First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
| |
Enter Valentine, Speed, Siluia. | Enter Valentine and Speed | | TG II.i.1.1 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
Sir, your Gloue. | Sir, your glove. | | TG II.i.1.1 | |
Valen. | VALENTINE | | | |
Not mine: my Gloues are on. | Not mine. My gloves are on. | | TG II.i.1.2 | |
Sp. | SPEED | | | |
Why then this may be yours: for this is but one. | Why then, this may be yours, for this is but one. | | TG II.i.2 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Ha? Let me see: I, giue it me, it's mine: | Ha! Let me see. Ay, give it me, it's mine. | | TG II.i.3 | |
Sweet Ornament, that deckes a thing diuine, | Sweet ornament that decks a thing divine. | | TG II.i.4 | |
Ah Siluia, Siluia. | Ah, Silvia, Silvia! | | TG II.i.5 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
Madam Siluia: Madam Siluia. | Madam Silvia! Madam Silvia! | | TG II.i.6 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
How now Sirha? | How now, sirrah? | sirrah (n.) sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context] | TG II.i.7 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
Shee is not within hearing Sir. | She is not within hearing, sir. | | TG II.i.8 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Why sir, who bad you call her? | Why, sir, who bade you call her? | | TG II.i.9 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
Your worship sir, or else I mistooke. | Your worship, sir, or else I mistook. | | TG II.i.10 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Well: you'll still be too forward. | Well, you'll still be too forward. | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | TG II.i.11 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
And yet I was last chidden for being too slow. | And yet I was last chidden for being too slow. | chide (v.), past form chid scold, rebuke, reprove | TG II.i.12 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Goe to, sir, tell me: do you know Madam | Go to, sir. Tell me, do you know Madam | | TG II.i.13 | |
Siluia? | Silvia? | | TG II.i.14 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
Shee that your worship loues? | She that your worship loves? | | TG II.i.15 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Why, how know you that I am in loue? | Why, how know you that I am in love? | | TG II.i.16 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
Marry by these speciall markes: first, you haue | Marry, by these special marks: first, you have | marry (int.) [exclamation] by Mary | TG II.i.17 | |
learn'd (like Sir Protheus) to wreath your Armes like a | learned, like Sir Proteus, to wreathe your arms, like a | wreathe (v.) fold, intertwine | TG II.i.18 | |
Male-content: to rellish a Loue-song, like a Robin-red-breast: | malcontent; to relish a love-song, like a robin-redbreast; | malcontent (n.) discontented individual, trouble-maker | TG II.i.19 | |
| | relish (v.) sing, warble, croon | | |
to walke alone like one that had the pestilence: to sigh, | to walk alone, like one that had the pestilence; to sigh, | | TG II.i.20 | |
like a Schoole-boy that had lost his A.B.C. to weep like a | like a schoolboy that had lost his A B C; to weep, like a | | TG II.i.21 | |
yong wench that had buried her Grandam: to fast, like | young wench that had buried her grandam; to fast, like | wench (n.) girl, lass | TG II.i.22 | |
one that takes diet: to watch, like one that feares robbing: | one that takes diet; to watch, like one that fears robbing; | diet (n.) therapeutic nutrition, curative regime | TG II.i.23 | |
| | watch (v.) stay awake, keep vigil | | |
to speake puling, like a beggar at Hallow-Masse: You were | to speak puling, like a beggar at Hallowmas. You were | puling (n./adj.) whimperingly, whiningly, complainingly | TG II.i.24 | |
| | Hallowmas (n.) in Christian tradition, All Saints' Day, 1 November | | |
wont, when you laughed, to crow like a cocke; when you | wont, when you laughed, to crow like a cock; when you | wont (v.) be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of | TG II.i.25 | |
walk'd, to walke like one of the Lions: when you fasted, | walked, to walk like one of the lions; when you fasted, | | TG II.i.26 | |
it was presently after dinner: when you look'd sadly, it | it was presently after dinner; when you looked sadly, it | presently (adv.) immediately, instantly, at once | TG II.i.27 | |
was for want of money: And now you are Metamorphis'd | was for want of money. And now you are metamorphosed | metamorphose (v.) transform, alter one's disposition, change one's shape | TG II.i.28 | |
with a Mistris, that when I looke on you, I can | with a mistress, that, when I look on you, I can | | TG II.i.29 | |
