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Henry VI Part 3

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Sinklo, and Humfrey, with Crosse-bowes in their hands.Enter two Keepers, with cross-bows in their hands 3H6 III.i.1.1
Vnder this thicke growne brake, wee'l shrowd our selues:Under this thick-grown brake we'll shroud ourselves;brake (n.)
bush, thicket
3H6 III.i.1
shroud (v.)

old form: shrowd
hide, conceal, shelter
For through this Laund anon the Deere will come,For through this laund anon the deer will come,laund (n.)
clearing [in a wood], glade, grassy space
3H6 III.i.2
anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
And in this couert will we make our Stand,And in this covert will we make our stand,stand (n.)
[hunting] standing-place, hiding-place
3H6 III.i.3
Culling the principall of all the Deere.Culling the principal of all the deer.cull (v.)
select, pick out, choose
3H6 III.i.4
Ile stay aboue the hill, so both may shoot.I'll stay above the hill, so both may shoot. 3H6 III.i.5
That cannot be, the noise of thy Crosse-bowThat cannot be; the noise of thy cross-bow 3H6 III.i.6
Will scarre the Heard, and so my shoot is lost:Will scare the herd, and so my shoot is lost.shoot (n.)
shot, act of shooting
3H6 III.i.7
lost (adj.)
prevented, missed, forestalled
Heere stand we both, and ayme we at the best:Here stand we both, and aim we at the best;best, at the
as well as one can, in the best possible way
3H6 III.i.8
And for the time shall not seeme tedious,And for the time shall not seem tedious, 3H6 III.i.9
Ile tell thee what befell me on a day,I'll tell thee what befell me on a daybefall (v.), past forms befallen, befell
happen to, come to
3H6 III.i.10
In this selfe-place, where now we meane to stand.In this self place where now we mean to stand.self (adj.)

old form: selfe
same, selfsame, identical, exact
3H6 III.i.11
Heere comes a man, let's stay till he be past:Here comes a man; let's stay till he be past.stay (v.)
linger, tarry, delay
3H6 III.i.12
Enter the King with a Prayer booke.Enter King Henry, disguised, with a prayer-book 3H6 III.i.13
Hen. KING 
From Scotland am I stolne euen of pure loue,From Scotland am I stolen, even of pure love, 3H6 III.i.13
To greet mine owne Land with my wishfull sight:To greet mine own land with my wishful sight.wishful (adj.)

old form: wishfull
longing, yearning, wistful
3H6 III.i.14
No Harry, Harry, 'tis no Land of thine,No, Harry, Harry, 'tis no land of thine; 3H6 III.i.15
Thy place is fill'd, thy Scepter wrung from thee,Thy place is filled, thy sceptre wrung from thee, 3H6 III.i.16
Thy Balme washt off, wherewith thou was Annointed:Thy balm washed off wherewith thou wast anointed;balm (n.)

old form: Balme
fragrant oil used for anointing, consecrated oil
3H6 III.i.17
No bending knee will call thee Casar now,No bending knee will call thee Caesar now, 3H6 III.i.18
No humble suters prease to speake for right:No humble suitors press to speak for right,press (v.)

old form: prease
push forward, thrust, come / go boldly
3H6 III.i.19
suitor (n.)

old form: suters
petitioner, supplicant, entreater
right (n.)
justice, rightfulness, justification
No, not a man comes for redresse of thee:No, not a man comes for redress of thee;redress (n.)

old form: redresse
relief, assistance, help, comfort
3H6 III.i.20
For how can I helpe them, and not my selfe?For how can I help them and not myself? 3H6 III.i.21
I, heere's a Deere, whose skin's a Keepers Fee:Ay, here's a deer whose skin's a keeper's fee: 3H6 III.i.22
This is the quondam King; Let's seize vpon him.This is the quondam king; let's seize upon him.quondam (adj.)
former, erstwhile, previous
3H6 III.i.23
Hen. KING 
Let me embrace the sower Aduersaries,Let me embrace thee, sour adversity,embrace (v.)
welcome, joyfully accept
3H6 III.i.24
For Wise men say, it is the wisest course.For wise men say it is the wisest course.course (n.)
course of action, way of proceeding
3H6 III.i.25
Why linger we? Let vs lay hands vpon him.Why linger we? Let us lay hands upon him. 3H6 III.i.26
Forbeare a-while, wee'l heare a little more.Forbear awhile; we'll hear a little more.forbear (v.)

