy couldphilosophy (n.)

old form: Philosophie
natural philosophy, i.e. science
Ham II.ii.366
finde it out.find it out. Ham II.ii.367
Flourish for the Players.A flourish Ham II.ii.368
There are the Players.There are the players. Ham II.ii.368
Gentlemen, you are welcom to Elsonower: yourGentlemen, you are welcome to Elsinore. Your Ham II.ii.369
hands, come: The appurtenance of Welcome, ishands. Come then. Th' appurtenance of welcome isappurtenance (n.)
usual accompaniment, accessory
Ham II.ii.370
Fashion and Ceremony. Let me comply with you in thefashion and ceremony. Let me comply with you in thisfashion (n.)
conventional behaviour, conformity, customary use
Ham II.ii.371
comply (v.)
observe the formalities, show polite conduct
Garbe, lest my extent to the Players (which I tell you must garb, lest my extent to the players, which I tell you mustextent (n.)
[of politeness] extending, showing, exercise of behaviour
Ham II.ii.372
garb (n.)

old form: Garbe
manner, style, fashion
shew fairely outward) should more appeare like entertainmentshow fairly outwards, should more appear like entertainmententertainment (n.)
pleasant reception, favourable welcome
Ham II.ii.373
fairly (adv.)

old form: fairely
cordially, warmly, becomingly
then yours. You are welcome: but my Vnckle Father,than yours. You are welcome. But my uncle-father Ham II.ii.374
and Aunt Mother are deceiu'd.and aunt-mother are deceived. Ham II.ii.375
In what my deere Lord?In what, my dear lord? Ham II.ii.376
I am but mad North, North-West: when the / WindeI am but mad north-north-west. When the wind Ham II.ii.377
is Southerly, I know a Hawke from a southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw.handsaw (n.)
heron [probably a variant of ‘heronshaw’, i.e. a young heron]
Ham II.ii.378
Enter Polonius.Enter Polonius Ham II.ii.379
Well be with you Gentlemen.Well be with you, gentlemen. Ham II.ii.379
Hearke you Guildensterne, and you too: at eachHark you, Guildenstern – and you too – at each Ham II.ii.380
eare a hearer: that great Baby you see there, is not yetear a hearer. That great baby you see there is not yet Ham II.ii.381
out of his swathing clouts.out of his swaddling clouts.swathing-clothes / clouts (n.)

old form: swathing clouts
swaddling clothes, cloths for wrapping round a new-born baby
Ham II.ii.382
Happily he's the second time come toHappily he is the second time come tohappily (adv.)
perhaps, by chance, maybe
Ham II.ii.383
them: for they say, an old man is twice a childe.them. For they say an old man is twice a child. Ham II.ii.384
I will Prophesie. Hee comes to tell me of theI will prophesy he comes to tell me of the Ham II.ii.385
Players. Mark it, you say right Sir: for a Monday morningplayers. Mark it. – You say right, sir. 'A Monday morning,mark (v.)
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
Ham II.ii.386
a (prep.)
variant form of 'on'
'twas so indeed.'twas then, indeed. Ham II.ii.387
My Lord, I haue Newes to tell you.My lord, I have news to tell you. Ham II.ii.388
My Lord, I haue Newes to tell you. / When Rossius My lord, I have news to tell you. When RosciusRoscius (n.)
[pron: 'rosius] most famous actor of ancient Rome, 2nd-c BC
Ham II.ii.389
an Actor in Rome---was an actor in Rome –  Ham II.ii.390
The Actors are come hither my Lord.The actors are come hither, my lord. Ham II.ii.391
Buzze, buzze.Buzz, (int.)
impatient request for silence (usually because news is already known)
Ham II.ii.392
Vpon mine Honor.Upon my honour –  Ham II.ii.393
Then can each Actor on his Asse---Then came each actor on his ass –  Ham II.ii.394
The best Actors in the world, either forThe best actors in the world, either for Ham II.ii.395
Tragedie, Comedie, Historie, Pastorall: Pastoricall-Comicall-tragedy, comedy, history, pastoral, pastoral-comical, Ham II.ii.396
Historicall-Pastorall: Tragicall-Historicall: Tragicall-Comicall-Historicall-Pastorall: historical-pastoral, tragical-historical, tragical-comical-historical-pastoral, Ham II.ii.397
Scene indiuidible: or Poem vnlimited. scene individable, or poem unlimited.individable (adj.)

old form: indiuidible
indivisible [with no changes in the location of action]; or: unclassifiable
Ham II.ii.398
unlimited (adj.)

