First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Hermione, Mamillius, Ladies: Leontes, Antigonus, Lords. | Enter Hermione, Mamillius, and Ladies | | WT II.i.1 | |
Her. | HERMIONE | | | |
Take the Boy to you: he so troubles me, | Take the boy to you: he so troubles me, | | WT II.i.1 | |
'Tis past enduring. | 'Tis past enduring. | | WT II.i.2.1 | |
Lady. | FIRST LADY | | | |
Come (my gracious Lord) | Come, my gracious lord, | | WT II.i.2.2 | |
Shall I be your play-fellow? | Shall I be your playfellow? | | WT II.i.3.1 | |
Mam. | MAMILLIUS | | | |
No, Ile none of you. | No, I'll none of you. | none of you, will have nothing to do with | WT II.i.3.2 | |
Lady. | FIRST LADY | | | |
Why (my sweet Lord?) | Why, my sweet lord? | | WT II.i.4 | |
Mam. | MAMILLIUS | | | |
You'le kisse me hard, and speake to me, as if | You'll kiss me hard, and speak to me as if | | WT II.i.5 | |
I were a Baby still. I loue you better. | I were a baby still. – I love you better. | | WT II.i.6 | |
2. Lady. | SECOND LADY | | | |
And why so (my Lord?) | And why so, my lord? | | WT II.i.7.1 | |
Mam. | MAMILLIUS | | | |
Not for because | Not for because | | WT II.i.7.2 | |
Your Browes are blacker (yet black-browes they say | Your brows are blacker; yet black brows, they say, | brow (n.) eyebrow | WT II.i.8 | |
Become some Women best, so that there be not | Become some women best, so that there be not | become (v.) be fitting, befit, be appropriate to | WT II.i.9 | |
Too much haire there, but in a Cemicircle, | Too much hair there, but in a semicircle, | | WT II.i.10 | |
Or a halfe-Moone, made with a Pen.) | Or a half-moon, made with a pen. | | WT II.i11.1 | |
2. Lady. | SECOND LADY | | | |
Who taught 'this? | Who taught this? | | WT II.i.11.2 | |
Mam. | MAMILLIUS | | | |
I learn'd it out of Womens faces: pray now, | I learned it out of women's faces. Pray now, | | WT II.i.12 | |
What colour are your eye-browes? | What colour are your eyebrows? | | WT II.i.13.1 | |
Lady. | FIRST LADY | | | |
Blew (my Lord.) | Blue, my lord. | | WT II.i.13.2 | |
Mam. | MAMILLIUS | | | |
Nay, that's a mock: I haue seene a Ladies Nose | Nay, that's a mock. I have seen a lady's nose | | WT II.i.14 | |
That ha's beene blew, but not her eye-browes. | That has been blue, but not her eyebrows. | | WT II.i.15.1 | |
Lady. | FIRST LADY | | | |
Harke ye, | Hark ye: | | WT II.i.15.2 | |
The Queene (your Mother) rounds apace: we shall | The Queen, your mother, rounds apace. We shall | round (v.) become round, grow to full form [in pregnancy] | WT II.i.16 | |
| | apace (adv.) quickly, speedily, at a great rate | | |
Present our seruices to a fine new Prince | Present our services to a fine new prince | | WT II.i.17 | |
One of these dayes, and then youl'd wanton with vs, | One of these days; and then you'd wanton with us, | wanton (v.) play, sport, frolic | WT II.i.18 | |
If we would haue you. | If we would have you. | | WT II.i.19.1 | |
2. Lady. | SECOND LADY | | | |
She is spread of late | She is spread of late | | WT II.i.19.2 | |
Into a goodly Bulke (good time encounter her.) | Into a goodly bulk. Good time encounter her! | time (n.) circumstance, particular occasion | WT II.i.20 | |
Her. | HERMIONE | | | |
What wisdome stirs amongst you? Come Sir, now | What wisdom stirs amongst you? Come, sir, now | | WT II.i.21 | |
I am for you againe: 'Pray you sit by vs, | I am for you again. Pray you, sit by us, | | WT II.i.22 | |
And tell's a Tale. | And tell's a tale. | | WT II.i.23.1 | |
Mam. | MAMILLIUS | | | |
Merry, or sad, shal't be? | Merry or sad shall't be? | sad (adj.) serious, grave, solemn | WT II.i.23.2 | |
Her. | HERMIONE | | | |
As merry as you will. | As merry as you will. | | WT II.i.24 | |
