Henry VI Part 2

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Alarums. Mathew Goffe is slain, and all the rest.Alarums. Matthew Gough is slain, and all the rest. 2H6 IV.vii.1.1
Then enter Iacke Cade, with his Company.Then enter Jack Cade with his company 2H6 IV.vii.1.2
Cade. CADE 
So sirs: now go some and pull down the Sauoy:So, sirs. Now go some and pull down the Savoy; 2H6 IV.vii.1
Others to'th Innes of Court, downe with them all.others to th' Inns of Court; down with them all. 2H6 IV.vii.2
But. DICK 
I haue a suite vnto your Lordship.I have a suit unto your lordship.suit (n.)

old form: suite
formal request, entreaty, petition
2H6 IV.vii.3
Cade. CADE 
Bee it a Lordshippe, thou shalt haue it for that word.Be it a lordship, thou shalt have it for that word.lordship (n.)

old form: Lordshippe
lord's estate
2H6 IV.vii.4
But. DICK 
Onely that the Lawes of England may come out of your Only that the laws of England may come out of your 2H6 IV.vii.5
mouth.mouth. 2H6 IV.vii.6
(aside) 2H6 IV.vii.7
Masse 'twill be sore Law then, for he wasMass, 'twill be sore law then, for he was 2H6 IV.vii.7
thrust in the mouth with a Speare, and 'tis not whole yet.thrust in the mouth with a spear, and 'tis not whole yet.thrust (v.)
strike, pierce, stab
2H6 IV.vii.8
whole (adj.)
healthy, well, in sound condition
Smith. SMITH  
(aside to Holland) 2H6 IV.vii.9
Nay Iohn, it wil be stinking Nay, John, it will be stinking 2H6 IV.vii.9
Law, for his breath stinkes with eating toasted cheese.law, for his breath stinks with eating toasted cheese. 2H6 IV.vii.10
Cade. CADE 
I haue thought vpon it, it shall bee so. Away, burne I have thought upon it; it shall be so. Away! Burn 2H6 IV.vii.11
all the Records of the Realme, my mouth shall be the Parliament all the records of the realm; my mouth shall be the parliament 2H6 IV.vii.12
of England.of England. 2H6 IV.vii.13
(aside) 2H6 IV.vii.14
Then we are like to haue biting StatutesThen we are like to have biting statutes,like (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
2H6 IV.vii.14
biting (adj.)
severe, painful, brutal
Vnlesse his teeth be pull'd out.unless his teeth be pulled out. 2H6 IV.vii.15
Cade. CADE 
And hence-forward all things shall be in Common. And henceforward all things shall be in common.common, in
[of land] in common possession, for the whole community
2H6 IV.vii.16
Enter a Messenger.Enter a Messenger 2H6 IV.vii.17
My Lord, a prize, a prize, heeres the Lord My lord, a prize, a prize! Here's the Lord 2H6 IV.vii.17
Say, which sold the Townes in France. He that made vs Say, which sold the towns in France; he that made us 2H6 IV.vii.18
pay one and twenty Fifteenes, and one shilling to the pay one-and-twenty fifteens, and one shilling to thefifteen, fifteenth (n.)

old form: Fifteenes
tax of a fifteenth part levied on personal property
2H6 IV.vii.19
shilling (n.)
coin valued at twelve old pence or one twentieth of a pound
pound, the last Subsidie.pound, the last subsidy.subsidy (n.)

old form: Subsidie
special tax assessment
2H6 IV.vii.20
Enter George, with the Lord Say.Enter George Bevis with the Lord Say 2H6 IV.vii.21
Cade. CADE 
Well, hee shall be beheaded for it ten times: Ah Well, he shall be beheaded for it ten times. Ah, 2H6 IV.vii.21
thou Say, thou Surge, nay thou Buckram Lord, now art thou say, thou serge, nay, thou buckram lord! Now artsay (n.)
type of fine-textured cloth
2H6 IV.vii.22
serge (n.)

