acquittance | written discharge, final receipt |
butt-end | fag-end, final part, remaining piece |
catastrophe | denouement, final event in a play |
conclusion | outcome, upshot, final result |
definitive | decided, final, determined |
doom | final destiny, deciding fate, death and destruction |
express | fixed, final, irrevocable |
fine | outcome, final result, conclusion |
last | end, conclusion, final test |
last | last thing to be done, final action |
latest | last, final |
latest | last part, final bit |
latter | last, dying, final |
least | ultimately, in the final analysis |
mose in the chine | [unclear meaning] be in the final stages of the glanders |
refuge | resource, last defence, final recourse |
rendezvous | last resort, final shift |
rest | final stake, last resolve |
seal | make final arrangements, come to an agreement |
set | [in primero] venture one's final stake, stake all |
upshoot | [archery] final shot, determining shot |
upshot | remaining stroke, final shot [as in archery, determining the result] |
utmost | last, final |
verdict | decision, pledge, final word |