First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
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Enter King, Queene, Polonius, Ophelia, Rosincrance, | Enter the King and Queen, Polonius, Ophelia, Rosencrantz, | | Ham III.i.1.1 | |
Guildenstern, and Lords. | Guildenstern, and lords | | Ham III.i.1.2 | |
King. | KING | | | |
And can you by no drift of circumstance | And can you by no drift of conference | drift (n.) direction, progress, course | Ham III.i.1 | |
| | conference (n.) conversation, talk, discourse | | |
Get from him why he puts on this Confusion: | Get from him why he puts on this confusion, | confusion (n.) disturbance, distraction, agitation [of the mind] | Ham III.i.2 | |
Grating so harshly all his dayes of quiet | Grating so harshly all his days of quiet | grate (v.) harass, irritate, aggravate | Ham III.i.3 | |
With turbulent and dangerous Lunacy. | With turbulent and dangerous lunacy? | | Ham III.i.4 | |
Rosin. | ROSENCRANTZ | | | |
He does confesse he feeles himselfe distracted, | He does confess he feels himself distracted, | distracted (adj.) perplexed, confused, agitated | Ham III.i.5 | |
But from what cause he will by no meanes speake. | But from what cause 'a will by no means speak. | | Ham III.i.6 | |
Guil. | GUILDENSTERN | | | |
Nor do we finde him forward to be sounded, | Nor do we find him forward to be sounded, | sound (v.) sound out, question, examine | Ham III.i.7 | |
| | forward (adj.) ready, eager, inclined | | |
But with a crafty Madnesse keepes aloofe: | But with a crafty madness keeps aloof | crafty (adj.) cunning, devious, wily | Ham III.i.8 | |
When we would bring him on to some Confession | When we would bring him on to some confession | | Ham III.i.9 | |
Of his true state. | Of his true state. | | Ham III.i.10.1 | |
Qu. | QUEEN | | | |
Did he receiue you well? | Did he receive you well? | | Ham III.i.10.2 | |
Rosin. | ROSENCRANTZ | | | |
Most like a Gentleman. | Most like a gentleman. | | Ham III.i.11 | |
Guild. | GUILDENSTERN | | | |
But with much forcing of his disposition. | But with much forcing of his disposition. | disposition (n.) inclination, mood, frame of mind | Ham III.i.12 | |
Rosin. | ROSENCRANTZ | | | |
Niggard of question, but of our demands | Niggard of question, but of our demands | niggard (adj.) grudging, reluctant, unwilling | Ham III.i.13 | |
| | question (n.) conversation, discourse, piece of talk | | |
Most free in his reply. | Most free in his reply. | | Ham III.i.14.1 | |
Qu. | QUEEN | | | |
Did you assay him | Did you assay him | assay (v.) challenge, tempt, win over | Ham III.i.14.2 | |
to any pastime? | To any pastime? | | Ham III.i.15 | |
Rosin. | ROSENCRANTZ | | | |
Madam, it so fell out, that certaine Players | Madam, it so fell out that certain players | | Ham III.i.16 | |
We ore-wrought on the way: of these we told him, | We o'erraught on the way. Of these we told him, | overreach, over-reach (v.), past form overraught overtake, come up with, pass by | Ham III.i.17 | |
And there did seeme in him a kinde of ioy | And there did seem in him a kind of joy | | Ham III.i.18 | |
To heare of it: They are about the Court, | To hear of it. They are here about the court, | | Ham III.i.19 | |
And (as I thinke) they haue already order | And, as I think, they have already order | | Ham III.i.20 | |
This night to play before him. | This night to play before him. | | Ham III.i.21.1 | |
Pol. | POLONIUS | | | |
'Tis most true: | 'Tis most true, | | Ham III.i.21.2 | |
And he beseech'd me to intreate your Maiesties | And he beseeched me to entreat your majesties | | Ham III.i.22 | |
To heare, and see the matter. | To hear and see the matter. | | Ham III.i.23 | |
King. | KING | | | |
With all my heart, and it doth much content me | With all my heart, and it doth much content me | content (v.) please, gratify, delight, satisfy | Ham III.i.24 | |
To heare him so inclin'd. | To hear him so inclined. | | Ham III.i.25 | |
Good Gentlemen, / Giue him a further edge, | Good gentlemen, give him a further edge | edge (n.) stimulus, push, incentive | Ham III.i.26 | |
and driue his purpose on / To these delights. | And drive his purpose into these delights. | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | Ham III.i.27 | |