old form: vnlimited
allowing changes in the location of action; or: all-inclusive
Seneca cannot be too heauy, nor Plautus tooSeneca cannot be too heavy, nor Plautus tooheavy (adj.)

old form: heauy
grave, serious, weighty
Ham II.ii.399
Plautus (n.)
[pron: 'plawtus] Latin comic playwright, 2nd-c BC
Seneca (n.)
[pron: 'seneka] Roman tragedian, 1st-c
light, for the law of Writ, and the Liberty. These are thelight. For the law of writ and the liberty, these are thewrit (n.)
plays written according to traditional rules of drama; also: a district of the city subject to a sheriff's legal order [i.e. less suitable for theatres]
Ham II.ii.400
liberty (n.)
plays not written according to traditional rules of drama; also: district not subject to a sheriff's legal order [i.e. more suitable for theatres]
onely men.only men. Ham II.ii.401
O Iephta Iudge of Israel, what a TreasureO Jephthah, judge of Israel, what a treasureJephthah (n.)
Bible (Judges 11): judge in Israel who promised God to sacrifice the first he met if he returned home victorious; this proved to be his daughter
Ham II.ii.402
had'st thou?hadst thou! Ham II.ii.403
What a Treasure had he, my Lord?What a treasure had he, my lord? Ham II.ii.404
WhyWhy, Ham II.ii.405
one faire Daughter, and no more,‘ One fair daughter, and no more, Ham II.ii.406
The which he loued passing well.The which he loved passing well.’passing (adv.)
very, exceedingly, extremely
Ham II.ii.407
(aside) Ham II.ii.408
Still on my Daughter. Still on my daughter. Ham II.ii.408
Am I not i'th'right old Iephta?Am I not i'th' right, old Jephthah? Ham II.ii.409
If you call me Iephta my Lord, I haue aIf you call me Jephthah, my lord, I have a Ham II.ii.410
daughter that I loue passing well.daughter that I love passing well. Ham II.ii.411
Nay that followes not.Nay, that follows not. Ham II.ii.412
What followes then, my Lord?What follows then, my lord? Ham II.ii.413
Why,Why, Ham II.ii.414
As by lot, God wot:‘ As by lot, God wot,’wot (v.)
learn, know, be told
Ham II.ii.415
lot, by
by chance
and then you know,and then you know, Ham II.ii.416
It came to passe, as most like it was:‘ It came to pass, as most like it was.’like (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
Ham II.ii.417
The first rowe of the Pons Chanson will shew you more.The first row of the pious chanson will show you more.row (n.)

old form: rowe
stanza, verse
Ham II.ii.418
chanson (n.)
For looke where my Abridgements come.For look where my abridgement comes.abridgement (n.)
curtailment, cutting off, shortening
Ham II.ii.419
Enter foure or fiue Players.Enter the Players Ham II.ii.420
Y'are welcome Masters, welcome all. I am glad to You are welcome, masters, welcome, all. – I am glad to Ham II.ii.420
see thee well: Welcome good Friends. O my olde Friend?see thee well. – Welcome, good friends. – O old friend, Ham II.ii.421
Thy face is valiant since I saw thee last: Com'st why, thy face is valanced since I saw thee last. Comestvalanced (adj.)
fringed [with a beard]
Ham II.ii.422
thou to beard me in Denmarke? What, my yong Ladythou to beard me in Denmark? – What, my young ladybeard (v.)
defy, affront, oppose openly
Ham II.ii.423
and Mistris? Byrlady your Ladiship is neererand mistress? By'r Lady, your ladyship is nearer to Ham II.ii.424
Heauen then when I saw you last, by the altitude of aheaven than when I saw you last by the altitude of a Ham II.ii.425
Choppine. Pray God your voice like a peece of vncurrantchopine. Pray God your voice, like a piece of uncurrentchopine (n.)

old form: Choppine
type of shoe with a high base
Ham II.ii.426
uncurrent (adj.)

old form: vncurrant
unacceptable, not legally current, worthless
Gold be not crack'd within the ring. Masters, you aregold, be not cracked within the ring. – Masters, you arering (n.)
circle surrounding the sovereign's head [on a coin]; ringing [of the voice]
Ham II.ii.427
crack (v.)