Mam. | MAMILLIUS | | | |
A sad Tale's best for Winter: / I haue one | A sad tale's best for winter. I have one | | WT II.i.25 | |
of Sprights, and Goblins. | Of sprites and goblins. | sprite, spright (n.) spirit, ghost, supernatural being | WT II.i.26.1 | |
Her. | HERMIONE | | | |
Let's haue that (good Sir.) | Let's have that, good sir. | | WT II.i.26.2 | |
Come-on, sit downe, come-on, and doe your best, | Come on, sit down; come on, and do your best | | WT II.i.27 | |
To fright me with your Sprights: you're powrefull at it. | To fright me with your sprites. You're powerful at it. | fright (v.), past form frighted frighten, scare, terrify | WT II.i.28 | |
Mam. | MAMILLIUS | | | |
There was a man. | There was a man – | | WT II.i.29.1 | |
Her. | HERMIONE | | | |
Nay, come sit downe: then on. | Nay, come sit down; then on. | | WT II.i.29.2 | |
Mam. | MAMILLIUS | | | |
Dwelt by a Church-yard: I will tell it softly, | Dwelt by a churchyard – I will tell it softly: | | WT II.i.30 | |
Yond Crickets shall not heare it. | Yond crickets shall not hear it. | | WT II.i.31.1 | |
Her. | HERMIONE | | | |
Come on then, | Come on, then, | | WT II.i.31.2 | |
and giu't me in mine eare. | And give't me in mine ear. | | WT II.i.32 | |
| Enter Leontes, Antigonus, and Lords | | WT II.i.33 | |
Leon. | LEONTES | | | |
Was hee met there? his Traine? Camillo with him? | Was he met there? His train? Camillo with him? | | WT II.i.33 | |
Lord. | LORD | | | |
Behind the tuft of Pines I met them, neuer | Behind the tuft of pines I met them. Never | tuft (n.) clump, small group, thicket | WT II.i.34 | |
Saw I men scowre so on their way: I eyed them | Saw I men scour so on their way. I eyed them | scour (v.) go in haste, move quickly, hurry along | WT II.i.35 | |
Euen to their Ships. | Even to their ships. | | WT II.i.36.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
How blest am I | How blest am I | | WT II.i.36.2 | |
In my iust Censure? in my true Opinion? | In my just censure, in my true opinion! | censure (n.) assessment, opinion, judgement, criticism | WT II.i.37 | |
Alack, for lesser knowledge, how accurs'd, | Alack, for lesser knowledge! How accursed | | WT II.i.38 | |
In being so blest? There may be in the Cup | In being so blest! There may be in the cup | | WT II.i.39 | |
A Spider steep'd, and one may drinke; depart, | A spider steeped, and one may drink, depart, | | WT II.i.40 | |
And yet partake no venome: (for his knowledge | And yet partake no venom, for his knowledge | | WT II.i.41 | |
Is not infected) but if one present | Is not infected: but if one present | | WT II.i.42 | |
Th' abhor'd Ingredient to his eye, make knowne | Th' abhorred ingredient to his eye, make known | | WT II.i.43 | |
How he hath drunke, he cracks his gorge, his sides | How he hath drunk, he cracks his gorge, his sides, | gorge (n.) throat, stomach | WT II.i.44 | |
| | crack (v.) sprain, tear, rupture | | |
With violent Hefts: I haue drunke, and seene the Spider. | With violent hefts. I have drunk, and seen the spider. | heft (n.) heaving, retching | WT II.i.45 | |
Camillo was his helpe in this, his Pandar: | Camillo was his help in this, his pander. | pander, pandar (n.) pimp, procurer, go-between | WT II.i.46 | |
There is a Plot against my Life, my Crowne; | There is a plot against my life, my crown. | | WT II.i.47 | |
All's true that is mistrusted: that false Villaine, | All's true that is mistrusted. That false villain | false (adj.) treacherous, traitorous, perfidious | WT II.i.48 | |
Whom I employ'd, was pre-employ'd by him: | Whom I employed was pre-employed by him. | | WT II.i.49 | |
He ha's discouer'd my Designe, and I | He has discovered my design, and I | discover (v.) reveal, show, make known | WT II.i.50 | |