old form: Surge
type of woollen fabric
buckram, buckrom (n./adj.)
stiff, starched, stuck-up
thou within point-blanke of our Iurisdiction Regall. What thou within point-blank of our jurisdiction regal. Whatpoint-blank (n.)

old form: point-blanke
reach, easy range
2H6 IV.vii.23
canst thou answer to my Maiesty, for giuing vp ofcanst thou answer to my majesty for giving up of 2H6 IV.vii.24
Normandie vnto Mounsieur Basimecu, the Dolphine Normandy unto Mounsieur Basimecu, the Dolphin 2H6 IV.vii.25
of France? Be it knowne vnto thee by these presence, of France? Be it known unto thee by these presence,presence (n.)
malapropism for ‘presents’ [= documents]
2H6 IV.vii.26
euen the presence of Lord Mortimer, that I am the even the presence of Lord Mortimer, that I am the 2H6 IV.vii.27
Beesome that must sweepe the Court cleane of such filthbesom that must sweep the court clean of such filthbesom (n.)

old form: Beesome
sweeping-brush, broom
2H6 IV.vii.28
as thou art: Thou hast most traiterously corrupted the as thou art. Thou hast most traitorously corrupted the 2H6 IV.vii.29
youth of the Realme, in erecting a Grammar Schoole: and youth of the realm in erecting a grammar school; and 2H6 IV.vii.30
whereas before, our Fore-fathers had no other Bookes whereas, before, our forefathers had no other books 2H6 IV.vii.31
but the Score and the Tally, thou hast caused printing but the score and the tally, thou hast caused printingscore and tally
method of notching a piece of wood as a means of debt-keeping; when split in two between lender and debtor, the scores on the two pieces of wood would tally
2H6 IV.vii.32
to be vs'd, and contrary to the King, his Crowne, and to be used; and, contrary to the King his crown and 2H6 IV.vii.33
Dignity, thou hast built a Paper-Mill. It will be prooued dignity, thou hast built a paper-mill. It will be proved 2H6 IV.vii.34
to thy Face, that thou hast men about thee, that vsually to thy face that thou hast men about thee that usuallyusually (adv.)

old form: vsually
habitually, routinely, regularly
2H6 IV.vii.35
talke of a Nowne and a Verbe, and such abhominable wordes, astalk of a noun and a verb, and such abominable words as 2H6 IV.vii.36
no Christian eare can endure to heare. Thou hast appointed no Christian ear can endure to hear. Thou hast appointed 2H6 IV.vii.37
Iustices of Peace, to call poore men before them, justices of the peace, to call poor men before them 2H6 IV.vii.38
about matters they were not able to answer. Moreouer,about matters they were not able to answer. Moreover,answer (v.)
explain, excuse, answer satisfactorily
2H6 IV.vii.39
thou hast put them in prison, and because they could notthou hast put them in prison; and because they could not 2H6 IV.vii.40
reade, thou hast hang'd them, when (indeede) onely read, thou hast hanged them; when, indeed, only 2H6 IV.vii.41
for that cause they haue beene most worthy to liue. for that cause they have been most worthy to live. 2H6 IV.vii.42
Thou dost ride in a foot-cloth, dost thou not?Thou dost ride in a foot-cloth, dost thou not?footcloth, foot-cloth (n.)
stately ornamental cloth worn over the back of a horse
2H6 IV.vii.43
Say. SAY 
What of that?What of that? 2H6 IV.vii.44
Cade. CADE 
Marry, thou ought'st not to let thy horse weare a Marry, thou oughtest not to let thy horse wear amarry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
2H6 IV.vii.45
Cloake, when honester men then thou go in their Hose and cloak, when honester men than thou go in their hose andhose (n.)
[pair of] breeches
2H6 IV.vii.46
man's close-fitting jacket with short skirt
2H6 IV.vii.47
Dicke. DICK 
And worke in their shirt to, as my selfe for example, And work in their shirt too; as myself, for example, 2H6 IV.vii.48
that am a butcher.that am a butcher. 2H6 IV.vii.49
Say. SAY 
You men of Kent.You men of Kent –  2H6 IV.vii.50
Dic. DICK 
What say you of Kent.What say you of Kent? 2H6 IV.vii.51
Say. SAY 
Nothing but this: 'Tis bona terra, mala gens.Nothing but this: 'tis bona terra, mala gens. 2H6 IV.vii.52
Cade. CADE 
Away with him, away with him, he speaks Latine. Away with him! Away with him! He speaks Latin. 2H6 IV.vii.53
Say. SAY 
Heare me but speake, and beare mee wher'e you will:Hear me but speak, and bear me where you will. 2H6 IV.vii.54
Kent, in the Commentaries Casar writ,Kent, in the Commentaries Caesar writ, 2H6 IV.vii.55
Is term'd the ciuel'st place of all this Isle:Is termed the civilest place of this isle;civil (adj.)