hardly thinke you my Master. | hardly think you my master. | | TG II.i.30 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Are all these things perceiu'd in me? | Are all these things perceived in me? | | TG II.i.31 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
They are all perceiu'd without ye. | They are all perceived without ye. | | TG II.i.32 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Without me? they cannot. | Without me? They cannot. | | TG II.i.33 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
Without you? nay, that's certaine: for without / you | Without you? Nay, that's certain; for without you | | TG II.i.34 | |
were so simple, none else would: but you are so without | were so simple, none else would. But you are so without | | TG II.i.35 | |
these follies, that these follies are within you, and shine | these follies, that these follies are within you, and shine | | TG II.i.36 | |
through you like the water in an Vrinall: that not an eye | through you like the water in an urinal, that not an eye | urinal (n.) medical vessel for holding urine | TG II.i.37 | |
that sees you, but is a Physician to comment on your | that sees you but is a physician to comment on your | | TG II.i.38 | |
Malady. | malady. | | TG II.i.39 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
But tell me: do'st thou know my Lady Siluia? | But tell me, dost thou know my lady Silvia? | | TG II.i.40 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
Shee that you gaze on so, as she sits at supper? | She that you gaze on so, as she sits at supper? | | TG II.i.41 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Hast thou obseru'd that? euen she I meane. | Hast thou observed that? Even she I mean. | | TG II.i.42 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
Why sir, I know her not. | Why, sir, I know her not. | | TG II.i.43 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Do'st thou know her by my gazing on her, | Dost thou know her by my gazing on her, | | TG II.i.44 | |
and yet know'st her not? | and yet knowest her not? | | TG II.i.45 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
Is she not hard-fauour'd, sir? | Is she not hard-favoured, sir? | hard-favoured (adj.) ugly, unattractive, unsightly, hideous | TG II.i.46 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Not so faire (boy) as well fauour'd. | Not so fair, boy, as well-favoured. | well-favoured (adj.) good-looking, attractive in appearance | TG II.i.47 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
Sir, I know that well enough. | Sir, I know that well enough. | | TG II.i.48 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
What dost thou know? | What dost thou know? | | TG II.i.49 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
That shee is not so faire, as (of you) well-fauourd? | That she is not so fair as, of you, well-favoured. | | TG II.i.50 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
I meane that her beauty is exquisite, / But her | I mean that her beauty is exquisite, but her | | TG II.i.51 | |
fauour infinite. | favour infinite. | favour (n.) charm, attractiveness, gracefulness | TG II.i.52 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
That's because the one is painted, and the other | That's because the one is painted, and the other | | TG II.i.53 | |
out of all count. | out of all count. | count (n.) account, reckoning | TG II.i.54 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
How painted? and how out of count? | How painted? And how out of count? | | TG II.i.55 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
Marry sir, so painted to make her faire, that no | Marry, sir, so painted to make her fair, that no | | TG II.i.56 | |
man counts of her beauty. | man counts of her beauty. | count of (v.) take account of, esteem, appreciate | TG II.i.57 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
How esteem'st thou me? I account of her | How esteemest thou me? I account of her | account (v.) take account of, esteem, appreciate | TG II.i.58 | |
beauty. | beauty. | | TG II.i.59 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
You neuer saw her since she was deform'd. | You never saw her since she was deformed. | | TG II.i.60 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
How long hath she beene deform'd? | How long hath she been deformed? | | TG II.i.61 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
Euer since you lou'd her. | Ever since you loved her. | | TG II.i.62 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
I haue lou'd her euer since I saw her, / And | I have loved her ever since I saw her, and | | TG II.i.63 | |
still I see her beautifull. | still I see her beautiful. | | TG II.i.64 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