old form: crack'd
clip [of gold illegally taken from a coin]
all welcome: wee'l e'ne to't like French Faulconers, flieall welcome. We'll e'en to't like French falconers: flyeven to't

old form: e'ne
just go for it
Ham II.ii.428
at any thing we see: wee'l haue a Speech straight. Comeat anything we see. We'll have a speech straight. Come,straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
Ham II.ii.429
giue vs a tast of your quality: come, a passionate give us a taste of your quality. Come, a passionatequality (n.)
profession, occupation, business
Ham II.ii.430
speech.speech. Ham II.ii.431
What speech, my Lord?What speech, my good lord? Ham II.ii.432
I heard thee speak me a speech once, but it wasI heard thee speak me a speech once, but it was Ham II.ii.433
neuer Acted: or if it was, not aboue once, for the Play Inever acted, or if it was, not above once. For the play, I Ham II.ii.434
remember pleas'd not the Million, 'twas Cauiarie to theremember, pleased not the million. 'Twas caviary to thecaviary (n.)

old form: Cauiarie
Ham II.ii.435
Generall: but it was (as I receiu'd it, and others, whosegeneral. But it was – as I received it, and others, whosereceive (v.)

old form: receiu'd
consider, believe, regard
Ham II.ii.436
general (n.)

old form: Generall
ordinary people, general public, populace
iudgement in such matters, cried in the top of mine)judgements in such matters cried in the top of mine – top of, in the (prep.)
above, superior to, higher than
Ham II.ii.437
cry (v.)
speak loudly, shout out, proclaim
an excellent Play; well digested in the Scoenes, set downean excellent play, well digested in the scenes, set downdigest, disgest (v.)
arrange, organize, order
Ham II.ii.438
with as much modestie, as cunning. I remember one said,with as much modesty as cunning. I remember one saidmodesty (n.)

old form: modestie
moderation, restraint, discipline
Ham II.ii.439
cunning (n.)
skill, ability, expertise
there was no Sallets in the lines, to make the matter there were no sallets in the lines to make the mattersallet (n.)
[= salad] tasty bit
Ham II.ii.440
matter (n.)
subject-matter, content, substance
sauouty; nor no matter in the phrase, that might inditesavoury, nor no matter in the phrase that might indictindict (v.)

old form: indite
charge, convict, accuse
Ham II.ii.441
phrase (n.)
phrasing, language, manner of expression
matter (n.)
reason, cause, ground
the Author of affectation, but cal'd it an honest method.the author of affectation, but called it an honest method,affection (n.)
affectation, posing, artificiality
Ham II.ii.442
as wholesome as sweet, and by very much more handsomehandsome (adj.)
naturally graceful, artlessly elegant
Ham II.ii.443
One cheefe Speech in it, I cheefely lou'd, 'twas than fine. One speech in't I chiefly loved. 'Twasfine (adj.)
artificially beautiful, showily decorative
Ham II.ii.444
Aeneas Tale to Dido, and thereabout of it especially,Aeneas' tale to Dido; and thereabout of it especiallyAeneas (n.)
[pron: e'nayas] Trojan hero, son of Anchises and Aphrodite; in Roman legend, the ancestor of the Romans
Ham II.ii.445
Dido (n.)
[pron: 'diydoh] Queen of Carthage who fell in love with Aeneas when he was shipwrecked on her shores; commanded by Jupiter, Aeneas left without seeing Dido again, and she killed herself on a funeral pyre
where he speaks of Priams slaughter. If it liue in yourwhen he speaks of Priam's slaughter. If it live in yourPriam (n.)
[pron: 'priyam] king of Troy, husband of Hecuba; killed by Pyrrhus during the sack of Troy
Ham II.ii.446
memory, begin at this Line, let me see, let me see: memory, begin at this line – let me see, let me see. Ham II.ii.447
The rugged Pyrrhus like th' Hyrcanian Beast.‘ The rugged Pyrrhus, like th' Hyrcanian beast – ’Hyrcan, Hyrcania (n.)
[pron: 'herkan, her'kaynia] ancient region of Asia Minor, in modern Iran
Ham II.ii.448
Pyrrhus (n.)
[pron: 'pirus] son of Achilles, who entered Troy in the wooden horse and killed Priam
It is not so: it begins with Pyrrhus'Tis not so. It begins with Pyrrhus. Ham II.ii.449
The rugged Pyrrhus, he whose Sable Armes‘ The rugged Pyrrhus, he whose sable arms,sable (adj.)
Ham II.ii.450
rugged (adj.)
hairy, shaggy, bristling
Blacke as his purpose, did the night resembleBlack as his purpose, did the night resemblepurpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
Ham II.ii.451
When he lay couched in the Ominous Horse,When he lay couched in th' ominous horse,ominous (adj.)
fateful, portentous
Ham II.ii.452
couch (v.)
conceal, hide, lie hidden
Hath now this dread and blacke Complexion smear'dHath now this dread and black complexion smeareddread (adj.)
frightening, terrifying, fearful
Ham II.ii.453
complexion (n.)
appearance, look, colouring
With Heraldry more dismall: Head to footeWith heraldry more dismal. Head to footheraldry (n.)
heraldic devices, armorial bearings
Ham II.ii.454
dismal (adj.)

