First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Flourish. Enter the King, the Queene, Clifford, Northum- | Flourish. Enter the King, Queen, Clifford, Northumberland, | | 3H6 II.ii.1.1 | |
and Yong Prince, with Drumme and | and the young Prince, with drum and | | 3H6 II.ii.1.2 | |
Trumpettes. | trumpets | | 3H6 II.ii.1.3 | |
Qu. | QUEEN | | | |
Welcome my Lord, to this braue town of Yorke, | Welcome, my lord, to this brave town of York. | brave (adj.) fine, excellent, splendid, impressive | 3H6 II.ii.1 | |
Yonders the head of that Arch-enemy, | Yonder's the head of that arch-enemy | arch (adj.) chief, principal, pre-eminent | 3H6 II.ii.2 | |
That sought to be incompast with your Crowne. | That sought to be encompassed with your crown. | encompass (v.) surround, encircle, enclose | 3H6 II.ii.3 | |
Doth not the obiect cheere your heart, my Lord. | Doth not the object cheer your heart, my lord? | object (n.) spectacle, sight, object of attention | 3H6 II.ii.4 | |
K. | KING | | | |
I, as the rockes cheare them that feare their wrack, | Ay, as the rocks cheer them that fear their wrack: | wrack (v.) wreck, shipwreck, lose at sea | 3H6 II.ii.5 | |
To see this sight, it irkes my very soule: | To see this sight, it irks my very soul. | | 3H6 II.ii.6 | |
With-hold reuenge (deere God) 'tis not my fault, | Withhold revenge, dear God! 'Tis not my fault, | | 3H6 II.ii.7 | |
Nor wittingly haue I infring'd my Vow. | Nor wittingly have I infringed my vow. | wittingly (adv.) deliberately, knowingly, intentionally | 3H6 II.ii.8 | |
Clif. | CLIFFORD | | | |
My gracious Liege, this too much lenity | My gracious liege, this too much lenity | lenity (n.) mildness, gentleness, mercifulness | 3H6 II.ii.9 | |
| | liege (n.) lord, sovereign | | |
And harmfull pitty must be layd aside: | And harmful pity must be laid aside. | | 3H6 II.ii.10 | |
To whom do Lyons cast their gentle Lookes? | To whom do lions cast their gentle looks? | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | 3H6 II.ii.11 | |
Not to the Beast, that would vsurpe their Den. | Not to the beast that would usurp their den. | | 3H6 II.ii.12 | |
Whose hand is that the Forrest Beare doth licke? | Whose hand is that the forest bear doth lick? | | 3H6 II.ii.13 | |
Not his that spoyles her yong before her face. | Not his that spoils her young before her face. | spoil (v.) seize by force, carry off, take away | 3H6 II.ii.14 | |
Who scapes the lurking Serpents mortall sting? | Who 'scapes the lurking serpent's mortal sting? | mortal (adj.) fatal, deadly, lethal | 3H6 II.ii.15 | |
| | scape, 'scape (v.) escape, avoid | | |
Not he that sets his foot vpon her backe. | Not he that sets his foot upon her back. | | 3H6 II.ii.16 | |
The smallest Worme will turne, being troden on, | The smallest worm will turn, being trodden on, | | 3H6 II.ii.17 | |
And Doues will pecke in safegard of their Brood. | And doves will peck in safeguard of their brood. | safeguard (n.) safeguarding, defence, protection | 3H6 II.ii.18 | |
Ambitious Yorke, did leuell at thy Crowne, | Ambitious York did level at thy crown, | level at (v.) aim for, have as a target | 3H6 II.ii.19 | |
Thou smiling, while he knit his angry browes. | Thou smiling while he knit his angry brows; | brow (n.) eyebrow | 3H6 II.ii.20 | |
He but a Duke, would haue his Sonne a King, | He, but a duke, would have his son a king, | | 3H6 II.ii.21 | |
And raise his issue like a louing Sire. | And raise his issue like a loving sire; | issue (n.) child(ren), offspring, family, descendant | 3H6 II.ii.22 | |
| | raise (v.) elevate in rank, advance, promote | | |
Thou being a King, blest with a goodly sonne, | Thou, being a king, blest with a goodly son, | | 3H6 II.ii.23 | |
