Richard II

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter King Richard, Iohn of Gaunt, with other Enter King Richard and John of Gaunt, with other R2 I.i.1.1
Nobles and Attendants.nobles, including the Lord Marshal, and attendants R2 I.i.1.2
King Richard.KING RICHARD 
OLd Iohn of Gaunt, time honoured Lancaster,Old John of Gaunt, time-honoured Lancaster, R2 I.i.1
Hast thou according to thy oath and bandHast thou according to thy oath and bandband (n.)
bond, obligation, tie
R2 I.i.2
Brought hither Henry Herford thy bold son:Brought hither Henry Hereford, thy bold son, R2 I.i.3
Heere to make good ye boistrous late appeale,Here to make good the boisterous late appeallate (adj.)
recent, not long past
R2 I.i.4
appeal (n.)

old form: appeale
accusation, charge of treason
boisterous (adj.)

old form: boistrous
violent, fierce, savage
Which then our leysure would not let vs heare,Which then our leisure would not let us hear –  R2 I.i.5
Against the Duke of Norfolke, Thomas Mowbray?Against the Duke of Norfolk, Thomas Mowbray? R2 I.i.6
I haue my Liege.I have, my liege.liege (n.)
lord, sovereign
R2 I.i.7
Tell me moreouer, hast thou sounded him,Tell me, moreover, hast thou sounded himsound (v.)
find out, ascertain, sound out
R2 I.i.8
If he appeale the Duke on ancient malice,If he appeal the Duke on ancient malice,malice (n.)
hostility, hatred, ill-will, enmity
R2 I.i.9
ancient, aunchient (adj.)
long-established, long-standing
appeal (v.)

old form: appeale
accuse, denounce, impeach
Or worthily as a good subiect shouldOr worthily, as a good subject should, R2 I.i.10
On some knowne ground of treacherie in him.On some known ground of treachery in him? R2 I.i.11
As neere as I could sift him on that argument,As near as I could sift him on that argument,sift (v.)
discover by examining, find out by questioning
R2 I.i.12
argument (n.)
subject, point, theme, target
On some apparant danger seene in him,On some apparent danger seen in himapparent (adj.)

old form: apparant
plainly visible, conspicuous, evident, obvious
R2 I.i.13
Aym'd at your Highnesse, no inueterate malice.Aimed at your highness; no inveterate malice.malice (n.)
hostility, hatred, ill-will, enmity
R2 I.i.14
inveterate (adj.)

old form: inueterate
long-standing, deep-rooted
Then call them to our presence Then call them to our presence. R2 I.i.15.1
Exit Attendant R2 I.i.15
face to face,Face to face, R2 I.i.15.2
And frowning brow to brow, our selues will heareAnd frowning brow to brow, ourselves will hearbrow (n.)
appearance, aspect, countenance
R2 I.i.16
Th'accuser, and the accused, freely speake;The accuser and the accused freely speak. R2 I.i.17
High stomackd are they both, and full of ire,High-stomached are they both, and full of ire;high-stomached (adj.)

old form: High stomackd
proud, haughty, stubborn
R2 I.i.18
In rage, deafe as the sea; hastie as fire.In rage, deaf as the sea, hasty as fire. R2 I.i.19
Enter Bullingbrooke and Mowbray.Enter Bolingbroke and Mowbray R2 I.i.20.1
Many yeares of happy dayes befallMany years of happy days befallbefall (v.), past forms befallen, befell
happen to, come to
R2 I.i.20
My gracious Soueraigne, my most louing Liege.My gracious sovereign, my most loving liege! R2 I.i.21
Each day still better others happinesse,Each day still better other's happinessstill (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
R2 I.i.22
Vntill the heauens enuying earths good hap,Until the heavens, envying earth's good hap,hap (n.)
fortune, lot, fate
R2 I.i.23
Adde an immortall title to your Crowne.Add an immortal title to your crown! R2 I.i.24
We thanke you both, yet one but flatters vs,We thank you both. Yet one but flatters us, R2 I.i.25
As well appeareth by the cause you come,As well appeareth by the cause you come, R2 I.i.26
Namely, to appeale each other of high treason.Namely, to appeal each other of high treason.appeal (v.)

