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Search results

Search phrase: enjoined


 10 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
All's Well That Ends WellAW III.v.93Where you shall host. Of enjoined penitentsWhere you shall host: Of inioyn'd penitents
King Edward IIIE3 I.i.70Upon a penalty enjoined to come.Vppon a penaltie inioynd to come:
King Edward IIIE3 III.iv.93That is enjoined to fell a load of oaks,That is enioynd to fell a load of Oakes,
Love's Labour's LostLLL V.ii.708True, and it was enjoined him in Rome for want ofTrue, and it was inioyned him in Rome for want of
The Merchant of VeniceMV II.ix.9I am enjoined by oath to observe three things:I am enioynd by oath to obserue three things;
Romeo and JulietRJ IV.ii.19To you and your behests, and am enjoinedTo you and your behests, and am enioyn'd
The TempestTem III.i.17Burnt up those logs that you are enjoined to pile!Burnt vp those Logs that you are enioynd to pile:
The Two Gentlemen of VeronaTG II.i.82Last night she enjoined me to write someLast night she enioyn'd me, / To write some
The Two Gentlemen of VeronaTG II.i.98As you enjoined me, I have writ your letterAs you inioynd me; I haue writ your Letter
The Winter's TaleWT III.iii.52To be by oath enjoined to this. Farewell!To be by oath enioyn'd to this. Farewell,


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enjoinedjoined together in a common cause, bound by oath


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Themes and Topics

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