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Search results

Search phrase: kite


 7 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Antony and CleopatraAC III.xiii.89Approach there! – Ah, you kite! Now, gods and devils!Approch there: ah you Kite. Now Gods & diuels
Henry VH5 II.i.73Fetch forth the lazar kite of Cressid's kind,fetch forth the Lazar Kite of Cressids kinde,
Henry VI Part 22H6 III.i.249To guard the chicken from a hungry kite,To guard the Chicken from a hungry Kyte,
Henry VI Part 22H6 III.ii.193Although the kite soar with unbloodied beak?Although the Kyte soare with vnbloudied Beake?
Henry VI Part 22H6 III.ii.196Is Beaufort termed a kite? Where are his talons?Is Beauford tearm'd a Kyte? where are his Tallons?
King LearKL I.iv.259Detested kite, thou liest!Detested Kite, thou lyest.
The Winter's TaleWT IV.iii.23My traffic is sheets; when the kite builds, look to lesserMy Trafficke is sheetes: when the Kite builds, looke to lesser


 0 result(s).


 3 result(s).
hell-kitekite from hell, hellish savage
kitebird of prey; thieving bird [of ill omen; also, strong term of abuse]
puttockkite; greedy scavenger


 3 result(s).
hell, kite fromhell-kite
kite from hellhell-kite

Themes and Topics

 1 result(s).
Classical mythology...ng tub of infamy / fetch forth the lazar kite of cressid' s kind fickle daughter...

Words Families

 2 result(s).
Word FamilyWord Family GroupWords


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