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Search results

Search phrase: grape


 5 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
All's Well That Ends WellAW II.iii.98There's one grape yet. I am sure thy father drunkThere's one grape yet, I am sure thy father drunke
Antony and CleopatraAC V.ii.281The juice of Egypt's grape shall moist this lip.The iuyce of Egypts Grape shall moyst this lip.
As You Like ItAYL V.i.32when he had a desire to eat a grape, would openwhen he had a desire to eate a Grape, would open
Timon of AthensTim IV.iii.431Here's gold. Go, suck the subtle blood o'th' grapeHeere's Gold. Go, sucke the subtle blood o'th'Grape,
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK IV.ii.96Is, as a ripe grape, ruddy; he has feltIs (as a ripe grape) ruddy: he has felt


 1 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
The Rape of LucreceLuc.215 For one sweet grape who will the vine destroy? For one sweete grape who will the vine destroy?


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