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Search results

Search phrase: clod


 3 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
King JohnKJ V.vii.57And then all this thou seest is but a clodAnd then all this thou seest, is but a clod,
Measure for MeasureMM III.i.124A kneaded clod; and the delighted spiritA kneaded clod; And the delighted spirit
Much Ado About NothingMA II.i.55account of her life to a clod of wayward marl? No,account of her life to a clod of waiward marle? no


 0 result(s).


 1 result(s).
clodlump, mass, piece of earth


 0 result(s).

Themes and Topics

 0 result(s).

Words Families

 3 result(s).
Word FamilyWord Family GroupWords
CLODBASICclod n, cloddy adj
CLODPEOPLEclodpole n


 0 result(s).

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