| | design (n.) scheme, plan, plot | | |
Remaine a pinch'd Thing; yea, a very Trick | Remain a pinched thing; yea, a very trick | trick (n.) bauble, trifle, whim | WT II.i.51 | |
| | pinched (adj.) tortured, tormented; or: distressed, afflicted; or: reduced to nothing | | |
For them to play at will: how came the Posternes | For them to play at will. How came the posterns | postern (n.) entrance, side gate, back door | WT II.i.52 | |
| | play (v.) play with, amuse oneself with | | |
So easily open? | So easily open? | | WT II.i.53.1 | |
Lord. | LORD | | | |
By his great authority, | By his great authority; | | WT II.i.53.2 | |
Which often hath no lesse preuail'd, then so, | Which often hath no less prevailed than so | | WT II.i.54 | |
On your command. | On your command. | | WT II.i.55.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
I know't too well. | I know't too well. | | WT II.i.55.2 | |
Giue me the Boy, I am glad you did not nurse him: | (To Hermione) Give me the boy. I am glad you did not nurse him; | | WT II.i.56 | |
Though he do's beare some signes of me, yet you | Though he does bear some signs of me, yet you | | WT II.i.57 | |
Haue too much blood in him. | Have too much blood in him. | | WT II.i.58.1 | |
Her. | HERMIONE | | | |
What is this? Sport? | What is this? Sport? | sport (n.) recreation, amusement, entertainment | WT II.i.58.2 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Beare the Boy hence, he shall not come about her, | Bear the boy hence; he shall not come about her. | | WT II.i.59 | |
Away with him, and let her sport her selfe | Away with him, and let her sport herself | sport (v.) amuse, entertain, divert | WT II.i.60 | |
With that shee's big-with, for 'tis Polixenes | With that she's big with: for 'tis Polixenes | big (adj.) pregnant [with], swollen | WT II.i.61 | |
Ha's made thee swell thus. | Has made thee swell thus. | | WT II.i.62.1 | |
| Mamillius is led out | | WT II.i.62 | |
Her. | HERMIONE | | | |
But Il'd say he had not; | But I'd say he had not, | | WT II.i.62.2 | |
And Ile be sworne you would beleeue my saying, | And I'll be sworn you would believe my saying, | | WT II.i.63 | |
How e're you leane to th' Nay-ward. | Howe'er you lean to th' nayward. | nayward (n.) contrary, denial, disbelief | WT II.i.64.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
You (my Lords) | You, my lords, | | WT II.i.64.2 | |
Looke on her, marke her well: be but about | Look on her, mark her well: be but about | mark (v.) note, pay attention [to], take notice [of] | WT II.i.65 | |
To say she is a goodly Lady, and | To say she is a goodly lady and | | WT II.i.66 | |
The iustice of your hearts will thereto adde | The justice of your hearts will thereto add, | | WT II.i.67 | |
'Tis pitty shee's not honest: Honorable; | ‘ 'Tis pity she's not honest, honourable.’ | honest (adj.) chaste, pure, virtuous | WT II.i.68 | |
Prayse her but for this her without-dore-Forme, | Praise her but for this her without-door form – | without-door (adj.) outward, surface, public | WT II.i.69 | |
| | form (n.) physical appearance, outward appearance | | |
(Which on my faith deserues high speech) and straight | Which, on my faith, deserves high speech – and straight | straight (adv.) straightaway, immediately, at once | WT II.i.70 | |
The Shrug, the Hum, or Ha, (these Petty-brands | The shrug, the ‘ hum ’ or ‘ ha,’ these petty brands | | WT II.i.71 | |
That Calumnie doth vse; Oh, I am out, | That calumny doth use – O, I am out! | out (adv.) in error, at fault, wrong | WT II.i.72 | |
That Mercy do's, for Calumnie will seare | That mercy does, for calumny will sear | | WT II.i.73 | |
