Richard III

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Richard Duke of Gloster, solus.Enter Richard, Duke of Gloucester, alone R3 I.i.1
NOw is the Winter of our Discontent,Now is the winter of our discontent R3 I.i.1
Made glorious Summer by this Son of Yorke:Made glorious summer by this sun of York, R3 I.i.2
And all the clouds that lowr'd vpon our houseAnd all the clouds that loured upon our houselour, lower (v.)

old form: lowr'd
frown, scowl, look dark and threatening
R3 I.i.3
In the deepe bosome of the Ocean buried.In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.bosom (n.)

old form: bosome
R3 I.i.4
Now are our browes bound with Victorious Wreathes,Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths,brow (n.)

old form: browes
forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead]
R3 I.i.5
Our bruised armes hung vp for Monuments;Our bruised arms hung up for monuments,monument (n.)
memory, memorial, remembrance
R3 I.i.6
Our sterne Alarums chang'd to merry Meetings;Our stern alarums changed to merry meetings,alarm, alarum, 'larm, 'larum (n.)
call to arms, call to battle, signal to begin fighting
R3 I.i.7
Our dreadfull Marches, to delightfull Measures.Our dreadful marches to delightful measures.measure (n.)
slow stately dance, graceful movement
R3 I.i.8
dreadful (adj.)

old form: dreadfull
inspiring dread, causing fear, daunting
Grim-visag'd Warre, hath smooth'd his wrinkled Front:Grim-visaged war hath smoothed his wrinkled front,grim-visaged (adj.)

old form: Grim-visag'd
with a stern face
R3 I.i.9
front (n.)
forehead, face
wrinkled (adj.)
frowning, furrowed
And now, in stead of mounting Barbed Steeds,And now, instead of mounting barbed steedsbarbed (adj.)
armoured with barbs, protectively covered
R3 I.i.10
To fright the Soules of fearfull Aduersaries,To fright the souls of fearful adversaries,fright (v.), past form frighted
frighten, scare, terrify
R3 I.i.11
fearful (adj.)

old form: fearfull
causing fear, awe-inspiring, terrifying, alarming
He capers nimbly in a Ladies Chamber,He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber R3 I.i.12
To the lasciuious pleasing of a Lute.To the lascivious pleasing of a lute. R3 I.i.13
But I, that am not shap'd for sportiue trickes,But I, that am not shaped for sportive trickssportive (adj.)

old form: sportiue
amorous, wanton, sexual
R3 I.i.14
Nor made to court an amorous Looking-glasse:Nor made to court an amorous looking-glass; R3 I.i.15
I, that am Rudely stampt, and want loues Maiesty,I, that am rudely stamped, and want love's majestystamped (adj.)

old form: stampt
marked [as with a stamp], imprinted
R3 I.i.16
rudely (adv.)
roughly, clumsily, imperfectly
want (v.)
lack, need, be without
To strut before a wonton ambling Nymph:To strut before a wanton ambling nymph;nymph (n.)
beauty, damsel, siren
R3 I.i.17
wanton (adj.)

old form: wonton
lascivious, lewd, obscene
ambling (adj.)
walking in an affected way, pretentiously strolling
I, that am curtail'd of this faire Proportion,I, that am curtailed of this fair proportion,proportion (n.)
bodily shape, physical form
R3 I.i.18
curtail (v.)

old form: curtail'd
cut short, diminish
Cheated of Feature by dissembling Nature,Cheated of feature by dissembling Nature,nature (n.)
natural order, ungoverned state, way of the world [often personified]
R3 I.i.19
feature (n.)
physical appearance, bodily shape, looks
dissembling (adj.)
deceitful, hypocritical, false
Deform'd, vn-finish'd, sent before my timeDeformed, unfinished, sent before my time R3 I.i.20
Into this breathing World, scarse halfe made vp,Into this breathing world, scarce half made up,made up, made-up (adj.)

old form: vp
finished off, put together
R3 I.i.21
scarce (adv.)

