First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
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Flourish. Enter the Tribunes and Senators aloft And | Flourish. Enter the tribunes and senators aloft; and | | Tit I.i.1.1 | |
then enter Saturninus and his Followers at one | then enter below Saturninus and his followers at one | | Tit I.i.1.2 | |
doore, and Bassianus and his Followers at the other, | door, and Bassianus and his followers at the other, | | Tit I.i.1.3 | |
with Drum & Colours. | with drums and colours | colours (n.) battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners | Tit I.i.1.4 | |
Saturninus. | SATURNINUS | | | |
NOble Patricians, Patrons of my right, | Noble patricians, patrons of my right, | patron (n.) supporter, advocate | Tit I.i.1 | |
| | colours (n.) colour-ensigns, standard-bearers | | |
Defend the iustice of my Cause with Armes. | Defend the justice of my cause with arms. | | Tit I.i.2 | |
And Countrey-men, my louing Followers, | And, countrymen, my loving followers, | | Tit I.i.3 | |
Pleade my Successiue Title with your Swords. | Plead my successive title with your swords. | successive (adj.) hereditary, lineal, by right of succession | Tit I.i.4 | |
I was the first borne Sonne, that was the last | I am his first-born son that was the last | | Tit I.i.5 | |
That wore the Imperiall Diadem of Rome: | That wore the imperial diadem of Rome; | diadem (n.) crown, sovereign power | Tit I.i.6 | |
Then let my Fathers Honours liue in me, | Then let my father's honours live in me, | honour (n.) fame, renown, glory | Tit I.i.7 | |
Nor wrong mine Age with this indignitie. | Nor wrong mine age with this indignity. | age (n.) seniority, status as elder brother | Tit I.i.8 | |
Bassianus. | BASSIANUS | | | |
Romaines, Friends, Followers, / Fauourers of my Right: | Romans, friends, followers, favourers of my right, | | Tit I.i.9 | |
If euer Bassianus, Casars Sonne, | If ever Bassianus, Caesar's son, | | Tit I.i.10 | |
Were gracious in the eyes of Royall Rome, | Were gracious in the eyes of royal Rome, | gracious (adj.) in favour, enjoying grace, esteemed | Tit I.i.11 | |
Keepe then this passage to the Capitoll: | Keep then this passage to the Capitol, | keep (v.) guard, watch, tend | Tit I.i.12 | |
| | Capitol (n.) geographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government | | |
And suffer not Dishonour to approach | And suffer not dishonour to approach | | Tit I.i.13 | |
Th'Imperiall Seate to Vertue: consecrate | The Imperial seat, to virtue consecrate, | virtue (n.) quality, accomplishment, ability | Tit I.i.14 | |
To Iustice, Continence, and Nobility: | To justice, continence, and nobility; | continence (n.) self-restraint, self-control, abstemiousness | Tit I.i.15 | |
But let Desert in pure Election shine; | But let desert in pure election shine, | desert, desart (n.) deserving, due recompense, right | Tit I.i.16 | |
And Romanes, fight for Freedome in your Choice. | And, Romans, fight for freedom in your choice. | | Tit I.i.17 | |
Enter Marcus Andronicus aloft with the Crowne. | Enter Marcus Andronicus aloft with the crown | | Tit I.i.18 | |
| MARCUS | | | |
Princes, that striue by Factions, and by Friends, | Princes that strive by factions and by friends | | Tit I.i.18 | |
Ambitiously for Rule and Empery: | Ambitiously for rule and empery, | empery (n.) absolute dominion, sovereignty | Tit I.i.19 | |
Know, that the people of Rome for whom we stand | Know that the people of Rome, for whom we stand | stand (v.) act as, be, hold good as | Tit I.i.20 | |
A speciall Party, haue by Common voyce | A special party, have by common voice | voice (n.) vote, official support | Tit I.i.21 | |
In Election for the Romane Emperie, | In election for the Roman empery | election (n.) choice, preference | Tit I.i.22 | |
Chosen Andronicus, Sur-named Pious, | Chosen Andronicus, surnamed Pius | | Tit I.i.23 | |
For many good and great deserts to Rome. | For many good and great deserts to Rome. | desert, desart (n.) worthy deed, meritorious action | Tit I.i.24 | |
A Nobler man, a brauer Warriour, | A nobler man, a braver warrior, | | Tit I.i.25 | |
Liues not this day within the City Walles. | Lives not this day within the city walls. | | Tit I.i.26 | |
He by the Senate is accited home | He by the senate is accited home | accite (v.) cite, summon, call | Tit I.i.27 | |
From weary Warres against the barbarous Gothes, | From weary wars against the barbarous Goths, | Goths (n.) warlike Germanic tribe from C Europe, 3rd--5th-c | Tit I.i.28 | |
That with his Sonnes (a terror to our Foes) | That with his sons, a terror to our foes, | | Tit I.i.29 | |
Hath yoak'd a Nation strong, train'd vp in Armes. | Hath yoked a nation strong, trained up in arms. | yoke (v.) conquer, tame, bring into subjection | Tit I.i.30 | |
Ten yeares are spent, since first he vndertooke | Ten years are spent since first he undertook | | Tit I.i.31 | |
This Cause of Rome, and chasticed with Armes | This cause of Rome, and chastised with arms | | Tit I.i.32 | |
Our Enemies pride. Fiue times he hath return'd | Our enemies' pride. Five times he hath returned | | Tit I.i.33 | |
Bleeding to Rome, bearing his Valiant Sonnes | Bleeding to Rome, bearing his valiant sons | | Tit I.i.34 | |
In Coffins from the Field. | In coffins from the field, and at this day | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | Tit I.i.35 | |
| To the monument of the Andronici | | Tit I.i.36 | |
| Done sacrifice of expiation, | expiation (n.) purification, atonement | Tit I.i.37 | |
| And slain the noblest prisoner of the Goths. | | Tit I.i.38 | |
And now at last, laden with Honours Spoyles, | And now at last, laden with honour's spoils, | | Tit I.i.39 | |
Returnes the good Andronicus to Rome, | Returns the good Andronicus to Rome, | | Tit I.i.40 | |
Renowned Titus, flourishing in Armes. | Renowned Titus, flourishing in arms. | flourish (v.) thrive, prosper, display triumph | Tit I.i.41 | |
Let vs intreat, by Honour of his Name, | Let us entreat, by honour of his name | | Tit I.i.42 | |
Whom (worthily) you would haue now succeede, | Whom worthily you would have now succeed, | | Tit I.i.43 | |
And in the Capitoll and Senates right, | And in the Capitol and senate's right | | Tit I.i.44 | |
Whom you pretend to Honour and Adore, | Whom you pretend to honour and adore, | pretend (v.) claim, avow, profess | Tit I.i.45 | |
That you withdraw you, and abate your Strength, | That you withdraw you and abate your strength, | abate (v.) lessen, lower, diminish | Tit I.i.46 | |
Dismisse your Followers, and as Suters should, | Dismiss your followers, and, as suitors should, | | Tit I.i.47 | |
Pleade your Deserts in Peace and Humblenesse. | Plead your deserts in peace and humbleness. | desert, desart (n.) cause, deserving, warrant | Tit I.i.48 | |
Saturnine. | SATURNINUS | | | |
How fayre the Tribune speakes, / To calme my thoughts. | How fair the tribune speaks to calm my thoughts. | | Tit I.i.49 | |
Bassia. | BASSIANUS | | | |
Marcus Andronicus, so I do affie | Marcus Andronicus, so I do affy | affy (v.) have faith, place trust | Tit I.i.50 | |
In thy vprightnesse and Integrity: | In thy uprightness and integrity, | | Tit I.i.51 | |
And so I Loue and Honor thee, and thine, | And so I love and honour thee and thine, | | Tit I.i.52 | |
Thy Noble Brother Titus, and his Sonnes, | Thy noble brother Titus and his sons, | | Tit I.i.53 | |
And Her (to whom my thoughts are humbled all) | And her to whom my thoughts are humbled all, | | Tit I.i.54 | |
Gracious Lauinia, Romes rich Ornament, | Gracious Lavinia, Rome's rich ornament, | | Tit I.i.55 | |
That I will heere dismisse my louing Friends: | That I will here dismiss my loving friends | | Tit I.i.56 | |
And to my Fortunes, and the Peoples Fauour, | And to my fortune's and the people's favour | | Tit I.i.57 | |
Commit my Cause in ballance to be weigh'd. | Commit my cause in balance to be weighed. | | Tit I.i.58 | |
Exit Souldiours. | Exeunt his soldiers; his other followers remain | | Tit I.i.58 | |
Saturnine. | SATURNINUS | | | |
Friends, that haue beene / Thus forward in my Right, | Friends that have been thus forward in my right, | | Tit I.i.59 | |
I thanke you all, and heere Dismisse you all, | I thank you all and here dismiss you all, | | Tit I.i.60 | |
And to the Loue and Fauour of my Countrey, | And to the love and favour of my country | | Tit I.i.61 | |
Commit my Selfe, my Person, and the Cause: | Commit myself, my person, and the cause. | | Tit I.i.62 | |
| Exeunt his soldiers; his other followers remain | | Tit I.i.62 | |
| (To the tribunes and senators above) | | Tit I.i.63 | |
Rome, be as iust and gracious vnto me, | Rome, be as just and gracious unto me | | Tit I.i.63 | |
As I am confident and kinde to thee. | As I am confident and kind to thee. | kind (adj.) loving, affectionate, fond | Tit I.i.64 | |
