First folio
| Modern text
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INDVCTION Enter Rumour. | INDUCTION Enter Rumour, painted full of tongues | induction (n.) opening scene [of a play], initial step, preparation | 2H4 induction.1 | |
| RUMOUR | | | |
Open your Eares: For which of you will stop | Open your ears, for which of you will stop | | 2H4 induction.1 | |
The vent of Hearing, when loud Rumor speakes? | The vent of hearing when loud Rumour speaks? | vent (n.) aperture, opening | 2H4 induction.2 | |
I, from the Orient, to the drooping West | I, from the orient to the drooping west, | drooping (adj.) [of the sun] moving downward | 2H4 induction.3 | |
(Making the winde my Post-horse) still vnfold | Making the wind my post-horse, still unfold | post-horse (n.) pony-express, express speed | 2H4 induction.4 | |
| | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | | |
The Acts commenced on this Ball of Earth. | The acts commenced on this ball of earth. | | 2H4 induction.5 | |
Vpon my Tongue, continuall Slanders ride, | Upon my tongues continual slanders ride, | | 2H4 induction.6 | |
The which, in euery Language, I pronounce, | The which in every language I pronounce, | | 2H4 induction.7 | |
Stuffing the Eares of them with false Reports: | Stuffing the ears of men with false reports. | false (adj.) wrong, mistaken | 2H4 induction.8 | |
I speake of Peace, while couert Enmitie | I speak of peace while covert enmity, | | 2H4 induction.9 | |
(Vnder the smile of Safety) wounds the World: | Under the smile of safety, wounds the world; | | 2H4 induction.10 | |
And who but Rumour, who but onely I | And who but Rumour, who but only I, | | 2H4 induction.11 | |
Make fearfull Musters, and prepar'd Defence, | Make fearful musters, and prepared defence, | muster (n.) (plural) enlistment of soldiers, mobilizing of troops | 2H4 induction.12 | |
| | fearful (adj.) causing fear, awe-inspiring, terrifying, alarming | | |
Whil'st the bigge yeare, swolne with some other griefes, | Whiles the big year, swollen with some other grief, | big (adj.) pregnant [with], swollen | 2H4 induction.13 | |
Is thought with childe, by the sterne Tyrant, Warre, | Is thought with child by the stern tyrant War, | tyrant (n.) pitiless ruffian, cruel villain | 2H4 induction.14 | |
And no such matter? Rumour, is a Pipe | And no such matter? Rumour is a pipe | matter (n.) reason, cause, ground | 2H4 induction.15 | |
Blowne by Surmises, Ielousies, Coniectures; | Blown by surmises, jealousies, conjectures, | jealousy (n.) suspicion, mistrust, apprehension | 2H4 induction.16 | |
| | conjecture (n.) suspicion, misgiving, evil doubt | | |
And of so easie, and so plaine a stop, | And of so easy and so plain a stop | stop (n.) means of closing a finger-hole in a wind instrument | 2H4 induction.17 | |
That the blunt Monster, with vncounted heads, | That the blunt monster with uncounted heads, | uncounted (adj.) uncountable, innumerable | 2H4 induction.18 | |
| | blunt (adj.) stupid, obtuse, dull-witted | | |
The still discordant, wauering Multitude, | The still-discordant wavering multitude, | wavering (adj.) inconstant, fickle, capricious | 2H4 induction.19 | |
| | still-discordant (adj.) always disagreeing, perpetually quarrelling | | |
Can play vpon it. But what neede I thus | Can play upon it. But what need I thus | | 2H4 induction.20 | |
My well-knowne Body to Anathomize | My well-known body to anatomize | anatomize, annothanize (v.) dissect, reveal, lay open | 2H4 induction.21 | |
Among my houshold? Why is Rumour heere? | Among my household? Why is Rumour here? | | 2H4 induction.22 | |
I run before King Harries victory, | I run before King Harry's victory, | | 2H4 induction.23 | |
Who in a bloodie field by Shrewsburie | Who in a bloody field by Shrewsbury | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | 2H4 induction.24 | |
Hath beaten downe yong Hotspurre, and his Troopes, | Hath beaten down young Hotspur and his troops, | | 2H4 induction.25 | |
Quenching the flame of bold Rebellion, | Quenching the flame of bold rebellion | | 2H4 induction.26 | |
Euen with the Rebels blood. But what meane I | Even with the rebels' blood. But what mean I | | 2H4 induction.27 | |
To speake so true at first? My Office is | To speak so true at first? My office is | office (n.) task, service, duty, responsibility | 2H4 induction.28 | |
To noyse abroad, that Harry Monmouth fell | To noise abroad that Harry Monmouth fell | | 2H4 induction.29 | |
Vnder the Wrath of Noble Hotspurres Sword: | Under the wrath of noble Hotspur's sword, | | 2H4 induction.30 | |
And that the King, before the Dowglas Rage | And that the King before the Douglas' rage | | 2H4 induction.31 | |
Stoop'd his Annointed head, as low as death. | Stooped his anointed head as low as death. | stoop (v.) kneel, submit, bow down | 2H4 induction.32 | |
This haue I rumour'd through the peasant-Townes, | This have I rumoured through the peasant towns | peasant (adj.) country, rural, backwoods | 2H4 induction.33 | |
Betweene the Royall Field of Shrewsburie, | Between that royal field of Shrewsbury | | 2H4 induction.34 | |
And this Worme-eaten-Hole of ragged Stone, | And this worm-eaten hold of ragged stone, | hold (n.) stronghold, castle, fortress | 2H4 induction.35 | |
| | ragged (adj.) rough-hewn, dilapidated, rugged | | |
Where Hotspurres Father, old Northumberland, | Where Hotspur's father, old Northumberland, | | 2H4 induction.36 | |
Lyes crafty sicke. The Postes come tyring on, | Lies crafty-sick. The posts come tiring on, | post (n.) express messenger, courier | 2H4 induction.37 | |
| | tiring (adj.) exhausted, worn out from riding hard | | |
| | crafty-sick (adj.) pretending sickness | | |
And not a man of them brings other newes | And not a man of them brings other news | | 2H4 induction.38 | |
Then they haue learn'd of Me. From Rumours Tongues, | Than they have learnt of me. From Rumour's tongues | | 2H4 induction.39 | |
They bring smooth-Comforts-false, worse then True-wrongs. | They bring smooth comforts false, worse than true wrongs. | false (adj.) wrong, mistaken | 2H4 induction.40 | |
| | smooth (adj.) pleasant, welcome, gratifying | | |
Exit. | Exit | | 2H4 induction.40 | |