old form: ciuel'st
civilized, cultured, refined
2H6 IV.vii.56
Sweet is the Covntry, because full of Riches,Sweet is the country, because full of riches, 2H6 IV.vii.57
The People Liberall, Valiant, Actiue, Wealthy,To people liberal, valiant, active, wealthy;liberal (adj.)

old form: Liberall
noble, tasteful, refined
2H6 IV.vii.58
Which makes me hope you are not void of pitty.Which makes me hope you are not void of pity.void (adj.)
empty, lacking, devoid
2H6 IV.vii.59
I sold not Maine, I lost not Normandie,I sold not Maine, I lost not Normandy; 2H6 IV.vii.60
Yet to recouer them would loose my life:Yet to recover them would lose my life. 2H6 IV.vii.61
Iustice with fauour haue I alwayes done,Justice with favour have I always done;favour (n.)

old form: fauour
leniency, kindness, clemency
2H6 IV.vii.62
Prayres and Teares haue mou'd me, Gifts could neuer.Prayers and tears have moved me, gifts could never. 2H6 IV.vii.63
When haue I ought exacted at your hands?When have I aught exacted at your hands,exact (v.)
enforce payment, take taxes
2H6 IV.vii.64
aught (n.)

old form: ought
anything, [with negative word] nothing
Kent to maintaine, the King, the Realme and you,But to maintain the King, the realm, and you? 2H6 IV.vii.65
Large gifts haue I bestow'd on learned Clearkes,Large gifts have I bestowed on learned clerks,clerk (n.)

old form: Clearkes
scholar, sage, man of learning
2H6 IV.vii.66
Because my Booke preferr'd me to the King.Because my book preferred me to the King,prefer (v.)

old form: preferr'd
promote, advance, recommend
2H6 IV.vii.67
book (n.)

old form: Booke
book-learning, scholarship, erudition
And seeing Ignorance is the curse of God,And seeing ignorance is the curse of God, 2H6 IV.vii.68
Knowledge the Wing wherewith we flye to heauen.Knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven, 2H6 IV.vii.69
Vnlesse you be possest with diuellish spirits,Unless you be possessed with devilish spirits, 2H6 IV.vii.70
You cannot but forbeare to murther me:You cannot but forbear to murder me.forbear (v.)

old form: forbeare
leave alone, avoid, stay away [from]
2H6 IV.vii.71
This Tongue hath parlied vnto Forraigne KingsThis tongue hath parleyed unto foreign kingsparle, parley (v.)

old form: parlied
discuss terms, treat, negotiate with
2H6 IV.vii.72
For your behoofe.For your behoofbehoof (n.)