| | confident (adj.) trusting, trustful, ready to confide | | |
Open the Gates, and let me in. | Open the gates and let me in. | | Tit I.i.65 | |
Bassia. | BASSIANUS | | | |
Tribunes, and me, a poore Competitor. | Tribunes, and me, a poor competitor. | competitor (n.) fellow-candidate | Tit I.i.66 | |
Flourish. They go vp into the Senat house. | Flourish. They go up into the senate house. | | Tit I.i.67.1 | |
Enter a Captaine. | Enter a Captain | | Tit I.i.67.2 | |
Cap. | CAPTAIN | | | |
Romanes make way: the good Andronicus, | Romans, make way. The good Andronicus, | | Tit I.i.67 | |
Patron of Vertue, Romes best Champion, | Patron of virtue, Rome's best champion, | champion (n.) warrior, fighter, man of valour | Tit I.i.68 | |
| | patron (n.) defender, protector, lord and master | | |
Successefull in the Battailes that he fights, | Successful in the battles that he fights, | | Tit I.i.69 | |
With Honour and with Fortune is return'd, | With honour and with fortune is returned | | Tit I.i.70 | |
From whence he circumscribed with his Sword, | From where he circumscribed with his sword | circumscribe (v.) confine, fence in, hem in | Tit I.i.71 | |
And brought to yoke the Enemies of Rome. | And brought to yoke the enemies of Rome. | yoke (n.) servitude, state of subjection | Tit I.i.72 | |
Sound Drummes and Trumpets. And then enter two of Titus | Sound drums and trumpets. Then enter two of Titus's | | Tit I.i.73.1 | |
Sonnes; After them, two men bearing a | sons, Martius and Mutius, then two men bearing a | | Tit I.i.73.2 | |
Coffin couered with blacke, then two other Sonnes. | Coffin covered with black, then two other sons, Lucius | | Tit I.i.73.3 | |
After them, Titus Andronicus, and then | and Quintus, then Titus Andronicus, and then | | Tit I.i.73.4 | |
Tamora the Queene of Gothes, & her two Sonnes | Tamora, the Queen of Goths, and her three sons, | | Tit I.i.73.5 | |
Chiron and Demetrius, with Aaron the Moore, | Alarbus, Chiron and Demetrius, with Aaron the Moor, | | Tit I.i.73.6 | |
and others, as many as can bee: They set downe the Coffin, | and others as many as can be. Then set down the coffin, | | Tit I.i.73.7 | |
and Titus speakes. | and Titus speaks | | Tit I.i.73.8 | |
Andronicus. | TITUS | | | |
Haile Rome: / Victorious in thy Mourning Weedes: | Hail, Rome, victorious in thy mourning weeds! | weed (n.) (plural) garments, dress, clothes | Tit I.i.73 | |
Loe as the Barke that hath discharg'd his fraught, | Lo, as the bark that hath discharged his freight | fraught (n.) freight, cargo, goods | Tit I.i.74 | |
| | bark, barque (n.) ship, vessel | | |
Returnes with precious lading to the Bay, | Returns with precious lading to the bay | lading (n.) cargo, freight, merchandise | Tit I.i.75 | |
From whence at first she wegih'd her Anchorage: | From whence at first she weighed her anchorage, | anchorage anchor, anchors | Tit I.i.76 | |
Commeth Andronicus bound with Lawrell bowes, | Cometh Andronicus, bound with laurel boughs, | laurel (adj.) of the bay tree [as a symbol of victory] | Tit I.i.77 | |
| | boughs (n.) leaves, foliage | | |
To resalute his Country with his teares, | To re-salute his country with his tears, | | Tit I.i.78 | |
Teares of true ioy for his returne to Rome, | Tears of true joy for his return to Rome. | | Tit I.i.79 | |
Thou great defender of this Capitoll, | Thou great defender of this Capitol, | | Tit I.i.80 | |
Stand gracious to the Rites that we intend. | Stand gracious to the rites that we intend. | gracious (adj.) showing favour, displaying benevolence | Tit I.i.81 | |
Romaines, of fiue and twenty Valiant Sonnes, | Romans, of five-and-twenty valiant sons, | | Tit I.i.82 | |
Halfe of the number that King Priam had, | Half of the number that King Priam had, | Priam (n.) [pron: 'priyam] king of Troy, husband of Hecuba; killed by Pyrrhus during the sack of Troy | Tit I.i.83 | |
Behold the poore remaines aliue and dead! | Behold the poor remains alive and dead. | | Tit I.i.84 | |
These that Suruiue, let Rome reward with Loue: | These that survive, let Rome reward with love; | | Tit I.i.85 | |
These that I bring vnto their latest home, | These that I bring unto their latest home, | | Tit I.i.86 | |
With buriall amongst their Auncestors. | With burial amongst their ancestors. | | Tit I.i.87 | |
Heere Gothes haue giuen me leaue to sheath my Sword: | Here Goths have given me leave to sheathe my sword. | | Tit I.i.88 | |
Titus vnkinde, and carelesse of thine owne, | Titus, unkind and careless of thine own, | unkind (adj.) lacking in family affection, with no respect for kinship | Tit I.i.89 | |
| | careless (adj.) negligent, improvident, neglectful | | |
Why suffer'st thou thy Sonnes vnburied yet, | Why suffer'st thou thy sons unburied yet | suffer (v.) allow, permit, let | Tit I.i.90 | |
To houer on the dreadfull shore of Stix? | To hover on the dreadful shore of Styx? | Styx (n.) the principal mythological river of the underworld | Tit I.i.91 | |
Make way to lay them by their Bretheren. | Make way to lay them by their brethren. | | Tit I.i.92 | |
They open the Tombe. | They open the tomb | | Tit I.i.93.1 | |
There greete in silence as the dead are wont, | There greet in silence as the dead are wont, | wont (v.) be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of | Tit I.i.93 | |
And sleepe in peace, slaine in your Countries warres: | And sleep in peace, slain in your country's wars. | | Tit I.i.94 | |
O sacred receptacle of my ioyes, | O sacred receptacle of my joys, | receptacle (n.) repository, storehouse, receiving chamber | Tit I.i.95 | |
Sweet Cell of vertue and Noblitie, | Sweet cell of virtue and nobility, | | Tit I.i.96 | |
How many Sonnes of mine hast thou in store, | How many sons hast thou of mine in store | | Tit I.i.97 | |
That thou wilt neuer render to me more? | That thou wilt never render to me more! | | Tit I.i.98 | |
Luc. | LUCIUS | | | |
Giue vs the proudest prisoner of the Gothes, | Give us the proudest prisoner of the Goths, | | Tit I.i.99 | |
That we may hew his limbes, and on a pile | That we may hew his limbs and on a pile | | Tit I.i.100 | |
Ad manus fratrum, sacrifice his flesh: | Ad manes fratrum sacrifice his flesh | ad manes... to the shades of brothers | Tit I.i.101 | |
Before this earthly prison of their bones, | Before this earthy prison of their bones, | earthy (adj.) of the earth, made of clay | Tit I.i.102 | |
That so the shadowes be not vnappeas'd, | That so the shadows be not unappeased, | shadow (n.) spirit, phantom, spectre, ghost | Tit I.i.103 | |
Nor we disturb'd with prodigies on earth. | Nor we disturbed with prodigies on earth. | prodigy (n.) omen, portent, sign | Tit I.i.104 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
I giue him you, the Noblest that Suruiues, | I give him you, the noblest that survives, | | Tit I.i.105 | |
The eldest Son of this distressed Queene. | The eldest son of this distressed queen. | | Tit I.i.106 | |
Tam. | TAMORA | | | |
| (kneeling) | | Tit I.i.107 | |
Stay Romaine Bretheren, gracious Conqueror, | Stay, Roman brethren! Gracious conqueror, | | Tit I.i.107 | |
Victorious Titus, rue the teares I shed, | Victorious Titus, rue the tears I shed, | rue (v.) pity, grieve for, feel for | Tit I.i.108 | |
A Mothers teares in passion for her sonne: | A mother's tears in passion for her son; | passion (n.) suffering, torment, deep grief | Tit I.i.109 | |
And if thy Sonnes were euer deere to thee, | And if thy sons were ever dear to thee, | | Tit I.i.110 | |
Oh thinke my sonnes to be as deere to mee. | O, think my son to be as dear to me. | | Tit I.i.111 | |
Sufficeth not, that we are brought to Rome | Sufficeth not that we are brought to Rome | suffice (v.) satisfy, content, be enough [for] | Tit I.i.112 | |
To beautifie thy Triumphs, and returne | To beautify thy triumphs, and return | triumph (n.) triumphal procession into Rome | Tit I.i.113 | |
Captiue to thee, and to thy Romaine yoake, | Captive to thee and to thy Roman yoke, | yoke (n.) servitude, state of subjection | Tit I.i.114 | |
But must my Sonnes be slaughtred in the streetes, | But must my sons be slaughtered in the streets | | Tit I.i.115 | |
For Valiant doings in their Countries cause? | For valiant doings in their country's cause? | | Tit I.i.116 | |
O! If to fight for King and Common-weale, | O, if to fight for king and commonweal | commonweal, commonwealth (n.) state, nation, community, body politic | Tit I.i.117 | |
Were piety in thine, it is in these: | Were piety in thine, it is in these. | | Tit I.i.118 | |
Andronicus, staine not thy Tombe with blood. | Andronicus, stain not thy tomb with blood. | | Tit I.i.119 | |
Wilt thou draw neere the nature of the Gods? | Wilt thou draw near the nature of the gods? | | Tit I.i.120 | |
Draw neere them then in being mercifull. | Draw near them then in being merciful; | | Tit I.i.121 | |