Vertue it selfe) these Shrugs, these Hum's, and Ha's, | Virtue itself – these shrugs, these ‘ hum's’ and ‘ ha's,’ | | WT II.i.74 | |
When you haue said shee's goodly, come betweene, | When you have said she's goodly, come between | goodly (adj.) good-looking, handsome, attractive, comely | WT II.i.75 | |
Ere you can say shee's honest: But be't knowne | Ere you can say she's honest. But be't known, | honest (adj.) chaste, pure, virtuous | WT II.i.76 | |
(From him that ha's most cause to grieue it should be) | From him that has most cause to grieve it should be, | | WT II.i.77 | |
Shee's an Adultresse. | She's an adult'ress. | | WT II.i.78.1 | |
Her. | HERMIONE | | | |
Should a Villaine say so, | Should a villain say so, | | WT II.i.78.2 | |
(The most replenish'd Villaine in the World) | The most replenished villain in the world, | replenished (adj.) complete, perfect, consummate | WT II.i.79 | |
He were as much more Villaine: you (my Lord) | He were as much more villain. You, my lord, | | WT II.i.80 | |
Doe but mistake. | Do but mistake. | | WT II.i.81.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
You haue mistooke (my Lady) | You have mistook, my lady, | | WT II.i.81.2 | |
Polixenes for Leontes: O thou Thing, | Polixenes for Leontes. O thou thing | | WT II.i.82 | |
(Which Ile not call a Creature of thy place, | Which I'll not call a creature of thy place, | place (n.) position, post, office, rank | WT II.i.83 | |
Least Barbarisme (making me the precedent) | Lest barbarism, making me the precedent, | | WT II.i.84 | |
Should a like Language vse to all degrees, | Should a like language use to all degrees, | like (adj.) same, similar, alike, equal | WT II.i.85 | |
| | degree (n.) rank, station, standing | | |
And mannerly distinguishment leaue out, | And mannerly distinguishment leave out | mannerly (adj.) well-mannered, courteous, genteel | WT II.i.86 | |
| | distinguishment (n.) distinguishing, distinction, differentiation | | |
Betwixt the Prince and Begger:) I haue said | Betwixt the prince and beggar. I have said | | WT II.i.87 | |
Shee's an Adultresse, I haue said with whom: | She's an adult'ress; I have said with whom. | | WT II.i.88 | |
More; shee's a Traytor, and Camillo is | More, she's a traitor, and Camillo is | | WT II.i.89 | |
A Federarie with her, and one that knowes | A federary with her, and one that knows | fedary, federary, feodary (n.) confederate, accomplice, accessory | WT II.i.90 | |
What she should shame to know her selfe, | What she should shame to know herself | | WT II.i.91 | |
But with her most vild Principall: that shee's | But with her most vile principal – that she's | principal (n.) person chiefly responsible, leading practitioner | WT II.i.92 | |
A Bed-swaruer, euen as bad as those | A bed-swerver, even as bad as those | bed-swerver (n.) person unfaithful to the marriage-bed, adulterer/adulteress | WT II.i.93 | |
That Vulgars giue bold'st Titles; I, and priuy | That vulgars give bold'st titles; ay, and privy | title (n.) name, label, designation | WT II.i.94 | |
| | vulgar (n.) common people, ordinary folk | | |
| | bold (adj.) shameless, immodest, outspoken, coarse | | |
To this their late escape. | To this their late escape. | | WT II.i.95.1 | |
Her. | HERMIONE | | | |
No (by my life) | No, by my life, | | WT II.i.95.2 | |
Priuy to none of this: how will this grieue you, | Privy to none of this. How will this grieve you, | | WT II.i.96 | |
When you shall come to clearer knowledge, that | When you shall come to clearer knowledge, that | | WT II.i.97 | |
You thus haue publish'd me? Gentle my Lord, | You thus have published me! Gentle my lord, | publish (v.) denounce in public, vilify, show up | WT II.i.98 | |
| | gentle (adj.) well-born, honourable, noble | | |