Did'st yeeld consent to disinherit him: | Didst yield consent to disinherit him, | | 3H6 II.ii.24 | |
Which argued thee a most vnlouing Father. | Which argued thee a most unloving father. | argue (v.) indicate, betoken, be evidence of | 3H6 II.ii.25 | |
Vnreasonable Creatures feed their young, | Unreasonable creatures feed their young; | unreasonable (adj.) lacking the faculty of reason, irrational | 3H6 II.ii.26 | |
And though mans face be fearefull to their eyes, | And though man's face be fearful to their eyes, | fearful (adj.) causing fear, awe-inspiring, terrifying, alarming | 3H6 II.ii.27 | |
Yet in protection of their tender ones, | Yet, in protection of their tender ones, | tender (adj.) young | 3H6 II.ii.28 | |
Who hath not seene them euen with those wings, | Who hath not seen them, even with those wings | | 3H6 II.ii.29 | |
Which sometime they haue vs'd with fearfull flight, | Which sometime they have used with fearful flight, | sometime (adv.) sometimes, now and then | 3H6 II.ii.30 | |
| | fearful (adj.) timid, timorous, frightened, full of fear | | |
Make warre with him that climb'd vnto their nest, | Make war with him that climbed unto their nest, | | 3H6 II.ii.31 | |
Offering their owne liues in their yongs defence? | Offering their own lives in their young's defence? | | 3H6 II.ii.32 | |
For shame, my Liege, make them your President: | For shame, my liege, make them your precedent! | | 3H6 II.ii.33 | |
Were it not pitty that this goodly Boy | Were it not pity that this goodly boy | goodly (adj.) good-looking, handsome, attractive, comely | 3H6 II.ii.34 | |
Should loose his Birth-right by his Fathers fault, | Should lose his birthright by his father's fault, | | 3H6 II.ii.35 | |
And long heereafter say vnto his childe, | And long hereafter say unto his child | | 3H6 II.ii.36 | |
What my great Grandfather, and Grandsire got, | ‘What my great-grandfather and his grandsire got | | 3H6 II.ii.37 | |
My carelesse Father fondly gaue away. | My careless father fondly gave away'? | fondly (adv.) foolishly, stupidly, madly | 3H6 II.ii.38 | |
Ah, what a shame were this? Looke on the Boy, | Ah, what a shame were this! Look on the boy; | | 3H6 II.ii.39 | |
And let his manly face, which promiseth | And let his manly face, which promiseth | | 3H6 II.ii.40 | |
Successefull Fortune steele thy melting heart, | Successful fortune, steel thy melting heart | | 3H6 II.ii.41 | |
To hold thine owne, and leaue thine owne with him. | To hold thine own and leave thine own with him. | | 3H6 II.ii.42 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Full well hath Clifford plaid the Orator, | Full well hath Clifford played the orator, | | 3H6 II.ii.43 | |
Inferring arguments of mighty force: | Inferring arguments of mighty force. | infer (v.) adduce, bring up, put forward | 3H6 II.ii.44 | |
But Clifford tell me, did'st thou neuer heare, | But, Clifford, tell me, didst thou never hear | | 3H6 II.ii.45 | |
That things ill got, had euer bad successe. | That things ill got had ever bad success? | ill (adv.) badly, adversely, unfavourably | 3H6 II.ii.46 | |
| | success (n.) result, outcome, issue | | |
And happy alwayes was it for that Sonne, | And happy always was it for that son | happy (adj.) fortunate, lucky, favoured | 3H6 II.ii.47 | |
Whose Father for his hoording went to hell: | Whose father for his hoarding went to hell? | | 3H6 II.ii.48 | |
Ile leaue my Sonne my Vertuous deeds behinde, | I'll leave my son my virtuous deeds behind; | | 3H6 II.ii.49 | |
And would my Father had left me no more: | And would my father had left me no more! | | 3H6 II.ii.50 | |
For all the rest is held at such a Rate, | For all the rest is held at such a rate | rate (n.) cost, expense | 3H6 II.ii.51 | |
As brings a thousand fold more care to keepe, | As brings a thousandfold more care to keep | | 3H6 II.ii.52 | |