old form: Forbeare
control oneself, have patience [for]
3H6 III.i.27
Hen. KING 
My Queene and Son are gone to France for aid:My Queen and son are gone to France for aid; 3H6 III.i.28
And (as I heare) the great Commanding WarwickeAnd, as I hear, the great commanding Warwick 3H6 III.i.29
I: thither gone, to craue the French Kings SisterIs thither gone to crave the French King's sistercrave (v.)

old form: craue
beg, entreat, request
3H6 III.i.30
To wife for Edward. If this newes be true,To wife for Edward. If this news be true, 3H6 III.i.31
Poore Queene, and Sonne, your labour is but lost:Poor Queen and son, your labour is but lost; 3H6 III.i.32
For Warwicke is a subtle Orator:For Warwick is a subtle orator, 3H6 III.i.33
And Lewis a Prince soone wonne with mouing words:And Lewis a prince soon won with moving words. 3H6 III.i.34
By this account then, Margaret may winne him,By this account then Margaret may win him; 3H6 III.i.35
For she's a woman to be pittied much:For she's a woman to be pitied much. 3H6 III.i.36
Her sighes will make a batt'ry in his brest,Her sighs will make a battery in his breast;battery (n.)

old form: batt'ry
breach, entry
3H6 III.i.37
Her teares will pierce into a Marble heart:Her tears will pierce into a marble heart; 3H6 III.i.38
The Tyger will be milde, whiles she doth mourne;The tiger will be mild whiles she doth mourn; 3H6 III.i.39
And Nero will be tainted with remorse,And Nero will be tainted with remorse,remorse (n.)
pity, regret, sorrow
3H6 III.i.40
tainted (adj.)
tinged, unnaturally touched
Nero (n.)
[pron: 'neeroh] Roman emperor, 1st-c, who slew his mother, Agrippina; said to have played on his lute while watching Rome burn; considered a model of cruelty
To heare and see her plaints, her Brinish Teares.To hear and see her plaints, her brinish tears.plaint (n.)
lamentation, expression of sorrow
3H6 III.i.41
brinish (adj.)
salt, bitter
I, but shee's come to begge, Warwicke to giue:Ay, but she's come to beg, Warwick to give; 3H6 III.i.42
Shee on his left side, crauing ayde for Henrie;She, on his left side, craving aid for Henry,crave (v.)

old form: crauing
beg, entreat, request
3H6 III.i.43
He on his right, asking a wife for Edward.He, on his right, asking a wife for Edward. 3H6 III.i.44
Shee Weepes, and sayes, her Henry is depos'd:She weeps, and says her Henry is deposed; 3H6 III.i.45
He Smiles, and sayes, his Edward is instaul'd;He smiles, and says his Edward is installed; 3H6 III.i.46
That she (poore Wretch) for greefe can speake no more:That she, poor wretch, for grief can speak no more; 3H6 III.i.47
Whiles Warwicke tels his Title, smooths the Wrong,Whiles Warwick tells his title, smooths the wrong,smooth (v.)
gloss over, make less noticeable, camouflage
3H6 III.i.48
tell (v.)

old form: tels
disclose, reveal, explain
title (n.)
[legal] right, claim, entitlement
Inferreth arguments of mighty strength,Inferreth arguments of mighty strength,infer (v.)
adduce, bring up, put forward
3H6 III.i.49
And in conclusion winnes the King from her,And in conclusion wins the King from her, 3H6 III.i.50
With promise of his Sister, and what else,With promise of his sister, and what else, 3H6 III.i.51
To strengthen and support King Edwards place.To strengthen and support King Edward's (n.)
position, post, office, rank
3H6 III.i.52
O Margaret, thus 'twill be, and thou (poore soule)O Margaret, thus 'twill be; and thou, poor soul, 3H6 III.i.53
Art then forsaken, as thou went'st forlorne.Art then forsaken, as thou wentest forlorn! 3H6 III.i.54
Say, what art thou talk'st of Kings & Queens?Say, what art thou that talkest of kings and queens? 3H6 III.i.55
King. KING 
More then I seeme, and lesse then I was born to:More than I seem, and less than I was born to: 3H6 III.i.56
A man at least, for lesse I should not be:A man at least, for less I should not be; 3H6 III.i.57
And men may talke of Kings, and why not I?And men may talk of kings, and why not I? 3H6 III.i.58
I, but thou talk'st, as if thou wer't a King.Ay, but thou talkest as if thou wert a king. 3H6 III.i.59
King. KING 
Why so I am (in Minde) and that's enough.Why, so I am, in mind, and that's enough. 3H6 III.i.60
But if thou be a King, where is thy Crowne?But if thou be a king, where is thy crown? 3H6 III.i.61
King. KING 
My Crowne is in my heart, not on my head:My crown is in my heart, not on my head; 3H6 III.i.62
Not deck'd with Diamonds, and Indian stones:Not decked with diamonds and Indian stones,stone (n.)
precious stone, gem
3H6 III.i.63
deck (v.)