old form: scarse
scarcely, hardly, barely, only just
breathing (adj.)
living, active, lively
And that so lamely and vnfashionable,And that so lamely and unfashionablelamely (adv.)
imperfectly, defectively; also, haltingly, in a lame manner
R3 I.i.22
That dogges barke at me, as I halt by them.That dogs bark at me as I halt by them – halt (v.)
limp, proceed lamely
R3 I.i.23
Why I (in this weake piping time of Peace)Why I, in this weak piping time of peace,piping (adj.)
shrill-toned, high-pitched [either: of pipes; or: of women and children's voices]
R3 I.i.24
Haue no delight to passe away the time,Have no delight to pass away the time, R3 I.i.25
Vnlesse to see my Shadow in the Sunne,Unless to spy my shadow in the sun R3 I.i.26
And descant on mine owne Deformity.And descant on mine own deformity.descant (v.)
develop a theme about, comment, make remarks
R3 I.i.27
And therefore, since I cannot proue a Louer,And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover R3 I.i.28
To entertaine these faire well spoken dayes,To entertain these fair well-spoken days,entertain (v.)

old form: entertaine
while away, pass away
R3 I.i.29
well-spoken (adj.)

old form: well spoken
refined, courteous, eloquent
I am determined to proue a Villaine,I am determined to prove a villaindetermine (v.)
resolve, decide, settle [on]
R3 I.i.30
And hate the idle pleasures of these dayes.And hate the idle pleasures of these days.idle (adj.)
frivolous, capricious, wanton
R3 I.i.31
Plots haue I laide, Inductions dangerous,Plots have I laid, inductions dangerous,induction (n.)
opening scene [of a play], initial step, preparation
R3 I.i.32
By drunken Prophesies, Libels, and Dreames,By drunken prophecies, libels, and dreams,libel (n.)
defamatory poster, slanderous leaflet
R3 I.i.33
To set my Brother Clarence and the KingTo set my brother Clarence and the King R3 I.i.34
In deadly hate, the one against the other:In deadly hate the one against the other; R3 I.i.35
And if King Edward be as true and iust,And if King Edward be as true and just R3 I.i.36
As I am Subtle, False, and Treacherous,As I am subtle, false, and treacherous,false (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
R3 I.i.37
This day should Clarence closely be mew'd vp:This day should Clarence closely be mewed upmew up (v.)

old form: mew'd vp
coop up, confine, shut up
R3 I.i.38
closely (adv.)
securely, in strict confinement
About a Prophesie, which sayes that G,About a prophecy which says that G R3 I.i.39
Of Edwards heyres the murtherer shall be.Of Edward's heirs the murderer shall be. R3 I.i.40
Diue thoughts downe to my soule, here Clarence comes.Dive, thoughts, down to my soul – here Clarence comes! R3 I.i.41
Enter Clarence, and Brakenbury, guarded.Enter Clarence, guarded, and Brakenbury, Lieutenant R3 I.i.42.1
of the Tower R3 I.i.42.2
Brother, good day: What meanes this armed guardBrother, good day. What means this armed guard R3 I.i.42
That waites vpon your Grace?That waits upon your grace?wait on / upon (v.)

old form: waites vpon
accompany, attend
R3 I.i.43.1
His Maiesty His majesty, R3 I.i.43.2
tendring my persons safety, / Hath appointed Tendering my person's safety, hath appointedtender (v.)

old form: tendring
feel concern for, hold dear, care for
R3 I.i.44
this Conduct, to conuey me to th' TowerThis conduct to convey me to the Tower.conduct (n.)
escort, attendant, guide
R3 I.i.45
Vpon what cause?Upon what cause? R3 I.i.46.1
Because my name is George.Because my name is George. R3 I.i.46.2
Alacke my Lord, that fault is none of yours:Alack, my lord, that fault is none of yours, R3 I.i.47
He should for that commit your Godfathers.He should for that commit your godfathers. R3 I.i.48
O belike, his Maiesty hath some intent,O, belike his majesty hath some intentintent (n.)
intention, purpose, aim
R3 I.i.49
belike (adv.)
probably, presumably, perhaps, so it seems
That you should be new Christned in the Tower,That you shall be new-christened in the Tower. R3 I.i.50
But what's the matter Clarence, may I know?But what's the matter, Clarence, may I know? R3 I.i.51
Yea Richard, when I know: but I protestYea, Richard, when I know; for I protest R3 I.i.52
As yet I do not: But as I can learne,As yet I do not. But, as I can learn, R3 I.i.53
He hearkens after Prophesies and Dreames,He hearkens after prophecies and dreams, R3 I.i.54
And from the Crosse-row pluckes the letter G:And from the cross-row plucks the letter G,cross-row (n.)