Then in possession any iot of pleasure. | Than in possession any jot of pleasure. | | 3H6 II.ii.53 | |
Ah Cosin Yorke, would thy best Friends did know, | Ah, cousin York! Would thy best friends did know | | 3H6 II.ii.54 | |
How it doth greeue me that thy head is heere. | How it doth grieve me that thy head is here! | | 3H6 II.ii.55 | |
Qu. | QUEEN | | | |
My Lord cheere vp your spirits, our foes are nye, | My lord, cheer up your spirits; our foes are nigh, | | 3H6 II.ii.56 | |
And this soft courage makes your Followers faint: | And this soft courage makes your followers faint. | soft (adj.) weak, faint, soft-hearted | 3H6 II.ii.57 | |
| | faint (v.) lose courage, show fear, lose heart, take fright | | |
| | courage (n.) spirit, disposition, nature | | |
You promist Knighthood to our forward sonne, | You promised knighthood to our forward son; | forward (adj.) promising, early-maturing, precocious | 3H6 II.ii.58 | |
Vnsheath your sword, and dub him presently. | Unsheathe your sword and dub him presently. | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | 3H6 II.ii.59 | |
Edward, kneele downe. | Edward, kneel down. | | 3H6 II.ii.60 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Edward Plantagenet, arise a Knight, | Edward Plantagenet, arise a knight; | | 3H6 II.ii.61 | |
And learne this Lesson; Draw thy Sword in right. | And learn this lesson: draw thy sword in right. | right (n.) justice, rightfulness, justification | 3H6 II.ii.62 | |
Prin. | PRINCE | | | |
My gracious Father, by your Kingly leaue, | My gracious father, by your kingly leave, | | 3H6 II.ii.63 | |
Ile draw it as Apparant to the Crowne, | I'll draw it as apparent to the crown, | apparent (n.) heir-apparent, closest in line | 3H6 II.ii.64 | |
And in that quarrell, vse it to the death. | And in that quarrel use it to the death. | | 3H6 II.ii.65 | |
Clif. | CLIFFORD | | | |
Why that is spoken like a toward Prince. | Why, that is spoken like a toward prince. | toward (adj.) promising, bold, future | 3H6 II.ii.66 | |
Enter a Messenger. | Enter a Messenger | | 3H6 II.ii.67 | |
Mess. | MESSENGER | | | |
Royall Commanders, be in readinesse, | Royal commanders, be in readiness; | | 3H6 II.ii.67 | |
For with a Band of thirty thousand men, | For with a band of thirty thousand men | | 3H6 II.ii.68 | |
Comes Warwicke backing of the Duke of Yorke, | Comes Warwick, backing of the Duke of York; | backing (n.) backing up, being in support | 3H6 II.ii.69 | |
And in the Townes as they do march along, | And in the towns, as they do march along, | | 3H6 II.ii.70 | |
Proclaimes him King, and many flye to him, | Proclaims him king, and many fly to him. | | 3H6 II.ii.71 | |
Darraigne your battell, for they are at hand. | Darraign your battle, for they are at hand. | darraign (v.) array, set in order, prepare | 3H6 II.ii.72 | |
| | battle (n.) army, fighting force, battalion | | |
Clif. | CLIFFORD | | | |
I would your Highnesse would depart the field, | I would your highness would depart the field; | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | 3H6 II.ii.73 | |
The Queene hath best successe when you are absent. | The Queen hath best success when you are absent. | success (n.) result, outcome, issue | 3H6 II.ii.74 | |
Qu. | QUEEN | | | |
I good my Lord, and leaue vs to our Fortune. | Ay, good my lord, and leave us to our fortune. | | 3H6 II.ii.75 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Why, that's my fortune too, therefore Ile stay. | Why, that's my fortune too; therefore I'll stay. | | 3H6 II.ii.76 | |
North. | NORTHUMBERLAND | | | |
Be it with resolution then to fight. | Be it with resolution then to fight. | | 3H6 II.ii.77 | |
Prin. | PRINCE | | | |