old form: behoofe
benefit, advantage
2H6 IV.vii.73
Cade. CADE 
Tut, when struck'st thou one blow in the field?Tut, when struckest thou one blow in the field?field (n.)
field of battle, battleground, field of combat
2H6 IV.vii.74
Say. SAY 
Great men haue reaching hands: oft haue I struckGreat men have reaching hands: oft have I struckoft (adv.)
2H6 IV.vii.75
reaching (adj.)
Those that I neuer saw, and strucke them dead.Those that I never saw, and struck them dead. 2H6 IV.vii.76
O monstrous Coward! What, to come behinde Folkes?O monstrous coward! What, to come behind folks? 2H6 IV.vii.77
Say. SAY 
These cheekes are pale for watching for your goodThese cheeks are pale for watching for your good.watch (v.)
stay awake, keep vigil
2H6 IV.vii.78
Cade. CADE 
Giue him a box o'th' eare, and that wil make 'em red Give him a box o'th' ear, and that will make 'em red 2H6 IV.vii.79
againe.again. 2H6 IV.vii.80
Say. SAY 
Long sitting to determine poore mens causes,Long sitting to determine poor men's causesdetermine (v.)
make a decision [about], reach a conclusion [about]
2H6 IV.vii.81
cause (n.)
court case, legal action, matter before the court
Hath made me full of sicknesse and diseases.Hath made me full of sickness and diseases. 2H6 IV.vii.82
Cade. CADE 
Ye shall haue a hempen Candle then, & the help of Ye shall have a hempen caudle then, and the help ofhempen (adj.)
made of hemp
2H6 IV.vii.83
caudle (n.)
type of medicinal warm gruel, potion
hatchet.hatchet.hatchet (n.)
executioner's axe
2H6 IV.vii.84
Dicke. DICK 
Why dost thou quiuer man?Why dost thou quiver, man? 2H6 IV.vii.85
Say. SAY 
The Palsie, and not feare prouokes me.The palsy and not fear provokes me.provoke (v.)

old form: prouokes
make tremble, cause to shake
2H6 IV.vii.86
Cade. CADE 
Nay, he noddes at vs, as who should say, Ile be euen Nay, he nods at us as who should say ‘I'll be even 2H6 IV.vii.87
with you. Ile see if his head will stand steddier on awith you'; I'll see if his head will stand steadier on a 2H6 IV.vii.88
pole, or no: Take him away, and behead him.pole or no. Take him away and behead him. 2H6 IV.vii.89
Say. SAY 
Tell me: wherein haue I offended most?Tell me: wherein have I offended most? 2H6 IV.vii.90
Haue I affected wealth, or honor? Speake.Have I affected wealth or honour? Speak.affect (v.)
cultivate, aim at, seek out
2H6 IV.vii.91
Are my Chests fill'd vp with extorted Gold?Are my chests filled up with extorted gold? 2H6 IV.vii.92
Is my Apparrell sumptuous to behold?Is my apparel sumptuous to behold?apparel (n.)

old form: Apparrell
clothes, clothing, dress
2H6 IV.vii.93
Whom haue I iniur'd, that ye seeke my death?Whom have I injured, that ye seek my death? 2H6 IV.vii.94
These hands are free from guiltlesse bloodshedding,These hands are free from guiltless bloodshedding,guiltless (adj.)