You scarce can right me throughly, then, to say | You scarce can right me throughly then to say | throughly (adv.) thoroughly, fully, completely | WT II.i.99 | |
| | scarce (adv.) scarcely, hardly, barely, only just | | |
| | right (v.) set right, vindicate, give redress | | |
You did mistake. | You did mistake. | | WT II.i.100.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
No: if I mistake | No: if I mistake | | WT II.i.100.2 | |
In those Foundations which I build vpon, | In those foundations which I build upon, | | WT II.i.101 | |
The Centre is not bigge enough to beare | The centre is not big enough to bear | centre (n.) centre of the earth, axis | WT II.i.102 | |
A Schoole-Boyes Top. Away with her, to Prison: | A schoolboy's top. Away with her to prison. | | WT II.i.103 | |
He who shall speake for her, is a farre-off guiltie, | He who shall speak for her is afar off guilty | afar off (adv.) indirectly, in a roundabout way | WT II.i.104 | |
But that he speakes. | But that he speaks. | | WT II.i.105.1 | |
Her. | HERMIONE | | | |
There's some ill Planet raignes: | There's some ill planet reigns. | ill (adj.) bad, adverse, unfavourable | WT II.i.105.2 | |
I must be patient, till the Heauens looke | I must be patient till the heavens look | | WT II.i.106 | |
With an aspect more fauorable. Good my Lords, | With an aspect more favourable. Good my lords, | aspect (n.) [astrology] influential phase, direction of alignment | WT II.i.107 | |
I am not prone to weeping (as our Sex | I am not prone to weeping, as our sex | | WT II.i.108 | |
Commonly are) the want of which vaine dew | Commonly are; the want of which vain dew | | WT II.i.109 | |
Perchance shall dry your pitties: but I haue | Perchance shall dry your pities: but I have | perchance (adv.) perhaps, maybe | WT II.i.110 | |
That honorable Griefe lodg'd here, which burnes | That honourable grief lodged here which burns | honourable (adj.) honest, upright, dignified | WT II.i.111 | |
Worse then Teares drowne: 'beseech you all (my Lords) | Worse than tears drown. Beseech you all, my lords, | | WT II.i.112 | |
With thoughts so qualified, as your Charities | With thoughts so qualified as your charities | qualified (adj.) of such quality, of such a nature, fitting | WT II.i.113 | |
Shall best instruct you, measure me; and so | Shall best instruct you measure me; and so | | WT II.i.114 | |
The Kings will be perform'd. | The King's will be performed! | | WT II.i.115.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Shall I be heard? | Shall I be heard? | | WT II.i.115.2 | |
Her. | HERMIONE | | | |
Who is't that goes with me? 'beseech your Highnes | Who is't that goes with me? Beseech your highness | | WT II.i.116 | |
My Women may be with me, for you see | My women may be with me, for you see | | WT II.i.117 | |
My plight requires it. Doe not weepe (good Fooles) | My plight requires it. Do not weep, good fools: | fool (n.) [term of endearment or pity] dear, darling, innocent creature | WT II.i.118 | |
There is no cause: When you shall know your Mistris | There is no cause. When you shall know your mistress | | WT II.i.119 | |
Ha's deseru'd Prison, then abound in Teares, | Has deserved prison, then abound in tears | | WT II.i.120 | |
As I come out; this Action I now goe on, | As I come out. This action I now go on | action (n.) course of action, enterprise; or: trial, legal process | WT II.i.121 | |
Is for my better grace. Adieu (my Lord) | Is for my better grace. Adieu, my lord. | grace (n.) honour, favour, recognition, respect | WT II.i.122 | |
I neuer wish'd to see you sorry, now | I never wished to see you sorry: now | sorry (adj.) sorrowful, painful, sad, pitiable | WT II.i.123 | |