My Royall Father, cheere these Noble Lords, | My royal father, cheer these noble lords, | cheer (v.) encourage, urge on, galvanize | 3H6 II.ii.78 | |
And hearten those that fight in your defence: | And hearten those that fight in your defence; | | 3H6 II.ii.79 | |
Vnsheath your Sword, good Father: Cry S. George. | Unsheathe your sword, good father; cry ‘ Saint George!’ | George, Saint in Christian tradition, the patron saint of England, 3rd-c | 3H6 II.ii.80 | |
March. Enter Edward, Warwicke, Richard, Clarence, | March. Enter Edward, Warwick, Richard, George, | | 3H6 II.ii.1.81 | |
Norfolke, Mountague, and Soldiers. | Norfolk, Montague, and soldiers | | 3H6 II.ii.1.82 | |
Edw. | EDWARD | | | |
Now periur'd Henry, wilt thou kneel for grace? | Now, perjured Henry, wilt thou kneel for grace, | | 3H6 II.ii.81 | |
And set thy Diadem vpon my head? | And set thy diadem upon my head; | diadem (n.) crown, sovereign power | 3H6 II.ii.82 | |
Or bide the mortall Fortune of the field. | Or bide the mortal fortune of the field? | mortal (adj.) fatal, deadly, lethal | 3H6 II.ii.83 | |
| | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | | |
| | fortune (n.) chance, fate, [one's ] lot | | |
| | bide (v.) face, await, undergo | | |
Qu. | QUEEN | | | |
Go rate thy Minions, proud insulting Boy, | Go, rate thy minions, proud insulting boy! | minion (n.) darling, favourite, select one | 3H6 II.ii.84 | |
| | rate (v.) berate, reproach, rebuke, scold | | |
Becomes it thee to be thus bold in termes, | Becomes it thee to be thus bold in terms | term (n.) word, expression, utterance | 3H6 II.ii.85 | |
| | become (v.) be fitting, befit, be appropriate to | | |
Before thy Soueraigne, and thy lawfull King? | Before thy sovereign and thy lawful king? | | 3H6 II.ii.86 | |
Ed. | EDWARD | | | |
I am his King, and he should bow his knee: | I am his king, and he should bow his knee. | | 3H6 II.ii.87 | |
I was adopted Heire by his consent. | I was adopted heir by his consent; | | 3H6 II.ii.88 | |
Since when, his Oath is broke: for as I heare, | Since when, his oath is broke; for, as I hear, | | 3H6 II.ii.89 | |
You that are King, though he do weare the Crowne, | You, that are king, though he do wear the crown, | | 3H6 II.ii.90 | |
Haue caus'd him by new Act of Parliament, | Have caused him by new act of parliament | | 3H6 II.ii.91 | |
To blot out me, and put his owne Sonne in. | To blot out me, and put his own son in. | blot out (v.) cross out, erase, obliterate | 3H6 II.ii.92 | |
Clif. | CLIFFORD | | | |
And reason too, | And reason too; | reason (n.) reasonable view, sensible judgement, right opinion | 3H6 II.ii.93 | |
Who should succeede the Father, but the Sonne. | Who should succeed the father but the son? | | 3H6 II.ii.94 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
Are you there Butcher? O, I cannot speake. | Are you there, butcher? O, I cannot speak! | | 3H6 II.ii.95 | |
Clif. | CLIFFORD | | | |
I Crooke-back, here I stand to answer thee, | Ay, crook-back, here I stand to answer thee, | | 3H6 II.ii.96 | |
Or any he, the proudest of thy sort. | Or any he the proudest of thy sort. | he (n.) man, person | 3H6 II.ii.97 | |
| | sort (n.) pack, crowd, gang | | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
'Twas you that kill'd yong Rutland, was it not? | 'Twas you that killed young Rutland, was it not? | | 3H6 II.ii.98 | |
Clif. | CLIFFORD | | | |
I, and old Yorke, and yet not satisfied. | Ay, and old York, and yet not satisfied. | | 3H6 II.ii.99 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
For Gods sake Lords giue signall to the fight. | For God's sake, lords, give signal to the fight. | | 3H6 II.ii.100 | |
War. | WARWICK | | | |
What say'st thou Henry, / Wilt thou yeeld the Crowne? | What sayst thou, Henry? Wilt thou yield the crown? | | 3H6 II.ii.101 | |