If you loue her, you cannot see her. | If you love her, you cannot see her. | | TG II.i.65 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Why? | Why? | | TG II.i.66 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
Because Loue is blinde: O that you had mine eyes, | Because Love is blind. O, that you had mine eyes, | | TG II.i.67 | |
or your owne eyes had the lights they were wont to haue, | or your own eyes had the lights they were wont to have, | wont (v.) be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of | TG II.i.68 | |
| | light (n.) ability to see clearly, power of vision | | |
when you chidde at Sir Protheus, for going vngarter'd. | when you chid at Sir Proteus for going ungartered! | chide (v.), past form chid scold, rebuke, reprove | TG II.i.69 | |
| | ungartered (adj.) untied, not wearing a garter [a sign of a lovesick man] | | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
What should I see then? | What should I see then? | | TG II.i.70 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
Your owne present folly, and her passing deformitie: | Your own present folly, and her passing deformity; | passing (adj.) unsurpassed, extreme, pre-eminent | TG II.i.71 | |
for hee beeing in loue, could not see to garter his hose; | for he, being in love, could not see to garter his hose; | hose (n.) [pair of] breeches | TG II.i.72 | |
and you, beeing in loue, cannot see to put on your hose. | and you, being in love, cannot see to put on your hose. | | TG II.i.73 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Belike (boy) then you are in loue, for last | Belike, boy, then you are in love; for last | belike (adv.) probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems | TG II.i.74 | |
morning / You could not see to wipe my shooes. | morning you could not see to wipe my shoes. | | TG II.i.75 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
True sir: I was in loue with my bed, I thanke you, | True, sir; I was in love with my bed. I thank you, | | TG II.i.76 | |
you swing'd me for my loue, which makes mee the bolder | you swinged me for my love, which makes me the bolder | swinge (v.) beat, thrash, flog | TG II.i.77 | |
to chide you, for yours. | to chide you for yours. | chide (v.), past form chid scold, rebuke, reprove | TG II.i.78 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
In conclusion, I stand affected to her. | In conclusion, I stand affected to her. | affected (adj.) devoted, totally in love [with] | TG II.i.79 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
I would you were set, so your affection would | I would you were set, so your affection would | set (adj.) seated, sitting down | TG II.i.80 | |
cease. | cease. | | TG II.i.81 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Last night she enioyn'd me, / To write some | Last night she enjoined me to write some | | TG II.i.82 | |
lines to one she loues. | lines to one she loves. | | TG II.i.83 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
And haue you? | And have you? | | TG II.i.84 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
I haue. | I have. | | TG II.i.85 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
Are they not lamely writt? | Are they not lamely writ? | lamely (adv.) imperfectly, defectively; also, haltingly, in a lame manner | TG II.i.86 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
No (Boy) but as well as I can do them: Peace, | No, boy, but as well as I can do them. Peace, | | TG II.i.87 | |
here she comes. | here she comes. | | TG II.i.88 | |
| Enter Silvia | | TG II.i.89.1 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
| (aside) | | TG II.i.89.2 | |
Oh excellent motion; oh exceeding Puppet: | O excellent motion! O exceeding puppet! | motion (n.) puppet-show | TG II.i.89 | |
Now will he interpret to her. | Now will he interpret to her. | | TG II.i.90 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Madam & Mistres, a thousand good- | Madam and mistress, a thousand good | | TG II.i.91 | |
morrows. | morrows. | | TG II.i.92 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
| (aside) | | TG II.i.93 | |
Oh, 'giue ye-good-ev'n: heer's a million of | O, give ye good even! Here's a million of | | TG II.i.93 | |
manners. | manners. | | TG II.i.94 | |
Sil. | SILVIA | | | |
Sir Valentine, and seruant, to you two thousand. | Sir Valentine and servant, to you two thousand. | | TG II.i.95 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
| (aside) | | TG II.i.96 | |
He should giue her interest: & she giues it | He should give her interest, and she gives it | | TG II.i.96 | |
him. | him. | | TG II.i.97 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
As you inioynd me; I haue writ your Letter | As you enjoined me, I have writ your letter | | TG II.i.98 | |