Sweet mercy is Nobilities true badge, | Sweet mercy is nobility's true badge. | | Tit I.i.122 | |
Thrice Noble Titus, spare my first borne sonne. | Thrice-noble Titus, spare my first-born son. | thrice-noble (adj.) most noble | Tit I.i.123 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
Patient your selfe Madam, and pardon me. | Patient yourself, madam, and pardon me. | patient (v.) be patient, calm, quieten | Tit I.i.124 | |
These are the Brethren, whom you Gothes beheld | These are their brethren whom your Goths beheld | | Tit I.i.125 | |
Aliue and dead, and for their Bretheren slaine, | Alive and dead, and for their brethren slain | | Tit I.i.126 | |
Religiously they aske a sacrifice: | Religiously they ask a sacrifice. | religiously (adv.) in accord with religious belief | Tit I.i.127 | |
To this your sonne is markt, and die he must, | To this your son is marked, and die he must | | Tit I.i.128 | |
T'appease their groaning shadowes that are gone. | T' appease their groaning shadows that are gone. | shadow (n.) spirit, phantom, spectre, ghost | Tit I.i.129 | |
Luc. | LUCIUS | | | |
Away with him, and make a fire straight, | Away with him, and make a fire straight, | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | Tit I.i.130 | |
And with our Swords vpon a pile of wood, | And with our swords upon a pile of wood | | Tit I.i.131 | |
Let's hew his limbes till they be cleane consum'd. | Let's hew his limbs till they be clean consumed. | clean (adv.) totally, absolutely, utterly | Tit I.i.132 | |
Exit Sonnes with Alarbus. | Exeunt Titus's sons with Alarbus | | Tit I.i.132 | |
Tamo. | TAMORA | | | |
| (rising) | | Tit I.i.133 | |
O cruell irreligious piety. | O cruel, irreligious piety. | | Tit I.i.133 | |
Chi. | CHIRON | | | |
Was euer Scythia halfe so barbarous? | Was never Scythia half so barbarous. | | Tit I.i.134 | |
Dem. | DEMETRIUS | | | |
Oppose me Scythia to ambitious Rome, | Oppose not Scythia to ambitious Rome. | oppose (v.) compare, draw a parallel between | Tit I.i.135 | |
Alarbus goes to rest, and we suruiue, | Alarbus goes to rest and we survive | | Tit I.i.136 | |
To tremble vnder Titus threatning lookes, | To tremble under Titus' threat'ning look. | | Tit I.i.137 | |
Then Madam stand resolu'd, but hope withall, | Then, madam, stand resolved; but hope withal | resolved (adj.) determined, settled, decided | Tit I.i.138 | |
The selfe same Gods that arm'd the Queene of Troy | The selfsame gods that armed the Queen of Troy | Troy (n.) ancient city of W Turkey, besieged for 10 years during the Trojan Wars; also called Ilium, Ilion | Tit I.i.139 | |
With opportunitie of sharpe reuenge | With opportunity of sharp revenge | sharp (adj.) severe, harsh, merciless | Tit I.i.140 | |
Vpon the Thracian Tyrant in his Tent, | Upon the Thracian tyrant in his tent | Thracian (adj.) [pron: 'thraysian] of Thrace; region of ancient NE Greece associated with the worship of Dionysus | Tit I.i.141 | |
May fauour Tamora the Queene of Gothes, | May favour Tamora, the Queen of Goths – | | Tit I.i.142 | |
(When Gothes were Gothes, and Tamora was Queene) | When Goths were Goths, and Tamora was queen – | | Tit I.i.143 | |
To quit the bloody wrongs vpon her foes. | To quit these bloody wrongs upon her foes. | quit (v.) avenge, requite, take vengeance [on] | Tit I.i.144 | |
Enter the Sonnes of Andronicus againe. | Enter the sons of Andronicus, with their swords bloody | | Tit I.i.145 | |
Luci. | LUCIUS | | | |
See Lord and Father, how we haue perform'd | See, lord and father, how we have performed | | Tit I.i.145 | |
Our Romaine rightes, Alarbus limbs are lopt, | Our Roman rites. Alarbus' limbs are lopped, | | Tit I.i.146 | |
And intrals feede the sacrifising fire, | And entrails feed the sacrificing fire, | sacrificing (adj.) sacrificial | Tit I.i.147 | |
Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the skie. | Whose smoke like incense doth perfume the sky. | | Tit I.i.148 | |
Remaineth nought but to interre our Brethren, | Remaineth naught but to inter our brethren, | | Tit I.i.149 | |
And with low'd Larums welcome them to Rome. | And with loud 'larums welcome them to Rome. | alarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.) tumult, uproar, hubbub | Tit I.i.150 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
Let it be so, and let Andronicus | Let it be so, and let Andronicus | | Tit I.i.151 | |
Make this his latest farewell to their soules. | Make this his latest farewell to their souls. | | Tit I.i.152 | |
Flourish. Then Sound Trumpets, and lay the Coffins in the Tombe. | Sound trumpets, and lay the coffin in the tomb | | Tit I.i.153 | |
In peace and Honour rest you heere my Sonnes, | In peace and honour rest you here, my sons; | | Tit I.i.153 | |
Romes readiest Champions, repose you heere in rest, | Rome's readiest champions, repose you here in rest, | ready (adj.) eager, willing, ready to act | Tit I.i.154 | |
Secure from worldly chaunces and mishaps: | Secure from worldly chances and mishaps. | | Tit I.i.155 | |
Heere lurks no Treason, heere no enuie swels, | Here lurks no treason, here no envy swells, | | Tit I.i.156 | |
Heere grow no damned grudges, heere are no stormes, | Here grow no damned drugs, here are no storms, | drug (n.) poisonous plant | Tit I.i.157 | |
No noyse, but silence and Eternall sleepe, | No noise, but silence and eternal sleep. | | Tit I.i.158 | |
Enter Lauinia. | Enter Lavinia | | Tit I.i.159 | |
In peace and Honour rest you heere my Sonnes. | In peace and honour rest you here, my sons. | | Tit I.i.159 | |
Laui. | LAVINIA | | | |
In peace and Honour, liue Lord Titus long, | In peace and honour live Lord Titus long; | | Tit I.i.160 | |
My Noble Lord and Father, liue in Fame: | My noble lord and father, live in fame. | | Tit I.i.161 | |
Loe at this Tombe my tributarie teares, | Lo, at this tomb my tributary tears | tributary (adj.) paying a tribute, contributory | Tit I.i.162 | |
I render for my Bretherens Obsequies: | I render for my brethren's obsequies, | obsequy (n.) funeral rite, burial ceremony | Tit I.i.163 | |
And at thy feete I kneele, with teares of ioy | (Kneeling) And at thy feet I kneel with tears of joy | | Tit I.i.164 | |
Shed on the earth for thy returne to Rome. | Shed on this earth for thy return to Rome. | | Tit I.i.165 | |
O blesse me heere with thy victorious hand, | O bless me here with thy victorious hand, | | Tit I.i.166 | |
Whose Fortune Romes best Citizens applau'd. | Whose fortunes Rome's best citizens applaud. | | Tit I.i.167 | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
Kind Rome, / That hast thus louingly reseru'd | Kind Rome, that hast thus lovingly reserved | reserve (v.) preserve, retain, keep | Tit I.i.168 | |
The Cordiall of mine age to glad my hart, | The cordial of mine age to glad my heart. | glad (v.) gladden, brighten, cause to rejoice | Tit I.i.169 | |
| | age (n.) mature years, old age | | |
| | cordial (n.) restorative, stimulant, tonic | | |
Lauinia liue, out-liue thy Fathers dayes: | Lavinia, live, outlive thy father's days | | Tit I.i.170 | |
And Fames eternall date for vertues praise. | And fame's eternal date for virtue's praise. | | Tit I.i.171 | |
| Lavinia rises | | Tit I.i.172 | |
Marc. | MARCUS | | | |
| (above) | | Tit I.i.172 | |
Long liue Lord Titus, my beloued brother, | Long live Lord Titus, my beloved brother, | | Tit I.i.172 | |
Gracious Triumpher in the eyes of Rome. | Gracious triumpher in the eyes of Rome! | triumpher (n.) victor, conqueror, general [given a Roman procession of welcome] | Tit I.i.173 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
Thankes Gentle Tribune, / Noble brother Marcus. | Thanks, gentle tribune, noble brother Marcus. | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | Tit I.i.174 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
And welcome Nephews from succesfull wars, | And welcome, nephews, from successful wars, | | Tit I.i.175 | |
You that suruiue and you that sleepe in Fame: | You that survive, and you that sleep in fame. | | Tit I.i.176 | |
Faire Lords your Fortunes are all alike in all, | Fair lords, your fortunes are alike in all | | Tit I.i.177 | |
That in your Countries seruice drew your Swords. | That in your country's service drew your swords; | | Tit I.i.178 | |
But safer Triumph is this Funerall Pompe, | But safer triumph is this funeral pomp, | | Tit I.i.179 | |
That hath aspir'd to Solons Happines, | That hath aspired to Solon's happiness | Solon (n.) [pron: 'sohlon] Athenian statesman, c.7th-c BC | Tit I.i.180 | |
And Triumphs ouer chaunce in honours bed. | And triumphs over chance in honour's bed. | | Tit I.i.181 | |
Titus Andronicus,, thepeopleof Rome, | Titus Andronicus, the people of Rome, | | Tit I.i.182 | |
Whose friend in iustice thou hast euer bene, | Whose friend in justice thou hast ever been, | | Tit I.i.183 | |
Send thee by me their Tribune and their trust, | Send thee by me, their tribune and their trust, | | Tit I.i.184 | |