Rosin. | ROSENCRANTZ | | | |
We shall my Lord. | We shall, my lord. | | Ham III.i.28.1 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, and lords | | Ham III.i.28 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Sweet Gertrude leaue vs too, | Sweet Gertrude, leave us too. | | Ham III.i.28.2 | |
For we haue closely sent for Hamlet hither, | For we have closely sent for Hamlet hither, | closely (adv.) secretly, covertly, privately | Ham III.i.29 | |
That he, as 'twere by accident, may there | That he, as 'twere by accident, may here | | Ham III.i.30 | |
Affront Ophelia. | Affront Ophelia. | affront (v.) come face to face with, meet, confront | Ham III.i.31 | |
Her Father, and my selfe (lawful espials) | Her father and myself, lawful espials, | espial (n.) spy, watcher, observer | Ham III.i.32 | |
| | lawful (adj.) excusable, allowable, justifiable | | |
Will so bestow our selues, that seeing vnseene | We'll so bestow ourselves that, seeing unseen, | bestow (v.) place, locate, position | Ham III.i.33 | |
We may of their encounter frankely iudge, | We may of their encounter frankly judge, | | Ham III.i.34 | |
And gather by him, as he is behaued, | And gather by him, as he is behaved, | | Ham III.i.35 | |
If't be th'affliction of his loue, or no. | If't be th' affliction of his love or no | | Ham III.i.36 | |
That thus he suffers for. | That thus he suffers for. | | Ham III.i.37.1 | |
Qu. | QUEEN | | | |
I shall obey you, | I shall obey you. – | | Ham III.i.37.2 | |
And for your part Ophelia, I do wish | And for your part, Ophelia, I do wish | | Ham III.i.38 | |
That your good Beauties be the happy cause | That your good beauties be the happy cause | | Ham III.i.39 | |
Of Hamlets wildenesse: so shall I hope your Vertues | Of Hamlet's wildness. So shall I hope your virtues | wildness (n.) madness, distraction, frenzy | Ham III.i.40 | |
Will bring him to his wonted way againe, | Will bring him to his wonted way again, | wonted (adj.) accustomed, usual, customary | Ham III.i.41 | |
To both your Honors. | To both your honours. | honour (n.) credit, good name, reputation | Ham III.i.42.1 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
Madam, I wish it may. | Madam, I wish it may. | | Ham III.i.42.2 | |
| Exit the Queen | | Ham III.i.42 | |
Pol. | POLONIUS | | | |
Ophelia, walke you heere. Gracious so please ye | Ophelia, walk you here. – Gracious, so please you, | | Ham III.i.43 | |
We will bestow our selues: Reade on this booke, | We will bestow ourselves. (to Ophelia) Read on this book, | bestow (v.) place, locate, position | Ham III.i.44 | |
That shew of such an exercise may colour | That show of such an exercise may colour | exercise (n.) religious practice, spiritual observance | Ham III.i.45 | |
| | colour (v.) explain, make plausible, excuse | | |
Your lonelinesse. We are oft too blame in this, | Your loneliness. We are oft to blame in this, | oft (adv.) often | Ham III.i.46 | |
| | loneliness (n.) being alone, solitariness | | |
'Tis too much prou'd, that with Deuotions visage, | 'Tis too much proved, that with devotion's visage | prove (v.) find, establish, experience | Ham III.i.47 | |
| | visage (n.) outward appearance, aspect, air | | |
And pious Action, we do surge o're | And pious action we do sugar o'er | action (n.) performance, exercises, acts | Ham III.i.48 | |
The diuell himselfe. | The devil himself. | | Ham III.i.49.1 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Oh 'tis true: | O, 'tis too true. | | Ham III.i.49.2 | |
How smart a lash that speech doth giue my Conscience? | (aside) How smart a lash that speech doth give my conscience! | smart (adj.) biting, stinging, painful | Ham III.i.50 | |
The Harlots Cheeke beautied with plaist'ring Art | The harlot's cheek, beautied with plastering art, | beauty (v.) beautify, embellish, adorn | Ham III.i.51 | |
Is not more vgly to the thing that helpes it, | Is not more ugly to the thing that helps it | | Ham III.i.52 | |
Then is my deede, to my most painted word. | Than is my deed to my most painted word. | painted (adj.) feigned, counterfeit, disguised | Ham III.i.53 | |