old form: dismall
disastrous, calamitous, devastating
Now is he to take Geulles, horridly Trick'dNow is he total gules, horridly trickedtotal (adv.)
completely, entirely, totally
Ham II.ii.455
tricked (adj.)
[heraldry] delineated, spotted
gules (adj.)

old form: Geulles
[heraldry] red
With blood of Fathers, Mothers, Daughters, Sonnes,With blood of fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, Ham II.ii.456
Bak'd and impasted with the parching streets,Baked and impasted with the parching streets,impasted (adj.)
made into a paste, crusted
Ham II.ii.457
That lend a tyrannous, and damned lightThat lend a tyrannous and a damned lighttyrannous (adj.)
cruel, pitiless, oppressive
Ham II.ii.458
To their vilde Murthers, roasted in wrath and fire,To their lord's murder; roasted in wrath and fire, Ham II.ii.459
And thus o're-sized with coagulate gore,And thus o'ersized with coagulate gore,oversize, over-size (v.)

old form: o're-sized
paint over, smear [i.e. cover with a substance resembling size]
Ham II.ii.460
coagulate (adj.)
coagulated, clotted, congealed
With eyes like Carbuncles, the hellish PyrrhusWith eyes like carbuncles, the hellish Pyrrhuscarbuncle (n.)
fiery red precious stone
Ham II.ii.461
Olde Grandsire Priam seekes.Old grandsire Priam seeks.’grandsire (n.)
old man, aged person
Ham II.ii.462.1
So, proceed you. Ham II.ii.463
Fore God, my Lord, well spoken, with good'Fore God, my lord, well spoken, with good Ham II.ii.464
accent, and good discretion.accent and good discretion.discretion (n.)
judgement, discernment, awareness
Ham II.ii.465
1. Player. FIRST PLAYER 
Anon he findes him,Anon he finds him,anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
Ham II.ii.466.2
Striking too short at Greekes. His anticke Sword,Striking too short at Greeks. His antique sword, Ham II.ii.467
Rebellious to his Arme, lyes where it fallesRebellious to his arm, lies where it falls,rebellious (adj.)
not obeying, disobedient, mutinous
Ham II.ii.468
Repugnant to command: vnequall match,Repugnant to command. Unequal matched,repugnant (adj.)
opposing, resisting, refusing
Ham II.ii.469
Pyrrhus at Priam driues, in Rage strikes wide:Pyrrhus at Priam drives, in rage strikes wide,drive (v.)

old form: driues
fall, rush, dash
Ham II.ii.470
But with the whiffe and winde of his fell Sword,But with the whiff and wind of his fell swordfell (adj.)
cruel, fierce, savage
Ham II.ii.471
Th'vnnerued Father fals. Then senselesse Illium,Th' unnerved father falls. Then senseless Ilium,senseless (adj.)

old form: senselesse
lacking human sensation, incapable of feeling
Ham II.ii.472
unnerved (adj.)

old form: vnnerued
weak, drained of strength
Ilion, Ilium (n.)
poetic names for the city of Troy
Seeming to feele his blow, with flaming topSeeming to feel this blow, with flaming top Ham II.ii.473
Stoopes to his Bace, and with a hideous crashStoops to his base, and with a hideous crashhideous (adj.)
terrifying, frightful, horrifying
Ham II.ii.474
Takes Prisoner Pyrrhus eare. For loe, his SwordTakes prisoner Pyrrhus' ear. For lo! his sword, Ham II.ii.475
Which was declining on the Milkie headWhich was declining on the milky headmilky (adj.)

old form: Milkie
of the colour of milk; white-haired
Ham II.ii.476
decline (v.)
fall, descend, come down
Of Reuerend Priam, seem'd i'th' Ayre to sticke:Of reverend Priam, seemed i'th' air to stick.reverend (adj.)

