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Search results

Search phrase: defender


 2 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
CoriolanusCor V.ii.39defender of them, and in a violent popular ignoranceDefender of them, and in a violent popular ignorance,
Titus AndronicusTit I.i.80Thou great defender of this Capitol,Thou great defender of this Capitoll,


 0 result(s).


 3 result(s).
Coriolanus[pron: korioh'laynus] Caius Martius, defender of the early Roman republic in 5th-c BC
patrondefender, protector, lord and master
Withold, Saintpron: ['witohld] in Christian tradition, defender against harms


 3 result(s).
defender against harmsWithold, Saint
harms, defender againstWithold, Saint

Themes and Topics

 2 result(s).
Religious personalities and beings...t kl iii iv 115 [possible reading] defender against harms days and dates sw...
Historical figures...olanus tit iv iv 68 caius martius defender of the early roman republic in 5th-c bc ...

Words Families

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