Oh heauie burthen! | O, heavy burden! | heavy (adj.) grave, serious, weighty | Ham III.i.54 | |
Pol. | POLONIUS | | | |
I heare him comming, let's withdraw my Lord. | I hear him coming. Let's withdraw, my lord. | | Ham III.i.55 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt the King and Polonius | | Ham III.i.55 | |
Enter Hamlet. | Enter Hamlet | | Ham III.i.56.1 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
To be, or not to be, that is the Question: | To be, or not to be – that is the question; | be (v.) be alive, live | Ham III.i.56 | |
Whether 'tis Nobler in the minde to suffer | Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer | | Ham III.i.57 | |
The Slings and Arrowes of outragious Fortune, | The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune | outrageous (adj.) temperamental, capricious, volatile | Ham III.i.58 | |
Or to take Armes against a Sea of troubles, | Or to take arms against a sea of troubles | | Ham III.i.59 | |
And by opposing end them: to dye, to sleepe | And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep – | | Ham III.i.60 | |
No more; and by a sleepe, to say we end | No more – and by a sleep to say we end | | Ham III.i.61 | |
The Heart-ake, and the thousand Naturall shockes | The heartache and the thousand natural shocks | | Ham III.i.62 | |
That Flesh is heyre too? 'Tis a consummation | That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation | consummation (n.) fitting end, crowning fulfilment [of life] | Ham III.i.63 | |
Deuoutly to be wish'd. To dye to sleepe, | Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep – | | Ham III.i.64 | |
To sleepe, perchance to Dreame; I, there's the rub, | To sleep – perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub. | perchance (adv.) perhaps, maybe | Ham III.i.65 | |
| | rub (n.) [bowls] obstacle, impediment, hindrance | | |
For in that sleepe of death, what dreames may come, | For in that sleep of death what dreams may come | | Ham III.i.66 | |
When we haue shufflel'd off this mortall coile, | When we have shuffled off this mortal coil | mortal (adj.) human, subject to death, characterized by mortality | Ham III.i.67 | |
| | coil (n.) turmoil, disturbance, fuss | | |
Must giue vs pawse. There's the respect | Must give us pause. There's the respect | pause (n.) hesitation, delay | Ham III.i.68 | |
| | respect (n.) consideration, factor, circumstance | | |
That makes Calamity of so long life: | That makes calamity of so long life. | | Ham III.i.69 | |
For who would beare the Whips and Scornes of time, | For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, | time (n.) (the) world, (the) age, society | Ham III.i.70 | |
| | scorn (n.) mockery, taunt, insult, act of derision | | |
The Oppressors wrong, the poore mans Contumely, | Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, | contumely (n.) scorn, insult, abuse | Ham III.i.71 | |
The pangs of dispriz'd Loue, the Lawes delay, | The pangs of despised love, the law's delay, | disprized (adj.) unvalued, held in contempt, disparaged | Ham III.i.72 | |
The insolence of Office, and the Spurnes | The insolence of office, and the spurns | office (n.) officialdom, people who hold office | Ham III.i.73 | |
| | spurn (n.) contemptuous treatment, scornful rejection | | |
That patient merit of the vnworthy takes, | That patient merit of th' unworthy takes, | merit (n.) deserving person, righteous individual | Ham III.i.74 | |
When he himselfe might his Quietus make | When he himself might his quietus make | quietus (n.) discharge, clearing of accounts, release | Ham III.i.75 | |
With a bare Bodkin? Who would these Fardles beare | With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear, | fardel (n.) burden, load, bundle | Ham III.i.76 | |
| | bare (adj.) mere, simple | | |
| | bodkin (n.) dagger [or other pointed weapon] | | |
To grunt and sweat vnder a weary life, | To grunt and sweat under a weary life, | | Ham III.i.77 | |
But that the dread of something after death, | But that the dread of something after death, | | Ham III.i.78 | |
The vndiscouered Countrey, from whose Borne | The undiscovered country, from whose bourn | bourn (n.) frontier, destination, boundary | Ham III.i.79 | |