old form: guiltlesse
of innocent people
2H6 IV.vii.95
This breast from harbouring foule deceitfull thoughts.This breast from harbouring foul deceitful thoughts. 2H6 IV.vii.96
O let me liue.O, let me live! 2H6 IV.vii.97
Cade. CADE  
(aside) 2H6 IV.vii.98
I feele remorse in my selfe with his words: butI feel remorse in myself with his words; butremorse (n.)
pity, compassion, tenderness
2H6 IV.vii.98
Ile bridle it: he shall dye, and it bee but for pleading soI'll bridle it. He shall die, an it be but for pleading soand, an (conj.)
if, even if
2H6 IV.vii.99
well for his life. Away with him, he ha's a Familiar well for his life. Away with him! He has a familiarfamiliar (n.)
attendant spirit, personal demon
2H6 IV.vii.100
vnder his Tongue, he speakes not a Gods name. Goe, under his tongue; he speaks not a God's name. Go,a (prep.)
variant form of 'in'
2H6 IV.vii.101
take him away I say, and strike off his head presently, take him away, I say; and strike off his head presently,presently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once
2H6 IV.vii.102
and then breake into his Sonne in Lawes house, Sir Iames and then break into his son-in-law's house, Sir James 2H6 IV.vii.103
Cromer, and strike off his head, and bring them bothCromer, and strike off his head, and bring them both 2H6 IV.vii.104
vppon two poles hither.upon two poles hither. 2H6 IV.vii.105
All. ALL 
It shall be done.It shall be done. 2H6 IV.vii.106
Say. SAY 
Ah Countrimen: If when you make your prair's,Ah, countrymen, if, when you make your prayers, 2H6 IV.vii.107
God should be so obdurate as your selues:God should be so obdurate as yourselves, 2H6 IV.vii.108
How would it fare with your departed soules,How would it fare with your departed souls?fare (v.)
go, happen, turn out
2H6 IV.vii.109
And therefore yet relent, and saue my life.And therefore yet relent and save my life. 2H6 IV.vii.110
Cade. CADE 
Away with him, and do as I command ye: Away with him! And do as I command ye. 2H6 IV.vii.111
Exeunt some rebels with Lord Say 2H6 IV.vii.111
the proudest Peere in the Realme, shall not weare a head The proudest peer in the realm shall not wear a head 2H6 IV.vii.112
on his shoulders, vnlesse he pay me tribute: there shall on his shoulders, unless he pay me tribute; there shall 2H6 IV.vii.113
not a maid be married, but she shall pay to me her not a maid be married, but she shall pay to me her 2H6 IV.vii.114
Maydenhead ere they haue it: Men shall hold of mee maidenhead, ere they have it. Men shall hold of mehold (v.)
hold property, own land
2H6 IV.vii.115
in Capite. And we charge and command, that their in capite; and we charge and command that theirin capite
as a head
2H6 IV.vii.116
charge (v.)
order, command, enjoin
wiues be as free as heart can wish, or tongue can tell.wives be as free as heart can wish or tongue can tell.free (adj.)
liberal, lavish, generous
2H6 IV.vii.117
Dicke. DICK 
My Lord, / When shall we go to Cheapside, and take vp My lord, when shall we go to Cheapside and take uptake up (v.)

old form: vp
take possession of, seize hold of
2H6 IV.vii.118
Cheapside (n.)
East End street, a main market area, near St Paul's, London
commodities vpon our billes?commodities upon our bills?bill (n.)

old form: billes
promissory note
2H6 IV.vii.119
commodity (n.)
(plural) goods, wares, merchandise
Cade. CADE 
Marry presently.Marry, presently. 2H6 IV.vii.120
All. ALL 
O braue.O, brave!brave (adj.)

old form: braue
fine, excellent, splendid, impressive
2H6 IV.vii.121
Enter one with the heads.Enter one with the heads of Say and Cromer upon 2H6 IV.vii.122.1
two poles 2H6 IV.vii.122.2
Cade. CADE 
But is not this brauer: / Let them kisse one another: But is not this braver? Let them kiss one another; 2H6 IV.vii.122
For they lou'd well / When they were aliue. Now part for they loved well when they were alive. Now part 2H6 IV.vii.123
them againe, / Least they consult about the giuing vp / Of them again, lest they consult about the giving up of 2H6 IV.vii.124
some more Townes in France. Soldiers, / Deferre the spoile some more towns in France. Soldiers, defer the spoilspoil (n.)

old form: spoile
plundering, pillaging, despoiling
2H6 IV.vii.125
of the Citie vntill night: / For with these borne before vs, of the city until night; for with these borne before us, 2H6 IV.vii.126
in steed of Maces, / Will we ride through the streets, &instead of maces, will we ride through the streets, and 2H6 IV.vii.127
at euery Corner / Haue them kisse. Away. at every corner have them kiss. Away! 2H6 IV.vii.128
ExitExeunt 2H6 IV.vii.128
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