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Search phrase: knightly


 6 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
King JohnKJ I.i.191And when my knightly stomach is sufficed,And when my knightly stomacke is suffis'd,
Richard IIR2 I.i.81Or chivalrous design of knightly trial;Or Chiualrous designe of knightly triall:
Richard IIR2 I.iii.12And why thou comest thus knightly-clad in arms,And why thou com'st thus knightly clad in Armes?
Richard IIR2 IV.i.29To stain the temper of my knightly sword.To staine the temper of my Knightly sword.
Richard IIIR3 IV.iv.370Thy Garter, blemished, pawned his knightly virtue;Thy Garter blemish'd, pawn'd his Knightly Vertue;
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK III.vi.295By fair and knightly strength to touch the pillar,By fayre and knightly strength to touch the Pillar,


 0 result(s).


 4 result(s).
chevalryknightly prowess, warlike distinction
chivalryknightly prowess, warlike distinction
chivalryknighthood, knightly qualities
chivalryknightly rank [as displayed on a coat-of-arms: a twisted band encircling a helmet]


 5 result(s).
knightly prowesschivalry
knightly qualitieschivalry
knightly rankchivalry
qualities, knightlychivalry
rank, knightlychivalry

Themes and Topics

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