Vnto the secret, nameles friend of yours: | Unto the secret nameless friend of yours; | | TG II.i.99 | |
Which I was much vnwilling to proceed in, | Which I was much unwilling to proceed in, | | TG II.i.100 | |
But for my duty to your Ladiship. | But for my duty to your ladyship. | | TG II.i.101 | |
| He gives her the letter | | TG II.i.102.1 | |
Sil. | SILVIA | | | |
I thanke you (gentle Seruant) 'tis very Clerkly done. | I thank you, gentle servant, 'tis very clerkly done. | clerkly (adv.) scholarly, cleverly, adroitly | TG II.i.102 | |
| | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Now trust me (Madam) it came hardly-off: | Now trust me, madam, it came hardly off; | hardly (adv.) with great difficulty, only with difficulty | TG II.i.103 | |
| | come off (v.) turn out, result | | |
For being ignorant to whom it goes, | For, being ignorant to whom it goes, | | TG II.i.104 | |
I writ at randome, very doubtfully. | I writ at random, very doubtfully. | | TG II.i.105 | |
Sil. | SILVIA | | | |
Perchance you think too much of so much pains? | Perchance you think too much of so much pains? | perchance (adv.) perhaps, maybe | TG II.i.106 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
No (Madam) so it steed you, I will write | No, madam; so it stead you, I will write, | stead (v.) help, assist, benefit | TG II.i.107 | |
(Please you command) a thousand times as much: | Please you command, a thousand times as much; | | TG II.i.108 | |
And yet --- | And yet – | | TG II.i.109 | |
Sil. | SILVIA | | | |
A pretty period: well: I ghesse the sequell; | A pretty period! Well, I guess the sequel; | period (n.) rhetorical pause, sentence ending, termination | TG II.i.110 | |
And yet I will not name it: and yet I care not. | And yet I will not name it; and yet I care not; | | TG II.i.111 | |
And yet, take this againe: | And yet take this again; | again (adv.) in return, back [in response] | TG II.i.112.1 | |
| She offer him the letter | | TG II.i.112 | |
and yet I thanke you: | and yet I thank you, | | TG II.i.112.2 | |
Meaning henceforth to trouble you no more. | Meaning henceforth to trouble you no more. | | TG II.i.113 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
| (aside) | | TG II.i.114 | |
And yet you will: and yet, another yet. | And yet you will; and yet, another ‘ yet.’ | | TG II.i.114 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
What meanes your Ladiship? Doe you not like it? | What means your ladyship? Do you not like it? | | TG II.i.115 | |
Sil. | SILVIA | | | |
Yes, yes: the lines are very queintly writ, | Yes, yes; the lines are very quaintly writ; | quaintly (adv.) subtly, skilfully, ingeniously | TG II.i.116 | |
But (since vnwillingly) take them againe. | But, since unwillingly, take them again. | | TG II.i.117 | |
Nay, take them. | Nay, take them. | | TG II.i.118.1 | |
| She offers the letter again | | TG II.i.118 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Madam, they are for you. | Madam, they are for you. | | TG II.i.118.2 | |
Silu. | SILVIA | | | |
I, I: you writ them Sir, at my request, | Ay, ay; you writ them, sir, at my request, | | TG II.i.119 | |
But I will none of them: they are for you: | But I will none of them; they are for you. | | TG II.i.120 | |
I would haue had them writ more mouingly: | I would have had them writ more movingly. | | TG II.i.121 | |
| Valentine takes the letter | | TG II.i.122 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Please you, Ile write your Ladiship another. | Please you, I'll write your ladyship another. | | TG II.i.122 | |
Sil. | SILVIA | | | |
And when it's writ: for my sake read it ouer, | And when it's writ, for my sake read it over; | | TG II.i.123 | |
And if it please you, so: if not: why so: | And if it please you, so; if not, why, so. | | TG II.i.124 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
If it please me, (Madam?) what then? | If it please me, madam, what then? | | TG II.i.125 | |
Sil. | SILVIA | | | |
Why if it please you, take it for your labour; | Why, if it please you, take it for your labour. | | TG II.i.126 | |
And so good-morrow Seruant. | And so, good morrow, servant. | morrow (n.) morning | TG II.i.127 | |
Exit. Sil. | Exit | | TG II.i.127 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
| (aside) | | TG II.i.128 | |
Oh Iest vnseene: inscrutible: inuisible, | O jest unseen, inscrutable, invisible | | TG II.i.128 | |
As a nose on a mans face, or a Wethercocke on a steeple: | As a nose on a man's face, or a weathercock on a steeple! | | TG II.i.129 | |
My Master sues to her: and she hath taught her Sutor, | My master sues to her; and she hath taught her suitor, | sue (v.) pay court, act as a suitor | TG II.i.130 | |
He being her Pupill, to become her Tutor. | He being her pupil, to become her tutor. | | TG II.i.131 | |
