Antony and Cleopatra

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Alarum afarre off, as at a Sea-fight.Alarum afar off, as at a sea fight AC IV.xii.1.1
Enter Anthony, and Scarrus.Enter Antony and Scarus AC IV.xii.1.2
Yet they are not ioyn'd: / Where yon'd Pine does stand,Yet they are not joined. Where yond pine does stand AC IV.xii.1
I shall discouer all. / Ile bring thee word I shall discover all. I'll bring thee worddiscover (v.)

old form: discouer
spy, spot, make out
AC IV.xii.2
straight, how 'ris like to go. Straight how 'tis like to go.straight (adv.)
straightaway, immediately, at once
AC IV.xii.3.1
like (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
exit.Exit AC IV.xii.3
Swallowes haue builtSwallows have built AC IV.xii.3.2
In Cleopatra's Sailes their nests. The AuguriesIn Cleopatra's sails their nests. The augurers AC IV.xii.4
Say, they know not, they cannot tell, looke grimly,Say they know not, they cannot tell, look grimly, AC IV.xii.5
And dare not speake their knowledge. Anthony,And dare not speak their knowledge. Antony AC IV.xii.6
Is valiant, and deiected, and by startsIs valiant, and dejected, and by startsstarts, by / in
in fits and starts
AC IV.xii.7
His fretted Fortunes giue him hope and feareHis fretted fortunes give him hope and fearfretted (adj.)
chequered, mixed; or: distressed
AC IV.xii.8
Of what he has, and has not.Of what he has and has not. AC IV.xii.9.1
Enter Anthony.Enter Antony AC IV.xii.9
All is lost:All is lost! AC IV.xii.9.2
This fowle Egyptian hath betrayed me:This foul Egyptian hath betrayed me. AC IV.xii.10
My Fleete hath yeelded to the Foe, and yonderMy fleet hath yielded to the foe, and yonder AC IV.xii.11
They cast their Caps vp, and Carowse togetherThey cast their caps up and carouse togethercarouse (v.)

old form: Carowse
drink at length, imbibe long draughts
AC IV.xii.12
Like Friends long lost. Triple-turn'd Whore, 'tis thouLike friends long lost. Triple-turned whore! 'Tis thou AC IV.xii.13
Hast sold me to this Nouice, and my heartHast sold me to this novice, and my heart AC IV.xii.14
Makes onely Warres on thee. Bid them all flye:Makes only wars on thee. Bid them all fly; AC IV.xii.15
For when I am reueng'd vpon my Charme,For when I am revenged upon my charm,charm (n.)

old form: Charme
enchantress, witch
AC IV.xii.16
I haue done all. Bid them all flye, be gone.I have done all. Bid them all fly, begone! AC IV.xii.17
Exit Scarus AC IV.xii.17
Oh Sunne, thy vprise shall I see no more,O sun, thy uprise shall I see no more.uprise (n.)

old form: vprise
rising, dawn
AC IV.xii.18
Fortune, and Anthony part heere, euen heereFortune and Antony part here; even here AC IV.xii.19
Do we shake hands? All come to this? The heartsDo we shake hands. All come to this? The hearts AC IV.xii.20
That pannelled me at heeles, to whom I gaueThat spanieled me at heels, to whom I gavespaniel (v.)
fawn upon, follow [like a spaniel]
AC IV.xii.21
Their wishes, do dis-Candie, melt their sweetsTheir wishes, do discandy, melt their sweetsdiscandy (v.)

old form: dis-Candie
dissolve, liquefy, melt away
AC IV.xii.22
On blossoming Casar: And this Pine is barkt,On blossoming Caesar; and this pine is barkedbarked (adj.)

old form: barkt
stripped, peeled bare, destroyed
AC IV.xii.23
That ouer-top'd them all. Betray'd I am.That overtopped them all. Betrayed I am. AC IV.xii.24
Oh this false Soule of Egypt! this graue Charme,O this false soul of Egypt! This grave charm,charm (n.)

old form: Charme
enchantress, witch
AC IV.xii.25
false (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
grave (adj.)

old form: graue
deadly, destructive, baneful
Whose eye beck'd forth my Wars, & cal'd them home:Whose eye becked forth my wars, and called them home,beck (v.)