old form: Reuerend
revered, worthy, respected
Ham II.ii.477
So as a painted Tyrant Pyrrhus stood,So as a painted tyrant Pyrrhus stood,painted (adj.)
frozen, motionless [as in a painting]
Ham II.ii.478
And like a Newtrall to his will and matter,And like a neutral to his will and mattermatter (n.)
reason, cause, ground
Ham II.ii.479
did nothing.Did nothing. Ham II.ii.480
But as we often see against some storme,But as we often see, against some storm,against, 'gainst (prep.)
just before
Ham II.ii.481
A silence in the Heauens, the Racke stand still,A silence in the heavens, the rack stand still,still (adj.)
silent, quiet
Ham II.ii.482
rack (n.)

old form: Racke
clouds, cloud formations
The bold windes speechlesse, and the Orbe belowThe bold winds speechless, and the orb beloworb (n.)

old form: Orbe
earth, world
Ham II.ii.483
As hush as death: Anon the dreadfull ThunderAs hush as death; anon the dreadful thunderhush (adj.)
hushed, silent, quiet
Ham II.ii.484
anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
Doth rend the Region. So after Pyrrhus pause,Doth rend the region; so after Pyrrhus' pause,region (n.)
air, sky, heavens
Ham II.ii.485
A rowsed Vengeance sets him new a-worke,A roused vengeance sets him new a-work, Ham II.ii.486
And neuer did the Cyclops hammers fallAnd never did the Cyclops' hammers fallCyclops (n.)
[pron: 'siyklops] one-eyed giants who aided Vulcan in forging armour for the gods
Ham II.ii.487
On Mars his Armours, forg'd for proofe Eterne,On Mars's armour, forged for proof eterne,eterne (adj.)
eternal, everlasting, for ever
Ham II.ii.488
proof (n.)

old form: proofe
tested strength, proven power of resistance, impenetrability
Mars (n.)
Roman god of war
With lesse remorse then Pyrrhus bleeding swordWith less remorse than Pyrrhus' bleeding swordremorse (n.)
pity, regret, sorrow
Ham II.ii.489
Now falles on Priam.Now falls on Priam. Ham II.ii.490
Out, out, thou Strumpet-Fortune, all you Gods,Out, out, thou strumpet Fortune! All you gods,strumpet (n.)
harlot, prostitute, whore
Ham II.ii.491
In generall Synod take away her power:In general synod, take away her power!power (n.)
control, influence, sway
Ham II.ii.492
synod (n.)
assembly, council, gathering
Breake all the Spokes and Fallies from her wheele,Break all the spokes and fellies from her wheel,felly (n.)

old form: Fallies
piece of curved wood forming part of a wheel rim
Ham II.ii.493
And boule the round Naue downe the hill of Heauen,And bowl the round nave down the hill of heaven,nave (n.)

old form: Naue
[of wheels] hub, pivot
Ham II.ii.494
As low as to the Fiends.As low as to the fiends!’ Ham II.ii.495
This is too long.This is too long. Ham II.ii.496
It shall to'th Barbars, with your beard.It shall to the barber's, with your beard. –  Ham II.ii.497
Prythee say on: He's for a Iigge, or a tale of Baudry, or heePrithee say on. He's for a jig or a tale of bawdry, or hebawdry (n.)

old form: Baudry
bawdiness, lewdness, obscenity
Ham II.ii.498
sleepes. Say on; come to Hecuba.sleeps. Say on. Come to Hecuba. Ham II.ii.499
But who, O who, had seen the inobled Queen.‘ But who, ah woe!, had seen the mobled Queen –’mobled (adj.)
with face muffled up, veiled
Ham II.ii.500
The inobled Queene?‘ The mobled Queen?’ Ham II.ii.501
That's good: Inobled Queene is good.That's good. ‘ Mobled Queen ’ is good. Ham II.ii.502
Run bare-foot vp and downe, / Threatning the flame‘ Run barefoot up and down, threatening the flames Ham II.ii.503
With Bisson Rheume: A clout about that head,With bisson rheum; a clout upon that headrheum (n.)

old form: Rheume
Ham II.ii.504
clout (n.)
piece of cloth, rag; handkerchief
bisson (adj.)
blinding, dazzling
Where late the Diadem stood, and for a RobeWhere late the diadem stood; and for a robe,late (adv.)
recently, a little while ago / before
Ham II.ii.505
About her lanke and all ore-teamed Loines,About her lank and all o'erteemed loins,overteemed, over-teemed (adj.)

