First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Clotten, and two Lords. | Enter Cloten and two Lords | | Cym I.iii.1.1 | |
1. | FIRST LORD | | | |
Sir, I would aduise you to shift a Shirt; the | Sir, I would advise you to shift a shirt; the | shift (v.) change [clothes] | Cym I.iii.1 | |
Violence of Action hath made you reek as a Sacrifice: | violence of action hath made you reek as a sacrifice: | reek (v.) steam, smoke, give off vapour | Cym I.iii.2 | |
where ayre comes out, ayre comes in: There's none | where air comes out, air comes in: there's none | | Cym I.iii.3 | |
abroad so wholesome as that you vent. | abroad so wholesome as that you vent. | vent (v.) utter, express, air, proclaim | Cym I.iii.4 | |
| | abroad (adv.) in the outside world, freely at large, elsewhere, everywhere | | |
Clot. | CLOTEN | | | |
If my Shirt were bloody, then to shift it. / Haue I hurt | If my shirt were bloody, then to shift it. Have I hurt | | Cym I.iii.5 | |
him? | him? | | Cym I.iii.6 | |
2 | SECOND LORD | | | |
| (aside) | | Cym I.iii.7 | |
No faith: not so much as his patience. | No, faith: not so much as his patience. | | Cym I.iii.7 | |
1 | FIRST LORD | | | |
Hurt him? His bodie's a passable Carkasse if he | Hurt him? His body's a passable carcass, if he | passable (adj.) veritable, real, tolerable | Cym I.iii.8 | |
bee not hurt. It is a through-fare for Steele if it be not | be not hurt. It is a throughfare for steel, if it be not | throughfare (n.) thoroughfare | Cym I.iii.9 | |
hurt. | hurt | | Cym I.iii.10 | |
2 | SECOND LORD | | | |
| (aside) | | Cym I.iii.11.1 | |
His Steele was in debt, it went o'th'Backe-side | His steel was in debt, it went o'th' backside | backside (n.) back streets, lesser-used thoroughfares | Cym I.iii.11 | |
the Towne. | the town. | | Cym I.iii.12 | |
Clot. | CLOTEN | | | |
The Villaine would not stand me. | The villain would not stand me. | stand (v.) make a stand [against], fight, resist | Cym I.iii.13 | |
2 | SECOND LORD | | | |
| (aside) | | Cym I.iii.14.1 | |
No, but he fled forward still, toward | No, but he fled forward still, toward | still (adv.) constantly, always, continually | Cym I.iii.14 | |
your face. | your face. | | Cym I.iii.15 | |
1 | FIRST LORD | | | |
Stand you? you haue Land enough of your | Stand you? You have land enough of your | | Cym I.iii.16 | |
owne: / But he added to your hauing, gaue you some | own: but he added to your having, gave you some | | Cym I.iii.17 | |
ground. | ground. | | Cym I.iii.18 | |
2 | SECOND LORD | | | |
| (aside) | | Cym I.iii.19 | |
As many Inches, as you haue Oceans | As many inches as you have oceans. | | Cym I.iii.19 | |
(Puppies.) | Puppies! | | Cym I.iii.20 | |
Clot. | CLOTEN | | | |
I would they had not come betweene vs. | I would they had not come between us. | | Cym I.iii.21 | |
2 | SECOND LORD | | | |
| (aside) | | Cym I.iii.22 | |
So would I, till you had measur'd how | So would I, till you had measured how | | Cym I.iii.22 | |
long a Foole you were vpon the ground. | long a fool you were upon the ground. | | Cym I.iii.23 | |
Clot. | CLOTEN | | | |
And that shee should loue this Fellow, and refuse mee. | And that she should love this fellow, and refuse me! | | Cym I.iii.24 | |
2 | SECOND LORD | | | |
| (aside) | | Cym I.iii.25.1 | |
If it be a sin to make a true election, she | If it be a sin to make a true election, she | election (n.) choice, preference | Cym I.iii.25 | |
is damn'd. | is damned. | | Cym I.iii.26 | |
1 | FIRST LORD | | | |
Sir, as I told you alwayes: her Beauty & her | Sir, as I told you always, her beauty and her | | Cym I.iii.27 | |
Braine go not together. Shee's a good signe, but I haue | brain go not together. She's a good sign, but I have | sign (n.) outward appearance, external demeanour | Cym I.iii.28 | |
seene small reflection of her wit. | seen small reflection of her wit. | wit (n.) intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability | Cym I.iii.29 | |
2 | SECOND LORD | | | |
| (aside) | | Cym I.iii.30 | |
She shines not vpon Fooles, least the reflection | She shines not upon fools, lest the reflection | | Cym I.iii.30 | |
Should hurt her. | should hurt her. | | Cym I.iii.31 | |
Clot. | CLOTEN | | | |
Come, Ile to my Chamber: would there had beene | Come, I'll to my chamber. Would there had been | | Cym I.iii.32 | |
some hurt done. | some hurt done! | | Cym I.iii.33 | |
2 | SECOND LORD | | | |
| (aside) | | Cym I.iii.34 | |
I wish not so, vnlesse it had bin the fall | I wish not so, unless it had been the fall | | Cym I.iii.34 | |
of an Asse, which is no great hurt. | of an ass, which is no great hurt. | | Cym I.iii.35 | |
Clot. | CLOTEN | | | |
You'l go with vs? | You'll go with us? | | Cym I.iii.36 | |
1 | FIRST LORD | | | |
Ile attend your Lordship. | I'll attend your lordship. | attend (v.) serve, follow, wait [on/upon] | Cym I.iii.37 | |
Clot. | CLOTEN | | | |
Nay come, let's go together. | Nay come, let's go together. | | Cym I.iii.38 | |
2 | SECOND LORD | | | |
Well my Lord. | Well my lord. | | Cym I.iii.39 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | Cym I.iii.39 | |