old form: Crosse-row
R3 I.i.55
And sayes, a Wizard told him, that by G,And says a wizard told him that by G R3 I.i.56
His issue disinherited should be.His issue disinherited should be.issue (n.)
child(ren), offspring, family, descendant
R3 I.i.57
And for my name of George begins with G,And, for my name of George begins with G, R3 I.i.58
It followes in his thought, that I am he.It follows in his thought that I am he. R3 I.i.59
These (as I learne) and such like toyes as these,These, as I learn, and suchlike toys as thesetoy (n.)

old form: toyes
fancy, fantastic thought
R3 I.i.60
Hath moou'd his Highnesse to commit me now.Have moved his highness to commit me now. R3 I.i.61
Why this it is, when men are rul'd by Women:Why this it is when men are ruled by women; R3 I.i.62
'Tis not the King that sends you to the Tower,'Tis not the King that sends you to the Tower. R3 I.i.63
My Lady Grey his Wife, Clarence 'tis shee.My Lady Grey his wife, Clarence, 'tis she R3 I.i.64
That tempts him to this harsh Extremity.That tempers him to this extremity.temper (v.)
mould, shape, work, bring [to a particular character]
R3 I.i.65
Was it not shee, and that good man of Worship,Was it not she, and that good man of worship,worship (n.)
honour, distinction, repute
R3 I.i.66
Anthony Woodeulle her Brother there,Anthony Woodville, her brother there, R3 I.i.67
That made him send Lord Hastings to the Tower?That made him send Lord Hastings to the Tower, R3 I.i.68
From whence this present day he is deliuered?From whence this present day he is delivered? R3 I.i.69
We are not safe Clarence, we are not safe.We are not safe, Clarence, we are not safe. R3 I.i.70
By heauen, I thinke there is no man secureBy heaven, I think there is no man secure R3 I.i.71
But the Queenes Kindred, and night-walking Heralds,But the Queen's kindred, and night-walking heraldsnight-walking (adj.)
secret, going about by night
R3 I.i.72
herald (n.)
messenger, carrier, emissary
That trudge betwixt the King, and Mistris Shore.That trudge betwixt the King and Mistress Shore. R3 I.i.73
Heard you not what an humble SuppliantHeard you not what an humble suppliant R3 I.i.74
Lord Hastings was, for her deliuery?Lord Hastings was for his delivery? R3 I.i.75
Humbly complaining to her Deitie,Humbly complaining to her deity R3 I.i.76
Got my Lord Chamberlaine his libertie.Got my Lord Chamberlain his liberty. R3 I.i.77
Ile tell you what, I thinke it is our way,I'll tell you what, I think it is our way,way (n.)
best path, course of action
R3 I.i.78
If we will keepe in fauour with the King,If we will keep in favour with the King, R3 I.i.79
To be her men, and weare her Liuery.To be her men and wear her (n.)
servant, attendant, lackey
R3 I.i.80
livery (n.)

old form: Liuery
uniform, costume, special clothing
The iealous ore-worne Widdow, and her selfe,The jealous o'erworn widow and herself,overworn (adj.)

old form: ore-worne
faded, worn out, worse for wear
R3 I.i.81
jealous (adj.)

old form: iealous
suspicious, mistrustful, wary, watchful
Since that our Brother dub'd them Gentlewomen,Since that our brother dubbed them gentlewomen,dub (v.)

old form: dub'd
invest with the status of, style
R3 I.i.82
Are mighty Gossips in our Monarchy.Are mighty gossips in this monarchy.gossip (n.)
tattler, chatterer, idle talker
R3 I.i.83
I beseech your Graces both to pardon me,I beseech your graces both to pardon me. R3 I.i.84
His Maiesty hath straightly giuen in charge,His majesty hath straitly given in chargestraitly (adv.)

old form: straightly
strictly, firmly, stringently
R3 I.i.85
give in charge

old form: giuen
give orders, command, direct
That no man shall haue priuate Conferenee.That no man shall have private conference, R3 I.i.86
(Of what degree soeuer) with your Brother.Of what degree soever, with his brother. R3 I.i.87
Euen so, and please your Worship Brakenbury,Even so? An't please your worship, Brakenbury, R3 I.i.88
You may partake of any thing we say:You may partake of anything we say. R3 I.i.89
We speake no Treason man; We say the KingWe speak no treason, man; we say the King R3 I.i.90
Is wise and vertuous, and his Noble QueeneIs wise and virtuous, and his noble Queen R3 I.i.91
Well strooke in yeares, faire, and not iealious.Well struck in years, fair, and not jealous;struck (adj.)