old form: ore-teamed
excessively productive, exhausted by child-bearing
Ham II.ii.506
A blanket in th' Alarum of feare caught vp.A blanket in the alarm of fear caught up – alarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.)
alarm, agitation, excited feeling
Ham II.ii.507
Who this had seene, with tongue in Venome steep'd,Who this had seen, with tongue in venom steeped, Ham II.ii.508
'Gainst Fortunes State, would Treason haue pronounc'd?'Gainst Fortune's state would treason have pronounced. Ham II.ii.509
But if the Gods themselues did see her then,But if the gods themselves did see her then, Ham II.ii.510
When she saw Pyrrhus make malicious sportWhen she saw Pyrrhus make malicious sportsport (n.)
recreation, amusement, entertainment
Ham II.ii.511
In mincing with his Sword her Husbands limbes,In mincing with his sword her husband's limbs,mince (v.)
chop into pieces, cut into tiny bits
Ham II.ii.512
The instant Burst of Clamour that she madeThe instant burst of clamour that she made, Ham II.ii.513
(Vnlesse things mortall moue them not at all)Unless things mortal move them not at all, Ham II.ii.514
Would haue made milche the Burning eyes of Heauen,Would have made milch the burning eyes of heavenmilch (adj.)

old form: milche
[milky] moist, tearful
Ham II.ii.515
And passion in the Gods.And passion in the gods.’ Ham II.ii.516
Looke where he ha's not turn'd his colour,Look, whe'er he has not turned his colour,whe'er (conj.)

old form: where
[whether] if
Ham II.ii.517
and ha's teares in's eyes. Pray you no more.and has tears in's eyes. Prithee no more. Ham II.ii.518
'Tis well, Ile haue thee speake out the rest,'Tis well. I'll have thee speak out the rest of this Ham II.ii.519
soone. Good my Lord, will you see the Players welsoon. – Good my lord, will you see the players well Ham II.ii.520
bestow'd. Do ye heare, let them be well vs'd: forbestowed? Do you hear? Let them be well used, forbestow (v.)

old form: bestow'd
accommodate, lodge, quarter
Ham II.ii.521
they are the Abstracts and breefe Chronicles of the time.they are the abstract and brief chronicles of the time.abstract (n.)
summary, digest
Ham II.ii.522
After your death, you were better haue a bad Epitaph,After your death you were better have a bad epitaph Ham II.ii.523
then their ill report while you liued.than their ill report while you live.ill (adj.)
bad, adverse, unfavourable
Ham II.ii.524
My Lord, I will vse them according to theirMy lord, I will use them according to their Ham II.ii.525
desart. desert. Ham II.ii.526
Gods bodykins man, better. Vse euerieGod's bodkin, man, much better! Use everybodkin (n.)
dear body
Ham II.ii.527
man after his desart, and who should scape whipping:man after his desert, and who shall 'scape whipping?scape, 'scape (v.)
escape, avoid
Ham II.ii.528
after (prep.)
according to
vse them after your own Honor and Dignity. The lesseUse them after your own honour and dignity. The less Ham II.ii.529
they deserue, the more merit is in your bountie. Takethey deserve, the more merit is in your bounty. Take Ham II.ii.530
them in.them in. Ham II.ii.531
Come sirs. Exit Polon.Come, sirs. Ham II.ii.532
Follow him Friends: wee'l heare a play to morrow.Follow him, friends. We'll hear a play tomorrow.follow (v.)
seek after, pursue, strive for, court
Ham II.ii.533
Dost thou heare me old (aside to First Player) Dost thou hear me, old Ham II.ii.534
Friend, can you play the murther of Gonzago?friend? Can you play The Murder of Gonzago? Ham II.ii.535
I my Lord.Ay, my lord. Ham II.ii.536
Wee'l ha't to morrow night. You could for aWe'll ha't tomorrow night. You could, for a Ham II.ii.537
need study a speech of some dosen or sixteene lines,need study a speech of some dozen or sixteen lines,need, for a
if necessary, if need be, at a pinch
Ham II.ii.538
study (v.)
learn by heart, commit to memory
which I would set downe, and insert in't? Could ye not?which I would set down and insert in't, could you not? Ham II.ii.539
I my Lord.Ay, my lord. Ham II.ii.540
Very well. Follow that Lord, and looke you mockVery well. – Follow that lord, and look you mockmock (v.)
make fun of, ridicule
Ham II.ii.541
follow (v.)
seek after, pursue, strive for, court
him not.him not. Ham II.ii.542
Exeunt Polonius and Players Ham II.ii.542
My good Friends, Ile leaue you til night / you are welcomeMy good friends, I'll leave you till night. You are welcome Ham II.ii.543
to Elsonower?to Elsinore. Ham II.ii.544
Good my Lord. Good my lord. Ham II.ii.545
I so, God buy'ye:Ay, so, God bye to you. Ham II.ii.546.1
Exeunt. Manet Hamlet.Exeunt Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Ham II.ii.546
Now I am alone.Now I am alone. Ham II.ii.546.2
Oh what a Rogue and Pesant slaue am I?O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I!peasant (adj.)

