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Search phrase: cavil


 5 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Henry IV Part 11H4 III.i.134I'll cavil on the ninth part of a hair.Ile cauill on the ninth part of a hayre.
Henry VI Part 11H6 V.iv.156To cavil in the course of this contract.To cauill in the course of this Contract:
Henry VI Part 33H6 III.ii.99You cavil, widow; I did mean my queen.You cauill, Widow, I did meane my Queene.
The Taming of the ShrewTS II.i.383That's but a cavil. He is old, I young.That's but a cauill: he is olde, I young.
The Two Gentlemen of VeronaTG I.i.38'Tis Love you cavil at; I am not Love.'Tis Loue you cauill at, I am not Loue.


 1 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
The Rape of LucreceLuc.1025 In vain I cavil with mine infamy, In vaine I cauill with mine infamie,


 2 result(s).
cavilquibble, hair-splitting objection
cavildispute over details, raise pointless objections


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