old form: appeale
accuse, denounce, impeach
R2 I.i.27
Coosin of Hereford, what dost thou obiectCousin of Hereford, what dost thou object R2 I.i.28
Against the Duke of Norfolke, Thomas Mowbray?Against the Duke of Norfolk, Thomas Mowbray? R2 I.i.29
First, heauen be the record to my speech,First, heaven be the record to my speech!record (n.)
witness, confirmation
R2 I.i.30
In the deuotion of a subiects loue,In the devotion of a subject's love, R2 I.i.31
Tendering the precious safetie of my Prince,Tendering the precious safety of my prince,tender (v.)
feel concern for, hold dear, care for
R2 I.i.32
And free from other misbegotten hate,And free from other, misbegotten hate R2 I.i.33
Come I appealant to rhis Princely presence.Come I appellant to this princely presence.appellant (n.)

old form: appealant
accuser [of treason], challenger, denouncer
R2 I.i.34
Now Thomas Mowbray do I turne to thee,Now, Thomas Mowbray, do I turn to thee; R2 I.i.35
And marke my greeting well: for what I speake,And mark my greeting well, for what I speakmark (v.)

old form: marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
R2 I.i.36
greeting (n.)
address, speech , discourse
My body shall make good vpon this earth,My body shall make good upon this earth R2 I.i.37
Or my diuine soule answer it in heauen.Or my divine soul answer it in heaven.divine (adj.)

old form: diuine
immortal, eternal
R2 I.i.38
Thou art a Traitor, and a Miscreant;Thou art a traitor and a miscreant,miscreant (n.)
villain, wretch, rascal
R2 I.i.39
Too good to be so, and too bad to liue,Too good to be so, and too bad to live,good (adj.)
high-ranking, high-born, distinguished
R2 I.i.40
Since the more faire and christall is the skie,Since the more fair and crystal is the sky,crystal (adj.)

old form: christall
clear, bright, transparent
R2 I.i.41
The vglier seeme the cloudes that in it flye:The uglier seem the clouds that in it fly. R2 I.i.42
Once more, the more to aggrauate the note,Once more, the more to aggravate the note,note (n.)
reproach, stigma, mark of disgrace
R2 I.i.43
With a foule Traitors name stuffe I thy throte,With a foul traitor's name stuff I thy throat, R2 I.i.44
And wish (so please my Soueraigne) ere I moue,And wish – so please my sovereign – ere I move R2 I.i.45
What my tong speaks, my right drawn sword may proueWhat my tongue speaks my right-drawn sword may prove.right-drawn (adj.)

old form: right drawn
drawn in a rightful cause
R2 I.i.46
Let not my cold words heere accuse my zeale:Let not my cold words here accuse my zeal.zeal (n.)