old form: Pesant
base, low, villainous
Ham II.ii.547
Is it not monstrous that this Player heere,Is it not monstrous that this player here, Ham II.ii.548
But in a Fixion, in a dreame of Passion,But in a fiction, in a dream of passion, Ham II.ii.549
Could force his soule so to his whole conceit,Could force his soul so to his own conceitconceit (n.)
imagination, fancy, wit
Ham II.ii.550
That from her working, all his visage warm'd;That from her working all his visage wanned,visage (n.)
face, countenance
Ham II.ii.551
wan (v.)
grow pale, turn pale
Teares in his eyes, distraction in's Aspect,Tears in his eyes, distraction in his aspect,aspect (n.)
[of a human face] look, appearance, expression
Ham II.ii.552
A broken voyce, and his whole Function suitingA broken voice, and his whole function suitingfunction (n.)
activity, action, performance
Ham II.ii.553
With Formes, to his Conceit? And all for nothing?With forms to his conceit? And all for nothing.form (n.)

old form: Formes
physical expression, outward behaviour
Ham II.ii.554
conceit (n.)
imagination, fancy, wit
For Hecuba?For Hecuba! Ham II.ii.555
What's Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba,What's Hecuba to him, or he to her, Ham II.ii.556
That he should weepe for her? What would he doe,That he should weep for her? What would he do Ham II.ii.557
Had he the Motiue and the Cue for passionHad he the motive and the cue for passion Ham II.ii.558
That I haue? He would drowne the Stage with teares,That I have? He would drown the stage with tears Ham II.ii.559
And cleaue the generall eare with horrid speech:And cleave the general ear with horrid speech,general (adj.)

old form: generall
common, of everyone, public
Ham II.ii.560
horrid (adj.)
horrifying, frightful, terrifying
Make mad the guilty, and apale the free,Make mad the guilty and appal the free,free (adj.)
innocent, guiltless
Ham II.ii.561
appal (v.)

old form: apale
turn pale, terrify, dismay
Confound the ignorant, and amaze indeed,Confound the ignorant, and amaze indeedignorant (n.)
[those who are] unaware, unconscious
Ham II.ii.562
confound (v.)
amaze, dumbfound, stun
amaze (v.)
confuse, perplex, bewilder
The very faculty of Eyes and Eares. Yet I,The very faculties of eyes and ears. Yet I, Ham II.ii.563
A dull and muddy-metled Rascall, peakeA dull and muddy-mettled rascal, peakmuddy-mettled (adj.)

old form: muddy-metled
sluggish, dull-spirited
Ham II.ii.564
peak (v.)

old form: peake
mope about, brood, languish
dull (adj.)
dead, lifeless, sluggish, inactive
Like Iohn a-dreames, vnpregnant of my cause,Like John-a-dreams, unpregnant of my cause,John-a-dreams (n.)

old form: Iohn a-dreames
dreamer, idle muser
Ham II.ii.565
unpregnant of (adj.)

old form: vnpregnant
unresponsive to, unmoved by
And can say nothing: No, not for a King,And can say nothing, no, not for a king Ham II.ii.566
Vpon whose property, and most deere life,Upon whose property and most dear life Ham II.ii.567
A damn'd defeate was made. Am I a Coward?A damned defeat was made. Am I a coward?defeat (n.)

old form: defeate
act of destruction, ruin
Ham II.ii.568
Who calles me Villaine? breakes my pate a-crosse?Who calls me villain? Breaks my pate across?pate (n.)
head, skull
Ham II.ii.569
Pluckes off my Beard, and blowes it in my face?Plucks off my beard and blows it in my face? Ham II.ii.570
Tweakes me by'th'Nose? giues me the Lye i'th'Throate,Tweaks me by the nose? Gives me the lie i'th' throatlie (n.)