No Traueller returnes, Puzels the will, | No traveller returns, puzzles the will, | puzzle (v.) bewilder, perplex, baffle | Ham III.i.80 | |
And makes vs rather beare those illes we haue, | And makes us rather bear those ills we have | | Ham III.i.81 | |
Then flye to others that we know not of. | Than fly to others that we know not of? | | Ham III.i.82 | |
Thus Conscience does make Cowards of vs all, | Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; | conscience (n.) internal reflection, inner voice, inmost thought | Ham III.i.83 | |
And thus the Natiue hew of Resolution | And thus the native hue of resolution | | Ham III.i.84 | |
Is sicklied o're, with the pale cast of Thought, | Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, | thought (n.) melancholic reflection, anxiety, sorrow, worry | Ham III.i.85 | |
| | sickly over (v.) cover with a sickly hue, make pallid | | |
| | cast (n.) tinge, shade, hue | | |
And enterprizes of great pith and moment, | And enterprises of great pitch and moment | moment (n.) importance, weight, consequence | Ham III.i.86 | |
| | pitch (n.) height, elevation, high aspiration | | |
| | pith (n.) importance, weight, gravity | | |
With this regard their Currants turne away, | With this regard their currents turn awry | regard (n.) consideration, respect, factor | Ham III.i.87 | |
And loose the name of Action. Soft you now, | And lose the name of action. Soft you now, | soft (int.) [used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet | Ham III.i.88 | |
The faire Ophelia? Nimph, in thy Orizons | The fair Ophelia! – Nymph, in thy orisons | orison (n.) prayer, plea | Ham III.i.89 | |
Be all my sinnes remembred. | Be all my sins remembered. | | Ham III.i.90.1 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
Good my Lord, | Good my lord, | | Ham III.i.90.2 | |
How does your Honor for this many a day? | How does your honour for this many a day? | many a day, for this during these past few days | Ham III.i.91 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
I humbly thanke you: well, well, well. | I humbly thank you, well, well, well. | | Ham III.i.92 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
My Lord, I haue Remembrances of yours, | My lord, I have remembrances of yours | remembrance (n.) love-token, keepsake, memento | Ham III.i.93 | |
That I haue longed long to re-deliuer. | That I have longed long to re-deliver. | | Ham III.i.94 | |
I pray you now, receiue them. | I pray you now receive them. | | Ham III.i.95.1 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
No, no, | No, not I. | | Ham III.i.95.2 | |
I neuer gaue you ought. | I never gave you aught. | aught (n.) anything, [with negative word] nothing | Ham III.i.96 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
My honor'd Lord, I know right well you did, | My honoured lord, you know right well you did, | | Ham III.i.97 | |
And with them words of so sweet breath compos'd, | And with them words of so sweet breath composed | | Ham III.i.98 | |
As made the things more rich, then perfume left: | As made the things more rich. Their perfume lost, | | Ham III.i.99 | |
Take these againe, for to the Noble minde | Take these again. For to the noble mind | | Ham III.i.100 | |
Rich gifts wax poore, when giuers proue vnkinde. | Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind. | | Ham III.i.101 | |
There my Lord. | There, my lord. | | Ham III.i.102 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Ha, ha: Are you honest? | Ha, ha! Are you honest? | honest (adj.) chaste, pure, virtuous | Ham III.i.103 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
My Lord. | My lord? | | Ham III.i.104 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Are you faire? | Are you fair? | | Ham III.i.105 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
What meanes your Lordship? | What means your lordship? | | Ham III.i.106 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
That if you be honest and faire, your Honesty | That if you be honest and fair, your honesty | | Ham III.i.107 | |
should admit no discourse to your Beautie. | should admit no discourse to your beauty. | admit (v.) permit, allow, grant | Ham III.i.108 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