This Palliament of white and spotlesse Hue, | This palliament of white and spotless hue, | palliament (n.) robe, gown [of someone aspiring to Roman consulship] | Tit I.i.185 | |
And name thee in Election for the Empire, | And name thee in election for the empire | election (n.) choice, preference | Tit I.i.186 | |
| | empire (n.) emperor | | |
With these our late deceased Emperours Sonnes: | With these our late-deceased emperor's sons. | | Tit I.i.187 | |
Be Candidatus then, and put it on, | Be candidatus then and put it on, | | Tit I.i.188 | |
And helpe to set a head on headlesse Rome. | And help to set a head on headless Rome. | | Tit I.i.189 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
A better head her Glorious body fits, | A better head her glorious body fits | | Tit I.i.190 | |
Then his that shakes for age and feeblenesse: | Than his that shakes for age and feebleness. | | Tit I.i.191 | |
What should I d'on this Robe and trouble you, | What should I don this robe and trouble you? | | Tit I.i.192 | |
Be chosen with proclamations to day, | Be chosen with proclamations today, | | Tit I.i.193 | |
To morrow yeeld vp rule, resigne my life, | Tomorrow yield up rule, resign my life, | | Tit I.i.194 | |
And set abroad new businesse for you all. | And set abroad new business for you all? | set abroad (v.) set afoot, initiate, start up | Tit I.i.195 | |
Rome I haue bene thy Souldier forty yeares, | Rome, I have been thy soldier forty years, | | Tit I.i.196 | |
And led my Countries strength successefully, | And led my country's strength successfully, | | Tit I.i.197 | |
And buried one and twenty Valiant Sonnes, | And buried one-and-twenty valiant sons | | Tit I.i.198 | |
Knighted in Field, slaine manfully in Armes, | Knighted in field, slain manfully in arms, | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | Tit I.i.199 | |
In right and Seruice of their Noble Countrie: | In right and service of their noble country. | right (n.) just claim, rights, title | Tit I.i.200 | |
Giue me a staffe of Honour for mine age. | Give me a staff of honour for mine age, | | Tit I.i.201 | |
But not a Scepter to controule the world, | But not a sceptre to control the world. | | Tit I.i.202 | |
Vpright he held it Lords, that held it last. | Upright he held it, lords, that held it last. | | Tit I.i.203 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
Titus, thou shalt obtaine and aske the Emperie. | Titus, thou shalt obtain and ask the empery. | empery (n.) absolute dominion, sovereignty | Tit I.i.204 | |
Sat. | SATURNINUS | | | |
| (above) | | Tit I.i.205 | |
Proud and ambitious Tribune can'st thou tell? | Proud and ambitious tribune, canst thou tell? | | Tit I.i.205 | |
Titus. | TITUS | | | |
Patience Prince Saturninus. | Patience, Prince Saturninus. | | Tit I.i.206.1 | |
Sat. | SATURNINUS | | | |
Romaines do me right. | Romans, do me right! | | Tit I.i.206.2 | |
Patricians draw your Swords, and sheath them not | Patricians, draw your swords and sheathe them not | | Tit I.i.207 | |
Till Saturninus be Romes Emperour: | Till Saturninus be Rome's emperor. | | Tit I.i.208 | |
Andronicus would thou wert shipt to hell, | Andronicus, would thou wert shipped to hell | | Tit I.i.209 | |
Rather then rob me of the peoples harts. | Rather than rob me of the people's hearts. | | Tit I.i.210 | |
Luc. | LUCIUS | | | |
Proud Saturnine, interrupter of the good | Proud Saturnine, interrupter of the good | | Tit I.i.211 | |
That Noble minded Titus meanes to thee. | That noble-minded Titus means to thee. | | Tit I.i.212 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
Content thee Prince, I will restore to thee | Content thee, prince; I will restore to thee | | Tit I.i.213 | |
The peoples harts, and weane them from themselues. | The people's hearts, and wean them from themselves. | wean (v.) separate, detach, alienate | Tit I.i.214 | |
Bass. | BASSIANUS | | | |
| (above) | | Tit I.i.215 | |
Andronicus, I do not flatter thee | Andronicus, I do not flatter thee, | | Tit I.i.215 | |
But Honour thee, and will doe till I die: | But honour thee, and will do till I die. | | Tit I.i.216 | |
My Faction if thou strengthen with thy Friend? | My faction if thou strengthen with thy friends, | | Tit I.i.217 | |
I will most thankefull be, and thankes to men | I will most thankful be; and thanks to men | | Tit I.i.218 | |
Of Noble mindes, is Honourable Meede. | Of noble minds is honourable meed. | meed (n.) reward, prize, recompense | Tit I.i.219 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
People of Rome, and Noble Tribunes heere, | People of Rome and people's tribunes here, | | Tit I.i.220 | |
I aske your voyces and your Suffrages, | I ask your voices and your suffrages. | suffrage (n.) vote, approval, consent | Tit I.i.221 | |
| | voice (n.) vote, official support | | |
Will you bestow them friendly on Andronicus? | Will ye bestow them friendly on Andronicus? | friendly (adv.) in a friendly way | Tit I.i.222 | |
Tribunes. | TRIBUNES | | | |
| (above) | | Tit I.i.223 | |
To gratifie the good Andronicus, | To gratify the good Andronicus | | Tit I.i.223 | |
And Gratulate his safe returne to Rome, | And gratulate his safe return to Rome, | gratulate (v.) greet, welcome, salute | Tit I.i.224 | |
The people will accept whom he admits. | The people will accept whom he admits. | | Tit I.i.225 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
Tribunes I thanke you, and this sure I make, | Tribunes, I thank you, and this suit I make, | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | Tit I.i.226 | |
That you Create your Emperours eldest sonne, | That you create your emperor's eldest son, | | Tit I.i.227 | |
Lord Saturnine, whose Vertues will I hope, | Lord Saturnine, whose virtues will, I hope, | | Tit I.i.228 | |
Reflect on Rome as Tytans Rayes on earth, | Reflect on Rome as Titan's rays on earth, | reflect (v.) shine, cast a bright light | Tit I.i.229 | |
| | Titan (n.) one of the titles of the Roman sun-god, Sol | | |
And ripen Iustice in this Common-weale: | And ripen justice in this commonweal. | commonweal, commonwealth (n.) state, nation, community, body politic | Tit I.i.230 | |
Then if you will elect by my aduise, | Then if you will elect by my advice, | | Tit I.i.231 | |
Crowne him, and say: Long liue our Emperour. | Crown him and say, ‘ Long live our emperor!’ | | Tit I.i.232 | |
Mar. An. | MARCUS | | | |
With Voyces and applause of euery sort, | With voices and applause of every sort, | sort (n.) class, level, social rank | Tit I.i.233 | |
| | voice (n.) shout of acclamation, cry of applause | | |
| | applause (n.) acclamation, shout of approval | | |
Patricians and Plebeans we Create | Patricians and plebeians, we create | | Tit I.i.234 | |
Lord Saturninus Romes Great Emperour. | Lord Saturninus Rome's great emperor, | | Tit I.i.235 | |
And say, Long liue our Emperour Saturnine. | And say, ‘ Long live our Emperor Saturnine!’ | | Tit I.i.236 | |
A long Flourish till they come downe. | A long flourish till Marcus, Saturninus, Bassianus, | | Tit I.i.237.1 | |
| tribunes and senators come down. | | Tit I.i.237.2 | |
| Marcus crowns Saturninus | | Tit I.i.237.3 | |
Satu. | SATURNINUS | | | |
Titus Andronicus, for thy Fauours done, | Titus Andronicus, for thy favours done | | Tit I.i.237 | |
To vs in our Election this day, | To us in our election this day | | Tit I.i.238 | |
I giue thee thankes in part of thy Deserts, | I give thee thanks in part of thy deserts, | desert, desart (n.) deserving, due recompense, right | Tit I.i.239 | |
And will with Deeds requite thy gentlenesse: | And will with deeds requite thy gentleness. | requite (v.), past forms requit, requited reward, repay, recompense | Tit I.i.240 | |
| | gentleness (n.) nobility, good breeding, courtesy | | |
And for an Onset Titus to aduance | And for an onset, Titus, to advance | onset (n.) start, beginning, commencement | Tit I.i.241 | |
Thy Name, and Honorable Familie, | Thy name and honourable family, | | Tit I.i.242 | |
Lauinia will I make my Empresse, | Lavinia will I make my empress, | | Tit I.i.243 | |
Romes Royall Mistris, Mistris of my hart | Rome's royal mistress, mistress of my heart, | | Tit I.i.244 | |
And in the Sacred Pathan her espouse: | And in the sacred Pantheon her espouse. | espouse (v.) unite (in marriage), contract | Tit I.i.245 | |
Tell me Andronicus doth this motion please thee? | Tell me, Andronicus, doth this motion please thee? | motion (n.) proposal, proposition, suggestion, offer | Tit I.i.246 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
It doth my worthy Lord, and in this match, | It doth, my worthy lord, and in this match | | Tit I.i.247 | |
I hold me Highly Honoured of your Grace, | I hold me highly honoured of your grace, | | Tit I.i.248 | |
And heere in sight of Rome, to Saturnine, | And here in sight of Rome to Saturnine, | | Tit I.i.249 | |