old form: strooke
marked, provided, beset
R3 I.i.92
We say, that Shores Wife hath a pretty Foot,We say that Shore's wife hath a pretty foot, R3 I.i.93
A cherry Lip, a bonny Eye, a passing pleasing tongue:A cherry lip, a bonny eye, a passing pleasing tongue; R3 I.i.94
And that the Queenes Kindred are made gentle Folkes.And that the Queen's kindred are made gentlefolks. R3 I.i.95
How say you sir? can you deny all this?How say you sir? Can you deny all this? R3 I.i.96
With this (my Lord) my selfe haue nought to doo.With this, my lord, myself have naught to do.naught, nought (n.)

old form: nought
R3 I.i.97
Naught to do with Mistris Shore?Naught to do with Mistress Shore? I tell thee, fellow, R3 I.i.98
I tell thee Fellow, he that doth naught with her / (Excepting one) He that doth naught with her, excepting one,naught, nought (n.)
wickedness, immorality, sinfulness
R3 I.i.99
were best to do it secretly alone.Were best he do it secretly, alone. R3 I.i.100
What one, my Lord?What one, my lord? R3 I.i.101
Her Husband Knaue, would'st thou betray me?Her husband, knave. Wouldst thou betray me?knave (n.)

old form: Knaue
servant, menial, lackey
R3 I.i.102
I do beseech your Grace / To pardon me, and withall I beseech your grace to pardon me, and withal R3 I.i.103
forbeare / Your Conference with the Noble Duke.Forbear your conference with the noble Duke.forbear (v.)

old form: forbeare
stop, cease, desist
R3 I.i.104
We know thy charge Brakenbury, and wil obey.We know thy charge, Brakenbury, and will obey.charge (n.)
commission, responsibility, official duty
R3 I.i.105
We are the Queenes abiects, and must obey.We are the Queen's abjects, and must obey.abject (n.)

old form: abiects
servile subject, low-placed reject
R3 I.i.106
Brother farewell, I will vnto the King,Brother, farewell. I will unto the King; R3 I.i.107
And whatsoe're you will imploy me in,And whatsoe'er you will employ me in, R3 I.i.108
Were it to call King Edwards Widdow, Sister,Were it to call King Edward's widow sister, R3 I.i.109
I will performe it to infranchise you.I will perform it to enfranchise you.enfranchise (v.)

old form: infranchise
set free, liberate
R3 I.i.110
Meane time, this deepe disgrace in Brotherhood,Meantime, this deep disgrace in brotherhood R3 I.i.111
Touches me deeper then you can imagine.Touches me deeper than you can imagine.touch (v.)
wound, hurt, injure
R3 I.i.112
I know it pleaseth neither of vs well.I know it pleaseth neither of us well. R3 I.i.113
Well, your imprisonment shall not be long,Well, your imprisonment shall not be long: R3 I.i.114
I will deliuer you, or else lye for you:I will deliver you, or else lie for you.lie (v.)

old form: lye
lie in prison, take the place [of]
R3 I.i.115
deliver (v.)

old form: deliuer
free, release, liberate
Meane time, haue patience.Meantime, have patience. R3 I.i.116.1
I must perforce: Farewell. I must perforce. Farewell.perforce (adv.)
of necessity, with no choice in the matter
R3 I.i.116.2
Exit Clar.Exeunt Clarence with Brakenbury and guard R3 I.i.116
Go treade the path that thou shalt ne're return:Go, tread the path that thou shalt ne'er return. R3 I.i.117
Simple plaine Clarence, I do loue thee so,Simple plain Clarence, I do love thee so R3 I.i.118
That I will shortly send thy Soule to Heauen,That I will shortly send thy soul to heaven, R3 I.i.119
If Heauen will take the present at our hands.If heaven will take the present at our hands. R3 I.i.120
But who comes heere? the new deliuered Hastings?But who comes here? The new-delivered Hastings?new-delivered (adj.)