old form: zeale
ardour, fervour; or: loyalty, devotion
R2 I.i.47
cold (adj.)
calm, cool, deliberate
'Tis not the triall of a Womans warre,'Tis not the trial of a woman's war, R2 I.i.48
The bitter clamour of two eager tongues,The bitter clamour of two eager tongues,eager (adj.)
sharp, cutting
R2 I.i.49
Can arbitrate this cause betwixt vs twaine:Can arbitrate this cause betwixt us twain. R2 I.i.50
The blood is hot that must be cooI'dfor this. The blood is hot that must be cooled for this. R2 I.i.51
Yet can I not of such tame patience boast,Yet can I not of such tame patience boast R2 I.i.52
As to be husht, and nought at all to say.As to be hushed, and naught at all to say. R2 I.i.53
First the faire reuerence of your Highnesse curbes mee,First, the fair reverence of your highness curbs mereverence (n.)
profound respect, esteem
R2 I.i.54
From giuing reines and spurres to my free speech,From giving reins and spurs to my free speech, R2 I.i.55
Which else would post, vntill it had return'dWhich else would post until it had returnedpost (v.)
hasten, speed, ride fast
R2 I.i.56
These tearmes of treason, doubly downe his throat.These terms of treason doubled down his throat.double (v.)
repeat, reiterate
R2 I.i.57
Setting aside his high bloods royalty,Setting aside his high blood's royalty, R2 I.i.58
And let him be no Kinsman to my Liege,And let him be no kinsman to my liege, R2 I.i.59
I do defie him, and I spit at him,I do defy him, and I spit at him, R2 I.i.60
Call him a slanderous Coward, and a Villaine:Call him a slanderous coward, and a villain; R2 I.i.61
Which to maintaine, I would allow him oddes,Which to maintain I would allow him odds, R2 I.i.62
And meete him, were I tide to runne afoote,And meet him, were I tied to run afoottie (v.)
oblige, constrain, force
R2 I.i.63
Euen to the frozen ridges of the Alpes,Even to the frozen ridges of the Alps, R2 I.i.64
Or any other ground inhabitable,Or any other ground inhabitableinhabitable (adj.)
uninhabitable, unlivable
R2 I.i.65
Where euer Englishman durst set his foote.Where ever Englishman durst set his foot. R2 I.i.66
Meane time, let this defend my loyaltie,Meantime, let this defend my loyalty: R2 I.i.67
By all my hopes most falsely doth he lie.By all my hopes, most falsely doth he lie. R2 I.i.68
(throws down his gage)gage (n.)
pledge, challenge [usually, a glove or gauntlet thrown down]
R2 I.i.69
Pale trembling Coward, there I throw my gage,Pale, trembling coward, there I throw my gage, R2 I.i.69
Disclaiming heere the kindred of a King,Disclaiming here the kindred of the King,disclaim (v.)
disown, repudiate, renounce [connection with]
R2 I.i.70
And lay aside my high bloods Royalty,And lay aside my high blood's royalty, R2 I.i.71
Which feare, not reuerence makes thee to except.Which fear, not reverence, makes thee to except.except, except against (v.)
take exception to, object to, repudiate
R2 I.i.72
reverence (n.)

old form: reuerence
profound respect, esteem
If guilty dread hath left thee so much strength,If guilty dread have left thee so much strength R2 I.i.73
As to take vp mine Honors pawne, then stoope.As to take up mine honour's pawn, then stoop. R2 I.i.74
By that, and all the rites of Knight-hood else,By that, and all the rites of knighthood else, R2 I.i.75
Will I make good against thee arme to arme,Will I make good against thee, arm to arm, R2 I.i.76
What I haue spoken, or thou canst deuise.What I have spoke or thou canst worse devise. R2 I.i.77
(takes up the gage) R2 I.i.78
I take it vp, and by that sword I sweare,I take it up; and by that sword I swear R2 I.i.78
Which gently laid my Knight-hood on my shoulder,Which gently laid my knighthood on my shoulder,gently (adv.)
like a gentleman, honourably, with dignity
R2 I.i.79
lIe answer thee in any faire degree,I'll answer thee in any fair degreedegree (n.)
measure, extent, amount
R2 I.i.80
answer (v.)
satisfy, discharge, requite
Or Chiualrous designe of knightly triall:Or chivalrous design of knightly trial; R2 I.i.81
And when I mount, aliue may I not light,And when I mount, alive may I not lightlight (v.)
dismount, descend, alight
R2 I.i.82
If I be Traitor, or vniustly fight.If I be traitor or unjustly fight! R2 I.i.83
What doth our Cosin lay to Mowbraies charge?What doth our cousin lay to Mowbray's charge?charge (n.)
responsibility, culpability
R2 I.i.84
lay (v.)
attribute, ascribe, impute
It must be great that can inherite vs,It must be great that can inherit usinherit (v.)

old form: inherite
put in possession of, provide [with]
R2 I.i.85
So much as of a thought of ill in him.So much as of a thought of ill in him.ill (n.)
wrong, injury, harm, evil
R2 I.i.86
Looke what I said, my life shall proue it true,Look what I speak, my life shall prove it true: R2 I.i.87
That Mowbray hath receiu'd eight thousandNobles,That Mowbray hath received eight thousand noblesnoble (n.)
English gold coin, worth one third of a pound
R2 I.i.88
In name of lendings for your Highnesse Soldiers,In name of lendings for your highness' soldiers,lending (n.)
(plural) advance of money to soldiers [in lieu of regular pay]
R2 I.i.89
The which he hath detain'd for lewd employments,The which he hath detained for lewd employments,detain (v.)