old form: Lye
accusation of lying, charge of falsehood
Ham II.ii.571
As deepe as to the Lungs? Who does me this?As deep as to the lungs? Who does me this? Ham II.ii.572
Ha? Why I should take it: for it cannot be,Ha, 'swounds, I should take it. For it cannot betake (v.)
put up with, accept
Ham II.ii.573
'swounds (int.)
[oath] God's wounds
But I am Pigeon-Liuer'd, and lacke GallBut I am pigeon-livered and lack gallgall (n.)
spirit of anger, venom, ability to be angry
Ham II.ii.574
To make Oppression bitter, or ere this,To make oppression bitter, or ere thisere (prep.)
Ham II.ii.575
I should haue fatted all the Region KitesI should ha' fatted all the region kitesregion (adj.)
in the sky, of the air
Ham II.ii.576
With this Slaues Offall, bloudy: a Bawdy villaine,With this slave's offal. Bloody, bawdy villain!bawdy (adj.)
filthy, obscene, abominable
Ham II.ii.577
Remorselesse, Treacherous, Letcherous, kindles villaine!Remorseless, treacherous, lecherous, kindless villain!kindless (adj.)

old form: kindles
inhuman, unnatural, monstrous
Ham II.ii.578
Oh Vengeance!O, vengeance! Ham II.ii.579
Who? What an Asse am I? I sure, this is most braue,Why, what an ass am I! This is most brave,brave (adj.)

old form: braue
fine, excellent, splendid, impressive
Ham II.ii.580
That I, the Sonne of the Deere murthered,That I, the son of a dear father murdered, Ham II.ii.581
Prompted to my Reuenge by Heauen, and Hell,Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell, Ham II.ii.582
Must (like a Whore) vnpacke my heart with words,Must like a whore unpack my heart with words Ham II.ii.583
And fall a Cursing like a very Drab,And fall a-cursing like a very drab,drab (n.)
harlot, slut, whore
Ham II.ii.584
A Scullion ? Fye vpon't: Foh.A stallion! Fie upon't, foh! stallion (n.)
prostitute, hooker, whore
Ham II.ii.585
scullion (n.)
menial, lackey, domestic servant
About my Braine. / I haue heard,About, my brains. Hum – I have heardabout (adv.)
about your business, into action
Ham II.ii.586
that guilty Creatures sitting at a Play,That guilty creatures sitting at a play Ham II.ii.587
Haue by the very cunning of the Scoene,Have by the very cunning of the scenecunning (n.)
skill, ability, expertise
Ham II.ii.588
Bene strooke so to the soule, that presentlyBeen struck so to the soul that presentlypresently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once
Ham II.ii.589
They haue proclaim'd their Malefactions.They have proclaimed their malefactions.malefaction (n.)
evil-doing, criminal act
Ham II.ii.590
For Murther, though it haue no tongue, will speakeFor murder, though it have no tongue, will speak Ham II.ii.591
With most myraculous Organ. Ile haue these Players,With most miraculous organ. I'll have these players Ham II.ii.592
Play something like the murder of my Father,Play something like the murder of my father Ham II.ii.593
Before mine Vnkle. Ile obserue his lookes,Before mine uncle. I'll observe his looks. Ham II.ii.594
Ile tent him to the quicke: If he but blenchI'll tent him to the quick. If 'a do blench,tent (v.)
probe, explore, investigate
Ham II.ii.595
quick (n.)

old form: quicke
sensitive parts [of the body], tender flesh
blench (v.)
flinch, start, shrink
I know my course. The Spirit that I haue seeneI know my course. The spirit that I have seencourse (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
Ham II.ii.596
May be the Diuell, and the Diuel hath powerMay be a devil, and the devil hath power Ham II.ii.597
T'assume a pleasing shape, yea and perhapsT' assume a pleasing shape, yea, and perhaps Ham II.ii.598
Out of my Weaknesse, and my Melancholly,Out of my weakness and my melancholy, Ham II.ii.599
As he is very potent with such Spirits,As he is very potent with such spirits,potent (adj.)
powerful, influential
Ham II.ii.600
Abuses me to damne me. Ile haue groundsAbuses me to damn me. I'll have groundsabuse (v.)
deceive, mislead, fool, cheat
Ham II.ii.601
More Relatiue then this: The Play's the thing,More relative than this. The play's the thingrelative (adj.)

old form: Relatiue
pertinent, relevant, substantial
Ham II.ii.602
Wherein Ile catch the Conscience of the King. Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King. Ham II.ii.603
ExitExit Ham II.ii.603
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