Qu. | QUEEN | | | |
Why how now long-tongu'd Warwicke, dare you speak? | Why, how now, long-tongued Warwick! Dare you speak? | long-tongued (adj.) chattering, prattling | 3H6 II.ii.102 | |
When you and I, met at S. Albons last, | When you and I met at Saint Albans last, | | 3H6 II.ii.103 | |
Your legges did better seruice then your hands. | Your legs did better service than your hands. | | 3H6 II.ii.104 | |
War. | WARWICK | | | |
Then 'twas my turne to fly, and now 'tis thine: | Then 'twas my turn to fly, and now 'tis thine. | | 3H6 II.ii.105 | |
Clif. | CLIFFORD | | | |
You said so much before, and yet you fled. | You said so much before, and yet you fled. | | 3H6 II.ii.106 | |
War. | WARWICK | | | |
'Twas not your valor Clifford droue me thence. | 'Twas not your valour, Clifford, drove me thence. | | 3H6 II.ii.107 | |
No, nor your manhood that durst make you stay. | No, nor your manhood that durst make you stay. | | 3H6 II.ii.108 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
Northumberland, I hold thee reuerently, | Northumberland, I hold thee reverently. | reverently (adv.) with profound respect, in great esteem | 3H6 II.ii.109 | |
| | hold (v.) consider, regard, esteem, value [as] | | |
Breake off the parley, for scarse I can refraine | Break off the parley; for scarce I can refrain | refrain (v.) restrain, hold back, keep under control | 3H6 II.ii.110 | |
The execution of my big-swolne heart | The execution of my big-swollen heart | execution (n.) exercising, putting into operation | 3H6 II.ii.111 | |
Vpon that Clifford, that cruell Child-killer. | Upon that Clifford, that cruel child-killer. | | 3H6 II.ii.112 | |
Clif. | CLIFFORD | | | |
I slew thy Father, cal'st thou him a Child? | I slew thy father; callest thou him a child? | | 3H6 II.ii.113 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
I like a Dastard, and a treacherous Coward, | Ay, like a dastard and a treacherous coward, | dastard (n.) coward, sissy, runaway, traitor | 3H6 II.ii.114 | |
As thou didd'st kill our tender Brother Rutland, | As thou didst kill our tender brother Rutland; | | 3H6 II.ii.115 | |
But ere Sunset, Ile make thee curse the deed. | But ere sun set I'll make thee curse the deed. | | 3H6 II.ii.116 | |
King. | KING | | | |
Haue done with words (my Lords) and heare me speake. | Have done with words, my lords, and hear me speak. | | 3H6 II.ii.117 | |
Qu. | QUEEN | | | |
Defie them then, or els hold close thy lips. | Defy them then, or else hold close thy lips. | | 3H6 II.ii.118 | |
King. | KING | | | |
I prythee giue no limits to my Tongue, | I prithee give no limits to my tongue; | | 3H6 II.ii.119 | |
I am a King, and priuiledg'd to speake. | I am a king and privileged to speak. | | 3H6 II.ii.120 | |
Clif. | CLIFFORD | | | |
My Liege, the wound that bred this meeting here, | My liege, the wound that bred this meeting here | | 3H6 II.ii.121 | |
Cannot be cur'd by Words, therefore be still. | Cannot be cured by words; therefore be still. | still (adj.) silent, quiet | 3H6 II.ii.122 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
Then Executioner vnsheath thy sword: | Then, executioner, unsheathe thy sword. | | 3H6 II.ii.123 | |
By him that made vs all, I am resolu'd, | By Him that made us all, I am resolved | resolved (adj.) convinced, satisfied, assured | 3H6 II.ii.124 | |
That Cliffords Manhood, lyes vpon his tongue. | That Clifford's manhood lies upon his tongue. | | 3H6 II.ii.125 | |
Ed. | EDWARD | | | |
Say Henry, shall I haue my right, or no: | Say, Henry, shall I have my right or no? | | 3H6 II.ii.126 | |
A thousand men haue broke their Fasts to day, | A thousand men have broke their fasts today, | | 3H6 II.ii.127 | |