Could Beautie my Lord, haue better Comerce | Could beauty, my lord, have better commerce | commerce (n.) dealings, transactions, intercourse | Ham III.i.109 | |
then your Honestie? | than with honesty? | | Ham III.i.110 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
I trulie: for the power of Beautie, will sooner | Ay, truly. For the power of beauty will sooner | | Ham III.i.111 | |
transforme Honestie from what it is, to a Bawd, then the | transform honesty from what it is to a bawd than the | bawd (n.) pimp, procurer, pander, go-between | Ham III.i.112 | |
force of Honestie can translate Beautie into his likenesse. | force of honesty can translate beauty into his likeness. | translate (v.) change, transform, alter | Ham III.i.113 | |
This was sometime a Paradox, but now the time giues it | This was sometime a paradox, but now the time gives it | time (n.) times, present day, present state of affairs | Ham III.i.114 | |
| | paradox (n.) statement going against accepted belief, absurdity | | |
| | sometime (adv.) formerly, at one time, once | | |
proofe. I did loue you once. | proof. I did love you once. | | Ham III.i.115 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
Indeed my Lord, you made me beleeue so. | Indeed, my lord, you made me believe so. | | Ham III.i.116 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
You should not haue beleeued me. For vertue | You should not have believed me. For virtue | | Ham III.i.117 | |
cannot so innocculate our old stocke, but we shall rellish of | cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of | inoculate (v.) engraft, graft into | Ham III.i.118 | |
| | relish (v.) have a flavour [of], taste, savour | | |
it. I loued you not. | it. I loved you not. | | Ham III.i.119 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
I was the more deceiued. | I was the more deceived. | | Ham III.i.120 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Get thee to a Nunnerie. Why would'st thou be a | Get thee to a nunnery. Why wouldst thou be a | | Ham III.i.121 | |
breeder of Sinners? I am my selfe indifferent honest, but | breeder of sinners? I am myself indifferent honest, but | indifferent (adv.) moderately, tolerably, reasonably | Ham III.i.122 | |
| | honest (adj.) honourable, respectable, upright | | |
yet I could accuse me of such things, that it were better | yet I could accuse me of such things that it were better | | Ham III.i.123 | |
my Mother had not borne me. I am very prowd, reuengefull, | my mother had not borne me. I am very proud, revengeful, | | Ham III.i.124 | |
Ambitious, with more offences at my becke, then I | ambitious, with more offences at my beck than I | beck (n.) beckoning, command, call | Ham III.i.125 | |
haue thoughts to put them in imagination, to giue them | have thoughts to put them in, imagination to give them | | Ham III.i.126 | |
shape, or time to acte them in. What should such Fellowes | shape, or time to act them in. What should such fellows | | Ham III.i.127 | |
as I do, crawling betweene Heauen and Earth. We are | as I do crawling between earth and heaven? We are | | Ham III.i.128 | |
arrant Knaues all, beleeue none of vs. Goe thy wayes to a | arrant knaves all. Believe none of us. Go thy ways to a | ways, go thy / your get along, be off | Ham III.i.129 | |
| | arrant (adj.) downright, absolute, unmitigated | | |
Nunnery. Where's your Father? | nunnery. Where's your father? | | Ham III.i.130 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
At home, my Lord. | At home, my lord. | | Ham III.i.131 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
Let the doores be shut vpon him, that he may | Let the doors be shut upon him, that he may | | Ham III.i.132 | |
play the Foole no way, but in's owne house. Farewell. | play the fool nowhere but in's own house. Farewell. | | Ham III.i.133 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
O helpe him, you sweet Heauens. | O, help him, you sweet heavens! | | Ham III.i.134 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
If thou doest Marry, Ile giue thee this Plague for | If thou dost marry, I'll give thee this plague for | | Ham III.i.135 | |