old form: new deliuered
lately freed, freshly released
R3 I.i.121
Enter Lord Hastings.Enter Lord Hastings R3 I.i.122
Good time of day vnto my gracious Lord.Good time of day unto my gracious lord. R3 I.i.122
As much vnto my good Lord Chamberlaine:As much unto my good Lord Chamberlain. R3 I.i.123
Well are you welcome to this open Ayre,Well are you welcome to the open air. R3 I.i.124
How hath your Lordship brook'd imprisonment?How hath your lordship brooked imprisonment?brook (v.)

old form: brook'd
endure, tolerate, put up with
R3 I.i.125
With patience (Noble Lord) as prisoners must:With patience, noble lord, as prisoners must; R3 I.i.126
But I shall liue (my Lord) to giue them thankesBut I shall live, my lord, to give them thanks R3 I.i.127
That were the cause of my imprisonment.That were the cause of my imprisonment. R3 I.i.128
No doubt, no doubt, and so shall Clarence too,No doubt, no doubt; and so shall Clarence too, R3 I.i.129
For they that were your Enemies, are his,For they that were your enemies are his, R3 I.i.130
And haue preuail'd as much on him, as you,And have prevailed as much on him as you. R3 I.i.131
More pitty, that the Eagles should be mew'd,More pity that the eagles should be mewed,mew (v.)

old form: mew'd
coop up, confine, shut up
R3 I.i.132
Whiles Kites and Buzards play at liberty.While kites and buzzards prey at liberty. R3 I.i.133
What newes abroad?What news abroad? R3 I.i.134
No newes so bad abroad, as this at home:No news so bad abroad as this at home: R3 I.i.135
The King is sickly, weake, and melancholly,The King is sickly, weak, and melancholy, R3 I.i.136
And his Physitians feare him mightily.And his physicians fear him mightily. R3 I.i.137
Now by S. Iohn, that Newes is bad indeed.Now, by Saint John, that news is bad indeed! R3 I.i.138
O he hath kept an euill Diet long,O, he hath kept an evil diet longdiet (n.)
way of living, course of life
R3 I.i.139
And ouer-much consum'd his Royall Person:And overmuch consumed his royal person. R3 I.i.140
'Tis very greeuous to be thought vpon.'Tis very grievous to be thought upon. R3 I.i.141
Where is he, in his bed?Where is he? In his bed? R3 I.i.142
He is.He is. R3 I.i.143
Go you before, and I will follow you.Go you before, and I will follow you.before (adv.)
ahead, in advance
R3 I.i.144
Exit Hastings. Exit Hastings R3 I.i.144
He cannot liue I hope, and must not dye,He cannot live, I hope, and must not die R3 I.i.145
Till George be pack'd with post-horse vp to Heauen.Till George be packed with post-horse up to (n.)
pony-express, express speed
R3 I.i.146
Ile in to vrge his hatred more to Clarence,I'll in, to urge his hatred more to Clarence R3 I.i.147
With Lyes well steel'd with weighty Arguments,With lies well steeled with weighty arguments; R3 I.i.148
And if I faile not in my deepe intent,And, if I fail not in my deep intent,intent (n.)
intention, purpose, aim
R3 I.i.149
Clarence hath not another day to liue:Clarence hath not another day to live; R3 I.i.150
Which done, God take King Edward to his mercy,Which done, God take King Edward to His mercy R3 I.i.151
And leaue the world for me to bussle in.And leave the world for me to bustle in! R3 I.i.152
For then, Ile marry Warwickes yongest daughter.For then I'll marry Warwick's youngest daughter. R3 I.i.153
What though I kill'd her Husband, and her Father,What though I killed her husband and her father? R3 I.i.154
The readiest way to make the Wench amends,The readiest way to make the wench amendswench (n.)
girl, lass
R3 I.i.155
Is to become her Husband, and her Father:Is to become her husband and her father, R3 I.i.156
The which will I, not all so much for loue,The which will I – not all so much for love R3 I.i.157
As for another secret close intent,As for another secret close intentintent (n.)
intention, purpose, aim
R3 I.i.158
close (adj.)
secret, concealed, hidden
By marrying her, which I must reach vnto.By marrying her which I must reach unto. R3 I.i.159
But yet I run before my horse to Market:But yet I run before my horse to market: R3 I.i.160
Clarence still breathes, Edward stillliues and raignes,Clarence still breathes; Edward still lives and reigns; R3 I.i.161
When they are gone, then must I count my gaines. When they are gone, then must I count my gains. R3 I.i.162
ExitExit R3 I.i.162
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