King and Commander of our Common-weale, | King and commander of our commonweal, | commonweal, commonwealth (n.) state, nation, community, body politic | Tit I.i.250 | |
The Wide-worlds Emperour, do I Consecrate, | The wide world's emperor, do I consecrate | | Tit I.i.251 | |
My Sword, my Chariot, and my Prisonerss, | My sword, my chariot, and my prisoners, | | Tit I.i.252 | |
Presents well Worthy Romes Imperiall Lord: | Presents well worthy Rome's imperious lord. | imperious, emperious (adj.) imperial, majestic, sovereign | Tit I.i.253 | |
Receiue them then, the Tribute that I owe, | Receive them then, the tribute that I owe, | | Tit I.i.254 | |
Mine Honours Ensignes humbled at my feete. | Mine honour's ensigns humbled at thy feet. | ensign (n.) symbol, token, emblem | Tit I.i.255 | |
Satu. | SATURNINUS | | | |
Thankes Noble Titus, Father of my life, | Thanks, noble Titus, father of my life. | | Tit I.i.256 | |
How proud I am of thee, and of thy gifts | How proud I am of thee and of thy gifts | | Tit I.i.257 | |
Rome shall record, and when I do forget | Rome shall record, and when I do forget | | Tit I.i.258 | |
The least of these vnspeakable Deserts, | The least of these unspeakable deserts, | unspeakable (adj.) indescribable, inexpressible, beyond description | Tit I.i.259 | |
| | desert, desart (n.) deserving, due recompense, right | | |
Romans forget your Fealtie to me. | Romans, forget your fealty to me. | fealty (n.) [feudal obligation of obedience] duty of loyalty, allegiance, fidelity | Tit I.i.260 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
| (to Tamora) | | Tit I.i.261 | |
Now Madam are your prisoner to an Emperour, | Now, madam, are you prisoner to an emperor, | | Tit I.i.261 | |
To him that for you Honour and your State, | To him that for your honour and your state | state (n.) status, rank, position | Tit I.i.262 | |
Will vse you Nobly and your followers. | Will use you nobly and your followers. | use (v.) treat, deal with, manage | Tit I.i.263 | |
Satu. | SATURNINUS | | | |
| (aside) | | Tit I.i.264.1 | |
A goodly Lady, trust me of the Hue | A goodly lady, trust me, of the hue | hue (n.) appearance, complexion | Tit I.i.264 | |
| | trust me believe me | | |
| | goodly (adj.) good-looking, handsome, attractive, comely | | |
That I would choose, were I to choose a new: | That I would choose were I to choose anew. | | Tit I.i.265 | |
| (To Tamora) | | Tit I.i.266.1 | |
Cleere vp Faire Queene that cloudy countenance, | Clear up, fair queen, that cloudy countenance; | countenance (n.) expression, look, face | Tit I.i.266 | |
Though chance of warre / Hath wrought this change of cheere, | Though chance of war hath wrought this change of cheer, | cheer (n.) face, look, expression | Tit I.i.267 | |
Thou com'st not to be made a scorne in Rome: | Thou com'st not to be made a scorn in Rome. | | Tit I.i.268 | |
Princely shall be thy vsage euery way. | Princely shall be thy usage every way. | usage (n.) treatment, handling, conduct | Tit I.i.269 | |
Rest on my word, and let not discontent | Rest on my word, and let not discontent | | Tit I.i.270 | |
Daunt all your hopes: Madam he comforts you, | Daunt all your hopes. Madam, he comforts you | | Tit I.i.271 | |
Can make your Greater then the Queene of Gothes? | Can make you greater than the Queen of Goths. | | Tit I.i.272 | |
Lauinia you are not displeas'd with this? | Lavinia, you are not displeased with this? | | Tit I.i.273 | |
Lau. | LAVINIA | | | |
Not I my Lord, sith true Nobilitie, | Not I, my lord, sith true nobility | | Tit I.i.274 | |
Warrants these words in Princely curtesie. | Warrants these words in princely courtesy. | warrant (v.) act as a pledge for, give an assurance about | Tit I.i.275 | |
Sat. | SATURNINUS | | | |
Thankes sweete Lauinia, Romans let vs goe: | Thanks, sweet Lavinia. Romans, let us go. | | Tit I.i.276 | |
Ransomlesse heere we set our Prisoners free, | Ransomless here we set our prisoners free; | | Tit I.i.277 | |
Proclaime our Honors Lords with Trumpe and Drum. | Proclaim our honours, lords, with trump and drum. | trump (n.) trumpet | Tit I.i.278 | |
| Flourish | | Tit I.i.279 | |
Bass. | BASSIANUS | | | |
| (seizing Lavinia) | | Tit I.i.279 | |
Lord Titus by your leaue, this Maid is mine. | Lord Titus, by your leave, this maid is mine. | | Tit I.i.279 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
How sir? Are you in earnest then my Lord? | How, sir? Are you in earnest then, my lord? | | Tit I.i.280 | |
Bass. | BASSIANUS | | | |
I Noble Titus, and resolu'd withall, | Ay, noble Titus, and resolved withal | resolve (v.) decide, make up one's mind | Tit I.i.281 | |
To doe my selfe this reason, and this right. | To do myself this reason and this right. | reason (n.) reasonable treatment, justified course of action | Tit I.i.282 | |
Marc. | MARCUS | | | |
Suum cuiquam, is our Romane Iustice, | Suum cuique is our Roman justice; | suum... to each his own | Tit I.i.283 | |
This Prince in Iustice ceazeth but his owne. | This prince in justice seizeth but his own. | | Tit I.i.284 | |
Luc. | LUCIUS | | | |
And that he will and shall, if Lucius liue. | And that he will and shall, if Lucius live. | | Tit I.i.285 | |
| Exeunt Tamora, Demetrius, Chiron and attendants | | Tit I.i.285 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
Traytors auant, where is the Emperours Guarde? | Traitors, avaunt! Where is the Emperor's guard? | avaunt (int.) be gone, go away, be off | Tit I.i.286 | |
Treason my Lord, Lauinia is surpris'd. | Treason, my lord! Lavinia is surprised. | surprise (v.) take prisoner, capture [especially: suddenly, unexpectedly] | Tit I.i.287 | |
Sat. | SATURNINUS | | | |
Surpris'd, by whom? | Surprised? By whom? | | Tit I.i.288.1 | |
Bass. | BASSIANUS | | | |
By him that iustly may | By him that justly may | | Tit I.i.288.2 | |
Beare his Betroth'd, from all the world away. | Bear his betrothed from all the world away. | | Tit I.i.289 | |
| Exeunt Bassianus and Marcus with Lavinia | | Tit I.i.289 | |
Muti. | MUTIUS | | | |
Brothers helpe to conuey her hence away, | Brothers, help to convey her hence away, | | Tit I.i.290 | |
And with my Sword Ile keepe this doore safe. | And with my sword I'll keep this door safe. | | Tit I.i.291 | |
| Exeunt Quintus and Martius at one door | | Tit I.i.291 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
| (to Saturninus) | | Tit I.i.292 | |
Follow my Lord, and Ile soone bring her backe. | Follow, my lord, and I'll soon bring her back. | | Tit I.i.292 | |
| Exit Saturninus at the other door | | Tit I.i.292 | |
Mut. | MUTIUS | | | |
My Lord you passe not heere. | My lord, you pass not here. | | Tit I.i.293.1 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
What villaine Boy, | What, villain boy, | | Tit I.i.293.2 | |
bar'st me my way in Rome? | Barr'st me my way in Rome? | | Tit I.i.294.1 | |
| He attacks Mutius | | Tit I.i.294 | |
Mut. | MUTIUS | | | |
Helpe Lucius helpe. | Help, Lucius, help. | | Tit I.i.294.2 | |
He kils him. | Titus kills him | | Tit I.i.294 | |
Luc. | LUCIUS | | | |
My Lord you are vniust, and more then so, | My lord, you are unjust, and more than so, | | Tit I.i.295 | |
In wrongfull quarrell, you haue slaine your son. | In wrongful quarrel you have slain your son. | | Tit I.i.296 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
Nor thou, nor he are any sonnes of mine, | Nor thou, nor he, are any sons of mine; | | Tit I.i.297 | |
My sonnes would neuer so dishonour me. | My sons would never so dishonour me. | | Tit I.i.298 | |
Traytor restore Lauinia to the Emperour. | Traitor, restore Lavinia to the Emperor. | | Tit I.i.299 | |
Luc. | LUCIUS | | | |
Dead if you will, but not to be his wife, | Dead, if you will, but not to be his wife | | Tit I.i.300 | |
That is anothers lawfull promist Loue. | That is another's lawful promised love. | | Tit I.i.301 | |
| Exit | | Tit I.i.301 | |
Enter aloft the Emperour with Tamora and her | Enter aloft the Emperor with Tamora and her two | | Tit I.i.302.1 | |
two sonnes, and Aaron the Moore. | sons, and Aaron the Moor | | Tit I.i.302.2 | |
Empe. | SATURNINUS | | | |
No Titus, no, the Emperour needs her not, | No, Titus, no, the Emperor needs her not, | | Tit I.i.302 | |
Nor her, nor thee, nor any of thy stocke: | Nor her, nor thee, nor any of thy stock. | | Tit I.i.303 | |
Ile trust by Leisure him that mocks me once. | I'll trust by leisure him that mocks me once, | leisure, by only after careful consideration, but slowly | Tit I.i.304 | |
Thee neuer: nor thy Trayterous haughty sonnes, | Thee never, nor thy traitorous haughty sons, | | Tit I.i.305 | |
Confederates all, thus to dishonour me. | Confederates all thus to dishonour me. | | Tit I.i.306 | |
Was none in Rome to make a stale | Was none in Rome to make a stale | stale (n.) dupe, sap, laughing-stock | Tit I.i.307 | |