I trust I shall: my Women come, you haue leaue. | I trust I shall. My women, come, you have leave. | | WT II.i.124 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Goe, doe our bidding: hence. | Go, do our bidding: hence! | | WT II.i.125 | |
| Exeunt Hermione, guarded, and Ladies | | WT II.i.125 | |
Lord. | LORD | | | |
Beseech your Highnesse call the Queene againe. | Beseech your highness, call the Queen again. | | WT II.i.126 | |
Antig. | ANTIGONUS | | | |
Be certaine what you do (Sir) least your Iustice | Be certain what you do, sir, lest your justice | | WT II.i.127 | |
Proue violence, in the which three great ones suffer, | Prove violence, in the which three great ones suffer: | | WT II.i.128 | |
Your Selfe, your Queene, your Sonne. | Yourself, your queen, your son. | | WT II.i.129.1 | |
Lord. | LORD | | | |
For her (my Lord) | For her, my lord, | | WT II.i.129.2 | |
I dare my life lay downe, and will do't (Sir) | I dare my life lay down, and will do't, sir, | | WT II.i.130 | |
Please you t' accept it, that the Queene is spotlesse | Please you t' accept it, that the Queen is spotless | | WT II.i.131 | |
I'th' eyes of Heauen, and to you (I meane | I'th' eyes of heaven and to you – I mean | | WT II.i.132 | |
In this, which you accuse her.) | In this which you accuse her. | | WT II.i.133.1 | |
Antig. | ANTIGONUS | | | |
If it proue | If it prove | | WT II.i.133.2 | |
Shee's otherwise, Ile keepe my Stables where | She's otherwise, I'll keep my stables where | | WT II.i.134 | |
I lodge my Wife, Ile goe in couples with her: | I lodge my wife; I'll go in couples with her; | couples, in in pairs, leashed together | WT II.i.135 | |
Then when I feele, and see her, no farther trust her: | Than when I feel and see her no farther trust her: | | WT II.i.136 | |
For euery ynch of Woman in the World, | For every inch of woman in the world, | | WT II.i.137 | |
I, euery dram of Womans flesh is false, | Ay, every dram of woman's flesh is false, | false (adj.) disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful | WT II.i.138 | |
| | dram (n.) tiny amount, small quantity | | |
If she be. | If she be. | | WT II.i.139.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Hold your peaces. | Hold your peaces. | | WT II.i.139.2 | |
Lord. | LORD | | | |
Good my Lord. | Good my lord – | | WT II.i.139.3 | |
Antig. | ANTIGONUS | | | |
It is for you we speake, not for our selues: | It is for you we speak, not for ourselves. | | WT II.i.140 | |
You are abus'd, and by some putter on, | You are abused, and by some putter-on | putter-on (n.) instigator, inciter, agitator | WT II.i.141 | |
That will be damn'd for't: would I knew the Villaine, | That will be damned for't. Would I knew the villain! | | WT II.i.142 | |
I would Land-damne him: be she honor-flaw'd, | I would lam-damn him. Be she honour-flawed, | lam-damn (v.) [unclear meaning] beat the hell out of, thrash without pity | WT II.i.143 | |
I haue three daughters: the eldest is eleuen; | I have three daughters: the eldest is eleven; | | WT II.i.144 | |
The second, and the third, nine: and some fiue: | The second and the third nine and some five: | | WT II.i.145 | |
If this proue true, they'l pay for't. By mine Honor | If this prove true, they'll pay for't. By mine honour, | | WT II.i.146 | |
Ile gell'd em all: fourteene they shall not see | I'll geld 'em all! Fourteen they shall not see | geld (v.), past forms gelded, gelt castrate, spay | WT II.i.147 | |
To bring false generations: they are co-heyres, | To bring false generations. They are co-heirs; | generation (n.) family, progeny | WT II.i.148 | |
| | false (adj.) illegitimate, bastard | | |
| | bring (v.) bring forth, give birth to | | |