thy Dowrie. Be thou as chast as Ice, as pure as Snow, | thy dowry: be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, | | Ham III.i.136 | |
thou shalt not escape Calumny. Get thee to a Nunnery. | thou shalt not escape calumny. Get thee to a nunnery. | | Ham III.i.137 | |
Go, Farewell. Or if thou wilt needs Marry, marry a fool: | Go, farewell. Or, if thou wilt needs marry, marry a fool. | | Ham III.i.138 | |
for Wise men know well enough, what monsters you | For wise men know well enough what monsters you | monster (n.) cuckold, victim of adultery | Ham III.i.139 | |
make of them. To a Nunnery go, and quickly too. | make of them. To a nunnery, go, and quickly too. | | Ham III.i.140 | |
Farwell. | Farewell. | | Ham III.i.141 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
O heauenly Powers, restore him. | O heavenly powers, restore him! | power (n.) (usually plural) god, deity, divinity | Ham III.i.142 | |
Ham. | HAMLET | | | |
I haue heard of your pratlings too wel enough. | I have heard of your paintings too, well enough. | painting (n.) cosmetics, paint [for the face], beautifying | Ham III.i.143 | |
God has giuen you one pace, and you make your selfe | God has given you one face, and you make yourselves | | Ham III.i.144 | |
another: you gidge, you amble, and you lispe, and nickname | another. You jig and amble, and you lisp. You nickname | nickname (v.) invent names for, misname | Ham III.i.145 | |
| | jig (v.) move jerkily [as in a jig] | | |
| | lisp (v.) talk in an affected way, speak with affectation | | |
| | amble (v.) walk in an unnatural way | | |
Gods creatures, and make your Wantonnesse, your | God's creatures and make your wantonness your | wantonness (n.) foolish behaviour, caprice, whims | Ham III.i.146 | |
Ignorance. Go too, Ile no more on't, it hath made me | ignorance. Go to, I'll no more on't. It hath made me | | Ham III.i.147 | |
mad. I say, we will haue no more Marriages. Those that | mad. I say we will have no more marriage. Those that | | Ham III.i.148 | |
are married already, all but one shall liue, the rest | are married already – all but one – shall live. The rest | | Ham III.i.149 | |
shall keep as they are. To a Nunnery, go. | shall keep as they are. To a nunnery, go. | | Ham III.i.150 | |
Exit Hamlet. | Exit | | Ham III.i.150 | |
Ophe. | OPHELIA | | | |
O what a Noble minde is heere o're-throwne? | O, what a noble mind is here o'erthrown! | | Ham III.i.151 | |
The Courtiers, Soldiers, Schollers: Eye, tongue, sword, | The courtier's, soldier's, scholar's, eye, tongue, sword, | | Ham III.i.152 | |
Th'expectansie and Rose of the faire State, | Th' expectancy and rose of the fair state, | expectancy (n.) expectation, hope for the future, source of hope | Ham III.i.153 | |
The glasse of Fashion, and the mould of Forme, | The glass of fashion and the mould of form, | mould (n.) model, pattern, paradigm | Ham III.i.154 | |
| | form (n.) way of behaving, behaviour, code of conduct | | |
| | glass (n.) mirror, looking-glass | | |
Th'obseru'd of all Obseruers, quite, quite downe. | Th' observed of all observers, quite, quite down! | observed (n.) one demanding respect, deserving of honour | Ham III.i.155 | |
Haue I of Ladies most deiect and wretched, | And I, of ladies most deject and wretched, | deject (adj.) dejected, downcast, cast down | Ham III.i.156 | |
That suck'd the Honie of his Musicke Vowes: | That sucked the honey of his music vows, | | Ham III.i.157 | |
Now see that Noble, and most Soueraigne Reason, | Now see that noble and most sovereign reason | | Ham III.i.158 | |
Like sweet Bels iangled out of tune, and harsh, | Like sweet bells jangled, out of time and harsh, | | Ham III.i.159 | |
That vnmatch'd Forme and Feature of blowne youth, | That unmatched form and feature of blown youth | feature (n.) physical appearance, bodily shape, looks | Ham III.i.160 | |
| | blown (adj.) in full flower, in its bloom | | |
Blasted with extasie. Oh woe is me, | Blasted with ecstasy. O, woe is me | ecstasy (n.) madness, lunacy | Ham III.i.161 | |
| | woe (adj.) sorry, sorrowful, sad | | |
| | blast (v.) blight, wither, destroy | | |
T'haue seene what I haue seene: see what I see. | T' have seen what I have seen, see what I see! | | Ham III.i.162 | |