But Saturnine? Full well Andronicus | But Saturnine? Full well, Andronicus, | | Tit I.i.308 | |
Agree these Deeds, with that proud bragge of thine, | Agree these deeds with that proud brag of thine, | | Tit I.i.309 | |
That said'st, I beg'd the Empire at thy hands. | That saidst I begged the empire at thy hands. | | Tit I.i.310 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
O monstrous, what reproachfull words are these? | O monstrous! What reproachful words are these? | | Tit I.i.311 | |
Sat. | SATURNINUS | | | |
But goe thy wayes, goe giue that changing peece, | But go thy ways, go give that changing piece | piece (n.) creature, individual, person, woman | Tit I.i.312 | |
| | changing (adj.) fickle, inconstant, faithless | | |
To him that flourisht for her with his Sword: | To him that flourished for her with his sword. | flourish with (v.) wave, brandish, shake about | Tit I.i.313 | |
A Valliant sonne in-law thou shalt enioy: | A valiant son-in-law thou shalt enjoy, | | Tit I.i.314 | |
One, fit to bandy with thy lawlesse Sonnes, | One fit to bandy with thy lawless sons, | bandy (v.) band together, make a league, fight | Tit I.i.315 | |
To ruffle in the Common-wealth of Rome. | To ruffle in the commonwealth of Rome. | ruffle (v.) make trouble, cause a disturbance | Tit I.i.316 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
These words are Razors to my wounded hart. | These words are razors to my wounded heart. | | Tit I.i.317 | |
Sat. | SATURNINUS | | | |
And therefore louely Tamora Queene of Gothes, | And therefore, lovely Tamora, Queen of Goths, | | Tit I.i.318 | |
That like the stately Thebe mong'st her Nimphs | That like the stately Phoebe 'mongst her nymphs | Phoebe (n.) one of the titles of the Roman goddess of the Moon | Tit I.i.319 | |
Dost ouer-shine the Gallant'st Dames of Rome, | Dost overshine the gallant'st dames of Rome, | gallant (adj.) fine, splendid, grand | Tit I.i.320 | |
If thou be pleas'd with this my sodaine choyse, | If thou be pleased with this my sudden choice, | | Tit I.i.321 | |
Behold I choose thee Tamora for my Bride, | Behold, I choose thee, Tamora, for my bride, | | Tit I.i.322 | |
And will Create thee Empresse of Rome. | And will create thee Empress of Rome. | | Tit I.i.323 | |
Speake Queene of Goths dost thou applau'd my choyse? | Speak, Queen of Goths, dost thou applaud my choice? | | Tit I.i.324 | |
And heere I sweare by all the Romaine Gods, | And here I swear by all the Roman gods, | | Tit I.i.325 | |
Sith Priest and Holy-water are so neere, | Sith priest and holy water are so near, | | Tit I.i.326 | |
And Tapers burne so bright, and euery thing | And tapers burn so bright, and everything | taper (n.) candle | Tit I.i.327 | |
In readines for Hymeneus stand, | In readiness for Hymenaeus stand, | Hymenaeus (n.) [pron: hiymen'eeus] alternative name for Hymen | Tit I.i.328 | |
I will not resalute the streets of Rome, | I will not re-salute the streets of Rome | re-salute (v.) approach again, greet once more | Tit I.i.329 | |
Or clime my Pallace, till from forth this place, | Or climb my palace, till from forth this place | | Tit I.i.330 | |
I leade espous'd my Bride along with me, | I lead espoused my bride along with me. | espouse (v.) unite (in marriage), contract | Tit I.i.331 | |
Tamo. | TAMORA | | | |
And heere in sight of heauen to Rome I sweare, | And here in sight of heaven to Rome I swear, | | Tit I.i.332 | |
If Saturnine aduance the Queen of Gothes, | If Saturnine advance the Queen of Goths, | advance (v.) raise, lift up, upraise | Tit I.i.333 | |
Shee will a Hand-maid be to his desires, | She will a handmaid be to his desires, | | Tit I.i.334 | |
A louing Nurse, a Mother to his youth. | A loving nurse, a mother to his youth. | | Tit I.i.335 | |
Satur. | SATURNINUS | | | |
Ascend Faire Qeene, / Panthean Lords, accompany | Ascend, fair queen, Pantheon. Lords, accompany | | Tit I.i.336 | |
Your Noble Emperour and his louely Bride, | Your noble Emperor and his lovely bride, | | Tit I.i.337 | |
Sent by the heauens for Prince Saturnine, | Sent by the heavens for Prince Saturnine, | | Tit I.i.338 | |
Whose wisedome hath her Fortune Conquered, | Whose wisdom hath her fortune conquered. | | Tit I.i.339 | |
There shall we Consummate our Spousall rites. | There shall we consummate our spousal rites. | spousal (adj.) marriage, nuptial, matrimonial | Tit I.i.340 | |
| | consummate (v.) accomplish, complete, bring to a conclusion | | |
Exeunt omnes. | Exeunt all but Titus | | Tit I.i.340 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
I am not bid to waite vpon this Bride: | I am not bid to wait upon this bride. | bid (v.), past form bade invite, ask, entice | Tit I.i.341 | |
Titus when wer't thou wont to walke alone, | Titus, when wert thou wont to walk alone, | wont (v.) be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of | Tit I.i.342 | |
Dishonoured thus and Challenged of wrongs? | Dishonoured thus, and challenged of wrongs? | challenge (v.) accuse, charge, denounce | Tit I.i.343 | |
Enter Marcus and Titus Sonnes. | Enter Marcus and Titus's sons, Lucius, Quintus, and | | Tit I.i.344.1 | |
| Martius | | Tit I.i.344.2 | |
Mar | MARCUS | | | |
O Titus see! O see what thou hast done! | O Titus, see! O see what thou hast done: | | Tit I.i.344 | |
In a bad quarrell, slaine a Vertuous sonne. | In a bad quarrel slain a virtuous son. | | Tit I.i.345 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
No foolish Tribune, no: No sonne of mine, | No, foolish tribune, no. No son of mine, | | Tit I.i.346 | |
Nor thou, nor these Confedrates in the deed, | Nor thou, nor these, confederates in the deed | | Tit I.i.347 | |
That hath dishonoured all our Family, | That hath dishonoured all our family, | | Tit I.i.348 | |
Vnworthy brother, and vnworthy Sonnes. | Unworthy brother, and unworthy sons. | | Tit I.i.349 | |
Luci. | LUCIUS | | | |
But let vs giue him buriall as becomes: | But let us give him burial as becomes; | become (v.) be fitting, befit, be appropriate to | Tit I.i.350 | |
Giue Mutius buriall with our Bretheren. | Give Mutius burial with our brethren. | | Tit I.i.351 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
Traytors away, he rest's not in this Tombe: | Traitors, away! He rests not in this tomb. | | Tit I.i.352 | |
This Monument fiue hundreth yeares hath stood, | This monument five hundred years hath stood, | | Tit I.i.353 | |
Which I haue Sumptuously re-edified: | Which I have sumptuously re-edified. | re-edify (v.) rebuild, restore | Tit I.i.354 | |
Heere none but Souldiers, and Romes Seruitors, | Here none but soldiers and Rome's servitors | servitor (n.) servant | Tit I.i.355 | |
Repose in Fame: None basely slaine in braules, | Repose in fame; none basely slain in brawls. | | Tit I.i.356 | |
Bury him where you can, he comes not heere. | Bury him where you can, he comes not here. | | Tit I.i.357 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
My Lord this is impiety in you, | My lord, this is impiety in you. | | Tit I.i.358 | |
My Nephew Mutius deeds do plead for him, | My nephew Mutius' deeds do plead for him; | | Tit I.i.359 | |
He must be buried with his bretheren. | He must be buried with his brethren. | | Tit I.i.360 | |
Titus two Sonnes speakes. | MARTIUS and QUINTUS | | | |
And shall, or him we will accompany. | And shall, or him we will accompany. | | Tit I.i.361 | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
And shall! What villaine was it spake that word? | ‘ And shall ’? What villain was it spake that word? | | Tit I.i.362 | |
Titus sonne speakes. | MARTIUS | | | |
He that would vouch'd it in any place but heere. | He that would vouch it in any place but here. | vouch (v.) make good, uphold, support | Tit I.i.363 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
What would you bury him in my despight? | What, would you bury him in my despite? | despite, in in spite of [one], as opposed to [one] | Tit I.i.364 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
No Noble Titus, but intreat of thee, | No, noble Titus, but entreat of thee | | Tit I.i.365 | |
To pardon Mutius, and to bury him. | To pardon Mutius and to bury him. | | Tit I.i.366 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
Marcus, Euen thou hast stroke vpon my Crest, | Marcus, even thou hast struck upon my crest, | crest (n.) [originally the plume of feathers on a] helmet, head-piece | Tit I.i.367 | |
And with these Boyes mine Honour thou hast wounded, | And with these boys mine honour thou hast wounded. | | Tit I.i.368 | |
My foes I doe repute you euery one. | My foes I do repute you every one, | repute (v.) consider, think, reckon | Tit I.i.369 | |
So trouble me no more, but get you gone. | So trouble me no more, but get you gone. | | Tit I.i.370 | |
1.Sonne. | QUINTUS | | | |
He is not himselfe, let vs withdraw. | He is not with himself; let us withdraw. | | Tit I.i.371 | |