That ne're shall dine, vnlesse thou yeeld the Crowne. | That ne'er shall dine unless thou yield the crown. | | 3H6 II.ii.128 | |
War. | WARWICK | | | |
If thou deny, their Blood vpon thy head, | If thou deny, their blood upon thy head; | deny (v.) disallow, forbid, refuse permission [for] | 3H6 II.ii.129 | |
For Yorke in iustice put's his Armour on. | For York in justice puts his armour on. | | 3H6 II.ii.130 | |
Pr.Ed. | PRINCE | | | |
If that be right, which Warwick saies is right, | If that be right which Warwick says is right, | | 3H6 II.ii.131 | |
There is no wrong, but euery thing is right. | There is no wrong, but everything is right. | | 3H6 II.ii.132 | |
War. | RICHARD | | | |
Who euer got thee, there thy Mother stands, | Whoever got thee, there thy mother stands; | get (v.) beget, conceive, breed | 3H6 II.ii.133 | |
For well I wot, thou hast thy Mothers tongue. | For, well I wot, thou hast thy mother's tongue. | wot (v.) learn, know, be told | 3H6 II.ii.134 | |
Qu. | QUEEN | | | |
But thou art neyther like thy Sire nor Damme, | But thou art neither like thy sire nor dam; | sire (n.) father | 3H6 II.ii.135 | |
| | dam (n.) mother | | |
But like a foule mishapen Stygmaticke, | But like a foul misshapen stigmatic, | stigmatic (n.) misshapen individual, person marked by physical deformity | 3H6 II.ii.136 | |
Mark'd by the Destinies to be auoided, | Marked by the destinies to be avoided, | mark (v.) destine, brand, designate | 3H6 II.ii.137 | |
As venome Toades, or Lizards dreadfull stings. | As venom toads or lizards' dreadful stings. | venom (adj.) venomous, poisonous, spiteful | 3H6 II.ii.138 | |
Rich. | RICHARD | | | |
Iron of Naples, hid with English gilt, | Iron of Naples hid with English gilt, | | 3H6 II.ii.139 | |
Whose Father beares the Title of a King, | Whose father bears the title of a king – | | 3H6 II.ii.140 | |
(As if a Channell should be call'd the Sea) | As if a channel should be called the sea – | channel (n.) open drain, gutter | 3H6 II.ii.141 | |
Sham'st thou not, knowing whence thou art extraught, | Shamest thou not, knowing whence thou art extraught, | extraught (adj.) descended, derived, extracted | 3H6 II.ii.142 | |
To let thy tongue detect thy base-borne heart. | To let thy tongue detect thy base-born heart? | detect (v.) reveal, betray, show | 3H6 II.ii.143 | |
| | base-born (adj.) of low birth, low-born, plebeian | | |
Ed. | EDWARD | | | |
A wispe of straw were worth a thousand Crowns, | A wisp of straw were worth a thousand crowns | crown (n.) coin [usually showing a monarch's crown], English value: 5 shilllings | 3H6 II.ii.144 | |
To make this shamelesse Callet know her selfe: | To make this shameless callet know herself. | callet, callot (n.) slut, drab, harlot | 3H6 II.ii.145 | |
Helen of Greece was fayrer farre then thou, | Helen of Greece was fairer far than thou, | Helen (n.) woman renowned for her beauty, whose abduction from the Greeks by Paris of Troy caused the Trojan War | 3H6 II.ii.146 | |
Although thy Husband may be Menelaus; | Although thy husband may be Menelaus; | Menelaus (n.) [pron: mene'layus] king of Sparta, brother of Agamemnon, married to Helen of Troy | 3H6 II.ii.147 | |
And ne're was Agamemnons Brother wrong'd | And ne'er was Agamemnon's brother wronged | Agamemnon (n.) [pron: aga'memnon] commander of the Greek forces at Troy, married to Clytemnestra | 3H6 II.ii.148 | |
By that false Woman, as this King by thee. | By that false woman, as this king by thee. | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | 3H6 II.ii.149 | |
His Father reuel'd in the heart of France, | His father revelled in the heart of France, | revel (v.) make merry, riot, hold a party | 3H6 II.ii.150 | |
And tam'd the King, and made the Dolphin stoope: | And tamed the King, and made the Dauphin stoop; | | 3H6 II.ii.151 | |
