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Search results

Search phrase: deem


 9 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
All's Well That Ends WellAW II.i.124A senseless help, when help past sense we deem.A sencelesse helpe, when helpe past sence we deeme.
CymbelineCym V.iv.57could deem his dignity?could deeme his dignitie.
Henry VI Part 22H6 III.ii.65What know I how the world may deem of me?What know I how the world may deeme of me?
Henry VIIIH8 III.ii.142I deem you an ill husband, and am gladI deeme you an ill Husband, and am gald
Love's Labour's LostLLL II.i.174As you shall deem yourself lodged in my heart,As you shall deeme your selfe lodg'd in my heart,
Richard IIR2 IV.i.226May deem that you are worthily deposed.May deeme, that you are worthily depos'd.
Troilus and CressidaTC IV.iv.58I true? How now, what wicked deem is this?I true? how now? what wicked deeme is this?
Twelfth NightTN I.v.88that you deem cannon bullets. There is no slanderthat you deeme Cannon bullets: There is no slander
The Winter's TaleWT V.iii.64Would you not deem it breathed, and that those veinsWould you not deeme it breath'd? and that those veines


 1 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
SonnetsSonn.54.3 The rose looks fair, but fairer we it deem The Rose lookes faire, but fairer we it deeme


 3 result(s).
deemjudge, estimate, appraise
deemthought, notion, opinion
supposeconsider, regard, deem


 1 result(s).

Themes and Topics

 0 result(s).

Words Families

 2 result(s).
Word FamilyWord Family GroupWords
DEEMBASICdeem n, deem v


 0 result(s).

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