And I had rather glib my selfe, then they | And I had rather glib myself than they | glib (v.) geld, castrate | WT II.i.149 | |
Should not produce faire issue. | Should not produce fair issue. | issue (n.) child(ren), offspring, family, descendant | WT II.i.150.1 | |
| | fair (adj.) legitimate, lawful, proper | | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Cease, no more: | Cease, no more! | | WT II.i.150.2 | |
You smell this businesse with a sence as cold | You smell this business with a sense as cold | | WT II.i.151 | |
As is a dead-mans nose: but I do see't, and feel't, | As is a dead man's nose; but I do see't and feel't | | WT II.i.152 | |
As you feele doing thus: and see withall | As you feel doing thus and see withal | | WT II.i.153 | |
The Instruments that feele. | The instruments that feel. | | WT II.i.154.1 | |
Antig. | ANTIGONUS | | | |
If it be so, | If it be so, | | WT II.i.154.2 | |
We neede no graue to burie honesty, | We need no grave to bury honesty: | honesty (n.) virtue, chastity | WT II.i.155 | |
There's not a graine of it, the face to sweeten | There's not a grain of it the face to sweeten | | WT II.i.156 | |
Of the whole dungy-earth. | Of the whole dungy earth. | dungy (adj.) dung-like; or: vile, filthy, loathsome | WT II.i.157.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
What? lacke I credit? | What? Lack I credit? | credit (n.) trust, faith, belief | WT II.i.157.2 | |
Lord. | LORD | | | |
I had rather you did lacke then I (my Lord) | I had rather you did lack than I, my lord, | | WT II.i.158 | |
Vpon this ground: and more it would content me | Upon this ground; and more it would content me | content (v.) please, gratify, delight, satisfy | WT II.i.159 | |
| | ground (n.) reason, cause, source | | |
To haue her Honor true, then your suspition | To have her honour true than your suspicion, | | WT II.i.160 | |
Be blam'd for't how you might. | Be blamed for't how you might. | | WT II.i.161.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Why what neede we | Why, what need we | | WT II.i.161.2 | |
Commune with you of this? but rather follow | Commune with you of this, but rather follow | commune (v.) talk, converse, discourse | WT II.i.162 | |
Our forcefull instigation? Our prerogatiue | Our forceful instigation? Our prerogative | | WT II.i.163 | |
Cals not your Counsailes, but our naturall goodnesse | Calls not your counsels, but our natural goodness | | WT II.i.164 | |
Imparts this: which, if you, or stupified, | Imparts this; which, if you – or stupefied | stupefied (adj.) lacking the ability to feel, grown insensible | WT II.i.165 | |
Or seeming so, in skill, cannot, or will not | Or seeming so in skill – cannot or will not | skill (n.) discernment, discrimination, capacity to perceive | WT II.i.166 | |
Rellish a truth, like vs: informe your selues, | Relish a truth like us, inform yourselves | relish (v.) appreciate, like, approve of | WT II.i.167 | |
We neede no more of your aduice: the matter, | We need no more of your advice. The matter, | | WT II.i.168 | |
The losse, the gaine, the ord'ring on't, / Is all | The loss, the gain, the ordering on't, is all | | WT II.i.169 | |
properly ours. | Properly ours. | | WT II.i.170.1 | |
Antig. | ANTIGONUS | | | |
And I wish (my Liege) | And I wish, my liege, | liege (n.) lord, sovereign | WT II.i.170.2 | |
You had onely in your silent iudgement tride it, | You had only in your silent judgement tried it, | | WT II.i.171 | |
Without more ouerture. | Without more overture. | overture (n.) disclosure, revelation | WT II.i.172.1 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
How could that be? | How could that be? | | WT II.i.172.2 | |