2.Sonne. | MARTIUS | | | |
Not I tell Mutius bones be buried. | Not I, till Mutius' bones be buried. | | Tit I.i.372 | |
The Brother and the sonnes kneele. | The brother and the sons kneel | | Tit I.i.373 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
Brother, for in that name doth nature plea'd. | Brother, for in that name doth nature plead – | | Tit I.i.373 | |
2.Sonne. | MARTIUS | | | |
Father, and in that name doth nature speake. | Father, and in that name doth nature speak – | | Tit I.i.374 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
Speake thou no more if all the rest will speede. | Speak thou no more, if all the rest will speed. | speed (v.) meet with success, prosper, flourish | Tit I.i.375 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
Renowned Titus more then halfe my soule. | Renowned Titus, more than half my soul – | | Tit I.i.376 | |
Luc. | LUCIUS | | | |
Deare Father, soule and substance of vs all. | Dear father, soul and substance of us all – | | Tit I.i.377 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
Suffer thy brother Marcus to interre | Suffer thy brother Marcus to inter | | Tit I.i.378 | |
His Noble Nephew heere in vertues nest, | His noble nephew here in virtue's nest, | | Tit I.i.379 | |
That died in Honour and Lauinia's cause. | That died in honour and Lavinia's cause. | | Tit I.i.380 | |
Thou art a Romaine, be not barbarous: | Thou art a Roman, be not barbarous. | | Tit I.i.381 | |
The Greekes vpon aduise did bury Aiax | The Greeks upon advice did bury Ajax | Ajax (n.) [pron: 'ayjaks, OP also a'jayks] son of Telemon, king of Salamis (also called Ajax Telemonius); fought against Troy; proverbial for his size and strength | Tit I.i.382 | |
| | advice (n.) consideration, reflection, deliberation | | |
That slew himselfe: And Laertes sonne, | That slew himself, and wise Laertes' son | Laertes (n.) [pron: lay'erteez] father of Ulysses | Tit I.i.383 | |
Did graciously plead for his Funerals: | Did graciously plead for his funerals. | | Tit I.i.384 | |
Let not young Mutius then that was thy ioy, | Let not young Mutius then, that was thy joy, | | Tit I.i.385 | |
Be bar'd his entrance heere. | Be barred his entrance here. | | Tit I.i.386.1 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
Rise Marcus, rise, | Rise, Marcus, rise. | | Tit I.i.386.2 | |
| They rise | | Tit I.i.387 | |
The dismall'st day is this that ere I saw, | The dismall'st day is this that e'er I saw, | | Tit I.i.387 | |
To be dishonored by my Sonnes in Rome: | To be dishonoured by my sons in Rome. | | Tit I.i.388 | |
Well, bury him, and bury me the next. | Well, bury him, and bury me the next. | | Tit I.i.389 | |
They put him in the Tombe. | They put Mutius in the tomb | | Tit I.i.390 | |
Luc. | LUCIUS | | | |
There lie thy bones sweet Mutius with thy friends | There lie thy bones, sweet Mutius, with thy friends, | | Tit I.i.390 | |
Till we with Trophees do adorne thy Tombe. | Till we with trophies do adorn thy tomb. | trophy (n.) token of victory, evidence of valour | Tit I.i.391 | |
| ALL | | | |
They all kneele and say. | (kneeling) | | Tit I.i.392 | |
No man shed teares for Noble Mutius, | No man shed tears for noble Mutius; | | Tit I.i.392 | |
He liues in Fame, that di'd in vertues cause. | He lives in fame, that died in virtue's cause. | | Tit I.i.393 | |
| They rise | | Tit I.i.393 | |
Exit. | Exeunt all but Marcus and Titus | | Tit I.i.393 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
My Lord to step out of these sudden dumps, | My lord, to step out of these dreary dumps, | dump (n.) (plural) low spirits, feeling of melancholy | Tit I.i.394 | |
How comes it that the subtile Queene of Gothes, | How comes it that the subtle Queen of Goths | subtle, subtile (adj.) crafty, cunning, wily | Tit I.i.395 | |
Is of a sodaine thus aduanc'd in Rome? | Is of a sudden thus advanced in Rome? | sudden, of / on / upon a / the suddenly | Tit I.i.396 | |
| | advance (v.) raise, lift up, upraise | | |
Ti. | TITUS | | | |
I know not Marcus: but I know it is, | I know not, Marcus, but I know it is. | | Tit I.i.397 | |
(Whether by deuise or no) the heauens can tell, | Whether by device or no, the heavens can tell. | device (n.) plot, stratagem, trick | Tit I.i.398 | |
Is she not then beholding to the man, | Is she not then beholden to the man | beholden (adj.) indebted, under an obligation | Tit I.i.399 | |
That brought her for this high good turne so farre? | That brought her for this high good turn so far? | | Tit I.i.400 | |
| MARCUS | | | |
Yes, and will Nobly him remunerate. | Yes, and will nobly him remunerate. | | Tit I.i.401 | |
Flourish. | Flourish. | | Tit I.i.402.1 | |
Enter the Emperor, Tamora, and her two sons, with the | Enter the Emperor, Tamora and her two sons, with the | | Tit I.i.402.2 | |
Moore at one doore. Enter at the other doore Bassianus | Moor, at one door. Enter at the other door Bassianus | | Tit I.i.402.3 | |
and Lauinia with others. | and Lavinia, with Lucius, Quintus and Martius | | Tit I.i.402.4 | |
Sat. | SATURNINUS | | | |
So Bassianus, you haue plaid your prize, | So, Bassianus, you have played your prize. | play one's prize [fencing] win a game, succeed in a bout | Tit I.i.402 | |
God giue you ioy sir of your Gallant Bride. | God give you joy, sir, of your gallant bride. | gallant (adj.) fine, splendid, grand | Tit I.i.403 | |
Bass. | BASSIANUS | | | |
And you of yours my Lord: I say no more, | And you of yours, my lord. I say no more, | | Tit I.i.404 | |
Nor wish no lesse, and so I take my leaue. | Nor wish no less, and so I take my leave. | | Tit I.i.405 | |
Sat. | SATURNINUS | | | |
Traytor, if Rome haue law, or we haue power, | Traitor, if Rome have law or we have power, | power (n.) authority, government | Tit I.i.406 | |
Thou and thy Faction shall repent this Rape. | Thou and thy faction shall repent this rape. | rape (n.) abduction, violent seizure | Tit I.i.407 | |
Bass. | BASSIANUS | | | |
Rape call you it my Lord, to cease my owne, | ‘ Rape ’ call you it, my lord, to seize my own, | | Tit I.i.408 | |
My true betrothed Loue, and now my wife? | My true-betrothed love, and now my wife? | | Tit I.i.409 | |
But let the lawes of Rome determine all, | But let the laws of Rome determine all; | | Tit I.i.410 | |
Meanewhile I am possest of that is mine. | Meanwhile I am possessed of that is mine. | | Tit I.i.411 | |
Sat. | SATURNINUS | | | |
'Tis good sir: you are very short with vs, | 'Tis good, sir. You are very short with us, | good, 'tis very well | Tit I.i.412 | |
But if we liue, weele be as sharpe with you. | But if we live, we'll be as sharp with you. | | Tit I.i.413 | |
Bass. | BASSIANUS | | | |
My Lord, what I haue done as best I may, | My lord, what I have done, as best I may | | Tit I.i.414 | |
Answere I must, and shall do with my life, | Answer I must, and shall do with my life. | answer (v.) suffer the consequences [for], be accountable [for] | Tit I.i.415 | |
Onely thus much I giue your Grace to know, | Only thus much I give your grace to know: | | Tit I.i.416 | |
By all the duties that I owe to Rome, | By all the duties that I owe to Rome, | | Tit I.i.417 | |
This Noble Gentleman Lord Titus heere, | This noble gentleman, Lord Titus here, | | Tit I.i.418 | |
Is in opinion and in honour wrong'd, | Is in opinion and in honour wronged, | opinion (n.) reputation, character, honour | Tit I.i.419 | |
That in the rescue of Lauinia, | That in the rescue of Lavinia | | Tit I.i.420 | |
With his owne hand did slay his youngest Son, | With his own hand did slay his youngest son | | Tit I.i.421 | |
In zeale to you, and highly mou'd to wrath. | In zeal to you, and highly moved to wrath | | Tit I.i.422 | |
To be controul'd in that he frankly gaue: | To be controlled in that he frankly gave. | frankly (adv.) freely, unconditionally, unreservedly | Tit I.i.423 | |
| | control (v.) curb, restrain, hold back | | |
Receiue him then to fauour Saturnine, | Receive him then to favour, Saturnine, | | Tit I.i.424 | |
That hath expre'st himselfe in all his deeds, | That hath expressed himself in all his deeds | | Tit I.i.425 | |
A Father and a friend to thee, and Rome. | A father and a friend to thee and Rome. | | Tit I.i.426 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
Prince Bassianus leaue to plead my Deeds, | Prince Bassianus, leave to plead my deeds. | leave (v.) cease, stop, give up | Tit I.i.427 | |
'Tis thou, and those, that haue dishonoured me, | 'Tis thou and those that have dishonoured me. | | Tit I.i.428 | |
Rome and the righteous heauens be my iudge, | (Kneeling) Rome and the righteous heavens be my judge, | | Tit I.i.429 | |
How I haue lou'd and Honour'd Saturnine. | How I have loved and honoured Saturnine. | | Tit I.i.430 | |
Tam. | TAMORA | | | |
My worthy Lord if euer Tamora, | My worthy lord, if ever Tamora | | Tit I.i.431 | |