old form: detain'd
keep back, withhold, retain
R2 I.i.90
employment (n.)
use, purpose, end
lewd (adj.)
improper, unseemly
Like a false Traitor, and iniurious Villaine.Like a false traitor and injurious villain.false (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
R2 I.i.91
Besides I say, and will in battaile proue,Besides I say, and will in battle provebattle (n.)

old form: battaile
single combat, individual fight
R2 I.i.92
Or heere, or elsewhere to the furthest VergeOr here or elsewhere to the furthest verge R2 I.i.93
That euer was suruey'd by English eye,That ever was surveyed by English eye, R2 I.i.94
That all the Treasons for these eighteene yeeresThat all the treasons for these eighteen years R2 I.i.95
Complotted, and contriued in this Land,Complotted and contrived in this landcontrive (v.)

old form: contriued
scheme, plot, conspire
R2 I.i.96
complot (v.)
plot together, collude
Fetch'd from false Mowbray their first head and spring.Fetch from false Mowbray, their first head and spring.fetch (v.)

old form: Fetch'd
derive, stem
R2 I.i.97
Further I say, and further will maintaineFurther I say, and further will maintain R2 I.i.98
Vpon his bad life, to make all this good.Upon his bad life to make all this good, R2 I.i.99
That he did plot the Duke of Glousters death,That he did plot the Duke of Gloucester's death, R2 I.i.100
Suggest his soone beleeuing aduersaries,Suggest his soon-believing adversaries,suggest (v.)
tempt, prompt, incite
R2 I.i.101
And consequently, like a Traitor Coward,And consequently, like a traitor coward,consequently (adv.)
subsequently, later, then
R2 I.i.102
Sluc'd out his innocent soule through streames of blood: Sluiced out his innocent soul through streams of blood; R2 I.i.103
Which blood, like sacrificing Abels cries,Which blood, like sacrificing Abel's, criesAbel (n.)
[pron: 'aybl] in the Bible, the son of Adam and Eve, killed by his brother Cain
R2 I.i.104
(Euen from the toonglesse cauernes of the earth)Even from the tongueless caverns of the earthtongueless (adj.)

old form: toonglesse
dumb, silent, mute
R2 I.i.105
To me for iustice, and rough chasticement:To me for justice and rough chastisement. R2 I.i.106
And by the glorious worth of my discent,And, by the glorious worth of my descent, R2 I.i.107
This arme shall do it, or this life be spent.This arm shall do it, or this life be spent. R2 I.i.108
How high a pitch his resolution soares:How high a pitch his resolution soars!pitch (n.)
height [to which a bird of prey soars before swooping]
R2 I.i.109
Thomas of Norfolke, what sayest thou to this?Thomas of Norfolk, what sayst thou to this? R2 I.i.110
Oh let my Soueraigne turne away his face,O, let my sovereign turn away his face R2 I.i.111
And bid his eares a little while be deafe,And bid his ears a little while be deaf R2 I.i.112
Till I haue told this slander of his blood,Till I have told this slander of his bloodslander (n.)
dishonour, disgrace, disrepute
R2 I.i.113
How God, and good men, hate so foule a lyar.How God and good men hate so foul a liar! R2 I.i.114
Mowbray, impartiall are our eyes and eares,Mowbray, impartial are our eyes and ears. R2 I.i.115
Were he my brother, nay our kingdomes heyre,Were he my brother – nay, my kingdom's heir –  R2 I.i.116
As he is but my fathers brothers sonne;As he is but my father's brother's son, R2 I.i.117
Now by my Scepters awe, I make a vow,Now by my sceptre's awe I make a vowawe (n.)
reverence, respect, esteem
R2 I.i.118
Such neighbour-neerenesse to our sacred blood,Such neighbour nearness to our sacred blood R2 I.i.119
Should nothing priuiledge him, nor partializeShould nothing privilege him, nor partializepartialize (v.)
make partial, bias, make one-sided
R2 I.i.120
The vn-stooping firmenesse of my vpright soule.The unstooping firmness of my upright soul. R2 I.i.121
He is our subiect ( Mowbray) so art thou,He is our subject, Mowbray. So art thou. R2 I.i.122
Free speech, and fearelesse, I to thee allow.Free speech and fearless I to thee allow. R2 I.i.123
Then Bullingbrooke, as low as to thy heart.Then, Bolingbroke, as low as to thy heart R2 I.i.124
Through the false passage of thy throat; thou lyest:Through the false passage of thy throat thou liest!false (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
R2 I.i.125
Threc parts of that receipt I had for Callice,Three parts of that receipt I had for Calaisreceipt (n.)
sum received, amount obtained
R2 I.i.126
Disburst I to his Highnesse souldiers;Disbursed I duly to his highness' soldiers. R2 I.i.127
The other part reseru'd I by consent,The other part reserved I by consentreserve (v.)

