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Search phrase: deathbed


 8 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
HamletHam IV.v.193Go to thy deathbed.go to thy Death-bed,
Henry VI Part 22H6 V.i.164What, wilt thou on thy deathbed play the ruffian,What wilt thou on thy death-bed play the Ruffian?
King JohnKJ I.i.109Upon his deathbed he by will bequeathedVpon his death-bed he by will bequeath'd
The Merchant of VeniceMV III.ii.47And watery deathbed for him. He may win,And watrie death-bed for him: he may win,
OthelloOth V.ii.51Take heed of perjury: thou art on thy deathbed.take heed of Periury, / Thou art on thy death-bed.
Richard IIR2 II.i.95Thy deathbed is no lesser than thy land,Thy death-bed is no lesser then the Land,
Richard IIR2 V.i.39As from my deathbed thy last living leave.As from my Death-bed, my last liuing leaue.
Romeo and JulietRJ II.chorus.1Now old desire doth in his deathbed lie,Now old desire doth in his death bed lie,


 1 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
SonnetsSonn.73.11 As the deathbed, whereon it must expire, As the death bed, whereon it must expire,


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