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Search results

Search phrase: grind


 5 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Antony and CleopatraAC III.v.14They'll grind the one the other. Where's Antony?they'le grinde the other. Where's Anthony?
CoriolanusCor III.ii.103This mould of Martius, they to dust should grind itThis Mould of Martius, they to dust should grinde it,
The TempestTem IV.i.259Go, charge my goblins that they grind their jointsGoe, charge my Goblins that they grinde their ioynts
Titus AndronicusTit V.ii.185Hark, villains, I will grind your bones to dust,Harke Villaines, I will grin'd your bones to dust,
Titus AndronicusTit V.ii.197Let me go grind their bones to powder small,Let me goe grin'd their Bones to powder small,


 1 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
SonnetsSonn.110.10 Mine appetite I never more will grind Mine appetite I neuer more will grin'de


 2 result(s).
grindtorment, afflict, plague
grindwhet, sharpen, stimulate


 0 result(s).

Themes and Topics

 0 result(s).

Words Families

 3 result(s).
Word FamilyWord Family GroupWords
GRINDBASICgrind v, grinding n
GRINDSTATEsharp-ground adj


 0 result(s).

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