old form: beck'd
beckon, nod, call
AC IV.xii.26
Whose Bosome was my Crownet, my chiefe end,Whose bosom was my crownet, my chief end,crownet (n.)
coronet, crown
AC IV.xii.27
Like a right Gypsie, hath at fast and looseLike a right gypsy hath at fast and looseright (adj.)
typical, true, classic
AC IV.xii.28
fast and loose
type of cheating game [in which people bet on whether the end of a coiled rope is fastened or not]; not playing fairly
Beguil'd me, to the very heart of losse.Beguiled me to the very heart of loss.beguile (v.)

old form: Beguil'd
cheat, deceive, trick
AC IV.xii.29
What Eros, Eros?What, Eros, Eros! AC IV.xii.30.1
Enter Cleopatra.Enter Cleopatra AC IV.xii.30
Ah, thou Spell! Auaunt.Ah, thou spell! Avaunt!avaunt (int.)

old form: Auaunt
be gone, go away, be off
AC IV.xii.30.2
Why is my Lord enrag'd against his Loue?Why is my lord enraged against his love? AC IV.xii.31
Vanish, or I shall giue thee thy deseruing,Vanish, or I shall give thee thy deserving AC IV.xii.32
And blemish Casars Triumph. Let him take thee,And blemish Caesar's triumph. Let him take theetriumph (n.)
triumphal procession into Rome
AC IV.xii.33
And hoist thee vp to the shouting Plebeians,And hoist thee up to the shouting plebeians; AC IV.xii.34
Follow his Chariot, like the greatest spotFollow his chariot, like the greatest spotspot (n.)
stain, blemish, blot
AC IV.xii.35
Of all thy Sex. Most Monster-like be shewneOf all thy sex; most monster-like be shownmonster (n.)
marvel, monstrosity, prodigy
AC IV.xii.36
For poor'st Diminitiues, for Dolts, and letFor poor'st diminutives, for doits, and letdiminutive (n.)

old form: Diminitiues
undersized person, very small being
AC IV.xii.37
doit (n.)

old form: Dolts
[small Dutch coin = half an English farthing] trivial sum, worthless amount, trifle
Patient Octauia, plough thy visage vpPatient Octavia plough thy visage upvisage (n.)
face, countenance
AC IV.xii.38
With her prepared nailes. With her prepared nails. AC IV.xii.39.1
exit Cleopatra.Exit Cleopatra AC IV.xii.39
'Tis well th'art gone,'Tis well th'art gone, AC IV.xii.39.2
If it be well to liue. But better 'twereIf it be well to live; but better 'twere AC IV.xii.40
Thou fell'st into my furie, for one deathThou fell'st into my fury, for one death AC IV.xii.41
Might haue preuented many. Eros, hoa?Might have prevented many. Eros, ho! AC IV.xii.42
The shirt of Nessus is vpon me, teach meThe shirt of Nessus is upon me. Teach me,Nessus (n.)
centaur, shot by Hercules for attempting to rape Deianeira; Nessus gave her a poisonous liquid disguised as a love-potion, causing Hercules' death when he wore a shirt dipped in it
AC IV.xii.43
Alcides, thou mine Ancestor, thy rage.Alcides, thou mine ancestor, thy rage.Alcides (n.)
[pron: al'siydeez] original name of Hercules, after his grandfather Alceus
AC IV.xii.44
Let me lodge Licas on the hornes o'th'Moone,Let me lodge Lichas on the horns o'th' moon,Lichas (n.)
[pron: 'liykas] companion to Hercules, who brought him a poisoned tunic; after wearing it, Hercules in agony threw Lichas into the sky
AC IV.xii.45
And with those hands that graspt the heauiest Club,And with those hands that grasped the heaviest club AC IV.xii.46
Subdue my worthiest selfe: The Witch shall die,Subdue my worthiest self. The witch shall die. AC IV.xii.47
To the young Roman Boy she hath sold me, and I fallTo the young Roman boy she hath sold me, and I fall AC IV.xii.48
Vnder this plot: She dyes for't. Eros hoa? Under this plot; she dies for't. Eros, ho! AC IV.xii.49
exit.Exit AC IV.xii.49
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