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Search phrase: half-hour


 6 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
CymbelineCym I.ii.108About some half-hour hence, pray you, speak with me;About some halfe houre hence, / Pray you speake with me;
Henry VI Part 22H6 II.i.62Within this half-hour hath received his sight,Within this halfe houre hath receiu'd his sight,
King LearKL V.iii.191Until some half-hour past, when I was armed,Vntill some halfe houre past when I was arm'd,
The TempestTem III.ii.114Within this half-hour will he be asleep.Within this halfe houre will he be asleepe,
Twelfth NightTN II.v.17practising behaviour to his own shadow this half-hour.practising behauiour to his own shadow this halfe houre:
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK V.ii.4Within this half-hour she came smiling to me,within this / Halfe houre she came smiling to me,


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