old form: reseru'd
preserve, retain, keep
R2 I.i.128
For that my Soueraigne Liege was in my debt,For that my sovereign liege was in my debt R2 I.i.129
Vpon remainder of a deere Accompt,Upon remainder of a dear accountremainder (n.)
balance, amount remaining unpaid
R2 I.i.130
dear (adj.)

old form: deere
of great worth, valuable, precious
account, accompt (n.)

old form: Accompt
reckoning, debt, sum owing
Since last I went to France to fetch his Queene:Since last I went to France to fetch his queen. R2 I.i.131
Now swallow downe that Lye. For Glousters death,Now swallow down that lie! For Gloucester's death, R2 I.i.132
I slew him not; but (to mine owne disgrace)I slew him not, but to my own disgrace R2 I.i.133
Neglected my sworne duty in that case:Neglected my sworn duty in that case. R2 I.i.134
(To John of Gaunt) R2 I.i.135
For you my noble Lord of Lancaster,For you, my noble lord of Lancaster, R2 I.i.135
The honourable Father to my foe,The honourable father to my foe, R2 I.i.136
Once I did lay an ambush for your life,Once did I lay an ambush for your life, R2 I.i.137
A trespasse that doth vex my greeued soule:A trespass that doth vex my grieved soul. R2 I.i.138
But ere I last receiu'd the Sacrament,But ere I last received the sacrament R2 I.i.139
I did confesse it, and exactly begg'dI did confess it, and exactly beggedexactly (adv.)
expressly, with great propriety
R2 I.i.140
Your Graces pardon, and I hope I had it.Your grace's pardon; and I hope I had it. R2 I.i.141
This is my fault: as for the rest appeal'd,This is my fault. As for the rest appealed,appeal (v.)

old form: appeal'd
allege, accuse, charge
R2 I.i.142
It issues from the rancour of a Villaine,It issues from the rancour of a villain, R2 I.i.143
A recreant, and most degenerate Traitor,A recreant and most degenerate traitor,recreant (adj.)
cowardly, faint-hearted, craven
R2 I.i.144
Which in my selfe I boldly will defend,Which in myself I boldly will defend, R2 I.i.145
And interchangeably hurle downe my gageAnd interchangeably hurl down my gageinterchangeably (adv.)
in turn, in exchange, reciprocally
R2 I.i.146
Vpon this ouer-weening Traitors foote, Upon this overweening traitor's foot,overweening (adj.)

old form: ouer-weening
arrogant, overambitious, high and mighty
R2 I.i.147
To proue my selfe a loyall Gentleman,To prove myself a loyal gentleman R2 I.i.148
Euen in the best blood chamber'd in his bosome. Even in the best blood chambered in his bosom.chamber (v.)

old form: chamber'd
enclose, lodge, contain
R2 I.i.149
(He throws down his gage) R2 I.i.150
In hast whereof, most heartily I prayIn haste whereof, most heartily I pray R2 I.i.150
Your Highnesse to assigne our Triall day.Your highness to assign our trial day. R2 I.i.151
Wrath-kindled Gentlemen be rul'd by me:Wrath-kindled gentlemen, be ruled by me: R2 I.i.152
Let's purge this choller without letting blood:Let's purge this choler without letting blood.choler (n.)