And had he match'd according to his State, | And had he matched according to his state, | match (v.) join in marriage, make a match | 3H6 II.ii.152 | |
| | state (n.) status, rank, position | | |
He might haue kept that glory to this day. | He might have kept that glory to this day. | | 3H6 II.ii.153 | |
But when he tooke a begger to his bed, | But when he took a beggar to his bed | | 3H6 II.ii.154 | |
And grac'd thy poore Sire with his Bridall day, | And graced thy poor sire with his bridal day, | sire (n.) father | 3H6 II.ii.155 | |
| | grace (v.) favour, add merit to, do honour to | | |
Euen then that Sun-shine brew'd a showre for him, | Even then that sunshine brewed a shower for him | | 3H6 II.ii.156 | |
That washt his Fathers fortunes forth of France, | That washed his father's fortunes forth of France, | | 3H6 II.ii.157 | |
And heap'd sedition on his Crowne at home: | And heaped sedition on his crown at home. | | 3H6 II.ii.158 | |
For what hath broach'd this tumult but thy Pride? | For what hath broached this tumult but thy pride? | broach (v.) start, bring out, open up | 3H6 II.ii.159 | |
Had'st thou bene meeke, our Title still had slept, | Hadst thou been meek, our title still had slept; | still (adv.) ever, now [as before] | 3H6 II.ii.160 | |
| | title (n.) [legal] right, claim, entitlement | | |
And we in pitty of the Gentle King, | And we, in pity for the gentle King, | | 3H6 II.ii.161 | |
Had slipt our Claime, vntill another Age. | Had slipped our claim until another age. | slip (v.) leave unasserted, pass over | 3H6 II.ii.162 | |
Cla. | GEORGE | | | |
But when we saw, our Sunshine made thy Spring, | But when we saw our sunshine made thy spring, | | 3H6 II.ii.163 | |
And that thy Summer bred vs no increase, | And that thy summer bred us no increase, | increase (n.) produce, growth, yield, crop | 3H6 II.ii.164 | |
We set the Axe to thy vsurping Roote: | We set the axe to thy usurping root; | | 3H6 II.ii.165 | |
And though the edge hath something hit our selues, | And though the edge hath something hit ourselves, | something (adv.) a little, to some extent | 3H6 II.ii.166 | |
Yet know thou, since we haue begun to strike, | Yet know thou, since we have begun to strike, | | 3H6 II.ii.167 | |
Wee'l neuer leaue, till we haue hewne thee downe, | We'll never leave till we have hewn thee down, | leave (v.) cease, stop, give up | 3H6 II.ii.168 | |
Or bath'd thy growing, with our heated bloods. | Or bathed thy growing with our heated bloods. | | 3H6 II.ii.169 | |
Edw. | EDWARD | | | |
And in this resolution, I defie thee, | And in this resolution I defy thee; | | 3H6 II.ii.170 | |
Not willing any longer Conference, | Not willing any longer conference, | conference (n.) conversation, talk, discourse | 3H6 II.ii.171 | |
Since thou denied'st the gentle King to speake. | Since thou deniest the gentle King to speak. | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | 3H6 II.ii.172 | |
| | deny (v.) disallow, forbid, refuse permission [for] | | |
Sound Trumpets, let our bloody Colours waue, | Sound trumpets! Let our bloody colours wave! | colours (n.) battle-flags, ensigns, standards, banners | 3H6 II.ii.173 | |
And either Victorie, or else a Graue. | And either victory, or else a grave. | | 3H6 II.ii.174 | |
Qu. | QUEEN | | | |
Stay Edward. | Stay, Edward. | | 3H6 II.ii.175 | |
Ed. | EDWARD | | | |
No wrangling Woman, wee'l no longer stay, | No, wrangling woman, we'll no longer stay: | wrangling (adj.) quarrelsome, disputatious, argumentative | 3H6 II.ii.176 | |
These words will cost ten thousand liues this day. | These words will cost ten thousand lives this day. | word (n.) (plural) angry exchanges, altercations, recriminations | 3H6 II.ii.177 | |
Exeunt omnes. | Exeunt | | 3H6 II.ii.177 | |