old form: deck'd
cover, adorn, decorate
Nor to be seene: my Crowne, is call'd Content,Nor to be seen; my crown is called content;content (n.)
contentment, peace of mind
3H6 III.i.64
A Crowne it is, that sildome Kings enioy.A crown it is that seldom kings enjoy. 3H6 III.i.65
Well, if you be a King crown'd with Content,Well, if you be a king crowned with content, 3H6 III.i.66
Your Crowne Content, and you, must be contentedYour crown content and you must be contentedcontent (adj.)
contented, patient, accepting, undisturbed
3H6 III.i.67
contented (adj.)
willing, ready, agreeable
To go along with vs. For (as we thinke)To go along with us; for, as we think, 3H6 III.i.68
You are the king King Edward hath depos'd:You are the king King Edward hath deposed; 3H6 III.i.69
And we his subiects, sworne in all Allegeance,And we his subjects, sworn in all allegiance, 3H6 III.i.70
Will apprehend you, as his Enemie.Will apprehend you as his enemy.apprehend (v.)
seize, arrest, lay hold of
3H6 III.i.71
King. KING 
But did you neuer sweare, and breake an Oath.But did you never swear, and break an oath? 3H6 III.i.72
No, neuer such an Oath, nor will not now.No, never such an oath, nor will not now. 3H6 III.i.73
King. KING 
Where did you dwell when I was K. of England?Where did you dwell when I was King of England? 3H6 III.i.74
Heere in this Country, where we now remaine.Here in this country, where we now (n.)
district, region, quarter
3H6 III.i.75
King. KING 
I was annointed King at nine monthes old,I was anointed king at nine months old; 3H6 III.i.76
My Father, and my Grandfather were Kings:My father and my grandfather were kings, 3H6 III.i.77
And you were sworne true Subiects vnto me:And you were sworn true subjects unto me; 3H6 III.i.78
And tell me then, haue you not broke your Oathes?And tell me, then, have you not broke your oaths? 3H6 III.i.79
No, for we were Subiects, but while you wer kingNo, for we were subjects but while you were king.but (adv.)
merely, only
3H6 III.i.80
King. KING 
Why? Am I dead? Do I not breath a Man?Why, am I dead? Do I not breathe a man? 3H6 III.i.81
Ah simple men, you know not what you sweare:Ah, simple men, you know not what you swear!simple (adj.)
foolish, silly, stupid
3H6 III.i.82
Looke, as I blow this Feather from my Face,Look, as I blow this feather from my face, 3H6 III.i.83
And as the Ayre blowes it to me againe,And as the air blows it to me again, 3H6 III.i.84
Obeying with my winde when I do blow,Obeying with my wind when I do blow,wind (n.)

old form: winde
3H6 III.i.85
And yeelding to another, when it blowes,And yielding to another when it blows, 3H6 III.i.86
Commanded alwayes by the greater gust:Commanded always by the greater gust;command (v.)
force, control, drive
3H6 III.i.87
Such is the lightnesse of you, common men.Such is the lightness of you common men.lightness (n.)

old form: lightnesse
irresponsibility, levity, frivolity, fickleness
3H6 III.i.88
But do not breake your Oathes, for of that sinne,But do not break your oaths; for of that sin 3H6 III.i.89
My milde intreatie shall not make you guiltie.My mild entreaty shall not make you guilty. 3H6 III.i.90
Go where you will, the king shall be commanded,Go where you will, the King shall be commanded; 3H6 III.i.91
And be you kings, command, and Ile obey.And be you kings, command, and I'll obey. 3H6 III.i.92
We are true Subiects to the king, / King Edward.We are true subjects to the King, King Edward. 3H6 III.i.93
King. KING 
So would you be againe to Henrie,So would you be again to Henry, 3H6 III.i.94
If he were seated as king Edward is.If he were seated as King Edward is. 3H6 III.i.95
We charge you in Gods name & the Kings,We charge you in God's name, and the King's, 3H6 III.i.96
To go with vs vnto the Officers.To go with us unto the officers. 3H6 III.i.97
King. KING 
In Gods name lead, your Kings name be obeyd,In God's name, lead; your king's name be obeyed; 3H6 III.i.98
And what God will, that let your King performe.And what God will, that let your king perform; 3H6 III.i.99
And what he will, I humbly yeeld vnto.And what he will, I humbly yield unto. 3H6 III.i.100
ExeuntExeunt 3H6 III.i.100
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