old form: choller
anger, rage, wrath
R2 I.i.153
purge (v.)
expel, get rid of, flush out
This we prescribe, though no Physition,This we prescribe, though no physician; R2 I.i.154
Deepe malice makes too deepe incision.Deep malice makes too deep incision. R2 I.i.155
Forget, forgiue, conclude, and be agreed,Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed;conclude (v.)
come to terms, reach accord [over]
R2 I.i.156
Our Doctors say, This is no time to bleed.Our doctors say this is no month to (n.)
learned man, scholar; or: astrologer, physician
R2 I.i.157
(To John of Gaunt) R2 I.i.158
Good Vnckle, let this end where it begun,Good uncle, let this end where it begun. R2 I.i.158
Wee'l calme the Duke of Norfolke; you, your son.We'll calm the Duke of Norfolk, you your son. R2 I.i.159
To be a make-peace shall become my age,To be a make-peace shall become my age.make-peace (n.)
R2 I.i.160
become (v.)
be fitting, befit, be appropriate to
Throw downe (my sonne) the Duke of Norfolkes gage.Throw down, my son, the Duke of Norfolk's gage. R2 I.i.161
And Norfolke, throw downe his.And, Norfolk, throw down his. R2 I.i.162.1
When Harrie when? When, Harry, when? R2 I.i.162.2
Obedience bids, / Obedience bids I should not bid agen.Obedience bids I should not bid again. R2 I.i.163
Norfolke, throw downe, we bidde; there is no boote.Norfolk, throw down! We bid: there is no boot.boot (n.)

old form: boote
alternative, choice, better way
R2 I.i.164

(kneels) R2 I.i.165
My selfe I throw (dread Soueraigne) at thy foot.Myself I throw, dread sovereign, at thy foot. R2 I.i.165
My life thou shalt command, but not my shame,My life thou shalt command, but not my shame. R2 I.i.166
The one my dutie owes, but my faire nameThe one my duty owes, but my fair name, R2 I.i.167
Despight of death, that liues vpon my graueDespite of death that lives upon my grave, R2 I.i.168
To darke dishonours vse, thou shalt not haue.To dark dishonour's use thou shalt not have.dark (adj.)

old form: darke
unfavourable, malignant, evil
R2 I.i.169
I am disgrac'd, impeach'd, and baffel'd heere,I am disgraced, impeached, and baffled here,impeach (v.)

old form: impeach'd
accuse, charge, challenge
R2 I.i.170
baffle (v.)

old form: baffel'd
[of a knight] publicly disgrace, treat with infamy
Pierc'd to the soule with slanders venom'd speare:Pierced to the soul with slander's venomed spear,venomed (adj.)

old form: venom'd
poisoned, venomous
R2 I.i.171
The which no balme can cure, but his heart bloodThe which no balm can cure but his heart-blood R2 I.i.172
Which breath'd this poyson.Which breathed this poison.breathe (v.)

old form: breath'd
speak, utter, talk
R2 I.i.173.1
Rage must be withstood:Rage must be withstood. R2 I.i.173.2
Giue me his gage: Lyons make Leopards tame.Give me his gage. Lions make leopards tame. R2 I.i.174
Yea, but not change his spots: take but my shame,Yea, but not change his spots. Take but my shameshame (n.)
disgrace, dishonour, affront
R2 I.i.175
And I resigne my gage. My deere, deere Lord,And I resign my gage. My dear dear lord, R2 I.i.176
The purest treasure mortall times affordThe purest treasure mortal times affordmortal (adj.)