Enter King, and Polonius. | Enter the King and Polonius | | Ham III.i.163.1 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Loue? His affections do not that way tend, | Love? His affections do not that way tend; | affection (n.) fancy, inclination, desire | Ham III.i.163 | |
Nor what he spake, though it lack'd Forme a little, | Nor what he spake, though it lacked form a little, | | Ham III.i.164 | |
Was not like Madnesse. There's something in his soule? | Was not like madness. There's something in his soul | | Ham III.i.165 | |
O're which his Melancholly sits on brood, | O'er which his melancholy sits on brood, | brood, on brooding, moping | Ham III.i.166 | |
And I do doubt the hatch, and the disclose | And I do doubt the hatch and the disclose | hatch (n.) hatching [as from an egg] | Ham III.i.167 | |
| | disclose (n.) disclosure, bringing into public view | | |
| | doubt (v.) fear, be afraid [for], feel anxious [for] | | |
Will be some danger, which to preuent | Will be some danger; which for to prevent, | | Ham III.i.168 | |
I haue in quicke determination | I have in quick determination | determination (n.) mind, decision, resolution | Ham III.i.169 | |
Thus set it downe. He shall with speed to England | Thus set it down: he shall with speed to England | set down (v.) resolve, decide, determine | Ham III.i.170 | |
For the demand of our neglected Tribute: | For the demand of our neglected tribute. | | Ham III.i.171 | |
Haply the Seas and Countries different | Haply the seas, and countries different, | haply (adv.) perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck | Ham III.i.172 | |
With variable Obiects, shall expell | With variable objects, shall expel | object (n.) spectacle, sight, object of attention | Ham III.i.173 | |
| | variable (adj.) varied, diverse, different | | |
This something setled matter in his heart: | This something-settled matter in his heart, | | Ham III.i.174 | |
Whereon his Braines still beating, puts him thus | Whereon his brains still beating puts him thus | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Ham III.i.175 | |
| | beat (v.) hammer away, ponder furiously | | |
From fashion of himselfe. What thinke you on't? | From fashion of himself. What think you on't? | fashion (n.) conventional behaviour, conformity, customary use | Ham III.i.176 | |
Pol. | POLONIUS | | | |
It shall do well. But yet do I beleeue | It shall do well. But yet do I believe | | Ham III.i.177 | |
The Origin and Commencement of this greefe | The origin and commencement of his grief | grief (n.) grievance, complaint, hurt, injury | Ham III.i.178 | |
Sprung from neglected loue. How now Ophelia? | Sprung from neglected love. – How now, Ophelia? | | Ham III.i.179 | |
You neede not tell vs, what Lord Hamlet saide, | You need not tell us what Lord Hamlet said. | | Ham III.i.180 | |
We heard it all. My Lord, do as you please, | We heard it all. – My lord, do as you please, | | Ham III.i.181 | |
But if you hold it fit after the Play, | But if you hold it fit, after the play | | Ham III.i.182 | |
Let his Queene Mother all alone intreat him | Let his Queen mother all alone entreat him | | Ham III.i.183 | |
To shew his Greefes: let her be round with him, | To show his grief. Let her be round with him, | round (adj.) blunt, forthright, straight, plain-spoken | Ham III.i.184 | |
And Ile be plac'd so, please you in the eare | And I'll be placed, so please you, in the ear | ear, in the within earshot | Ham III.i.185 | |
Of all their Conference. If she finde him not, | Of all their conference. If she find him not, | find (v.) find the truth about, discover the reason for | Ham III.i.186 | |
| | conference (n.) conversation, talk, discourse | | |
To England send him: Or confine him where | To England send him, or confine him where | | Ham III.i.187 | |
Your wisedome best shall thinke. | Your wisdom best shall think. | | Ham III.i.188.1 | |
King. | KING | | | |
It shall be so: | It shall be so. | | Ham III.i.188.2 | |
Madnesse in great Ones, must not vnwatch'd go. | Madness in great ones must not unwatched go. | | Ham III.i.189 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | Ham III.i.189 | |