Either thou art most ignorant by age, | Either thou art most ignorant by age, | | WT II.i.173 | |
Or thou wer't borne a foole: Camillo's flight | Or thou wert born a fool. Camillo's flight, | | WT II.i.174 | |
Added to their Familiarity | Added to their familiarity – | | WT II.i.175 | |
(Which was as grosse, as euer touch'd coniecture, | Which was as gross as ever touched conjecture | touch (v.) affect, concern, regard, relate to | WT II.i.176 | |
| | gross (adj.) plain, striking, evident, obvious | | |
| | conjecture (n.) suspicion, misgiving, evil doubt | | |
That lack'd sight onely, nought for approbation | That lacked sight only, naught for approbation | naught, nought (n.) nothing | WT II.i.177 | |
| | approbation (n.) proof, confirmation, attestation | | |
But onely seeing, all other circumstances | But only seeing, all other circumstances | | WT II.i.178 | |
Made vp to'th deed) doth push-on this proceeding. | Made up to th' deed – doth push on this proceeding. | make up (v.) contribute, add up, help to produce | WT II.i.179 | |
Yet, for a greater confirmation | Yet, for a greater confirmation – | | WT II.i.180 | |
(For in an Acte of this importance, 'twere | For in an act of this importance 'twere | | WT II.i.181 | |
Most pitteous to be wilde) I haue dispatch'd in post, | Most piteous to be wild – I have dispatched in post | wild (adj.) rash, reckless, careless | WT II.i.182 | |
| | post, in in haste, at top speed | | |
| | dispatch, despatch (v.) send off, send messengers | | |
To sacred Delphos, to Appollo's Temple, | To sacred Delphos, to Apollo's temple, | Delphos (n.) island of Delphi, C Greece, famous for its oracle | WT II.i.183 | |
Cleomines and Dion, whom you know | Cleomenes and Dion, whom you know | | WT II.i.184 | |
Of stuff'd-sufficiency: Now, from the Oracle | Of stuffed sufficiency. Now from the oracle | sufficiency (n.) competence, ability, capability | WT II.i.185 | |
| | stuffed (adj.) full, complete, proven, stored up | | |
They will bring all, whose spirituall counsaile had | They will bring all; whose spiritual counsel, had, | | WT II.i.186 | |
Shall stop, or spurre me. Haue I done well? | Shall stop or spur me. Have I done well? | | WT II.i.187 | |
Lord. | LORD | | | |
Well done (my Lord.) | Well done, my lord. | | WT II.i.188 | |
Leo. | LEONTES | | | |
Though I am satisfide, and neede no more | Though I am satisfied, and need no more | | WT II.i.189 | |
Then what I know, yet shall the Oracle | Than what I know, yet shall the oracle | | WT II.i.190 | |
Giue rest to th' mindes of others; such as he | Give rest to th' minds of others, such as he, | | WT II.i.191 | |
Whose ignorant credulitie, will not | Whose ignorant credulity will not | | WT II.i.192 | |
Come vp to th' truth. So haue we thought it good | Come up to th' truth. So have we thought it good | | WT II.i.193 | |
From our free person, she should be confinde, | From our free person she should be confined, | confine (v.) banish, remove, place under restriction | WT II.i.194 | |
| | free (adj.) noble, honourable, worthy | | |
Least that the treachery of the two, fled hence, | Lest that the treachery of the two fled hence | | WT II.i.195 | |
Be left her to performe. Come follow vs, | Be left her to perform. Come, follow us: | | WT II.i.196 | |
We are to speake in publique: for this businesse | We are to speak in public; for this business | | WT II.i.197 | |
Will raise vs all. | Will raise us all. | raise (v.) rouse, excite, incite | WT II.i.198.1 | |
Antig. | ANTIGONUS | | | |
| (aside) | | WT II.i.198 | |
To laughter, as I take it, | To laughter, as I take it, | | WT II.i.198.2 | |
If the good truth, were knowne. | If the good truth were known. | | WT II.i.199 | |
Exeunt | Exeunt | | WT II.i.199 | |