old form: mortall
human, subject to death, characterized by mortality
R2 I.i.177
time (n.)
lifetime, life
Is spotlesse reputation: that away,Is spotless reputation. That away, R2 I.i.178
Men are but gilded loame, or painted clay.Men are but gilded loam, or painted clay. R2 I.i.179
A Iewell in a ten times barr'd vp Chest,A jewel in a ten-times barred-up chest R2 I.i.180
Is a bold spirit, in a loyall brest.Is a bold spirit in a loyal breast. R2 I.i.181
Mine Honor is my life; both grow in one:Mine honour is my life. Both grow in one. R2 I.i.182
Take Honor from me, and my life is done.Take honour from me, and my life is done. R2 I.i.183
Then (deere my Liege) mine Honor let me trie,Then, dear my liege, mine honour let me try.try (v.)

old form: trie
put to the test, test the goodness [of]
R2 I.i.184
In that I liue; and for that will I die.In that I live and for that will I die. R2 I.i.185
(to Bolingbroke) R2 I.i.186
Coosin, throw downe your gage, / Do you begin.Cousin, throw up your gage. Do you begin. R2 I.i.186
Oh heauen defend my soule from such foule sin.O God defend my soul from such deep sin! R2 I.i.187
Shall I seeme Crest-falne in my fathers sight,Shall I seem crest-fallen in my father's sight?crest-fallen (adj.)

old form: Crest-falne
humbled, abashed, shamed
R2 I.i.188
Or with pale beggar-feare impeach my hightOr with pale beggar-fear impeach my heightimpeach (v.)
discredit, disparage, call into question
R2 I.i.189
height (n.)

old form: hight
rank, high birth, high degree
beggar-fear (n.)

old form: beggar-feare
fear that a beggar would show
Before this out-dar'd dastard? Ere my toong,Before this outdared dastard? Ere my tongueoutdared (adj.)

old form: out-dar'd
overcome by daring, cowed, outbraved; or: excessively daring, brazen, unabashed
R2 I.i.190
dastard (n.)
coward, sissy, runaway, traitor
Shall wound mine honor with such feeble wrong;Shall wound my honour with such feeble wrong, R2 I.i.191
Or sound so base a parle: my teeth shall teareOr sound so base a parle, my teeth shall tearparle, parley (n.)
negotiation, meeting [between enemies under a truce, to discuss terms]
R2 I.i.192
base (adj.)
dishonourable, low, unworthy
The slauish motiue of recanting feare,The slavish motive of recanting fearmotive (n.)

old form: motiue
instrument, agent, moving organ
R2 I.i.193
recanting (adj.)
causing an action to be retracted, resulting in withdrawal
And spit it bleeding in his high disgrace,And spit it bleeding in his high disgrace R2 I.i.194
Where shame doth harbour, euen in Mowbrayes face.Where shame doth harbour, even in Mowbray's face. R2 I.i.195
Exit Gaunt.Exit John of Gaunt R2 I.i.195
We were not borne to sue, but to command,We were not born to sue, but to command; R2 I.i.196
Which since we cannot do to make you friends,Which since we cannot do to make you friends, R2 I.i.197
Be readie, (as your liues shall answer it)Be ready as your lives shall answer it R2 I.i.198
At Couentree, vpon S. Lamberts day:At Coventry upon Saint Lambert's day.Lambert, Saint
7th-c bishop of Maastricht, and martyr
R2 I.i.199
There shall your swords and Lances arbitrateThere shall your swords and lances arbitrate R2 I.i.200
The swelling difference of your setled hate:The swelling difference of your settled hate.settled (adj.)

old form: setled
deep-rooted, firmly implanted
R2 I.i.201
swelling (adj.)
inflated with anger, feeling strong emotion
Since we cannot attone you, you shall seeSince we cannot atone you, we shall seeatone (v.)

old form: attone
unite, join, reconcile
R2 I.i.202
Iustice designe the Victors Chiualrie.Justice design the victor's chivalry.chivalry (n.)

old form: Chiualrie
knightly prowess, warlike distinction
R2 I.i.203
design (v.)

old form: designe
indicate, designate, mark out
Lord Marshall, command our Officers at Armes, Lord Marshal, command our officers-at-arms R2 I.i.204
Be readie to direct these home Alarmes. Be ready to direct these home alarms.alarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.)

old form: Alarmes
disturbance, turbulence, trouble, loud noise
R2 I.i.205
Exeunt.Exeunt R2 I.i.205
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