Were gracious in those Princely eyes of thine, | Were gracious in those princely eyes of thine, | | Tit I.i.432 | |
Then heare me speake indifferently for all: | Then hear me speak indifferently for all, | indifferently (adv.) impartially, equally, alike | Tit I.i.433 | |
And at my sute (sweet) pardon what is past. | And at my suit, sweet, pardon what is past. | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | Tit I.i.434 | |
Satu. | SATURNINUS | | | |
What Madam, be dishonoured openly, | What, madam, be dishonoured openly, | | Tit I.i.435 | |
And basely put it vp without reuenge? | And basely put it up without revenge? | put up (v.) submit to, put up with | Tit I.i.436 | |
Tam. | TAMORA | | | |
Not so my Lord, / The Gods of Rome for-fend, | Not so, my lord. The gods of Rome forfend | forfend (v.) forbid | Tit I.i.437 | |
I should be Authour to dishonour you. | I should be author to dishonour you. | author (n.) creator, originator, instigator | Tit I.i.438 | |
But on mine honour dare, I vndertake | But on mine honour dare I undertake | undertake (v.) ensure, guarantee, vouch for | Tit I.i.439 | |
For good Lord Titus innocence in all: | For good Lord Titus' innocence in all, | | Tit I.i.440 | |
Whose fury not dissembled speakes his griefes: | Whose fury not dissembled speaks his griefs. | dissembled (adj.) concealed, pretended, feigned | Tit I.i.441 | |
Then at my sute looke graciously on him, | Then at my suit look graciously on him; | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | Tit I.i.442 | |
Loose not so noble a friend on vaine suppose, | Lose not so noble a friend on vain suppose, | suppose (n.) supposition, belief, impression | Tit I.i.443 | |
| | vain (adj.) worthless, idle, useless, empty | | |
Nor with sowre lookes afflict his gentle heart. | Nor with sour looks afflict his gentle heart. | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | Tit I.i.444 | |
| (Aside to Saturninus) | | Tit I.i.445 | |
My Lord, be rul'd by me, be wonne at last, | My lord, be ruled by me, be won at last, | | Tit I.i.445 | |
Dissemble all your griefes and discontents, | Dissemble all your griefs and discontents. | discontent (n.) discontented thought, feeling of dissatisfaction | Tit I.i.446 | |
| | dissemble (v.) disguise, cloak, give a deceptive appearance to | | |
You are but newly planted in your Throne, | You are but newly planted in your throne. | | Tit I.i.447 | |
Least then the people, and Patricians too, | Lest then the people, and patricians too, | | Tit I.i.448 | |
Vpon a iust suruey take Titus part, | Upon a just survey take Titus' part | | Tit I.i.449 | |
And so supplant vs for ingratitude, | And so supplant you for ingratitude, | | Tit I.i.450 | |
Which Rome reputes to be a hainous sinne. | Which Rome reputes to be a heinous sin, | repute (v.) consider, think, reckon | Tit I.i.451 | |
Yeeld at intreats, and then let me alone: | Yield at entreats, and then let me alone: | entreat, intreat (n.) entreaty, supplication, plea | Tit I.i.452 | |
| | alone, let [one] leave it to [one], you can rely on [one] | | |
Ile finde a day to massacre them all, | I'll find a day to massacre them all, | | Tit I.i.453 | |
And race their faction, and their familie, | And raze their faction and their family, | raze, raze out erase, obliterate, wipe out | Tit I.i.454 | |
The cruell Father, and his trayt'rous sonnes, | The cruel father and his traitorous sons | | Tit I.i.455 | |
To whom I sued for my deare sonnes life. | To whom I sued for my dear son's life, | | Tit I.i.456 | |
And make them know what 'tis to let a Queene. | And make them know what 'tis to let a queen | | Tit I.i.457 | |
Kneele in the streetes, and beg for grace in vaine. | Kneel in the streets and beg for grace in vain. | | Tit I.i.458 | |
Come, come, sweet Emperour, (come Andronicus) | (To all) Come, come, sweet Emperor; come, Andronicus. | | Tit I.i.459 | |
Take vp this good old man, and cheere the heart, | Take up this good old man, and cheer the heart | take up (v.) raise up, let rise | Tit I.i.460 | |
That dies in tempest of thy angry frowne. | That dies in tempest of thy angry frown. | | Tit I.i.461 | |
King. | SATURNINUS | | | |
Rise Titus, rise, / My Empresse hath preuail'd. | Rise, Titus, rise; my Empress hath prevailed. | | Tit I.i.462 | |
Titus. | TITUS | | | |
| (rising) | | Tit I.i.463 | |
I thanke your Maiestie, / And her my Lord. | I thank your majesty and her, my lord. | | Tit I.i.463 | |
These words, these lookes, / Infuse new life in me. | These words, these looks, infuse new life in me. | | Tit I.i.464 | |
Tamo. | TAMORA | | | |
Titus, I am incorparate in Rome, | Titus, I am incorporate in Rome, | incorporate (adj.) united in one body, combined in one entity | Tit I.i.465 | |
A Roman now adopted happily. | A Roman now adopted happily, | | Tit I.i.466 | |
And must aduise the Emperour for his good, | And must advise the Emperor for his good. | | Tit I.i.467 | |
This day all quarrels die Andronicus. | This day all quarrels die, Andronicus; | | Tit I.i.468 | |
And let it be mine honour good my Lord, | (To Saturnine) And let it be mine honour, good my lord, | | Tit I.i.469 | |
That I haue reconcil'd your friends and you. | That I have reconciled your friends and you. | | Tit I.i.470 | |
For you Prince Bassianus, I haue past | For you, Prince Bassianus, I have passed | | Tit I.i.471 | |
My word and promise to the Emperour, | My word and promise to the Emperor | | Tit I.i.472 | |
That you will be more milde and tractable. | That you will be more mild and tractable. | | Tit I.i.473 | |
And feare not Lords: / And you Lauinia, | And fear not, lords, and you, Lavinia: | | Tit I.i.474 | |
By my aduise all humbled on your knees, | By my advice, all humbled on your knees, | | Tit I.i.475 | |
You shall aske pardon of his Maiestie. | You shall ask pardon of his majesty. | | Tit I.i.476 | |
| Bassianus, Lavinia, Lucius, Quintus, and Martius | | Tit I.i.477.1 | |
| kneel | | Tit I.i.477.2 | |
Son. | LUCIUS | | | |
We doe, And vow to heauen, and to his Highnes, | We do, and vow to heaven and to his highness | | Tit I.i.477 | |
That what we did, was mildly, as we might, | That what we did was mildly as we might, | | Tit I.i.478 | |
Tendring our sisters honour and our owne. | Tend'ring our sister's honour and our own. | tender (v.) feel concern for, hold dear, care for | Tit I.i.479 | |
Mar. | MARCUS | | | |
| (kneeling) | | Tit I.i.480 | |
That on mine honour heere I do protest. | That on mine honour here I do protest. | | Tit I.i.480 | |
King. | SATURNINUS | | | |
Away and talke not, trouble vs no more. | Away, and talk not, trouble us no more. | | Tit I.i.481 | |
Tamora. | TAMORA | | | |
Nay, nay, / Sweet Emperour, we must all be friends, | Nay, nay, sweet Emperor, we must all be friends. | | Tit I.i.482 | |
The Tribune and his Nephews kneele for grace, | The tribune and his nephews kneel for grace; | | Tit I.i.483 | |
I will not be denied, sweethart looke back. | I will not be denied; sweetheart, look back. | | Tit I.i.484 | |
King. | SATURNINUS | | | |
Marcus, / For thy sake and thy brothers heere, | Marcus, for thy sake, and thy brother's here, | | Tit I.i.485 | |
And at my louely Tamora's intreats, | And at my lovely Tamora's entreats, | entreat, intreat (n.) entreaty, supplication, plea | Tit I.i.486 | |
I doe remit these young mens haynous faults. | I do remit these young men's heinous faults. | | Tit I.i.487 | |
Stand vp: | Stand up. (They rise) | | Tit I.i.488 | |
Lauinia, though you left me like a churle, | Lavinia, though you left me like a churl, | churl (n.) peasant, serf, rustic | Tit I.i.489 | |
I found a friend, and sure as death I sware, | I found a friend, and sure as death I swore | friend (n.) lover, sweetheart, suitor | Tit I.i.490 | |
I would not part a Batchellour from the Priest. | I would not part a bachelor from the priest. | | Tit I.i.491 | |
Come, if the Emperours Court can feast two Brides, | Come, if the Emperor's court can feast two brides, | | Tit I.i.492 | |
You are my guest Lauinia, and your friends: | You are my guest, Lavinia, and your friends. | | Tit I.i.493 | |
This day shall be a Loue-day Tamora. | This day shall be a love-day, Tamora. | love-day (n.) day for settling disputes | Tit I.i.494 | |
Tit. | TITUS | | | |
To morrow and it please your Maiestie, | Tomorrow, an it please your majesty | and, an (conj.) if, whether | Tit I.i.495 | |
To hunt the Panther and the Hart with me, | To hunt the panther and the hart with me, | | Tit I.i.496 | |
With horne and Hound, Weele giue your Grace Bon iour. | With horn and hound we'll give your grace bonjour. | | Tit I.i.497 | |
Satur. | SATURNINUS | | | |
Be it so Titus, and Gramercy to. | Be it so, Titus, and gramercy too. | gramercy, gramercies (int.) great thanks | Tit I.i.498 | |
| Sound trumpets | | Tit I.i.498 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt all but Aaron | | Tit I.i.498 | |