Oh excellent deuise, was there euer heard a better? | O excellent device! Was there ever heard a better, | | TG II.i.132 | |
That my master being scribe, / To himselfe should write the Letter? | That my master, being scribe, to himself should write the letter? | | TG II.i.133 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
How now Sir? What are you reasoning with | How now, sir? What are you reasoning with | reason (v.) raise, bring up, discuss | TG II.i.134 | |
your selfe? | yourself? | | TG II.i.135 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
Nay: I was riming: 'tis you yt haue the reason. | Nay, I was rhyming; 'tis you that have the reason. | | TG II.i.136 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
To doe what? | To do what? | | TG II.i.137 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
To be a Spokes-man from Madam Siluia. | To be a spokesman for Madam Silvia. | | TG II.i.138 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
To whom? | To whom? | | TG II.i.139 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
To your selfe: why, she woes you by a figure. | To yourself. Why, she woos you by a figure. | figure (n.) figure of speech, device, piece of rhetoric | TG II.i.140 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
What figure? | What figure? | | TG II.i.141 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
By a Letter, I should say. | By a letter, I should say. | | TG II.i.142 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
Why she hath not writ to me? | Why, she hath not writ to me. | | TG II.i.143 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
What need she, / When shee hath made you write to | What need she, when she hath made you write to | | TG II.i.144 | |
your selfe? Why, doe you not perceiue the iest? | yourself? Why, do you not perceive the jest? | | TG II.i.145 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
No, beleeue me. | No, believe me. | | TG II.i.146 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
No beleeuing you indeed sir: But did you perceiue | No believing you, indeed, sir. But did you perceive | | TG II.i.147 | |
her earnest? | her earnest? | earnest (n.) pledge, instalment, deposit, payment in advance | TG II.i.148 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
She gaue me none, except an angry word. | She gave me none, except an angry word. | | TG II.i.149 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
Why she hath giuen you a Letter. | Why, she hath given you a letter. | | TG II.i.150 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
That's the Letter I writ to her friend. | That's the letter I writ to her friend. | | TG II.i.151 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
And y letter hath she deliuer'd, & there an | And that letter hath she delivered, and there an | | TG II.i.152 | |
end. | end. | | TG II.i.153 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
I would it were no worse. | I would it were no worse. | | TG II.i.154 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
Ile warrant you, 'tis as well: | I'll warrant you, 'tis as well: | warrant (v.) assure, promise, guarantee, confirm | TG II.i.155 | |
For often haue you writ to her: and she in modesty, | For often have you writ to her; and she, in modesty, | | TG II.i.156 | |
Or else for want of idle time, could not againe reply, | Or else for want of idle time, could not again reply; | | TG II.i.157 | |
Or fearing els some messẽger, yt might her mind discouer | Or fearing else some messenger, that might her mind discover, | discover (v.) reveal, show, make known | TG II.i.158 | |
Her self hath taught her Loue himself, to write vnto her louer. | Herself hath taught her love himself to write unto her lover. | | TG II.i.159 | |
All this I speak in print, for in print I found it. / Why | All this I speak in print, for in print I found it. Why | print, in in a precise way, by the letter, very carefully | TG II.i.160 | |
muse you sir, 'tis dinner time. | muse you, sir? 'Tis dinner-time. | muse (v.) wonder, speculate, ponder | TG II.i.161 | |
Val. | VALENTINE | | | |
I haue dyn'd. | I have dined. | | TG II.i.162 | |
Speed. | SPEED | | | |
I, but hearken sir: though the Cameleon Loue | Ay, but hearken, sir: though the chameleon Love | | TG II.i.163 | |
can feed on the ayre, I am one that am nourish'd by my | can feed on the air, I am one that am nourished by my | | TG II.i.164 | |
victuals; and would faine haue meate: oh bee not like your | victuals, and would fain have meat. O, be not like your | fain (adv.) gladly, willingly | TG II.i.165 | |
Mistresse, be moued, be moued. | mistress; be moved, be moved. | move (v.) arouse, affect, stir [by emotion] | TG II.i.166 | |
Exeunt | Exeunt | | TG II.i.166 | |